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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 12

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

9 "SGhaCKER TOW CUSTER Former Fort Wayne Pitcher to IlelD 86th Division Team. 4f 'CAMP CUSTER. June When Hmtr Smith, Cueter'a heavyweight 'W, apralned hi wrist playing base aln Monday afternoon the ehenoes 'fof a. local victory otm Ih Camp Grant "tighter. In the second tournament want Vgthnmertng.

The team from tha two paean ara to clash ta a Custer ring on iluns'U, and with Smith ot of the "gam the Elgnty nfth division haa no heavyweight who ould eucoessfully poo bis Andre Anderson. Added to this mlafortuna comes tha 'news that Jack Merrick, tha Kewanee tiger, haa raportad at Camp Orent. II er 'rtok la a classy middleweight who haa appeared la a number 01 oxnioitwn here, and It la vary doubtful his equal can bo produced in ti i I Outalaaeed la Maavlar Wslahte. With Anderson. MeOoorty and liar rick In tha heavier welghta, Custer Is etoUeeed.

for tha baat that can ba ax. 'booted la tha lighter, even ta an even BUlr' Armstrong, tha camp boxing In structor, la doing wldaapraad work 'among the 'green Offlolal flraraa 'how that Armstrong haa had 11,000 nan 'sa his alaaaaa during the past thraa 'wsesav. KINIfar Prefers Oame Ouster. mm XllUfsr. eatoher for tha Chleage Cabs, has danlad tho staUtnent that ha rlwesH aant to camp nanen woan Ballad late army eervtoee, In order to I 'be with Ororar Alexander.

Whan uues wtlaaad br Jud Uraraea. manager of tha JK'Caatartaam, on Memorial day. KlUlfer stated that whan hla eefl arrived ha wented to oama ta Camp Cuatar. i ma nreeeaoe haro would make a valu able addition ta tha Eighty firth dlrlaloa "ball team. It alao azpaotad mat Urban checker, tha SC Louie pitcher, will ba aant ta Cuatar In tha near future.

4 I i BASEBALL STATISTICS! BTANOINQ Or THE TEAM ftatlenal Leegve. 'Teams, Won. Lest. Pet, CkJaawa mr if Flttaborrh it.wk. 1 fPhuadalpbJa II XI MPidim't iii II It .400 14 IT .111 American Lataua.

Won. Mat. Pot. 17 .111 .171 17 ax. Louu 1 nMaAlrlwaa Toiil StTEonl Taama.

IT 14 a a kaaaaAi lata avA Ita XaABlai aiaaaaataaaaaaa SO I'Claraland tl It XV it fhlladalphla II tl tItnlt 11 II Amariean Aaaaalatlan. Taama. Vfnn. Tat. I ,1 voiuraoua ji I XanaaaiClty 10 MUwaunaa 17 IoulaTllU II Indlanapolla fit Paul ....11 I Tolado 11 II It 17 10 14 .411 .400 .111 Pot .171 .107 .171 .111 .200 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Natlanal Lianu Haw Tork.

PHUburah. 1 Boaton, I. Cincinnati. Phlladalphla. a.

Amariean Leagua. "Chloaao, Plttiburrh, 1 Hw York, fit. Louie, S. tR Waahlnton, Detroit, a. I' r.

ypraiaiiMi VBivua Major League Games NATIONAL LKAOUe Naw Tork R. n. B. taburch ...0 llillllk. 1 B.1 Tork ...000000011 4 7' 0 Batterlea Cooper and Bchmldt; wemaraa ana nanaen.

Philadelphia R. II. E. Cincinnati ...0 OtOIlOlt 7 1 1 rniiaaeipnia Batterla iaon. Mayer and Burna.

ai 0 4 10 Dreealer and Wlngo) Wat Ml. 'Chlcaca I I0III1I4 7 15 0 Beaton 0 01001000 I 10 1 ft: Batterlea Hendrlx and KUUfer; Re u'kan, Haarna and Wllaon. At Brooklyn R. H. E.

V'StTLoula ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 j.Draoklyn .,..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Batterlea Tuero, Amea and Qonaalee; Cadora and MUUr, AMERICAN LEAOUE JWaal At Betrolt raahinatiin .0 Detroit ,00100110000 4 0 uattenee Johneon, Harper and Aln it Jncton .0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 I 10 4 01 04 4 K.H. B. 4 11 amlth and Plclnlch. ai ueveiano Boaton .....0 OOOSOOI aland 0001101 1 I 1 Ltterlea Bueh and Anw nnimuo ana i neiu, Tnomaa. At frhleam If n.

