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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 3

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'H vVJ' 't wovjjsroEit; is, loos. THE JJQRT YfAiSim: BENTINEL. 'Jtal JH. Ml JHJBl jmVb Northern Indiana anc PVERYBODV CAN HAVE BCAUTIFUL i HAIR NOW. and they dank have to wait week anq month lor reeulti either, Vou well notic marked Improvement, after Ire very nftt application.

DandftHne )a quickly and thoroughly absorbed by the, aealp nJ tho'tiair. abonahowa the effect of it wonderfully ey fcViafaling and Mep reducing tjualijiee, It la pleasant attoV faiiy tq ua irpp! apply Mtt to the vcalp and heir rtnc a day un(ij lh hair bfgina to grow thrn two or three limes a week tilt JeaireJ results are jtitrtained. Grows Hair and we can PROVE IT! A lady from California write in substance as foilowsi I Lnivoa ujilnirrour woadfr' ful lifttr ttmlo tor rl inon in nd Btfl.timnouwlleJwTli wunluriulultof hslrtluiC trie km tires overli Incfce IttleoKth the brM Is over 8 lucbes arvuud. Another From, New Jersey: After uilnK ttn battle I rn bsnpy to thai 1 bars at ntce a hd of blr aojruae uj Tins Groat Hair Growing Remedy can now be at all druggiati in three mtzeu, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. '1 howq rtickly I rifeo we ftjtt wtll QtlM UrnmpM r.i r't'irunmll uifenr uop)iO tills kdIk thlfl free run two roth Out Knee Hon pandorlns Co wltli their tinmeafii Mid liv tlvet 1 ilBjaBmV' ShBVi JwjHNHCTVaK BBak Hi fBaK akv i BaBaBSa 1 aaaaaaaav yix, a it 'Mjbbbbbbbb.

TJv ratt Mft 3 aYaaaa GwSIf MP eaaaaaa Ejgvahe. 21M WiJ aasasP'SI, rll 11111 IIuAtington, diea Wednesday from Thwb 'aro chooitbuse Ju, wilt ley; county; la which echool ii being teW tWi yearv v'. Amps; Nlawander. a resident of Noble county' since 1849, la dead at Kendallvllle. William Cook; who' waa "a keeper at lit.

Etna, Huntington for many years, Is dead at the aea'iof; 92 years; Clarence 'Pollock; four miles west of Albion, had a portion of his right hand torn. In a 'corh shredder a Allen lAndgreaVer; of Goshen, has MrsT.Oi.Willaasen.of Jlapning', wagered 2p that ha can walk from IQwa, writes tOJUrs. Ilnkhant; Gpsh'en to Warsaw and a dls I can truly say that Lyclla a PJnlt tance of, 62 miles, In ten hours and Jau's Vegetable Cem pound saved my iBslBBaBtBBsJB. BbVI ly sflBBSVt Pinkham'i 'VgftabJe Compound saved her lue. her letter.

IOQ Chicico, afidsddrr" nnipp The Wayne Wall Paper Co. 'VIII niflko a run on. Wall Paper and for the next thirty Vr use the very best white lead zinc. We guarantee all work to ftrst clasK. Vy'e' will frat plc at cost for' thirty days.

Cohie and' let U3 figure with you: you 111 find we are the cheapest place a the city. F. H. TREEP, Prop. 714 1JAHK STKERT.

muujuiix i mm TIPTT WE HAVE MOVED The lort Wayn' Employes Oredlt O. tJak; manar, have moved thalr ofTlee nd business from room 4 Schmtt Bloch to the found floir, No. 121 Cklhoun Rtret. opposite Rich Hotel. have uddrd new features to our buslneaa and will now'lcan money on Furn lture, Pianos IJv Stotat 'Wafyhea or Diamonds.

In fact w' oan on Sriythlnr of value. Ve ao licit your patron at our new nurnber. Remember the. Number I Now 1221 Calhoun Street Opposite Rich Hotsl y. LAKE; Miiri PSfOT WHEN Consui i Dr.

pSf OTHERS FAIL Wenger specialist vyeNTyrli'lVE YEARS' Ritrorn and Artierlcan hoepltal and 'private practice rxpjrlnce fpr ail desperate Chron'o, Nervous and Private Diseases of Head Kuse, Tbrat; Lunc. Uvr, Kidney. Heart. Howela. Bladder BlooO.

bkin, Uye, Kar aud Sexual UUease. Kidney and urinary weak bcr Ptiln In side. bdumn, bladder, "tedlKieni In urine, brick dust or white, painful url liatlotY, DrUtfs UUease and aU dlaeaaes of the PrtlVATE DISEASES Hlfret. aonorrhrxrt. Inflammation.

