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Fort Wayne Weekly Journal from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 6

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i lim mi' nfrtMw Iff Ml J'aVj MOIl rnxyrisaT against thr.inva.,, BI0N OS TUB MERIT HANKS. TilKT TKLL MIL M'KINLE THAT tiJ fUi iTJIB OF CERTAIN. iTMIWCrMtlTJBAflW tint i. nnminnitn fV gAWrrhoihr: tP" K'VjfClMIHO! TUrlNBINCERlTY; Ti.T 'nil rtrorm igu. wnt niMurf'to prianlTsprMlnr'lMi' thatine will not, a publlo press, withdraw a numbr of plce nov fitted.

civil a rv Ice mthd' from the Civil 'W)rlciwlThiJttrji MUDIULIB KUr YIHir fUll' hldctatlom thor ujty, cnange. nonvici, uinusi tuey 'mart expUt net! by trtot by whora, may are suggested, win pe, greetra, alike by rriehds and nrole ot tb i merit ininiiW tett backward. step will be tliemorawMcanC. Ixctun I will be (It Prt step backward avowedly taken by the executive branch or the government lace the civil service law took ef feet. The merit arslem In our public; administration haa proved It worth.

Experience haa. abown. that whiranr the hostility of the appointing or governing officer ha not been an Impediment. It haa lm proved "of" the branch' In which It haa been cb tablUhed, and reduced public expense, while In other branches 'I iHi II Miii i '9m'fggiMii RIWATIIlWEHlUIVWyRIUl aiMiMMwaiiM wnn a i wa vf wot'i "SJ one waii cloud tirrXHO NliWXOnht.PflUAdtchfr;n, aiparaieo wnn 'r. Arcentlna haa accepted United BUtee Mlnliter Uuchanan.

propoaed by Chill, to flnal arbitrator la the Puna De Atacamab queatlon. rreparatlona ar betn made for a roan Ifeatatlon of Arireattae Chlllan frWndihlp with the participation, the army and bevy of both countrl. The nreeldenta. Itoca and Rrraaurla, will mwrtf; la Imd. smash jcivra ajesYics.

TO TUB JIKELKIMl'dir TBAl MtNISTnATION ABA TIIANK8. atviNotcuiTv "TC pci.i preil. dentlal edict remavln many gorern' mtntomcei front the civil acrvlee will promulgated befora Thankflvlng dayc haa" beanVlrtr?" ronumplatlea manyjaanuia JvYJrifn deferred owi ln to th preaaur of wac bualnSIATK order, Affect over ,000 placea and wllliJJincIwde depotri eollectoni acting oollectora; and actually erring In that capacity. There are about 1000 of theee deputise. The Urg.

it claae affecteil la the corn of exam Inlng aurgeOrutof fhe penelonTbttreaV; of whom there are over Secretary DIIm while favoring action, would not reoommend It. Over 8.000 0( theee but. geona ought. It It elated at the civil aervlre commUelon, never to have been olaaalfled. under the civil law.

The order will clear up mUapprchen lon aa to the actual atatua of the whole oorpe and place them all outelde. About flftyomce deputymarihala reported aa cUaalOed, but concerning whoae atatua there haa been aoroe doubt becauae of "their being In the. Judicial dm Dii lull line not htan annllnl ihrnnfh of the aervlce. are eibected to 1 ll.l iiiii ,1. I be placed la the exempted cim.

Tntrr the cae haa been often notably the reverae. In the 'claaeMed force of the depart mental eenrlce at Waah logton alone. durlri the period tron HU toltMrthe aavlng affected annually through Increaeed fllcU ency baa been eatlmated In the off) clal reporta of the civil aervlce com. mlaalon at more than $8,000,000. We the changea whereby poal tlona knd cUeeea of poeltlona are now removed permanently from the aervlce will be accepted not Miy aaal atei backward, but aa that the ayetem not regarded by the preaent administration aa here to atay, and will Inevitably doubta aa to alnccilty of.the vreteated declaratkina of the party now dominant In national affalra that the law retabllahlng It ahall be thoroughly and honeatly enforcsiJ And extended wherever practicable.

