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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 3

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JH TORT WAYNE EVEWNG: SENTINEL, pop Vp 1902. 3. -Greatest Household Remedy iirtrriWtfiir mmm (Trade Mjrlt feaelitaradi Seatim it i Fkysiclaa, reacrlbe It riafeasloaal Xarscs recaames it lias No Equal for sWase. Sprains. Toothache.

Ejritha, Frastad Fe, Buns, hMcl BIlM inl Sort Turoat, Will burn, turn BUUaoro 23 Cents ini 91.06, per Bott'ir SoUbyalllaedlnj Dni Manufactured by' Sedatlne Manufacturing i. PHIIADELPHIaPA. it.1 uul Wura t.j ziavancea. A Salarleii Peopled Th. fact tut yos earn a Mi a lar salary end bold a permaoant I position wnn ooa eonoers Bufnolent lndueuroent far ui to advance you money.

We will DlSk. JOO. a'loao FM OWS note without frt veto end tml Aroede, upstairs. Open Saturday evening; from. 1 te o'clock.

four Summer Outing UdIU health, rMt, pleaiar' ami ftomfort on um tuzartooaW Steel Steamship MAH1T0U irlXSt CLASS 01UT.) IMXmkA HRr Week. Eitia.Iielj (or Piumter Sinici ttlMM Chicago, FrnHort, Charlavolav PetMk.y, Harbor Spring, bay View MacklaM Island, oonaaotlnawtlb ill HtaaiashlB Llaasrof LMMiUNMi nr i aiaaa. sjeeorlptt a raadlna mnllar, alafna particular, BbOM aba toraua, torni ud raaarratlona eta b. aaoarad of tarma ul raaarvauone eta a or aridraaNina 'Jflia. llrUlll.7.lll.

M. aa. S.Tl. Maaluaaufaklvr.CUlvao. Stf BURGLARY INSURANCE, Bank, Stores, Residences Insured Bar flaxy or Theft.

We Will Bond Too SURETY BONDS, FIDELITY, CONTRACT, judicial. Judicial Bond Executed Without Delay. TBS TINTED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY CtolfcPANY. 'Horn Office, Baltimore, Md, ld.tTp CpitJ, Correspondence Solicited. GREGG, DA VIS, Agent Booms .718 Pixley Long "Block; Fort Wayne, Ind.

JOHNSTON Has moved to hi new location, of tea room 24, 25, 86, Baa block, orr ITlrst National bank. Has practiced oyer two year In Tort Wayi end can the best references Licensed by the Indiana Stat Medical board and registered to txeavi acuta and chronlo disease. Th only graduate of American School of Ostaopathy, KirkjTUla, practicing in thla city and Immediate, re Tuesday and, rrlday m. Home phone, office, 1529'rsidnc, 1684. dec4tf Can tfbtala money 'on ihtdr per': 6onal'note wdtTiou't endmseraent or oollatsral.

Business Strlctlj Pay It back In m'all weekly or monthly jayutent. FORT WAYNE LOAN. CO. Eitabllihd Una. Soom' oood floor.

708 OaUoua at, Opvoalta Court M. J. LORDIER, Sanitary rirxmbarAaadaa. Jitter. nSIs jAJsare STBjaT.

t. Phon. 1593 DIlTTIITfJ. AAAMisA'VAAMAAnirVMtaaiMMHfaw DENTISTRY. Palnlen' DooUitrr.

War ranted Work, Xodarata tka boit. U.SyDentalParlort, Sra. A and W. Mnuiama, Xtra. Iloa.

m. tl Oalkoaa at. paorzssioij AL. 'aaiMMwVnrMMOA'MniAi DR.MARYWHERYiv irnrsiciAii and sxraaxoir. OfaM and reaidetaoe, ner nnmbaz S20 Jladlaan pwialty Dlawuae.

of Women, TtIa4Wm4P170.OfaM houi, a. in USf.Xt8l.. 4 rowGT.roBJrHs trwiosi A recant iu of th Notr WaatjcilthVl1' glTfa. A kttc! (f Ijthf "CojuUnetital Cdt," 4 company rjf atudeuta of Jttre Dame vbo achleyed faina In xv. tTjiitedi.

