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The Amarillo Globe-Times from Amarillo, Texas • Page 12

Amarillo, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PACE It fHI AMARILLO GIOK. AMARILLO. TEXAS THEY CAN'T SELL THE ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD IF YOU OWN IT Tb Amuiito OlvM The MllJ Newi Sunday News-OloM Want Ad Rates information All Want Adi wwpted (or pUfr umtioo both mornius and wenlnt- appearfng rtrtl ID fiw DalW New. then the oi Th- Globe Ads appeartDf 8un day only takt omnblnatlno ipr word I inwrtlun 4c word WJ 70 7 I 12c per Uln UJi 10 insertion" Win Blank mw are npJi; tTPi- fr chtrged or 4 Unea. according tn Bargain for insertions only: Irregular inwertlniw tak rate.

CLASS DISPLAT ADVERTISING (Count 13 Lines oer i insertion pei mcb 4 insertions, pei inch J-85 insertions oer inch tO tOMtrtlnna lotto riw reserve the ngni properly claiwlfy. or reject an? nod alt advertising to cmae-nl omiuloo or erroi ID advertise- meDt the publishers am liable for at damages further than amount celved loi advertisement, Errors must be reported in tlmt tot cor rectlnn in second issue. Credit Courtesy FOB TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS For convenience advertleen Warn maj be ordered by telephone and paid rot later. Statement! will rendered within one week. Such accommodation ii extended with positive undentandlni that will be paid promptly.

BLIHD M1JMBBRV roi the convenience nl wlahLog blind addresses Box addressed to the DO supplied. M- "Box X-20X Qlobe-News." Sued box numbers wilt be charged four i) words at unuaf rate. WANT ADS MABONIO BULLETIN Palo Dliro Lodge NO. J'23I A. Ac A.

M. Wefk endirtR October 0. 1S37, Oct. P. called meeting for and examinations.

Wednesday, Oct. Oth. 7:30 M. m- ilruotlonii. Thursday, Oct.

Tth 7:30 M. Btntfd communication. Ail Masonn are urged to nurncl loclce, H. O. Whltlpy.

W. H. J. D- Si-cy. 2 LOST AND FOUND STRAYED alan cat.

Answers to "Napoleon." Phone Reward. li6ST--YclTow Cofiie rfna Hfck; white cull 3-2844, 1800 B. Julian. Liberal re ward. PERSONALS and 313 Cut Apt.

11 Phone 2-3407. LENTZ. and majnetlc mMMie Rend I no Pierce. 1400. ANNA MD a Inve, SOU Lincoln i onTyTil'rwdltrii 59e.

fi RfRKJSM BATHSTKelwaflon maww. a- eusranleed reducing Open until 1 P. Shnat, 321 Oth Reducing ruqua Building. I ft ipeclal courew; reducing. 300 Kail -'I Ninth; (I MEN lo" eomjflete" Jjuntlnfi puny.

BOIIIK to New Mexico. Dear. $5 deer and turkey. Inquire O. J.

Boyd, fiTtU TeaderT'T'efli put and future. Dreamland Camp, Apply at offtcp. iS ZINC! AH Spirituals l. A a ,1 quMlloni. all problems, Pierce 2-2033.

18. Nlsmma. "Wewi" comrhiinP rate with home HELP S'lBARilKh TBADtf: CRiaToK fW. Wrilo BftTber CoLleio, Han An- tontp, Who's Who in Amarillo Business Directory KAY FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FUHNITUU UPHOLSTERING CO. ttuiiden ot flat Furniture- jtlg jta.

Pboaa 2-aMn LONQ'8 UPHOLSTERING SHOP. Established 18 years, conservative estl- mates Phone 6530 CARPENTERS AND PAINTERS WHEN YOU NEED a oi Pbnot 7269 MATTRESS WORK Small Mattresi Co. MANUFACTURING RENOVATING rntvif Phfioft 8514 ROOFING SERVICE kRjTto f'W'fTnB bumuenH All work amoteed Ben Abrarna Pbone BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL 8AN JACINTO SCHOOL Culture. The Soutfiwest's lineal Licensed. oj call for cataJog.

DENDY HAS IT DENOY'a School oi Beauty Culture you the oldest and largest beauty school In the Southwest. individual instruction la given each pupil. licensed. Easy to pay. ENROLL NOW 321-323 past Fourth Street TYPEWRITER REPAIRING TYPEWRITER SERVICE CO Kidwcli, ili-B East rbird.

