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The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio • 3

Zanesville, Ohio
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hull at 6:30 o'clock to go In, WILL LEAVE FOR, FLOR1B.V i Senator and Mrs. W. M. Miller' l. OF V.

INsrK.CTlON. The regular meeting of One Stage Coach Ride ormer i Des In California th. body to tho Y. M. C.

A. where THANK OFFERING DAY PROGRAM IN from a height of about 13 feet. Lieutenant McBrlde was flying low over the field while thousands watched, thrilling the spectators Mniichtur t.t titll l.a 1 uvini'K uinner will oe serveti at the O. A. It.

hal Tuesday eve- of Dresden will leave Wednesday with a motorcade from Columbus, to Miami. Fla. The party will nnlng. Nov. 13.

The annual in. 01 inspactor. and riayer Makes Will; w. nernett 0e m. i ihnla avenue, received a telegram One ride down the mountain Ui cousin.

Ispectlon of the club will take place with tho stunt known as "juzKlng TH'PAMWEI QVH I Kt'aka eleven dayt for tha trip going The Boulah will hold Its regular monthly mrelluj; I I tit the. home of Mrs. Nettle Few of Ilayaville avenue, on Tuesday cvo-J nlnjr. All members are requested to brlnit articles fur the luizaar villi them. Tho assistant hostesses will be Mm.

Clara Holland and I Edith Kovoleskl. by easy ttages over a well defined lit vuiinuA' iuumj tho Whllo flying only 15 1U "lnt tlme Kosentierv ot Ueorgo Hann went to his sum- I VUIV. feet from tho ground ha trledjrlllU. llre nlikCll to (lt the l0 llavl) to but Instead the plnnoj plunged Into the ground, IJeuten-! 1 with Slim Tadglnt, who drovn the SfReant Italj It. Wendell, which stage coach in the filming of 'ThclM'cu, Bt Kearney.

CIrL of tho Golden West," a Nov- following an ncMs from tuberculosis. Ho was tt Aattonal picture at the lmperKlL0l of Wcn(le 12 Tho member! of tho Woman'' ratriOtlC I ant Mcllrldo was removed from the! wrecliago nnd started for a hospital I At Eagles' Club theater auys, starting iesday, Putnam avenue, and for a time who and Joy WTlnthron made her will. I associated with hla father In the A- but died on tho way That cough that is breaking your rest winihrnn ivn ba grocery business. Ho onlisted In a special program at tha parlors of tho SI. E.

church Friday after-noon, In tho observance of Thank-offering dayy. The president, Mrs. Charles Kennedy presld6d. Tho I the regular army from this city In the stage- coach, which lhn wnr 01ld Armistice Day was celebrated by tho local Fraternal Order of Kngles at their home on North Third street last night. Because Armistice Day to prominontiy in mi r.awin for fouP i-vu Sergeant Wendell Is survived tu devotional exercise were conduct, After her first hair-raising ride following Is to be celebrated today Instead of id by Mrs.

J. It. Farm tus widow of Kan Francisco, and yesterday, by the American Legion which the leader of tho nroBrani, three children: Madaline, Hernn-dine and ltuth of thu home. Hi: was a member of tho t. Jamj.s she went back to tho Hotel Victoria, at Melones, Cal where tho exterior scenes wore being, taken, wrote her will and haucled it to the hotel clerk, "Tomorrow I have to take another ride with that dnre-duvll and so as not to interfero with their plans tho Eaglet held their celebration last night.

Tho program included several vocal selections by local singers; Mis, Mattlo McGrath took charge of tho iiieotinK. In her opening addrews, she apoka of tha irreat Knglnhd festival, Thanksgiv-Inc duv its meaning and the heri enuren of this city and Newark Man is Killed In Fight Vith Bandits, Desperadoes Escape NEW AUK. Not. It W. II.

Foster, aged 41, assistant foremaif of outside work for the Baltimore At Ohio railroad here, was shot and instantly killed early Sulurday morning tiy a masked bandit nt the restaurant of W. H. Scott In South Morris street, opposite the B. O. roundhouse.

the body will be brought to till city for interment. IIcoffe'eh instrumental music by the Kugle's to throw off the secretions tha areclog-King thrm. Harmlessly, and without any bad after effects, it stops the violent throat and lung spasms and gives the irritation a chance to beal. It has an agreeable taste. All druggists.

wantingyouMtrcnglh to that in the morn-ingyoufcelmoretircd than when you went to bed get rid of it before it cause you more serious trouble. For more than fifty years, thousands of families have kept ir. King's New Discovery in tlie medi Completing Plans for Observance of tage of faith which has been handed down from tho Filurlm father of three centuries ago, to their defendants who hiive been actuated liv th Bama faith In Clod and the iritfhl in the grand work they havo iiKcomiiilHlied in the mission fiolila. I She was followed by several speak. orchestra, while Attorney 1 A.

