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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II MM a 1 I Waidv fiflfi I j. i Jl rasak inrrm mr iriTri ti i ii fwiih ir all feV iasr fr vj 1 "flMjff''. INDICATIONS. RAIN. TONIGHT) AND SUNDAY inf in snow eoLDPft eqnn.1 tttfittl MEMBER THE PRESS AUG THE NEWS THE; WORLD.

fSaWrdqysv Wow. j. For It b.H.r tliit iinU thes. eomeup hlgherj than ht thau ehouldeathvput'Joer3 tha prwnoa t.h crlpes whom eyse av SSaiW ESTABJISILED 1833, for't ayjS' wspa pebriiaW 483011 aes DRYMEHBER jHaiJ jtBpttle pfiDhig Store Some Innocuous pssip: of Doings of Hoosier Feb. Hal leek, wbb purchased quart bottle of Whisky St JndlanttpoNs drug store with 'several signing ah presenting a prescription or an xitiat wiiaaHiitft.

ano wimaui. m. was the moat popular senatpr pn either aide of the senate Friday'. He exhibited the bpttlend. after tho debate roade a repository tor.

the lijuor In his wsate' basket 'wejit tha lobby to' get a drlrikf the only beverage he advocat pura wtr. WhCn 'ha returned he exhlblti hla 'coftrclousness, of a property right Jh. tha bottle by looking to see If it were safe. He found that atssnea "evidence" had: dlsap peared A. '''diligent search of the premisesof his republican neighbors failed to disclose his firewater end He was' about to come, to an m.eivt to take a dollar for tha right to the bottle when he reflected that bad nb right hln seif to make such a.aalo.

The lost whisky was returned to h'lrn after adjournment. He now declares that wtfl keep th. Uauor 'souvenir and hla friends assert that be will have a.quart at least of "sood in another decade. fathar Waa ahaenco of the father' and Jealoua guardian farhou'a drainage, bill, for two BMSlona of: the, Indiana legislature baa been knocking fpndmleslon' ti 'the atatuta bpoKs, nag; never until' the law makers and It special order of buslrieta, toorhav ing been resurrected, rorft, the trtmB by special dlspehsatloni having, bejn once' Indefinitely postponed and, according tor parliamentarians, Yet Representative McKennan was r6t la his seat, nr' was In tha house when' tha. was handed down' bl' ppeaker Venemari fllled' with Iiftnjj( ready fori ic6nd' reading; ThersVwas the tpeaker'a announce rrient ofv the bill.

theri a CpuldMt'Ba' Feiind. jrepreaentitlva from' Dekalb could hot be "Has his aaifl someone; "He Is volunteered iflcnd and.a friendof' thabill. The1 newspaper rnen'. were fertaln Mr, McKennan was (11 coma' to inem'ber he not looK robust In the So the speakef was. then lnformb Juta Speaker Venenihn, by tearful consent of the lioiiae, was stretch ing another pbntm belinir or nepre sentatlve.

McKennan and his ublqult Mil. in honrtpeJ the retiresentatlva from tieKalb, riiddy of hue and puf fing llko a steam, engine. "tie been tied up in a committee meeting," explained Representative McKonah. The newrpaper rhr fell oft (heir chairs while th bill was advanced to angrossment; Sehool Puplla View Soione. ninono! the rM, high school pupils of surrounding localities, who came to view tho senate, and the house.

In action Bnd witness the process by. Vvhliih the state's laws are turned, off. Every nook on the floor or the ana in tha senata galleries erupted vniirnr rieoole from nine schoola There were more tnan sis nunaro pupils In all and the hieli. schools i.f Lafavclte.

Hancock county: Oalitand, Marlon coonty; Jaclfson county; Carthago, Rush tlnnauill Tartltlb. couniy rmu'i (.:. villi' and: NohleavlUe ere represent 1 ed. SpeaRer veaeman extenaeq ine, courtesies of the, house to the youthful vlsltifpri'and they were received by the representatives with generous ap auae. infl TToria, out irliaa leiimaa.

renirhlican. who reii resents. Randolph county in the Jnd.l ana legisiaxure, is nKceosaruy An s. m.n because he haDaens to' have' a different political complex ion. He snowea inai mis wren 10 im satisfaction ot 'the members of the fcAii iiist before favorite measure of Repreaentatlve gtrlckWnd was drawn and quarier fhe gentleman from Hancock coui iv was flahtlng valiantly to save his mutual burial bill.