W4 WASItmaTON. A cabu gram me navy oeparimenl thls af temoon. announced the arrival at Oahla, nraal, of thf haltleehlpa. Orecon. and They are nineteen day from TMBPklnevllle.

maklna an a.xmtlnn.ii. a nit, ranijt nin itoei w. unmmt ri collie Abarend. now tying aTiiahU, oom mw uuriyone daya In maklne? the trio. Oecaiwe of her lack of apeed are other scattering poalilona, Including aome of a Judicial and confidential char acter, which will aggregate poealLly aeveral hundred.

fjHiwr iiftTiVii''ni i I MM MMMaMd i ah probablr will be allowed to return to he United States Instead of going to loooiuluM.tatea4edjrht,iaUlrfh!p Will Hon at llahla foTTlfel? dayaT' fe? plenishing their coal bunkers from the Anemia and Celtic, and then will proceed to Rio. where they are to take part In the ereat deonatimllon.ihr an Nn. TWmbrnrtoeor9iemorate tlie annlver aery at the birth of the repuWIo of Braall. WABIimaTON. Oct.

tTh annual re. port of the general superintendent ot railway mall aervlce shows that at the xf the tear there were 1.071 clerks employed, and that with the closed pouch express pouch service, the grand. total of traveled In the aervlce waa 'UX, Matter so Illegibly addressed aa to re Hiiire special attention before delivery, or which not be delivered, at all, amounted to H.KU,tM uleoea for the year. 7.aso.EM ptecea of which were returned to' the writers or corrected and forwarded te't ftlnattnti.

the rrat bftng' i7vtl inio ine neaa.ieitrr ouioe ror oisposiiion. general superintendent deplores the fact that the number otcajraatUee hut er eaeeeoed tne reoara Xor anv orevlous pot so great. There were UT casualtlea, W.Tt I state mar Impose such In the country, le preeUfent rrprmtftmg do lTC. jfeas wh1cHov'Ttr tterweew kt lted l4 i yiiiiiiniiiriiii. i lawnaij a.w.

vaiiii. ju" rr WAwHINOTOKt Oct, Amtws.sdor MfevwiicraMiCoinmuwlctlonwlth the state department ai (v. ft regatdtnr: the eat ibmbreenrofvscteaew 'i. shin crojmrnlealloa between, the United 'asElL' si Tiseete ly mjsneti se teetmntr mtaiedi anmsiaTtenTQypCffeTtytninTlnaTiT i tauraedKtbat. soma, provision, made nr conrrees ror tiw relief ot trie lamlllea JtuclvJUJUlULw hjlapn dut and for the creation of a lief fund for the benefit of the clerks permanently Ulaabted or Injured "Inthartlna oi autr g.B4ltirnir3gaxBatarrm eiewloi la 'reaae ef j.

trsdai betwaea the I two coup trtea. Through United states Consul Horn. 1" ftuvtit I'IIIImb' i I iJSilraade with. the Bteamahlo m. kA.

large fleet of hf pa. to establish a line direct between Russia and th United eHr Srm; tuugffft h'y wm tfveejkzif 7jM 1 rUANTB.PItOPUClNO TWO.TIIIItDS 'a TKIt OK TIIK VKttK IlKWAltDRU .1 mma mtA Mjfgrtr AKjrKH WOUKINtf OVKIt XYbAH OH TUB PLANS TUB I'ltOMtr wwnh.e ffs.e.JW"J 1. 1 COMDINATIOlT I riV itrce CBS8 AIU TO. BECOftli BTB CONTItbl. OP WIirTE.

llUVCk ANfP BALt; 'jbLAZKD rlTpNBWAUE VHt.Cr.S BJIO VKO UPiALTIIOUail Till. TftUST IS rv TOUHaJ 4. I. i.l. y.


The United States supreme court to day announced It decision sustaining the constitutionality of that feature or the laws of New Tork which lays a tag on' for. clgn corporations doing business In the state, according to the capital employ ed. The case waa Instituted against James A. illoberts, comptroller of the state of New TdrrrKr teet the" law and to vacate an assessment made on the' capital of a Urge western drug house having a. branch la New TorK cltr.