Philadelphia a a 1 01O0000 1 4 I VBaUarlaa Parry and Parklna; Clcotta, JAt.Bt Louie R.H. B. JWaar Torn ...00 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 7 1 Batterlea RueeeU. Love. Thormahlen 'and Hannah; Houok, Lowdtrmllk and CIS7CWIAifir 00CT01U TO A UV UIMO ir'AJW IOU0VAJA7 TO TAr XUXT1 f5B VO rrr inx TV "rAfJ TO HOLDJABBIT SHOW Seoond Table Show of Local Men to Be Held June 23 Bunder.

Juno It. win be the oocaaloa of tha Fort Wayne Rabbit A Pet Stock aaeoelatlon tablo ehow. Plana for tha event ware completed at. a meeting: or tha aaeoelatlon at tha court houee laat night Local fanclera ware entered In tha ehow held laat week at Munole, and their auoceee there In winning throe flrat prtiea haa cauaed them to atage a ehow hero, to bo held at Roblaon park. Manager WUllame, or ma park, naa donated many high grade canaa aa Brat prttta In tha ahow.

A large order ror new eteel coopa baa been placed by the aaaoelatlon for the purpoae of homing the exhlblta entered. Tha exhibit win be open day and nlgnt and ontrlea will ba free of charge and may be made by anyone, regaraleia or realdence. HAY NEWS. PFEFFER TO PITCH lv I i I ICHICAOO, June Camp Grant will (i a laete or real big league pitching on Sunday, when It meete the Ounthere at the Cuba bell park. Ed Pfeffer will bo on tha aUb for tha Qunthara.

Pfef. jfer waa the "Iron man" of the Brooklyn etching ataft up to thla aeaeon, when leallated la the naval anilgn aohool tha municipal pier. Oppoeed to him la tha Camp Grant affair will be Harold arlon, alao former National league Pfeffer will be remembered by local I fana aa the slant right hander who want 1 from tha locale to Denver and later waa 1 returned to' the Central by Ilendiicka, 'going. to Orand Raplda when Jack ad vlaed Varnea not to take him on again. lie waa graduated Into the majora from lOraad Raplda.

nOAQLAND NEWS Frank Buyera and dughter, Marie, of Fort Warn, and Mr. and, Mrs. John Pereulum, of Mon roavUla. Were gueata of Mr. and Mr.

renulum Bunday. im Mrs. Emma Email la anondlna: aav. IV ra daya at her cotUge at Crooked Rn, and Mr. Shank and aone, Sonaldand Dana, are a pond In aav.

arUIweak at Brook vl lie, with ralatlre. Buck and children have ra turned homo from Burrowa. where they. had been the a ueete of her par. nta for aeveral weeks.

4 Perry, of New Ilaren, waa neat of hla elaUr. Mr. Nellie annate? Bunday. Mia Hilda Koeneman has returned from Chlcaso. Mr.

and Mrs. John Ruhl are apend fna; thla week at Crooked lake. and Mrs. ChlfTlngton, of Ohio, were ruaat of Mrs. Ellas Hartie) Bunday.

Mr. and Mrs. DarsicKeoman of Fort Wayne, apent Bunday with the letter's sister, illas Minnie Chapman. and Mrs. John Swaldnar and Mr.

and Mrs: Oeorge Stout Ipent Sun. clay at Blng en with Mr. and Mrs. Carrier. Mis Edith Koeneman, who waa operated on laat week at the lAith arsn boapiul.

Is Improving, and Mrs. Smltler had a their cueata Mr. and Mr. I lohn purnette, of I Mr. Maud Iveraon and two ohll dren.

Mable and Murtlle, of near Coldwater. (pent frorm Wednesday until Saturday last week with her brother, cnarles ana iiejpn French. Mrs. N. P.

Nyewander entertained a company of ladlea at her home last Friday afternoon. In honor of Mlae Ruth McLouin, who is soon to ds a June bride. Hlie received many pretty and useful gifts. A musical program was rendered and the hoatees served light refreshments. The National Iay of Prayer waa observed hy all the different congTe.

rations here. Mrs. E. L. McCreery haa returned from her eastern trip.

She did not see her brother, as she had anticipated, aa he had sailed for Franoe. Mrs. Robert Salmon and son, Walter, and Leona and Oral McNItt, of Readlnc, spent last Saturday hero with Mrs. William McNItt Joe Lard, of Eaton Rapids, waa In town laat Thursday. Mrs.

w. It, McNaug hton and children, of Coldwater, spent the week end with friends here. Mrs. Nellie McNItt and son, Robert, and Nichols and family, apent Decoration day In Heading; Mich. Bcovllle Seely haa returned from Detroit, where ha haa been working the paat three weeks.

