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The Pocono Record from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania • Page 1

The Pocono Recordi
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
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Employes Form Picket Lines At Three Ronson Plants SO.UK MO ol ilu- Him- mm-nlnu. at which liiilun IWRO- MII Corp. lirtrJu'd llrt'ir lliiTati (inlurs in'OM-ntt'd re- liy a i tiff Hii-re port ot ruiiii-ucl to i i i in Knsl Slroucls- ilute, i i morning. "It wns Ilic linc iiulrtily svi-ve cs- "N'i i a no i Ilif Henry. WMI li," sulil i i i loniwii- lunl Harris sis.

i i And ClmiU's 1C. lleyer cij Now i i Inr i I i i i (allowing Iho nu'mliershlji Assriclaflon of Mui-tilnUs snld Ilic sraslon. i i i i win be inmtilaiiK'tl niomul llcycr siiitl i iiteinlifrsliiii ''lurk, im-Hinf Is srhfilllli'll for a a.m. Tin- Hvl-lcm lo slrlki? Monday i Aimirlcuu legion wns nllilnu'il nl 11 membership ir.ime In Knst Al i i i i of I.OI||;M 17-1 Unit time, union iirnpnitula will INI reviewed uml program will lie eMublMicd lo permit "nil mem-' IKT.S lu i i hi niul delllK'riillons UK IOMJJ tho dispute continues," he ntUU'it. Meanwhile, no negothu lion sessions liuvc yet been sched- uled.

The inllis broke down Thursday just lioura before (he union lliioiilened to go on Heyer fold lie conferred yes- terday afternoon i Federal Mediator Waller Moser hi A IOM-II mid i him of lisa membership's decision. "We nuulo il absolutely c-lenr Ihc i Is ready to meet again ul Unit? to resolve i dis- pute," sold Beyer. "And It Is ex- pected a Hie federal mediator will be successful in scheduling Hiioiher negotiation i dur- ing the coming week." a i i company Issued Us first a since; the dis- began. It "Serious nnd steady negotia- tions have been In progress, and long sessions-- breaking up nl 2 nnd 3 In Ihe morning--liave oc- curred ''In Ilic lasl week. Con- jsUlorallo proKrew has been made, "The.

Comiiony had agreed lo a hVQ-week exlcnsion of the jn'es- ent contract as recommended by Commissioner Moscr u( Ilic Fed- eral Mediation Service. "II was agreed a during this Uvo-weck i i i any increases in monetary lienedls would lie made retroactive to the i a i date o( Ihe old (-mill-net, "The union a a i i commil- tee and Iho membership appear lo have rejected this proposal," tlie Uonsoii slulement said. 14 Is I company chose lo an extension with- oul giving the union an oppor- i to have a complete report to make to iU members," Beyer said. The union spokesman said ihe seniority In use--Iho most hn- porlnnl part of the HRrrcmetit-- has not been fully discussed to "The company Kns failed lo sub- mit counter proposals concerning and has submitted only about half of Job descriptions to Hie union," he i "The Issufi concerning these descriy- tions Is a serious matter at Ron- son because company i and placed on jobs other tJmt for which they nrtr at tlie convenience and discretion. "This is CM rig in most cases i regard lo i i i and results in a cut in wase.s," Boye-r ''Tiie lor lhi.s stop- page sip.iai','ly in liie laps ot cumpiiiiy ollScials vlio bnve to give coiiKidci'ation lo those 1 Issues I heir eniiiloyes de-serve, even thoy have had ampltj i to do so," Beyer said Ihcr, has proven to employes I hey can not rely oiv tlie comnnny's he uprl- "ThoiTfoj-e, wns Ihe rwj- census of I he membership-- No Contract, No Work." Inside The Record A i Opcnlux 0.