2-1313: repairing. TYPE WRITER REPAIBS-ADV tBake. tiatlsf action gu van teed. Amarllln Typewriter ill West 5th Phone FURS BEPAIREP by Ixcluaive (ur house. Collara and Cuffs Londnn tUaskao Piu Company Polk.

COHSETIERE BARCLAY ntyles In drew and nurglcai gar- ronntn. 863J. 1118 Polk. SLENDEBIZB witti a Spiroilft tlon garment. Flttlnga guaranteed.

Phone 2-2130. REPAIR WORK VICK'S REPAIR SHOP; Wimhtng" riia- chlnes, sewing machines. Expert work. 2-1727. PAINTING, PAPERUANGING FOR SATISFACTORY fAINT painters and paper call riherwin- Wllllamn.

Slith ano TyJei 2-127U FAINTING Popcrhanginc. Interior decorating. L. L. Blackmon.

Phone 2-2BB3. 601 FlllmOTe. BRICK WORK E. ZIMMERMAN CO. Bricklayer and contractor.

Box 1805. Specializing in oil field fire brick work. Estimates given and work done any- whcrc. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED LAWNMOWERfc rtpalred; washing mncnlnw repaired 300) West Sixth QlUj. MBN: You had trade just in ciwe ot war.

Bupt-rlor Wei dins; School. 2006 West Sixth. ArrmriUq 19 APARTMENTS FURNISHED ONE TWO-ROOM furnished apartments Oottate Cwnp Phone WHY-- Beautiful Palo Duro apartments has (nrite corner apartment with extra bedroom. Also amll efficiency apartm en preson t. SMALL efficiency apartment.

1004 Tyler. only, Adults. Lincoln. 2-ROOM furnished bilis paid. 2300 B.

On rflcl tr FOUR LARGE nicely furnished rooms. paid. ioS Florida. WILL SHARE nicely furnished home with bunlneat lady; good location, 0043. 2-2042.

ONE ROOM, adjoining hath, to couple: bills pafd. IZir FJMinpra. FfiOELY FuSfTiSHED 4-robm nnd two- 1200JU ncoln, ONE-ROOM furnlnhrdTMapnrtmcnt: bflli pBld; couple Buchanan. ELY ftolnncy npnrtmcnt; garngr; bills M. NICELY Kld; rotlpjie three rooms, bllln paid.

$30 (couple), ASKKW BROWN log flth. Phonit 8228 20 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED FOUR ROOMS, bntK; blTTa partly Wejt jth. THRKK ROOMS i i a prl- vste bHih. itTO Tl'lcr. DUPLEXES.

FUR IJNFURN. and unfurnished en bins for rent, (lo and prr month, bills mud. Adults only. noiUBast 11 2-3flifi. BRICK duplex apartment, UNFURN1SHT.D rooms, ifw South Harrison.

HOUSKKEKPmO FURN. tagCT M.M tn Rooms, cot- I i Flllmore FURNISHED five-room home in south PRrt of town. For appointment see owner. 1B23 Har- Hi'wrir to fight man: mvwunwnt $Soo m- triwi In buntntw, prollut every 3 prominent tmdntu in Antarllln. Wrtlu BIM A-63, fiQ08ErtKKPSR, care ot two children, snjfrai housework.

13 00 vwk, room anil board. Box 871, Stratfwil, Si ppRuiitul with nendtr't 1N1- T1A1. Ill Metallic Gold and Sllvrr Brat; it mmi: IHK, vroru NAMK- IMmiNTKD Chruunu SO I WV; up Ofl fiftnmlw. 7(i5 ma. X.

V. Elmu 14 SALESMEN WANTED "nBANlJTa. and tnr vcudtnis Qtt NjU PnMtucu Co. APTS. brick and Turloifs locutions, .1 R.

Lawrenci Co. Ph. 5215--4348 "BRtCKlwme. also apnrt- ment. 817 Louisiana, nftrr 12.

noon, KtlUJTaHEtTo- Phone 2-OT5I. home, rtlcejy furntshrdi ndulU only. 843 Tritvls. Also fi-room linlurntfthed modern. 3500 North West in now vnrnru.

Col. a Elrclrolvix. 2101' Fllimore. KiW KOOMS, "nicely" furiiWirtl. I'lionr 'J-3M)3.

A 1UO ftENT A LB 9t, (T6OD aptu nuned 01 narurnDirird Co. 18 SITS WANTED, MALE B. I lo make ctumwtton with firm to Irani btnitima. room wprh. order or will nmrrlPd Toonf KS33.

IN WOWI.1N; 6 rtwm.v brlrk. pw fin. quart I Rpftlty. 5BH. DUirijixVt Utli nnil'ttaytlcn.