A.jdrlver," she said. "If I don't come George, well known locul Chautau- back, mail this to my folks back qua lecturefr, gave his oration on East." the flag. A patriotic pageant was Pndglnt, by the way, proved also given by the officers of the himself no amateur at stage drlv. lodge. Tho affair was open to th lng.

He was engaged by publia and was largely attended. Kdwln Cnrewe for a part In "Tho thai tap Caught For Better a ran mvakt Ft- L. Mtaoofd ffuvlv with th txmplt KonukiM mud). Foster was eallng a lunch In tlml tiirl of the Gol-len West" becuusi; iM who gave pertinent raeis con-cernlnir'tha work accomplished for ANNOUNCE MEETING OF (of his prowess at driving an old- cine closet to break up eoiiflu. It does this naturally, quickly, by stimulating themucous membranes rraiauruut at the time, tho only other occupant of (lie -place being the proprietor.

Two men, wearing Dr.KING'S HEW DISCOVER. MISSIONARY SOClETYjploSeTdayt89 ctuich tne 'a Th. ki la.i "Tho Girl of the Oulden West" hcnie jiiisslous by the M. K. church In America.

Mr, Kichard McEl-t'hlney und Mrs. Unbert Uurlmn sang Harding Mem'rial Wk. Washington! Nov. 11 The Harding Memorlaf association announced today that every community In tho country of more than a thousand Inhabitants would have a Harding chairman during Harding Memorial week, which will bo observed Dec. 9-16.

nil appropriate duet. Mips Kva slonary society of tho Grace M. K. ha an all-feature cast. Including J.

church will meet at the noma of' Warren Kerrigan, Sylvia Brearner, AN EASY WAY TO CORRECT CONSTIPATION PEfr M-DAY wz A VEGETABLE LAXATIVE OP PROVEN AT VOUA DRUOOtST'S, So A UwX Mrs. W. O. Llttlck on Maple avenue kukhcii eimimon un.i uunenuuy on TJuesdny evening at 7:80 o'clock,) Thoby. Simpson gave a' spienaia reaumg land MIhs Harriett Howard render-led a piano selection.

Four new members united with tho society. I An unusually large sliver offering Mrs. Jolin ilonilieid will nave 1 musks, ope'ned the front door of the establishment and without word opened flr on the two mon.j none of the shots taking effect. Foster left the lunch counter and grappled with tho larger of the two' men, throwing him to th flunr. The other bandit, reaching over the' body of Ills accomplice, placed the! niuxidn of his gun close to Foster's head and fired, the bullet taking effect In his brain, Jiotli men lumped lo their feet I'KKOK IN IXITIAIi he governors of tho various charge of the devotionals: a play In the advertisement of Marcus' amies, tno association K.

Hull which appeared In yentcr-j agreed to select stnln clialr-day'a Times-Signal, Jt rend Marcus! men who will choose county chuir- wnni i i' 'ii f. .1 was taken. Uurlng the social hour a substantial lunch was served to the liiiKe number of members and tin ir fellesls. Missionary Iiimclioan 9 he members of tho second sec- men. The latter will designate the A.

Hull. This was an error as It let will be given by Mrs. liusst and Mrs. Reed; Mrs, W. F.

Jacobs will sing. The assistant hostesses will be the 'ladles of group No. 1. A thank offering; will bo received at this meeting and a large attendance Is desired. 0 should have read Marcus Hull (and escaped from the restaurant! mm Marcus E.

Hull is lodged In th.i county Jail. However his offices are open to the public and nn experienced Chiropractor is in charge of tion of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Malta M. K. witnoitt etrertinx a robbery, which i wus their obvious Intent. Police We offer tho best In C'liiipiiirnt, personnel, service tlior-oicli service Hint re-lletes ut the time of distress and worry.

tho work there. ir i I -I iyf-v1? clniich, entertained at tne nome ot: Mis. Kdward McKeown, 'Wednes- day afternoon with a missionary! luncheon. Tha tables In the suite i community cnnirmen. The county chairmen will be expected to form Harding Memorial association committees of six members representative of civic bodies, churches, fraternal organisations, labor unions and other organizations.