The lower court sustained the validity ot me law. ana ine supreme court now affirms this decision. Judge Shlras In announcing the court's opin ion, said the law waa settled that a AKItoW, "Oi. Oct. Il.

r8uccesa has at last crowned the efTots ot the pfvmo tera: of.the ComWnatkja.whlclV has for Its punse the the.protliio troTi Trtwklte. blaf and ssdtAglarrt stoneware. In thai United Statesand tho flxlng and maintaining of prices. year elf orla havabeen madetri errVct swme klnd of a irorobta. attoii'tb bring about three meetings.

recently held In Akron, Cleveland and Chicago' resulted Id a trasC" being' formed along theaiaea. of the nail trust. The twenty sli concerns In the trust are aa ttoblnsori B. X. Merrill.

Ohio Htoneware Mycra Hall. Akron Stoneware Cook, Falrbank and Merkle A tnman, all of Akron. and known ays the Akron Stoneware A. J. Weeks and V.

II. Weeks, or Akron, Masslllon Stoneware of Massllon. Canton Stone ware of Navarre, ZanesvlUe A Mus knlgum Stoneware ot Zanesvllle, O.J Crooksvlllel and Uurley and Winters. of Craolv1Her Hne. Hteoewate Co or White Cottage; lluckeye and Heck companies, of lluckeye Col tagej Elmer Hnie and Standard com panics, of Indiana; Plttabtirg Clay Man ufacturing of New Ilrlghtqn, the Enterprise and R.

O. Itusaell euro. panics, of Indiana, and the Baa City of Kaa City. Ind. The Combination waa planned by the best legal talent In the country and contemplates that the trust lawa will not be violated.

Ily the meaaurement of the kiln floor apace of all the potter lea, eacrj manufacturer waa given an allotment and la to pay Into toe commoncommon treaaury one eighth of cent a gallon. If more ware Is sold than fhe allotment, he paya a half a cent a gallon on the execee, and If the allotment Is not sold, he receives a Half cent a gallon on the shrinkage. The potteries In' the combination represent about 18 per cent, or the entire production or common stoneware In tna and Jn, a fw days a meeting will be held at which lime the western manufacturers will come Into The trust haa already advanced the market's half ai renta gallen.and.lj.U some Instances a cent. It. P.

Kent, of this City, one of th wealthiest and most prominent menu bualnesa within Its limits as It may Judge expedient, and that It may make the grant dependent upon the payment Of aTiptno Hcenae taavor ausiun prite portioned to the amount of Its capital used within the state. This was not. the court held, a die crimination against the product of outside statta. Justice Harlan announced the auscnt of himself and Justice' Brown. He said the former decisions of this court had been uniform against atate Uwg.whlclt favored domestlo Arms, corporations or persons as against those from other state.

If each slate set up a system of special taxee on theee out. aide bodies, then It would In the atgre Oteramount to a sort of protective tariff system, overcoming the trseaom of trad between the state. Case Templara, afidTMsolfirXrmMrrdwrmvttycsnpe agajnat C. B. Converse, Involved to ance policies as to (Kefreeahrrrtf travel by raymenx ien an Insurance pollcy was resisted on the iwTnriKraflri'Tiafrnm the insured waa traveling ouiaiae ine limits allowed br tha Dollcy.

The court of. appeals ot the Seventh circuit decided nffavcDt1irTjWrtetavTtdr TmcTiobVrK. fll W. rvtwrttiugutiaanirijtiir Mllh III. .1.1.

ilMartmMil I "ai raMmi ine auDreme conn tor a wr ui tt tlwai La denies th lappiication ror ine wr.iu SZZTT'1" lhal.siitoli.Brnaktgperl liM'i; runs between St. PersburaTltlllC ri, New The sdvahtagw te lav TonerweT tnenriea Haiea.r,tniatiaa, iiornnoiat say, win be la cheaeer rreurni ani avotoanca. or irana sup ments. II I confident It will IradOelween th two countries and. bespeaks DeirvnaJra for Itma essential to It yji 4r iMM M4 vfc.

