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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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M'Nel PaidCircuIa ram urcula 1 tlon or Saturday i Htf.y 4. THE WWITf! CITY EDITION flentlnel. Ret. lllli NewaEst. 184.

Volume LXXXVI; Number 13 J. MONDAY EVENING PRESSURE United states grand JURY HITS HOOSIERDOM JVttd tti mt FEBRUARY1 17 1919 14 PAGES 3 CENTS Over 500 Indictments are Returned at Indian qpolis, Most of Tliem for Violations of JFedcral Liquor 'Laws Several Fort Wayne $fen Named and More Will Be Known teVhei i are Made, ON COUNCIL TO JUMP INTO RUSSIA FRENCH IN DEMAND FOR STRONG ACTION (By Amoclited Press.) INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 17. In a report' to the tinted Slates court here today the federal grand Jury re (turned 120 Indictments, 2(4 of which were for alleged violation of the law whloh prohibit transportation of liquor from "wet" to "dry" territory. The number of persona Involved In the Indictments la 613, of whom 485 are named In the liquor charges.

In addition to these, there were three alleged Violations of banking; laws, ten; alleged violations pt postal laws, one alleged theft of government money In possession of a railroad, two alleged failures to register for the draft, two of alleged unlawful wearing of the uniform of a United Statu soldier, two alleged sales of liquor to soldiers and two "white slave" cases. Of all the persons named 160 are under, arrest. Fort Wayne Indictment (indictments charging violations of the Reed amendment against persona living in or near Fort Wayne and who are under bond or In Jail are as follows: John J. Dougherty. George Poppoff, Splro Thomas, Henry O.

Soli wen, John Joho, Nick Shaheon, Carl Wllhelm. Amongr the more unusual offenses named was an Indictment charging I he. unlawful possession aod opera Ion" of distilling, apparatus, charged gainst John Dulla. of Terra Haute, hod llaio Vrangash, of Clary. Among cases Involving postal laws is that In whloh Fred l' Rice, for merly postmaster at Roachdale, Is charged with having em Denied 11.157.

Failed to ltcjrtster. The two charged with having fall ed to rea lster for the selective serv ice were John F. Mulkey, of Fort Wayne, and Ira Ot Smutts. of Wells county. Morsee A.

Cox. formerly a teller Ijn the McKeen National bank at Terre Haute, waa charged wltn emtfesxling 1.000 in one of the Indictments involving alleged violation of the banking laws. Indictments Charging violations of the liquor law were returned against the following from Terre Haute and vicinity, who are under bond or In Jail: Nick Burson, George 'thlnda, George Oltean, John Capello, Andrew Garcia, Andrew Cengel, Dora Inlco Caruso, James Halbert, Harry Kabbes, Annie Klevlnsky, Louis Klevlnsky, Fat Lawler, Thomas Greer, Orla Flshen, Charles Parker, Hugh Brotlierton, Manuel Lopes, Matthew Martin, Frank McClure, Andrew J. Orme, Frank Novello, rattMarslllo Novello, David Shorter, Oscar Surratt, Jsmes Mc Falls, Wm. Rogers, Slmen Stlngley, Fred Shone, fold, Steve Vermillion.

Indictments charging violation of the Reed amendment returned against persons living In or near Kvansvllle who are under bond or In Jail, were as follows: Henry Brewster, a us Gahr, Jacob Faust, Peter Weiraer, Beth Little, James Casey, Continued on Page Five. PRESIDENT'S EAR GLUED TO RADIO i eeps In Close Touch by Wire less With Comment on the League of Nations. BOSTON BUSY PREPARING (By J. Bender, United Prma BUS Correnwn ABOARD THE) 8 GEORGC WABHINGTON. Sunday, Feb.

Wilson displayed the deep. est Interest today In American com ment on the league or nations received by wireless, lie devoted considerable time to studying the Varying; degrees of approbation arid disapproval, especially that emanating from Washington. The American people. will be made, acquainted with all matters. In connection; wRh the league.

