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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EM Mil HilPi SiittieL 'ESTABLISHED Jt'lUDAY VVUG, 11, 1893. PRICE TWO CENTS. KABO HIGH BUST CORSET I hs host Dress Form Corset 'tor PwduMl rADIE3 of slender, figura will find in iblii, corsol. ADitivtbiDg Uiejr hWlong tiwitroci. It makes perfect and' maoi 4u ap proval of droiwronker, In that ll facilitate the tilting of drowses, doing away It does with el) boabm' paddiog.

It lengthens ttio Xt baa cord loops In plats t)i brass eyalt te to laoa, ibuir obviat ing all danger of the, corset laces showing through the drees' and ro airing It, ImpoMlbl to noil the underclothing from oprronion of I of the eyoiita. FOB SALE BT GEO. DeWALD CO Cor, CnJbonn and Columbia Sbi, Fort Wayne, grid. A PLAN OP ACTION. IenoooratiXoyiBlntor' Consult tb Monej QuMtlonv TImt Will Wet rwwll tbe esmMb 'MM lMta Ik CfeMMtW 4k IUilwlsss, CUTTUtt MWH PRICES I JO.

1 proses I We Will, BeglniiliiK Soil JU1 Cmr Hummrr Oooda at Low I'rtoAi WM. MEYERS BRO. na it CALnou.t street: "li WT 'snirvT. AFTER I MI I On Blcyoloe. TbatU lh moet sure 'iwayoiODiaining law iiiu mure pimju ur exro f.

mr eieo, ma iwiuvu reraei a. now wnna, And von. like Columbus, mar be! oomaaffTOetdisoaveror. Find health lyi and happiness on wheels. Thousands nave anno to airoaay.

wot Should you nogioct tu opportunity As the prion. "Wslt can aooommoaauyou. JOHNS CO, tl ud E. Coliimblt St: ItlflEI Men's, Young Mon's. Boys' AT GREMLt REDUCED IBICES CHILDREN'S SUITS iTCOST.

Wi Cury i CompltU Un ol IfJIMEliSOII, Cotumtla and riihtbn LSts. Waaiis Aug. U. When th coinage substitute is finally submitted to tbe bouee end voting upon amendment Wffine it'bAdevelopd that the populist will part oompauy with the demoereti free sllveriter at very srly1 stage. Mr, Bland's bill will propose a ratio or lft to 1.

I untbl to obtain tUt be bta announced a wllllognee to submit to 18, 19 and 30 auaoesatvely, The populists stop at the tint departure from 'lbs to 1 In voting against tbe ratios their treogth will practically be added td tbkt of the unconditional repeal men. When asked about lt Ur.SlmpavBiald llWMSud ateteorafleirS, but it wai a The populbU bar fepuiaUon for tonauieony to malnlala. Thebrlafprooetdlniiin, lbs anaU raaUrdnr.oomiogafLflr the aotlon, of the day before, imlloate that the partial id ue acute ere burning to line up. There Is a alight dliMtiafaotioB on tbf republloaa side oa the park of a few bllrer men, but gcnarellT tbay bav adopted the policy Of annoying tbelr eiiponenU In the majority by Iniiatlog upon an iknmediaie dUpotltioa of lb ilrer iiuiiftion, and tberafore (eiUtlng Tery motion to adjourn end ealljng for tbe yea and naf a to put lb aanatorl on. record.

Qoe of lb 6 republioan laadera. in Roanclal mailera aald. that they would keep op tbia line of Mtlon anUl lb majority vu obliged to pro eead to buiineaa. uelnalited that tbe demooreU oould not bbarga tb repub Uoani with paruaan sotioo, Inaimuob a tbry, ware alrnpty trying to glre lm mediate elect to lit toreildent i lug gettlon M'eoaUined In bU Qa the etaer nand Ibe demooraMo raetor meet 'the attentptoriherSr publloana to eootrol tbe builneai of the iDmie and dictate tb character of tb leglalatlon that ahall be ettempted. Tbry bavreolred that will not permit aeuoO until they bare the elvel agreed upon a Un of policy, and tba eonduot of Ibe republieana baa bad ibltfW to all lbs ele mants oa tbe demeorallo aide upon toll roeolultoB.

Ifaenwhll tb deme eralUaanii oommittee, in almost tottetant trying fa arranga plan of aeUoo and the keantat parluv uwlarianj oa the rtirablloan aid are aofetly ooaferring among themaelrea to dene urana to arry out their Idrai so (bat IhealluatlonUth ate protnum tobelntemllog Jetwaan bow and Vonday is hoped by lbs frlreda of tb admlniatratloaib tb senate that om poialbls' plan of action may be agreed upon on the silTer queatlon, but tber ar slander groundaforooondenoSln tbe develop mente that have cropped out ao far. Senator Gorman appear to bold the key to lb situatlwn. Not only 1 he chairman ef tbe demoeraUa oauotu. btit be1 alao obatrinan of tbs iteiring tbe oommitte whlob be bUnaelf aipointed tinder tbs authority of tli Thto eommlttee boom poaedof Senator Oortrun', chairman; Slaokburo, of lenVuoky; Cookreii, or Ubaourt: Walthell, of UiHlailppl: fNkflwont, of Hortb Carolina; ViUs, of Wboonalnf Gray, 'of Pelaware, and Heaara Blackburn, Cookrell, Walt Ull ere 'farored sn, Ureir. Vilaa, Orar and White are svovedty oppoeed to lb, fie coinage of illrer sod etand inuarelTUpon tbeprealdeota platform ef nnoonilkional rrpeaL 9ut vhersSeoalorOormaa alandi no one bilt hlmaetf era tell; for he baa taken no on Into bii oonfldenos.