All fdnds raised during the Memorial week, It was announced, will devoted to the three-fold memorials providing for erection or an appropriate mausoleum, the vmii-u nm jttivu in, fine to i ne identity of tha men. The larger of tho pair was about 40 years of age, according lo Scott. of dlnlns rooms were centered with yellow vhrysunthnmumav Covert rO AND Sf4! ISCOMf BOvsCOUTS Ml BOY SCOUTS JT I ii i K' i jll. RillM I One of Originators of were laid lor 44 guests ana a iwo course menu was served a la modei ESTEEMED WOMAN IS SUMMONED BY DEATH Mrs. John 'wife of John Frame of Seneeavllle, died at the family homo there at i o'clock Saturday afternoon, file had been til for a long time, but suffered a stroke of paralysis last Tuesdny, since when her condition QUICK hv u.

frimni1ttpo nf Indies. MrBt J. i RELIEF M. McKeown, Mrs. Tom Humph-; ny, Mr.

Kannlo KIchardRon, Iliirrv Cook, Mrs. John McKeown ami Mrs. W. C. Manly taking over of the Harding homo in Marlon and establishment a Harding chuir of diplomacy and functions of government ut a state imlveislly.

The expenses of the OFAMERI WITH 'i'lio remainder of thn afternoon I icumiKiIgn have been provided by had been critical. Mrs. Frame was a life-long res was sprnt intormaiiy ana socially A MB I ..1 -rU personal liicmU of tho lute JjiiI cs am bocti'ty All Tfiat Its Name Implies The FOLEY! ident of Kenecavlllo and was 11 member of tho 1'renhyterian church. Uesides her husband, she Is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Curr'e Hettra of Senecaville; two sons.

Owen' of Lore City nnd Swift of The members of tho Ladles Aid 'Every scout of the city is to re. society of tho First Presbyterian 'port at scout headquarters at the church held a delightful meeting 'Chamber of Commerce at at the lionie of the president, Mrs. this morning. Kvcry scout Walter Finley. Friday afternoon.

if rom Tenderfoot to Eagle, will be A iip It nd id program on homo and0n hand. Jf you have a uniform be loremn missions was presented. sure wear It. The chief of Packard Automobile Dies at Home, Warren WA Hit EN, Nov. 1 1.

William Packard, 2. who with his brother J. W. Packard, was the originator of the Packard' automobile, died nt his homo here early today, lln had been nn Invalid for many years, being blind for the last ten years. Ills death was hastened by a cold contracted a few days ago.

Tho two brothers organised the Packard Klnctrto company In liMMI. tho first Packard automobile making Its appearance soon afterward. The brothers retired eight years later when the company, renamed the Packard Motor company, was taken over bv Detroit Interests. KONEY-TAIT Senecaville; and the following grandchildren; Forest, HarrlM and t5TAOLI5rlEU i.w.,iiu mi "-ponce personally insiriici Km mo nf Senecaville- 'nal cellent article 011 tne those- who are to do traffic duty. Army Aviator Kills Self In Stunt Flying CHICAGO, Nov.

11 Lieutenant Benjamin It. Mcllrlde, 2 years of ago, of HolfiidRB Field, Mt.X'lemens was killed during nil Armistice day air meet at Tshburn flying field hero today when his pursuit plane, flying about 135 miles nn hour plunged Into the ground trOOOTHtTtST OfTlHEStRVl NGTHSllCENESAtlONiVL-1 1 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES Solo Everywhere i (, rr iVJ worK 0 Sumrnr of Sun Antonio, entertaining talk in resaid to the BtSLTt a week of Civic Service. On Texas- Mr Marv Teters of Hobins piomefs, in education made by afternoon fivx scouts ate o.XaA'nv Silu 1 and Juanha Ittra mountaineer girls and boys in the t0 Ton from each for rlvta Khool. Mr Lzra Husk Lervk.e toT the Hed Cross. These eWv if CamhHdM and Isaac I'nclcsbay of Senecaville, ulno sur- vive.

The funeral cortege will leave the home nt10 o'clock Tneadav w. iscouis snouitt report ni neaiKpiar- bdile-women In Sium and Mrs.ltPrs after school. O'l Saturday Kobert Curry lavored tho company rooming at 9:30 o'clock ten boyB with a solo. At the conclusion olwin report at Ked Cross hoad(iuir-U10 exercises tha hostess, assmted tprs i the Memorial Ibilldinif for by Mrs. Funic Unley and Mrs.jcIvic gprvice.

