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The Amarillo Globe-Times from Amarillo, Texas • Page 2

Amarillo, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAOS TWO SB AMAHOAO GLOBE. AliAKILLO. TC3CA8 The weather: The rainy spell Isn't near over. And it sure Is doing whole lol food. This Plains country should have a very good Jail.

The question of the disposition ol the present postofflce bulldlns continues to be. as hot as the old- time depot stove. Someone Just telephoned "nd said that It should be made into a public market. Somebody also said It should be presented Io manufacturer as an inducement him to start fl payroll here. But the most, sensible MigRestlon of nil comes from Erl Hardin.

He says that no disposition fit' thfi building should be made until KB find out more about what the nov- ernmcnt is colng to tin here. arc that, Amariilo Is to be a central point for federal activities. More and more federal work Is be- Ine directed out of here and the fart, a the jiovcrnmpnt owns a fine building here, suitable for federal offices, may help us securing othrr i from Washington. do auree with Mr. Hardin or.

thin. There is nn hurry, and IKt'fc sec how the federal work prORresses. If the government Is going to need more room, the fact a It has a fine federal building might be the determining factor. Other cltlps have fine federal buildings and use every foot ol them. And the new postofflce, as beautiful as It Is.

Isn't sn.v loo large. All of slack will be taken up very quickly, It Is believed. There Is no question but that Ihe Indle.t who are Interested In our library have the first call on tns present nostoffire building If it is to bfi sold. They have been working on the plan ever since the new post- offire has been suggested. As they represent many of our most nubllc- splrlled cltlnns and also are backed by tho largest arid most Influential of our women's clubs, It wriuld be most i i to talk them nut of what Ihey consider their priority Personally I think they thoulrt have It, If anyone has It, but first let's find out more about what the government Is going Io do bera.

It his been nuggested that maybe lome plan could be worked out there could be federal offices In the upstairs and the library on the first floor. Whit we need is more payroll, tnora money being spent here. The toYcrnment has became thn employer of labor. And Its payroll Is better than a manufacturing plant lor thjf reason lhat when business is barf, Its payroll doesn't go down. Oil men over Ilia Panhandle sura become enthusiastic these days when anything is said about ths reuent premium announced by the Humble.

The Humble Is pa.vlng a cent a barrel premium per point for all oil that haa a gravity of over 40.9. Tills 35,000 barrels of oil dally and tho producers sure ars warmed up about It. Thr Panhandle, they say, never has received the lull price rrconnltloH ot other fields and they believe that Ihls sure is an Indication thai Mils area Is about Io come lino Us. own. The most klutble llpn In Hollywood ore to be here for the big Trl-StaK Fair.

Spanish dancer, Is Ihe possessor ot them and she will sure be here it's understood. Ami received a wiro lhat will be accompanied bv noled singer. He's own name and hr v.ith This Is becoming such gttlher- 1ns (mini (or Hollywood Mars, thru bftn. susRtslM that Uie chum- bfir of t'ommrrvr might try to net one of xhjctton moved lo thn ranhtmnir, why not? Wouldn't 11 bv bpttcr Hiid cheaper if w'flrt in west- em country? Thry'tt look natural imd have more appeal bewif. they urtuld bft fnorfl semilne taken clwrr to the earth.

And now Vm looking for one of pmr of OrtezJy Dfar ox tank. A student lojt one ft thr show find tm and and it Iftft about i month it's I liar it fcron-p, and new A it-ward will he TflrpHnnc W3B, Orncra! i a MU Ai'd hfrf Old A A IVIIWE 1 htvi iHMrii to Inlnxlsjfi' nichl 'tvi't'fi'i Tiirv tJint i i i i a liic 11 A in; rf ioorv But MT her. in her own eyes, In movlnj Into Czechoslovakia. Wea thinks that Hitler thinks that Bngland and France will not fight. But Wes thinks they will.

And very apropos to this la aome- thtng recently written by Wlnchell as follows: The best way for Americans refrain from getting into another European war--is to remember what they got out of the last one. Wlnchell also says: Jimmy Stewart of the films said; "Tho -Urt Holly wood bachelor is fraught with hardships." Oh sure. Bachelor life In Hollywood Is so tough--people like Stewart get calloused laps. Dorothy says: Jt. Is grotesque to about 'liberating' the Sudeten Germans, who now enjoy more legal, spiritual.

Intellectual and economic freedom lhan they would ever have In the Third Reich." And Wlnchell She means that In Czechoslovakia, the Germans can vote Jft or Nein. but In Hltlcriand they can only vote. Ja--or Ja. Did you ever see a junk car race? They are one of the funniest, most entertaining things you've ever seen. They'll make you shake from laughing.