It can be stated on the highest authority. He Is prepared to clear up all doubt regard lrtg. application of the. league's (principles to the Monroe doctrine. The president attended the ship's rndvles taat night' and spent today In the seclusion of bis cabin until church time whan, be attended divine ser Continued Page Fly.

CHICAGO PACKING HOUSE WORKERS GETWAGE AWARD Unite mac) (CHICAGO, Feb. 17. Award of two and one half cents are hour. Increase iDjwagesupl6 4rWcenla ahThour for American packing house) employes was announced today by Judge Samuel Alsohuler, arbitrator. and a half for all overtime tAe eight hours was also awarded.

The awards' were made effective liaroh 2. 111. A. retroactive clause provides workers snail receive' In addition to the new stale ten per cent, of the weekly wago up to and Including $20 a week, dating from November 10, 1(18. Judge bald variations, of the awards may bo made later.

The. award affects 100,000 workers employed by the "big packers" In all their plants. Jarnes O. Cannon, attorney for the I (packers, said the award represents an Increase In wages of $3,000,000. 'i'hi fieri per oent.

retroactive bonus wmVmean $10,100,000 for the 100,090 employes. Dennis president of the Batchers Meat 'Cutter union, asserted the awards Will iicV go far toward meeting In tressed living; costs. A' meeting of prott will be. called soon, ho declared. Big Road Building Campaign Urged to Assist Unemployed (By United WASHINGTON.

Feb. 17. Immediate construction of hard surfaced roads' throughout the country was urged. by the labor department today as a means, of relieving; the unemployment situation. Although $18,800,000 of government money is available to assist In the work, only forty Jive miles of roads have been completed under the plan of th.

government, state and county sharing in the' cost. mora soon will be appropriated It Is The government has approved 7(0 road building projeots, totalling 7,809 miles, and It Is this work that the. department Is anxious to 1 start at once. Only eight states have completed roads under the government plan, although It has been la force slnca 11)17. Arkausah has built Ave miles; Call fcrnia seven: four; Massachusetts, fourteen; North Carolina, eight: Vermont, one: Washington, four; and West Virginia, two.

Texas, with seventy projects, total ling '988 miles, leads In the number approved, by thei government Others have obtained government approval for. the following mileage, the federal government's share' of the money for the Work being immediately. available; Arkansas, Call fcrnia, 184) ISO; Illinois, 17tj Indiana, SO; Iowa, 418: Kansas, 103; Louisiana. 121: Michigan. 170; Mln.

nesota, fi; Mississippi. 170; Missouri, Montana, 88; Nebraska, 188: Nevada, 11; New Mexico, North Dakota, 417; Oklahoma, 44; Oregon. 18t: Texas. MS: Utah. 117: Washington.

West Virginia, 231: i SENATE DELAYS GERMAN BILLS Leaders of Both Parties Agree to Take Time to Get Measures In Better Form. MINORITY pIaNS OIL COUP Feb. Ian BULLETIN. (By Associated Prtn.) INDIANAPOLIS, 17. Another anti German guage bill, far more drastic in its terms as it affects the schools up to the eighth (trade was intro duced in the state senate this af ternoon by Senator McCray.

The bill would affect all schools of every kind in the state. Under suspension of the rules it was placed on passage immediately. (By juaedataa Fran) INDIANAPOLIS. Ind Feb. 1T To assure that the anti German language bills aocompllsh all that Is Intended, democratic add 'republican senate leaders say they will make an attempt to delay consideration of them for one or two days In order to give the senators time to go over every detail.

It Is understood that Senator Negley's bill abolishing German from the public schools, which waa amended slightly by the house, will be held up at least a' day when it la returned for concurrence. In the house amendments. This same course probably will be followed on the Van Auken bill relating to schools, It Is amended by the bouse. Democratlo leaders Intend to make an effort to perfect what they: consider a polltlo coup when the Kim rnel oil inspection bill comes up for final consideration. It waa, planned to make motion to recommit the bill tot committee of one with specific instructions to amend It by adding the matter 'of Senator Humor's resolution dlreotlnr.that Jobs created in, tna ximmei'blll be first tendered to: discharged soldiers and sailors.

