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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 3

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Saturday, September 0, 1D1G. FORT WAYNE SENTINEL, Raising Pigeons is Great Pastime, Declares One of the Leading Fanciers in the City Louis Schirmeyer Keeps Nothhig But the White King Variety Started a Year Ago With Thirty, Birds and Now HaTSDT Louis Schirmeyer, (he well known cigar. storo employe, besides being One. ff. the prornlnont mcrhbdrfe ot tho p.

p. O. 13., football entnnslast and general good fellow: every respect, has be come' n' fancier pt. pigeons. fn, the above plcWre he Is eeen'ftnibnff a portion of his valuable and large' flock of White King, pigeons.

He; started In t)ie pigeon business nearly a year ago with thirty birds. Slnpe that time ho has1 by careful study Increased hla flock, to nearly. 250 and states that If he had thoro space this Humour woum oniy do a shadow com pared with what he would Ilk to have. Besides being oh enjoyable pastime, Mr. Schirmeyer We Jiad better say Louie because that what everybody calls hlnMflrids that It Is a profitable Investment, The variety which he: Is breeding Is considered or.o of the best species of pigeons pn the market.

They sell for five dollars a pair, Biuabs are also In sreat demand and forty cents apiece are received Tor them; A of pi geona will raise from to twenty that, the Investment Is a godd 6ne, Expense? Well, it does Cost something to feed pigeons, However, Louie states that It just about makes' him. dig up 12.50 every week to feed. hla flock, pr about one cent per week per bird. to make a success of raising pigeons one must study his birds carefully. In the year that Louie, has been In the business he has had the misfortune, of losing but one bird by uicknes's, otherwise he has been successful In restoring all the cithers back to perfect health that were taken sick at any time.

Performs an Operation. The keeper and owner of the birds ha some very stories to tell as to how he has! posed us a physician In curing his birds. He" tellu of pno Instance where he performed im Operation on one of the birds. Jle states that for several days one of the birds Had been very slcic. anil cv'cry lie went "to the" coop' to feed the flock would rind this one lying on 'Us side nearly dead.

Jlo worked with It for several days. Finally ho decided that he Would perform fin operation on lts stomach, as he believed that was where the trouble.orlg Inated. lie caught tho bird, and; after sterilizing a sharp kntfo began to nuke the incision. He located the stomach, and bringing It near the surface made a cut Into It. He found that the pigeon bat) swallowed a piece of cord and that tffii.

j.f. .7... i CH' TSStT.lB.iiA iinn ti niinmm ii i imi plww i ijii iuj nti muMm, "''ti im. mJ2zZSZ ij p0VHjnHIQHSu JLjEKSSSlBlQP' "Wm swrf Sv'Kfi fit mHRhmw fBKSfBKSStrSuf BHsBH9s1Km mSh if imV III I ill I fill I Pi efel Ii EeH( it MS' i v.i5'U' OHIO TIRES Giuc Saf isfacf ion and Mileage Compare Prices and Mileage 4,000 MILE i I PI' GURAIVTEE Rothschild Bros 319 Columbia St It lodged In the stomach and had grown fast. Ho removed the foreign substance, and Louie! verifies the statement that tho bird really heaved a ultdi of relief when he took the cord out.

Quickly he seweil up the stomach with ordinary 'thread andthen sewed the outside Incision. The bird lived, and to prove; that this Is the' truth, you can go to Louie's house at 413 jCast Jefferson street and he will bIiow you the as healthy one us there Is In the flock. He will also' show' the scar that remains from the cut. A The Hospital Coop. At tho far end.

of the 'Pigeon coop, there Is a little, red building. This Is known os the. hospital coop, 'Every olrd that shows symptoms of not feel. coop contained five sick birds, but reports from the attending physician were to the effect that all patients were doing nicely. AH are preparing to leave In a few days.

Tobacco Stems for Nests. As everybody knows, Friend Louie is a tobacco salesman. Well, he finds that long tobacco stems make the best material for the pigeon's nest. He states that tobacco stems will keep the birds from getting lice. All that It necessary Is to put a large batch of It In the coop and tho pigeons will build their own Selecting Squabs for Market.

Care must be taken. In selecting squabs for the market, because they dare not be too old nor too. young. The average pigeon when It gets about Ing must go to the hospital Where three weeks old la ready for the mar special enre Ja taken bt It ahd nursed ket. However, the best way to tell, back to perfect health Saturday the 'according to Mr.

