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The Weekly News from Mansfield, Ohio • 2

The Weekly Newsi
Mansfield, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MAJUvTWAlNlNUiOxNS TURN 'EM ALL OUT. sent from the jail, as sheritl he Is ofll-cially responsible for the negligence which enables any prisoner to escape. BAD ECZEMA Oil BIB1 tfxna CnlM Snm. Tfchlnrr Misrht as Well do That as Let Had to Tie Ills Hands to Cradle, so Many Escape. Cured by Cuticura.

TWO MORE PRISONERS GET AWAY, Our little boy broke out on his head with a bnd of eczema, when he was four mouth old. tiled llirea doctors, but they did not help liliu. YV'j K'U used your three Cutk'UUA Klukhils, Bui atlor using tliuiu eleven wcekt exactly ai-cord- The escape of "Zip" Tyler, one of the desperadoes implicated in the l'hoebe VVine robbery, and Charles Adams, who was under sentence of one year for forgery and awaiting transportation, occurred on the evening of April 28. Tommy Bloor dodged out of the jail one morning, some time prior, but was re-captured. John Hennessey, under indictment for robbery, escaped June 21.

All these deliveries were due to carelessness similar to the "walk out" this morning. Who is to blame? Let those answer in their own minds who understand all the circumstances. Sheriff Tressel has offered a rew ard of $50 each for the capture of the fugitives who departed this moaning. This would not have been necessary had he taken the advice of another official given him this week gratuitouslyto stay at the jail and attend to Lis official lllgui aireciiouB, nu (H-gn to eteadily und after the use of tlni lor oven months his lu udwua entirely well. hen we betan usingithis head wna asulid lore from the crown to TiU eyebrows.

It wai alpo all over his ears, most of his face, and small places on different paita of hia body. There were alxtccn klum The Karly Owl. An owl once lived Id a hoilow tree, Aud he was as wise us wise could bo. Tho branch uf learning he didn't know Could scarce on the tree of knowledge grow. He know the true from branch to root, i And an owj like that can afford to hoot.

Aud he hootnd-unttl, alasl one lay, He chanced to hear, in a casual way, An insignifU ant little bird i Make use of a term he hud nsver heard. Ho was flying to bed in the dawning light When ho heard her singing with all hor might, "Hurray! hurray for the early worm!" "Dear mo," said the owl, "what a singular term! I would look it up if it weren't so late. I must rise at dusk to investigate. Karly to bed and early to rise Makes an owl healthy aud stealthy and wise!" So he Blept like an honest owl all day, And rose in the early twilight gray, Aud went to work in the dusky light To look for the early worm all night. Ho searched the country for miles around, Hut the early worm was not to be found; Bo ho west to bed in the dawning light And looked for the "worm" again next night.

And again and again and again and again He sought and ho sought, but all in vain. Till he must have looked for a year and a day For the early worm iu the twilight gray. At last in despair lie gave op the search. And, was board to remark as he sat on his perch By the side of his nest in the hollow tree, "The thing is as plain as night to me Nothing cau shake my conviction firm. There's no i uch thing as the early worm." Oliver Harford.

THE HUMORIST TRIED BEFORE AN ADMIRALTY COURT AT SEA. Found Guilty of Unscientific Lying and Sentenced to Read for Three Hours Every Day from Ills Own Work Sportive Proceedings on an Atlantic Liner. Correspondence of ThkNiws.I New York, Nov. 3. It was imtjhe month of July last that Mark Twain was put in irons and brought before an ad miralty court upon serious charges.

The story of that experience ia the life of the famous humorist has just been brought back to this country by some of those who witnessed the trial and who saw Mark Twain in chains, and nothing he has ever written contains more humorous suggestions than does this Among Mark Twain's fellow passengers upon the steamship Lahn were ex-Judge Dittenhoefer, of New York; Sydney Webster, of Boston, an eminent lawyer; James T. Wallach, a prominent merchant of New York city, and a party of twelve Yale students, among them being the amou3 football champion of Yale, Mr. McClung. Mark Twain had made merry with the passengers. He told some of his most extraordinary stories, which, while they had the appearance of having occurred to him nt the moment, he insisted were veritable chronicles, and as incredulity prevailed among the passen- N.

fi JP hl hands tied to the cradle Pkw and hold them hll ho was taken up: and to duties and leave the campaign take care of itself. kep ralttena tied on hia handa to keep hia finger-n 1U out of the aores, aa he would acrntrh if he could ifi nny way get his hands looe. know your CcTicunA Kkmeuiks cured him. We fcul u'o in recommending them to others. GEO.

li. JANKX'XA UA1UU3, Webster, Iud. Advertised Letters. Advertised letters remaining in the Mansfield postoflice for the week ending, Nov. they indicated an abnormally diseased condition of his mind.