State. The company yolui teerfd Curing the civil war and yerVeot tap of th offlal'i; 'andl privat rUlng.J id ranki it. tidy' and: iPltmlngi thii city, imtSnTHrii; of fh arm; 'tpimtt btlng tlU ljjg. iNJCCTOKISAWOINTfiD. iril appointed, jot pltyilcal 'i ut'ijir "Hi ttei.ting; of ''th.

chooi board a iormtriy InttructoT in pnyslcai itultttT ofOlri (lpnAtJ and been ft't head (ShV JsTortift'da,) 'TuanvtMlii; lnMJ) WaukcA. will, ths yittm e't American Turiutirbund, whltn'ii ioV toted Ira many cities in States. Prof. Itv'hr. Vox Resigned tMa iprlng.

CITY COUNCItS COMING. tText Wednesday Manager Nauon, Of will brEvg the council of Jiunting tori and Waibaah to Fort'WaTne over the imterurVan line, li for tlb. purpos et gljUig the omclale en 'cf lnafiectlng th entire lnterurban ayateim. Miss Agnc Marts has returned frapi; islt 'at Decatut, A Sleeping Car Berth Chicago to Denver $2,50 Oar 11,00 p. m.

train from Chicago, In addition to the ataodard sleeping ears, ill carry a Pullman Tdnriat Sleeping Car on the following dayi: Anguatl to 14; Attgast 23, 24, SO and 31; September 1 to 10, all inclusive. The price for adouble berth in one of these. Carl, comfortably holding two people, la only $2.60 Chicago to Denver. These Toorist Sleepers are very pic. and comfortable, have all the oonvenlencea of a standard eleepor, of coarse are not elaborate In finish.

Round trip Tickets to Colorado, $25.00. KJndTj1 writ, or call. P. $. EUSTIS, Pa.i'r Trarlte ar, C.

B. 1 0. Rr. Ca, IDS Mam St, 2tt 2 BRUSHES, WHISKS, ETC, Call and examine our. large stock of Cloth and Hat Brushes, Whisks and Feather Dusters.

We give this department our particular attention and are always prepared to offer a large Variety of every grade' and style at most reasonable prices, We also carry a large line of Bath and Hair i Brushes and Brashes of every "Bath. Caps, 86c, Ranke Nussbaum. Pharmaclata, 828. Calhoun St, "Increased racilitles, due to an enlarged business, have enabled us to more than double our output of A 1 Dollar" and "Hungarian Br'ocess" flours; You will find no brands in your grocery stores that will excel these flours. It is for you 'to decide and order these flbuVii'and if you will we guarantee Jrou'Wlli find no other flours to suit you as well for All household purposes.

Try the. "Hungarian" or "Silver Dollar" flour, homipro C. Tresselt Sons, WANTED Evory. roan, waman and child to call at tb" Trust company, eornar Sarty and Cllatoa, aad.aak for on. ef lb.

kandapmaat tanka, furutalud to to aaaa. ftOO.OOO lntamt paid oa dopoalta, tf bin iirii.ii iiiir ri rin" riiiiljii's'i'H ii 1 1. 'LOCAL UNES. W. 'P.

ii'inaklng 'a' business jyisit 14 Mis Xlsali HeMt; of 712 Harintt Streit, la seriously ill. fames Crawford, of Columbia, City, is visltlsV friends Mrss. Charles', Cohen 'freturaed from ligonier. Louis Ohtbaus Is here frcm Indl iijiapolis for afeW.dayS,; Q. W.

Tiller has rone to Klrkland. Mir Mimls. Eetry haa gone to Celine, Ohio, to Visit relatives. TX: Kleekamp is a business visit, Mldhigan' Cltyf Mr; and William Brandon, of sre irijthe idty IlMerli'ioley(e4 Uvlaitlug Attorney Carl WllITtltler. hasvsold bile to 'Frank'ilcss, of Miss Genevieve Schulte entertained few friends AlphusJ Gant, of.

Delphosi, PV was a' business caller in the city yester Mrs. Mary Mayh.w Mrs, George Potter left, today for Charle Mrs. E. I Smith and daughter trine hay. left for visit dn Pe toskey.