Schirmeyer, Is to lift up their wings and when you find that the feathers underneath the wings are starting to fall out, it Is a sign that they have the proper age. Pigeons Act Like Humans. Mr. Schirmeyer states that he sepnds many hours studying the actions of the pigeons and finds It pleasant pastime. He says that pigeons act.

nearly as human beings do. has noticed that at times a pair will hava a little family squabble; and" then the female bird refuses to sit on the nest and the papa bird goes out and enjoys himself In company with the other Invariably they make up In the course of a few "hours, but it has occurred where divorces ensue; They are. Just Uke divorce CMea In our local courts with the exception that there Is no alimony to be paid. In a few days the divorced pair again find, different mates and thereafter refuse to look at one another. Why YOU should have a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with the TRI STATE LOAN TRUST COMPANY BECAUSE Tho money deposited with it is loaned on Mortgage Security.

BECAUSE The money Ijclps people own their own home. BECAUSE This money builds tho city and increases tho value; of every piece of property in thq citj. BECAUSE It is the duty of everyone to help to.mako a larger and better Fort Wayne, and wp arc helping to dp it. TRI STATE LOAN TRUST COMPANY Paid Up Capital $500,000.00 Assets On $6,000,000.00 J. 0 GROVE Chiropractor 1 601 602; Dass 811 Calhoun St.

FORf WAYNE, IND. Manson, Fowler and Record Bicyclei mm nA' 1 KnV riM ft4n tU "2r wzri iT K. i. i. (ValuallO.) Puncf Prool Doivckid cuthlon tread (yIu 910), tm on ny oi oar hicratt.

fane Tnad BieycU Tint not fauna In unr olhe lor. P.nm Ttlplm Tnad Xl 75 Black Jfrnn. Vacuam Cup 3 50 Sactlon Ta.hmo. SU Ply 2.50 Thorn Proof, 1.50 mw not firni.i.i I and Thorn ProoFWtt. 12.56.

(Eltri tlfhu $1J5 91.75 ml Z5) Srln babr eab whetli lor na tlraa. Coma lo tha BUferX BICYCLE TIRES and REPAIRS. BROSIUS BROSIUS. 126 Eut WntU St. aacond hand BitjrelM.

95 to 9 15 8a 0P Tnln, Ju.l. ill UP you WANT I ELECTRIC I I SERVICE I I PHONE 208. t4 Mfr.a,.H Fort Wayne Folk in Our Exchanges 4r4 Wert bulletin: Itucklcw, if 'urt Wu.viic, Iciriiicily Won, in initin ivlaiiit anil trieii.l. horo. Hiirr.v itii.l X'ii lur (' nuher, il Fort.

lie. ui'iil I.Oriiu l.onwnrtli and fiimHv and and Mr. of llicksvillp, are juicxti of Lillian and Carrie Auburn Star: Vu l'errinp, of Kort H'aiyne, had a w)nel bnikon oft hi au toiriobilo when a tiro Wcw up In front of the Bert Hachtcl north, of AVilterlbo Wcdnwulay Tho car has. been brought to nn Auburn garage tn. await the prr.vftl of new wheel.

Mr. and Atr. Siimmors, of Fort Wayne, ard occupyioj; the Hcbel. property, on West Fourth Ir. Summers is a moulder at the Auburn, foundry.

'Iangrangf Klamlarili Sir. and Mrs. C. C. Clause n'n'il soii Hobert, motorwl up from Fort Waj no Sunday and! "pent Hio (lAy tvlth their cousin, Mr, jameji Limrfc wife.

'JIflrjorie' Chapman, of Fort Wayije, i the: Ruest of her sister, Mrs. Paul Dunten. IJeeatur Herald: Mrs. Raphael Bcntz, of Fort Wayno, is the (fnet io'f her jinr cuts, Mr. and Mrs.

Kelly, of Marshall streot. l'. K. kinny, of Fort Vyne, transacted busines in the city today. Trof.

Howard Chnrmnii, of Fort Wayne, is viHitinj? friends here Decatur Democrat: CD. Biebericli went to Fort Wayno' this mornlnff to visit with hi sister, Mrs. Hamar Wid die. Mrs, John Watson, of Fort Wayne, spent the day with her mother, Mrs. Charles Burr, at Monmouth.

Ocbrge: Parrish, who bas been staying in th country, left today noorc for Fort Wayne, where lie will make his home. Hartford. City Newt i Mr(. and Mrs. Marion Oliphant, of' Fort' Wayne, have returned home after having been tbc guests of friends in this city for sey eral ddys Mrs.