ry JsVKlNLXrrS PHONOOBAPH. IN IDLK KVBNtNO HOURS UK XJaV TENS TO "HOT TUdB AND TUB "WAtlABri AND'ENJrotV'iT. vTASIIINOTONroot. tl Th presidential phonograph la the latest' addition to th wht It uV. what I.

known tokaan entertainment pttoaogrsipri. and, was iV' porrhaaed reeentlr by direction tt Mr. McKIOley, who had heard', similar Instrument give Its autoauUlcT perTormaaC' while he Was on a VUlt to "New Tork. is. The white house nhonoaranh has a lanm megaphone attachment, through which rf; arc rattled oft comic song ot thefdar.

funny recitation and stnmn speeches. Theee rolces W'ther tii brcsn be heard 4lnctlithnBuh the jppepj? rail In the W. Banlon on a quH. th a tnnat KnnetWflt Iha MuH. r1 tmina.

ttstenlna ta n'Tcoight' 'tMrthe tVshaaJ. VlllKniv. rrzr. vtivye 4 stJnulJ Wahs't awl slheC i selectl prasldsntlal 1 mi' trie cnier Ihtry. ii Ith7ci fr'if vJ.

'fMHF 'teVe ml wn ZslBsBBtBssWsWaBSsb Ai of whit house at tJrwa M. Linn, of Zanesvllle. Is urer, and II. secretary. It la stated on reliable authority that merely preliminary ine ivnuHHiD ui una iMg which will absolutely control th Industry, An effort ha been made to keep th entire matter a close secret.

mtTtsseeaSsslsa Ms IwUklvw, Te alt tobaeee aaalty sad erever, be auur aua. tail of IU. aerre aa vigor, take Hero Da, the woader worker, that wakes weak ssea atreag. AU II. Ciregaaraa Whjd, Dooklet aa4 aaaiple free.

Address lerllag Bentedy oa, Qale or New Verk. BECOKBa A PABTNKB. FItANK 1L STRODRL NOW HAS A HALF INTBIIRST IN HIS FATIIEIt'S UU81NE88. Sill jU 1 rrFTT7T'TrT71IECIZEJJ fcllf rf, v' I III iV2icw. vM? iji9n iiv 'c; i i rfcWvJav.Jivvr.

'fv UOconrraciors vanoon rwuij vr Ihrlepaeuaent crmtpellcd td tnv them. 'UnTr'fmplor tmprrr. aervlce1. IM Mt otiwhleh te charged.vto;iiflr tractor, in, uiier in turn iae action agalnat tjie sub oontractors, who' may tho.JoaAa, they have. Theh''therrurirrupulor osUa.l eeaUa and ttttest trea thai oegaa isaing kavsaleadllr Improved, until ever vsaiaaiy we.

tr ui. tors. It Is added, who fall to iiay th carriers, which cuusea hundred of claim agalnat the 'contractor filed In thl office and neceesltates voluminous coTrcspondrnc to get the claim ad Mit?" The conclusion drawn la; that the protHto be consider. auie. ana in if ine Department vowra deaKdlrectly wlttj the men who do th work amount paid by th government, being put Info service with, out 'any! margin to speetilatWa middle men.

It. would undoubtedly, priduc bet ter mall swivlce. It I conceded thai th exclusion of would Increate the cost lo the govern. nvHarTaPetirwmrOTtlonr trine request or congress jnaicate int.aniii. tlon' cost would be H.MO.OOO, which, would go Into effect gradual i' Th belief Is expressed that a con slderbiy; iargefaum 'rorfmter trmni portatlon wojilil If It resulted In Improved, equlpmenl, many of the horses and vehicle how Used In.

carrylng.lnaillLt)ff lent such a dilapidated, and dlsreputabli kpuer anc aa to be a strong argument in condemnation of the tifeaent aystem. Legislation Is recommended requiring all ueh bidder tu.resll on ortpntlguous to tha route oivered or formaUyagre to so reside and personally supervise the service and authorising a refusal to accept bids deemed to be excessive. The report shows th number of mall route at the cloee of the yeat to M.75; a total mileage of 48MI, averaging on each route nine trips per week: There wet miles traveled on these jttute. costing almost 11.07 per mile Of leiurth each, or almost II cents tier mile Diamond! raveled. The total annual rale of ex pendlture for lxth routes within the United.