Herman Hollenbeck has loft on a few yeeks' vacation visit at take Wa.wisee, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wolf have turned frani an extended vltit in tigonlcr. Mr. and ifrf.

John Haley are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Qulnn, of Chicago. 1 Mrs'. C. Todd has returned home to Andrews tor a visit with sis ttr, Mis.

John Druhot, Dick Pogarty, of the Associated Presa'ofllce' In Indianapolis, is' a liui inesa caller in the city today. Camp 476), Jodern Woedmen, wlU fire ice cream social In the grove In Swirmey paik this evening. Huntington Herald: Elmer Shoen line, of Foit Wayne, is spending week visiting Mr. and Mrs. C.

Kothllnger. Mrs. Laui ence Berleman and Mrs. Clara WtoUng, of Chicago, aae visit ing Mr. and Mrsc.

M. Zauner, of 1821 Porte afreet. Mr. and Mrs. Frank CuUhalland their guest, Miss Fern Witte, of Chicago, left tpday an outing ai Lake George.

A. John, of Milwaukee, who hit been a guest at the Crnll cottage. In Rome City, returned home, Mrs. John will visit here awhile longer. The West Creighton Avenur Ghureli cf Christ will give 1 hoi candy social this evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs.

C. Smith, 2923 SoutQi Wayne avenu. Mr; "and.Mrs. Emmet Swan, living In Cedar Creek, township entertained si large1 efmpany' of friends Sunday in ceU'Orauon 01 jut. owan orrinaay anniversary, Mrs, Anna; Pagan has returner1 from A visit at Columbia City, c.

compaiiied by Mrev Laura "Tuttlei Rouse vrho will the. guest of friends here for some time. Wllliarn liltzsche, 'who arrived jrt' this city; Germany several months fcw. has been n( was inrone and has been confined the Riohmond insane asylum. Mrsu WVC.

Houhind, of Leef formerly MU Minnie" Wnkinsori; lias returned home after a visit of three weeks with her mother, Mrs. Charles Wilkinson and other relatives. Oouhcilaiian Ed' C. Miller has resigned his position as traveling salesman with the Maclntoeli Hunt ington Ha4dware company and will go on the road for the Bassert Press ler telephone supply house, of Cleveland. Plymouth Democrat! Mrs.

H. J. Greenlan, of Fort Wayne, has been visiting her husband, in this) city for the past few weeks. Mr, 'Greenlan is a conductor oft the Pittsburg road and is at present making his headquarters at Plymouth, The Kelson Comiquei, comedy acroihats, who are presenting a very clever act at Roblson park this week; have signed with the Wallace shows for next year, Colonel Wallace witnessed their performance at tine park while his circus was In the city Mom day, and at ones' offered them acceptable terms. Mr.

md Mrs. Harry Nihde, who recently came her. to live, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beaver were guests of honor at a musical given last evening by Dr.

and Mrs, A. H. Macbeth. Miss of Chicago, and Miss, Kettler eohtHbuted. vocal selections.

Light refreshment were served. The employes of the Peters and McCuUoeh farms and their families were, at a jplcnio by CuMrles) Mcbullochlast evening. The party. came in over. the interurban in special car and they were trans ferred city and taken Bo bison, park, The pai'ty nttended the performance at the theataH and took In the other Mtsa 'Mollle Laughlin cave a de lightful card party last evening in honor; of her guest, Miss Alice Cun nlnghann, of Xlrhia, Ohio, Miss Rose Nolan and Ed Preston were awarded first prizes, and the consolations were svw'Mlss)lMiry' oajd Cliff Moran.

Miss Cunningham, who an accomplished 'musician, 'dellgh'ted tho guests', with her onarmtng. vocaJ and instrumental selecttons. kaM KAi IK A JJLTJJJOH. Mg. IK Ths tonloin Chronicle correscondent at Pilmoutli felegrarhs that Captain Jlewinan and his Edward; arrived there last night, fcavling, crossed the Atlantic la i thlrty elxht foot, Uunch.