Juit at this moment, bowevar, atten tion is eonioenlreted upon the aumggle in tb honae btwcn tba silver and eall elWer demoerateC' Ywlerday waa giwo1 to and tbs a change of formal propositions between tb oonAJatlnt partlr aid someopU mliUo msmbera feel tbat progreei wa mode toward an agreement, 'The force on both aidea will try to gat together, bat the outcome Is dubious with gon aral trend of. opinio abioliHe dlaagreement and a dfOlaraUoa of war. Tb rumor waa current vaaterday that Jtr, Catching bad bromlaed the admlnlstmUoa'e foreaa'to boon band today. Thceilvar men ar watching every tnbv made tbe oppoaition sod it aaf to aoy tbat thef will not be taken by surprU In any event, Th oonfarenoe of thaoppoelngforoee on th allwr quratlon waa called for 10 o'oloelt this morning, and theeagarneas and. anxiety of each fide wa made sp pannf by toe early arrival of the parties if tbe eonfrreooe, for.

at they were nearly 'all pratentlnthe Jadloiary eommiltea room. Tb ailver men bav not yet 'errlved at oonclmiott upon tbe last propoal tion from the other aide, providing tbat tb rvDaal bin shell tek precedent. bat tlJhi opportunity shell, be given for voteenpon diflernnt ratio end outer pLauo of lbs ailver men. Jut before tbe ooorereno begin they lUtee; they esuld not expraoa any opinion as to whether th proposition would ao eeptedorrvjectad THS QEART ACT, TtM Tlre Chinee J() lu rewvauvaa. i lt The Brat Cblnamaa deported by th fleary Sot wm ablriped away yttterdey on tbe ateantolTftki In aeoordanoe with tb recent deelaloo ef Judge Rom, ol tb soathern dlstriot ootut, 8ur veror oftbePort KUboarne made out a paaeage voucher lot, aso, payable Vj the United fitatee.

MAIiY COLLISIONS. A Ienae Fog Kn velonen He York Harbor Two Fetrf BH OellMe ewd aevewal er Ike re are. iMjaiMe Mete ee Umitmtfmmtr. Na aug, 11, MltBoe early this mornbig tb lit end riveri have been enveloped In a denae fog, greatly hindering navigation and reanlllng In many onllialona and Aloa escapes from therm No yeetehi bare arrived or departed smos) early Ibis lag. The Erie ferry boat Fivonla, on her Jrip to tbl city, collided with a boat of the same line lying In her allpvl th foot' of Chimbrt street cenalng grnt iollement among tbe paearngers and (be bruising and injury of several.

Joseph Henry, ofUejbropek Heights, K. a telegraph operator, employed in tbd ataln office of the' Wealern Vnloneonfiany In this oily, bad hti ami fractured and was taken to the Chamber stroH.boe pttal where It was dressed nod be Was sent to his noma. HOW 1NUIANA MEMBERS STAND. DlsWewi Vlwwe we iaaile rveeaiie Iwtfee SMwilw. Wasatsoroa, Aug ll.The Indians demooratlo oougreeimea may be olkaeed a follows on the subject of tba repeal of tb ailver purchase dime of the Sherman law: ror.

unconditional repeal. HeaarcBrnuia, lTerlin, Coopur end Brown agaloit tbe repeal of the ailver purobet law, (onleas silver ubsUlute bi'providsd for. in the rrpeal Ing act), llolman, Coon, Ue Msgny, fsylor, Breta, llsmmond and Brookshlre. The above fUtenient' absolutely eoourele, allbough some further explanation needed to 1rly auteth views of those who oppose tbe repeal of tbe Silver purchase law unlets a lilver Coinage sot I substituted. Veeara.

Uoltnan, llammood IloNsgny and Qonn may be olaeied as oonatt vativ bl mclaUlata. Tby favor' the continued coinage of silver, at an Increased ratio end with eertaln reslrletionB to Insure parity, Kr Taylor Is a strong silver maoj If ft Brett favon the repeal of eH legislation enacted linoe tbe demonetl sation act of 1873, end return to original proportion of Ire had unllmlt sjlver, odrnaga Mr. Brookabln Is an ardent free eoinage man, and uld to bav been tb only demoenttlo mem ber ef tb Indian delegkUon who et tended lh free 'silver caucus yreter Vewrs, Johnson and Vaugb. re pnbllnana, will probably favor wticen dltipnal repeat MAIL POUCHES 8TOLEH. Takwa Wrmm iOmw4 KlflM SI TSmi CeaacsiU.

8raisuriui, 11L aug. H. Two large pouches of mail fbrCblcegawers stolen from email oar her at midnight but nigbt, and taken to the edgeofthaelty. on the seme train and completely rifled of, 'their content They weresaura large pouolits, ana us loss wiu proiwmy reach Into the thousands. JACK 0EMP6EV.

real BmnMlallv.nMl MIm la lfisaaroi.u,'Aag..ll; Jiuk Damp sty, tb Nonpareil, Is at 8t Oosfph's boapitsl tn Si. Faul ebere be ha been stpos btat' Xoodty. He eoflbring from a severe tnintal strain, rbyal elans et the hospital think that tlie brooding over past defeat has caused bis mind to become lempormrly unhinged. PRESIDENT CUVELSWP Imvm rViHisiiTOi. Inc.

