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The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio • 8

The Marion Stari
Marion, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TOE MARION PA1XT STAB, TJU Kf A IS, 1911 PAGK EIGHT daughter, Velma. Mrs. J. H. Laipply! TO -rl gave a little lawn party at her home: TATEMENTS nsmai.ce Ml M0B1 BJUTIST PiGNfC WEDNESDAY -iuuua aiternoon.

The time was spent in playing childish gamea. Light refreshments were served. MS- -p I ueooii, oi tureen Womsn'i! hfirt rKimnila rsmn sural ui mt. ana A Pleasant Affair On the Banks Of and tf a baby's John Sharrock and family this week. yes i -jg For Infants and Childron River.

motnerhood. But even the loving, the euet nf Mr r-i. UUU nature of a TnotVifr shrinks (mm Reed thin week. The Kind You Have Always Bought ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AYcgetablf reparation forAs Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company OP DETROIT, MICH. O.

It IOOKEK. Prw A. F. MOORK. Stx.

STATE OF OHIO. Columbia. April 1, INSVR NTS liFFARTMFXT. THAFtF.S LF.MER7. 5ujeHmeu5nt of linurtnc? of the State, no hrreiy qM.fy tht the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company, located 10 th flre of MifhigeWi, fcss compiled in all rupci with 'h Uws of ihii to arsd ts autharifd tranytt th.

State i pprcprijife bupifwsa of making imaraii-Te cm th ii. of prsoriiind "ov-nerrd ther-nr'tj. wvJ ippfrtam'ng thtro, granting, prrhaairif ard ditf fK anauiti, at in Section 938S, Oerlrai xTod of Ohio, until th nri iy ff of ike vr EtJtt succeeding ti date hereof. Its condition and buaifirss op. tht thirty-first da-r of December of lh yrr nrxt preceding th? daie hereof, is how a the wn4r tarh, required bjr law.

to be follow. frfte Bivmtnt a met 111,239,427.31 Atgtfga amount of exctp capital), inciodtog ra- in.yraac, and pecial accumuivttons. 10.6R2,429.46 Kurplin hoMerf count 605. Capital Strick Atr.ounf of income for the V-ar 040. 616 7 Amount V.xvriime tor" year 1,837,841.77 IN VVITNI-SS WHF.RF'.'iK, 1 hare lifffiwi fiUrHSed my tiame arvf iStal rait.

my fF-cta at to fc ibe day and year firit above wn'ln. CHARLES C. LEMEftT, Superintendent of Insurance. GOOD AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN IN OHIO. 5 Address J.

J. MOONEY, State Agent, Nicholas Toledo, 0. Mr. and Mrs. Alcede Williams wer the guests of friends at Warrick last week.

Mr. and Mrs. George. Douce and family, of Caledonia, were entertained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs.

William Ned and family. William Whiternaire was a Bucy-rus visitor Monday. Mrs. Maud Cyphers was the guest of Mrs. Vivian Etinger, of Mansfield, last week.

I FIRST WHEAT OF SEASON tJn6 IS RECEIVED AT M0RRAL I Women who use Mover's Friend aT; I saved much discomfort and suffering, i and systems, tein thoroughfy Liiile Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. 'prepared by this f-reat reme5y, are CoWiran I tlio Vitim of Very1 in a healthy condition to niet-t the Hons liilij Js tlIue Wlt the least possible suffering l.y Jlt Tea of Hie an1 Mother Friend is Vill-Re liurinx l-at Week. mtnended oaly for the relief and i i coralortof expectant mothers; it is in Morral.

July 1 no sense a The Baptist enjoyed a but its manv vtars siiTiiiatinfjttKRBrfmfriKinfs. ing tlte Sionatiis i Bears the Signature Promotes ifu! of Air. and Mrs. Samnel Neff and ness and RestjContolns neiittr tmnicon tne banKS of tne Sandusky I the thousands of endorsement, Opium.MorphlnB nor.MiaeraL! rher north of Utile Sandusky, Wed- ceived from women who have uVed it Tuesday bMr and Tr. JZ ftOT ARC OTIC.

guaiauiee oi mc 10 be and family thoroughly -njfiycr-d on the shady derived from its use. This remedy! Mr. and Mrs. Harley Flel does AcytifOTitlhSWCeinilWl banks, the crowd remaining for sup- not accomplish wonders but sim- Farmland Indiana is the truest' of por and returning in the ceo I of the py agists nature to perfect its work. Mr.

and Mrs. Alcade Williams this evening. Mother's I-nend allays nausea, ore- wepk Frank lidding ton and Wash- vents caking of TV jl a Mrs. William Linsdy was the guest PxfJit Setd- Jlx.Stma jtuatml IkithumkSA htrmStti- ttuzjtw iiarr. Ftate 'A Ohio, Iraurance Prpariinent, folum-ij.