And there will be a big one. an iproarlous one here next Sunday at 3 o'clock at the Trl-Slate Pair grounds. It's being sponsored by the American Legion and It sure will be a great event, It's 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Out In California the have slgas that read: "Mcrrlam for 1 It's said that they are about to drive nut. Merriam and elect some one pledged to everyone out nf work the sum $30 on each Thursday.

Some perwms are alarmed over Ihr California'situation. Just why? Why not permit the people of California to experiment with some of the Uptoplan proposals? I they work, they can be adopted by the whole country. And If Ihey don't work, and they won't, the rest of the country will be saved. make, California HIE official experimental slate for the rest of the United Maybe out of the welter will so come some worthwhile advancements for the betterment of mankind. California' Is peculiarly situated, as It were.

Tens and lens of thousands of older folks moved out there. Most of them had some money and they were retiring for life. They moved In California from all over Ihe United States. And then the depression came along and most of the older folks went broke. And now they are desperate and grabbing at straws.

Tills Is human nature and It can't twj helped. And because they concentrated In California, they Just about control Ihe, elections out Ihere. California. I believe, will try out paying everyone over an years of age Uie sum of a week, provided they are out of work. Ann there will be.

hundreds of thousands who will he out of work will get that J30 week. That Is until there Is a blow-out. But maybe It won't? Anyway let's find out, let's try It out--out in California. There Is a rjiance, a small rlianrr. that the present rainy cycle will be over when Governor-elect O'Danlel and the movie stars arrive here for the big Trt-Slale Fair week after next.

Tnlereetlng facts: With Maine and Idaho scrapping over the of their spuds, wonder did they ever slop to think that potatoes are 7ft per cent water, anyway. And apples are four-fifths aqua The Vatican'! printing shop Is. equipped with type to turn out work In almost every civilized language, even Including' Arabic and Sanscrit, Crow meat, which Ihe connoisseurs say ta-iles not unlike breast of pigeon. Is nnw being marketed In cons Thr Duchess ot Windsor not. only uses blood red polish on her fingernails, but on her toes to match.

The. ever-problnjr psychologists have di.v- covered that many persons stutter physically when driving an automobile Napoleon once said ''Cleverness not wanted In war. What Is wanted is accuracy, character and simplicity" Bera use sound cannot exist where Ihere nothing to carry tt. sound cunont ALKALIZE Tkt tt'ay tn f)a It Simfify Tokt 2 Phillips' Tablets Philharmonic Orchestra To Be Increased The Philharmonic Orchestra will be increased Mason. Murray Meeker, ronductor.

Interested in interviewing prospective musicians. A special telephone has been Installed at ToL- zien Mwtfc Store and Mr. Meeker may be reached there. The number I.i 2-0881. Either telephone Mr.

Meeker or fin out and mall. Name Address Tel. No Instrument (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 of WHF, the iJnited States would find means of givinjt material aid to Britain and Prance despite the present American neutrality ftet. I have often heard Britons express the opinion that the United States must inevitably be drawn Into any general European war. British officials and Ihe press, meanwhile, are obviously going-out of their way to win American favor.

American newspaper have noticed unusual efforts recently to aid them. American ioiirl.its report a warmer welcome. Over a period of 20 years, I have never seen the British regard for Americans as high as at the present time. It would be harsh but hardly unfair to sugECfit that there is an element of cupboard love--an eye'to eating--In this new affection, Peace Is U. S.

Aim EDITOR'S NOTE: The following dll- patrh American pe-ililnn on I new Kuropein vltw fr the united sttleti In wnrtd By HOBART C. MONTEE WASHINGTON. Sept, (U.RI- Amerlcan officials appeared today lo hold lo Ihe position that they have stated an attitude toward potential world agjfresors but equally maintained freedom of action for the United States. The opinion advanced In Europe that this country has allied it-ielf morally with democratic European nations doss not jlmilfy here that such Independence has been sacrificed. Officials are reticent.

The United States, however, stands behind, or "parallel" to. the French and British In their desire to prevent a European explosion, accordlnp lo public utterances nf President Roosevelt and Secretary of Stale Cordell Hull. American dlplomal! also hava with some frankneu abroad hut without rnmmllllnf travel through a vacuum. But It travels 14 as fust through sled n.s through Iron Despite Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's ircprejislble activity, Washington observers are agreed lhat she has butted Into governments! affairs far less a Mrs.

Warren O. Harding during her husband's Ill-fated ad- mlnlilriUlon in this machine age It was discovered that, the sowing and harvesting ot each acre of whrat In which amounted to 9 hours In 19W. has neon clipped to slightly more than 2 hours these days A survey of 1000 recent cases by a guarantee and lldellly company reveals thnt women are tar more likely to nin away to escape the consequences of their pUtrring than mala thieves- are. A species flretly found In Paraguay flashes a red light at the ends of Its body and has a green light along Ihe side. And no wonder they call It Ihe railway beetle.