11. Prasldsnt Clerelsnd left Waihlngton at IHs morning over, tbs renoiylranls toad ecoompanled by. Secretary Colonel. Lanooot will lesvs him at New Yorkand Mb President will go direct to.Butsardi Dty, Mesa The teagu! games ployed yesterday resulted as followsi it BalUmore Bdtimore, Bos ton, 9. At Washington waUingtoor it it New YorkWewtyork, II; rblla dolpbie, o.

it PllUburg First guna PilUbtirg, Ql LouisVllle, 11. it itlatMU Seoond game Filta burg, 14; Louiaritbv S. it Cleveland Clsvsleod, Hj 8t Loubvi itChlcago Chioago, 7) Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Id Kohlmeysr rery pleasantly Sntertned a number of friend at their pleasant boms en Wall surest Tuesdeyevenbg.

Tbosepresent werth Jiiaae Boehi woeuoeking. Minnie. Ualirwold, Emma Jfahrwold, Jennie and llTiliemann. Clam Sultwneler, Meeira iieery nocooeting, lmhii umiiw, Weisenbnrg Tony Millar, Mr. ena Mr.

William Woebbesioc, Mr, and Mm Emit KiitcniMin, Ur. and Mrs. Kred Bultemeier, apd Mrs. Uilgemsnn. A (unsh was served st 12 p'olook; never rwlM.

Ko InsUnoe of a fclhiiw on record when Simmon Liver Brgulator ttei been nroperlr taken. It rsmoves biU ops aeoretlooajeure dyspepsia, oonstb patton and sick headache, strengthens tba kidneys and general, aaeUU ne 'V Thanisaoaaeofiaarletfeverh tb resldoob at th' southeast eornV of hfaiq and yn Burns trceta, TWO flanppolnted ftt Ilia Itmlluch, a Freight Agont KIIIh Hlmwlf, A. irraMiaent Bb4 While aWvwestedt wewwa Mine. HM I)aet, Aug. ll.

Cbarlead; Bdtlv. eoond vioe president of tbe Rflading syslrai and formerly general freight agent of the Northwestern railroad, committed auiolde last evening Is Washington park by shooting himself through tbe bead, lie was found stretched on. tbe grass, about o'clock. In his band he held a StWi ber revolver, on chamber of which waa empty. He bad been dead but few minutest air.

Eddy bad been stopping with blawlfe st th Velropol hotel for the past three months. i dispatch froro Fhilsdelphl sayi Eddy left the Norfolk and Western railroad for i big position, 'a he thought, with X. A MoUod on tbe Beading When tbe Heading oollapee oatne Xdtly was removed by the management nd his position h1 Idled. He i suddenly found himself on thelde walk without any occupation. If lad resigned a tG.OflO place for joh.

In trio be bad lost both plaore. Ufc immediately set about to. aeourk work, but be did not find apy eorporstioD that needed his eervioea. Chagrin end dleaitpolntmentover bis bard lurk no doubt weiahed on bis mind and earned him to tek hii lifo. M.m Aug.

11. W. a. Eiene, one of th best known shoe mtnufto 1 turere of this cfty, weni te Kehsnt yse terday aMerooon and directly to the: rmideoce of Seruwr Lodge, which ii oloscd. lie was seen to deeoend the rooks to tbe water's edge, he, ruibed out and soon was up to bis neck In wster.

Shouts for bla return from Ur. Ledges employes tin ly seemed to hurry him. II soon sank from tight and wbea tb body was found life was extinct Ur. Keen bad one of the finest homo la the city, and was worth several hun dred tboUKsnd dollars, fie was public plrlted, Ills brother, Prank, wie a partner with him here and. In bl rto tories.

In other places in the slate. It I thought that th beat aflected lie brain. KorNsa ova. fiprriti, V. Aug.

11, Birbnrd Uustr, head oftb firm of Muter lac Importers, whoa etore b) at the corner of 'Ortens and Broom, street. New York, was found on bis farm res terday with a bullet bole la bis heed. was unconscious, Pbyiioinoa worked over him all day until 5 o'oloxh In th after nooa when be died wlthont having recovered cootaiouineeit, "It cannot bo atorlained now whether or Aota weapon toaS found beeids biu. Krj If user home wm on a larg ftm mile east of Suffero. Ho.

wu oae of th director of lb Mew York Lire lasurano company. Be was In partner' ehip with his brother; Curt Musef, ho lire in and Frederick w. Uusr.of Brussels, was a specisl pert nt (or IWJJWO Muser wis member of the Uaabatten elub Ue Union League Tueedoclub' and th let ManbatUn AUiletlo fQRESf FIRES Are tireeM IHMnke wp BilnM iLI'Mi, Aug. 11. No ralohw fallen yet and the forest fires ar reg lug worse than eref.

Yesterday and but night the ait was filled with tying ashes nd cinders and the elmoiphere was ao clouded wllh smoke ll was im poattble to see across tb street. Tbe fires were so olose 'to th. city all day sod night the fire departmenf was kept oh continuous duty and men went to the woods to fight the Are back. This morning the wind ihlfted arid tbe city Is safe, for the present. Out on the Lone Lak road th fires were uforo end farm building, orops and a large amount of bay ware destroyed.