1. Charles i.emrrt. Insurance oi the Stale of Ohi-j. do hrahy certify that the M-tmlle Ft re and Marina Imuraoc Company, Inrartrd Boaton, in the State of Maaa-chuoetts, has complied in aH respects with tirf Ut oi aofjiitable to it. anH is of relatives at Caledonia, last week.

burn hauled the flrt wheat of the breasts season to town, Thursday in every Jtata of TiMo, Popattmffnt, ftjfwm Mrt, Marh t. 1911. .1, Chailea t. I-emert. ifTerintendent of laauranre of the State of Vhio, do h-eijf fortify that lk Marrlmd Cdtwalty Company, Wx.ated mt ilaltiinof.

in tUe Slate of Maryland, had eomrdwd all reapfcta vnth tht kwa this State, ajifaiie ft. and kjthonred to tianaart in ihia Slat- ita appro-. rrlae buameai of maireig inauraitr.r on the ealtii nf wrifvidjuiW atanai rx-riKna! fn- hirf dtablfmft or dath. from i Mr. and Mrs.

John Harrison and Mr, Edfclneton eomine in just ahead contributes to ef'lAimitir'hirt family and Mrs. E. C. Kdgington, of of Mr. Washburn.

The wheat was of strong, healthy authonfed 'let Tfawiffr' in thia State on the nutlierhod. Motiier's Friend is sold IS; AncFfecl Rem? dv forrorrsftea- cayi'tai tck pUn it aropr.ate btiime of fine quality and a good yield. Caeldonia, were entertained, Friday, by Mr. and Mrs. A.

Wiliams. Mrs. Lillian Sharrock and family in urosertv aaimst loaa or dim rue b-: at drug tores. Write for our free Hon Sour Storach.Diarrtoa and Mrs. J.

ii. Harden attend (if Use For Over Thirty Years Ii, tit ii hjfhtnmg and torrutdoa, as preacrihrd and Wormsfonralsionsjo'crisli uook ior expectant mothers. BRADFIEIO REGULATOR AtlaOa. Co. ness and LossofSlezp.

lacSimile Sijnamre of S) ed the Ohio State Barkers' onven-(ion at Cedar Point, Thursday and Friday, Floyd Terry and X. H. Davis, of Laflue, were visitors at Morral Friday, Harold Schultz wan a Marion visitor Friday. Mrs. W.

A. Cottrell, of near ilarp-Fter, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. V.

Cottrell from Tuesday un- NEW Y0BK. fciCfJ in Section 9St'3, ptragra-jh first, Code of Ohio, during the currant year. Its condition and bv-rineat, on the tf-trtT ftrst day of Iecember of th year next preceding tbe date hereof, i shown by the atatrmrnt. undrr oah, by faw, to he folloni: Kfait amount of available atieta, $497. 41 sirftregate amount i lihdtties -crpt eapuai), Includina re-iiwur tne-, 62 I i net as eta, I 1 4,660.

40 amount of artiul prtd up capital, $00,000 00; surplus, $44,660.40 amunt of income for the yrar in caaii. 1S), 712 09; amount of -(penlituree for the year fn cash, $.101,455 21. fn witnea whereof, 1 have hereunto Mtbcnbed my name and caused rny official seal to be affixed, the day and year nt above written (kalJ Charles C. Ivemert, Supt of In. east ot Meeker, were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Ferguson, Sunday. Asa Conley was a visitor in Columbus, Sunday, making the trip on his motorcycle.

Mrs, D. W. Narrance, of Los An-gele Californ, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joaie Deal. J.

Scbultz and Harry Richards and Mrs. Nettie Hershner, of Galion, were the. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kehr and family last week.

Mrs. Ollie' Whiternaire was a Galion visitor Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Lulu Trevz and Mrs, Mildred Douce were Marion visitoia Wednesday. Miss Laura Neff is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.