A similar motion will be 'made In, the house to. make the aame amend ment to Senator's Duncan's measure, Which would, place. the Inspection, ot oil within the food, and drug depart ment after fJefetamber 30.. By thl aotkn the democrats etaun they wi brWk tip the oil Inspection machinery already assembled by the republicans. senator ueardtley.

ot' JSlKnarc, said today hei Is. preparing amend A Joy Rie Above the Clouds Oyer Paris A 4.aovy, jks cmhjdj ovx3t. JWiew. A remarkable photograph taken far above the clouds over" Paris. Fart of the plane from which the picture was made can he seen at tho' right S'( UNDERWARLOAD Financial Burdens Weighing on Republic Tremendous; $6,000,000,000 Deficit.

CLAIMS 'AIDFTHE ALLIES (By issecUtsd Trem) Sunday, Feb. lv The financial situation' of Trance Is being given serious, attention 'by aoveral committees and, groups of the ber of deputies, where 'it will bathe subject of an Interpellation at an eariy oat e. are ezpeetea ik Aii' eon ononAA with 'resource to meet) wor Il.l0,000.000".tfrns,'howlorft'tt! deflolt of rran. diuon ut. the.tju.ooftjioa.nflQ, ncs.

In ad PORTUGAL HAS SUPPRESSED MONARCHISTS AT OPORTO (By Unites LISBON. Feb. The republlo has been completely re estabushed in oporto it Members of thei Insurrectional mon archlal government have been ar rested and all their troops have either oeen arrestee or CEMETERY IN' FRANCE. AS MEMORIAL TO ROOSEVELT (By ValUKl Pnsa) NEW YORK, Feb. 17 A cemetery In France for American1 dead has been suggested by Dr.

Lyman Abbott to the Koose velt National Memorial committee aa. a fitting International tribute to the, exrpresldent. Some Queer and Odd Kinks Found ihlheLong Chain of Daily Events CinCAOO Patrick Hyan. boarder. a keen one.

"llere's a present tmi he said fellow boarders. lie produced an axe and proceeded Itolav about right merrily. Now ad I dress cell tier CIIICAOO Dick. Harry and ijoe." 1 to 14 aro ready to quit a life crime. Caught attempting to crack a five and ten emporium they see no hope of getting Dy a oana.

TLIi Cltv Mar shal Dick Ddnn marched Into the high school building. The pupils mZrched out Xlall 'em back." ho xrJed. "Quit leaning on the fire alarm button, then," replied Principal Blue. ILU Earl Bul pltt Is undertaker. He Owned a valuable mouated goat's head.

SomebodySomebody got his goat. "My business Is Join to pick up suddenly." predicts Hart. IkANSAS CITY. MO Some thlofl iVoks lock off barn door of the B. tt (I Coal company, harnossed team and drove load ot ceal away.

Then re tirntd horses snd rilnlc fur slipped from Mrs.Janieo (Lo4sU's shoulders In the Baltimore Tr hotel lobby, unnoticed. Her "hna. band" applied for and received, them at the Furs still missing. O. School board has taken ainaad in readjustment emb lems.

Now that Tanks are coming nome.tno poara naa forbidden teachers to attend canoes with high school boys' as esoorta BEAVER FALLS, PAv C. of Woodlawn. gave a friend who was threatened with the flu a swallow from his half pint of "life saver." The police found It out. Frand paid a fine of 1800 and got a temperance lecture from the court. NEW YORK "A league of Joys," or clowns union has been formed by white faced performers, at the There are 60 pantomlmiats In the union.