(Special to Tha Journal.) INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. $0. That pro, perlty doea not exist In Indlanapolla despite the claim ot th mal admlnlatra tlonlsts. and gold standard advocates I evidenced by a canvaaa mad by th Sentinel, of this city. Three reporter were sent to all the placea where men nre employed, Including factorte of all kinds, contractors, to make bona tide applications for work.

Several fao terlea were found to ahut down recently, and of ninety seven applications there waa but on favorabl response and that was from, an electrtp light and power company which wanta a Tfew1lbirra'irrhaHdIcl purchased In anticipation of a strike. LOUIS LUDLOW. J)UTIFTJL SOM. TUB rniPHKMB WRT PAmEfl ON A WILL UUEerTION. JE Mr.

Frank H. Strode! to day becomea7i1rTCit''''" sTrtper In Hie fancy grocery tmeina ttigntaf or the past VJlUMmSSSR. etmdwteA by blefatheivUlr. Juha J3. Strodel, at 13 Harrison street.

Mr. tftrii hls son, who on October 10. HIU. obtained hla rpsjorlty. The young man haa alwaya been a clerk In th establish.

dar In a manner exactly the revere from k'fcrmerdeetsten k.een.eotuCThA WHIlfJ'X" I'rmrlng company atalnst ary. but tne court uecsme convinceni hooland; tkpa f.iwrtaUeJUBomeyeir. af rtsrwanr 1 ahxt found that tney naa neen uhdef th John U. HtTOdnnionsTKrrewgnrfOTJmlslaken 1 1 he fajthrulaervlc he has rendered at an iimea to rnweei meuj nei till. EZ0UB8Z0ir TO.

CHICAGO 1XAV XWO TOBT WAXSX. V. JC. ATaj'h Nlekt Plata road. Thursday; Novrttth.

Special train arrive Chicago tiU p. m. Ttound trip rata, fd.X rive dy return iinai. no. Ba.

to i Jjnmii ai twuiwaifcaara a WP8" THK1ION.TJAVID. IlAhPSTBH pied BXTUItDAT BVENINO OWNED or aches or IN OHIO AND. IN TIIN TCBST Vamoub wool dnb'w UPPElt BANDUSKT. OcL Mt Th Hcnv David JItrpster died 1:11. Uat night at.

til, home at Ilarpater. The lion. one of the most notabl. Interesting char actera of OhlcVII pnecf the most extensive wool grower In America, and for year ha been known far and wld aa the 'ool king." He waa a primal WASIIINOTON. Oct.

The lm factor In meet of th wool legislation; fori manvrtrkoCtMi4f porting; lbr the' past half century and I Intimately known by all the promlent men of the landi lie na trf gruff and rrank In hi wayi an bor the. repa tatloh of being th only ckllcrat th white nous during President Itarrl aon'a administration who kept Jila hat nrnntf rrw wfth tho pr ldnt He: waaa' poeeaor real a tate, dUtrlbUledVln fllfferent tne; union. IBafcsWkfw 'xsa TeTsWaiwv'aiaw a a'rfMht; th oUowtnr rmtnr of the Hi; wourIag7 wl.UIMi;ngfii STARBODTBS SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER 1 BlULLENnEnaEn recommends ItEFOItMH. IWPIAMAJLIH. ln.l...Oct.