Mrs.Walter Straw has gone to Battle Creek, to remain Indefinitely, to be near her husband, who la now at Camp Custer. The regular meeting: of the W. t. will be held with Mrs. Boaa Oarey Friday afternoon of thla week.

Subject! "Flower Mission and Belief Work" nnd "Sabbath Observance." Leader. Mrs. Llxxle Logan, Alex Douglas, who has been spend I Ins; the winter with his daughter, Mr. junior, ok rorc wayne, ra turned to his home at C. A.

Mc Naughton's, laat Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs. McNaughton motored to. Fort Wayne after him. Mr. and Mrs.

Theodore McNaughton entertained Dr. James McNaughton and family, of Kansas, and Mr And Mrs. S. W. Duguld, of Fremont, for dinner last Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mr. A. McNaughton and son, iiowara, attended a war mass meeting at Coldwater, Mich. Sunday, Mrs.

Loutlla Mitchell, who haa been dangerously ill. Is reported a little better. Rev. E. L.

McCreery went to Nevada MUIs Sunday evening: and gave hla Illustrated sermon on "The Soudan African Mission." Orvllle McNaughton, of Jackson, wns In town Sunday. Mrs. Angle Gaines, of Battle Creek, returned home with her sister, Mrs. Frank Belote, one day last week to spend the summer. Mrs, Wylle Stewart and daughter.

spent the week end with Mrs. Julia Palmer, of Camden, Mich. Sergeant Marley Mason, of Camp (Copyright, 111, hV Xing reerara Eradicate, Ine.) EDITOR'S NOTE This Is the' tenth of a aeries of articles which Mr. Corbett Is writing concerning the career of the late Frank Ootch, who went to his grave the undefeated heavyweight wrestling champion of the world. The next Installment will appear tomorrow, Frank Ootch reached the absolute crest of his greatness and became the catch ae catch can champion of the world on April 1101, In Chicago, when he forced George Hackenschmldt, "the Russian lion." to quit after two hour and three minutes of grueling wrestling.

To Martin Burns must go a portion of the glory for the great triumph of the American, becauae It waa the counseling of that great mat general which played so vital a part in the victory for the Iowa gladiator. Hackenschmldt came to America her alded aa tha mightiest wrestler the world had ever produced. Tales of hla strength pictured him aa a man or superhuman power. Hack had swept through Europe like a cyclone, crushing Into oblivion every wrestler who tried conclusions with him there. When he arrived In the United Statea his most radical en thuslaats went so tar as to declare that he could tackle any two Americans In one ring and win the match.

Juit about thla time, while the rest of the American wrestling fraternity had taken to the "storm cellars' Frank Ootch electrified the American sporting publlo with the annouhcementt "I'll wrestle this Russian lion." As soon as the match waa made Ootch sought out Burns, his old teacher. "Farmer, I'm placing myself In your hands. Teach me tho tricks necessary to beat him." Burna advised: "To beat him, Frank, you'll have to play a waiting game. He's got It on you in height, weight and strength. But stamina, Is your long forte.

Wear him out." A monster throng Jammed Ita way Into Dexter's pavilion In Chicago the night of the contest and aaw Frank Ootch place, the final seal of greatness upon himself; saw him wear down his powerful, "unbeatble" toe to a point of utter exhaustion, forcing the great eat Vreatler that Europe ever produced to yell "quits" In a match with the World'a championship at atake. Had Ootch elected to go out and "fight" with hla powerful rival It I quite possible the remarkable American could have won the match on falla. It developed during the contest that Ootch had It "on" Hackenschmldt In the matter of science, endurance and waa a fair match for him even In strength, and In rameness and thinking power was easily the Russlan'a peer. But Unlch. follnwlnar lmpHcltlV the ad.

vice or uurns, played the waiting gams. Ha kept away from mlxina It aa much as possible through the early tussling. Those who saw that match will recall how Ootch, alwaya fought high, bending over his rival, with one arm resting heavily en the neck of "the Russian lion." Ootoh, by holding Hack In Just that way, caused Hack to exert the maximum amount of strength in fighting back. "And that Is the Idea, Frank." advised Burns before the match. "Make him work himself tired.

Tou take it tasy. You've got all night to finish him. Outgame htm; outlast him. That's the Idea." Both men sparred cautiously for an opening as they went to the center of the ring with tha call of time. Ootch waa the quieter of the two and balked all efforts of Hackenschmldt to trap htm.