Ferris, of Fort Wayne, who has been visiting, in, Gas City for the pst! several days, stopped in this city: for a short en route to where, she will be tlio of friends, before rc'turnlng Jmmo. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Jameson, Of Fort Wayne, hare Teturned 'liorrie after having, been of friends in this city for severaj I'ortland Sunt Mrs. Roy Jones, of Fo'rt Wayne, spent Thursday in Port land aa a Jruest o( Mr, and Mrs. War' rcn Smith, of West Maia street.

Warsaw Unioni Mrs. E. Perking and children, of Fort Wayne, passed 'through, this city Thursday en route to teesburg to visit a few days with relatives. Columbia City Postt Mr. and Chas; Bell, of Dehverj who have been visiting In this city with the Wal ter Elsfttnun family, left Wednesday for Fort Wayne to be guests of her parents, Rev.

and Mrs. B. Balr. Butler Record i Wm. Pence and wife.

rf Fort Wayne, retnmed Jiome Monday after a week end visit with his. sister, Mrs. W. Zerkle F. a Underhill, of Fort Wayne, motored to Butler Sunday and spent tha day with his parents, J.

W. Underhill and wife! Grablll Review H. It. Stucky, who. Is employed In a dnig store at Fort Wayne, spent from Saturday evening until Monday evening at this places Melvin Betf, who I employed a truck driver for the.

Bergh'off. Brewing com pany at Fort Wayne, returned to hi dutien Sunday evening, after spending a week's vacation with his parents, (lco. Uetz and familV. Mrs. Judith Wittwer, of Monroe, son Arthur, o( Fort Wayne, ami daughter, Mrs.

O. K. Hiltv. went to Klkliart. Monday, where 'thev attended the ittmer re union, Michael Flaig and wife, of Fort Wayne, srH nt and Monday with the latter's parents, Ivlw.

Swift and family, who in. turn, conveyed them in their touring car to their home in the evening, the latter remaining over night with them. Pierccton Record: Mrs. Catherine Vannesa, of Fort Wayne, and daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Harsh, of Detroit, camw Saturday for a visit friends in riercotori and vicinity.

Mrs, Royal Covey, tf Fort Wayne, was taken' to the Lutheran hospital in that place for treatment on Mrs. Coyey will bo better' known here as. Miss Inez. Downs. E.

Teeter, Emma Kanala. and J. C. Piersori, of. Fort Wayne, were iii Piorceton or Thursday getting.

something gobd to eat. Ma Uiidcrwood and wifo returned tft Fort Wayne' Sunday evening, after spending several day with friends herc.r 'KdNulf and wife, of Fort Wayne, came Monday morning for a Visit with their daughter, Mrs. C. D. Andreas.

Patrick Brosnaban, rjt Fort Way he, in I'lerctlon between trains' Monday morning. K. C. lHrr was the guest of Ids daughter, Mrs. James Lower, in Fort Wayne, oh Thursday.

Van Wert Times: Miss Mildred Handel, of Fort Wayne, is a guest of Miss Beatrice Hear. Miss Mable Youse and Ferol Frcidline, of Fort Waynes have arrived in the city for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Orris I'alnter. LJoyd Holtryi of Fort Wayne, Is a guest of his father, William Miss Mary Bushing, of Fort Wayne, will arrivo today to the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Sells, Chunibusco Truth: of Fort Wayne, was in town Monday on business. Gart Shober and family, of Fort Wajrne, were in town Sunday on their way to the lakes. Mr. Shober is one of the.

best all around; newspaper meni in Indiana; Garrett "Cl'pperi Miss Millie: Ebcrle, of Fort Wnyne, visited Miss' Margaret Manion Sunday, and Stury and family, 'of Fort Wayne, were guests Sunday and Monday, of tnglacer J. Gelhausen and family, Mr, and' Mrs. Charles Bassctt, of Fort Wn, will be guests of William Snyder ahd Mrs. Margaret Squires, south of Gar rett, Saturday evening: and, Sunday. Mr.

Snyder and Mr. Bassett will drive to Lake James Monday for a few days' fishing trip and Mrs. iWsett will visit with Mrs. Squires, Bluff ton Banner: Mrs. Albert Suriier, of Wayne, was In the today visiting, with.

Harry Travis. COULD NOT DO HER COOKING. Mrs. E. Hartmeister, Tea, writes "I was.

affected with kidney trouble for two years. I was so bad this summer I could hardly do my cook-Ing, I got Foley Kidney Pills and they helped me. I feel like a new person' Too many women; neglect symptoms of kidney derangement. When, the kidneys are not properly doing their vork poisons in the system causa weak bak, dltzjness, pufflnesa tinder swollen ankles. ahd rheumatumj Dreier Drug Co Advertlsoment.

ii i Try Sentinel "Want Ads, fiislwtiii MONROEVILLE NEWS. Mohroevllje, Sept. 9. Tho Monroe township schools will open Monday, September 18, os It was found Impossible to open earlier on account of some of the school houses not being In shape, Mrs. John D.