NEW TrpilK A set of false teeth are awaiting their owner. 'A local theater box office hold them for the man who laughed them outlet bis mouth at the show. NEW YORK The process of hiring a watchman to watch rsPMratch W. M.1.IIA wifta imvvws ft ill iiv iw ml KANSAS KAN Set of Police found several paws, vt sua suKMun watchman Continued on Pago Five. TRANSPORTS ARRIVE WITH MANY HUNDREDS OF YANKS (By United NEW YORK.

Feb. 17. Three American officers and 38 of the of the U.S. 8. Scorpion Interned" by the Qermans at Constantinople In tbo early part of the war, arrived here lAltlVAII th iMMIMf rUfitA' Alfv.

hlert from Marseilles. There were also on 'the transport, lis men tbo 61st regiment, coast artillery corps. The Blxaloav arrived shortly afterward with 47. for Camp Merritt. More than 2.700 soldiers and officers arrived on the transport Rotterdam.

rney were members ot the 107 tn infantry field ant staff, headauarters company, medical detachment, head a. Li ana ju, (ti omcers ana 1,48 men colored); detachment, i com pany D. 162nd, Infantry, camp Dlxi 92nd division headquarters, with Brig, aeneral James B. Irwla commander; 82nd division headquarters troop; cement mill company No. 8, Camp Dlx; evacuation hospital No.

(, 290 casual officers, 78 civilians and see convalescents. SUFFRAGE RESOLUTION IS RE INTRODUCED IN SENATE (By Ualted Fret.) WASIIINQTON. Feb. ,17. The woman suffrage beaten last Aionaay By tne senate, was reintroduced today, by Senator Jones, Washington.

Suffragists have a lingering hope that. they will be able to get. another vote this session, of mIw IM. a miiivi viiij uiii iotiauajth' remain. Senator New Mexloo, chair, man of the suffrage said he regards "this as practically impossible.

Yank Ace of Aces Is Welcomed Jlome TdColumbu8, Ohio (By'Aemcuued Pnm) COLTJMnUS. Feb. 17 CaDtaln Edward V. Wekenbacker, American ace ox aces, arrivea Here this morning rrom wasningion ana was met by a reception committee of his fellow townsmen. The premier flrer waa Immediate! hustled away, and he will be kept In reiireraeni until the official greeting of Columbus Is given him this afternoon by a parade In which more than a halt hundred organisations will take part The mayor has declared a half holiday In order that the entire city may see Rlckenbacker.

A banquet will be given tonight. More than (0 aviators are expected to attend Flies From' Washington to Attend. (By Vnlte lte) Feb. 17. General head Of the war department air service left Boiling field at 10:48 today; lnn army plana to fly to Columbus, Ohio, to attend the dinner tonight In honor of.

Captain Eddie Rlckenbacker, America's aoa of aces. The plane' was piloted by Major Ovker. Kenly expects to rnake io lumbua about live hours, and hopes to. make It a non stop night, there are exceptional expenses, aa oc4apfaljWcr1iiarui.r0rxwM damajre, 'which Is olaced In moderate. estimates 10.000.000,000 rrancs; tne oosi' oea30wsjiUB; me iiiAriv currency Alsace 2,100, 000,000 francs; the repayment, of bonda.

issued Jn jioeratea regions, 100.000,000 francs: demobilization bonuses' estimated at between 2,000, 000,000 and' S.OOO.OOOiOOO'' francs, together with exceptlonW expenses, which will bring the estimated total to francs, and makes the, total dellclt 50,000, 006,000 francs. It Is reckoned that' the expenses for J820 win 18.800.000,000 francs. Score, of Indiana Mayors HostiWto 'State Police Bill (By United PreeO INDIANAPOLIS. Ind, Feb. i7w Mayors of more than, a score of Indiana cities will urge members of the house to Indefinitely postpone; the state polios.

force bill by Representative Demaree. and which carries with It an appropriation of $180,000 por year xor too maintenance 01 me ory sanitation. It Is. understood. that the catva' of uio opposition to the bill, outer than tbo 1 increased state UC' thai It" will lower.