Vlmnl i i OHICi- 7. npfl Ihe JDaiiy The Weather rOCOXO.S nin! cool tilinu-ers uml invtliTcd hljjh 57- Cnol i i i i Sniiilny fair mill milder in lite Telephone 320 STROUDSBUHG--EAST STROUDSBUKG, SATURDAY, JUNK 2, Stro'udsburg Officially Acquires Water Company Governor Inks Airport Bill i i M. Lender yesterday signed bill appro- priating $2,000,000 lo airports in the Stale. Included in Hie uppnipvialiun is a item CHrnmrkcd liy past agreement, for (he I'ocono A i at Mninl I'oi'ono. K.

Levoy chairman of the. local airport authority, siiul last nijflil when informed of Ihe governor's action: is an extremely important step. Like most other SairporU in the Slate we have Soviet Union DropsMololou As Minister i i i Leader's approval of the bill, now stand our Leader Signs Highway Measure A I 1 tfi--Oov, 1.fader today acted oti the i a hatch of 50 bills remnim'iift i desk horn last weeks of ihe Lt'gUlature. i i i into Inw hills appro- millions of dollars and a a i from truck a to mine subsidences. One ol the must important I i oninummcs "As UungS now Stand our GO million dollars in the next two plans and are.

lK-ln nR(l i Hllurm Al pl es brought lo dale. I i to say ie stalc tlisulbutt's 13 million i a i i stance 1 -we should lie ready (o ad- vertise (tr bids by 1." i i of Ihe nppiupria- i i wns another In the deal sen'. Smi-tj enln 8e the PsviJt a i 1 i lho nirporl I I a I ronsl st-liPd- uled nir to the I'OCMIIOS. of Soviet n-i At 50 is 16 ypftr.s youna- Molojijr, (Jie durable nliJ w)m i t'Mk over Ihc First slop Along tiie formation of Fo(ii way A i govenimcnt a jx-ar. The new law t.s i the ad- minis! ration's highway program hnt'hotl by tin? govei'twr "to give UK? hesl road sys tern In the nation." Tlu- new allocation law a i the ptt'Si'iit fot'muln i state grants arc They art 1 i 60 per cent on the ot miles of road under local main- tenance and 40 per cent on the i agreed ti allot'iite 5150,000 a of communities.

i ihe 1 The wiminisiratioii nml Dom "Tlie i i ot Ihe Supreme Soviet hns (he recites Ih-sl i i of i of iiiinfstors, Vyaches- I M. Molntov. tml lie he re- Ji'-vrd al his min- ister. i i T. ha.s nppoitiled minLsier (if foreign a i A.s usual hi sucli cflsos, n7 rea- son (or ilie shift wa.s i The a i Indicated Molotov retained his job RS deputy c'Jjfiii nmn.

eqnivnlefit to pre- i This belief I git no a of disgrace i Local munk'ipnllties which m.ike thc a i have announced a ihey will raise The a i i amount needed tie provided by the county novi-tn- nietit. County ccinimissloricrs a agreed tlml Ihey will i a i on a i a i money to- wn nl the airport when the a a i a i was mode. i no a ol disgrace was 7 Involved In hit i i i a There I linve boon nn IntJiontions IntC'ly I in i hut. the I Cj IIPSI of favor. Strne reports bad II be mlfjUt Inkc over from K'lcmt-'iiii Y.

Voroshllov ti.q i a preside tit of the country, in Uio Job ot cbnlr- of iho Pri-sidunn o( Hie Su- for i tnonths had lnokt'd like ninn most Uhely to MolOtOV. He hns lirfti ediior in duet of i i a Corumumst or- i for ixissibly ,150,000 A wofkors in a i a to a i for fpricrnl aocitil setrnrity lionefits i they want tliem. He. into five-bill package a i state confotm li 1351 fedei'al social soc- urity a wliich a a For last fow a i i a 3'i million mnnlc-lpnl mnnilis also has he on i 1 workers throughout the country naic ntembcr nl ihe Prt'Mldium alt cllgiMc to receive federal benefits, the Communist Central Commit- The new law.s will enable 11 a wor ke rs wh osc job Leader today opened Jimc I 'IV-Gov. A $741,000 CRECK Is given to Franfc Sfacfehouse, treasurer of ihe Siroudsburg Municipal Authority, by John Neiger, Scran- ion representative of Blair successful bidden for the bond issue io finance the authority's acquisition of the Monroe County Water Supply Co.

