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The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio • 22

The Marion Stari
Marion, Ohio
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THE MAHIOX DAILY STAB, BAT CROAT, DECEMBER 1P2Z.V FACE SIX. THE MARION DAILY STAR LrXMROX! FOR BOOTf.KM.KR. Attorney General Daugberty Is absolutely right AX3 HI KJ LIFE'S VAUDEVILLE. By Or. Jesses Bail Naytar.) STORIES OF OHIO racraacu tea lerottcili autiABca atatu SHOP EARLY.

rum BjUwuiQ rvBuwnia ou. UU. 60M.f VI MO MAD9Y CA8 ROT ME I MUST SIT QHt 5Mf MOW when he 'says that effective enforcement of the prohibition laws depends upon the Imposition of adequate penalties by the courts. He Is probably not-quite right when be Intimates that request by prosecuting officers for heavier penalties taund at lk roc Martaa. Oklt.

wcoM-cUw imuio ivmv mama, ixctn uiio. glut COM. MM fctlF 1 (MM ft na aiarta IMtinrM Curm mm (Mil, HuVm UM c4XlU caaotfM, CONSTRUCTIVE LEClSLATIOJf. The present Republican congress Is a "do-nothing" congress. Of course it Is! Why do I aay so? Because ths Democratic lesdert hava to said.

And are tbey not honorable men all, all honorable men? "do-nothing" congress! It waa so charged during tht recent campaign. And the changes were rung upon that charge. And the people were made to bejieve that iuii Hrwl M4 summsiat mum Imu 4Mlrui Ika II AIL I tTAB Wlfmi I tM rtm Mcmra it bt smuI art nsixa, kf ft iknmtk Ml-(UM IIM. mat tomHUH IrrqmMr wrki manui Ttie tVginniag; of Cattle Raising. Imported sheep were first brought into tbe Muskingum valley, but imported cattle were first aeen is.

the Scioto valley. Until the close of the Napoleonic wars there was an embargo on tbe shipment abroad of Spanish merino sheep, but at soon as that was lifted, farmers along the Muskingum began to import, bringing the animals by wagon from Baltimore. To this day that part of the state excelt in wool growing. The first imported cattle 'seen in Ohio were driven over-land from Kentucky to Cbilllcotbe. They had been brought from England.

It was not long until cattle began to go from tie Scioto valley to tbe eastern markets. Baltimore at first secured this product but later many were driven to New York. George may bring about the desired result. Only a strong and self-aasertlve public opinion, backing op the law will induce courts to Impose punishment of a character certain to deter violations of the law. It la notorious that bootleggers are now conducting the most profitable business going on anywhere In the United States.

They do not mind paying (II nee, even If the fines are large. They can pay liberal fnes and charge them up to overhead expenses, and still put in their bank account sums thai would make a legitimate business green with envy. Fines accomplish absolutely nothing so far as enforcement of the prohibition laws are concerned. Stiff sentences to imprisonment Is all that will bring the results so earnestly desired. (TAB TlkimONU.

misses Oo turn MnrtMac iRMS tlSI rtftalatta Dillfl i Stf charge, mora or Jess rather more. It appears. Km Mwimh tMl For they voted out a lot of Republican senators and representatives and voted 1b a lot of Demo cratic legislators. Tm sus dmUtiaa ftr tlx yur t4 Jum 111, wtiM 1 lu Audit tM rf ClrcuUllont, U.w. (ota tvkt ant Drm-toea an apt to tit taspwtloe at atfmtlwn.

And bow the new congress, when It comet in Holiday Slippers Are kerc Every style from Kiddies to Graadpu'. Smart Waddell with to many new and "freah" Democrats there prill be "do-everytbing" congreaa, doubtless. AND HE DID wo Yes, indeed of course to be sure! Who can dcubt it? Maybe It will be a "do-evervbodv" Renick is said to have driven the WCATBEA OBSERVATIONS. Observations of the United SutM vtathsr bureau, taken at p. m.

yesterday. first drovg bt fat' cattle from tbe Scioto valley la 1804. He took them to Baltimore. From that rime until 1850 the raising of cattle was' a growing In tional Federation of Trades There is absolutely no eicuse for the bootlegger In these days of Industrial activity. Carpenters and bricklayers are in demand in the cities at high wages.