135 per mouih. T3M. LKASK--IUlfk homr. 1 3 bntliv nnc heat, $7S month. Lawrrncr tv JJ15.

OFFICE SPACE Very Reasonable FUQUA BUILDING 517 Polk St. Sec or Hugo H. Loewenstern Co. .11.1 Folk 61. Phnnn 22-22-8 WANTED TO RENT WANTED--Between now and 1st small house or duplex, unfurnished, close I nchilt-i: refrrcnce.

phone 2-1530. TWO bedroom apartment or house within rive blocks of King 209 East 4th. 31-A MOVING AND STORAGE WHKN VOT Dial 5263 M. L. Transfer Stor.

Co. Third and Arthur A COMPLETE WAREHOUSE AND TRUCKING SERVICE 9TNCB 19OP WOMAN'S COLUMN BEAUTY SHOPS aqd up. GUARANTEED OIL Pormanents, Si; ibx mpoo set. We. 403 txmlatanft.

Ph 2-3089. GUARANTEED 13.50 pttrmneuts. 11.00. Stanford BePuty Shnp 3313 Wejt Slith OOBLY TOP--OH shampoo, eet 50c. No Pud permBnentB 2-0667.

GUARANTEED OIL PEBMANENTS 11.50. Shnmpoo set 60S Mississippi. a-36sl. f- RUTH I lUTH GRIFFIN announces the removal of her business from 201 Flak Bldg. to 803 Monroe.

ELM A WOOD. 0281. for one week only, guaranteed permanents, II. SPECIAL $3.50 oil $2. Slinmpoo.

set 35c. Elite Beauty Shop. 312 East 4th. 7576. 33 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING WorK guaranteed Prices reasons bio, 2408 Buchanan.

Phone 5004. 37 HOUSEHOLD GOODS QUARAN1-EED rebuilt Maying washing machines as low us W. N. Durham Appliance Co. 60S) Taylor.

divnn. Phlico radio, 1232 Bowlo. STcfulCK SALE--Nice 3-picce living J3.1 Ph. 5315--4348. MONEY SAVERS i Vonecr DininR Usod J32.3 im fipnclnl Thin On AXM1NSTER RUGS pRiilnr J30.50 for jai.50 Ciwh Hnlcy Furniture Co.

Tyler 7th rhono 2-0405 FURNITUKE WANTED used furniture Sharp Fur- I ID East Fourth 7332 TOU HAVr for sale Cull Runyon Pumuure U-1490. Furniture Co. 53fft 3U Wrt 10th. 39i RADIO AND ACCESSORIES cmll Bert Bart. SRSi riiftkw and models ot nnmo nnd rar radios Cowie Elfcinc TOO Can Ouren, Phone a-axJ8.


GLOVER P-one 5669 307 Flak Building MISCELLAKEODS HAULTKO. driveway material, sand and gravel, eon. Phone 7B89. HIGHEST PRICES FOR Scrap Iron and Metals AMERICAN PIPE CORP. 10 Wait 4th Phone 9166 EXPERT LAWN sowing, painting, building driveways; can save you money.

Hauling, sand, gravel, dirt, fer- tlllacr. 6751. SAND, gravel, fertilizer, black soil, driveway material. Call Hawkins, 2-0255. COME TO DUDLEY'S lot for uncd cars, new and used parts, used olflce equipment, second-hand lumber, Bhcct iron.

Phone 2-0361. 1210 North East 4th. IRRIGATION casing, heavy grade, all slzca, I turned tnte delivery to any location without extra charges. Wea-Tex Supply Co. Amarillo.

Phone 8113. RENEW your old heaters wth new as- bcstOB. Sharp Furniture. 7332. CLOW OASTEAM HeaterT "almost new.

Good condition. 3300 Pollc. SACRIFICE Size 16 fur cont. Stored at London Alaska Pur. CARMEL CORN Machine.

Cheap. See al Woman's Exchange. Phone 5770. FUR COATS up to $400 Seal. Squlrlctte.

Mermlnk, Posy, genuine BqulrreJ and many all quality merchandise at exceptional prices. TERMS LOUISE DUNN 8713 211B-B Washington FOR SALE-flupcrfex oil heater, 1704 Line. 2-3508. FINE 2-YEAR-OLD bull for sale or service. 0751.

HAVE US CHANGE YOUR OLD STYLE LAMPS over to IBS type. Amarlllo Electric. Ul E. 8th. 2-3715.

RENT, REPAIRS. SWEEPERS, WAXERS. Amttrillo Electric. 111 E. Sth.

