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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 1

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A i 9 1 business mitEctonY; MRKCHANTS, erIUyf M--r. Adima, Creojrh 4c Oo. fAbraMWi nun uawiho. U. LEWIS, fTAoWe and Atfaii Onctr, S-Jv-SOfnaroi Main and Se vsnth st.

TAMES JOrWTO. WkaUtmlr Oreetr, 49 Main it, betwma Frooi tod Colombia. JOH9T BYRESt Oraor Alii TiH-TTa Mum-fadnrer, N. B. earner of 3ycmor and Soond sad Liquor Store, Water near Main.

1 Tl 'ft O. Dry-OoeJe tlu fX, etomtt, V. W. comer of Main and Filth ata. ATTORNEYS AT LAW.

At. urEWlWO, Jlltonui at Xa Offiae, aorth aidaof Fil th atreM, a few doora waat of Main, forrnerif oeeaiiied by Gary ft CaldwaJL 170 WARD ICEXJf AnoatiT an Coo Xi ouxoa Lav, Cinetnuati. Offie oa Ham atrest, fair doonaboT Third auaau Mai. CHUB ft BALL Atttnunf of Lorn; offioi Eait Tbird-at. near Maio, H.

aid. JAMBS RILKT, Attorn) at Dim; oiBei Oa Main, weat nda, aUth door, below Ninth atroot I. Vi XX JT E. Alhriui at Lam, 1 A. Mautiad Walnut.

PATRIC fcXBVJJf, AUnuj 4n4 CoaW-br( Oio)-Otfije on tha (Cut aids of Main. and Eigh'Jt aueouj CiocianaU, Ohio r. P. Bat, Uaytta, OUoi R. C.

8chnck, P. Odlin, Kao. Dr. Snutb. Clerk of MjnlgotMrjr On aXy i'natt ct Cooimoa Flaaa.

dot H. II Hunter, Laaaanar, iinio; Stanabarrr, do. -ii PIATT ft BIRJfKTf ATTOlJrrra on Main atraet, between Sixth and Bet-aoth, directly oppodta QtAo Mrstt, Cincinnati, act 89 JOHN JOLUFTE, ATToaatt aan CooaaakLol At law, CincinnatK Ohio. Otfioe on Third at, opposite Poet Office. He will practice in UamiU ton aid Clermont Couniiaa.

mar SwoWft OOX, Attonty 1 ia--Offioaon the South aide of Court ft, two doora caat of Main, Cincinnati, iff. i TOSHUA BATES, Airoaarr axb Coua-rim it l.iw and Commieetoner for takinj depoailiona, the acknowMgrment and prwf of the execution of any deed or other inurnment to be uM ar reonrded in tha Slate of Maeaachuaoria Office eomer of Main and Pearl etrtete P-W 1 CABINET MAKERS. I lJHKL.b MUOUB ft COn Loataaf I Afliara-tlnaTaU euW. of Sycamore. JOHXm WAtvrSR, CaHntt-Maitr, CotumJ bia at.

near MaiOy D. COWWBLIj CO CMmt MaJun, af a Broadway, aaiwaaa mat ad lotaaaom IIOTEIiS, JOHJf IOBLK Vmuim Hot, Fifth street, near Main. JACOB OTLK.VL, City Bmut 1W, ooroer of iiigh and Town Coaambua, a ilCO. BLVCfl. Man ciag.

Third si, opposite FranliltD and LaUyette Banka "(A Obferf lain st, wholesale ana retau. GOTTLIEB TERsCaVacfioaar, Mainst, between Fifth and Biith, aide. ERS8T ft T1IORP, tmdSetitmtn, Main at, above Filth, ILai. JW. ELT, Boekulltt and Saaf ftaar, It Low-.

erMarksttL JOUS MARTItTf tuW, Fifth it, between Race and FJm. KR'ATZ ft-BIEtrctt, Draper mnd TaOor, Sycamore between Third and Fourth. A DYER ft Xadii-. QtnUnvnU XXa JSeot i( An Store, a-aida Main, near Sixth. STLTESTER FRIES.

Boot mi Skt Mann factitrtr, Walnut at, btrtwosn Water and Front East aid koril 1 WM HEPWORTn, mu. Oil, i- LmUm Sunt, Main aaoonddoor N.ol bVreauh. ft a. J. ROXET.

Taaaers and Camera a Jtid Main at4 betweaa Fifth and Sixth. AVID MARTI Iff ftmtrr, OUmrtnd Pmm Udttfrr, I inn at. uotwoea Broaawty ana fik. A i O. W.

CARTER, iVeaar fbUc, at the law office of Wright, Walker ft timer. JTROTTBR WaTCgw.n Jw-aowrs doer orb Tkkd. AH kindaol Waichasaod Clucks repaired and warranted IjRKMIUM COLOSS NEW YOBK DYIHOCPE- Coraatof Oano and WauMt, between Plith aa48r- v. i TEXITIAJI BLIWD Rtwmfr to Tiflk seafs iHe, ssar "w-r-iviaKas ts oroer bimdi of arerr descriiitioa: and color, ootvf the kaat meteraU, at snort notice, and on I he niost reaaonaba irrms-iilwwlsa tjaab Window filiattera, ft 1 V. M.

tT FuncUBU atmndsac giren toall ardere1 ta ay win" tin a f1HIOOtlOlt--M -tMMItlON BWRB, No JW, jUera t. tMwrn. jrtAaat! a. u.l,. i 6oidt, Boots.

Shoes, Broesna, Slippy ra, Braat And Wood Clack. Urtlent.Coenh, Percuasion Caps, Oarman tstlrsr Wate.Buapeaders, Ratr.8impa. Buttons, Pocket Books, ft erery evening at aarly eandl light, PerWiseers are invited to attend. i jyn- X. ft WOUPRUFF( Attftioneer.

WATCHB. JEWELRY, PLATED WARE FANCY OOorK fptTS tabaarDienj bava hut raoelved diroet fan the ha aortatt and anuufaclarara, a kva aaa aplendnl aa. knrlHMat of fold and Urer Watcliaa, lokt Marklanm, Chains, and Kara; Dtaraond, Topaav AaMthyat, Came ana enamollti Pine, Binra, Br-flrta aa4 Sracl.l-Cjaanai taM 0ulluir, stiver, (ill and Jet Cora ha; Hak atna ana Duquot ho'anaj f'M and atlvar IpSniarleai sua Thimlilea; a old, plaioa and surma Winlatara caaai end Lorkeia) (Uvar, pearl. tbaU and hnxy Card-eaaaa; atlvw Ule. a'aaart, lea, ereaot, BMMtara and aaM Sinona; ftuiarvnn aad bVkip lMllm allra Baiter elm, ToaaualMrt, Kruii kaivw, plaual Cake baabrw, and Hpaoaa knd Forks ln.n A gun'.