Farmers are unable, In the active season of the yesj, to get help at wages they can afford to pay. The man unable- to secure work to earn his bread may be excused if he resorts to petty theft; ths bootlegger is not in that class. He deliberately plans and carries out law violation for the riches it will bring him. congress, at well. Who knows? Now we'll get a lot of "constructive legislation" Jutt at soon aa the new congress comet In.

Who eaye to? The Democratic leaders. l'u-buh! And coming aventt east their shadows before; and those shadows are alresdy 82 70 74 40 40 8 II it 9 Alpena Boston (I Buffalo it Chicago 40 Cincinnati -2 Cleveland 10 Galveston IF Los Angeles 28, Marlon Memphis Milwaukee Nair Orleans Pittsburgh Prince Albert Raleigh SaugeeB KITCHEN CABINET Thin high grade Kitchen Cabinet nicely finished in white enamel, wtth porcelain work, taktsi 1 regular $70 value at 1 aeiegatea rrom many countries are met at Tbe Hague today for a labjr anti-war conference. Student debatort of CorieO, Dartmouth and Yale are to engage In a dustry in Ohio. Lack of railroad facilities for shipping corn made feed cheap and cattle could go to market on their own feet. The corn was cut up and then fed eventually give yon enough sae- chanlcal skill to make an automatic pencil work.

looming large. The Democrats already in congress are going to show la this session a bit of In this free and democratic coun triangular contest this evening, the subject being government ownership $49.00 The maximum limit permitted (by law should be bls'punlsbment. The storks 'might well be revived. try, almost everybody is willing jlo what they'll do so efficiently and completely of tbe coal mines. I treat memoers or tbe upper class as equals.

At a dinner to be given in his hon when their new members have taken their seats. I glean all this Interesting information from i b-5 or by the Manufacturers club, of Yesterday's high, 16.. Low during Bight, II. OHIO "WEATHER. Unsettled weather with snow or rata Bun.

dar and probably In south portion tonight; sot much change In temperature. A great deal depends on the fceln- a Washington despatch published In the Zanes-1 Philadelphia, this evening. Governor Elect Gilford Pinchot Is expected to ers, of course, but no business ever grows bigger than the vision of the boss. outline the policy which will guide vllle Signal. And rememberthe Signet-Is a dyed-ln-the-wool Democratic sheet.

Listen 'rX "Upon the convening of the sixty-eighth con his In these days of sex stuff. It yaffil A national conference of railroad seems peculiarly fitting to refer to the six best sellers as a sextette. men to device ways and means of ef-j uahusked to the cattle in small enclosures, while hogs were turned In with them to clean' up what the eattle would waste. The coming of the railroad may be said to have killed the it then be-came more profitable to market the corn, Through'the period during which cattle were driven from Ohio to eastern markets there was a famous hotel In New fork, known as the Bull's Head, which the western drovers made their headquarters. It was located where the Bowery now ia and was owned 1y the noted David Drew.

Felix Dunlap, a Ross county farmer, is said to have conducted the first formal cattlo sale'ln Ohio. It took place on his farm near Chll- greaa, with its enormously reduced Renubllcsn BATl'RDAY DKCEMBRR 0, 1622 fecting an amalgamation of the six When blockheads at. last majorities, and with the insurgent Republicans holding the balance of power In legislative teen standard railroad labor organ mauers, tne Democrats will inaugurate an the. ruling it isn't surprising to find them with chips on their shoulders. izations without any of the unions losing their Identity opened in Chi tat euawrlbsrt win irwtlr faelltiat nn dsllm? same ay aMktat tU tin kuiiiM I eeiriWa, rtMae till tMl earnest and comprehensive and carefully planned program aimed at recapturing the government cago today.