Ver Oaainek feet of logi belonging to Alger, Smith A Co. were doslroyed. MtnriM.p, Wis Aug. 11, ttian vllle, a small town three miles north of this city, was nearly wiped out by for est Are yesterday. Beveral dwelling bouses; a school house, sawmill and plaining were, burned to the ground, together with 800.0QO feet of lumber.

The loss is etUmntod at gao, 000. Srartirs Toirt, Avig 1L Forest fires bare done great damage in this locality, especially to bay and growing crops, a number of farmer wast of this elty losing most of their products, sever! families having been obliged to flee from bom for safety. A rain but evening will" have a tendency to ma terially shock the fires. ARCADIA POBTOFFICE. Bws.

etoll Wrttew Wswhlwitew AbwBlls. WisnisotOK, Aug. II. The fourth class postofflo question is still a lirely one in Indisna. The Hon, J.

np pin, of bas been bare Several days to sottl tbe ircadia qnestloh; while numeroiit letter been received from the Hon. Rob ll C. BelLoffort th asmeioh jeot. James Bruwof.spreuilnentpolitiaisu of Lyon, bi also here to coiroct an alleged error In the appointment of a postmsster In b'stowm He cltlms Senator Turpi secured tbVeppolntr msnt ef a man as pottmssist who did In the community, PWOWND A'SAY. tnvee Teewsr stlrls MeH Pewelitwlfce Saw Yost, Aug it Idltb Flay, tltjl Pond and Ella Johni ejtd lea 1 alevaa and seventeen yean mpeotive I mm JmviibJ 11 NavaVtr im vlilld bulling lb, foot of Wt FoHj ret iukT I.MI1H Ml A VmIiuI.

laal Ml. Ing. he bodies were recovered, THE fiEPEAli BILL Iotrodnced In the Honao by tYUaon. of Virginia, BMmi Doeate UMlirS i rive SilnMre Vteeliee Twie Ann es. WufUMoros, Aug.

Ii. Tbestlveraod antleilver men have reached an agre nhent, by which general debate en a bill for thei eprklof IbepurohatoeUuae of the Sherman law Is to be limited tb eleven deya. Tbia will followed by debate for three days, under (he five minute rule, when voting wlH'begln on the bill and various amendments. Tbe present arrangement! thai the repeal bill will be Introduced In tbe house today.And that aa accompanying resolution ball prescribe tb' method of procedure, and general debate shall beyln ai.onoe, If curled oat this will bring tho house to vote on the bill and amendments on Augunt 28. Mr.

Wilson, (DenxVk.) Introduced the repeal bill immediately after tbe reading of tbe Journal. JiertreeentAtire Blaod offered tbe agreement made this morning governing tbe limits of debate. The vote re ulted, yeea, 217; nays, 100. So tbe previous queauon waa oMereo. iu republican generally voted wltb the democrats in support the motion, Tb resolution was then adopted.

At five minute after en Mr. Bay of Maryland, began the debate In support of tbe Wilson bill for th unconditional repeal of the ailver purchase clause. Mr. IUynof aald that tb adoption of I he policy ot rw Ilver eofnage would tie tbe Uniled Btatel to the tail of any bankrupt nation Of the world. Tb opening of the minis to ailver might in lime, be said, maintain th A.oilUoui 'valu of tb coin, but the valuaof the bulrton would always be regulated by tb market price.

As long ei theHbermak silrer Uw re mains on the statute books, so to'ng will It be impossible to.efieot an International arrangement; ao long will mone tary conference result In failure. CAR WORKS BURNED. Terr Han to LosfA Her Greatest Industrial Entfthllahment. IMt riwew eprT'Wee ae Sseaplwr' kMeil Uew iBMItflilM I'sshs ILtors; Aug 11 The great Terr Haute car works. Covering ev oral acres of srouniLandwhiab, beior recently; assigned, employed, nearly 1,000 men, ws wiped out by fire alout Afternoon, and the loss practically a total Tb low will be very large, but owing to th unsettled oooditlon of tbe.

oora pany'i aflain it Impoaiibla to uU the amount, Inoludingthe nbmeroua building oomprising the great plant, About all tb atook. on band, waa de strorsd, iosluding several hundred cars that bad already been built. The entlr Sre, department was called, out to tbe scene, but as tbe buildings were ks dry as tinder, there was little to' do but to try to prevent tkw'furloua Hemes from beooailpg general In the neighborhood. As it was, an adjoining dwelling was destroyed aui 'others caught on fire. The company earned 1150,000 in surance on the buildings and stock.

Tbe fire originated In the paint shop, where aotne work was going on. Tb plant bad ihut down, and st the time it.weot into the hands ore receiver, about a month ago, negotiations were favorably progressing toward an adjustment with the creditors, and it waa noon to reopen on a limited scale. The inatltuUon was one of the prides of Terre Haute, and tb lots to th city ill be a heavy one, aajt Is within IJie range of possibilities thai considering the unsettled affairs of Ike company it may not be rebuilt Th company appraised tb property at $200,000 The assignee end appnuee meat based on a'oash sale will fall lw IcW these figures. Tb foundries, petlerk ebop and lumber were eased. Th actus! hiss wilt not fall much below $100,000.