Uriiannla wara) UWa Catlarr banttaul ,1 -m, bv u. aosent Ana Fea-kaivoe, Jtaaor. a' I r- RaMrauova, Wiavinsrodiea, and fena, allk Fanwa an ami afmleta, rVlrtarta BWI i Twa- tl.arawe, anolT ana Tnbaneo-1 kosaa, 1 Caoea, aliaml twl eawirimti hikm an Mtlrlna-flaakE BalaV tvia aw km of KnaHak atnt Fraafh "'V of ataar artldea, wklrk ar aow and saawakia tonne, an will am at vary kaar nrleae, jrsaasaaa las seat aaeaaer. OoM and Hpvar waniad. BAlErt ft cOUjKft Conn MrMv frw doon wol of Mala, la Um buMin jllETIIODlHT PEMAIjR COLI.PXilATl INBTI TUTS or CINC'I Tht tiarclM of Ihia IatuUoa will a raauawd aa Maoaair Ilia ta af ker.

I II Unry daalraMa thai aD lha raaaf ladlea waa awlfa Dauea4UNerailiiitarai abaaM asniaaact aa tail aa naiiMa. to DOMibla. for autlralata, amillritlo. mar ha mxtc eltlMT Mraea-' allf.of by lattar (pnat paid) to Uw FrWlpal, lav. r.

B. I iinar, ai ina iiwaeia oa 7ia au nana eMa, iaitna Walnut ana Vina atresia. aaftVerat TUR LKX1MCTON FIRB. LirB AND MARIME I MtilfH AJTCB fOMPANT. -CAPITAL asmKooo.

INSfJRm pROPCHTY of rrtery description igdinat perils by re and by water. It also rn area liree and areata annaitixa. This iaetitution was amnrpmatcd aa Mamk. lH3fi. aad br a liberal course of policy baa justly earned the confidence oi the people, and it one of the strongest and beat Insu-ranot Companies ia the West.

Loaaea, wbotlnr parti or total, will be promptly adjusted. i i letes of lnraranca low. Offios aa Front, one door below the corner of Syc amors atraet, ap stairs. JHU. W.

UAK1 WbLU sen 30 Agent for tha Owinenr ORRf PATKWT AIR TIGHT UTOVIs. Gooorroi ft Co nwpeetrully inrita attention to the abora aery desi ruble Btora dr Parlors. Offices. Chambers, ftk, warranted capable of producinc a regular, uniform and genial beat by day and nicm, con turning an ineonoeirable anaall quantity of fuel, and tiTinf entire satitractioa lo those using them, of which tha moat nadoabted taatimony ean ba adduced ,1 I As G. 4 Co.

are tha only avthonzed siren ta In this city (or tha manufaerure and sale of Oat's Pa- Trjrr Aia Ttatrr Stots, the public will plats ot serre that tt is to obtslned only at Uwir Store and Hollow Wars eotabliehment. No. Main street, bast auks, a floors above roat streat. All psraone. hereby oaationed against ana-kinf, aendinw oty an saaing tha above wnere then or tiw fonta.

nut rR. HIRAM COX leaders bie profeaaieaail eertieaa to the citiaana of Cincinnati, From hi long atperiene the nrions branches of th profession, he hopes to reoeire soars of puWi patronage. His office is on tha wast side of WaUiul, between 12th end 13th sirm. innea TIIC eabecriber In leaving Cincinnati, would eay to his friends and to the public, that he leavea at his old stand. No 90 Fourth street.

Dr. J. Tat- Ironi bis nns acquaintance with Dr. se an opnator and a gentleman, would recommend him to any who may require the aid of a skilful and scientific Dentist. A.

jnne 13. TR. J. TAYU)K, (snoceasor to Dr. A.

Koa- xJ tiirmJ respectlully tenners his aervicea to the cilixena of Cincinnati arid ricinity. Office, No SB, West Fourth st." Keftrnttxi Jim W. Cooa, M. and Dr. A.

RrnTatwao. 1 jurte 13. ACARD.The subscriber in withdrawing from the professt hi, Tery respectfully recommends his fnrnds and others, who bar unfinished operatione in the Dental department, tosall en-m 1. TaTiom. M.

D. aoosessor to A. Rosriuit. No 90. aorta at, who at anaiDaati anaiiSed, and will with pleaaam, oarry Out liie eorration oommmcad by ma.

lime is jCJ5ariw.tAJtiiv.ivi.iJ. mo TUB PUBLIC-Tba public are lasaunfirl J. ly informed that I bava lust entered into the buaineasot Lay Crur, and will procwim lost pro party publio meetings lost children, dtc, at any time durina tha da or niirht. Notice will be left at tha Corn net's Office, at fhe Uvery Htahle of Ueo. Brows ft err Fifth at, between Main and Sycamore, or at my retideno en lat iwrlawaat oacoerol William and rium i vCUAKLES HALE3.

JUW Wft 8. la ROXET, Tamitku imCutairti a iV. 188 Aaiatfraa4) tfik ad Sirra rt porta, Cincinnati, have eonatantl on band an aa- sortment of Bote and Upper Leather Calf, Binding, raunamani gua came; oaimng, narneea. Bridle, and Seating Leather, feboa Threads, Pen, Laata, Boot-Trees. SparaUea, and every articU the tnmilaotoTa of Boots and Bhoes, tTtni at the lowest phoee for caah, ItTCaah paid for liidea and OKina, maraT 't VrNETlAN BLIXO MA.N UrACIORT.

No 14b, Wtoit Idaei 4. tr tth anal aidr, on tie seoond Jloor. The under-signed continues lo manulacture blinds of every description, in a superior manner and ol tha bast atateriai. New blinde atchanired ior old onee. Old ones mad new at abort notice and oa reasonable terms.

Ladies and gentlernen wanting tnythmg la my line will please call and examine for themaelwa, n. H. 1 will take in exchange lor Dlinua, graca iea, dry goods, hats, boots and shoea aB rrVT HKNRY READ. A Llfkl 0 ALT. 1000 bMa.

para chryattllied Alui Balt.equally cearss aa Tark latana, for tale by see 11 Wataat street, between Trent and Columbia. hew and important school -1 raacans, ruaciraM, aaa camstuat or aiajooia, acaosaisa an coussss tun mi mm 5 -V inMHRNBRBOP.B SBBiBS: FIBITT Books of Naiaral Hanory, prepared ftr the oee of eVhoole an Collerea, by W. 8. W. Ruarhenlwreer, H.

D. wuh fine rr sxecatcd eng rsvisgs, klsaVaUv of toe Jt. select the Mowing from among the amy rceoat sjendary aotk-es: (Jpialon of John nbotweD, M. ProlTkssor in the Ohh Medb-eJ CoNere: I haw.ianriM aKkewtartvrrMrfcoke, aad Hera the. saaaaaa klskar aMratlkm aafClaaa Book, of Namul kaat thai bar.

-rat appear. laoareaaatrv. Tks olaaaeata, wklrk ar aa fcjapartaai at the anroarnJoa af any srkwro, era pi aaaiiHd la a axai aa aapthralnay. aad wail adapt. lo Um bialrartlan of rooh, aa antat taaara ihatr adopt wa aa rirat Books ka natural aalaar Waa rwa aaemai hi roar tasrtei oaterpaiaa, I aaa, vary leauw tniHy yoora, JONH T.