Tho transfer was completed yesterday. Seated ft ority Chairman Russell C. Hughes, Henry G. Tucker, Jackson Kerlin, and Randall J. Marsh, all memberi of the authority, and Stroudsburg Borough Secretary Harold Snydcr.

Standing are Ar- W. Williams, coume! for Holbroolc; Oscar Hansen, bond counsellor; Charles Benslnger, water company representative; Thomas S. Stephenson, pre.siden of tbe Home he signed the bin. "There is lot o( good In this bill, however," he added. Stephenson's grouji ortfjinnlly sjJOiisoreU the measure which was i by the House Appropriations Committee.

Another change in ihe new road allocation law i i a a matching provisions which for- merly required localities to i matching twuls to receive ol the state aid. Four million dol- lars yenr was i i on a matching basis under the old law. Another vision u'ill ponnK communities to USD 75 per cent of their a or 23li million a on a i a work. The remaining 25 por cent, or 7 1 1 wo ul lie on no const uc io wo k. Tlie i i a i i i a Jntonded lo raise cur anil truck resist ration tees to i a ilio greater disbursements.

But under liennblScan insistence higher he made from tee, tiie cimntry. niilw covered hy a local retirc- itfoimpnniocJ Premier I xysicnt to "vole i a i Bulgmiin Bnd i S. qMostlon of also joining the Khrushchev. the a leader, they went to Bolgrade last ypfir to a ponce with Tito. I.nler Slifilov Ivirned up in Cairo n.s I fjuest ot 1'icniu-r a a Ahrlol Nasser, and talked fur two hours w'tUi Xass'or.

Soon it known that amis were to to the i a of Isrnel. ci'iilrnt (his spring, however, a the Soviet was not i Us full support i i i i the Arab stales. Leader Drinks Milk With Queen A I K(i, Jinn- 1 Leader paused enough In middle of i i i dc-an-up rush of bis i lo i a i glass ot milk i a prelly fiirl loday. Thc girl, was Susan Call Cos- kery, '20, Centre Valley, Lehigh i Mntiicipnl Some i i a workers who do not have local ve i men I progrnms have been brought un- der ihe tedoral inogrnm in the a iwo yenvs. Among the governmental em- ployes now olisiblc for federal cov- erage nre 80,000 members of i employes retirement system; some 55,000 of HID slnte employes i sys- tem; members of i T-ali tiiiTtoi' vohiele Another new Iruv i i a i of Hie causes of mine cave-ins in bolh the i i HIM! regions.

A 10-man coin nil! lee, not yet npjoinlrtl, i ojort Hs findings nnd recommondations to Gen- a Assembly before a 1957. It has been granted $5,000 to rovr ils The governor approved two other hills "designed to add im- i a safely a to Penusyl- Inirk 1 raffle." Tho i specifies SO mile per a i speed limit for nl) i i vehicles on nny ivith four or more On oilier i a I timi left lo right are A. A. HolbrooV, associated wiih ihe utlliiy for Atty. Edward Hoffner, George T.

RobtnLon, authority solicitor, mofo than half century; William A. Curnow, utility manager; and Allen Woodruff, bond counsellor. (Staff Photo by MacLeod) Edward H. McCaugfiey Blair Sfacfthouse, Auth- Britain Softens Peace Resolution tem; members of i syv r-r i tcniit In 33 cmmlios, 22 cilies, I l.S townships counted i i a auihorittes such n.s water, parking or recreation commissions, Raise Jn Salary N. 1 pay increase of 1'2 cenls an Is our became i for 4,400 workers in a the I i a i i Paper i i i whti is Miss Pennsylvania I ern Division.