They had some terrible experlepce on th. voyage, having encountered a suo of heavy, gales, in one of which the kcrosen. tank. yai senajhed 'nd' ths ifter voyagers lived: 'in eonstajn ear an explosioiu, toat out the finely and the 'engine worked Every Sunday, aoin.umes: In xilcs. the codple held The food 3eld jut well.

HU sufferings told severe xfrrTwtsoTkrtiSnm' but the boy, though tMf'i time on' the nOw'seemi none the worse. GREAT HIOnWAY L3. PLANNED', South, Aug; 18, The New YorkiSod Chicago Road 'association has been fopned to promote the builiilnaj 9f a short cut highway from New York, to! Chicago. The idea the association is to reduce the distance of 987 miies to ,850 nxllcs and put the roada In good ooridltloa. The.

assoc'latlon composed of xoprtaen: tatlves of the au'toraobile, cycle and road making aesoclatlons. Col. A A. Pope is 'The ca'rnmlt tee representing the lacsocjation is lr South Bend looking over the i oadc leading, out of the. city.

Their intention have the road run througr. Newburyt N. Y. Binghamton, N. Elmira, N.

i Hornlngr Jamestown, If, Ohio' Ohio; Sandusky, Ohio South Bend, and Hammond. FEAR FOR EUROPEANS. Bangkok, Aug. IS. Great, anxleij prevails licre bechuse no telegram, have been received from European! in the north since nine days age nOieu the Bhans attacked Lakon end were repulsed.

The telegraph liur is Official reports ere reassuring. Lator French troops, after, a record journey, occupied Phrae and 11 is reported the Shan wer. defeatec' with a loss of 200. The danger believed to he. over and.

the, Europeans are unmolested. BARTEHARTSITORN. Mis Frances Hartshorn, daughlet of Mr. and Mrs, Salem 7. was united in mWrlage last evenih i to Rttbert Barttl, of Detroit The wedding occurred at 8 o'clock, at Mj bride's hojnaj Rev.

E. W. Allen pfu clatlrg. TierlbTide wore' pretty wedding gcrro of, white batiste, The house was decorated with ferns and siyeet peas. At the wetfding.supper only the relatives and intimate friends of the counle were nreaent.

ycr. and Mrs. iairtisil ieoye for Detroit Bund'jyrwnere Iney will HAVE Dr, L. B'. Dayis.and Prp'f, L.

Staples have returned) from Michi where they' spetnt a few dayi niliing jrI5J They brought with them 115 smau mouth bass, ranging from one to four pounds, and 'three sli poiind pike, and the catch is on exhibition at the Royal' Paint cafe. Dr. Davis gave twenty five bass to friends in Rala mazoo, The catch is undoubtedly the best ever made by Fort Wayne fishermen in two days. COLLIDED WITH A TREE. Hew York, Aug.

1 5. A serious automobile accident han just occurred near Boufg En says a Herald cable from Aix les Bnlns. Maurice Doll us and his mother, wife of the well known stock broker, collided with tree. Mme. Dollfus had a leg and an arm broken and the automobile was completely smashed.

M. Maurice Dollfus and the chauffeur were uninjured. FOX TERRIERS FOR SALE. Four finely bred fox terrier pups for sale. Inquire, 2607 Broadway, after 6 o'clock.

8 12 tf At Tiling's Big August Clearance Sjale. Men's 81.50 ShoM.t.OQ. Women's 81.50 Shoes, tl.OO. Children's and Misses' 81.50 Patent Leather 31.00. Boys' yz.QO Chocolate; Lacs Shoes, 81,00.

Youths' $1.25 Chocolate Lace 75c. Men's $2. SO Dress Shoes, 81.60.. Babies' 35o Soft Shoes, Be. Tomorrow and syeiy' day this monllh for bargains at the Big Store.

S. B. THING 4 tWgiRed B. TOBEY, Manager. iEtE33 0 TOR E31I Bf.koom Jtaallr.

aOI woa. j.noraoa itro.t itr COB JtlHT once roona. Apply, Dr, o. A So.a, Calhoun itraat, 7 KI tf r0 BEST If you atad read ai an aaconq page, arts ,7 ao fOX BZHI Boaldene, at 103s Woit Valh tastes itrwt. Inqulta at aama.

a tt JOB EINT 3oond toot omo( Is Arcade, aonirai ana par nonu rot aulta tkraa Moras. ltf VOX JMI A room houa, ail modars ana oentrauy Uxjio. la. tulr. atiOT W.lfala atrrat 7 tf OX KENT Suit, jlifia room, for raatt aiuiy furnianoe, wits bam and all; con.