BHOTWBLU Oolnloa af the RtT Be. Obaa. P. H'llvaln, D. Bleho of the rot retard Eplaropal Churca, IMocea of Oliloi rrsaiaeai at aanrea vonore, 4f air arJnloa of ka aiertta tan be of any aerrk-a to Ms elrralaikm, 1 am fret to oaf Uaat sat only ara taaaakarti of th work aaouent to anlar lata tks eaarasaf ata of th hljhor rJaaeee ef oar arhaota, but tow work oaero.

ta aw to be well adapted to the waat ef eeooola bt reftrrenee to Ma aobjeraa. At aay rat I know not a better a aa srvteaneo naroose. i teenvvarj Irely, and ramertfnrlT, 'i fJUAB. tT NUVAIWR have alee rvewtuMnlallnaa ef the alhaat efaarasler fev. B.

P. Ayarnrie.lrWrlerltaf Woodward College. Joe. Bat. Pro af Mathrrnatkw, a I Harrison, at.

1). frof. la tM rlM HsdlcaJ Col- Tbar aim teas adopted by fb piljle achoris oV mJa onr. ana mnmynrat. acaooia UMrtt)r-ana vUislMdaadrWaaleky DbULVEB at BI'BB, 7 Matwata inwri.

JACKxoy. roturna tinaeTe thanks la his in. public In lanarai, hr the kin potronara wmra aa aa receives, sum ata coaa- BaeroMantent ot nitiuaa i. v. vie, a-t fraa tlia fi utrraaaaaf kava tk oloa aaea aa'a Uiat I kava anlaria air aataaakahaaana, aa kara aow ap aH the aaaaulnary, raquuaa.

hr ine iiyeirur araaaa at say. auiaaaa, ana aaa aaw FULLY ae-narad as eserate all work eatrasud la Sat in lhaa Haw. WA SMtnaai and deanairh. All ro'ora warranted to ba equal aathe boat Laadoa and Pern dree, aad wtia eenat taatr an nnlen. ntleeaej awnmar Ciothaa Deed or Boaooatol Ore apota aad ataraa ettratlod, aad lint Carataal atored to Uwlr arlaleal Wkrhtaoas.

My Is aa Broedwer, kotwwat OoleaiHa aad Iowar mmnmr normas KateL; ej. i a JOHN J. JACKBOM, CITY CINCINNATL Ji -v. to ii.V VyA8IIIVOTONyANHAllM.Aiuni.iralUir,ljADPRES3 OF THE JOURNEYMEN CORD removed to nciauail, ul Uk a Asa oo I WA1NKR3 (LADIES' HHANClli OK TUB pKIXOW CITIZEN-A -mm aalf Intwl a lay aefortfoa a plaia ana brtaf facia la ralalloa la Ihe diiTaraaea aibtiiu kalwaaa oaraalraa ana tmtOoyera, relylai apoa pwr arnpathf to KHala ua la oar hut fenandc; (or ao aanta va aai aa aoiMni bat arhal la riant, aM to aaaaiH la awtamt anf It la wen kaowa ta all that ara aaanraraaat wk oar bualaaa, that at Ika arkaa vlitah wuny af aa hava a worklna.we haa tollad fma twalira aUtaaa aoaiaa kar poaaa ar ear aaa eloroi ua, by reduelni anr warm anilU w. And ws ar.

anahle to aupport euraelves and families wkk ripertaHlily. Th. moot of aa bava ftiaillea. and taar meat be and clollK, an la erdw for a. la aa thai wit hanir ta ear-solve, sod roapeetnMliiy to tbaaa, aak a advaarot and Ihla, we ililnk, will no nors than Justly compaaaata na nrr our iar, an enania oa lo so n.

uuim wo aot ia hare Ml Thte we tMnk ear fctlowltrlena will aranl which they raa moat eflknaally do, by tWing their an) port sad aatraaaa taakaaa of aa aaaslnvara waa have atlmktoa too reaaonahleaani of our daaiands, by obeorrei ly granting aa la. advanea wnasa wa aak, and toarauy ataatfeouai a dbanoaltloa bt bv. and lot nvo. Tkoaa of contrary parts, aba rafme to allow as thai advaneo. ar v.

nan at co vr. M. vraotatono, (etrreaaoc to Was, B. Evans Mr. Bryaat, and Mrs.

Wabatar. That roa, ear fellow-taint on. near know ikat ear aa- atende are sot extravaxanl, we' deem II proper Is stale thai we only nek an sdnnre af aboal eifht per sent. It la tree, on event work we kava fmnd i laaai-y at aak toaM laa twelve per eeaL, while oa seme ataar wart ir.ere at oaiy a na or tar ar trrre am in. iw wa tLtak tha averaas demand will not euaod.

aa above aated, if ht per east; and aa reaeoaabie aa Uila ia, th eanptoyere abovs aanied withhold II worn ar and why at kf that tbar may mil roa their work eteht nor eevA, leas than tnatr aebj hbore, wk ara willing lo let at wo, we are rree to im.n inoy ww not. Wkk this atala statement of faett I rtt kefoe yea, wa doom. a) eansneaara to auM aura taaa la call apoa oar fcliow- cltlania usapoort aa la Ihla. Wa ara are arltk aoBlUmee appeal Co ear fallow working aaea ta aid as la our efTona to aanra uia saoaae of aiaklaf aar selraa ana IkaiMiae eoaStrubia. To oar krouier Jawraanaaa wa woali ear as tna la raamtvaa.

oar eaaia. lalaal, la aalaa I ban laotraoain. annas ws atana. g.ainaihar, kf we ara set trae la our- sslrea ws caanot ear frletali ta avs'ela aa. Aaa we bare eernea br aioaneara, that there are eome of aar i plorara who.

If we ara divldee amowg oaraalToa, wilt. ireaa aaja as iHwa, leooea aa eowa aa Tkaa wa aaaia ear. a ana anew trarafaat price, kaat oaajr a fanr oaat an. at ponaaltim i That lajast, aad tna subtle wtu euatain ua. i a COMMITTER.

EC050M IS TH1 RO AD TO WEALTO. OLD CLOT fill HAD! KEvV. liOBlaa Dynlag and Bcoariag EstabUan tneat. ORB I. JACK BON, lately from Load on, reesoet fatly Infernal tha eltlaesa of Clneinnall and vieiiillv.

that ha hat lakta a Mar an Broadway, bstweea Columbia and Lower Marks! streets, wort aide, two doors south of iioiaMe- Hotel, ror in. purpose or vrettif Kenevetins, Repairlnt and Bcsarlnt Oentloaaan1. Wearin Asoarel, apoa aa entirely sew prlnclpm. AH clothes made to appear at wnaa new, wttnoul aay mjary ta us arsittj and If net done to aatlthvllea, as share win be mad. a rem to Isaa and traclkal exnarteace whk-a I have had darlaf my apprenticeship In London, and la work- in! ror toe omrsre oi ine norm uuaraa, an otner omcort of ether reflmenta, I am enabled to dy BCABLET and tbr colore la a anterior manner; alee Is attract areas soot end etaiaa ef all deacriptiens from military and other laraasala.