Tnu new base a i Maid of iriSG. is 51,70. Run Wild 1 A I I I I A 1 Sevonleen elepliaiHs i i i a i at 1 be i i Hros. llarnum and Uniley Cirrus las I i an i a storm. Five, handlers from Sara- solo, woru injured (minting (lie finimnls.

The near stampede, occurred as I elephants wore being Jed I the main tout. Jesse Financial Genius, Succumbs June 1 Waltacc antl fotlowlns sorvlciMin- Jesse I I Jones, financial dor llirce prestdonls --Wood row Ki'nhts who built the skyfine ot the Wilson, Herbert IlooviY nnd Koinlt's i and loaned Franklin D. Jtoosevelt. ovrr 50 i i dullnrs for (he Jtoconsl ruction Fin mire dii'd today, rcslfinrd secretary of Hit Ihcn i lo Hous- ton i adilcd inintlirr or ninrt' hliysrrupers to llio nnd head of HFC "I love to bui1d ho i "I i formor Vice President Henry love lo plan nnd antl hulld." owned 35 mulii-Moi Uouslnn buildings. He built 33 of Ilieni, Including Ihree low hotels nnd Ihe Tlou.vton Chronlelo, of which he was pub- lisher and a i a of Iho board.

He also hnil ONlensiv.s prop- erly holdings elsewhere, including New YoVk Cily, Korl Dai- Ins antl Memphis, Tenn. NATIONS, N. 1 UR--Britain softened Its Middle East peace resolution today to meet objections hy Jfussla, Iran and lhe Aruh stales. But the Arabs vowed they would continue to light the proposal- Itussia and Iran said Britain did not go for enough. These developments came in the Security Council as a surprisingly hot debate raged.

The delegates were a surprised the a i which Syria, Jordan, Egypt nnd Lebanon as- sailed lhe British resolution. The West bad regarded the resolution simply as a measure endorsing Secretary General Dag peace Mission to thy i East asking i lo continue, his offices." That means to lower ten.siou. The Arabs, however, shot holes in it from the ami gained powerful support from Russia, -ran ami a i a i China. Iho Council ftir from a vole late a tier noon, It ndjourned i Monday. The day's debale started mildly enough with Sir Pierson i sponsor of lhe resolution, announcing- ivjial lie cnlJecl clnrify- hanses.

He wns supported by U. Delegate nines J. WiuKworlh anil Herve Alpband Prrtitce. Dixon agreerl to i i a i his proposal for Hammarskjold io continue his "good offices" (or lowering tension in Palestine. Dix- on nlso agreed to make anothei minor change i i holding Inice obnervalion.

teams to slice houndnrles. Dalilstrom Appointed Jinio 1 tTt Capt. Albert F. Dalilslrom, I Tar. risburg, today was nppomied dcp uty commissioner of stnle polici ly Gov.

Leader nt 510,000 year. The governor's came 01 a recommendation hy Col. E. .1 Henry, stalc police commissioner The. a i is i Dablslrom has commanded lhe Bureau of Criminal Identification antl I a i in Mnrri.sburg since 1, I0rr.

Ho previously commanded Troop Squadron 2 The new post parries tin nulo- matlc rank nt liculennnt colonel, NAACP Halted In Alabama By Temporary Injunction MONTGOMERY, June 1 i.fl Aroused of encouvoging attacks on segregation Laws. Ihe National fn- the Atlvnnccnient ol Colored Pegjilo was onU-red hy state court today lo stop doing business in Alalmma. --4 Circuit Judge Walter B. Jones French Troops Close In On Rebel Band SKS, Alsefia, June 1 French combat a today closed In lor the hit! bis Algerian "Gates ot Rib tin band a in nji" gorges of the i i southwest of a i of slcel Arab nationalists in French dispaiclic-s said more lhan 100 rebels had been a i or a since ihe troops launched roundup yesterday, Powerful detach- itients ot the i i 7th Division, supported i by air i wore re- ported, lif on some one of the pitched a of tlie iS-month-old uprising. French.