Mark Twain himself was put upon the stand. He testified that ho had no recollection of ever having written anything aliout a jumping frog, and that he felt like Bruiting the men and women who and told him, as thousands of them did, that the jumping frog was the funniest story they ever had read. He testified that if he ever said that he wept at the tomb of Adam it must have been in moments of hallucination, since his! emotions atf the discovery of that tomb would certainly have been those of joy. He attacked the testimony of Mr. Cheney, declaring that' he was unworthy of belief as a witness.

"Why," 6aid he, "I met Cheney's father a few days before1 I sailed, and he told me that hia son was being sent 1 to Europe to cure him of a mania for prevarication. Not long ago that young man disappeared from his home for several da)-s. When he came back in a 'shamefaced manner his father "Where have you been?" "I have been hunting "Well, if you killed any bear I shall not punish you; but if you did not kill any, then shall banish yoa to Europe for awhile. How many did you kill?" "I shot 1802 bears, father." "You are a falsifier. Yon have mixed up the year of our Lord with your bear Ehooting explpits.

You will have to. go to Carlsbad to bo When; Mark Twain finished this anecdote the prosecuting attorney declared that he had been convicted of his own mouth, for the anecdote itself was an unscientific lie, insomuch that Mark-Twain had mentioned bear as the game1, whereas ho should have said fish. Everybody expects that a fisherman will exaggerate the number of fish caught, but nobody ever knew a bear hunter to do it. The jury convicted the culprit without leaving their seats, Judge Dittenhoefer was called upon to impose1 sentence, He commanded Mao-k Twain to stand up, and ha declared that for the first time a jury of his peers liad formally and very properly on the evidence found him guilty of unscientific lying. lie should therefore sentence him to read for three hours every day from his own works until the steamer reached port.

As sentence was pronounced Mark Twain groaned, and then, falling on his knees, implored the judge in these "Anything but that! Hang me, if vou Baker EM Bowers Miry Miss Barber William Cuticura Resolvent The new blood and Pkin Purifier, and grenteot ol Humor Remedies, clwunaca the blood of ull import. i J4 uud poUououa elemeuts, and thus removes the ciuse, while Cuticura, the great skin cure, and OtiTieuiiA 8oap, an exquisite skin beautifler, clear io sKin and sculp, and restore the hair. Thus the t'UTK'URA HEMi'Dirs cure every aperies of Imrumir, acaly, pimply, and blotchy, scalp, and Llooi diseases, from i pimpiea to acroluia, from infancy to u'c, when the bust pbysiciana fail. CailET Carson Bert (ianxz Mrs Fred McDowell Hariy Vitts I) Randall Robinson Miss Tine Koss Miss Sarah Smith beamier Hummerlield A Thomiwm rs'Jlara 2 Tonus (Mitirles Wlme Cora Au I iikeei) Vititor. Hines Keiml'el Henry sere Htiry Latterly Win Mark A') Merrel II Koilucker and Williams Join the Number of Those who have Walked Out of the Jail During thJ Past Few Months-Five Prisoner have now Escaped, but no More will Get Away, After All Have Skipped Out.

From Saturday's News.J Well, now, how'a that! Another jail delivery! It is becoming a standing joke. And if it is not carelessness it must bemiraculous, perhaps? Sheritl Tressel's record for "walk outs" seems to be the leading teature of his second term thus far. Prisoners are removed from the city jail to the county jaiJ for eafe keeping, but from the way things are going, the transfer should be from the county to the city jail. When the news like wildfire spread over the city about 7:30 this morning that two prisoners had just escaped from the county jail the people would receive the information with a laugh and a stare which indicated that those who had little to say did their share of thinking. Thjre have been too many jail deliveries during the past six months to suit the people.