Kreldllnc visited friends at Wlllshlre, this week. The remains of tho late I. Taylor wero brought here from Htur'k'ls. antl tho funeral services wero held nt the U. B.

church Wednesday afternoon. Tho deceased was well known here, havingr lived hero most of his life. The Woman's Home Missionary society tho J2. chiiroh met with Mrs. W.

IJdwards, Tuesday after noon, and; an' Interesting; meeting was held with Mta. .11. n. I'cpkham, as leader. li p.

Hoesn, who has' been agent for tho Ohio Electric' here for the'pnst year, has been transferred to Xelpslc, arid has moved there with his Xam. lly. Ills place here la taken by L. H. Ma.umee, O.

Mr. and Mrs. Johf, TJ. Shanks, of were visitors over. Siin.

Joe arid Catherine Cullcri, of Columbia, City, spent the latter part of the week here with friends and relatives. Mrs. JFrcd Goodwakl and babe, of Conyoy, are visiting II. Noyer and family and other relatives. Charles Vlnce and family, of Sturgis, spent part of the week hero with Mr.

and Mrs. John VI nee. Mrs. Guy K. Crabill and daughter, Katherlne, and Miss Acmes Crabill are home from, a three weeks' visit 'with relatives In Virginia.

The teachers for Madison township have been announced by Trustee. Van Dusklrk as follows: No. 1, Dwlght Youse: fo 2, Nora Flaugh; No. Qlark; too. 4, Agnes Nail; No.

Ilarry Whlttern; No, 7, Clarence. Do bllyaj No. 5, Mabel' Youse; No, 9, (Iloagland schools), Georgia Youse and Frank Corvllle, The Madison township, schools will open Monday morning, Septeihber 11, OUR JITNEY OFFER Tbii and "flc. ijONrr Miss tins.oit ouVthia iip, cnclgso vlth Be and mail it to F6ley A Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly; You will receive In re turn a 'trial packago containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croupi Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in aides and backj rheumatUni, backache, kidney, and. bladder ailments: and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing catharthi, lor constipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels.

Dreier Drug Co. Advertisement. pcrtiilng severaTtlayavIsilihgth ladles' unci, Will Uostwi, and family, oi Burlington, Mich. Mrs. E.

A. Eakrifilit and daughter TTDtlf, Wcalf ant wife wero Tuesday guests ot ami i Mrs. Dau MctcaU and Mr. alfd Mrs. Charles Henderson and daughter Ruth aim Mrs.

Rob ert. Duval attended the Van Wert fair nn Thursday. Miss Ethel Metealf, Rev. Barton ari.t wife and W. 11.

Shunmker and wife mo tored to Fort Wayne on Wednesday Slid Hpent the day nt the home of tho for mer's. brother, Dr. Dean ietcalf, and will open on September 18 with the following teachers: Principal of the high school, Forrest Knin'i sn i. )erintendent, Miss Bertlm Thornburg, primary, Miss Charlotte Miller; Inter mediate. Howard Per vines: grammar.

Mark Shull, and at Coburnlown school, Walter CoUirn. It is thought' that special teachers will be added later. I Miss Catherine Selberg, formerly of this place; and Grover ('. Anbuni, were married last week at the Church of God, Rev. J.

W. Primrose oflV elating. Mr. and Mrs. Guilford will mnke their home in Aubiirh, wiete the groom Is envployed at the Auburn automobileautomobile plant.

Mrs. Mary HaSvk. of Akron, anl William Suininor4, of Colmrntowu, I Wednesday 'dinheT guest, of Mr. and' JIr. Jacob Halt.

I heir son. ranis of "Auburn, was an afternoon guest. The "True Blue" class of the M. K. Simday scliool tcnilercd farewell surprise party to one of their Miss Mao' Barton, south of town, on Thursday afternoon.

Miss ltarton will shortly leave for Iowa. The guest came with well filled baskets and pot luck supper was served. Miss Darton was presented Willi a beautiful book, bo i of stationery and a towel. Thorn; present besides the class were Mr. ami.

Mrs. Orange funilian and son and nephew, of Garrett, and I). 1. Met ealf and. daughter Ethel.

FOR SALE 10 shares First National Bank Stock. 1 24 tf C. PFEIFPER. CONVOY NEWS. WANTED Three young men clerks.

Postal Telegraph Co. 8 2t SPENOERVILLE NEWS. Spencerville, Sept. 0. Mrs.