not dis- closed. Victory would give the French complete mtitnl of the southern, edge of disputed Soumman Volley on fnnye.s of the. Grand Kabylie, a lavonte rebel haunt. Helicoplrr-txHne troops i grenades on nationalists, holding out gorges, -suji- plemehting a dcvuily Iron: mobile i French let's said the ha i raged a a asjwilt'lies lhe dead were strewn the day. i over roi-ky ni.mntaln slope.

1 Dedication Of Helt VAMiEY i June i.n- A neyv hell in the i i Afemoriiil a i will he dedi en ted lie- re Sunday to I Com- monwealth of 1'ueilo Kirn. Il become Ihe "'3rd hell. is.sueft a tomporarly injunction at the request of Alabama Ally. Gen. John Patterson, The restraining order will a i in effect "until orders of the court." Patterson charged the NAACP iviih helping organize nuil finance Negro bus boycott ti Montgomery and "otherwise 1 i employ- paying Negro women to seek enrollment at nil-while i i of Ala- Those and oiher actions, at- torney general declared, "are causing i a a i to Ihe li" 11 and civil rights of the and citizens of the State of Alabama." In N'ew York, Roy WiLklus, a of the NAACP, said Ihe A A "did not organise the Montgomery bus protest, hut we joined tire rest of the country in hailing the people did.

Takes Slam At Pentagon WASHINGTON, 1 IT--Son. ID-La) taxed the Pen- tagon today wiih "criminal" waste which he said "hums me He linked up with Sen. Dwor- sliak (U-Idabo) in i i pro- posed expenditure millions of dollars for new Air Force pro- duction or research facilities while a big naval gun factory al Pocra- lello, Idaho, reportedly stands idle or i a The TocaU'lto a built in War is held by the Navy now on a "sianci- by" basis. Tho two legislators shakily tl Rear Adm. Kredenc ngton, chief of a a ord- Disclosures Made By Authority FORMAL acquisition of Hie County Water Supply Co.

yesterday was assumed by Stroudsbnrg Municipal Authority. To finance the transaction, tlie authority floated a 000 bond issue. Although the actual purchase price will only amount to the r(i- rnainder- needed for work- ing capital and to finance the transfer. TJie transfer ended private own- ership of the borough water sys- tem, a i hack to 187G. A.

Holbrook, associated with tiia tililily for more a a half ct-n- tmy, lias been nsked lo serve authority in an advisory capacity. Authority members, upon a i over I system, made these dis- closures: 1--No increase tn water rate. 1 is contemplated at present lor cus- tomers in Slroudshurg and Stroud Township. 2--William A. Curium will retained ns matiagef of (he wat- er system, ntong with his sUiff.

3 of: water company will bo transferred' lo the Munici- pal Building and, for the present, hills mny he paid at Ihe borough secretary's olMoe. Presenf offices at 6 S. Seventh St. win be retained fit least i July 1. I.piiKthy Session Mechanics of Hie transfer Invotv- ed did not employ Mrs.

Aulher- i Lucy Foster to enroll at (he i i of Alabama." Wilkins said the NAACP had re- ceived tio notice of the legal move, and had no word on it except newspaper accounts, hut ruhled: "These appear to be lo deny the right of protest a a i intolerable and degrading I me nl of citizens and lo deny also right of protest and legiil i iti Ihe courts to secure ol a qualified and accepted a i a lo a tax- siipporied university." He said NAACP Inwyers were now seeking exact I a i a)oul the injunction atition. Paltcrson said the injunelion will remain in force i i unless Ihe NAACP asks the court lo dissolve it, Unless an signing of numerous documents-- between the parties concerned. Tiie sessions were held In the hoard room of the First SLrouds- Inirg National Bank. A representative of Blair' successful bidder for tho munici- pal bonds, presented the a i with a check for $741,285, the net amount of ihe homl issue. A i Chairman Russell C.