The excuse otlered in each instance was carelessness. Carelessness has become monotonous. The prisoners wo escaped this moruiDg are Cbarles Rodocker, who is under several indictments for burglary and larceny, and William J. Brown, alias Williams, of Corry, who came here several months ago, claiming to be a United States detective, 01 deputy marshal, ami robbed Terry M. Campbell Ht the Keller house, of $160, for which he was arrested at Akron, while attempting to get out of the country.

Brown attempted to escape not long ago and should nave been more carefully watched. His ceil was on the second tier where he attended Francis Heine who would have spaams which he now says were shammed for the purpose of helping Brown to escape if possible. When Cbarles Schroadt became so 111 Xklson Oikr, P. M. MASCULINE MENTION.

Sold every where.1 Trice, dticttra, Me. Boat, 25c. UsioLvKsr, $1.00. Prepared by the Fotxsb AMD C'UBMICAb OOISPOKATtO.V, liOStOll. A-Send for llnw to Cur Hkin PUoasea," 64 pajtes, 60 illutrattuua, and WO teatiaiouiala.

OIJJY'C Skin and Scalp purified and beautit'ed 1 f'y Cuticura bOAe. iAboiuU)ly pure. 3 v'il- V. PAINS AND WEAKNESSES Of femalce instantly relieved hy that new elegant, and infallible Antidote to lnilammntion, and Wca kiiea, the i I i i Cuticura auu-i-aiu l-jaatvr. London cannot meet the demand for picture our JJulIalo Bill, Dennis Murphy lias superintended the reporting of United States soilato debutes tor forty-four years.

The nearest living relative of Shakespeare is Thomas Hart, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. is the eighth in descent from Shakespeare i sister jloan. Chief Inspector Steers, of the New York police department, retires on a $2,500 pension after thirty-live years of service, during which lie never had ft charge preferred Kgainst him. Governor Ira P. Chase, whose career has been one of varijd experiences, ranging from plowhoy to politician, from soldier to preacher, was at one time a commercial tourist.

lie traveled for a St. Louis firm. Arthur Dell Nicliolls, widower of oudnmzcyliaisr. THETORNADO Feed and Ensilage ill i Pauline (haJf awake) Lige! Lige! Wake up! Yo's snorin loud 'nough to wake de neighbors; so yo' isl Truth. Carljle'n rhlloaophy.

Carlyle smoked often and complained much of dyspepsia. A friend once ventured to suggest that his smokiug might perhaps injure and depress him. "Yes," Cnr-ljie said, "and the doctors told nie the same thing. I left off smoking and was very miserable, so I took to it aaain and was very miserable still; but I thought it better to smoke and be miserable than to go without." Aryouaut. iw (f atouisoi-r rloo thanillfltfifsecntt-ra h-jj tion.

Pavra Write ii for catalogue and 1r'-' "JC (Vied. Caul Introductory prirua. aJSC upclvau. M'r'KS. CANTON.

OH IO. OK.AUU. will, but do not compel me to read my that it required two men to take care own works. That is a Blow and horrible death!" Without heeding the appeal Judge YOU don't MEANS UNTIL KNOW WHAT Dittenhoefer added that as Mark Twain PERFECTION IN im vou have tried BEST AND COES FARTHEST) Highly DIgestibleand Nutritious. Mado Instantly with boillnjrwatjror milk.

he should also condemn him to abandon the American form of his name, whica means wo marks, and Use instead the German word "Bismarck." "There cannot be two Bismarcks in Germany," said the judge, "and it will be a part of your punishment to carry on battle with the prince of that name for your right to use Mark Twain served his sentence faithfully. He read three hours every day from his own works, but most of the passengers wished that he had not. Charlotte lironte, married nxaiu some time after his first wife's death, and now lives in King's county, Ireland, and sometimes preaches, but he never talks of his early romance. Herr E. Lasher, the greatest personality at present among chess players, is described as a dapper little gentlemanly looking young man with a studious air that conies largely from his.

manner of wearing eyeglasses, When Professor Ilnxley was a boy of t-Velve he had mastered the profound philosophers Berkeley and Descartes, and was wrestling with the abstract problem, "What would become of tilings if they lost their qualities?" l)e Witte, the newly appointed Russian minister of finance, is no purse proud, Nine blooded aristocrat. Fifteen years ago he was the overworked and underpaid station master in a little village on the railroad line from Kiev to Odessa. The Catholic primate of New Zealand, Archbishop Fraucis Redwood, is an amateur violinist of more than local reputation. On the ocasioof a recent visit to Italy he paid $5,000 for a Stradivarius with a pedigree that proved its genuineness. Alvin Clark, the last of the big telescope builders of that name, is quoted as saying that he would probably not undertake to build more than one other great telescope.