Call at, 420 East Wayn. atnet. OX MNT Thro, rooma, aalu kla forlltkt hootakaepln fornian and 'is JOa EINT Aftor Aut, Jon, modern nouao ai saw a.a anquira ItS.Iut berry, or Hon BUlUrd hall.,.; r0X SEin kouat, ant buila, room, will ba to tbow as. application.

Boud, rar Old Ka, tloaal bank. tt OX KENT n.anot, fumUbad rooms, wua aoara. nan aaa an uoaara eoavau lahoaai half aqnara aaat Calhoun, at UP Wartlna ton. M7 FOX SENT Lod.a toomcin had by par Uaa dtalrln it on either tVadPatda) Friday avenlns at. tary naaonabla nrlaai ntoa dtnclnf (oor In aam.

bulldtni to nut on any Saturday anaruoon. or Telephone 1098, new piona. 10 lf rox BENT 1U Wuhlnftoa' Pontine; modern i room; 301 Waat Malm 13 Cait Derrr atrcet third floor, modern i 1S31 Maple 1UM and ins, a.hington boulvtard. modern, Astnti. lo FOR RENT A furnished front Tooih; Suitable for two.

Inquire at 1230 McClellan; St. I5t2 FOR RENT A very desirable cot tage of six room, 017 Hinni it, 'between' arid Wayne Stt, 15t3 FOR RENT Cottage No.914,Cot tag avenue; rent, 87 per month, Inqulr W. L. Pettlt, 801 Dm Wald street. 14ta FOR RENT U8 Washington' boule yaTdi 76 West Pontine, modern store aom, 204 West Main1; 132 East Berry, street, third floor, mod era; 1821 Maple avenue; 1022 and 1024 Washington boulevard), mod era; 504 Weat Wayne; 1028 Garden street, modern.

Schrader Wilson, Agents. 10 tfi yOX 6ALX If yon bead monay, read ad. on econd drit column, 7 30 tf fOX BALI 4 rooni eottafa ea Indiana fu 1,400. Louie 1Y ruly Ltm nioas. FOX SALE rineS 'rooni eottara, lot, on sovu lurriioai Loul, I.

uurdat, rlalty Ixmo; block. 1 es tf FOX BALE Cottars and 80 foot lot on Eaat Wayne 010, W. Doud, over Old Matloaal bank. 7 tf rox SALE Cheap, bew Edlaoa fpkonortapk, with forty two reeorda, Fort particulars, addroji Phonograph, car 8 4 tf FOX; SALE South Calhouo (treat, batwean LeWald and Creljhton, SO reat eaac Rent, Il.auo, naary jr. tf FOX SALE On South: Calhoun; eut front, and.

fontua, Xffoot builne.t lot, 1,00. Iltury WllUann. tf FOX SA1E A rood ret of blacksmith tooln and stock, also weod working aet of tuola and stock: th, abop oan'h, ranted reasonably a Urst olabs trade and the best of prices for work: a rood looatloo; will sell It Hilt Address, "lackamith." care BtHtlnel. lMt FOX SALE Cood farm, lb Vi mile, 31.4 ner plactrla. car line, I7 por acre; ICO acres, f.0,EO0.O screa, (l.iOOi posse.slon (Ivan at once.

0. PoAnnltt, Ifo. 1401 Clinton atnet. Tort one sonar, nortta. of Penn sylvania s.

jyxv.wivnim FOR SALE Good sized pony, phaeton and harness at. a bargain If taken soon. Pony gentle and a good traveler. Apply W. L.

Pettlt, 801 West DeWaM St. X4t2 FOR SALE Eight room new houne; with all improvements, furnace in cellar, and good tarn, at 1122 Col umbta ava. Inquire at same, I5ta ACCEPTED THE OPTION. The board 'of 8lrotorf the Kl, trlcal Investment company held a Jneetlng at the' offices of hev Fort Wayne Trust compauy this morning to pass upon the' option secured on a property in Hlshawaka to be. used as a telephone exchange by the new company now Installing tiers, The board directed the purchase' of the property as soon, as the abstract is found aoceptable, and a new bund ling will be erected there.