Each scout muster "The Highest Class Washer in the World'" mornins; for tho Presbyterian church where services will bo con- A Richness of Flavor ouctM at ovioek by nev. v. service anu give scoui neaquitiiers j1ean nf Kast Liverpool. Tnter- ment In the Senecaville cemetory Yon can't Ro wrnnu vhen you eliminate jour wunIi worrlea with tho Trojan. It's built to wash clothes clean Mil bout hiiriiiins them ant the fuel that It does this year In and year out Is tho reason for Us great popularity.

recommends The Red Cross Is going to have a JIIss Esther daughter Rreat roj cat nnd tn scouts of Dr. and W. E. Gatewood lmvo a part eottu things of this place left Saturday for Btartcd Wiwhtngton, D. C.

and from there, Mnny 0ood rtirn she will go to ewlyork City, and, Kcoutninstcr are turning in to xvlll sail on the 20th of November, headounrters a report of all the WILL ntODPCE PI, AY. A three net farce, will be presented at. tho Town Hall, at Cumberland, Nov, 16. at o'clock. The cast is as follows' "Henry Brown" an artist.

Ilarrv AVAILABLE AT ONCE Exclusive sales rijtfits MusklnRtini' county for fast- est sclliiiR aiitomolille tor part on market. Prefer nwn with sales ejcperlence. Address D. K. Ilennrls, Sale 10 60(h Cleveland, Olilo, The Trojan will fulfill jour fondest hopes in nn outwear the machine and will S7 liiKtull clo nic wuslitnu ordinary washer, it ai you use It.

nnd pay for B'outs)Hlckle; "Paul Green, nn nuthor. net trip win comoine ousiness anu (JOO(l Turna nv thulr pliasuiu for while abroad sne will aurina. he nast week one now, coiiiinue her educational researcn; Typical "SmilliiK Scout" work otid will visit Italy, Switzer-,,a land and Western i-urope, mlll. scout cxecutivo of Coshocton 1 llruce Monroe; "Patrick Molly," a Janitor, Alton Moore; "Mrs. Podge," a landlady, Lucille Paiiley: "Sophie Blnnd," a dancer, Nellie Beckett; "May liexter," nnd enthusiast, Ellen Sines; "Mrs.

Haw-ley," collector, Ithta Wilson! News Briefs) 'visited the local headquarters. He mrs. r.nocn itowiana anu aaugfi- had wlth hlm foup Boy ni. ni'r vnH Miihlrr nv fnr II th AMERICAN LIGIIT CO. 'JE ls -m Haaa ORANGE PEKOE BLEND to the most discriminating tea drinker or tnem, nay miaeea, nas ooen Ma.

Jennie Kinzel and to attend ch0Bpn by National. Hendquarters I1" 8erviceg ot th9 as the typical smiling scout of World War Veterans monument. Jlrs. J. V.

Kogers and daughter, i 122-8 Main St. "Smudge," a valet, Fred VIIon: "Cap," a Myrl "Josephine," a seeker, Margaret: Moore. The Claysvtlle orchestra; Bell 1778 visitors at Zanes-' ininm)iip na tcucc Slarguret, wero villa Saturday. INTO BARBER SHOP will furnish tne music. TiTT- n.Wi,v-.-rl-.-n,'tJ,iiiilM.liL.iiM ili.mi-T""'.

iw 'l "F' iiiM. i.n)i',-,,.nsi yjw.siiwsS5iiislfVf a-nmni AXD CRANE'S Mr. nnd Mrs, II. B. Fouts went to Eaulcport Saturday for a visit with Mr.

and Mrs. Carlos Kobb. Mrs. 'Pat Lanier and daughter arrived from Paineavllle, Saturday, and "will visit Mr. and Mrs.

J. L. fc'mllh ut Wolf Creek. Mrs. Ida McGregor of Parkere-Imig was an over Sunday guest at the Kocky Glen sutitarium Mrs.

W. A. Husk accompanied Mrs. Clancey McVeigh and two children, who were returning to thlr homo ut W. as tar as Kanesvillo Saturday and spent tho day in the city.

William Doan ot Cincinnati, professional boxer, returned home Saturday following a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hill. Great excitement was created at tho corner of Lee and State st reels! At 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon when an automobile driven by a colored man, whose name was not learned, failed to make the turn from Lee to State street nnd crash-over the curb Into a barber shop. Both front wheels of the auto-mobllo were smashed and other damage to the machine was reporN ed, A cellar door was broken when the front of the machine crashed info It.