Oeallemea Mmmnang vslaatssr Oompsnlss ta Ihla city, who have military elotbe out of order flora th ffeeta of greaa apou, atiaa, AcM are rsspsctfolly lavi- tea to can aaa give mm trial. Cold, silver, and allk Ac, taralshsd from rent; act, tan be retered 1 their arlgtaal luetra and brlfhtnea. idiee' waanni aroarel. (Inriudlnt tiik, satia ana Velvet dreeaes;) dyed in the moat approved fashion, and ra ine lateat style and imam. Carrlata Hang-inra, Ptalnlt Oof, mid Chat- Coven, Wladow aad I rank una, cleaned,

aad tatda to ssasnt aa who aaw. Many tantlenaea aad laruee heal! ata to lave then far- aienia, earpets, dte renovated or dyed, la rewiseqiienee of the suaieroas tmpottort that do not understand their huelneet. The eubeerloer require but one trial la prove the character of hie workmanahlp. Prom strk-i aitantloa I sty kualatet, I bopeta Bertt a thtrt of aublle palrenara. I17AII wark anirueted la my cars wID be ready for neuvevy in a sours altar Being ten wita in aunarrttwr.

aiatll JOHN J. JACKSON. fillPERlOB COPAL VABNKH. Copal Vamiak. vary lictn ro'ored.

made Bom arlected Son Cooal. ra- osrren aua par earn nw ay ine uarrni or retail ay UKU. If. DA I KB tt 1B corner of Mela and Front ate. BRISTOL'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTACT OP TtjP Bead th folkm-lnt: C.

BataTOL. VarTai Dear Sir I eonrelv daty la inform yoa (which I wlah made pubtle throutk Uw proa,) vf lb case of my wife, who has bees learned from a premature srare by the use of your Rersarparllla, oldalned of our arena bt Ihla plars. Mean. II. A Gay lord The farts are theee: ap to the time my wire commenced the na.

ef your Baraeaorllla aba bad aaea ds rllniai end failins fnat aader the usntmanl af a rsenlae Phyairiaa, whs finally said tna there ww no hope nf nor nee altar warm weainet coenmencad. The rhyan-iaa did not aiva any sanlcnlar name Is tht dlaeeaa. The tymptome however wer arneraf iMtitf and weataeae, attended with sever par In tha aide, khe wsa watted ts mere skeleton, and entirely helpleaa. I ara aaanv, yes, thankful more then I can convey la word, ta laform yoa i net ana nsa snttreiy roeovoroa the see of your BaracpariUa aflar every tuinc elaa had fallcdl MeraW who died nhorttlin tine wnh tbeaame romulalnt. I hare na dour coo id kaveksea eared, had we have kaowa tha medicine fat time.

I ban recommended It to my German friends, end ad that have naod aay baa eared, or had the doaimd effort. woe manor tap arnalatanrs who wee Just ready in sink Into the (rnva baa tseu cured, and win be ptraeed ts give you eertidcaU if jrou wah any further evidence. 1 am very iniiy yours, vc JOSEPH BO0P, CVve'aad. fan tM. -i CAUTION.

The only preesetkm tht paHk ess bsvt SKetranrns ana eeceraea in aaa ror snaun-e Bamt- pariiia, and ts ae that th tmue ait nature af rw wm. m. mm VI l. V. rnmt th cork ef the bottle; without thia, yos sad defiaudtd ef yoar mosey, and perhaps Until am ar cheated yoarltfo.

CLOTH CAPS, fyi far atle low. H. DAVIS dc CO. ttpW Comer of Mala aad Flflk ata. DRS.

MAIIKtatA ft TO USO, Dtariars. would respectfully ae attaint In ntiaro Cincinnati and aeign-borhood, that I hey have located permanently in uw ty, ami are prepar ad to nertorm all the tm- riois nnerationa in iha'r orofession attend partica kvly all disettrs of lite teeth and gam, insert entire setts at teetn wito great nearness ana aura balitv. withnul tha nsa of anrinir. Office on Vine ttreeL between Sixth anil Seventh. N.

Teeth that ache, can be cured, the nerr deat roved, and plugged without pain. dec7-d3aw BEACTIPOIalaT COLORED PHOTf GRAPHIC MINIATURE P0KTRA1TA- Uawiiira ft Fain hava recently Cmcovernd the art of eokrrinf thstr Miniataraa, tbereby imparting to Uaees a warmth and life-like loae rar mora baaou lul than any of I he kind ever ystoOered lo lu pub. he. Lsdiee nd Gea I lemea srs mpoctfnlly soqtnwi. ad to eall and axamina tha ieiinwn.

iaaliag confident that thia rmurovement will rneet their approba lion. Thai ail may be this ts obtain ta exact sistift, Uken only by tnem wiid una proeean, they haveisdiaimd liictr Dric to tor dollera, and a da. plicate kar tar dollars, heinf only taw doUmn n-id yimmmte fsra sotor twtewae. Tboes who alratdy ponseaa likerbtaa by tha mar ratthad, bob save tbam retaken lor a irulinf sum. Prjrtrarta aecurtuly oopld ia lb abovs ty'la, Miaiatares takeo firry day, without rcaard to th went he Eleetro.Cildiaganrt SilvwrnrlorWatob-ea, iewolrv, rton bo order, Dajrueiisotyns ap pamua, Electro Gilding tppaiatas and instruction given en rvsuoaabie terms.

Koorns No. 43, Fifth strive North tida, I ms -i Bet wean Mata and W'alnttt. AU adtlreaammraat bvpuM-paid. i. may 11 i a mv.aiae ta scree of land, oa the Monttwtier PTke, near th etiy lot tale at a low prlra and easy pay.

ejsatt; a heautind lotatlnn (he ronntrr lenVnree. Applyto BICKMAW ft BEDlEjiiT, anlOOO ftr whlcba rtvaa OS good ajtlnctuaberH raat estai. i HICKMAN 1TOITT, 01 Afsasy Mhav Third at, agansM tha fwa Oflcsvx 1 nASntONlTS 8ASII 8PR1N03. THE tabarrilar ha keen years smtaeod la auaafan-larin and ponint a rtri lata windows, (and dlt-eaaid of aloat MJMio) and aiade aa of several dirlrilt klade Ibt krtUnt ataar eaakas down, hat none barelorar a eimpla, dnraMa, and rontrenhmt aa the plan aow a-dnptad, and hevewhb eihrl.rterl, mr wblrh bt hat nrrd Letwre Potent of the United Btatoa. He Ibertaira altera btnvtf that ha has arrived at mark a aarree of per feetlon la aaM kanlBim.

aa he eeaaumr. will admit of but IHIIe 41 marl and anMdkolaed windows, pntrarly tied with tnrinet, ire kM Itttnj, If say, inferl to being bunf wkk wakflua; nay ar by many p. afar red, as tkay eaeaot be opened on the outaldo, and the are na obatieutlea is IMr aamt lakes oe mr eleauiint I laslas, palaliaa, and roat from par rant, leaa. There are aiany advaiitareB la bavins apuer.aaali lot aewa not tenorellr epprtrlatod ear IhoatM of, tar want of mtreaucttea.