LOCAL NEWS. Mr. Daniel Klot and family are home from Horn City. Q. Cadwelltdsr, of tbe Western Union Telegraph office, la heme from a two weeks tuit to Cincinnati.

Tb game of base hall between tbe Wayne hotel employe and the Wayne olub teem resulted In tbe defeat of tbe hotel nine, the More standing 7 to Q. It was funnr. This morning Dr. Vsn Buiklrk's horse and buggy were run into by a earelese causing the: doctor's hors to run away and demolish th baggy. Ko on wu In the vehicle.

Mr. Boss, of Antwerp, tfhloi arrived is th pit? yesterday and made arrangement with tbe Uumano society to dopt the Peterson boy, has been under Uie guardianship of th society. The fire department wss tolled out this morning by burning grass in a vacant lot at, tbe corner of Crelghton avenue and Broadway. The dry weather is causing numerous fires of. a' stnatisr nature.

nlllrAla ll AW.Mir Will Idlwoaree beautiful mnslcai program. a( tno Horn wuham Stall InnlllHMIW An tol. gnt lunch will be eerred. The pnMIe la Invited. 1U INTO TUE SHADOW.

Ryea TImt Are Cloned In Death's Long Slor. neHalserB1iilrlcklinrea nirs. Jerewte NlwAwr re sea awejr Telldrek Sallre IlkewereiMMils, At 8 o'clock this morning occurred real denoe, No. 43 Weit Williams street. (I had been 111 with cholera morbus for several days, but the disease termi nated In brain trouMs, whlob caused bis death.

Patrick Burnt wa a well known and highly respeotsd eiliien. Ue Was one of the pioneer aetUrrs in Port Wayne and oonlribuied his ahare io the uutenal prosperuy ol tb com ntunity. lio waa bon about sixty years ago at Ralbville, County Carroll, Ireland, end sailed for thii county when a lad of acAroe" twenty years of age, lie landed in hew Orleans and name north, settling first at. Lima. 'Ohio.

Ue easily mastered the machinist! trade and come to tbia city about thirty years ago to accept position In. tbe Wabash shopt, where barbae ever linoe been employed. The deoaased lsaTes a wife and th follow ing children: Edward of Toledo; James penoiylvsnik oempany engineer, of this city; frarik a macltinist, of this city; Miohsel tbe Daily Journal; Mrs. George Kelley. of UiUcity, and UIh Mary, younger child, who resides at home, All the children were nt their father's when be pissed eway.

Th diioeased was Cstholio and a life long democrat. He waa member of HI, Julian Council, C. B. Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Married Men's Sodality of tbe St. Tstrlek's ohurcb, Tb funeral will be held at St, Patrick's church, but the xaot Urn baa.

not yet been determined Upon. aropoa A sad death was that which occurred at Lakeside last evening at 7 o'clock, when Mr. Mary E. Studor, wife of Jerome 8Wdar, closed her eyes In Sternal sleep, The, deoeaaed waa lovable character end her death, at tbs early age of thirty six, was bomptra tively sudden. On last Fridsy lbs was taken ill with 'Inflammation, of (be bowels and, although all that oould be don br tb alteodlng pbyalobui, J)r.

Stuls; sue sleedl ly grew worse and aspired at the hour mentioned The deceased was born In Rochester, but bed been a. resident of Fort Wayne for many yean, She was loved and esteemed It who knew her sad aS her friends were legion the' announce ment of her death will be reedwlth. sadmwflby elL Mr. Studor, husband Oftb deceased, 1 the foreman of lb oerpetdcpertmentofWolfiCo. The deceased leave a atep dsurhter.

Mbs Agnes S'tudot, Bhewu also a sbtet of Mr. Qermtn of Servle, who arrived la tbls oity last night, end Mrs. Simon o( this this city, Her aged mother resided with th family in Lakeside, Tbe funeral will occur afternoon' at 1:30 p. m. from tb reaidenoa, oorher of Lske avenue end ol, boulevard, and at 4 p.

m. from tbe Cathedral. The pall bearer will be C. K. Mubler, Trehtmen, II.

C. Oratfe, Dr. J. 8 tail, tiro. H.

Loescb and 0. p. Fiiab. saita Mn. Fuller, of No.

01 West Superior treet, baa received word from Ger many that her brother, Dr. Baur, bed died In Wittenberg on June 11th. Th deceased was an able minister and stood very high in the estimation of bii people, JUe was five lime elected to a high office. Joseph Franklin Jester, aged, five years, son of Mr. and Mrs Marria Kn ter, of No.

13V Shawnee Menu, died yesterday of cholera infantum. This is tb third death which has occurred th finilly within the past year. Tb little one was ill only three diyi Tb family are sorely alllioted. Thefunersl will be held from th reaideno at clock, tomorrow Afternoon. JOISI.

'AtBtSOo'plooklhbmbrninROOCurred the death of tbs two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones, of 113 Weill street. The oausa of death was pums, Mr. Jones is enneoled with the Fruit house.

The time of the funeral baa not yet been decided. ma rossui.a Tb funeral, of George Swain, who died jeabnrday of consumption, aes held at clock this afternoon. Tb funeral of Mrs. rbeeb Kbits took place it Ibe 'Fint Bapttat church thla sfternoon, leaving the house, Ho. S3 Bast Third street, at 2 o'clock.

