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The Courier News du lieu suivant : Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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BLYTHEVTU.E (ARK.) COURIER NEW TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1952 Pat Mullins, Society Editor 4461 Miss Silverfield Will Be Wed in June Ceremony Mr Mrs. Morris SilwfWrt cf Osteola, announce the engagement of their daughter. Jacqueline SUverfielri. to William son of Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Bernat.slty of Memphis, Tcnn. Tlie bridc-plerl Is the granddaughter of Mrs. Eva Bisno ol Memphis, and the late Jacob H. Jiisno. Miss Sili-erffeld was graduated (rum Ocfola High School anrt attended Sulllns CollcRe.

Bristol. Fiorina Southern CoUesc. Lakeland, and (he University of Miwrmri. While at Flcrirlfl Southern was a member of I he Phi Sigma Sipma sorority, and the Women's Etmient Government Association, end (he College Senate. Mr.

BormUfky the srandson of Mr. Abe Cherry of Memphis and the late Mrs. Cherry. He was graduated from Ccnf.rnl Hiph School anrt wns a member of Phi Oinesa Kaiina fraicrnlly. He tfiiticd Memphis Slate CnHeee, and Is servlns the Air Fr.rce.

stationed al Sumlcr, S. C. The wedding will take 15th. TROTH TOLD Miss Jacqueline Silverfield of Osceola will become hrirfe of William Be mat sky of Memphis in June, it was announced today by the bririe-clcct's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Morris Rilvcrfeld of Osceola. He is the son of Mr. ami Airs. HPI Bcrnalsky of Memphis. Presbyterian Circles Meet Mrs.

Lula Craig Is Honoree Circles of the First Presbyterian Church yesterday the homes of various members. Circle One met In the home ef Mrs. C. C. CotinciUe Mrs.

J. P. Pride nnd Mrs. O. W.

Cnp- page as co-hoslesses, with 15 members present. Mrs. Harvey Kidd led Bib I ttndy and she was assisted by Mrs. Ncni Gesell, Mrs. P.

B. Joyner. Mrs. I. M.

Cnslllo, Mrs. Gordon Hnrris. Mrs. C. M.

Gray and Mrs. H. C. Layson. Mrs, Gray gave a report on Pres- bvterial and Mrs.

Barum presided over the business. Circle Two met in the home ef Mrs. Aubrey Conwav vith eiRht members present and ona, Mrs. Jesse M. White.

Mrs. Monroe Crane presided over the business session and Mrs. S. E. Tune HaS led Btfele Study.

Circle Three had 15 members present the home of Mrs. Trinity Circles Meet in Homes Mrs. Beck Hostess To Hope Group Mr, and Mrs, Mavis Phifor and! Mrs, Roberts with eight mem Mrs, H. Moss and son, VtrffH, present. Mrs.

C. K. Thompson Circles On? and Two the Worn- The Hope Group of the Christian en's Missionary Union of Trinity i Woman's Fellowship of the First Baptist Church met In the homes I Christian Church met al (he church of members yesterday. Circle One mr-t In (he I yesterday with Mrs. M.

Beck, home of i hosles.s. Eleven members and one guest, Mrs, Rupert Coming Events Tuesday East Ride Garden Club has 7 10 p.m. meeting at the Lakp SlrerI Methodist Church. Mrs. J.

Woolum is ho.stess and Mrs. A. D. Priest of Boonevlllc. sppnl ItiP wcpkjopened with prayer and Mrs.

Hilly end visiting Mrs. Moss' sisters. Mrs. Worrten (might 'he lesson. The Meeting was opened with prayer executive board Orady Ooff.

Mr, Goff and family, meolme was closed wiih prayer led by Mrs. OoorgR Barharn wnd'rfi-jA tea will follow Mrs, Milford Miller and her sifter by Mrs. Roberts, ports from all members giv-S mothers. 'n StP.ele, Willlf Kedrick, and; Circle Two met in t.he home of) Pn Mrs. John McHaney presided is program chairman.

Senior School Parent- were pres-1 Teachers Association meets at 3 p.m. at the srhool preceded by an iiiR at 2:30 in honoring senior families. Mrs, Herman Adair with 10 mem- Mr, and Mrs, Dunn and; bers present and one Mrs. children, Jimmy and Mary Ann D.