By a naaatr af paraan. breath-Inf la the earn room, Itta air bocomee dernitrod of Ha oivten. wnra ronoen a anm rev reeoirsiion wnr" Txr. a anm mr roapirsiion, a portion of keeled, and Harrier, aareaoa; th apner i aowa a inrtiea. natural I aaa out, at the ill dutanc.

tame wnn th lawor een kerne raked email dieter, af Beab lr raahee In lo kU tha vacuum thu. p-odnced, Imporreot IWy reptenrahins th room with a so. fan of fmh sir, adding lo health end eemmrt, auurruee, remlnenea, arrwot-raosw, enouid Invariably hava the upper sank to lot down, to orow drd koaeo, eve ra esol weather, reonrrm veniilatlon; and If we lower eaek bt raised, pereone at Uni aet the wmdow. tr aliuoet cartel of laklnj cold, whk-a would avoided ky nwrln( tins upper seek. Bed chaaihers should always bare tbs spoor task Is 1st Sow a kitchen windows lot out smoke and th steam from rookins Ae.

-Upper stories, seed as dwetllnea, to prevent th aarnrer or riunros raiiiaaesi. tdaowkt ma no actor lee. II also make windows aw re convenient for cleanlnr Ae. Thorn era ale many other adventarm Is aavmf ssahee gird I rele lower, loo hum. roue lo detail, many af which, apoa a utile reaeelion, will readily present tkcmeelvea, Window frames shoeld be made with partrnf heads Of aa Inch thick.

-Tn sroteetlon eorrovusd-l Ing ka Iblcknem with the parUn bead should only be the meetlnf raU ef th lower earth. Both eaaht should tns asms rlxa. and the kreadtb of the frlm not is t- two-lhirde lu, but anr varlatmn enouid bt In favor of tlwleufth. Tkla la ainrh lbs seat plan of ma Inf wtnnvwe, ana aetraral eoatt as more uiaa wamoul parting knads, The aprinca tee laSelled, Bomhrred, (srcordlnf lo else) and warramad, and havt nacemary anscUsat for putUag si properly. reraoni eraona aaraaaia Bprlars tbsald bt Careful to est the sprooclaia sintusrs. ror nmt lo 8 by 10 or Iff by MkyU 10 by 14 1 ky 10 by IS lObyJS Idkyl 4 IS by 18 It by 14 Tbty arf6-ralestltielnreaf TVLER DAVIDbON A CO. K. Ed doors slaws 'be Commercial Bank, whet ka seen a model Is mnatalare. of window wkk both Upper and Lower Springs. sept LOST.

(lK Taaerlay avsnlnf (lBh bun.) en tbs road berwoen Ctnhaee aad Sprinrdale, Wurn 4 of Jefferson's msmolra. Ths (adsr win be suitably rawmsed ay leav. lug It at this oiBre. ecpW fl sore tnd dwelline. coataintnf It room.

aniesefKui a sioerlor manner, iround rent 10 dollar, par aareint, psrsetsal leaae; tha prtadsss reaUag ror eW iollara. WiBUldratJOdoUri. is il.iCJ A tsMl ParR. lvuw netr Harrlaon. and vrhliin 1 a mile ef tha canal, t) seres, 3 of which ander erahivatlon, rood hewed k-f bonae, bars, etables, corn oibe, wall Unv earen, am ail rKtua, win solo very W.

for small oteharA Ac- will ba sold applrls' BiCKMAN-dt HE nnaaarrv; tifsutsn .1.. at moral net-no A fame; kd a op oat Offic. 14 DANftlNfl HCIKXII. XV T. RICH A D8 trtpertfully mrbrtnt th Ltd let snd Oanllranen of CWianalL and hie ftkmda aaumralla that hat achusl WIS pe Tburaday.

Of tocrr Jih, at Concert Bail, oveeUM.i'oet Olire. W. T. B. win leech all the fnhumeUt dpsets aow Uurul la the EaaUra citie.

7 -Dare of tiMasa sw Isdlsi, Mawi snd Heaters. That eaya snd Frnftletnen Trte- day, Thureday and Batordar aveahan. from till Fat lenas apply ts Mr. Rkbarda at the Fosrtb Sttvst nwae, oret r. r.w.

airireoM's, Third atreei. r-pw LARD LAMPS. OBINSOlf sew and unproved TOO dot. Tbess taaa- nerler Ah- Utnn are luat rsearred from th. aaamt.

fartaren, packed la Mile; of 3 dot. each, tor tranaporta-Uoa. fed tare and aaeni aaa ha supplM at msnufnrUt-ior priaca, aa we are tela evreni. Order. Ooen a ds tance, are aipoato at De poet p-ua.

aiLHKEE No lra Mela St. OLD rNONUAHELA WHIsKY-en BRLS. Old M. Wetaky, "ds do PencS brandy; i pipes as Cecnlat do: la store aad tor sal. by RICHARD BATES, Ocrttl turner or I Meln end Colombia eta.

KEMTICKI LARD FOR BAI.K. rpBE suhocrlhers offer tor aale one half ef their trad of land, contalnlnr 1,000 acree oa Rock Ctetle creek, netwota ine ag aut Lavtat lurk ef Big Bandy river, la aonneoa la ay. The tract hmohy tfMedrVr Bale watered by the Reck Castle creek a an mlHarssm aad Is BaviraU. bom the forko lo lu Junction wuh lb fork o( Bandy river, el the fain. Th land Is of a tna aualitv.

well timlmced. and lha valleys aa Rock Cmtleervek are of superior quality laniiB. um umni vi varvneni nainy, rom inline of Pine ef the dUfrrenl I oplac, Aib.Ae. Inerala ara aald le tl-aund In the abort tract ef land, eooaietl na of iron srs. aik wsier Ae.

and atone coal in mwai and ef sspertsr quality. Tboee who would wlah lo make Urge Mock farm, would do well is make rrcbtten for that porjmee. Th rente Una, and stock reared thrr-ack the wietal wflh trirlirw eipene. Said land Ilea wlthls mi'ee af Ixula, situate at the iotib or ranny nvar, in county test or Lawrence Co and 59 mi lee from the meats of Sands river, where empliee Into tb Ohio river. Th Lariat fork of Bandy BBTiram.

ror pmamirwam nnove raimevtlle, the eoaaly seal of Joruaos 6o. to-wbicb lattar pinna said land Bee within IB mi lea, Ths tract WUI bs divided to auk, pa char-era from 100 10 MO arrre. Tb litis at Indlaymlable fceini patesies ky the Commsnwoakk af Virginia, uib Nonmbsr. l.oB. Tale papers, with a Urn connected map, can be Bees at oar stars, oa Mais re, Cincinnati, ar en atpllteUaa to oar atest, Joba W.