The prop erty will cost about 86,000. ANY rough, red, wind burned, leader, emar tine. kln irnaida. fair, lovely by Satln Skln Cream and SatinSatin Skin Powder, 25o at Eurode's. For A first class route on this oaDer: about 200.

Ad piy, mis oirice. gALE. Desirable, residence property, new No. 343 West. Wayne street Ht3 Itrs.

fi Vlajf itingfrlendaiinv'th wjpi HTNtlNQTON, BO CENT8. Beginning on Sunday, Jon 29tb, aid every Sunday thereafter, the wain iC' to Hanttrigton 80 'good on" all trains 'in either and limited to date of Huntington i j20 JinCi" 8 :43 rjpTi inakins; th UjlSO 86U, it tRr Sentinel 1 isl. )r' fsl rftaaJ' i hiy 7 X. StAfaVSHrll i Ha, taasn AtYN. CHOI ,11, 11,111, I.II WAKTED A rlrl to do aacnd work, Apply, 1301 Wast Waihlnrtoa, tr WANTEb At eirorionoed nodk.

Auolr. 1I0 Wsat'Waihlngton llroet. IJ tf J5 EOS I ALE Brick, lot, onfCUyr Art 1 V.fiuaun Ai k.t ".1. "Vl' i V.T7Tl Old BstlonU lank. tf rOX I ALE roora toax TrlU batX, fas asravxj fi aoaiooi avavia, raeB IT IS.

blatk. FOX, SALE Oa of th, most Sa.lutl. ksVI wsi vaa v. si i maap auvaii waii(j home on yrnt ButUri oivul ndrn; a S700'iT; 2' J)ottd A' t. 'A FOE ALE rtrly f'o4 uw ad wld lot rli ly.n.

Mf.u. ai vu. w.4 vasb4 naj.r 1 iWU Dftr1! Ab, ia.sti tain. FOX SALS Stslrabl. oa Ea.t vl at barrilal, W.

rinui art rox ULE Nloaly Brelahad eotura Tttam attaUarB akti aaarllt alaua taa aaa.ll lr W.M erw SSS BJ iu nmw aaa vacsa! ian is Sal II part, ai tka.eltt aa una bo alt yea. t. BafUVsaasa' lf lt. VlxlayXau .1 luf in FOX t)ALE Blrht roocs with. larg.

i ttviHHj, aoa siw si. KB iiVtH I i p.v.msul. iWjt Dod, vAitlS r'l ll. IS jua HA1.C iuat room raiidenc, vaar Em 'rj a rial aatis in asssB iiataiw.aii WjiuiWJli 4)U saliursjljxtfj asses. nar aon Maldanl, to roa aaTa iAi.

t.h..i FOX SALE lata la Xadutrlal nark. Dallana place tad' Swlanay's additlaa, raas Loala F. OatOa, Flal.r4Jf is.trj WANTEC A good kitchen glrlj be.t of waraa. Apply; NT Wt Warna, 7 tf WASTED SUrk Nursery paya cask weekly If, you sell Stark tress, Loulllaos, KIm aourl, Danrtlla. Vw Tork, Utf WANTED Ladles and tantlamoa for city and Country good salary and commU.lon.

Call. today, loom. SO ft, an.taire, Aroada, 17 tf WANTED Xirtasmaklhtr ehirt Vklats And lawn, a apootalty price, niodarats. at 1117 Eliuwood avenue, Lakeside. tf WANTED A elnrle.

maa ta take car. of borse. and.earriage.i one who doa, not use tobacco or lienor, Box 14, care Sentinel 8 tf. WANTED Eollarmakers Fla trlt olass for out or town! also are good help, wsgos, tS.SO it 60 par dart trans ptrtatlon and all expensss Apply room 70, Bahdall botal, from I a. in, until WANTED Men to learu barber trade i only alrht week, required; sts'ady prattles.

aspert instructions, lsctnres, etc. tobta prasentad, waraa Saturdays, diplomas granted, board Iroluded, posltlphS anarau toed; catalorue 'mailed irea, Uolor liar ber Chioaro, 111. 10 tf WANTED Oookta re' td'koma City, fan ily of twa places la and ont ef city, also 10 prttat families And hotels! good wasasi also a position for lady as houaa oaa' that can gly. good Apply it Mrs. Fltar.rald'e Employment OJlcs, 39 or BOl Wast Waahla(toa street.