Onoe the Russian tripped and threw Ootch, but the American waa up on his feet and out of harm's way In a flash. Ootch, cool, calm, tantalising, continually taunted hla rival. After fifty mlnutee of tugging, pulling and aparrlng for holda Hackenschmldt pushed Qotch away and, calling Referee Ed Smith to blm, turned to Ootch and Inquired: "Shal) be call this match a draw?" "Not on your life," anapped Ootch. "do on and wrestle; I've got all night," responded Smith. After that the Russian fought with a spirit of a loser end Ootch with each paaslng minute gained more and more confidence.

He grew bolder: Abandoning the entirely defensive game, Ootch started to attack. Spurred on by the Increasing belief that he waa the absolute master of the highly touted Russian, Ootch mixed It In a furious way, and, following a wild flurry, Ootch flung Hack to the floor, Then, like a demon, the American tried te pin the Russian. But Hack fought back with all the power in his gigantic body. Ones Hack broke loose and grabbed the ropes. Ootch tors htm away, lifted him up and then sent him crashing to the floor.

Flinging himself upon his foe, Ootch worked with redoubled fury. Ho mauled Hack aa few men ever have been mauled In wrestling history. Just when It seemed certain that Ootch had Hack In a deadly embrace the Rusalan moaned: Til stop. Please. Mr.

Ootoh, get up. I give you the match." Ootch Jumped to hla feet, and Referee Smith rushed over to the prostrate Rua. slan and said; "Tou have, forfeited only one fan. Do you want to go on with th match!" "No. Ootch, he kill me." Smith stepped to the roDsa.

stilled the tumult and announced: "1 give the championship of the world to Mr, Ootch." A demonstration never eaualed at a wrestling match followed, and amid th nunaep et ne appiause totch wasxar rled te hla dressing room on the shou uers os ais nanaiers. (To be continued tomorrow.) eh waxaris Custer, apent the week end the guest of Mies Carrie Brlcker. Will Flint and family, of Coldwater, were gueete of Mrs. Jona Brlcker Sunday. Wilson Duguld left Tuesday evening to attend It.

P. synod, at Beaver Falls, Pa. Mrs. Matilda, Hutchlns. of Jamestown, ta visiting her son, Arthur Green, and family, of Clear Lake.

Mrs. Beulah Straw Is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Duguld. Mrs.

Straw had the misfortune to step on a rusty nail laat Saturday. Charles Skinner has gone to Qill roan. BL. to visit her son. Allen.

kindallvTlli NEWa Mrs. Harry Reed and baby are doing nicely at Lakeside hospital. Ralph Kollman left today for Indianapolis, where he will take an examination with the view of going to the Great Lakes Naval Train titfsvltn Miss Blebeshelmer. R. left to flAv rnp Rnitnti wH' it, iq win muviwu the national tuberculosis convention, Mrs.

Peter Boomershlne has returned to Mlllersburg, after visiting her son, J. Boomershlne. Mrs. 8. EL Chloote, of Huntington, who hes been visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Scott Whltford and other friends here, went to Butler yesterday for a further visit with frlonds. KendaUvlIle's war chest and thrift lamn rimnalm la mlnv 1MW lv. Both will be successfully closed line i week. Wanted Helpers for boiler, shop.

Apply at boiler shop office. Western Gas Construction Co. Children' day exerolee will be held at the M. E. churcn next Bun day evenlnsr.

Wesley Learn on, of Bremen, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Msnuel Click Bunday. Stanley Wright left' Friday evening for Chicago, where he enlisted In the navy. Dewey Hyndman ha tak en hla place at th Wright hardware stors.

Twenty five lady Maccabees, of oarrett were here Saturday afternoon and conferred the degree on nine oandldates. Miss Gladys Sherman, of Garrett, was here Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.

Robblns. Th Cromwell flr. company held Ita regular monthly meeting Monday evening. All members were present but two. James Wilson went to Fort Wayne Monday with th Intention of enlisting In the navy, but returned home; stating that he was rejected.

Mrs. R. D. Oants spent several days last week visiting relative at Fort Wayne," Mr. Berrihetmer, of Etna I hers visiting her eon, Dewltt and family, south of town.

Mrs, II. II. Honts entertained the following guests Saturday: Mrs. Ed Powers, of DeKalb, Mrs. Charles McLane.

of Belfountalne, Ohio, and Mrs. Tom Prlckett, of Ltgonler. James Mullln Is quite 111 at hi home and there Is but little bope for his recovery. Mrs. Allle Benjamin and son have moved to the Preeton Lung farm, and will care for' the ope there this summer.

CUayton Holderman left last week for Port Clinton, Ohio, where he has aecured employment In th ahlp yards. Mr. and, Mrs. F. B.