2-3715. CALL ELEC, the Electrician, to do your electrical work. Contracting. He's cheaper. Licensed and bonded.

Elec 2 5 West 7th. .5195. ICE PLANTS. reTrigerntlng machines, compressors; all sizes; half price. Born.

33 E. Wncker. Chlctigg. SAVE UP TO Structural Steel--Butldlng Materials Chnnnci Iron--I-Beams All SlfcM--Good condition AMARILLO JUNK CO. Est.

IfllO. 4th and Jackson Phone 8113 FUR COATS Beautiful Fur Coats direct from furriers; latest styles and colon; varieties; J29.50 nnrt up. Shown dully and Sunday, 50 ena pierce. 43-E BUILDING MATERIAL The MATHES LUMBER CO. Belongs to no Price Fixing Trade Ass'n and PAYS NO PROFITS Or COMMISSIONS to Dealers or ngenu.

Therefore, you nrp assured of full value for every dollar you spend for building wlih us. Mnthcs Tire Lumber Co. AMARILLO-DUMA3 313 N. E. Sth.

Panhandle Highway. 43-K BUILDING MATERIAL WANTED 10.000 repair will finance at minimum monthly payments -nothing down. Call us for free estimate and to explain our plan. J. B.

Coe. Lumber Co. Phone 6271. llth and Lincoln. Cold Weather, Dust, Storms Fix Up Now Weatherstrip.

3JzC foot. Caulking. $2.20 per gnl. Cheap Paint: Paste, $2.74 per gal. Ready mixed, $1.05 per gal.

The Builders Supply Co. 5)6 West 10th WANTED TO HIGHEST PRICES paid for used cloth ing and musical instruments. 2-D180. HIGHEST RICES paid for gold. Plnklea.

Jewelora. 7291, uato CLOTHING, abacs musical in- furniture. Anything of O. A. Eddlemoti.

Phone 2-0011. WANT TO BUY good closet bowl, 10- Inch cuff. 904 Pierce or 9904. WANTED TO BUY 20 head good milch cows. Address J.

T. DoddJ Box 624, Lubbock. Tex. 50 POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK ONE LARGE HORSE for sale. E.

Burgess Lumber. Phone 6424. GOOD YOUNG Jersey Cows. Inquire 817 Louisiana after 12 P. M.

JERSEY COWS, hogs, machinery. Octo 14th. C. Kelley, 2 miles south Tilnno Cemetery. FOE SALE--30 plgBV Rilts; northwral of Smelter at JopUn Hog Farm.

Phone 6S88. FOUR 12-week-old pigs, $20. "Call Parks. 2-1109. Greater Dairy Profits IF YOU FEED-Purina 18 per cent Dairy Feed.

$195 Purina 12 per cent Dairy Special Sweet Peed .95 Maize Head-chops .95 And for More and Better Milk. Feed PURINA COW-CHOW GOULDY BROS. 5j4 Tyler 'phone 6213 51 PET STOCK AND BIRDS TRADE--Registered Pekinese pups for tur coat. 1918 Flllmore, NURSERY SEEDS PLANTS, ETC. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Place your order now for rail planting of trees shrubs anfl evergreens.

For contact, phnne BlRckstone Hotel. H. G. TDCSEB ACCLIMATED EVERGREENS, grass seed and commercial fertilizer. Janson' liis Nursery.

Monroe. MONET LOANED nn any model tuta Jack Johnson. 303 Buchanan (HIS CURIOUS WORLD AUTOMOBILE LOANS 81 AUTO LOANS Cash to 15 Refinancing. OUT-OF-TOWN LOANS SOLICITED 11 to 18 Months QD Idodete HALL-BATES. Ag'y- 808 Tulot 8t 6311 B1VINS HOMI: new borne.

Beat cMMtructlon. Canalder good lot or inialler home in 8. with HUGO H. LOEWZNSTBRN 31S Polk St. Phone SEVERAL CLOSE-IN HOTEIS: In- comet.

J. Peek, mone 2-iro. AUTO LOANS TO BUY TO REFINANCE MORE CASH REDUCED PAYMENTS IN OR OUT OF TOWN Plains Cities Finance Co. 113 West ath. Ave.

Pbone 9793 800 CAROLINA Dandy five room Home. Beautiful oak doors, weather-stripped, yard Kneed. Can be bought (or wltb 1350 cash, balance 135.75 monttiljr. Including anrt Insurance. TEXAS FIJUNS BLDO.

li LOAM ASSN. Phone 4313 or 3-0851 NEAR CITY PARK jirge 5-room frame home, bardwood floonr. plastered, floor heat. Beautiful shrubs, grass and trees. M500.