No ventriloquist-- pven Edgar Bergen--can renlly '-throw" his voice e.nd make It seem to br coming from the opposite pnd of tho room. Uw VnIM Rtatea eliiKf to light or Mt light. Both Mr. Roosevelt and Hull. In their apeeches.

have asserted this government's suppcrt of any and all nations attempting to maintain peace, lnw and order In International relations. That la the role In which Great Britain and Prance are deemed to be today In their opposition to further expansion by armed force or to policies likely to precipitate conflict. Unofficial recxcmlnation of American policy followed reports from Webb Miller. European general manager of the United Press, that Europe believes that this government is helping France and Great Britain morally in their efforts to "stop Hitler." That belief in baaed on various official statements bere and abroad, especially utterances of Joseph P. Kennedy.

American ambassador to Great Britain, and William C. Bullitt, ambassador to France. There is nn suggestion of dls- rord among Mr. Roosevelt's diplomatic advfoers here and In Europe. However.

Bullilt and Kennedy are eonaldered more ReoMvelfi than Hull'j men. Bul- lilt. It appears, would go further and faster lhan Hull In an effort to check a possible Nail eastward push. Mr. Roosevelt, according to reliable reports, leans temperamentally toward B-illllt, but.

as a referee, decidex more often for Hull on question of dar-to-dar How much beyond moral and sympathetic support the United States could extend to Britain and France In event of war would depend largely upon official interpretation of certain clauses of the neutrality law. and American public opinion. The neutrality law would automatically bar sale or shipment of manufactured arras, ammunition and implements of war to any belligerent. The Johnson act would prohibit France and Britain from obtaining credits here lor war supplies, so long as those two countries were In default on their war debts. However, raw materials are not affected by the neutrality law embargo.

And credits could be obtained by the French and British by expropriating for government use those private credits and securities owned in this country by their respective nationals. Hull has never named names, except In hla official branding of Japan as an aggressor nation. But in a dosen public, speeches In which he has cited the growth of International disregard for law, order and treaty obligations, he ha.s left no doubt as to the countries of the examples he has had in mind. What They Write to TACK GIRLS NEED WORK Dear Tack. We are two girls In high school and need work badly.

We arc ex perlenccd In house work and caring lor children. Can work in the afternoons and on Saturday. Can furnish references. TWO READERS, 321 North East Third Avenue. EXPERIENCED FARM HANI) Dear Tack: I am a single man HR years of age badly In need of work.

I am well experienced In farm and ranch work and all kinds nf ma- 'hlnery, can go anywhpr- and 'urnlsh references. JESS MORRIS, S. Tulla, Tex. FAKM 1VORKKR Dear Tack: I am a young man and would like get a Job on a farm. Will work the day or month.

Have had experience with both I rectors and earns. Can furnish references. L. 24JO North West Fourteenth Avenue. VIOLIN FOR APARTMENT Dear Tack: I would like to exchange iJistrur- Jons of violin and all band Instru- i CONTINUED ON PAQE 71 iit K.

Take I in "'uic" ItM.Mi'-on- cf I'hdhpV from VI For 8 More Days Only Quality Silverplato at sale prices! That's a combination you don't find! ALL the 1547 ROGER BROS, patterns- even the very a off opan itock prices. And a solid wood mahogany finish chost included! 48 PIECE Servic. lot 6 (Illus Slock Ptltt (includin SMOO SALE PRICE $39.95 PIECE lo- 8 Steel Me. J76 tO $4995 PREVENT.TARNISH CHEST FREE 95c DOWN $1.00 WEIKLY or trrrlnt till i week Illl I'. M.

hnrMH Itr PifWk CLBVBLAND. Bept. 9 (U.W--The eoonomica committee of Academy of medicine today proposed hospital Insurance for the general public at tt yearly In vhat was believed to be the first support by the medical profession itself of a universal hospjtaiizatlon plan. Fish Fly In SKI Franciut Department Store Strike SAN FRANCISCO. 9 (ft-Fists flew on Market Street in front of the Emporium today as milling thousands crowded about to watch the store opening and a police riot squad went into action for the third successive day of department store strike here.

Anuriltan Charged in Drunken Driving Is Freed en Bond Gottfried Elo of Amarlllo is free today under J500 bond set in, a case charging drunken drivine- charge was filed before Justice of the Peace C. W. Carder. CIGARET GIRL CLEARED MIAMI, Sept. 9 (U.PJ--A coroner's jury today absolved Mildred Oaydon, 25-year-old night club girl, of any blame In connection with the automobile accident In which the Count of covadonga.

former heir to the Spanish throne, suffered fatal Injuries Tuesday. ANOTHER. THREE TEARS? EIJCINS, W. Sept. 9 (P-Hartsell S.