Robblns entertained following gueata Saturday: Mlaa Marguerite Eokhart, of Winona; Miss Marl Shirley, Mrs a Shirley, Rev. and Mrs. II. O. Ileuser, of Plerceton.

WAESAW NEWS. Mrs. Ellcaabeth Iluber. who live northeast of Warsaw, left on Tuesday evening for Phllllpsburg, where ah will be the guest of her son, Emanuel, for some time: Mrs. IL Meyer and Henry.

of Fort Wayne, were In Warsaw on business Tuesday afternoon. Miss Maude Flke has returned to her. home In Clay pool after being In Warsaw on business. Mrs. Ellen Bolenbaugh has re turned to her home In Claypool after visiting her son, Charle Bolenbaugh.

Mr. Unlce Jones has returned to her home In Claypool after a vialt with Miss Fawn Barrett In Warsaw. il re. Martha lost, of Greenville, r4ias gone.U Marlon tovialt rela. Uve after a visit with Mra.

Anna Mutcher, on South Detroit street. Mr. I. Brook and daushter. Vera, have returned to their home In Plymouth after a visit with the for era daughter and son in law, Mr.

Mrs. Men Kingonoerg. las Helen Shrlner. of Columbia lty. Is the guest of her aunt.

Mra. Fred Arlok, for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Povra DsPuy have returned from New' Tork and Washington, where they have been forth last tan days Dr.

and Mr. C. W. Burkett have returned from Fort Wayne, where they have been visiting relative. William Miner haa gone to Padll, for a few days on business.

Wanted Boys; your last chance to buy $2.50 Red Top non skid Bicycle Tires at $1.89. Reliable Vulcan iziriar Works, 1933 Fair field avenue. State, where he Is teaching? domestic science. She has been teaching In th Washington, D. schools the past Auditor W.

X. Pence has returned from Mt. Clemens muoh Improved from his recent attack of rheumatism. mnA TTarrV HoldsmSSS went to Brie, Monday, where they have position In a plant that Is manufacturing govrnmsnt suppll. Both boy will play In the band' that the plant features.

The tax board of review of BUu ben county has convened for a. month' session. Canners of the United States will have to AH close to 70,000,000.009 tin cans In a year to feed our army and navy. i. 'J I i 1 ANGOLA WEWa INDOOR SPORTS (Copyright.

HIT, international New Serviced JoV 1 CLU iron. W. B. MoConnell, of Fre mont, la the guest of his sister, i. Mrs.

F. W. Sheldon. Thomas Mo JMaaasSjssssaaassaF lh MAa A V.M MW (fl feYlr lis. yfpoQfe spook I'JKPq jJiJiflH ls i.

i wSSMWMSMmSwSSIiwmSSm im ir? atwwsaraii tvl SaMvWSSmJmuimaKWTfW js i miwmi fflBBsJisBaftsalsaTssaWMtaBsa CTWsiSTOcK IPSKfriJtA mmmBBmmKGBmiXS .7 "JJgJJIJ WtmLlL" LUgjrf llagV i 1 CROMWELL NEWS. Sport World As Seen cnud day eirdee wm nKS nId Bt th8 cnurcn Sun ttSwl With James J. Corbett 'SLmm. Br.m.n, Wm I the guest of Mr. and Mr.

Msnuel tUsco' Tread We Set Tire Standards Why is it that United States Tires are setting new records for mileage and serviceability? Why is it that the sales of these tires are constantly mounting by leaps and bounds? The answer is found in the factories where United States Tires are made. Standards of construction for these tires are higher than ever before known in the tire industry. Makers of tire fabrics tell us that the standards we have given them, for United States Tire fabrics are higher than any previously known. Likewise through every process of construction from crude rubber to finished tires we have set new and higher standards everywhere. These standards work out on your car in the practical economy demanded by war times.

United States Tires will raise any car to higher efficiency. There is a type to suit every condition of service. The nearest United States Sales and Service Depot dealer will cheerfully aid in selecting the right tires for your individual requirements. Unitcd States lircs Main Auto Supply U. S.

L. Battery Station H. W. Sudbrink White Bros. Vulc, Works.

Summit City Garage Grciger Steinhart Auto Co. Heruy Son ucAXtcWorks SJte. Sbryock Auto Co. tST? Magner Tini Shop Fogwell Nicodemus C. J.

McDonald Ploeger Motor' Car Co. Jill QrQ Good Tires VB IjBjjsan WsaTsvess4TeTsaSaTassBeJfga gP 'ing Up Father Com right. MIT, tntemetlocal News Bernee itagUtered Vntted ByMcManus Tl I Murv. A you I nI vmyAH Ij I 1 1 1 111 yep aoouT 1 II it V. i i' i syj.j it.


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