E. Morrow, of Caledonia, this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Lesher and daughter, Gladys, of Columbus, are the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. John Guaranteed under the 1 Irtrvfling or grnprai i by land and aratert makm-f irnorarfe aga-ntt ton or dam-Ire resulting fiom accid-tit to property, from atie othrr thao hre or lightning; gaarantee mg the tideH-y of hoHtng piacea ulilic prhate trust, who mar be rrquirpd 01 do, in thpir trust rapacity, receive, old, dabare public or private mcTi)ya or pitipcrty guarimtrektg the per-ftiraiance of tontrarts other than inwiranre polieira, and a renting and guaranteeing Lod and undartakmtt required or prmittfd jn all acrtona or proceed inpt, or by law al lowrd Malting tnauranee to indrmaiiy am-rplorera gtvrt loi or atria fe for personal injury death reaultina; from accMenta to employea or persona other than employe, aim to tdetnmfy prraona and corporation other than emplovera against Iota or damage for peraoiiaJ injury or reaulting Itom accidents to other prjiotia or corporation, as tireeriiied in Section 9.I0; paragra-ph aecrnid, tinieral Code of Ohio, in accordance with law, during the current year, Ita condition and h'i tine rb. on the thirty first day of cemhrr of the Kr next prmrditig the dat hereof, i ah own hy the aiatemrnt, tmder oath. r-iujred hy law, to br a follow Aagrrgate araount of availahic vaaeta, afrgrcgate amount of liabilit-ei fexrent cnpitai), including reitaurance, net aftaeta, amount of actual paid tip, JI.OOO.ouo.OO; t.J42,rti8 24 mount of income fot the year in caah, 54 anumnt of expenditure fur the year in rath, $4,46,058 til Kstu rrfav. Exact Copy of Wrapper.

Hare Smith arid aister. Miss business in Marion, Mon Mt etfrrauaj eo.aNT, New foam mtv. i day afternoon. p'a wppfl In Mnrral Saturrtav. tn mt th MixSPR Claova Thorns and Pcarl SmItn- of Flint Mtlhigan, is i the guest of his parents, Mr.

and Leaner this week. Aside from black or raven's wing In Paris the all-white frock Is bit The Misses Ruth and Clara Heile-i blue- "otmany satin suits are seen. rarely seen. MrB. Siiag Smith.

Dwieht and Harold State of Ohio, Insurajice Department, Columbus. March 1, 911. 1, Charles Keinert. Sticiuitendetit of insurance of the fttate ot Ohio, do hereby certify that the Ichigen Comrraercial Insurance Company, located at Lansing, in the Mate of Micbigan, baa complied fn ail respect with the laws ol thia Slate, appliroble to ft, and aulhonaed to raoiact in thia State on the capital atock plan Its appropriate business of insuring prop Myrlo Welsh, of Windsor, Ontario, who are guests at the Smith home for a few weeks. Mr.

and Mrs. J. V. Marion, man were Galion' visitors Sunday. Harry Curl and Albeit Fox, of Cardington, were the guests of the Misses Iloe Bending and May Pace Sunday.

Schultz were viiiitors in Marion Sunday evening. Charles W. Moberly, of Lovington, Illinois, Is the guest of his son, Rice f-Qi lit the Game! vinlted relatives here from Saturday until Monday. Air. and Mrs.

Frank Mclntire, of erly a iron it lot, a or damaga by tirs a light iing and toniaduea, as prearrtbod in rectioo 'Sl(i. uaranraoh firit. General Code oi Ohio. mm 9SI Mr. and Mrs.

Ed. King and daugh- Moberly ourirg the current year. It condition an Alvy Young is visiting relatives at ter" 0Iive- of Da'ton, a the guests buauievs, an tbe thirty nrrtt day of December cure Health In witness whereof, I hare he.reunto uh crthed my name and canard my official seal to be affixed, the day and year frit ahovt written. l4uJ Charles Supt. oi Jot, oi xvir.

ana airs, jonn Leaner this week. Mrs. Ollie Day Whiteamire and Miss Edith Sharrock were Bticyrus visitors Tuesday. Big RapidH, Michigan. Dr.

J. W. Jolley and J. P. Brady were visitors at Agosta and KMarion, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cline and son Paul; Mr.

and Mrs. P. A. Parker, Mr' and Mrs. T.

B. Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. S. M.

Stouffer, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. while you may I The first good step is to regulate the action of your sluggish bowels by early use of ot th year next preceding (be date hereof, ia ah own by tbe atatement under oath, tt-rtitred by law, to be a toiJows: Aggregate amount of available aaaet, aj amount of liabilities (except capital), including re insurance, V.i6.C8.2.V) net assets, amount of actual paid-up capital, S4OO.0O0 00; aurpiua, imuunt of income for the year in cash, 86 amount of expenditures for the year in canh, 95,7001.

Jn witness whereof, I have hereunto auhacibed my name and caused my official seal to be affixed, the day and year first above written. tafcM. ChaHet C. Lemert, Supt. of In.