It was largely attended. Th funeral of little Helen Season was' held this morning etf o'clock from the Cathedral Tbe funeral of Mrs. Bliiabelh Bruna, who died suddenly, yesterday morning, will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 'clock, from tbe reaidenoa on South Calhoun Rev. Welch will odi oiale Interment in Llndenwood, LOSES HIS MIND. Wwweral Alex.

Uewlllea le hM le leeewe. N. Aug. II. Mrs.

Sarah Elliebeth Hamilton, wife of Gen. attainder Hamilton, the grand son pf Gen. Alexander Hamilton, or revolutionary fane baa applied to the in prem oourt st White. Plains for ibe appointment pfEllhq B. Front, of New YorktaaVeotntuissioner to faquir In talbaaaoity: of her husbkndt J'udg Dyktman granted th order, to her.

pelllion Mr. QamUton allege that General Hamilton now sud for the space of several years past bs been so deprived of his reason and understand ing as to I kltogntlior unlit and unaLla to govern hlmielf end nuuitgebissr Wrs. Haniillot aeVenty old. ARRESTED FOR FRAUD. He Opemtcd An nveatment Srliomo and oiittd Baclrers Vkrle rsiun TMN le Ike nerHel mm Beeeps le Ike lreHe4e lev Vetear lbs Mells llltwally, Dkktba, Col, Auk.

11, Postal Inspector Small last evening ceuned the arrest of E. p. Brown, president, and C. W. MpCrone, ylce president, or th Denver Investment Bond oomp'sny, on the charge of udng tbe mailsloJe frsud and vloUviogtheh atelMte rolat' ing to lotteries.

Brown llart nx'baoker of Houth Dskola aod ItoCrune wu formerly poitmaater at Alexandrla, D. The ecbetba waa to sell 1 1,000 bond, asking a cash payment of $10 and 93, additional monthly. When the general funds should reach 1,000, one bond, tb number of which was to be drterminrd by drawlngj waa to be called In, so there wss a possible chance to get 1.000 after few payments bad been made. Thry did a rouiiog buiinesa all over the United Statte, selling bundredi of bonds daily. There are five other concerns doing a similar buiineu In this city and the poslomoe autboriUes are after thsm.

FESTIVE CyCLONE. II Vhlie Weaierw Okie mm Sleepe VW Telecrepk Pelea we Peea Oibe nMt At 1 1 o'clock thia morning a ri elon passed near Miller' Station Ohio, a email town on the Nlpkel Elate railway. Six telephone poles on' lbs railway wereanapped offend much damage Wa done to orops. The Nickel Plate railway company experienced great difficulty, with their wire all day. Details from the of lb oyolone ire meagre.

Tbe storm seemed to bt traveling south. INDIANAPOLIS MAN MI8SINO, ir. 'Stokes. Wket Whjerpieve Tkree Weeks Ae IsiiisiuroLis. Ind' Aug.

1L Dr. W. known physician, who Up id recent date bad offio qUarten at Ne. BO West Ohio street, i inualag. and so far as can be learned noon her knows of hi present whareeboalA Aboutamonth ago he gave up bis of fioo, which be ownpisd Jointly yUa Dr, Beck, Ui pstlsnt called Uiere, but ao Information as to where he hai removed could bs learned.

For fef days be used th offlo of Pr. Young, on East Washington street, near Vu ginla avenue, then he dbappeered, after rtqaesling Dr. Young to look after his practice In the oeunty jell and his duties 'as. aeoietary of the county board of health. Stated that was going east ob builnese, but did not say wbn would rslurn.

lie has been gone about three weeks, and Dr. Vouog bae not been epprised of nnylfaing further eoncarnlng blm, BOAT Tk BlismiM JPefeet Ike Areeewls el lielrell. Dktboit, Aug. It The four oared crews of the Minnesota, of 81 Paul, aod tbe Argonaut, of Toronto, were Bailed out at 11 o'clock thla morning to settle tbe question of su premacy in th fouromred battle of the Rational regatta, whlob waa unfinished' to. Ibuls.

The Mlnnesotes tbe first to catch the water, but the turning alake both erewt were head and need. was a hot race all tbe way borne, the boats being on wen terms, until thirty, yardt from the finish line, when the Argonaut quit and' the Minnesota won. Time, 9:2. MESSLERfJEAD. UeWea View PreeldeMef lets PeaeMyt.

vawle tWwpewr, PirraiUM, Fa, Aug 1I.T D. Mess ter, v(o president of the Femuyl'voJs company, which operate the. Pennsyl vania lines Writ of. rltlaburg, died at o'clock this morning nt Creeson Spripga Mr. afesuler was alxty years of age, Th remains will be transferred to bit horn In this oily toaight.

Tbs preliminary bearing of lb oarn agalntt Mr. Mary Reuner on tbe charge of etenling bed clothing, etc Crvm the Reformed "Orphkoa' home, was begun yesterday sfternoon at' Jue tine Itvso oourt and Is being contin ued today. Proseouting Attornfy Phil Colerlckand Will Ryan' appear Tor tho stete end J. It Blttenger end Chat. Ryan for the defense.

Large orowdi are attending. The arguments ere being made this afternoon. Dr. Btemep, the surgeon of the Pittsburg road, has betn tryiog to bav Willlsm Scott, th Puluun car porter who wu cut In the murderous assault at tbe depot, removed to fit, Joe ho piul. The shrirT will not allow his removal, aa Kontl says he will not apprar eeinl Redd wlum the oue la called for trial.