CJ. Jones period the mpetiriK visited over the pnd wilh herjwifh prayer and Mrs. Joyce Crnc-k- inother, Mrs. Pearl Hires They er taught the lesson. Mrs.

Bert Ross ve rfllurnfid to their home in conducted a business session. Meof- Inri City, Trnn. Mrs, Oleo LanRSton of De Kalb, Misv. the week end with her two daughters and son. Mrs.

G. Mrs. G. L. Me Waters and C.

C. LfinRslon Jr. and their famines, Mr, and Mrs. R. M.

I-eumilt and -i family til 7-HtJe Rork were A'l 1'S. Ubei'St end visitors of Mis, Ing as adjourned following prayer hy Mi's. K. Parks. Social hours followed he pro! arams in which the hostesses wrvntl rcfrrfihmenfs.

Blythe.villp Ch'ir Music Lake Sti'ect WSCS over the business. ha.s 8 p.m. board njppttng at Mrs. McHaney. leader, gave the! the home of Mrs.

W. L. Horner. worship which was tafcen from Ro-j Jayceettes have p.m. mret- mans and used as her lopic.

with Mrs. Whittle. Am Eager To Preach." Wednesday Mrs. A. G.

Hall, leader, I Siiribnry PTA has 3 p.m. meeting iwed as her Ihcine, "Puerto Ricnn preceded by an executive board Churches Face New Half Cen- 2:30 p.m. This Is the tury." She was assisted by Mrs. mating of the year and in- Jorin Durhnm and Mrs. Ben Har- i stallalion of new officers win be pole.

Meeting was closed with the i conducted at the school, missionary benediction. 1 "pltoman Chapicr of Refreshments were served from a table overlaid with Jflce and with roses, and a crystal rirtffp and daughter, W. Thomas, who visiting from' Onmbrin, Wis, The l.rRaults came Mis. W. T.

Obnrs( enteruimrd esprcifilly for the wedding of Miss i members of the Women's Society of I Christine Austin and Oral Christian Service nf the Lake Street Others who catne for the Methodist Church in her home on were Mr and Mrs. John E. i Monday evening. Kav and daughter Janie of Mem-j Mrs. Billy Kine presided over phis.

brief business Fession anrt Evelyn Jean was ar-; Dicers made reports. Georj rompanied tn Memphis Siilwpll presented Mrs. King hy her mother, Mrs, A. PIER. Miss PiUE: will represent punch boivl.

Courier NeM'5 Classified Ads with dinner a( Mrs. Uula Craig of Biplpy, guest of honor Sunday at a buffet luncheon fltfd family reunion si Ihe home of bor d.iujililcr. Mrs. R. F.

Kcrhouirh, with 33 present. Red roses and Dutch iris used throughout (he Pol- lowing the luncheon. Mothers' Day gifts were presented In Mrs, Cralff. Out-of-town juiests included Mr. and Mrs, R.

T. Pnllnrd and son, RJley Mr. ond Mrs. K. B.

Crihfielri, Mr. and Mrs. B. Rc- vierc, Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Re- and rislighter and Mr. nod Mrs. Clarence Craig, all of RIpley, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Cnilfr of Memphis, Mr.

Rnrt Mrs. Van E. Re vicre of Union City. First Baptists Have Luncheon Meeting Women's Missionary Soc.irty ot the First, Baptist Church met yesterday nt the Church with a total present of 49 for a 1 pin. luncheon and regular business session and Royal Pol towing Ted King, (he hi helicon, Mrs.

president, bpsjan meeting. Thp group rcprated the watchword anrt Mrs. J. W. RayrtP.r led a prayer, CJrcln One the "Thp Mult.ltudns rcd Christian Homes" which was Ifrf by Mrs.

Ijloyri Stick- a life membership pin WSCS will sponsor the church May 23. Mrs. Don had charge of the "Wnat Is Thai in I Thine Hand?" The fcroup SRJIR and ftfr. and Clarence Craig all nf. ii'ore read scripture from Exndns rnemhrrs of the royal rourt MI; Mr nn( Mrs Ed Crpl(? of which wns followed by a poem by Mrs.

Vats E. Carver, read by Mrs. Liuz. 11 i u-. UUHJII Others participatin" on the prn- and Mrs, xw p11 i Mis.