DON'T ask for just scrap, but see that your dealer hands you the winner CUBAN SCRAP Comes in a Big Red Pack-age. Costs more to manufacture, but you pay no more. Made in the only Eight-Hour Union Tobacco Factory in the world. Has a flavor' you'll lite. The latest and best thing in Staff nf Ohio, Inuranr- rvpartment.

Colnm-bita, March 1, 1 9 1 3 I. liarfr C. I.emert, Sunetintendent of IntiiianL'e of the State of Ohio, do herebv certify that the MasaachuMfts BonrMnf and Insurance Compjfiy, st. locatrd at R-tmi. in the State of Masia-chusptre, hn ennplied in aU respcct.i with the Uwa of tin nj.j!iralle to ft, and 1 at.thiri.-ed to in thii Sr.itr its appro ttifnei of maVit'-e aaintt los or damage resulting from tn properly fronf raue other thu or Iightnin-r, to wit ''only inturam ag-rim or dar.agr by buglary, theft or lf'brak-tnr; ffuticantrring the fidrjin of h-idin-ji of puhhr or t'-rivate t'i-t wfm msT Lr rr-pnrrd to, or d( fn thnr rapa- Young, Misses Adda Norton, Hazel Cottrell" and Hattie Moore were Ma- rion visitors, Saturday night.

Beechams Pills The Talk of the Town. At most parties, receptions, at soda fountains, you hear it said "The Marion Pure Milk Co. is Burely making a fine quality of Ice cream." We have the facilities for doing so and propose that whatever bears the Milk Co. label In every line of dairy products shall be a guarantee of quality. Are you a customer? If not, phone 789.

D. E. Gardner, Mgr. 194-3 Rev. J.

S. Altman preached an ex- cellent sermon, Sunday night, at the of Ohio, Tn9iinne Department, CoTum- lut. March 1, lliartr, t.cmert butrcrtntrnilrnt of Invurauie of the State of Ohm, hrrrbv certily tha'' the Michigan fire and Marine Iniuranc I Company, locatfil at Detroit, in the State of Michigan, hai vtrtpiied in all reoprclA with the lawn Methodist church, taking for his ject, "The Flag." Special music by a mixed quartet and a male quartet SeM ErTwhr. In boxoe 10c. and 2Se.

1 were fefatures of the evening's ser tt roid, cmfl privatr mr.nevs or piOji-'ty; rr." the performance of rutrart othrr in-Surani-e -i', ics. and i-srs'-ton and guirati teeiv.g and underi-ikijia'S required or iwr-Tittied in aii act.onti or proceed tuns or Ijv allowed, mm prescritfd jn Sectmn 9510. General Code of (hio, in State of Ohio, Inurance Dejiartment, Tolum-hu, April 191I. 1, Charlea C. Lemert, Superintendent of Insurance of the State ot Ohio, do hereby certify that the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, located at New York, in the State of New scrap.

bl lit Mate, applicable to it, and if author-ixei to trinmart in tin State on the capital atock plan its appropriate b-iswrt of iu-aurmg priiperty auaiiiBt lus or ilamatte by nre and lightning and tornarioea, aa prescribed in Section 95IU, parataph firat, Ccneral Code of Ohio, during tbe curetit year, fit condition The Vacuum Cleaner proposition of the Marion National Mill, saves money, taves time, saves worry. your coupons. 132 tf vice. Lltue fliifs zupaa Martin, oi Akron, sweetly sang a solo at Ep-worth league services preceding the preaching servico. Misses Amber and Gladys Wil-'muth, of Little Sandusky, were visi- r.i'rr ttjj law.

d-mnff tha ciwrent vtnr Ef'i iuu. at IBM. t) ti taw tork, haa complied in all respects with the to it. and I. A Quality Chew of Tobacco state its appro-itisuranctt on the a.iJ-tion and butinrw, on the thirtr firtt on tha thirty tint day of Decern- lsw of hn Male, applicabl IWrnher of the year near nrecedinu i "1 lhc hereof, authorlred to transirrt in tiii' til- bv the atatement 1 li alatement under oath, re- nrlate huine.

of making it unVr h. rr.j.rredV to he aa fo'Iow. I' lo fllowi: AKsregate live, of perJom. and inaui Am rebate am.jnt of avai'ahle ni.l SI available aweti, ag- therewith and appertaining tin laws of ahis Stale, applicable a nsurance connected Look for tht Ltonm LbtL 'ceo In ATArrnl Rnnrlnv mnrninp ereto. and ffrant- Dance tonight in Schwinger's hall.