GEO. H. TUBNLET 112 Fish SMALL 5-room home; back porch and sleeping porch: located 302 Mississippi. For sale on easy terms, or will take some trade. Call 9692 AUTO LOANS vm Jou- you money on ymit aucomobUA or win refinance your present loan, rt- duce your payments and tlonal caso II needed.

Liberty Investment Co. 122 Stst 7tb An. PBont 40M (Across Street Post Offlet) SACniHCE FOB QUICK SALE We are ottering an elegant $12.000 brick home with every attraction for Hu a 14750 HOLC. See us for particulars at once. CLAHK CO.

108 W. Seventh Phone 5555 SIX-BOOM FRAME, vicinity HlWOOd Park and academy, entirely modern, fine condition. will taKe In car or lot. Immediate possession. J.

ti. Donaldson Co. Phone 2-1500-- 7J70. 55 PERSONAL LOANS 5 5 0 EMPLOYED PEOPLE No endoraent. uo security, quick nrvlct INDUSTRIAL FINANCS COMPANT 303 Oliver-Eagle Bldg.

Phone 6311 To Employed Men and Women On Your Own THE OLD RELIABLE LOCAL CREDIT CO. W. f. PRINCE, 202 Oliver-Baku. Blflg.

QUICK CASH to $50 To employed men and women NO SECURITY NO ENDORSERS Southern Finance Corp HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED Paul H- Cbaney. Mrs. Uarv Montgomery 806 Flsk Bids. Quick, Courteous Service. No Security.

AMARILLO FINANCE CO. fiD5 Flsk Bldg. (Sixth Floor) 56 PROPERTY LOANS WILL BUT Vendor's lien deed flt trust and chattel mortgage nottt: stoctt, bonds, warrants. C. Rumphhrya, Room 220 AmarUlo Bldg.

2-1862. AH IN POSITION bi mate and business property loans in Panhandle cities. interest ratee Leland Abbott. AmarUlo Bldg. LOW INTEREST; city loans; no cash brokerage; no title 1.

A. Company. Phnne 2-2291. CITY AND RANCH LOANS--Southern States Loan 115 East 5th. Phcne 5381.

60 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE--Small grocery and duplex. 3512 Line. DRUG STORE, original cost wlU sacrifice. IIjjpp. Phone 8625.

FOR SALE or trade, beauty shop equip' ment; Duart machine. Dial after FOR SALE--Cafe and beer garden. 3219 West 6th. PARTY. TO JOIN MY BUSINESS and manufacturing.

Will pay right part; $35 to $40 weekly and divide profits. Have prominent business, plenty work on hand, cash business, good profits; hardly any competition; thorough investigation invited; no experience needed; will teach you the business complete. Party must be well recommended; $500 cash required. Write Box H-621. HOME LAUNDRY for sale.

Will" sacrifice if sold soon. 1006 Madison. MUST SELL at once at sacrifice, account of health, tourist camp with filling station on Highway 5. Wheelesa, 3711 Eaat 18th. 40 ROOM HOTEL Well located, two story, brick building; 60x140 ft.

first floor used for stores Ideal proposition for owner-opera tor. or will rent well. Will at bargain price or trade for land. FRED M. SEALE 218 Ollver-EaUe Amarlllo.

Tex 22 Unit Tourist Court On 66 Highway, doing excellent business. Everything first class condition Will pay return on investment annually. Takes $6.000 cash to handle. W. B.

PATTERSON With HUGO H. LOEWENSTERN CO. 315 Polk St. Phone 22-22-8 It SITS WANTFD. FGftlALE UUIPI.K-AUKI* LAhv liitW' JfAVi." (IJIU.S placw In tt." 1 nnrf Phnne 16 RKDKOOMS KSsunsirr HOTEL rau bath, tof quiet Kj.munmaDlf Ml" "(urniiihril 5)3 W.

l.Vh. Thoiip p(HO I'Aih. 1,111 ffrnon. rKoNT BEPUbOMrcit-Aii ami I 0 Scrvlcr. 4U West 10th i A AnwTllln i Ill E.

Rtri. 2-3715. 40 OKFH'K SVrPMKS KOK SALti 'rillne" IM 41 A I TOP THICK llc Tr.itlitii; and Taylor ITU Unm- I'hOTir MATTRKSS will rout nuttrejww tor but SKWINU MACHINES.Vacuum rrptiiml A CAFE FOB SALE, nenr school; smal cash payment will handle; good cur considered. 7350. CAFE--Old location; good equipment doing good business.