Joe Dillahimiv spent yes- Monroe C.rclP. I.nst ninhl she aUi lerd in vhpve she al tended the tea Rt the tendcd the hln ch)b i nnch nes.ce Club. Mr. and MM. Rt Hotpl 0 as of hfir i qii Cotton Cfirnival.

She will Ruost of her uncle and PieK and Mrs. GeorRe Roland Green i will drive down tonight for the ar- 1 rival of the royal bArpe and l.o- morrow nicht for the parade. Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Bunch and children spent the wpek end In Tuscnloofia, where they visited Mr.

and Mis. Elmer Morprm and daughter, Dehbie. accnmpanied Jane Shelton here from Guthrie. Thursday, whore they were In the home of Mr. anrl Mrs, W.

T. Shelton. Norfleet Graves also of Ouihrie arrived Saturday for the week end. Mtes Shel- were Mrs. Joe Strickland.

Mrs. Jim Davis. Mrs. McGhehey and Mrs, Slilwell. Mrs.

I.ut7, dis- with prayer, and Mrs. S. S. aleco, Mrs. Charles Ogan, and Mr, Patterson, daughter of the hostess.

Ocnn of Mrinphls. assistrri in sprving De.lphian has 10 a.m. meeting at Hotel Noble. Mrs, Roborl I. Thornpson enter- lains CJB, Chapter of FED meetp with Mrs.

C. S. Stevens for a 1 p.m. luncheon in her home at Gridcr. Mrs.

A. fi. Reese f.s hostess to Town and Country Club. Mrs. M.

White has meeting of Club Eight at her home. Thursday Mrs. Lynn Hughes is hosiers to La Nueve, fltythevflle Duplicate i League meets at Hotel Mrs. Atex Curtis eiiterlnins Kibitzers. The Jaycee.1 Cluh the scene Saturday night a meeting ol the Variety Club.

Hatt.s for the occasion M-ere Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Brown and Mr. and HOLES IN HIS HEAD-Jerry; Bymim, ft. of Fort Worth, tins two holes in his head, but he Isn't complaining, The holes were drilled in his skull (n give support for specially designed how which is helping lo correct, -Terry's curvature ol the spine. The unusual treatment, being given at Fort Worth HospilaV causes Jerry no pain.

Mrs. NrbVmt. includert Mr. a 11 rf Mrs. Worth Holder.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kncliler of DoU, Mr. and Mrs, Wallers, and Mr, and Mrs. Tim Barnes of Memphis, Executive Friday bflarti of tht viJle Club mecLs st 2 p.m.

folowed by regular meeting at p.m. mrm. Mrs, A- H. Hays pave a rirvo- Iru we (tliu D.M.v-r,.- on find her returned Altar Society onal called "Heavenly and Mrs. VIctoriR Oilhort led pray- nr.

Mrs. C. Smnrt spoke on "Youth Looks al Mrs- Worlh a solo. Blew This House." which was tollnwrd hy "Homes Where MiRPtonarlos Wtrrp Prepared." nivon hy Mm. W.

M. Williams. Mrs. Leslie Moore led pray or and rnnrbulinp the procram, Mr. Hay.s hrOMght a meriltalien.

pevens. Mrs. J. r. Lnwson presented a devotional.

Circle Four met in the home erf Mrs. A. S. Harrison wilh Mr.s- W. A.

Dobyns. members were present jtndj Mrs. Vernon Thomason led a prayer Which was followed by reports. Mre, George Yates led the Bible ptudy, "Fatib, Hope Love," and she was assisted by Mrs, J. C7.

Walters, Mrs. Dobyns, Mrs. Bob Logon and Mrs. Joe Beasley. Mrs.

Leslie Hooper led prayer and following business session, presided over by their chairman. Mrs, Thomasori, group prayer closed the raeeting. Mrs. Fred Sanrlelur was hostess to 16 members of Hie Circle Fivo with Mrs. Malcom Greenway he- Ing admitted as new member, nnd Mrs.

C. Holder a visitor. Mrs. James Carter led Bible tfudy and Mrs. G.

DiUaVumty, had the program, "Worship In the Home." Circle Six was entertained in the home of Mrs. M. While by Mrs. Alice Womack ftnd Mrs. R.