3c a dance. 194-2 and disposing cf annuitie. as 'xix-r-r 7 JH.M4H.1. amniiMt of liahdiiira amuuni oj liaoililie. lexceut ciipllal), ing.

purchattng prrrcnhe.1 hertion 9.1c5, General Code of i.i.ui.ini. i.iu.j.i.ia, iin mm- i yriM r.urii in .1 in nei a.fii, nmo'iMit of amount of actual paid-up a-mal fid up capital. SJoo.ilOO 00 irnl.u i tw.uuu.ou; aurptua, nwiit of in. nine lor the I for the year in caih, iJ.U: amount of expenditurea for the vear fn rh, t702.it2.', of expenditure, fnr the year in ca.h. In uimni iinio, until the first day ol April of the year I next aueceeding the dale hereof.

Ita rondi- tion and business, on the thirty-first day of Drcember of the year next, preceding the date hereof, ia hown by the atatement, under I oath, required hy lew. to be aa follow. Acarepate amount of available asvts, 169.632.7S; aggregate amount of liabilities (except capital), including re-invurance, and he-eof, have hereunto iihcrilied my name in cash, 81. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused my oflirial seal to be affixed, the day and year first above written, larsi. harles C.

Lemert, Supt. of Ina. and cairard mv otficml neal to he atTlxed, the my una year ttrtt anove written lUAk) Ch'rlea Lemert, Snjit. of Ina. Rev.

and Mrs. J. H. Bagwill and children left, Monday night, for a month's vacation, which they will spend with relatives at East St. Louis and other points.

Miss Hazel Schultz was a visitor in Upper Sandusky Saturday. Misses Blanch and Edna Robinson, of Columbus, are guests at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M.

Warner and other friends here and at Harpster. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Parker entertained the members of class, No. 2, of the Methodist church, Monday evening.

Devotional exercises were conducted by-the president of the aprcial accumulations, gen-' eral aurplua on policy-holders' account, Stste of Ohio. In.uratice Department. Cotnm- capital stock, March. 1 91 1 I h.rle. l.eme-t.

i amount of income f'r the year. 4.t Superintendent of In.utance of the State of i for the year. Ofl.nJ, in witness whereof, I hate hereunto than the sjnio, no Hereby eertity Millera' National nsuranca Company, subscribed my name snd caused my official sral to he alTixed, the day and year first above written. IsislJ Charlft C. I.emert, Supt.

of Ins. in. i ii inr has complied in all respects with the laws oi this State, applicable to it. and is authorised to tianasct in this State, on the mutuitl plan, ita aunronriate bitainrss of insuring property gainst lo. or damage by fire and lightntng State of Ohio.

Insurance Department, Colum and tornadoes, as ptcsiribed in Seiiion VM0. bus. March 1, 1 VI I. I. Charlca C.

I.emert. hiipeiinteiident of Insurance ol the State of Ohm, drt hereby certify the Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Comnsnv. class, Harry Richards, after which a literary program was carried out. riaragraph firat. General Code ot during the current year.

Its condition and business on the thirtv-brsf day of December of the year next preceding the dfe hereof, is atiown oy the statement under oath, required by law, to he as follows: Total cash assets, SI.645,- located at Milwaukee in the state oi ia- Mrs. Parker servod a dainty lunch- with. the Thu eon. The class will meet with Mr. of Ohio, In.nrance ttepartment, Colum-bin, Aoril 1.

111. 1. harlet C. I.emert. ipertnrendent of Insurance nf the State ol Ohio, do hereby certify tiat the Maaiachuiettl Mutual Life lnauranct Company.

located at feTrinfnteM. in the State of ha. complies in all ra.pvcta with the law. of Una bt.le. applirahle ts it, and Tlthorited to tran.aet in thi.

Stat. 1t appro- firiate hufineaa of making insurance on the ive. ol peraona, and iBMirenc cimnected therewith and appertaining thereto, and granting, pnrchaama and di.pnang of annaitiM, at pr.3nbed in brction V1H.1. lirnrral of Ohio, until the tirat day of April of the year ntitt atteieeditig the date hereof. Ira ciwtli-tltm and bli.tne.a, on th.

ttMrly fiiat day of tleceniner of the year next pieceding th. date hereof, ia ahown by tpe rtiifittenl, under oath, reriuired by law, to ha aa tnUow. gfrreMte amoutit of available aaacaa, .641 JS; argregate emonnt of Itabilittrt (elf-apt oapitait. inetii.iing re.tu-.ntanca, and tpectal avcumuhitionv general aiirrdna on policy areount, amonnt of income foi tiie yrar, 1J1. anioartt of expenditure, for the year, In wttnea.