AVnlte, of Garrett, spent, several day this week at the homes 'of Rezon Cluney and wii ana ana Mrs. barauei Steward. Mrs'. Abels, of St. Joe.

soent several Jays last week' at the liomc'of her" sort, Grip Tight SuGtion unxii "ppir xr i i 4 $6 Best Set of Teeth oh Red Rubber. WHALEBONE Brand PLATE Owing to the inability of a large number or people to. come to our ofTIce we have decided to' continue our $6.00 price on our special set which Is the stronKest and lightest set known. You can bite corn oft the" cob. Guaranteed.

Or we will' make you a set with a 22k gold crown for 17.00. Call early, avoid rush. Teeth extracted absolutely without, pain. Phone 3415 aia wonit bonk vainlesslv. Our Best Set of Teeth, made on Gold dust Rubber, which other Dentists charge $15.

OUR PRICE 22K Gold Crowns. 22K Bridge Work. White Crown $8 321 SILVER FILLING, 50c CLEANING TEETH, 50c Special Attention to Out of Town I'ntlrnts. Have Your Impression TiikCn in: tho Morning and Go. Home With Teeth tho Sumo Day.

NEW YORK PAINLESS DENTISTS Ijidy Attcndnnt Second Floor In Odd Fellows' Building, Corner CaJ. Iioun and Wayn Streets, Fort Wayiie, Ind. OPEN DAILY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings). Till 8 O'clock, Sunday, .8 to 4 p. in.

Convoy, Kept. 8. Dr. and. Mrs, H.

IJi Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Oettu Pugh, aii Mrs. A. J.

Smith and daughter Martha, Sirs, Charles Schonweltz, Mr, and Mrs, E. C. Marshall and son 'John, Mrs. A. Zentz nnd JIIss Kronkle Zentz motored to tlndlay, Monday, to.

attend tho Leslie Marshall Tho Delta Alpha, class of the E. Sunday echod with their teacher Mra. J. 13. Urltenburg, gayo a farewell party atfhe 'EJd, MporeA north of to'wrl, Tuesday, afternoon.

In honor ot. Laura lllskett, who will rhnke her future homo Iri Cardlhgtoh, Ohio. J. V. lllskett and family left Tuesday for Cardlngtoh, Ohio, where they Will make their home.

Mr. and Mrs. Eernest Lutes and left Thursday for Chicago Junction after spending the. past week with Mr. Lutes' parents, Mr.

and Mrs. 'William Lutes and other relatives. Dr. C. F.

Klrkland and family have returned home from a six weeks' outing, at Indian river, Mich. Miss Lena Myers, of Decatur, and William O'Bryon. of Fort Wayne. spent two days this week with Dr. and Mrs.

L. P. Myers. Mr. and Mrs.

W. E. Dye. of McCon nellsvllle, and Mra I. W.

Slrns, of Uem eravllle, are spending a few weeks at the home of C. II. Dye, on East Main treeU Mrs. Charles Woodruff, of Van Wert was the guest of Mrs. Vat Foudree.

i Monday. Mr. and Mrs. PneynoldYand son, John, and Miss Mary Falk, of Fort Wayne, spent a few days at the home of Mrs. J.

P. Reynolds, pn South Main street Mrs. J. Val Faiidree and Miss Mary Mollenk'opf were I rt Wayne visitors, Sunday. II.

Raneer, Pennsylvania agent; will next week from the Ilerl property to the Pummel property on Norrti Main etreet, to be vacated by Q. M. Olancy, who will move to the' property he recently purchaaod xn i Itanklln Harrison Bashore, wife and of Lorain, aro spending the week with J. F. Drown and Dh ilyera and Merle High wero at Datson on business, Mrs.

T. M. Medds. spent Friday In Fort Wayne. Theo Herts and Gertrude Tracy spent Sunday with Lydla Louise Bleeke, Decatur," Mrs.

W. O. Dressel, of Monroevllle, Is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Meads. Now is the time for your soft Hats, Charles Peters, SAFE INVESTMENTS for SMALL INVESTORS City of Fort Wayne Improvement Bonds.

Small Penominations. Payable in one to ten years. Gall and see us and start your money earning something The First National Bank ELECTRIC CURRENT FOR Light, Power and Heat "The Electric Light Co. Light and Pbwier Dept. Fort Wayno St Nortliern Indiana Traction Coy PHONES 298 1025 OALHOUN ST.

niann AKattai Practical Hat Lloyd returned homo oa Moixday sJteriW.Maill. 57 9 We Fiffhisb THE HOE en EASY Paymeiils JBTEV HOUSE. FURN1SHBfO CO. I.

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