Hughes said his group is purchas- ing the shares of company stock at 544 a share, or for a total sum of The a i also is calling for redemption on July 1 a total o( $400,000 ot outstanding water company bonds, Hughes said. Hughes said further the author- ity now will study needed improve- ments (o water system. Closing of transaction Involv- rbief of a a ord-, ert ie conveyance of utility's naiwp. al Senate Appropriations CIIIh distribution syslem hl sulicommutco Hearing on the 33'-, bOrough aml oud i i dollar defense money bill, i Cation, sources of sun- No Knou'EcilKc I'ly, three dwellings, a farm and Dworshak said he has heard i 40 act es of Air Force is negotiating for con- i of new facilities at Don- Hughes also disclosed that all hut 5200,000 of liie' bonds have nnd Ogdon, a i sol(1 A estimated $300,000 would cost "many, many He demanded an explana- tion why i wo ul n' I a ve mo no antl be just as effective to lei the Air Force ust? the a Poca- telto a said the A nnd boib have inspected llie Pocatello a i i hut he does not know what wns decided. El lender said lhe case reminds him of an irtcidcnc in World War II siiid, (he Air Force on pilot acres a i i fertile Kind" in Brio.f Ca is i wilhin 30 dny.s, hr said, (nrs i the can Iheu request (he court to mnke lho i i per- 1 a i i KAST ST.

J.OriS, I Jntnes Ledni'Her had a hi iof c.ireor in lhe moonshine whiskey I out a plain his fn-'t cus- Navy To Junk 107 Old Ships WASHINGTON, I fJV-- The avy today lold i plans to or sink 107 old ships, i i three veteran baUtewagons nnd tiie car- rier Enlcrrn ise, Plans for disposing ol the vessels were outlined in a loiter 10 Con- gress, which must approve the ac- tion. Undersenvury of the Navy- Thomas S. said i ihe vessels, wJilrh total ions nnd ore no paro 3 to- dr mothballs, ln for many years and (or which the need no longer exists," Sim tlm N'avy a hold or hcrapprd nearly i i a Inns ol xliip- pinpT, inchnUnpr battleships, car- riers ami cruisers Thc new lisi of vessels destined for destruction contains such Illus- trious names as the Battleships a i i a Mississippi, Tennessee, which i ihe Knlerprlse formed one-half of ihe battle tine In Ihe 'Wffesl surface engagement ot World War I I in the k-yta In October 1014. I 01 ill nice, "viimmrr lioinn us Iri the lEocurd Ads-" of bonds were sold locally. interested in purchasing available bonds may contact a rep- resentative of Blair Co.

nl the First National Bank in Scranion. Acquisition of the i i by Iho a i came over the ed protests of Chief Burgess Hal H. Harris. The mayor vetoed a Borough Council resolution ap- proving the a a i but tho lawmakers quickly overrode veto. Harris contended the purchase was "ngalnsL the public imprest." He I her declared a ho re- fused "to be parly in a dering of public: for a worth- less piece oT Howe VIM-, I'enrescnlnlive of Butcher A Sherrerdj financial fid- visors lo the a i indk-atcd a more Mils on the honds i havo been received public: offering had it not been (or "adverse publicity" concerning in- quisition of the a i Other a i members, in ad- dition lo Mr.

nre Randall J. Mnrsh, vice-chairman; Jackson L. Kerlin, secret nry; Frank Stack ho vise, treasurer; nml G. Tucker. Ally.

GrnvKft T. Hoblnson a i Consulting en- gineer was Albright A Frlel. rhllarldphln, and Morgan, Li-wis Btirkius, Philadelphia, hn.s serv- ed ns bond counsel. Blind Hoy To Graduate Juno 1 i Univei'sity nnnounccd lohty John 21, Kcrahton, who became loially blind et Ihe June 9..

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