An sged mother has a vtht give her husband' land to a bachelor son who has lived with and tnken care of her until her death. The supreme court, held In the case of David E. Slayhack against Kllxa A. Witt and others. Playback was a Wchelor, slxlyoyears old, who, had always lived with and worked for hla par enta Hla mother waa ninety one year old.

and owned a farm which she received fr Atte. All her other children had farm ot their own. She gv her farm to David, and the other children sued for a dlvUlon of the land. Th circuit court decided In their favor, but the supreme court reversed the case and to dar overruled a petition for a rehearing. surntutE itKywrtsED it SBLF, DYSPEPSIA Per veara I waa a vlellsaefelr pejpela la It worst toakl eat bilk milk loaat.

ami at llenae mv fctuuiu would MMHfl vinrvj inva i I as wsll aa I becaauklng CAUC'AKarrM aad lnce thest I aa aa well a I IMTio II, Mifarar. Nttrark. a 6ANDY mw 'r sflM' JaWl aBMit' ex. A mm i 1" jraeij asssansie VJ fVMmaml. 'alJnVWJiiaassTwiissaswist, itn iv "aiirilaHsli aiesiASsveVUT llliai' su "All riMiiM.

ralaiaMe, Polekt, TMie tloo. ijj ourk constipation. rr'm: i nitinniii nur Tinir Vil 4 (a VIIJUHEMEN rUtlly.Qylokly, Pmriritly Rettorttl iAriirTirsilCBifiiir aVNW WlfrJS." ITT Nervoas ueetinf xasi vaarar. aeaiiaai Kalllag Meraorytbe reesN ef Ovefrwk. MckneM.

Krror el Vevtk ee Over tadal rH M. ssd 111 kexasft. Kwe aeick, asililvs sad kmlag retaha I Semsal Veakneea, lainnteeie. Kenow IKrWIltf aad tner V'luliiy. see ftlUng IUII tr(CUL Jt4e treMt a will give streagtk aa lose le every part aad effect a pensaeeat care.

Cstitust sad Seel, tea rtlle It; by smIL FREE A bottle ef ike gHeeas Jasaaese Uvee rIM will be givaa with i koa ef mere ef Mag aetlc NervlM.lne. getdealybr OBOtdl FaTIXKsTB. Druggists. Fert Wayne, Ind. GMh JAPANESE) IUE CURB Welti arsates I seek i a Ms, A New aiMrvmnfHeie ireaiswai, nmisb ot Mjrruai TOR I CaMiles at iMelawnl sad two Bases ot Otstaws.

A sevlr ialliag care fce rtles I eveey aaturesad degree. It aa eperaltaa with the knife, wklck (i pelaAil, Sad iMtea renhe in deain. mniitimiT, Wkf eesrs IMS lerrlkla sieeaeel We Welti an It tea. No Care, Ne ray. jsc.aad Bent tiy anil, iwaipies nee onrnaarr, so.

CONSTIPATION faK2VXX: treat LIVKR and BTOMACH RMiULATUKsad L.IX1U rURflKH, Haul), mlhl aad UuM la take I eepaclally adapted (or tklldfe' se aoeeas cents, FREE, A vUl ot theee ham. Utile Pellets will se alvea with a I boa or more ef rile Cats. Notkb Tea oshvimb atM araaaaa Pita Cva kw sale sere QKOSS rXVUOfm, Drugglat. Fert Wajma, lad. HAPPINESS VS.

MISERY. Dr. Charoot'a Tonic Tablsia. th creat raruttas) rsndy, I a guaranteed our ter th Drink ttablli also nerrouaeeae and melancholy caused by over lndal gnca, rr DaurrnoTi tux appxtttb FOB AZeOOBOUO and all IntoxJoat las Devarag. nd leave trran aa should beu It can be admlnttrd wltbourirkndWtea thpaUeat where necessary.

Bend for pamphleC OnOSB A PELLENB, DruggUta, Fort Wayne. Indiana, rJV 49bVs tJfrJajbO, had a and to day rvrnenns rnsT ranted a rehearing. tlon of title to some vacant land In Wloh lan City waa Involvedr Thei parlies Bgread. In writing that the line between their Iota throughout the. United State le with In th annual report of assistant postmaster general.