7 lllm WANTED Boy to leant tailor trade. Call at 209 E. Lewis St 8 io tt WANTED Two girls to trork oa, mangle. Apply Banner Laundry Co. 14t3 WANTED A.

nurse girl for 8 year old baby; good 825 Uo.) Wayne St. WANTED A srlrl for eeneral house workjthre ii'i family; wages per week Apply 724 Wayn Ifit8. WANTED inust be plain, rapid writ. r. Apply, DaVis.Medi cal cor Berry Harrison Sta.

1BU3 WANTEDr To sell a pointer pup six months old. High bred. Full blooded, Oood reasons "for selling, Call 124 WeatSuperior Si WANTED Iy position as housekeeper for wld ower with imall family or au aged couple. Address Miss L. ear of Sentinel.

14t2 WANTED JL partner with 8600 capital; a widow preferred. Or I will sell outright a well established Fort Wayne business, pay ing well. Address, Senti nel office 15 2t WANTED Kouseeeper, middle aged lady to keep' house for widower and cafe for 0 montbs old baby. Mutt be neat and Clean. Reference required.

Housekeeper, care of Sentinel. 14t6 Out Lots I now offer ths 120 acre on Walton avenue immediately south of the Lutheran college land, price 824,000 for th entire tract, 8200. pw'iacre, which will retail out at 840P per acre. Good opportunity to double your money. Terms eajy, small payment down, long time on remainder.

When we cleared! off the very heavy timber on this rich, land, many year ago, 900 thrifty young shad tree were left juri pones, all of which are still there and growing. Th population of Port Wayne is steadily increasing and Still mora rapid growth 1 now about to develop. HENRY M. WILilllt LEGS i jl HrAa4rMAsnaWMsrn'H(A'SAMMAMsaatAaaiaVAAeiM LOST Ladles' gold watch Hi. Lakeside or, on street caT between there and court house.

Prized high '3y Vf owner, Willi ard; for it Return to apommerdal hotel. Will identify same. TO' rdAsr ifon.y 'ioan'at 7 a sor wita privuera .1 pumas payment, ale, loansd personal aaearltyi pnpsrty for aalaV F. A. aid t.

Xasdall. Bass block; Fort FOX SALE a room aaodanf kaasav SoaU uanna paTsnm paid I want as vfiu num. ai sa, jrixiay sna (,. b4 tf FOX SALtV Sonth lot ooaltOji iiuatea ou toc Muts.r eornar (l.tOOl' William, and Hanrr H. i i iiiii FOX SALE At a largaiu, Irst alaas it.

A nary ana. aaioooi eaoa loeatlaBf I aacraas jwsr foraallltr, oti.r buslnsss. 14 tf 1 FOX BALlt Aaflfk A Butlar and fl Ur on ttiu I mm front adjoining, the trlpk stora, K. WtUlama. "a.iifl vaui.s aHHi ooltara a Indiana ark, ana, 7S foet lotj Sf.

r.oni aotiag ka Tapwlf lor street a. Bans, rooms Flalay, Eons block i'lu'i Mir. le tf tftll IITV.f.,kk.i jr. i ro.iuance, wits 'a bath room and fall lotr bast lacai. tlom Columbia ayenaai now S.Oop.

WwJ E. Doud. Ant. ia FOX SALE I sea, Faass'yitaaUd I saw round loussj I knaas sear Xaittln i I Mills. barralna.

a. Deals, rooma lB fi Flilar Lona block. aa.t, 't 1 FOX SALB a' kbusaS. ik 11,100 te IS, 000 1 aottagas Lak.sld! w. Batia.