It Is not suniclcntto expound to til rising gnncrntjon principle ot Integrity, and enforoe tbem by weighty arguments; must also DonrUb th germs of bpnetoloncc in their hearts, andcuHlrai tho aptt tbdo for reading and Irttcrprotlng the fafellngs of odiersi and the power of participating la cblr pieiiinrei and paioa WASPRETTJ GAI! Two or TIreo Chaptera In the Ufa of si rbsrler Mcbewtevkere, jrermrrtr a Thli ril. BJenleela Hit Wile, ewe Siets late Trwnfcle, Many of the readers of Tea BtsnaiL will remember' Charles Schemerhorn, who, ten yeert ago, came to thla oily from Michigan and took a clerical po sition In the olllce of Supl. P. S. O'Bourke, of the Granil RipldiTall road.

He remain! her for year or so, and, being handsome and acoorupliihed, became quite popular with tbe young folk and flosied in the best circles. Ills brother, Flavlus Sohmerhorn, was at thiil oashirr of the Nickel Plate freight office here and Uie.two young men together until th Inller'a msrrisge. Shortly after this Charley left the oily and obUined a position! station agent for the railroad oompiov up In Miohigsn end married, returning here on two or three oooa aioni to visit friends. He was a flu looking young man, fond of society and InoHuod ''to kind of fast, end yet he waa a money maker and got along well buiinesa. From Ibe poiIUon of station agent up in Michigan, he got Into manufacturing punuilsandere long drifted to South MbtLley, In this slate, where he wu superintendent of a lob factory, and It is bla career tber end at Wolootl ville that will be Interesting reading matter.

to his nttny former friends and acquaintances in thii city. These fchap ter fn bis life are told by our ex changes ss follows: "When ths tub factory was started at South Whitley, the superintendent, or boss, was Charles' Scbemerborn, lie hsd a wife and son seven yeera of age. Schemerhorn one Of those fellows who Imagine they own the earth when a Utile authority la given them He lorded it over ths hands la the above factory and ruled hem with, an Iron hand. In tbe course of time be beesm so offensive to th employes that he was removed, From there be went to Wol oottville and was mad agent for the new Wabash. Hecut wide swath and end all the girls in tho village were sweet on blm aocording to reports, end wa passing nimielr oil aa tingle i.

Recently two haadaom end styllih young Udies, palled upon him knd turned th tiltag 'Insido but' In a social way unlll Sohemerborn Intro duoed tbem ss his sisters. These things published by tb Oosbea flows, and th South Whitley News of but week thereby moved to give a few Imlde feet eonornibg bla career there, It say that soon' after oeming her ha employed a coy' young girl of tnat village as tals bookkeeper. They soon got ft, and th o(Bo work Increased to rapidly that it required th eno of tbe couple st the pffioe until p. when would escort tb young girl bom. HI wife did all the work about th Including feeding snd milking th now, parrying In ths woodland so while he snooted or flirted with bb bookkeeper.

The wlfeand son, ll are still living In South Whitley. Should return here's coat of tar and feathers may await MIRRORED NEWSt sVreeeet lewli Abewi Feet Weree'S Ceeaem awA Ueevs. The Lafayette Courier sayjri "Eddl II, Potllilser li the gueet of his grand' parents at Fort Wayne.1 The Kendallvllle Item aays: "Mr. end Mrs. Clem Smith, of Fort Way ue, ere making a itop for a short tfrpe with friends in this A Wurren, oorreMpodentssys: LUlle, of Fort Wayne, was In town Monday culling on bis parents.

R. IE. BueU, of Fort Wsyn, celled on Charles Wuerslon Tuesday end Wednesday." The Democrat eiys "Muw Msble Soott, who hss been slopping jo tbe eliy for two weeks, returned Wayne. Sh make arrangement eommence teaching musio her in.Heptembsr. Tbe Huntington Herald ssvs: "Mil Anna Brady went to Fort Wayn to day with friends, Mrs.

L. Barns and son went to Fort Wayne today for a visit with friends." The Loganiport Pharos ssys "Very Rev. J. ,11. Bmmmer, vioar gen'Tal ad ministrator of th Fort Wayne diocese, waa In the city yesterday, tbe guest of Very Rev.

M. S. Cntpion. Charles JUmp, of Fort Wayne, ia In the oily visiting his Henry Lopp, of Steveni A Bed wards plumbing estab lishment, Mary Campion hss gone on a' visit to relatives in Fort Wayne" Tbe Portland Commercial says: "Jke Wplker, ot Red Key, returned home Monday from a business trip to Fort Wayne. He informs us that Carle, the five yearold child of his sister.

Urn. Jennings, fell fb the fire A few dsyi ago at hit home In the above city and waa lerlouily burned: The little fel low may die from the effect of his burnt." The Columbia City Commercial aays: "Cbsrlea Dose, of Fort Wayne, who baa been visiting friends In this parted for Churubueoo today, where he will visil his deughter. MUses Ids Basil and Maggie Delhi, who have been th guests of Misiea Yelma and Effi Trembly, returned to Fort Weyue lest evening Mrs. Fessendon, of Fort Wayn, hi tb guest of her brothers, Meter. Rave end Abe Qren." The Kubtinglon Herald says; tUre.