Bhatlenberger, which was'madepUbllC to day. The main feature of th report Is the vigorous arraignment of (he Utlnf tar Tout method. Mr. Hhal Icnberger refer tb preeent system speculative bidding. for atar routea a "dUWredXUbl.," It sayath bidder cut a llttjeunderth I old contract price and rtk btrns abi 4 lieautp.l).nia'l. iiat lwrL.W.uI suit IK the greater part of these oon trli.belniSai1ir.a re the Excepted bidder or their agent often ulnr 'deceit and talsreDreserita. cornpiainina: ut great. moved over a hundred feet. The circuit court granted hi request, but Its Judg TnmPti iww linear a rwsTWrrrTHiP A juelff rth peace holding wvr after re election without alvlog hew bond can pronounce a binding Judgment.

William Orhwtheuahta luaUoe could sot. and tried te replevin some, good seised, en en execution Issued by such a Justices The CJr ninlt'JUd1rnnir tdBrenTA that the right te a public omoe can notJrld jnnetioaror repivin. HWHiMT courts' iThe supreme court to day landed down thr following opinions; PhilllD 2orn Itrewlng company et.eL vs. iVolney T. MaMt Laporte lle C.

J. David M. Blayback vs. EUsa A. Witt et al.

Boone C. Petition for rehear ing overruled. Annie Hksslcr ct al. vs. Mary Hotels, Vanderburg S.

C. Petition for rehearing overruled. DkvkJ K. Carver et al. vl Oeorg' Ferry et Madison C.

C. Publication ordered. The appellate court decided the follow flrln vs. Charles C. Ad kins at amene C.

Amrmed.Com stnek, J. 1 August Illumenthal et al. V. state of Indiana. Lake AOlrmed.

Itobta I.l I I. MM HINDIPO mw VITAUTY Matkt WsHMm TMt c'S3h. or Ms. QRIHA.T DkKNCII SKUKDVarsdms Ike r. a wunw9tw0t cwy stops su arajaa sna s.

it wsnie re MMia reemla Uaa eeilre iuiaitfl imst9 gives vlgee aad sis le sluwakeaertaaa, aad Bis staaknT kailnesa emrrlnge, Keaity carried le OBoas rxxxjor, Drugglsta Fort Ways. tadV flr iaaieataaaitd by tref yoinh. I saeveiesi all dralee si i'nniiT II IIIMl" fl wtCeUnrftSa: vJwfiL evsBaTasvM.waksBa tMMmmU WLmZZX Mv viri i iM wumvmwtmtmm9u. Bwnwwmm skkfai alnsaTsTM Ll'J Th Pemnsylvanl. Button.

ennsulvanla neil Train nan by Central Tin J. Jtmt aTvre avueyw i ttattr. Ifcllr. se Banter Train, depart from Pennaylvaala StaV tkm, rort wayii, in. EAaTT HOUND.

era M)M til part ttMam MHlpa pra Limited WEST DOUND. liUaaa UaalUd am i lOOpsa trosa tU.l pat a I pea era ft pm rrom CM. IM pea 0 HAND tnxttkxx BAPID AND BAXUIO.ADl Tim Table for Fort Wayne. Effect October 1MB. NORTH DOUND.

Vsvea For rand Iltplda and IMaaa tFer Orand (Uptde and aaa tror Qrand Raptda and pea IFrem tt ar SOUTH ROUND, ror lUchraond and am tFoT lhsseadaad I Jl tror Richmond and UJ pan trrem Orand Raptda arrtvee T0psa Dally. tDally. Except Sunday. a jWroDASIJaM Tlate Table Rffeetive Oct, 0rd. From Fort Wayne.

OOINO EAST. No. fast Eastern Kapreaa, dally till a. m. No.

Toledo Accommodation dally ax. Sunday a aa No. New Engtaad Fsat Mall dally No. tt Atlantic Express. Sunday OOINO WEST.

No. St St Loula.Day Express, ex. Sunday IXm No. 1 Kansas City Cannon Rail dally UJI a No. I Uovernment Fa Mall.

dally No, I St. Louts Umltea. dally aa TelepbetM, Rl Hase.NLft. U5H ralaa amr at saddeeert frees Tsa Bare Uaiae rsiisr StaitoChkieeer aeeie Uteres perter ettead Bret aad I etaaa day enaebes ea tkroaak trataa. AUtralaaa treetUatae Caltei saTsaatsBisI i bearlaa erapl lr in kuurpiw.

rN Ue a ears earonto. WE sstenFaen ee. eaves. iMiiia Bvyeen. sle.