wlerrot, 1 hare harevnito mjr uama and eaiiaed my ofiiHal aeal to bariixfti, the day and year nrt above writyen ltTAt.1 Charle. t'. I.ftwrt, SuiH of Int. 11 net premium notes, ag. (regale liable assets, smBre- available ii.077,7;il IS laws of this Mate, applicable to it, and ia authermed to transact th' State on the capital stock plan its appropriate business of insuring properly against Iwix or damage by fire and lightning and tornadoes, as described gate liabilities, including re insurance.

1. 51; tnenm. for preceding year cash. including assessments paid on in Section V.ilO, paragraph General Code gJMJ.JI 0 01 Ohm. dilTUia the cusrent vear Tl fnnAi.

tnrome (or pre. premium notes, reding vesr In notea suBject to assessment. 1 .66.268 xpenditnres for precedinar year tion and business, on the thirty-first dav of Ilecember ol the vesr next preceding the date hereof, ia shown by the statement under oath, rciyiirrd by law. to he as follows: At'urrijjte amount of silnhle assets, J.M08.4.U aggregate amount ol liabilities texre it capital), Includina; re-iutmancc, net assets. amount of actual naid.i.n in ca.h.

In witness whereof. 1 have hereunto aiibsrribed my nsnie and carused my orfirtal seal to be arTixed, the day and year hist abarve written. Issjt Charles C. Lemert, S'jpt. of snd Mrs, II.

A. Martin Ihe second Monday night in August. Master Wilbur Bader, of Marion, who has been visiting his rousltts, Lowell and Ivan Osburn, returned to his home Saturday night. George Rice, of Marion, was the guest of C. F.

Cottrell, Sunday. Mrs. Blanclke Brady was a Marion visitor Monday. C. I).

Hudson is transacting business in Cli it a go. Mr. and Mrs. F. V.

Young and" sons, Orvie and Arden, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, B. M. JonesSunday. Mhp.

N. J. Oshorn and uons, Lowell and Ivan, were visitors In Marion Monday. cap Hal. surplus, la.snv.g! amount income for year in

s.M.o-a amount nf expenditures lor the BANISH THOSE GRAY KAIRS! Kill the Dandruff Germs Stop Heir Falling Thousands ot mothers' are looking younger. Their gray hairs are gone. The natural color has come back, and with it a new growth of soft, glossy, luxuriant hair. Why should 70a look old before your time, when yon caa look years younger by using tale of Ohio, ln.ntanee repartftvt, r'am-. Match I.

Ill -l. Ciiarieo C. I.emert, nf lnaurance of the State of State ol Ohio, Insurance Teparim-nt, Colum-b-is, Msrch I. Cliarles Lemert. Superintendent ol Insurance ol the Stale ol Uhio, del hereby oserify that the Milwaukee Fit lnaurance Company, located at Milwaukee, In the State of Wisconsin, has compiled ill all rrtpecta srith the laws .1 thia State, applicable to it.

aaid ia rns. ly.sjj.OI. In witness where ol, I have heieunto sulncribeJ mv na-ne and csused my official seal to be affixed, the day and year Inst above written. ISMI-I Charles t. I.emert, Surd, of Ini.

fnao, no nereoy rartuy mat tbr i ii. iiui ii. iiiib i on in. i Machantca InaiKanca Company, bvated art in lie Mate al Faan-vlvanta. h.

eomp'ied In all react, wirli tha law. of thia State. to it, and ia aotltnHred to ttanaaet in thia State en rbt (ap'tl aioeh plan ita appropriat of iiifti.riag pmperty ggain.t lo.a or d.aiag. hy capital atock plan its appropriate btiarness Department, folum- of sptutinaj pecperly against hss or damage I Vaf''; l'U -1, Charlea C. l.cineit, by Sre and lightning and tornadoes, a.

pre of InsiiratHe the Stf.e of a'riln, Sector M0, paragraph fir-t. C.rn'!"h!e' reby eertity that the ral Code of ohm, dunce tlie current ve.r SJononealiela Insurance Company. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. T.1 nrr anil Hjiitning Bin wiTnatHiel, JWI scribed us Section M0, paragraph frit, tjen lis rendition and business, on the thirty tint rittshurg, in the State of Tenn-dut al liw.

em her of the year next preceding I 'I'vania. eomplied in all respects with the B. Cochran was seriously burned, Monday evnina. by upsetting a tea mis oi wmn, aiuing tno essrresii year. Dandruff Cured Thr' application! "reaonJ all the dandruff and left mr scalp clean, white and atnooth.