the morale of rthevarloa metropolitan polios organisations over. the state and materumy'oeoreaseuhe arrests for violation 'of the pronlhltton laws. Members. of the various olty departmentsv are known, to. be DDosed enot men of' the' bill Into lawiJia they assert that Uiey will embarnaamd the state POlISe niaJclnfr numerous petty, arresta, 1.

iAti.U.iMll.l M.4Bj1fMUfli nrfatr w. iti m. 1 in' "L' (OonUntied'on, PagekTeo.) IN CONFERENCE TO PREVENT GENERAL BUILDING STRIKE Laljor Leaders and Employers AreAttemptino; to Beach an' Agreement. feAIERS0lCS5lKlUENDS (By Halted rrna) NEW YORK, Feb. 17.

Labor lead era and representatives of building trades employers were In conference here today attempting to reach an agreement will prevent the calling out of building trades workers all over the ootvD.try. according to. labor ofll all contracts of the Building Trades 'Employers' association are tied UpMn' New York and a number ot other "cities Threats to call a sympathetic' strike of thirty building trades throughout the nation were made by labor omclals, unless the employers agroe1 to a "dollar' a aay inorease in wages ior ine car. penters. They, now rocelve 35.E0.

Workers affected will be carren ters. bricklayers, masons, lathers. metal workers Iron workers, tile roofers, elevator constructors and stonecutters. 1 i. 'Strike' Ends.

1 (UT United Pitm.) PATERSOn; N. IFoW17r Pater son's silk strike ended today, when 17,000 strikers, returned to work underunder the) provisional settlement effected by the war labor: The board's award calls xor alortytwo ana one half hour About 2,008 tho ultraradical element among the foreigners, declared that, they would continue the strike until even snorter nours were which was threatened, by the. recalcitrants, failed to no picketing or dis order occurring na work wo re sumed. REDS SHrif RUM ALLIED FORCES BAKER'S ENTIRE MACHINE FAILED Only Raw Man Power Supply Held Out, Governor Allen, of Kansas. TESTIFIES SENATORS 'frtrtAIUsFrsa) Feb.

,17. Gov erhor Henry ot Kansas, told the house rules' committee today everything "In 'tbo "war machine In Fjrjance. "fell "ddwn where eept'the'raw manjprodtjet" 4 c'ommltjtee is considering a resolution Introdiioed by Representa IJye gatlon of', the 18th division's losses in ISywSfetoa'. lsfc taUment tmadf In recent epeechi, when' he ueciareoj siaugnier ea iiKereneep. oecause 01 tne mck or.

FRANCIS TO ENLIGHTEN SENATE ON BOLSHEVISM (R Vrlted Pnna) WABIIINOTON, Feb. 17. Ambassador Francis, homebound from Russia, may tell his story to the senate committee studying bolshevlsm on hut arrival here, tt became known today. Should he appear; the committee would be able to obtain first hand Information rrom ths man best qualified to glve lt. "Whether Francis appears depends on state department action.

Supporter of the soviet will be given their opportunity to testify this week. Miss Louise Bryant Is scheduled to appear Thursday. 8he spoke at a recent meeting here, which caused much'lndlgnatlon In the sen Bolshevik droops' in Archanrjel AuacKS NO NEW MQVEMENTSSEEM BUIJUGTIN. (Br Cblted Pnaa WA8IIINGTON. Feb.

17 Presideht Wllsbn is Bending en Kiheer'troepsito Russia to facili tate withdrawal of American forces in members tlie" lionse imiytaty committee (today i said, following readinp: of the committee of a presidemiial communication transmitted by Hecretary or War lianer. (By AsnclaUd rrnO ARCIIANateL, 8ATDRDAY. Feb. IS. Feb.t! 11.

the bolshevlkl have attacks against tho allied any sector of the Archangel front Allied airplanes, which are continually: aloft. that there has been no new movements of troop behind the enemy llne since the bolshevik withdrawal' south from Bredmakrongai, While the cessation of attacks has been oolnoldentalwlth the bolshevik pffer to attend the. Princes Islandf peace thalr oftenslve "was checked by the'. American and allied troopa i The allied ao not believe that the accepUnoe of the. Invitation to 'the conference caused the bolsheVlkf Inactivity of the lost Commenting 'on the bolshevik message' of acoeptanoe" the Voiosh denle eievera (file resurrection ot the north), saysi.