Reason for selling: Have other business. A real bargain IT taken at once. Write Bos CRC, Care Lubbock. Tex. ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE OUR BEST BUYS Beautiful S-rooifl brick.

836 Travis, Newly decorated. ImniMinte possession. Only (3.250, 1750 down. 5-room frame, 210 Carolina. Newly decorated and palnt-d outsldt.

12,100. $315 do wo; $20 monthly. E. A. Regal Realtors 300 West Sixth Ave.

Phone 2-2291 NICK DUPLEX South of 6th In San Jaclnto 4 rooms to side; excellent condition; nice yard; $4.000: terms. C. P. ATWOOO-Realtors 115 East 5th Phone 5361 NEAR SAM HOUSTON, Jr. High School, very attractive brick home, 5 rooms, all modern, terms reasonable.

C. P. ATWOQD--Realtor 13 East 5th Phone 5381 DON'T GAMBLE "Buy Panhandle Dirt" Still some good buys, both In Ctt; and Country property. JNO. P.

MATHIS Phone 5237 3802 HABRISON. $300; 4226 West 13th. $300; 3202 Harrison. $500; living paid. Powell Realty--5858.

Home Special $2,000 A dandy east front nome, Florida Street. Has plastered watlf, oak floors, pavement and is a efficiency. Buy now--it's going higher. Call Royce Gaut. H.

N. Wheeler Company 401 i Polk St. Phone 8292 DUPLEX NEAR WOLFLIN SCHOOL Pour rooms to and priced to tell. Good terms, beautiful eight-room brick In Wolflln. $1,200 cash, balance like J.

B. Martin with G. Turnley. 2-1701. A BEAUTIFUL WOLFLIN HOME Three large bedrooms, and maid's room.

Two car garage and servants quarters. Lots of shrubs. This property was built during the depression for $9.000.00 and It worth more than that on today's market. The place Is clear, but the loan man says he will loan (6.000. you want a real home here it for only $7,500.00.

Exclusively listed, please call RAT REEOEB Phone 2-2622 woo FOUNTAIN: 2103 Washington; 70S Louisiana; and others. Powell Realty. 5838. IN WOLFLIN. cost offered at $20,000.

Will trade. Powell BRAND NEW brick occupied 6 rooms $5.000. Good terms. Powell Realty. 5858.

NO CASH needed. Will take clear bungalow for real equity In lovely Wolf- jtn Place home. Dial 5858. LOT. 2207 TYLER.

$825. Also 6-room modern house, eo-ft. lot, 315 H. Fiil- more. $2.950.

Twaddell, 2-2151, OJTE--Two-room and two, three-room houses to be moved. Located 100 Forest. Phone 5757. THREE BRICK HOMES, 6. 7, and 8 rooms; best locations--bargain prices.

Mrs. Qttther, Phone P123 or DUPLEX. SOUTH OF 6TH, in San Ja- Clnto. partial); furnished, price $3,750 cash. With a little more furniture, this property will rent for $52 monthly.

7333. VanShaw Co. DUPLEX, in 1700 BLOCK, south: newly painted, redecorated, caulked, corner lot; paving both sides. Now rented for Price ttrms 7333. VanShaw Co.

6 LARGE ROOMS, frame, east front, corner lot; will rent for 930 per month Price $2.100. 7333. VanShaw Co. NICE FIVE ROOM brick near Country Club Addition; no needed; improvements outside; price $3.765. Folks, it's a bargain I 7333.

VanShaw Co. TRADE a well constructed, large 6-room brick In the best part of Btvins Addition for smaller, well located, clear home. 7333. VanShaw Co. 1606 JACKSON--Six large rooms, plastered, oak floors, basement, furnace heat, terms.

Shown only by appointment. VanShaw 7333. APARTMENT HOUSE Six units. $180 per month income. Paying net interest.

Where can you beat It? Beautiful Improvements. 7333 VanShaw Co. EXCEPTIONALLY WELL-BUILT Seven-room home In South part. Perfect condition. All walls plastered on metal lath, and oil painted.

All rooms are large and floor plan Is exceptionally good. Beautiful woodwork. Tile bath Large amount of closet space. Basement with furnace, thermostatic heai control. Large lot.

Double brick ga rage. Servants quarters. Price la fai below replacement coat. R. S.

HERRINGTON. Dial 8090--9952. REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE FOR' SALE or trade New 2 story brick home at 2G17 Hajden. Burgess Lumber Phone 6424. GOOD 5-ROOM HOME In San Jaclnto.