Ha is now gettiug oq, toward threescore, and such work requires several years' time. The birthday of the youngest British home secretary and that of the oldest fall on the same day. Mr. Asquith, the, pres-. .1 i i i CONTRACTORS AHD BUILDERS DJLJSTFOGlTlI-fPllOCTOSl LTJM-I3IJ(IZ -wholesale manufacturers of Sa.s?i, Door's, tQltnoZs, (parfzing 3joxes and.

(Paclcinj Cases. 'Dealers in Lixrribev, Latlx, Shingles and. all kinds of (Jfuilding Material. JVeTrel JPosts and i Halasters. Stair (Hailing, JlToulding, tf-c.

J71, 173. 173 JJHIjY STREET, MAKK TWAIN IN IRONS. gors it was at lost publicly declared that Mark Twain was ''in his capacity as a story teller an inordinate and unscientific liar." The humorist resented these accusations, insisting that if iu any of his published narrations there appeared to be anything which justified snch accusation he had written it in moments of irresponsibility or insanity, and he declared that ho was willing to stand trial upon these charges. Captain Dampfer, who has the power of an autocrat upon his ship, aut hurized a court of admiralty to be organized, of which Mr. Dittenhoefer was appointed judge.

Mr. Wallach was chosen by tho court counsel for prosecution, and Mark Twain selected the eminent lawyer, Mr. Webster, counsel for the defense. The Yale students were impaneled as jurors, and Mr. McClung was made foreman.

The court was held on the evening of July 14 in the great saloon of the steamship. Judge Dittenhoefer took hia seat on the bench, and he never looked more stern when he was serving as judge in a New York city court. The jury were seated in a box to the right of the judge, and the counsel were gathered at a table, and near them were the witnesses for the prosecution and the defense. After the court was opened Judge Dittenhoefer instructed the sheriff to bring the prisoner in. The clanking of chains was heard, and a moment later Mark Twain, with disheveled hair, with shuffling step because the ship's irons hung heavy on his legs, and with his wrists inclosed in handcuffs, was brought in and placed in the prisoner's dock.

At a command from the judge the irons were removed, and the trial began with a speech from the prosecuting officer, in which he declared that he should prove that Mark Twain had been guilty of inordinate and unscientific lying. Here the prisoner bent his head to conceal his emotion apparently, and seemed to be sobbing. Miss B. R. Dit of him Brown was transferred toa lower cell adjoining Kodocker's cell.

When a News reporter called at the jail this morning riUerifl Tressel made the following explanation of how the prisoners tok their departure this morning: The prisoners were all out in the corridors yesterday scrubbing the jail and the turnkey, Wallace Bob-inson, was locked in with them to watch them. Although Kobinsou did not see it the sheriff says that Brown opened the door of the levi case and turned a thumb screw which fastened the crank of the cage door bolt to the lever shaft, thus allowing the shaft to turn in the eye of the crank without moving the crank. Last night both Brown and Itodocker refused to go into their cells and the sherifl was obliged to go into the cage and close the cell doors upon them. The cell doors were locked all right, but if Brown turutd the thumbscrew on the cage door shaft esterday the bolt of the cage door was not thrown when the sheritl fastened this lever to its staple by a padlock. This morning a Miss Ohl, who is visiting Mrs.

Tressel, took the morning rations to the prisoners, who come out of their cells to the openingiu the grating through which the meals are handed to the prisoners. When she went out of the prison she closed the prison door and says she thinks she fastened the padlock but it is believed she hooked it into the staple without fastening iu Brown aud Bodocker seeing their opportunity opened the cage door, reached through the prison door bars to the padlock, detached it from the staple, and thus opened the way to liberty. They ran out at the side door, down Virgin alley and through various streets and alleys to the woods east of town. The sherifl's son, Fred, followed them as far as the woods and there lost tracK of them. The sheritl was at a barber shop at the time.