Talbott, 50, returned to work, after Maying off three years because of a les fracture that mended slowly. Two days later his car rammed another and he broke --you guessed--the same leg! RETAIL SALES IMPROVE NEW YORK, Sept. 9 sales at leading centers of distribution this week averaged 3 to 8 per cent above last week, and lagged olUy to 7 per cent under a year ago for the country as a whole. Dun and Bradstreet reported today. D.

E. McGahey Riles Are Set Mssonlc funeral rites for Duvid Eldon McGahey, prominent Ptmpa drilling contractor oil operator who died yesterday at home In Pampt. will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Central Presbyterian Church. Dr. R.

Thoinsen, pastor, will officiate. Mr. McGahey was a pioneer oil well drilling contractor and producer of the Panhandle field. He camo to the Panhandle in lite. pioneering in drilling in the Borger field.

For a number of years he maintained his residence in Amarillo and Borger before establishing his horns In in 1932. He was associated with R. W. Adams of Amarlllo in the firm of Adams and McGshey, Drilling Contractors. For many years he was a sf.ent partner in the firm which was known as Adams and Prince.

Bntll the death of Mr. Prince he was a partner in the farm. He was a native of Palestine. Illinois, and received his early education in that city. He moved from Style- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Wetlesley.

Peggy Seibel of Kansas University, Patsy Moore of Sullins, Dorothy Thompson of Colorado University, Margaret and Betty of Ward Belmont, Frances Asbury of Sophia Newcombe, Peggy Elson of Llndenwood, Betty Teel of Amarlllo College, Ann Lee of Northwestern. Patricia Blasdel of the University of Chicago, Louise ner of Oklahoma University. Alleen Herndon of Kansas University, Barbara Lautz of Columbia, Helen Hutcbexm of Texas Tech, Mary Ruth Florey of West Texas State, Florence Whittington, Mary KJin- gensmith of Amarlllo High School, Tennessee Whlttenburg of Junior High School, and Mrs. Jack Ellis. VHE many little deedi rendered by I lady embalmer at the Griggt Chapet make der services indispensable, and add much comfort and beauty at no extra cost.

N. S. GRIGGS SONS Fwwral Directors Phtne 4311 AnuriUv, Ten. QS HIIID VALUES tut RE PROUD TO OFFER 4-DIAMOND BRIDAL FAIR Oil ERSV CREDIT TERRIS BANNER INCLINE WATCH 25c SOe Wtrt Here you must to A 1 I It's true. A gor- KCOUS Diamond with three sparkling Diamond Wedding Ring.

25c Down Mum SWEETHEART SET I i Dial Wjtch. 6ullt nn an Incline tlmr tit Rlnnce. $4975 25c Dawn $1.00 Week 1ULOVA WATCH DIAMOND KING AND WIDDINO RING a i n-p ncvrr bffiT- Billova Suwthfrvrt Sfi with Wwldmit R.r.; Of. TOITS NO INTEREST OR A I A AT AIR CONDITIONED Illinois to Oklahoma In 1913, enter- in the drilling contracting profusion In the TulM field. He continued a oXlllng contractor in Oklahoma until he came to in IMS.

Ai a member of the firm of Adami and licGahey, his operations and holdings are extensive in the Fampa and McLean oU fields. He also had extensive holdings in the New Mexico gai fields. He had been ill for several weeks, recently returning from an Albuquerque, N. hospital io his home In Pampa. Survivors include a brother.

Dr. fRIDAY, t. McOthey. of Palatine. 111.: thrw atettrs.

R. W. Adam. Amarlllo. Mra.

0. J. Mills of eatine. and Mrs. John H'- Thf members of Uie family ar.

ST in The body will be placed In the mausoleum at Llano Cemetery, un der the direction of Boxwell BrotheM Funeral Directors. "Gloria" An exquisitely wrought mounting: in which set large blue-white diamvnd by eifht side A $50.00 a for 25c DOWN--75c WEEK NO INTEREST--NO CARRl'INO CHARGES "Juliet" A distinctive original- ring carried out in new riwtif. Five beautiful diamonds. A $30.00 value for only 25c NO INTEREST--NO CARRYING CHARMS carried out in 29" i "Barbara" AH ralue by an firm. We belltte It will thrill TOD In sec this J.W.IW nine, fnr onlt SSf DOWN-- WEEKLY Nn INTEREST-- NO A I x- I in He lpen FICiHTH 5 T.

M. 9pm 8th and Polk -Siuri.

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