Dlpcharfee, Stricture Weakness ot Organ, HyphttlU, Hydro eele, Varicoce' uia kindred troubles quickly restored. LOST MANHOOD and all Its attending aUTnentei both middle aged and jjd men. The awful effects o( early discretlona. produclS weakoeaa, nervous ileblllti night emissions, exhausting drlna. plmrlea, bashful uea.

loss of. er.ergy and weakces of bo body and train. CANCERS, TUMORS, PIUES cured with out knife or pain. The Only Reliable and Successful Special 1st In the City. OFFICE HOURS to 11.

1 to Sunday hours, to 4. only. Dr. N. iTWenger I0O6 Calhoun Strc.t.

rort Ind. mmmmkm'mMmmmfwm BLlBsfcaEli iiffyNbi Lr iPikFfyY'i MTay'stBMBaiysTsB sm aT uf Vy sUhRHhS will attempt to It. Iiandgreaver Is a high echool athlete. Mrs. Rea; of.pVth Webster, who.

weighs 200 pounds, Is the ptily. Kosciusko county woman to take put i hunting permit fn tw'6 year; The ivea vle8t nlmrod In the county this year is Ruel Jeffries, of Mentone, who dps the at pounds. I The of a coin, between two election Inspectors decided that Ed aallmejr, democrat; should be as wasor ol Preble township, Adams Ounty, Instead of his republican op Thift two candidates tied at flrctlorii each receiving 124 votes. W'Vivu' Charles Sweet, of BluHton, 'Wednesday morning, he' dis (hat lie. wns totally' blind, and sUjittis any that a blood clot has formed upon the optic nerve, it Is s.iM that unli ts the recovers his sl'trht within a few days he will never be able to, see again.

After haying lasted more than a week, the Btrlke which Involved all. tile boys in the Wabash; college save four and more than half the girl In the department, has been settled and the "students, are back in school. The trouble arose when Principal Brady forbade the organization of a football team. Ella M. Fisher, of DeKalb 'county.

who recently accepted $800 in settlement for her breach of promise suit acalnst Rev. S. P. Klotz, a minister of the United Brethren church, In which she demanded damages in the sum of $5,000, has Just been married to Dr. Fairfield Snyder, a phyBlcJan at Corunha, Dr.

Snyder is 68; his bride 40 years of age. After having, been imprisoned jn a tile; ditch, fifteen days food or i water. dog owhed by George W. near Mt. Etna, Huntington county, was rescued by Wien who were cleaning out the drain.

The' animal will live. It became a prisoner when cnased. rabbit Into' the drain; which Is half a mile; In length and badly 'clogged, Ilev. Mr, Green, pastor of" the United Brethren church, of. North Manchester; swore out a search warrant against West 8isk, a restaurant proprletort for running a 'blind tiger." A search by deputy sJieriffs resulted In finding two oases of Slsk says the property b'elohged to Andrew Oswalt, an Insane man.

South Bend has a Knife and Fork club with more than fifty members. The organization Is modeled after one which was. organized Beyeral years Age In Kansas City, and which has Dlaved a large part in tne. commercial progress of that city. The plan is to have a dinner or banquet once every month and bring, proralneiit men tronj various parts of the country to address the cliib.

The Indiana' state library has offered the administrator of the estate of Judge Charles B. LaBcelle 200 for the flies or old Logansport and Cass county papers, which the old pioneer had In his possession, when he died. Lascelle was born in Vlncennes In the early thirties, and the writer of "Alice ot Old Vlncennes" obtained much of bis material for that story from' him. In his early days he was a newspaper man Logansport and Cass county. He kept up these files until a few years before he died, and they are nearly complete from the forties to the new century.

Homer Ijadow, a young man in Salem township, SteUben county, is In a critical condition and may die as the result ot a gunshot wound lu fljeted by Ellsworth Loughrey, a fanner, who mistook the young man for a horsetbief. Loughrey was awakened Monday night by a noise in his barn. He aw a man leading a horse down the Jane and thinking that one of Ms animals was being stolen 'opened. fire with a shotgun. A few 1 moments later he learned that, the vlctom" was the son of a neighbor.