Imm nm i i i. IL .1 wwm ww, tMee 1 kWrfh. lUreeie. I iTiiiinsiw: lUtwHi u. iwwh eaeiae iSJit IOC Ll fcB wt Mt tl tloas sad In Mleksl rial Duong Oaf at end Ink teat ssssalaean.

It stlsatsl'tt sTOM ETTatmS LlUaMimJhlj remedy betag GIG zttsteiast.t rgaa, a change lUt Care mrctHuKx xBn TABUt ChangTol'tua uho; CJot W. tw.r OtXTHi iii iii i Iaai la. taw rtaary ljsureta 1at ea 3 aaya. wmal I atata aaak iai fca.saall, UUIekEdly kV trOBOW BXlBrnVBi Calhmin BU lad. vnTcrxtiii i i i ,1 6nuit fc j2rstv aLJaDlCaMTOOM on.

feux ui miir" BtlPjTrcTUTmtp Is ti erurlaal aad eery FRKtiOtt rort. "Trf 't neann Wtkie WseJasMloalysTtlUKJIi; ei relieraee. the aalTbg SlXXVLXHU. Calhoua SU ftX0sj I sssaslsasWsaxWsaaa.namswssxBaraasaawiaMM XJUOI IHOBB AMP KICHiaAJT MUTHSKBT. fwifjtnJafjaiii FraMrtbw.

Oolof Nortn. "Arrtr. Lv. IliH pa I is pm.Efcpvess t. aa IM Way All Tralaa Dally, Except Sunday.

5ifr tyrr IS vdOXEaSOS VTTUL REAPPOINT 'V''v OU1 4MABIa l'l" 7H.IIW tm it Aj ffloeel! to the Journal.) mKvwMfMrSSf nouncement noon rodf4ei.gpajijrioratlv I "asmTM MuVl I flVaattsfliskldlsH DR. Oi WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATfnENl (lalMtaHUUAUOntBe BUTAIieW. setdeader pnelUra TTrltiaa i xiznizsxzz'y. HiirTrTinM InMUnila ill VVZR beTTsix feelst with wHttewSaaraat ear refaael saaaejr. sfaaspl jaI age, sestsmiag are oavr traxaianawi tasttwetiasis, a seat.

saaapMsaay i asSpwan.f.Attcevlysau. LtarRH ii! tiii BtL. Fort waro.T 'Wfi8 Na tl (except Sunday) No. 171. Local Freurht ItUKTII Na e) fdallyy (except Sunday) W9.

a 'nn in i i i hi 1.1V' ZM' ia dwJTTtTBefak il iAMLftJ ev. a t. rnnLAr. bt watkb axo vntsrxkn batxwat. Tub Table for Fort Wayne, EeUv Job Utk.

UV EAST ROUND. tFer Flridlay am, pa At Ftadlar tAt Cniumbu via T. A O. C. I Jt paa fUlxed Train, Leave at.

IJO aaa tDallr, Kxeapt Sunday. WEST, DOUND. tLeve Toledo, vt H. A D. Railway lieJaaa Arrive Fort aa tLatg FlndUy; TsM aaa Arrives Fort aa rLsave Flndlay, I 'Arrive Fort tUrxed Train Leave IJB am Arrtvar pag tDafly, Bxoefit fcuoday.

fTHB' CATHOLIO CXirSUB. The Ctboll cUrgy of Port Wayne. ar rrpartn.U'.Iglii.a.cetiuaofth Catholic In tha' city. Th work wlU occupy. TrI nionthiir ir Wrjw.Ji I the ut cenu waa owth of Catholicity In WyBITwo tviw': CoagregaUoiaThav Tbeen JSrtnaAji ntr three church bunt, tb iarsat.7 oonaists oeiwerw ewana ewu cr.j'?.' fC' iuliwE' WJ1TS5T VtAwiAiit SivSJiiiSSai'tMw fa.

T1 wgf.

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