"From the reply of Jllnlste Tchltcherln It appear clearly thai the bolshevlkl are, ready to sell Russia at auetion. They to arrange this at the Prince Island." The bolshevlkl are Increasing their efforts to destroy tho morale of the on 'Fago Ten.) LEAGUE OF NATIONS MUST RESCUE BALKAN COUNTRY (By railed Pma) WASIIINOTON." Feb. 17 'The league of nations "must take the Balkan, out of European politics," declared. Stephen Panaretoff, Bulgarian; minister, In discussing the league's constitution with the united Press today. "The Balkans have been the pawns of the Kuropean powers.

They have been willing tools. The league of nation must make them really Independent. This will remove the dli rect cause ot the1 great war and the source of the world's Ills for nearly a century pat," Bulgaria eagerly awaits admission to the league after her liability aa an associate of tner central powers in rtnllr xMiW. retpfneifrorraneo. Where jh.e was, eoBUeoiedt wlthT the nea ijroes.ana.uia'x.a.tu.

a. ax the time of the battle, If the Ar he'was oloe to, the front as a i worker. tck of Almost Lack of artlllerv. field kitchens and horse among the. speolflo oomRlalpts charged by; Allen, which.

oiwa, losses we letters statements from officers arlfl'enluiUdi men of the division, to bear out his charge that men were slaughtored of lack of equipment. "We; had. whits cloths to wave at tne. out there were no airplanes to wave at." one letter stated. Anther writer declared "There was not one nana grenaae in tne unit to Which he was attached.

AV oo noment of the, battle there enough. planes to render any material servloe," said Allen. "The Continued Ton Page Five. GIRLS ARE WELL PAID TO GATHER LABOR STATISTICS 1 Beceive Over $200 a Month to at Four Homes a "Week. WORK IS COMPLETED HERE i Thirteen very charming and attrac tive' young ladles aro completing a most' "streduous fodr weeks', work In Fort Wayne, Investigating the coat of living hv this city.

The girls are sent pbt'by tne Dureau or labor. sta UaUcsat a 'aauVy of 8100 a month and a liberal per. said. to' be. It.

for expenses and are reaulred to seoure certain data from four, families a week; J. Oraoe' Thompson that's "tho way she Igna. it is. In and. while she treated a representative of the News and Sentinel most courteously, car efut not'to violate any of the rules laid down at which Impose'' a sort of 'ritualistic seerecy.

on tho agents engaged In th From, the statistics which she and 'the' twelve ladles under her' have (Continued 'on Tea.) Open Discussion of League Awaits Retufn6f Wilson (Br ttnlted Prna) WASHINGTON; Feb. 17. Ex Presldent 'Taft's endorsement of the league of nations' constitution was regarded here today as likely to have considerable weight with republican senators. The main point of difference, hero was: as to whether the covenant will causo surrender ot some of America's sovereignty. While some contend that the league's constitution tends to Infringe upon tho national constitution, there wss little disposition criticise cpenly.

The president's appeal to curb discussion until he arrives snd confides the Inwardnoss of the document to foreign committee members served to stop much of the talk. While there was no positive assurance that tdlscnsslon of the league would be entirely stilled In congress, administration. leaders were disposed to heed the presidents request, wniia the republicans showed a tendency to ret the notion's' verdict, rather on Would Advance Against Bolsheviki on Large Scale British War Minister Would Proclaim State of War With Red Government America Stands Out Against Intervention. (By United Pnm) PAIUS, Feb. 17.