Reckless automobile lv I Grace Episcopal church. In Bath, arouses the suspicion that much of Ah-ha! Didn't I you we were to have THE BUB OF COMMERCE. Unconscious humor never was Intended for the stsge, yet It Is the finest kind, the sort that remains fn the memory. A IOJfO. BENATeTlEKP.

Emerging after eighteen years spent in a senate committee-room pigeon hole, the Isle of Pines treaty with Cuba, submitted by President Roosevelt, must have rubbed Its eyes nd stretched Its limbs and yawned with apology to the sedate solons all about, Thla "Rip Van Winkle" treaty, lis Joints filled with "xheumatis" and Its brain sjlll a little baiy from excessive sleep, must have come to its full senses and felt Joyful when t.t wss reported farorsbly and sent speedily on its way to the foreign-relations committee, where the Indications are that It will not be permitted to sleep so long, if at all, for Secretary of State Hughes wsnts to "clear up the old question." Well, we should, think so. Tcm ee, It is this way; the treaty relinquishes any claim of the United States to the Isle of Pines, which 1s about fifty miles off the mainland of Cuba. Americans have heavy Interests there, and they have successfully opposed the treaty's Maine, was the scene 'of a notable wedding today, when' Miss Camllle some "reconstructive legislation?" I don't care" tne horse sense of the good old days was possessed by the horse. iou never know how much BrM pass a danger Loyall Ashe Sewall, daughter of Hon. and Mrs.

Harold M. Sewall, of Bath, becomes the bride of Walter E. Edge, Daily Proverb "Better than be always In If it be designed to "reconstruct" the Democratic party! It's "reconstructive," lan't It? But hark! "The 'sniping policy' that will be followed until next March will be carried into many channels." ucoine, uctooer 28, 1833, and mere words can express until yon hear a very youns- business man speak of "my stenographer." United States senator from New Jer from sey. Even age can not prevent some' people becoming fresh. people no longer enjoy burning Christian Martyrs, but the? attt 3 Ah-ha! And o-hof These Democratic politicians are the "reconstructive" ginks! Tbey are about the tame reaction hv w.h.

IT HAS BEEN SAID Santa Clans la the kind of a good fellow to copy after, even if we have no reindeer. log a fat man in mad pursuit of a marts the beginning of a homo demand for line Cattle. Dunlap organized a company to import and deal In fine cattle, which preyed very profitable doubt was a great benefit to early day stock raising In this state. Editor's Note The missionary Flnley. drove a herd of cattle from Chllllcothe to Detroit in 1800.

nat. Good humor is a good habit. What we are tomorrow Is what we make ourselves today. WES OP SCIEKCI The fool asks afterwards what the A dachshund by any other name still Is a dog "with a long wheel base." If things were what they seemed', then they would not be fashionable. For instance, Connie Love says: "From both sleeves and skirts, In fact, the seam often disappears entirely." wise man asks before.

A tank for a soan unlutinn Idleness travels- leisurely, and air Is piped and kept under pressure lucreasea the facllltv TWENTY YEARS A83 poverty aoon overtakes It. going to legislate for the people. And they are the people. But lend ear! "In the house the Democrats will enthusiastically support the move to Impeach Attorney General Harry M. Daugberty, President Harding's close personal friend." Why? Because Mr.

Daugherty la the presidents friend. Can't you see? Isn't that "constructive" work? I should say so! And they're going to "Investigate" the department of the Interior. Why? Secretary Fall ia another personal friend of the president. More "constructive" work! And they're going to oppose the ship subsidy bill because the president sdvocates it. Yes, from this time on, everything will be "con 11 a covered Implement tor washing auto- ratification in the past.

In the treaty which gave Porto Rico to the United States, the Isle of Pines was not specifically mentioned and the Island has been administered by Cuba since the cession of Cuba by Spain after the Spanish-American war. To settlelthe status of the Isle of Pines, the treaty bearing that same was negotiated and then drugged and put to sleep. Many a man's reputation depends Among the number of Marinnitoa moDues. on what isn't found out about him. Money expended for safety Is economy, but all economy Is not always sate.

who celebrated their birthday were If you are fond of giving good ad vice, be twice as fond of taking It. The change to electric power of the world's most northern railroad, which Is In Sweden, increased train capacity forty per cent, and speed sjr. u. uyers, ur. c.