Juhs Province be decided to mbv to Fort Wayn and has" already shipped bar gooda. Her place of residaoe will 9 osia ietiaa euaiwon, xenftH Pnvlne I a teacher In the bntlnessi colloge st Fort Wayhe, at, which shn Mm recently, graduated, and as sheeapeota Wl Io rensln In lb Institution om time' tbs mother thought It would ple iM anter to furnish her daughter withi a borne" loeaioion veaioorai. eeyei Agnes Bureell, of. Fort in. 3 ue city, in guest, oi ner uroiner, G.

O. Russell, jr. U. P. Jones and Mrs.

ft. M. Hayden, of Fort Wayne, ar visiting Dr. T. Green and family, Mbs WJnifrsd Johnson, who has been stenographer for some firm ia' Fort Wm mIimkI Ia RmmI aneAmnuiied her lilil ana 1 end daughter, was visiting friends aod relative to Albion and Tlolnlly.

week. Monday they returned lo lhir, home in F6rt Wsyne." A A SORE THING. MuMot, vrill BKlIer, To iiivtvun Muiuiuyi iS a h. 4iui w. i.

iii ibiiiiMTTI nn.r.T. ri rHev. Mr. Watt' telegraphed Mr. W.

J. Andrews, at Buflalo, to know Maioot would start here or at towbtcn sir. Andrewnt.tnerollow vM In rali: Hi. 'JJU Brrrrti) Dhiviho Pins. AuV 9.

VS. i W. H.Wtrn WarnK lalwayadoaal agree. Will Fort Wavne HsUirdav mornlnt with 'MM Mascot anil balanoe of sUble. yM Th one year old trot on Monday be; 'fM thtrtyone entries And the eoeyear old psoe has fifteen tntries, Thef.ntrotyi'l mn wumra vni riH, me peon,) witn sleven entries, will A rood fl day for sport and very interesting tor' Ml the talent $iM LOCAL KEWA tj' Both of Fort Wayn brass band ar at Rome City taking part In tba 4 nAaLKaViil lMintamiwit Jfl Mr Julia.

Hood and Afra, P. C.W1 Plasterer are enlorlatnlng I'llra. 'A Reaionet sad Mm. Dr. Bullderbaekhf vfl Th Simpson M.

E. church held an im :r.m io cream eooiw at ue reaiuenoeoi end Mrs. Ed nill, 198 Calhoun treet, last arening. A workman by tb nam of Elx, em nloved at the Bass faundrrthh''maraV. Ing badly masiied, bis Dr.

'1 Eesilsr attended. OiHeem'Borgman and Paul Ust erghfc raided Joy's honae of UI facMM Mdotpturediagbtperaoiia.auorwhom putnpii.uu eaon, Mint Madeleine of Wretf' Crelghton avenue, baa returned vm visit with Some of hf schoolmate at Si oturgu euu uoiuwaver, Mr. and Mrs, Will Brsonsa ntr latnid friendi at tee but evening lb honor of Mrs. Tboraas and Michael ''I Stanton, bfSt; Louis, and Mrs. Ella 1 SberfilkBt or Jackson, Mich.

The Y. P.l C. E. of rthe Church ot'J. Christ, corner Jefferson and Griffith jj streets, will hold monthly busl T5I nsss meetfnc at the church narlom thla evening, beginning at 'clook Mm.

Ilarrv Waterman entertained ai! o'clock dinner Isst evening "In honor of Miss MAUd Sweet, of Orand wbots lb guest or Hie Uw I ui nuuiLiit, nuu nuw guvevwi Misses Bailie and Ella Anderson; of i titr uw aunt. i Dora Menaen, tb girl who stole the watch and W3 In cash from Kocemuai yetieroar, wu last .1 evening, vorawvery youog, ana usav not bad the adrantAg of a. parent iVM watchfulness, She is pretty and want' to be well dressed, beno her downfalLl Mrs. Rosenthal did not want tb bildj prosecuted. W.

It. Smith tha vail ken IiamaI man nt iTrtMlAnA lliln la a'ii1 Plata. IjshMSetrlrtgof horeesenteNvjl eo or next weeas ri tun Ilia IH VJIWII VI VUO MMWI) I lJ wer secured In this citr todaV HIM some of tba reiUurant are serving' them to their ouitrmant. a nniritniiivni nu mrAlrr vumi viivn run ivVf, Oome to tbe Oreat Remnant sale tomorrow at the BeoUlyfl. Join the throng? of customers.

uouduomb oergmns on snio. (i M. FRANK Boa Hive. er aele fkaa. Two new general delivery wagons, Must be oloaed out Call on Cook, 60 and 62 E.

OoiumbU St 'J I 21 Die vekrllno iiaca end vellnsr i trot on Monday, Hlg fields. In 'JM both rnoes. tlM Offioern and member of SL Juluut Council No. TO, C. ere requested to meet at Library ball this evening, at p.

to make arrangement for the funeral of lata comrade, Palriok Burns, a Bsaar, See. JnJ T. J. Futar, Prei O. It.

A I. H. U. KXCmtSIONTQ DAYTOX AND C1NCIBT NATI. round trip to either point.

Ticket on sale August 17, good returning no til Septem bertk17. odlt Itlnekes nil oreheatrav will1 dlsronrae a beantlfnl muHlcal program at, tbn lome.muiardhj 1 1 ail tomorrow evening.1 An eH. gnnt lntich will be ThSj; public ta Invited, 1113;.

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