M'Cann. ra iiimwy. wno nan m-nn recently engage la wiunn ana wno. Tha Pirm limber aloa at vaJaabat and wenhy the ivrr rn aavtsasi kiaxaaji iirais. For Mraaa, wiuck will bt liberal, applr to aaiefl-Snrf i t-'-v 77 Main st, Clnll! BTOTES.

rTHR aahsraibsrs are aow maamfactarfaig a aaw paitara af Pramiam -Btsves, wbVb for yl and dntab ars an per lor any yet oltvred la thia aurkst; deal en caa ba avpyiran on inwrnoi. lev ma. FRENCH a wtxerrnw fBmMeat.weatf of the G(U A LARCB DWBLLINO HOVSR, l.Wmd tseoaxh. r.T.? alaranllalmannr.on a lot 10 ft front ky He) ewrp loos allayv-cmletna 1 raoraa, bamaakath bouat, wash boaao, front varietv ueaa. whmbhmj, Ac, In (est every snlem mat conld ae deaiisd, Siaat on Ml aU, iTtlhls tlaiasimaf aeaMal Of tpjjoUII HrCKM A EDtErTT, Real Eetate Ornc, Third st oppoehe the Pom OlBea.

A HANDrJOMtf BRICK DWF.l.I INf! tVITH Bin or lea roome. rlnUbed in lha beat modert Sn grsus, mantle, aran stest, brm railings, SUV, lltoetad near tat Park, will wiivawwi mit.n.M as a sciriKNT, Orsoshs th Feat Often ANTEDA younf maa who km keen niared la 1 the eanocllv af book Keener aad nUl nteaarre Retail Dry Goods Store, la Ihh city for rserei past, daalrea lo precars a tltuatlon; good city referencw i sivr nan BMliE.HT. Gessral Aieocv Office. ia op root otnee. SIX TBAVELINQ ASENTS WANTED kafoettht ihimv.

wimvBcuvB yovnaswa ssn maks from a S45 oee month: anidlrmia vrilll. se rarana fooa ratti eai a. Applylsv- i r- still E.N ALUM BALT barraai narawnw Ahaaa aas. w- lanai aval, sty W.lnot betwsen Front and OeamWa. FBATHGKA'-'-'l' flfuV.

LB- Ptatbers, la stare an ft ml by -1- RICHARD SATES, is porast MemendOoreraraara WHAT EVERY BOBY 8AY8. (Va ST true: and tt th Balvsrtallr axaramsd onut Ion. BOt enlv of ail who have Baed tham. bnl elan of ma raeully an tble eoaalry and Eurspa, thai Is Vieta-tlas Sbiblscs Pies, sre on ef the aeost actononucal. simple snd admirable laventtons -of the are.

Wa bava Juetwaievd 0 svota, and OSnr Ihem tbr tK wholetale or retail, at Urn mwttt atictsv oet 7 I-O BiilrT Foot Boeme. at a terra end eensnasdloai aona.aiinledrs a pit mint pan ef the anr. An pen wavsag is Mat will pints, auka enquiry a tufc oitic uJ. SU(3-f JOfg peestum WehNng.iasorud tUU Just fceirdidforlbT i Oit fiy o.silsbee ear- MO 11 NVli -4i TOLL IIL-NO. 189 FRIDAY MORNING.

NOVEMBER 17. 1813 AVHOLEN0.600,; DAM jrwTBE. 1 Jill 1 1 i a. ii i -M THIRTY YEARS FROM HOME: QB a olr nors tha Main Perk, by p. Ltarh: reived and rnr aak, bEDILVEB Bll KB, lit Mam St.

etfl TO THE JOURNF.VMHN fYlRntVP09 (LADIES' DRANCII-OF THE CITY OF a. I IKNTl.rMRN tfa kara n. ritliena, la Jortlflralloa of jroer tnrnlnt oat ear kicker vatee, and anlll, you revive Into nrloty I tarry oal your dealt, and at the osaae lime eenNrln aa an no! eabwrlUini to year kill af prleoa. We think Uiat, apoa reflection, ye wiH think athatwlM. Yo know Uiat for aavaral yeara pnat wa have emplayed from lo jo journeymen eiioeiuaaero.

we tranowirnr. yoor pn. re. low, and yoar work well made; Dim wa. an Indor meni mr as bavlnf aianurkrtsrvd eit.nalvely.

know that our emtwa stark of ok oat, at well es of roar aaaaeiaciare, la very larta; and we Dud our raaaorasra nnwilliui lo live as advance oa shoes si this lim: but piomie oe, that If yoa will porsuadt the public lo live us tna advance aa svlree Uuat yoa tot forth In your bill of price, we will readily eul ecr lis le your Ht but a we inieas annnt ear wars on" at ine veeni hiw wk-sa, aatil wa reduce our mock, aad than nrotahlv we will he compelled lo lo your article; but we aawrv voo mat we reel err el interest rnr ine aaenurae, tarlnr of ahoea In I hie slaae. bat kf von nnha vaauaaleaa ka to tocH-tlee, and rah the prbree so kith that ws cannoi ronpets with the eastern allot Kanalarturert, yoa drive in. monnraciarmi ev anooa, ia a reet extent, out ar toe Queen City. We think liter elwnld bt dtfrtrear sitae between thoee ihf give out a dns. pre.

of theee and i avt vnr two pm, vie new eovna 13 or 14 hand, oa that kava not krtl ua. and wilt aai in more at turn sricm ta wui juttiry. wis-it r. C. HART A Co.

I.P.T IT BR 'THAT SAMUEL LUMNDF.N, of lbs cltyofClncIn nail, la the art of Bootmaklne stands unrivalled, In fit, faahlon, durabllllr, and norfee'loa In workmanelitn. raat he keen admitted ky Me krsiker Meckanks I the art, ithat he raa do twice. Met whkk other, can do wen, ana do last which ne ess do at all." Teat he bee Uken lb Orel premium si th Old Me chanb-'s Iinilisie, since th first Pair held lliere In Irs, and that, (to promote th art) be wilt live one handled dvilera aay Boot auuafnetarar. In any thy la lot wocia. wno win matt pair or noota to eerre innee made by hlmatlf, tad which look tot drat premium st lire ftirof 1043.

i. rial keept trt bind eenerilty, tnd mike to order. ine name noota rrenca weter proor, rors site oousw inaeam aoota: stntw inaesm rort sole touts- double eo'e water proof Koois: Ion and abort Craraark draaa boots; Top booia; Mllhary, Nuntln Operi.Wlnler, ramp ran paaaau irwia, in an uiair varwitoa. Allhoutb he bucbeerrullv arced ad to tha lournavmcaa nemano ror aifeer wares, mill DM eracM tiutt aa mwrwtmjmrm tm eri earaanaarw. rnMi i) ar.

m.i. Third and fourth, opposite Ilia Cauuaetcisl Bank. Oct sj io TO BUILDRRS.V f. subscriber ft prepared to fumnh buUthng hardware of every variety, on term, at favortMe as snv etliei ravwe la th Wat. Ha sock sad win bs eontlnued roiliite, luring Uie tetaon, embracln all ansllilea and tinna or lacks, utcnet, uo-ts, raatcnlhr.

rcrewa. Bun Hlnres, beam Bnurea, Nails, and every irtirl asaal la tks Hardware liner, til or any of which I will tabs pies turt In thowine tod (If H'eeeMc) wlllnj lo those wot wai ttv a can. j. r. ositAim ct IS Mala it, stat aids.