"Was, Croak, Rochester, V. T. the date hereof, is shown bv tbe statement ippltcsblo tt it, snd is cmilition and biaemess. on the thirty I yinrt asm. reciuireit by law.

to be aa lol nsi: tiavts.ct 's "L'h" i Pt of hulling hot water. His legs i.rsi oav ni iTtnsssr or ine year next pre ceding the date hereof. It eHowsi bv the list- Aijrtgsle amount of available asaeta. P'sn i (14 of liabilttiea (ex- sggregne amount ag- by fut and iichtnina and as e'Pt J'Pt ins iimi nanus were ro natiiy bcaiu- ed as to require the services of a indmiing re irt'iranie.

prescribed in Section onto. siu.t,li net assets. H.tJ.OlSO 62 Iis.unl 1. a tual up capital. OOfl 00 sutskn.

ra.c: a.1 paid In the absence of Dr. Benton, of Harpster, was (ienetal Code of Ohio, the enrrent I Surgeon. XT" business, on the i l0llv lar thirtvfirst day ol Hecemher of the year next I 1 1 r' amount el income lor the in cash, tacit sua at called pnt, under oath, reqtgied by law, to lie followa: Argregata amount of ovailahle sses, 07; pgrrgate isinn of I anilities (rxcept cap'stl, inclidmg re-in. irsnce, nat iwu, t.14,4.a jj a-noiint of actisal paid-up esuftal. s.irp'us.

amo'int of interne, for Xhr vrar in cash. $474.,44 21 aanotmi of ex peiiditu'rs tot tr-e wear in ca.h. In m.e.s whereof. I hse heieunto sulscribed my name aed caused my o-Ticial aril be airised, the die and vest rat above wrnten. IssaiI Cbartea C.

Lemert, bupt. al Ina lot ilia year mi cash. In ssitness nte the h-rel, shown by tha srherml, I have hi-mmto subsctibed my nsme i under os'h. rrquned by law, to be Aetrcgalf amou of available aexs. aregaie aoiomit ol lis .1 my omvai s-at to be ar.xed.

th, day and year first above written. LsxlI Oiatles t. Lemert, of In. It Is Positive.y'Gu&ranteod to Restore Faded and Cray Hair to Natural Color If ether "so-called" Restorers have failed, don't give up hope." buigtve WYETH'3 SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY a trial. Voo run no risk.

Ii it is not exactly as represented, your nonejr tvUI be refunded. PROFIT BY OTHERS' EXPERIENCE Ml, tie. 'except rtpital), including re ir.ut-snce, 44; net aseix. amotint of a-tual paid-up cap gal. JJnO.OOO (Kl le for i epsrtmettf, CoKiiaj- s- o.ju, amo int of ex Mrs.

H. A. Martin and Miss Ruili Granite ripent Tuesday afternoon iu Marion. The employes of Morral brothers" uliops are working overtime In order to fill the many orders that are coming in. Mrs.

J. p. Brady and daughter, Vcrtlill.i, were ilsltors In Marion, Friday. eiarcn I. lyu.

l. I pmnrittea Ter Ihe year cash. 71. ui eiiateuaent ol Insutan. ol ih 4,.,.

in whereof. I have no. di aierT)V rexrtltu cnoco my name and'd my o'licisf seal written 'ha' I.emert. Supt. ol Ina.

Jtate Ohin, Im irance Deportment, Colum bus. March I. Charles I.emert ipenn'tujeot lniutance ol the tie Clh'o, do hrntby certify that th. aSIettopolltait Cssuslty Insurance Ceaapan of New Yerk. lors'tK at New Totk, In the Sis'e si Ness Yra, hss eompl ed in a'l twets wftk th onsin.

ha ccmphrd In all r-so-eia with the ritherlied to ftn.s.t Hie rapttsl stork plan ita appropriate bossiiess ol insuring propsrty sgsm.t loss er damage Miss Pertiire Benton, of Harpster, imwt oi vus stale, oppiira-iio to it, and i I Grew Hair on a Said Head For two or three yeara my hair had efS falling out aad getting quite thia until the to? of my head was entirely fcaid. About fosr months I commenced niing S.ige and Sulphur. The first bottle seemed ti do aoae god and I kept U3ing it regularly until unr I hi" used four bottles. The whole top of ray hew it fairly covered and keen, coming in thicker. I ehail keep on using it "a while lonjer, aa I astice a exeunt su-nonrrsi io tracsoet In this State its a ptwo.