Renewed Sretwure was being exerted on le, supreme war council today for an immediate intervening in Russia, it was learned from an authoritative source. The French Were said to have urged again that military action be taken against the bolsheviki on a large scale, while War Min ister Churchill proposal which has not been made public was understood today to con template proclamation of a state of war, if necessary. ine American position In opposition to a military policy remained unchanged. (Br Frfd S. rcriuwn.

United Prm SUff Correspondent.) PARIS, Feb. 17. The Russian situation was again the foremost question before the peace conference today. The tentative date for the Joint meeting at Prlnklpoa expired Saturday without anything definite having been accomplished. The supreme wsr council had the matter up and was expected to give It full consideration at this afternoon's session.

"Winston Churchill, who holds the war portfolio In the new British min istry, has oomo forward with a new plan for solving the Russian problem. Nothing has been given out officially regarding this plan, It Is understood to Include a "hands off" policy toward the bolshevlkl, while giving every economic assistance to the other Russian government It Is known that no agreement waa reached on Churchill's scheme at the meeting Saturday and It Is expected Russia will occupy the greater part of the supreme war council's time for several days. While the Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Esthonlans snd Letts have accepted the proposal far a Joint conference a well as the bolshevlkl. It Is understood a large number of the peace delegates are dissatisfied with the tone of the bolshevlkl' reply and that they Jtb disposed to dlsouss the situation further before going through with the conference. The committee on reparation was slso to continue Its hearings today'.

Considerable progress Is said to have been made toward solution of the indemnities question. The principal point of difference In the coni Slttee's members views seems to lie at some oontend that Germany should pay the coat of war of little nations, while others hold to the American Idea that the associated powers should not go beyond the fourteen points, with the amendment contained In the original armistice terms. Two other subjects, heretofore Continued on Page Five. frV rv the war has been Justly, weighed, thei thoroughly, before venturing as voy stated. either, approval ot, condemnation.

A Colored Heroes of War Get Welcome in Two, Big Cities (By AiMcUtid hm) CHICAOO. Feb. 17 The 170th United State Infantry (colored), and better known as the Eight Infantry of the Illinois National Guard, was welcome here today. The colored warriors made a distinguished record in France. As a part of Gen eral Manctn's "flKtitlns: Tenth army." pn Kept 16, ibis, they attacked ine Cower of the German army Itran denhunrer'a.

and tha crown prince's Hussars and drove, them from the Ailette cankl to the Interior of Bel gium. There are many members or the regiment wearing decorations. Everybodyiin Company got one for storming the town of Baume. The colomnmarched directly to the Coliseum from the railroad station, where speeches were made and there was muslo, luncheon and dancing. The regiment entrained for Camp Grant to be discharged.

Quest of (he City. (By AswcUUd I'm.) NEW YORK. Feb. 17. The 1.000 members ot the 36Jth formerly the Fifteenth, New York's negro regiment, that achieved a great record in France, is, the guest of the city today.

The regiment came by train from Camp Upton and formed In East Twenty third street, for the parade np Fifth avenue. The paraders were, led by baud ot 100 ploces; under lieutenant iteese Europe. The reviewing party Included Governor Alfred Smith. Major General Thomas II. Barry, Hear Admiral' Albert Cleaves, members of the board of aldermen and the board of estimate and other city omclals.

GRAPHIC'storOFFiiliTS" IS BUT UNFOUNDED "BUNK" "Local Magazine Contributor" Releases an Exclusive Line of Fiction. GERMANY SIGNS. NEW ARMISTICE Government Submits to Terms in Extension of Truce Given by Allies. FRESH SPARTAdAN RIOTS (By AsmUted PnMa) COPENHAGEN, Feb 17. The German government on Sunday night accented the allied terms for the extension of the armistice, according to a dispatch to the Polltlken from Weimar.

The meeting at which the acceptance was decided upon, the I'olltl ken's correspondent said, was at' tended by leaders of the various parties. New Spartacen Outbreaks. (By United PnM.) COPENHAGEN. Feb. 17.