Deists Fifth. TO 8TF.AMH )AT CAP I AINU ft OWNtRS. A CLEUKHH1P wan td on. roori voune man who bat had am ar veers evtwraanca oa dUTerant boala, tnd whs ean rive the raoet eaaaeer-ttoaa bleclty torcapiclly.etaridini, Ac he aaw bra gfjPOor 00, which ht wmt'rt lend hit erapioif-T, If de- auvo. yippiy ay nitnuA at HEUien r.

net IB Tlilrf ttre-M, erreo-rhe the Poet Office. THE suacrlber cbeei fully returns his awe sincere llitnki hn old friends snd evatomsrs, for tneir very Hrersl aalranatr beretofor keetowsd apon respectfully sol it he a contlnuanee ef thatr favor, I am convtantiy mannfaetnrint a larte and itnertl gnrtmanl of all art le lee ht my litis of kaelueas, sack as Saddles, Br Paddle and TraveUnt bats, Marllnialm, Coach. Olr and Buerr Hnrseas or every deacrlMloa Stass snd Wsjoa Haraost Brads ia th most approved ay lee, aotetnor wita every ouier arucie aaa ally maaa larfare tnins r1--. In addUioa tlx aJborc.I am aaafacturnig a astral aasorlment of Iron-sound Trevellnt Abo, the new and valnahla pal ant Water preef and LlnVpntssr ving runt, tbs rsns nns ssen none on the Ohio river, and altar fee in 410 v. Lead he vn aet afloat, and It Sill retained Ua buoyancy wnh a porta St-Unf on lop! Tbneeuavellng by water, should supply Uwinaalrss wuh this settem.

I am alas menu 'anuria-BaMwia 1 parlor palest Bpcln saddles, wtucb, for ssm-ty to the bora, tnd comfort to rider, can no, be cx- AU lbs above trtkOea win bs Warrsntml and sold van cheap. ISAAC YOUNG, mayB4yAw N.K)Msmet. rarikCH Burr Mill HAatm Bolting Cloth of tha fitst qnali-ty and of every Net r-n ratit aptnrjiea ana Irons; Plaster of Pans. Am- r'J 13 -W. tt da of Wtlnai, sear Front at.

a7Aii arrcka wamaNatLdCs prii'my ft ROULBTAJ. gtJMIkBsw Hi sb C-fOVH3. GRATES. HOLLOW WARE. tr AIT4 Mum ttrret, (eoaf tides Crseinmaak gov I) hub a rn Jd.Zl..TT." nanxusreaf Guilds patent Cooking Stovs, "Qsera of tha Watt," rsapeetfully invii aTismmrr ta ihetr preenne eiumstv stora stoves, Urataav HoHow wars, fta, which they oflur far ati at tow puces ft -Thstr Cookipg Stovs, "Qriee af th Wart." Ism now been three year breWa tlmpssiia, dartttsmica Prod nearly two thousand ntv been sold an incontestable pier' of tha uperority of tht over ell vnw voosing rjtowes.

lit atwisusetiori annpla, with the noea an amrtCMad nntskawt khsnvvs bmimI. ly and oniionnly as -sey aider gtving it iljth advantage of lint bsst brick oven. They ars fttterj out with all the neocsmry rooking sppsntu. sad if an ana asea ncooraing to diisenon, cannot (til to perform admirably the varhvas ofhess mlarjeVI. ft Co.

haanafaetara and save for eni tint irs-prored premium Cooking 8tov, nrica pattern af Parlor, Tea Plats and Coal Stove; deal and imnd-totns Parlor Grslee, Air Tight Stoves; latest rnt-rjrovcrnsnt. with vsrt dm tsistiaS of Hnlloae.wara csatuiia, mtde from tbs Brat gstlity of iros, aad got with the greatest gar by npuieacerj work- en t. 3 arv va a W-J tt. ra ra-nanoY Am nam. srnci anaotbinv CooDar.

Block Tia. Rassia aad imrhn. Wire, aatorted aumbera. Brans KettW a. al nlM ....11 mr 1 1 -rum CHP.AP C.H fjlTllllKuurviv TAB.

BISHOP, bavrng Jnat retnrne. trtm New Tbrfc wrtb splerntld aaaonment 6ood, in bs lint, aow ermr them tor sals st tha loves osthaisnw mas mi knehment, ander the Hem Hoee His sssottiiienl eoneieie sf erary artiela Calltd mr'tn a MerrnaM Talkie 7. lh- rM6r. and -w" sun B.Cufj being tb. eMoet wrlb ill fs kia) am, as p.a exa isreltreirres.

kavina- tmUltAasT fSkma reU-s I na? Asa Mil sVSajd ta) thai Miuark a-ksnaridBt asjojau ft. M-aswaj aaAXSvVI vBv. faAndf TT OrriCE AT A Tim ndertlgnrd, lldtfrg bsra mm pointed Aural of (ha jCiaa iMeortnee Co. af Hart-v krd, etTns to bwwr kouees, stiaw, awl Is, rtctortra, rsrnt, aiKt tns eomtnit at saca, toil its wit every Qihct spectts of property, tgtiuel kjassf tltmnge by lire, TU rates of nrmtium off-rrj by Cofnirry, trt as low as liana af aay other aaular instnunoD. snu every man raa now anopnortsmty, tor a email past, in sultling losses, tW bav gainsd atpata' I uon unsut-prisood by any other htatitntma.

Tb cilixrnsof Cincinnati tnd vtdnit? prelrrritrl to eall on the andcrtlgned, who ia luihonsed to sua poiiciea to appiicania, witnont delay. W. B. ROBlhti, Age-nf, dce.n4-iy. Offire Frrfrllt.

ttesr rVewvrrS, AUCTION rALUlanawrlWUvnwaja Wlrid Ureeet and moot comajotlioo. Roema la UiS eky mr i the MblbMoa Sad sale sf tar at are, Pnvks, Palatine, Fancy Ankles, Ar, hmrata-r let VV eekiy Seles of Dry Uesds leerepiuae kka) ssoaB for lb aale ihSdeetlrlMf vvada, He therefore, baviee raeuler tale of Fern tur evevv Frlder. and of I no ha. Bjalknierv. Fane A rV tie.

every gaiaidsy EwnUaj eSBmaacf ag at early candle llsht. Conaitnmenli tie rvtpectivny ttikhetd, SB whlck host. tl idvirKeawill kamarl. Is THthS. JOIIFtiTOW, aanloneav 1UII LAB DUAir, SUliVI ILtTllll, SC.

IT llhNlHHINU HAKDWAKkJ. TnR ear err II at reqaeat the ttlettlea af these ta warn) of any srthle In ths Poralthmg HardWars Una, say avoilmsnt. iwrnprlelnf Table aad Demsn Bsivm and Parka, la asses SBsV sen of 01 nteree; verms ruvsr, grntaaut ins ires Tt Tna ana lts bit Spoons; Bram CaaflefrVla, HVk, Ptsl tnd CnaBabsT: rase an steel Fnnrs sntl Treya Tea rood end common! Tabic Malta; Tr sd Hand Sens; -Shsvala and Tont, Pakara, Ac at eel and araaf mass, T. whwtusnten. Brae And Irons; Brant Kettles; Tln'd and Ermraared Sasrs Feet; Meat Saws Bulrber Kslv SsmSklng tisaa: I llalisa Irona, lorethev wkh a BSKsUanoosa varmtt ea atticJeo, uecfui and orassMslal.whlrh will be tnM aa rsiF nMuH.kl.