Young Ladow and Fred Hasklna were returning from Angola, they had attended an entertainment. Their horses became frightened and (t Intn Ilia huffeV. The UIIOI. Wii. BB I animal then turned, down Janet leading to Lougnreys Darn, ana dow was leading it back to the roadway when he received the charge of shot.

rMe KUer, a formerJKells, 114 county school teacner, weo weni io the hills Of Wyoming two years ago and' settled on a homestead claim, rtliifftnn' thnf kVia victim of robbers, lately. 'It he was compelled to quit teaching. I on account of her hearing and flrtit tOOK employment, in mi.d ftce; In then decided to take an a claim of 160 acres. and had a log cabin built iwhleh she plastered I herself andlocatea.tnere. oraer procure her deed from the govern ment, The robbery of ber house took place while; she was on 'ft im nearby' tojrui Robbers entered her Pi3 1L iij' 'fWAlW JW'' other valuableart Although Hvlnsr alone In the hills she Is not afraid andihas armed herself with guij arl revolver, audi la holding down: tfer life, an 1 cannot express my gratitude to you In words, For years: 1 suffered nuiiK.iuiuiB ui ifmftie complaints, corJUnnally doctoring and spending1 lots of money for medicine without help.

I wrote you for advice, followed It as directed, and took Lydis Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and It has restored me to perfect health. Had it. not been for you I should have been In my to day. I wish, every sujffering jvoraan vrould try it." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty vears Lydin E.

Ilnk ham's, Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs has lieen 'the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively eurpd thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, uleera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, penoaie pains, nacKatiie, tnat uear iiig dowri; indigestion, dlzziness.or nervous prostration. Why dooa't you try it Mrs. Plnkham invites, all sick rromeri to write her for advice. She has jriilded tliOuManrts to health. Address, Lynn, Mass.

claim until she has homesteaders' law. satisfied the Hubert visiting in Germany, writes to friends here that his health is not improving an rapidly as hoped for and he will be required to stay In that country a short time longer. Hermann Berghoff, of Chicago, has left to Join hl l.rother In a visit to their ooyhooa home, SENTENCED TO PRISON. jury at Marlon Find. 'Farmer Guilty of Assault on Qlrl.

Marlon. Kov; 11. A Jyry Inst nleht fouhd. Elijah' 84 years old, sullt asMiult on a 42' 6l3 girl: aiRotie Ins him to, t.rm in the prnltcntlliry from to twenty on ItarreU. attorney aakml' for hie Acquittal on the.

plea of 'insanity. Th state's attorney nrnde frequent referenrp to the Thaw murder case In hi. arirument replying ta the defendant's plea nf lnaanlty. Fate Pulley, prrnclpal witne.a for the prosecution, became onrag ed at a reference made to Mm by A. 'B.

Steele, ons of the defendant', attnr.oey., ha sought' reach the lawyer. restrained pulley. EUSah Han ell was a farmer and was fortnrfly a Justice the peace in hi. township. At'DlpFtCOMPlCEa Li8T dive.

Out of Nw: Town.hfp;. County, bounty: AudltOri Xindemutri, piled ll.t'of'as.e.TOra In the' townshlpa of Mia county 'The republl can.i.elMted asaesaor. Iiir fWashlrigton, Springfield. Maiimee Adams. Wayn.

town.hlpU Jonn A. Bu.hmaru ton township "Warren W. Vaughn. Sprlnrneld. townahlp David il.

Her rick, 'Bt, tmwh.hlp Ownr Birtfth." Perry townahlp r. M. McComb, Madleon. townshIp Ottd W. "Uu.kirle.

Monroa township John P'shaughnvlksy; Marlon, townnlilp txuls IJ.hrnian. Maumoe tawnship Roy C. Mtlaa townehln Lakt. townxhlp ACharle. M.

Schaffef. Jeftenon townhlo Johh n. Sordeiet. Bel Klver townShlpC. Oreenwell.

Cedar' CJ eelt Charlea Flah burn. Adams' townnhlp Adolph, tapper. Farnln. Pleasant towhlpi Wllllain. Kru.

SflpJo townships VCllAlam lifaytta town.hltK i Chester Orer. Jackson township Jerry B. Orabner, BAD DEAL FOR RACE PROMOTER. Father of Fifty Children for Non Support; Cunha, years and Hher of flfty iiTiiiK was. sentencim to in I worklvouh.

for a year yesterday ou charse of non and neglect of blsj 4 dny olj Clirihtt two day. ago re port ed to the aQ thorltlca that a woman and her new born twin, were starving. An showed Ounha was the womanv. husband and h. wa.

arrested. On. tb stand he admitted had a dlvrred wife living In New Bed jfrd. to iho'Vi hp hd beeti.marrted eleven years. During that time she had given lilllU to five (.

twins, two et. of triplets, and two odd eighteen chll dren. Another rtlvorred wtf, who now IS In '''Portugal, Is the mother of nil hi. other critlilren. extv pt a t.

twln's'born to til. present wlf and 'a daughti who preceded tlu m. "Jtow many children, all told, have you?" asked the JXtrige Flfty living." was the anawer. HS BEEN INCORPORATED. Dulldlna A.soclatl.on for Fort Wayn.