New Spartacan outbreaks occurred in several German towns and cities, according to dispatches received here today. At Dresden, rioters Interrupted church services. Belgian troops have occupied Dulsberg. in the Rhine district, where Bpartacans had started demonstrations. FEDERAL PROBE BEGINS The "graphic story of merit and worth" released exclusively to and printed by a local morning newspaper In the Sunday morning edition proves to be nothing more than a gathered mass of unfounded 'bunk" and the work of a highly Imaginative mind.

Many of the statenfents contained in the "graphlo story" are so wild eyed 1n nature that it has attracted the attention of special agents of the department of Justice and federal probe has been Th writer who Is heralded as a "local fiction writer and magaslne contributor," Is Gerald Morris Smith, residing at '1710 West Main street. Continued on Pag Five. THE WEATHER Forecast Until 7 P. M. Tuesday.

far Fort Wavno and Vicinity Tonight light snow; lowest tempera ture 18 degree; Tuesday iair ana lightly colder. LOCAL OFFICE UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU. I Fort Wayne. Feb. 17; HI9.

Local data for the 14 hours ending at noon today. Temperature at the end of each Hour: 1 p. p.m p. 4 p. p.

p. 7 p. I p. JP 10 d. lip.

ailHnlaht "IT a Hlgliteat lemperaiure i year u. a. Lowest temperature tt; year atro II. since the first of the month. 13 degree on the 11th.

L4wesl since ine nrsi ti roomn. 14 degree oa th Ith. for th t4 hours endliur at noon today .11 of an Inch. 8ra sets today at p. m.

Bon rises tomorrow at a. m. ..31 la.m ..11 Sa. IS ..11 lain 2 ..30 4 a. .,30 6a.

34 ..30 a. 34 ..30 7 a. 37 ..37 lam 10 ..27 9a. 30 ..37 10p.m... SO ..37 11a.m...., 30 ..37 31 Overpowered Dy Spartacan.

ly amocuuo rrM.) BERLIN, Sunday, Feb. 1 J. Spartacan troops from nearby towns, marched Into Gelsenkirchen, lu Westphalia, early this morning ami TJVrpoTVeT6oTtheWaTTfilllUriraiuT police forces, a portion of which went over to tho Spartaoans. The plundering of the city followed. The doors of houses were blown In with hand grenades and much loot was secured by the 8partacans.

The Gelsenkirchen banks and the city treasury had been warned In time and saved their fund. Th Continued on Page Five. Camp Conditions in Brest Are Fearful Says Senator Owen 10 United Pmm.) NEW TOItK. Feb. 17.

The morale of the American soldiers In French rest camps 1 being shattered by the unsanitary and crowded' condition they are subjected to and by the long periods of waiting for transportation; declared Ben a tor Robert L. Owen, of Oklahoma, who arrived here today on the liner Rotterdam. He ald he would go' to Washington at once to report on the rekult ot his Investigations and to urge corrective "It Is Imperative that these men be brought home at once," said Owen. 'Their demobilisation should proceed more systematically and provision should be made to give them a new start'ln life when they get back homo. This la not but a duty we owe them." Owen said that conditions are particularly bad at Brest.

There has been some Improvement, particularly as regards food, but. overcrowding still continues. He declared that men In the rirest eamps are becoming despondent and Major whose name he refused to give, committed suicide while suffering from melancholia. He described the' mud there as "knee deep." The one extenuation for this, he said, was that climatic conditions are bad: While the Sepator was describing the situation he found at Brest, Mrs. Owen, who had accompanied hint on this European trip, exclaimed: "Orest la a horrible hole! It bi not lit for cat ye! Why, we wouldn't keep a pig there! It conditions In Brest are better now, God help the ones who were there earlier!" Then she burst Into tears.

Owen studied demobilisation work In France and England and eald he would make certain recommendation to congress based on the results of his observations. iVs WwiW .1 r. i i i.

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