IV a. at I unyn I'll 1,, Ea aide Vm ot II and 1st llardwate eter bekiw Fifth, "FEATHF.Rs. KM LBS. LivaOscs Feather, far eS lv' fvtr jAllka l.iiiKrTr.u c. US ft Maine! BBiimaapttBSllarfirsaloWy -j en-i a w-r BK W'ff Mil K.

alrOAK AMU AiULA.jtihki, .4 A HI1DB. ptUis Snsan da, -A is ae atoti Just received aud Pm aslt b- ir i Jil rOMNSTON A (Ta art a'" ho. Oil uk at NtW CASH WIIOI.RSALK CRY OCOiA MORI ELL A CALL At tt, A. tt, Petvf erreet, CtadnnaCf, I a ceaaotriea wkk the Cask Dry "nil lllntl Sf D.J. MORRELL, Jft M.

AVrrt del a pEX lata trrlvaat ws have rereired, and ant dally i' ceivrn. lerve cddrllon anr utanvxes auck vdl Amarleae and rorelas Dr Ceo da. One aenah ad ikani time comprise nearly every article Ikat aaa ka takad sat in ws viy veooa one, aaa liavint parcaiiea the iraator, tart of our heavy goods early la Jen, caa error and trs actor mined UatUit low, (wkk the aadbtos of frvltbw indeirbantaa) tecaa sssgkt ft say aaarkst 1 uti nnao ntaaea. would ctD sttenrtea acjrs ntrftcn'sVry fa nr kcV of Prints, which le the beavieet, beet amorted, and eaa-priava Ilia eraalavt vartctv wrm eooned entW the movs- Ulns, and will be aonatsnUy repUslahad by all the saw style, at soon at (bey can bs rershred from thd eestira keanafsctartia. WORRELL 4k CALLAGES.

PS Ka. at sari at toes, enau- vnsosoaa t. I PWAI-L, otMf tilLL. t. COMMISSION KERCH ANTS.

1 HIW OtLIirt. ra andeeitansd will auk sdvaaevwirntsfa rasa a ronel(aaiaia Is Weaara. kieafl and MrflriL Haw Of. aaa. iv JAMta iOUSUTOh i CO. h.rMaiaat.- HATTErlB' BIUCK AND TRIMMINGS. WE btvt spy oa head a Uit and csmplsis ssoarassag ef Better' mock, eoneieltrii sf evert artmle Band a the amoruj whick aaay ba Mad Rueeia, raw aad tatrsled Mowa and SaMsaaj, latMka brsnds) utile, back, teny and suet Csney, Muakrat, Bavr, Otttr, Baal, ltd Watt, Ta key back. Ac. A a a ma, lmi rma. Bint sns unn Trpn, Baa Hots, Bws.

Inn, Draw Cora, Bobmell, Ptlenf, Bweeti, kcahwe. Bewhtg Bilk, Back Flecoa, Leaping, Twine, Paper, Brusbsr, BUmptn, Wiamtbst, mutt. Stat and Ante's Prunhca, Silk Bat Varartft Stiellac, Alcohol, Oimerae, Clut, Borax. Ave. Aa.

Pot sale low lar caah, ky B. P. DATIS -v. torserMarasadFifihsis. 1 UKPENTINB AND OIL BARRtL'4 000 JirTV Tarpsaliat and Oil Barrels, for aamt' SEO.H.

BATES tie, I IT i' rar MMa aad rfsafaa. and PnR15013, et CHEAPER T84N EVEB, ft i.aar aad aVaW. IP ssy sereetm whs wish it bay a aVtn 4 tNl above Uaabeolln Or Paraaaa. ell' JT kaokiug every where elaa, Uy nlU I o4 ibey (aa aara IA. per Pint, udget Am tat tnirfk, by b-jyii if CCyvFARTfilRBHIP NOTIC tThe assersigtmd ha' 7 sanwed ml cs-psrrnertlil ander th Dim af y.d ii.

li vrorvry aaa (Joans." bwainesual the More ketslowri eccapted bs Jan. jumnw STOsTli. 41 Mtia at, AS. JOHN eio if V- I M-WLLOtfoa. J.

tjp. JrOHNSTOtf." vaaar Usrlsr vfdrta, Drawwi, erW whlb will be sal at ins mwsst pev pomwie, tor can amy. AR garc-ents siede aa nssal (a the meet faetiloneHo Yr. vTBE afA0inE ALBA.VAC.lyrV; 1 rraamaas ernmau armanar; ThaOermas Alauaac, Iw Prat Meysri Tim Svrmmi Essiia Almssnn, by dot The CM nonnlav SlanaMc mmlJt. I a Wm me preferred I any ethar.

PsMlsBSa, aad ftg atia by am Tbsssief, rrss. a w- sly, Bnsv. PtiMtiheT.Va, wYan rarr a A ALL, HOlJe WAN rk l.i. A 7 tmB Boat, cortulr'-r (- ftar rsaara, nrnk waist, ean ts rvyln4f thai Srnos. -'a-.

I 1 AIR-TIGHT biTfiVt.i W'sWr. Vrrttbl nd scooomiraj btatma Suns saw hs c- Muulaetutwlaul tut nle be OetW I Mam IB'hJ ail. 1 11. anmaasts and city rmallen to a terra lot oft. A atrentiati of ro-ft ksim Ji 10 Vnn et, TWy AB.Ua IRVTUrg wnasojej aianio.oak.r-VClnnt,bckv,vf, a mir nvcp ai rtr mea, naotaa, ears afipi.

orrna-. well of walar and am, llepil- 9 a-" a a farm llimoa the Ovrma town nW. th Leiinstoatanirtke.arout mil fr'vn WklliuerMa and SS mile from CtarmntiL f--. Tksotheveesulris leu orree, or -y and undw fenro. limbered wiihenrv.e..

'-t, "4 ory, si :1, pop'ar, -vr- ef 1 i faem bvl on mato-kartecraea, w-icll wane etreare. bavin hler 15 aowoe ts r-''i rood mal oo Uimrarm. new. bors. atahwv, eora ariiv.Se., an of W-trvmof ehoic fruit, od ram hm oa te co- -v r- t.

va vJ I udrt. FiioU0 lifHt ram, to pvuwci uirasau against the leasee to fttucB, hit Property daily axputKrl 1 I'ndoiUwIibmtlsrUenlighuWpViriCT which Uid; Coint-any has prtnoed fat a onailav af a aentnv JlizVP BGCEIVKO SHUBIA6AR, No. lost 4. tsorvsd aiekmdnl seeonmeat ef teeaeneble B.t vtstmting sf Clot ha, Caeaimerao, Yestlnrs aU end atVHMi aas. BVarua auoeaa: r7T I I f-i vi- a ttaJTBI.

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