P. Galley, C. Fettlt, Alexander Edwards, Fred Kehrwecker, Herman Feldner, Corey Hoxter and Dave Cuslck. You don't need to fear tomorrow Big men and women In every town are the 'same save that their spheres may be different. if you have dene your level best to a EA day.

i William Merenesa wes elected nuy per cent, in a year. A patent has been Issued for a bi cycle with a frame that can ad fa commander of Cooper dosL No. 117 The newly-rich seldom remember their old friends, but the latter seldom lose any sleep over tltkllfaiaataIMiH China is to pay Japan $40,000,000 for the Shantung railway, the final chapter or the Chantung question. It is said. Wonder If China will now ask Uncle Sam for a loant Look upon your' duties not aa so many obligations, but as opportu O.

A. tht day other nffl. structive!" Justed to Increase the wheel base CMtraHy Ictttti Amu hmm nities. cera were Hamilton Ash, senior vice commander: Thomas Phnlns. innior One way to be happy is to set a lengtn several inches to accommo date riders of large figure.

1 as Attack upon milk. For long It has been declared and conceded, limit to your wants and keep them vice commander; John B. King, chap JAIL FOR SPEEDERS. Laws muet be enforced If they are to bo re there. lain; O.

W. Weeks, seraeant: Wil- Handlea are eliminated from the doors of a new Fredch automobile. It does teem strange how many "attractive arid safe investments" there, are bow to get the wartime savings of the investor in government eecuritles. "Consult your banker before investing" is a good lino to remember. liam C.

Rapp, quartermaster: Milton Never climb mountain till you come to it then perhaps it won't be the latchet beinr operated hv small PADDOCKS iU Oak St. Phot 4X7. by medical science, that milk is the Ideal tood especially for children and invalids. Marsn, officer of the day; Merritt Hauber. officer of the auard! 8.

leven Inside the car to which thpv there. spected. When the courts of the land start generaity to locking up speeders, who are a public menace and dangerous, not only to pedoatrlana, but to those accompanying them, as well as to themaelvee, then there will be a marked Of course, it is admitted that the milk must connected by wires. Titus, delegate to department en The world ia full of people who are skimming around the edge of be pure in every that the qualifying word On the theory that better sight I obtained with dark lines above th campment, and John B. King, alter The lean and hungry may live the longest, as 'that Chicago health expert says, but some people would, just as leave be dead as hungry.

connote. their ambition. nate. ,1 slack of reckless speeding. eyes and light ones below them an is all right to spend money to It must come from healthy animals cows, Mrt.

Bingham Allen, of Patten The Impulse to "step on 'or" is almost Ir Imake character; tt Is all wrong to street, slipped and fell and dislocated usually. optician nat invented eyeglass frame colored accordingly. Operated by a weighted nendulum spend character to make money. her hip. resistible when a motorist gets on a good drive and the distances are long; but the motorist must The most undeserved as well as F.

W. Mayer, Bin Four arent. re These cows must be properly fed and kept. Their pastures must be healthful; their stables must bo warm, airy and clean. Whenever the wets start to hampering the dry-enforcement law by cutting the money strings, then they will lose ground most decidedly.

Still, there are many "nervous wrecks" who have an unlimited amount of nerve. an automobile accessory of English the moat dangerous flattery is that learn to use ardlnary care; he must think of R. C. WOLFE toBf tttmfpti tot iabg etfkhef ceived a personal letter from M. E.

which we bestow upon ourselves. invention shows on an instrument board dial the percentage of Incline Ingallt, president of the Big Four system, stating that the station and Men prefer to have bad of a road being traveled. newa broken all at once women like others. Of course-, wa realise that drlvtrre; is often made difficult by the pedestrian, but this Is no excuse for speeding. All over the country the feeling Is growing rapidly against speeding.