Fortunately neither the driver or any of the by-standers were Injured, A large crowd gathered to Inspect the broken machine. 1 0 All rc rw a i a App CHOCOLATES rove EtV i tftlBk. kJSBS SBSBSt SBSBSBI. .1 wis JPli, 1 if i The World's Host Who Care mwmT Those Mrs. Mary Chambers went to Z.mesvllle Saturday for an extend ISSUE PARKING ORDER 4 FOR "ARMISTCE DAY" Mnvor C.

Slater has reauested ed visit with her son W. II. Gray. Albert Benjamin who. has been seriously 111 at his home here Is all automobile owners to refrain convalescent.

from parking their machines on RANG For APPEA Main street, between the hours of 9:15 and 11:30 o'clock: Monday morning. In order- not to Interfere Mrs. Alma Stebblns left for Zanesville Saturday to spend a few days the guest of her Bister Mrt. Alta Prouty. Mrs.

Hannah Gillespie and her granddaughter, Louise were at iianesvlllo Saturday. with the big parade. Orders have been Issued by Chief of Police John A rter against parking of automo biles on Main street at this time Central Drug Store Our Ford Delivery liiK's Kverywnore CALL PHONE 212 Mrs. Frank Slier who was here and proper observance of this or- 7u A lunera' ot "el: nco'der will save police lots of trouble, heme at Cleveland, Saturday, PLAN CARD PARTY. Mrs.

Laura McPeak and Miss Zanesvllle wlll entertaln with a card party In Georgia VPlumley were visitors, Saturday. Masonic temple on Wednesday eve-ning, Nov. gl. All Masons their ladles are Invited to attend JJ v. Cr 'rmprT'-Txvvi9 1 1 i The committee in charge will composed of Mra.

Lulu Spraguo. Beulah Llckerson, Mrs. Nina Shepard, Mrs. Fred Morrison, Mrs. iLulu Farshall.

Mrs. Lulu Fox, Mrs Laura Cooker, Mrs, Helen Wells, Mrs. Jennie Rucker, and Mrs. Ber- itha MRS. ANNA M.

BUTLER ANSWERS FINAL CALL Mrs. Anna M. Butler, aged 7 wife of Henry I). Butler of Park street, passed away at Good Su- Jmaritan hospital at 2:30 o'clock isaturday afternoon, following a lingering Illness due to Infirmities IShe was a member of the Grace M. i'E.

church. As far back as Saint Paul, in his writings to the Corinthians, it was said: "Beware of the appearance of evil And this is more true today. For We, have less excuse for appearance of ill and evil. Scientists say your body is not YOU. You agree your clothes well or poorly dress your body.

The fact that Pure gasoline is forced through your clothes, and out and forced through and out until the outccming gasoline is as pure as the in-going gasoline That's why your clothes are clean, even to the linings; pockets, etc. You'd be surprised. Besides her husband, she la survived by one son, Harry E. Butler, of 250 Turner street; one daughter, Mrs. Bertha Digar of this city; five brothers, Scott Roberts, Edward Roberts.

Fulton Roberts, Join. 'sMNi miff-1 i nine kpLw i SEVEN IWj I Roberts and William Roberts, all of this city and two grand children. The body was removed to the home of Harry E. Butler on Turner street, where the funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock Tuesdny afternoon by Rev. T.

T. Crawford, pastor of the Grace M. K. church. Interment In Greenwood cemetery.

South Zanesvllle Officials. The complete South- Zanesvllle Corporation ticket elected Tuesday follows: Mayor T. M. Fisher; mar- THE principle employed in the Service is 1 similar to that used by Uncle Sam in protecting Money Orders. If it's good enough for Uncle Sam, it's good enough for you.

Millions of dollars are annually lost through fraudu. lent check raising. This loss can be avoided by using Protectu Checks ihcy provide a complete system of check protection for pocket, desk and payroll. Ask for them here. shal, Wm.

Goebel; elerk, Herbert Frazler; treasurer, Edgar Carnes: council, A. L. Hedge, N. S. Brown, Harvey Scott, Wm.

Duienberry, James Prout, Chalmer Howell, Jas. Mattacks; board of education, Clyde Masterson and John Garret; Justice ot the peace, Daniel Stiers. "Your Soft Water Laundry" The ECLIPSE All soldiers, sailors and marines who took part In the Civil war are asked to be In front or tne Memor LAUNDEREKS DRY CLEANERS DYERS ial hall building this morning at 8:00 to participate In 1he parade. I 330 31am St. Went was called to Katurdac on I Charlrt IZanetvllla..

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