The alarm was immediately given, the police were notified, word was telephoned to Lucas to have a searching party scour the country and work toward Mansfield to head oil the fugitives if possible. Mrs. Tressel says the bolt of the cage door was in its place this morning when she was in the jail and that Brown must have pried it back. But this is not a plausible theory. If the shaft was so loose in the crank that the bolt could thus be operated, it would turn in the eye instead of throwing the bolt.

Francis lleiss said the reporter that Brown had put him up to shamming spasms with the expectation that i the attendants at the jail might some-1 cut ucuupttuu vi due uua juu renyrti Jlnd School of Short-hand, Jfansgeld, O. I dnlnir mire real good work for the ynii wen anl wotnen that attend if, than perhnps an aelio il of the kind In Ohio, or an ot er state The proprietor haa shown himself a protrrestitv man thnuiKh all the vearaof hia loux experience aa a nuaiues Kduentor. Business men of lntisHelddeen'l upon Uila school to furnish tliem with bok-ketpwi-a, stenographers salesmen, cashiers, eopylsta, etc Many younsr men and worn ii have come tot ila sohoot anil shortly after n-ilslilnjc a course, hav hen placed inexee lent positions, hovs from the farm have entered this chout aud 'rom it, en'ered business and are now vetting salaries, some al.tliu, some and some more and others sa'aripa, with promotion easured. The secret of stiwes 1 through thorough pretention. This school has proven that fact beyond a doubt.

If you would know more about this old ami lea if na; Husiness College, you will (jet a illustrated eatulonui by wrl.lui( to J. W. SU AK1'. l'h. 11., l'relil -nt.

MARK TWAIN BEGS FOR MEUCY. Of course all these proceedings were sportive, but they netted for the Seamen's fund some $000, and were said by the captain to have been the most interesting and delightful of all the entertainments ever arranged at sea upon any forty, while Spencer Walpole, who was ii Lord Derby's first administration fory years ago, is eighty-six. James Eddy, of Troy, N. makes all the ink with which the government paper money is printed. His father invented it, and just before bis death let his son into the secret of its manufacture a secret that he still keeps to himself, as it is worth a year to him.

The ink in question is said to be the only kind that will print on the paper now used for government notes. The new English ministry contains a number of land lords, of whom Lord Spencer is the wealthiest. His rent roll is a year; Lor! Rosebery claims $100,000 a ytar; liord Ripon's rental is Lord Kimberley's Mr. Acland is heir to $170,000 a vear from land; Lord Houghton has Lord Carrington, Lord Vernon, $120,000, and Lord Ribbles-dale. $135,000.

To Those Who Fail. Courage, brave heart, nor in thy pnrpose falter; Go on and win the Unlit at any cost. Though sick and weary after heavy conflict, Rejoice to know the bat tle is not lost. Tbe field is open still to those brave spirits Who nobly Rlriifrclo till the! strife is done, Tbrouuh sun and storm, with courage all nn daunted, or tue steamships or that line. E.

J. Edwauds. tenhoefer was called as the first witness. She read extracts from Mark Twain's STOMP POWDER CAPS AND FUSE ELECTRIC BLASTING MA-CHINESAND EXPLODERS II aa Ilia lleveuge. "Hal hat ha!" laughed Reggy Merii man, "ha! hal ha!" and he stuffed an other suit into hia overcrowded vlise.

old man," said his college chum, who was helping him pack, 'what do you find so funny in your thoughts just now? A penny for them "Oh, they're worth more they're rich SPECI STUMP AUGERS Estimates Furnished and worTc done. i Address or call on M. FIRST, agent, Lucas, O. MANSFIELD, O. description of the jumping frog.

Tho jury looked very solemn when this evidence was introduced, and Mr. Webster, the counsel for the defense, on cross examination demanded of the witness what there was unscientific in this lie, if it was a lie, and she replied that although it caused people to laugh they smiled at the improbability of the story, and added that there was nothing funny in the suggestion of filling the stomach of a frog with shot to prevent its making a jump, and thereby causing its owne to lose a bet. 1 Mr. K. D.

Cheney, being summoned as a witness, produced one of Mark Twain's books and read from it his assertion that he dropped a tear upon the tomb of Adam, When asked by Mr. Webster what there was unscientific about that lie, if it was a lie, Mr. Cheney replied that the world knew that Murk Twain never wept and never made any one else weep. If he had written that he searched the vicinity for the tomb of Eve or had exhumed Adam's remains, that he might discover which rib was taken for the creation of Eve, that would have been an entirely scientific and ra BY CAN BE PLEASED. Working and waiting till the battle's won.