Deaths have been too frequent as a result of It. yards would be Improved early In the spring. Designed for the manufacture of! it broken more diplomatically, by Acetyl CCS BrtglnsT degrees. 1 Think tflce before you apeak Even times out of ten, In Indianapolis, Mayor Shank announces that AH Uads of saetnl GUILLEN PARAGRAPHS cylindrical articles a new press squeezes riveta into place with a pressure of thirty-five tone to the square Inch Instead of hammering them. Pern recently completed it creat the -world will sot lose anything If Clara Phillips, "hammer slayer," may hava gone on a little excursion, and It may be aba did sot understand her absence would cause a 'profound sensation." i Now are.

told that we are going to have Taeclsti units lu the United States, and they will be all right, It they combat the alleged Black Hand ha expects to Jail speeders, believing that fines' will not cure the evil. And a Judge of tha same city has even gone Mayor Shank one better; he purposes to Incarcerate speeders In a padded cell and hold tnem for mental "tests, naturally est irrigation project, which will pro vide 4.000 horsepower for industrial purposes In addition to aupplying you keep quilt. A country not made great by the number square miles It contains, but by fhe number of square people It contains. Any one can point out difficulties; tt calls tor brains and courage to look beyond difficulties to successful accomplishment. assuming that a person who speeds where human waie 10 an extensive area.

life Is endangered must be unbalanced. This la the season of- weather surprises; be prepared! TREAT DISEASE TODAY'S EVENTS Andy Gump may have a lot of neck, all right, but he has a lot of gumption, too. Europe wsnts moral support, of course, but not too darned moral. Good resolutions made at nightfall usually break about the time day does. Most of those who keep up a fnTfit bring up ths rear when the cash on hand Is counted.

Too many people interpret liberty at the right to select the raws they will obey. Once in a whole you find a rich man't ton who Isn't rather ashamed of hit commonplace old dad. Knowledge la recognition of the fact that fire will burn; wisdom It contemplation of the blister. Never mind the critlct. The ta- Man sometimes learns more by failure than by success, and It ia bet -IT REMOVES THE IRJMTATIN6 CAUSE SHARING WITH HATURS MERITED APPLAUSE ter to aim high and fail than to succeed In paltry scheming.

A pessimist la a man who on every opportunity aeea a difficulty; an op Saturday. December St. Louis today rounded out its first century as an incorporated city. The American legion set aside today tor. observance, as National Physical Educational day.

The completion and ooenlna- of a "MY NAME IS NOBODY A man in Philadelphia hanged himself because he was "sick of living." He left a really notable note. "When a man vets so ha can't do his work right it Is time for him to get oft the earth," It said. Then he added, "My name ia Nobody." We are not going to say that "Nobody" did the right thtng because it la wrong to commit any kind of murder and a suicide commita self-destruction, which la not in harmony with Cod's scheme. But there is much sound reasoning In It members of congress were compelled to prove their charges, there never would be so many of them going off half cocked all th time. We hava not heard of dandelions blooming in 'December In this garden spot of the world yet, we are expecting to get a report to that effect from some of our faithful readers any day now.

timist, one who in every difficulty concrete highway connecting Phlla sees an opportunity. The more a man thinks about Binv self If ho thinks clearly the more humblo he will become. Conceit is a sign of confused perceptions. glne'a knock ia alwaya loudest when Abundance of pure water must be furnished to these cows. All milkers, and others who handle the milk, should be free from contsglous or communicable diseases; and they should keep (heir persons and clothing clean.

All vessels containing milk should be sterilised, frequently. All herds should be tuberculin tested; and the milk from such herds ss are not tested should be pasteurized before sold or used. Diseased or foul milk it an abomination that should not be tolerated. Evidently Englsnd is growing, suspicious of the purity of her milk supply. For the Rural New Yorker clips, from the Manchester England, Guardian, an article and a bit of doggerel verse from the London Times, attacking milk as "the baleful Juice exuded from the cow." I shall proceed to quote: "I maintain that much milk can not be taken by man with Impunity, and.

further, that It li responsible to? more disease and deaths than alcohol. A Harley street physician In a letter to the Times." How that letter will delight the English wets! And then comes the batch of verses: "My hesrt sinks down when I behold A milkman in the street; Better a brewer's dray. I'm told, Or kegs of whisky neat. Although he looka a harmless aort, A decent kind of man. Destruction lurks in every quart And death In every can.