Knights of Columbus, Articles of Incorporation have, been 'fllerl in the oTIce of the secretary of state for the Port Wayne Knlghta of CoJunthua nulldlng enunciation, which wtU. be In charge of the wotk of erecting a temptf for the fraternity In thla city. Th trustees are Dr. It. O.

Michael J. Maroney. Thomns J. (Julnri and Clement J. Weber.

Fpiiwiz jFettirig Dots not Lke into consideration tho'one essentislto worn womanly The fromsji who neglects her hesltlilS neglecting the Very foundation of all good, fortune. For without health: love loses its lustre and gold is but dross. Womanly he.Ith when lost or impaired onajr generally be regained by. the use of Dr. Pierce's lf.vorito Prescription.

Thft Prescription fia. toroverfOr? Jkeeii curing dtllcmte, tuernk, paln wrackad women, brth hundred ot (houamnd and thl too In the privacy 4t their bornea wltnoat their harlai to muomlt to Indell' Mfe Queetlonlnia and otteatlrtl) 'nant examination. Sitilt women are lavited to consult Dr. Pierce by letterfre. All correspondence held ss sacredly confidential.

Address World'. Dispensary Medical Association, V.Pierce, M. President, Buffalo, NY. Ua. Pibsce's Gasar Famiiy Oocros lloot, The' People's Common Sens Medics! Adviser, newly revised 'up to dte edition 1 000 pages, answers ts Plain list bo ol delicate questions which every woman, single or ought to Iindvr abOut, Sent rrr, in plain wrapcer to any address on receipt of 21 ne ceht stsmps to cover mailing or in cloth binding for 31 JSBsffJgSBgSgfw WHKN Y0V WANTi 'I HARDWARE Doors, Sash and Glass, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, call and see H.

PFEIFFER SON 107 109 E. Columbia St. Tggj Cures Eczema Quickly New Drug. Now Obtainable In Quantities. Stride 1t discovery on ngro ibr i nw ponUm, haa cured thouaanda of chronic en.

of andl othr dtitrmntitiiB; akin affliftlons. ITrre toforc poalam haji bfren dlaprnaert. solely for (he banefU ofecxema patients Iri lArR jAra aufftclent for a mopth's treatment. 'ra'? Tii. found to.

an lnconvnlenei td many thuUMiac. ur Jt (or mlnof akin trouble, nufth a "plea, blnok haada, herpea, acaly icalp; complex' Ion tilomlh, Itching; feet, i which, require but a email to cure. To pvenrcom thin, and, in. responaa i to urgent appeals, the dlepfnaers of po i lam. been ebtlared to adopt.

In th resrulaj two dollar, package, Bpeclal' flfty eent ale. which In future may 'be round, on aale at'Meyer nrothere arid other leading: drug; atorea In Fort Wayne, or may be "ordered direct from the Emergency lAboratorlea. No. 22 West i zotn tsireet. jew rork eity.

all eo tema caie poalam atopa Itching; with flrat application, and prboeedato heal Immediately, chronic caaea being cured iir two weeka. In leaa serious iMit troublea, reaulta are aeerr after an. overnight appll s. 'cation. Sampler for: experimental' purpoana may still be had.

free of change, by writing to the laboratorlaa for them. Deposit with us and receive 4 PER GENT. INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY Commercial Bank 817 Calhoun St ft. Wayne, Ind. A.

HATTERSLEr" SON PlsUMBERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. 08212 E. MAIN ST. Fort Wayne, JAMES E.GEAEAM iMMrjerjatA. llotaury rabUc, m.

Real Estate ana OenerU Tuanuica AgenCT. tbons eift. 20V Bank Block. Fort "Wairte. Ind, asaaaaaBaaaTsssaaasliHBasasBBBaa sn BjPJJ Ban 'la FURNITURE BjH' Fort Wayne Outfitters Go.

NOW LOCATED At 207 East Main Street The Old Journal Gazette Stand 4 wv' I Until such time vs the old stand lately destroyed by fire, is rebuilt and made ready for occupancy. Daily arrivals of netv Rugs, Carpets, Stoves and household goods in Rencra, rCsh rorri the leading makers of Chicago Grand Rapids and elsewhere, makes selecting here a pleasure, while even mortv inpderato prices than usual and more liberal terms make buying here advantageous in every respect. Notice to the Public The public is hereby warned that any representations made them that repairs would be furnished them on application to the Fort Wayne Outfitters' Co. is misleading, as the aforesaid company disposed of the damaged goods to the salvage company on their own responsibilty, and to avoid the annoyance and complaints which Invariably ensue from the sale of water soaked and smoke and fire damaged goods. IS.


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