C. Allen. Visitors included Mrs. White and Mrs. Raymond Fowlpr.

Miss Jewel Smith led Bible study with the assistance o( Mrs. Doyln Election nf new officers hold yMLerriaj- at a meeting of thfl Altar Society of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church the school hall. Mrs. Robert Peterson as. secretary and treaJsurnr.

and Mrs. J. r. Montsndoti, who was vice president, was elected to secretary, Mrs. O.

K. Jones was elected to vice president and Mrs. Martin TrcnVle. Ireasnror. The socioty hns decided to dis- banri Tor the summer following Hie men tins schfriuicd for Mny 2fi al Fol lowing each circle the hos tosses served and Jced drinks.

party foods A I' the Hospitals ftlythevlllf HoftpUiU Dismissed: Mary Lee Ungcrs, City Lonnlc. Davis, Cooter Wxllfl Hospital John "nolin. City Mrs. John R- Nelson, Cil.y the home of Mrs. B.

F. McKlnnon in Manila. All mpmbers will mepl al 1.30 p.m. a( thp school hall Ixi- forn Guthrie Sunday night. Mr.

and Mrs- Ed Roussrl announce the birth of their first child, a ROM, Saturday at the Wans Hospital. He has been named Lesley Hale. Mr. ajirJ Mrs Walter Rpiley leK today for Flint. Mich-, after beinp (he

gvrsts of her sister, Mrfl- Haymond Skipper and family. The Rev, nnrl Mrs T. E. Webb nf I Ada. who wcrn Ihp pupsts of his sistor, Mrs.

Jennie Craig, nnd other relatives, returned home to- day. I Mrs. Charles McDaniel spent UIP i wppk end with hPr sort Bobby, who is a student a I. Druery College ftt Springfield. Mo.

Mr. and Ml5. olan AJIi.snn as thpjr guest.s Mrs. Martha Allison' and sou Robert nf Bsltimnre. Md.

They came especially for the hacca laureate services Sunday in which her niece, Peggy Allison will pnrtfcfpalp. Mr. and Mrs. F. KrrbouRh had as their Sunday 1 Mrs.

Ker- mother, Mrs, Lnla Craig. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. T.

Pollarri and son, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. C.rihfipld. Mr.

and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs RIISSP)! and riaushter anri SONS SHOES Good Shoes Hosiery Feather Mesh Box Office Opens 7:00 Show Starts 7:15 p.m. Admission 30c At All Times Till Nilcs! Knr The I'ricc of 1 Cnlf While Mosh or Flnr- Calf Wliite Mesh Light as a feather, triij mesh. It's U's fashion's favorite way out in front tVvi? season. Sec these and others in the Life Stride sclccuon of moh silhouette).

"LADY FROM CHEYENNE" Lore! I a Young Kdward Arnold Comedy you inw COS. tSty hn.j 8 95 Shop Our Windows- For What's New! Rluc Tan Call' Nnlural IS COMING! SHOWING TODAY ONLY! The Story of the Last Five People on Earth! FIVE" Starring Wilfiam Phippt Susan Douglaf Also Selected Shorts AIR CONDITIONED BY REFRIGERATION Rifi Guests to See "Five" Mr. Otlo Scrape Family Mr. Earl Snider Mr. Albert STARTS TOMORROW 3 BIG DAYS-WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY-FRIDAY THE PICTURE THAT IS TAKING AMERICA BY STORM! Now it comes to our screen the epic of an era the drama of an empire the love story of the ages! Never have you beheld such splendor or thrilled to such spectacle or lived such romance! Three years in the making actually filmed in Rome by M-G-M in color by here is entertainment at Us greatest I M-G-M presents TECHNICOLOR Thrap lovt sforiei taming background of tinful Romel ROBERT TAYLOR DEBORAH KERR LEO GENN PETER USTINOV Ploy by JOHrJ IEE WAHIN and S.

N. BEHRMAN, IEV1EN ihi MERVYN LeROY- SAM Feature Schedule WEDNESDAY Shows at 2 p.m., p.m. A- p.m. THURSDAY FRIDAY: Shows a) 2 p.m., 5:08 p.m. 8:15 p.m.

Admission Prices NIGHT Adults 1.0(1 Children Tide (Tax Included) Matinee Adults 75 Children 50c.

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