17 1,. niiay uar block. rftn i'A. 'f aouth aid. of w.c CrelgMoa nsr I Calhoun, It.iMt second Tot of I vropsrty.

uaBry x. wilv a llama. tr SALE 4 ttodara tousba Wald atraac, I. IJ.OWl uttaie la Sotk, Way. ftlOO t.

Aima. Oavla, robms ii and 1V FuisyUa week, SALE two snodars Aoasee oa Xoa i land afenu.i on. ten with bath an' '1 wlw oatni pvs 'eat raid. HI. reams 17 sad U.

5 a uiay Mbf block; tf '1 FOX SALE uA rreat bargain, at ene tftk its. vhiiv aawmiu, wit n. I and boiler) In int clau conduit Sewn. 17 11. Flil.y.Lonr bloat aM rtfl l.fc'1 fob delivery wagon or fajn WtrHl will be at Allan Counry'TjJ South Broadway, Wm,'a FOX ALE rive modera Waal ingum ooui.rard aod four nodera aouta 3 on Waraa atraafct it n.nMrl plaoa, at a 0, Earls.

Xooma JMI, 1, FOX SALE Southwest esrnar Oliver and ESS. Ct Ing, thoroughly 'wall built with and tw, offlo, room, on Second loon' la rear living rooms, with porcelain nets', ioii ao.ouu,, uearr JLiWUllajnsAI', 3i AlE liTajnad. a. naw Tw Bwrnwr VKSVOr aStt East avenue, fronting the aa.CrelghtoB! 7M for the eoraay, u1' Apply to H.nry it. ar any atata agent. A I FOB 8AtE twQ 80 foot lttt, vi HU QkU honn. t.attvaf 11 Tmta one foot business west aid. Calhoun, between Dr. iu brick stor.ontbi long time psyrarttsnv Apply te Hinrr V.

real agaat CralsTOtrsi stfrlnu. arfriajAs. V.a.. vaaa.aasjaae Vw.WVsTBI ui nana or trectf central for lttsbnrg: shops eaatrf uiu now Van Psrrin. mill, Waatarn Oaa the Boners, Baa.

foundry, and Lafayette f' to any real estate agent. FOB SALE A an rnnf 1., f', Weldjrr Butler betwaeu CaUotjo and Roea lani, 1, 4... aft nA oiTet.four,SMoe'rlota;only'Tirt4t lair space on each aide), south fronts on Butler strsot, we.t Webster, 'and will aall of them at 11,850 If taken soon th. other two win then be advanced to ILtot cacb: navaman.a ram, aa iw year old mepte treaa In grass plat between sidewalk and curb, Apply ta Henry WlUlanis er to any real sataw ageat. 7 '7' fl 'it.

FOB 8 AXE 1'(00 lota In, SavUU avaaua aaasuon, Just platt.d,, Soutli Broadway, between Home avsnua and Ss, vUlakraaae, th. cars will run on Broadway" la front eft lots; geod fran koua, on ens lot another i BO apple treaa la tie plat, rear.j v.j una, av years growtn on i line raaway frontartitsrTilps and" 'natural' aaa ah M. Willla.nsIast hlt achoel. Tj fob: bat. tt.i.1..

lilii I or ins aiga.und,',' tho baadaom. grev, (5J oak 'iouth of Huffman and Andrew, atraoV aortiof irlty, lota la allrtka. view ever th cityte th. south Is vary '7 "aas, grena. aaa cannot be cut off from lb.

a.cond atory any build round Is particularly desirable for a pub lie instltutloa, i bosplUl, for esuipleil prlc, of entire II Iota, Is onV 3 BI.D00, oa long time plymaut. If dealrall asaary. tf 4 FOX SALE Hsw. room boast la Uk.sM uargaju si, seen, i tl acre, near 'city limlt.j good aouss bsrni etc. rait, on i nee avenue, doo, Kv.n roont bouse.

a naofs1. atTBas, ,1,10.11 awio. aaaa va ewinnsy avsava, acr. farm Bv. mtlea from will antall Bve reom kogae oa West Jeffsrsoa ati Aaa, aa auiwi BBBU.

SO Xaka avanna la aa T. Baal i Court Btraatl ansa avaatara fr'am v. tail 4 ihitt MiLlki WSmmm tiki).

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