Weil located Thorough ly reconditioned Take light car. Reason able cosh payment, balance easy terms. REN HENSON 806 Eftjtlg BldC. Phone CANADA, WOLK UEARNE33THE 3ECCET OF' PULLIMQ UP FISHERMEN'S L.INES FTS.O\\ ICE. HOLES, SO COULD SEVOUG.

ini ifirtrfl tivid tr tnnu anti whr- noAno KOOM NKW WA'ITR HKATEKS. up Au- i ABOUT BONCHES OT BANANAS tmi A VIOSFV 'tutliut Uvxiril rv'TTif: t-ricX I'T I' 'f. innritto i Is'kH 2116 3-stoT? brlcjc--4 and oatn tuirs; living room, dmma room, kitchen, breakfast room, service porcb and commode downstairs: 3-car garage. AU ready for occupancy Price cash, balance At Interest. C.

P. ELLIOTT risk Bids. Phone 5515 rr is TWAT- A SWIPT KE A ACOLJNC, aLOBE. IN GOOC Robert Ricks Offers Today I--BIVINS ADDITION: New. Closc- in.

exclusive. ISOO to J2.300 2--Wolflln. 6-rm. brick. $750 cash.

147 month. 5H "it loan. Croclcttt: 5-room brtck with c-il pntnted walls 13.750 1--ifO ncvrs nT land nt Alanreetl I I tn trade (or Amnrlllr- oroprrtT Phones 7264 and 6732 TODAY'S OPPORTUNITIES Good solid brick nnd tile six-room home, close on Harrison St. Out of town owner advises to push sale. One of those good substantial room frame Domes.

in, at price that can't be overlooked. Close in. eight-room brick duplex One of the best buys In the city. J. R.

LAWRENCE Roy G. Bnrnard L. C. Nesbitt 8Ifi Hnrrlson Phone 5215, 4246, 9122 HAVE FARM. well improved in Dickens County, to trade lor clear home in Amarlllo.

Mr. Ready LOTJTJE B. JOHNSON 2721 Wfist 6tb. Phone FOR SALE: Nifty new 5-room Country Club. Terms.

For appointment Write Box W-75, Globe-News. WE HAVE 5 ATTRACTIVE frame homef. In best parts of San Jaclnto one Roberta Addition that must be soh for cash, and are priced about 1- less than whut similar homes bringing. 7333. VanShaw Co.

UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE Everything you could wish for ant many unusual and attractive feature in this San Jactnto home. (South 6th). It's well built, has nice yard is In nice neighborhood. It will tak considerable to handle It. but 1 you want a really nice, sood home ask us for on appointment to pee it.

CLARK CO. 108 West 7th Phone HOME FOR TRADE Beautiful home wtth 8 large rooms; Ideal location; clear of debt; trade lor section of wheat land and pay cash difference. C. W. EAST 19 FUk Phone 99 LOTS FOR )R SALE--Lot adjoining Angelas Hotel on north.

A bargain for cash. Pbone owner at 2-20Q7. 3408 WASHINGTON ThU dandy lot only $350 cash for quick sale. E. A.

Regal Realtors 300 West Blxth Phone 2-2291 FOR highly de- slrable lots In Country Club Terrace. Sacrifice price. Phone 8255, Maxlield Drug. 63 FARMS, RANCHES, TRACTS WE HAVE hay.and pasture for 1500 yearlings for one year. Headquarters 3 miles from Erlckson, CBQ RB.

-n the Cedar River. Wheeler and Gar- field counties, Nebraska, Good buildings, good fences, plenty of water, good winter protection. J. V. Maynes, 524 21st St.

Monica. Calif. TWENTY-FIVE ACRES land adjoining Dlmmltt townslte for sale. Bargain. Owner.

Box 324. Hereford. Texas. ONE SECTION LAND In shallow water belt for sale; on gas and high line; miles south Hereford, 925 per A. Vt section In cultivation, part cash, terms; owner, 3, W.

Alexander. Box 324, Hereford. Tat, FOR SALE 240 acre larm. Clear title. $1.00 acre oil lease.

Well Improved on paved highway. Mrs. S. B. Fast, McLean, Texas.

PINE SECTION grass land, year, 5-year lease. 412 N. Ftllmore. FOR SALE--Ten-section ranch, 12 miles west Tucumcari, 5 sections deeded, 1 section state lease, 4 sections private lease: stocked with good Hereford cattle; well Improved and watered; consider Amarillo property on deal. W.