I sub visitor In jionaay even- State Oh Inrnrance I'e artment, April 1. 1911. -I. piuenntendeni of Jnsutance the Slate ol Ohio, do hereby eertil, that the Siitusl Lite Insurance Company of New York, leieted at Vw rk. in lie Sme ol pns'e puMnesa i Cray Hair Restored Jo? lair wat getting quite gray and falling fltf rapidly fend I wi troubled with a terrible itching of the ecalp.

ly head waa full of dandrnff, which fell upon tny cbthca and icpt mt continually brnghing it off. While on a visit to Rochester I heard of your Sage and Sulphur for tha hair. I got a bottle aad used it, A few appiu cations relieved the itching, my hair itopped fail-' log out and gradually came back to its natursl eclor. It is now a nice dark brown color, aoft, glossy and Several of my friend want to use it, and I want ta tu.Tf WbAt JOB (bug for six bottles of it. KISS Z.

A. BOSS. Charon, Mercer Pa. -alth of mdind ef making, en 'the ag "7.1, laela and peiareial In. of tlhie.

durm, the "ear Iia col death, resulting (rom diiun and boaiew, Th, Ih't fy 5 al Ing. Mrs. C. E. Mount was called to jury.

riiMblcment 11 IrtKlm n. eenerat iGcnesa. Indiana, recently by th water, making irntrrance aaatnst loss d. hereof, is shown by the atatement under rath, leiiwred be be as, i am. is io liarsael sei in thia Mate Its lciu in a reiatne.

In thia State Its r.i making insurance en the I ovaiiaixe JtiiJ.Mtf ag nieantsrxi (except i MAF.TEL HOME SCENE net as- BACOIt, Rochester, N. T. ir -enursiica, mis. I.IVIAj; amount ol actual -VKfll.

of a happy affair "ri.i asu'iiiHi ou; aue amount ot in. erne tor the ye.rin,..!,. IliiV 'he lir.t day Apnl the I I -44 imonii espen.luu-es lor the year W.if. la whereof. 1 1 hereof 1.

-T ii. yiiiiiiy r.inx-p sc.r ntri tion and .1.. 1 Ot ll-eemher .1.. Dltnelltpr. my nsme and caused my ofltcial aeal to be affixed, the day and tge resulting I roan accident to penperty frorn cause other than lite ligtrtntng, as proscribed ip teonoa 19.

pesagt.tnS serond. ien-ral Cod, of Ohio, in accordance with law during Ihe torrent year. Ita conditioa anti bus.oess, en the thirty Hi it day of Decembef the year next the date hereof, ia shown hr ihe ftafemtnt. under nred by 1st. be as lellows- n-oont of Lie's.

n-reate amount of liabilities except mrli djng re insutain-e. it net assets! i i IJ; of actus! nai.l us capita! sardine. I income for tee year ia cash. MK.jsJ ani'Mii't of exucivl.tures m- the ve.r in I- r.7 1 1 74 In withers have her." grto sirh.trihed mv name ai-4 ra t-evl mr nl- s-sl to he affixed, the day and v-ar firat tleve written. uk Cbarte, LffX et Jn.

i. precemng the oa-ti. I rM, June 13 Special. year brrt above written tsrst.) Charles Lemert. Jtnit of Ine.

o-i ..3.. I avaiiame assets, SOc. and $1.00 a Bottle At nil Druggists Yovr Drveflist Docs Hot Keep It, Send Us the Price fn Stamps, and We Will Send Yov a large BotUc, Express Prepaid Wyoth Chemical Company 74 JtffZSF FOR SALE AND KCOMMfiED BY M. LDPf.BtP. PHAR1ACY In honor of the blrthdayof herj Cntidrpn Teethinc Mr.

vVinslow'i finothitii( Svrtip, mwii for over fifty years) by millions of nmlher tor Itielr children feeflunt.wl'h perfect snceeea. Itaootbea thechud, ottens Hi, cuinn, allav. ail pain, cure, wind coiie, nd i rli, hrsl reuieilr for disrrlioe. Slid hy dmcgista. A-k for Mr.

Wm.iow a boothua; I rrrujs" and take aotrthar kind, it cenu hottio. I f'e" amount of hsbiliiiea snec-a, o. income to, the ve.r. ex, the sear, 6.j.4 lod, tht d.y ajid tea, written. I4tA.

tharlet C. Lemert, Stspt. IrfaV MARION PURE MILK CO. ICE CREAM fJz A.k for It..

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