Oh. take dka. absinthe, rum, ood alcohol or tin-Such tipples, thougfi deplored by tomt, Are ssfer forms of sin! But at for milk. Its salt and use liw Exuded from the cow!" uciiut iiui r.Biun, rennsyivaniiT was celebrated today. At the invitation of the Interna- the car it climbing; a It mty be that men no longer believe In Creams, bub they still turn to look when one walks by.

Your friends are those who understand you; your enemies are those who underestimate yon. Tinkering with an automobile will wnat the suicide observed. "When man. gets so he can't do his work right it Is time for him to get off the earth" literally Is not good advlre, but, figuratively, It is most wholesome. those fellows who ran no longer do their "work right" would step aside, efface themselves until auch CHOOSE YOUR CHRISTMAS VICTROLA NOW! THIS HANDSOME CONSOLE Aa long as your own conscience Is clear, you should worry, as common parlance puts it.

A husband's love is pretty valuable after all; a Vermont wife has been awarded Judgment for $165,000 against her husbands' parents for alienation of his affections. Who would have believed It? time aa they came to a proper understanding and were ready to do their "work right." this THAT KI9 R80ZIE riSURATlVEiy PCAKWG THEflOUED CHIROPCACTOR. ST0UCHSTHE9UTT0N NATURE OOES THE REST. GCTINTWCH WITH CHIROPRACTIC H' certainly would be "a happier world in which to dwell. There are sermons In stones and there are also sermons in notes left sometimes by misguided and benighted suicides.

12 Ulster haa renounced the, Irish Free state, but that was to have been expected. What the world wants to see is the fighting stopped. "Meeaure your mind by a satisfied appetite and economical expenditure," says an advertisement. Which is good advice, but few of us are inclined to follow It. TO SHOP 7.

7. DOUGHTY PAYING THE WAR DKBT. We are engaged In the mighty task of paying WATT "EUtVEN AVOJta off a staggering war debt, and we are paying It DrXYo AKJDTOJ GOT TO Licensed Chiropractor. IT W. Center.

Office PboM MSO. Re. BE. THE Cellar gardening has never become popular fSIPS TQ WIGCLX.WRIO A CWMTErV- m.nun. nuicn reminds os outdoor gardening has never been taken up by all of us as mucn at Jt should; and It will not be inn rapiaiy.

But It wih take many, many years to eliminate this gigantic financial bVden. We are prosperous and we. can do It, for we are going about It In a strictly businesslike way. Wa are economising here and economising there; we are economising In every branch of the federal service. An needless waste It being stopped at soon as It Is discovered.

There were to many huge leaks It was difficult to locus all Geo. S. HcGuirJ either, until It Is time to get ready for gardening, judging ny ins weather. One of the new models, with 21 recordt of your own selection. The combination costs but $109.00.

At tr. a manna, stranger stole aa overcoat from a man in a hotel, the man gave cnase and caught the thief, who pulled a gun and Writes Icszrance Right i 113 X. Mala tt, the unnatural condition crearVd In the baate and tha waste ct war, and tomt may not yet have been discovered. But the big thing Is wt art not onlr Bavina it -compelled tat pursuer to give him hie money, amounting to $70, and got away with the cash COD KEEPS HIS COVENANT: Know therefore the Lord thy Cod. lit it Cod.

the faithful God, lch keepetb covenant and merry lth them that love Him and keep Hit commandmenti tt a thousand generations. Deuteronomy T.f. C. G. WI ANT BOOKSELLER STATIONER overcoat also.

Looks Ilka esse adding; insult to injury. off tM colossal debt, but also reducing tbV burdrti of taxes. Wa call this tood business. Opp. uann new.

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