F. Meacham, Tucumcatl. N. Mex. FOR SALE, 2H acres near KGNC, $350.

C. tM. WoodruW, JOS W. 7th. Phones 2-1715--5555.

4-SECT1ON RANCH In NE Panhandle; will call or trade, $6.50 per acre. Fred M. Scale, 218 Oliver-Balds Bldg. A PERFECT SECTION' 640 acres, 12 miles of Amarillo. Irrigation well on adjoining section.

Can bought at bargain. Consider trade. O. W. CROOM with HUGO R.

LOEWENSTERN CO. 315 Folk St. 22-22-8 PRICES, excellent section. good country subject to Irrigation, conveniently located. $12.50, Improved 310 acres, northeast Tulia, irrigation well adjoining.

1-5- caaii.JW. L. Parton. Box 226B, 3-3337. 5 REAL ESTATE TRADES APARTMENT HOUSE Making $125 per month at a bargain.

Will consJdtr home in trade. a. w. CROOM. 315 Polk St.

Phone TWO CLEAR homes to trade lor clear farm. J. Cox, 102 N. Florida. AOTOMOTiVE 68 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GUARANTEED RE-THEADING.

WbOle- sale and retail. Amarillo Tire Exchange, 729 N. Flllmore. Ph. 2-0098.

1836 FORD 3-wlndow DeLuxe coupe; radio; U.OOO miles; white eidewail tires; direct from owner, Phnne 2-0973. 504 Harrison. fOR SALEf'31 Chevrolet Tudor. 211 Taylor. MUST MAKE ROOM For Fall Trade-ins on New CMC's 1936 OLDSMOBILE Touring Sedan.

Low mileage. Flawless throughout $675 1936 REO LWB Ui-2-ton. Rubber A-l Motor, cab In fine condition 1935 FORD LWB 10-piy duals. Motor reconditioned. New paint $400 1934 FORD Panel.

Motor renewed. 5295 Childers-Perdue Truck Co. 504 Harrison "GMC" Phone 2-0073 STUDEBAKER TRADE-INS 1936 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Coupe $435 ,1935 STUDEBAKER Trg. Sedan 395 1B35 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Ti'g.

Sedan 335 J935' TERRAPLANE Flck-up, 22.000 miles. Original tires 325 And Many Other Ertm Clean Cars. Attractively Priced. CRAIG MOTOR CO. 710-12 Taylor Fnone I WILL PAY best cash prices for your WILL TRADE equity In '34 Pontiac Coupe for older model car clear.

609 N. Polk. Fair Prices Maintained 1934 CHEVROLET 4-door. trunk $3501935 DE SOTO Airflow Sedan S595 1P36 PLYMOUTH 2-door Sedan 5495 1S36 PLYMOUTH TourinR Sedan S575 1936 CHEVROLET Tourlns Sedan $57a 1936 DODGE 2-dr. Tra.

Sedan $575 1931 FORD Panrl $150 WOLFLIN MOTOlt CO. PlllnTpreat lOtb Phone 5313 Not Exaggerating tftf i mcwt modern, ttrsl S-roora brick tiamt tor ttit TtiAjlrst payment dmra. and the trast money Arr.anllft; mrinthly payment thus rent. An inspection will convince rou call today LAWRENCE CO ichlv 6-ro r-r!ng I I N. O.

FORCED TO SELL Because of owner betn transferred their beautiful 6 room brick home. Anyone renting this claw ot property should invwtiRRU- this buy. We can finance tnls to utt you. J. R.

LAWRENCE CO. 5215-424S 816 HarriMD LESS Than present cost of construction. 8 room brick homr. located. f.s.000.

are Kood 5 i room htimf. rast front int. dls- tuner from town for only S3.500, trrms can be arranged. Call Bain or Rogers H. THOMAS CO Phone 7350 Arniuillo Bids.

on good Phonp fiP2 I 431,1 WEST 12th; K17 Haydfn; Til For- iBift. i GOOD USED CARS 1936 OLDS 6 Trj. Sedan 1936 OLDS Coach 1H36 OLDSMOBILE TrE 2-d Sedan 1936 CADILLAC Trc. Sedan 1936 OLDS a Cnupe 1536 OLDS 6 Coupe. 1938 OLDS a Sedan 1935 OI.DS Trc 2-rinpr Sedan 1935 CHEVROLET 6-Wheel Coupe 1P35 CHEVROLET Master CoacS.

I 1935 FORD Fordor 1 IMS FORD Couw IMS OLDS 9 Tr 2-d. Sedan. Inc. Phone 528? Tnurmg; LATE goofl condition. i "34 CHEVROLET birgain; condlilon B692 PAGE.

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