The fairest pearls are found In deepest waters. The brightest jewels iu the darkest mine, And through the very blackest hour of inid- nteht The star of hope doth ever brightly shine. r-? SHOES for everybody. HOW cheap they are. OUR every offer a bargain.

EXAMINE and De convinced. SATISFACTION guaranteed. AT SHOES of every description. CALF, Kid or Goat. HEELS or Spring Heels.

OPERA or Common Sense. OXFORDS or LADIES', Misses, Children's such a Joke! Ha! ha! "Explain, or I'll dump the contents of this valise on the floor again." "Do you sec that i "Yes, old man; what of it?" "It's full of Christmas presents." "Oh, come off; you'rn crowding the season." "Wait a bit. They're my Christmas presents. That's tho joke. Say?" "Yes, old man." "You know I have a cousin Jenny in Jackson?" "Yes." "She's in the joke; and there's my married sister Em at Lansing, and Bob's wife at Pontiac, and Lil and Kate they are other follows' sisters.

Oh, how I do love those girls, and they, every one, will get a Christmas present out of that box." "Why, what's in it?" "The presents they sent me every Christmas for tho past six years. Ha! ha!" "But what are they?" "Have patience. They'll save mo a time forget to fasten the outer doors and thus give Brown a chance to escape. Brown told him to play oil in that manner and that they might both get out together. Heist says he was not willing to go out but promised to help Biown out as much as he could by having spasms.

He would go Into spasms for three and four hours at a time requiring considerable attention and to play the 'pos-som so perfectly that Dr. Maglott, the jail phjsiuiau, that he was deceived by the boy. Heisa made atioth er pretense this moruing which he said he did to keep up appearances so that he would not be suspected of aiding other prisoners to escape. Heiss also said that Brown told him that he would knock the sheriff down, take the keys and get out the first chance he could get. Mrs.

Tressel says that she feels Press on! Press onl The path Is steep and rawed, And storm clouds almost hide hope's light from view; Hut you can pass where other feet have trodden: A few more steps may bring you eafely through. The battle o'er, a victor crowned with honors: By patient toil each difliculiy past. You then may see these days of hitter faibiro But spurred you on to creater deeds at last. Chambers' Journal. In Olden Tirnen People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satind with transient action, hut now that it is generally known that 8yrun o' Figs will permanently PETER BERNO'S SOU PARK ST.

positive that the prisoners would have made an attemnt todiy In the event that one Will buy a set of "Our Special" Single Strap Harness. Nickel or Dain's Rubber Mountings. Selected Oak Tanned Stock ard war-ranted to please. The best value woman watched at the door while an- cure babPual constipation, well-in tional undertaking at Adam's tomb. Other witnesses read extracts from "Huckleberry Finn" and quoted from the exploits of Colonel Mullwrry Sellers as narrated by Mark Twain to prove that the accusation that the various humorous lies there narrat ed were unscientific, and therefore improbable, aud then the prosecution rested.

The defense was insanity or irresponsibility, and the two ship's physicians were put upon the Btand, each of whom testified that in all their experience they had never mot a man who talked so irrationally ht Mark Twain did. They declared that tho stories he told them had not one grain of probability, and formed p-pla will not buy other laxatives, which act for a lime, but finally njure the system. lot of money." "Tell me, bo I can adopt the same scheme." "I'll send them back all their own presents. Ha, ha!" "But, for heaven's eake, what are they?" "Suspenders, man! Embroidered suspenders! Ha! ha! Revenge ia BweetJ Ha! ha! ha!" Dotroi Freo Press. other was in the prison, which ia or frequent occurrence during a day, and that the desperate men would have attempted to overpower them if there were no men la eight.

Whatever excuse can be offered the fact remains that the proper precautions were not taken to see that the locks were secure aud although the es-rape occurred while the sheriff was ab- for the money ever offered in Ohio. A. J. KKWIff, M. Oculist to the Pennsylvania company; oculist to the United States pension bureau.

Ev hospital and office No. 10 Est Fourth sTeet. No chargelfor fitting glasses. BUKISrO CO, Next Door to Post Office.

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