"Mr said Representative nffA thA r.urii", man. from Hancock; here urging the passage ot inia oiu. im. measure W'as killed, years Wier necame ub'liere, havlagauccessfiilly negotlat ed his district on the same platforrn. He, fslied agaln but hla platform was saved, to him.

He rh. again and suc ceeded again, promising to get his platform rrieaaura thrpugh here he is. be tha.iast niart in the world. to cut khort the legislative a feer of the gentleman from Hancock, 'i move tha indefinite postponement further 'cohaideratlbn, of And' th: bill killed '(CERMANV BUY8 BALtOON. Berlin.

Feb, iiatha.SernTair, Jwar efflca today placed an order foi another. dlrlglbla balloon of th. jPat seval type forthe use of the army, a 1 of tha equipment. Senator Kane' Starts Hot i fn HiOH BOSTON DECLARES VX3TE; WAS MANIPULATED Roggen; BiE: for th State Here. PasSes In the IndlanapoUsi Feb.

1. A. 'dull aeaslbn ot the' senate by tha charge. of tar that 1 Toll' call hd been' tampered, with, yesterday. An.

explaturtldn waj demanded by Sepator Proctor; the chair, after a wrangle In which heat 'was ill jplayed by nnthj to contr.overay. Tha charge followed: the reir call a. motion by. fienatdr (Javit to set a special order ofr huslns whun Sens'. tor Kane went' to the.

deak of t(ie roll clerk and the roll' call. Lieutenant Governor: Hall' c'omrpanded Senator Kane to resume his seat hut he refused to do ao, one roll call slipped over on me last night," he declaredj "and. I do pot to have any of that liltid of bu lness going on. If lean helrj It. "What do 'you mc 'an by.

thatr shouted, iBenator Prottor, "I demand that the senator from Hamilton explain his statement." "I'll explain; alright." rJqned thft beljlgerent senator, but the, chair ruled that no such matier was before tho senate'for Inquiry ant that both; vena tora were out of order. They trpnjediatejy! Jrrfneii ach 'other s'nd Kane declareil 'that had whlfh'lt was 'determined not 'to adjourn 'the sciiate Friday until Monday was Inaccurate. In the" shifting of a. hiimbef tht were changed mistakesiWere maiie that defeated the motion. DAY'S PROCEEDINGS.

tndiahap'oils, Ind Feb. l.l:Thd Seldensticker bill, changing, the present railroad lay so as strlk d'lt the two year 'clause; In, orders, Issue'rJ py one 'the twd bills jsed by the' Indly ana bouse of representatives (his morning. The maasiire the dorseroent of rallfbad epmmlsslon and: the shippers of the' it alms to torrect what the shippers and rjembers of the mission declare Cbntlntisd pn Pge i Two. Returning Missionary iii Orient Leaps from the Decks, New Financial Interests vAlV lied With) Traction $8,000,000 ompAnx; to take oyer old pfflcials Any Steps Toward, a Ter'mihal' Station Here. MIS3 DURYEE SUICIDE Feb.

Miss Alice rniryee, missionary of the Dutch Reformed church; widely known for her work In leape: overboard from the.steamer Msncriurla on the voyage from the Orient and waa drowned. The Manchuria brought the pews of the tragedy when she arrived hpre.yester day. Mies Dilryea's health hiid been brbk 'ti by overwof and she was being brought to her homo at Newark, N. J. In the care of two alsters, a physlcljn and nurses, A nurie fU asleep watching hf and the patient 'disappeared, search' of the.y'esse was made without avail and the wbmaln's relatives decided she had slipped through a port hole Into the sen.

COLLEGES IN CONTESTS, Big Eaftern Schools, In Athletic Evsrtl in New "fork. Kew Tork, Feb, l8. Princeton, Cornell; partmnuth and other colleges wl.H be. repreaetned by star 'etltietes tonight at5dlsbn Square Garden where the annual games of the New Tork Athletic bceur. High, men frpnn.

athletic. Clubs here and In nearby cities ire scattered down through the Hat 'of entrants in the various everts lo, making the prospects seem execetlent for spirited contests, Much Interest, attaches to tha running of the Baxter tha class' the contestants' gUrtfig rse" to hopes that a hew'record for tVii distance Indoors will be set. Klvlat, Bryihsg, Talt, Glssing. and' Helmlihd are among the flyers, entered. Ql P.

Holland "will represent, oston shd two Dartmouth said to' be! exceptlonaHy bave been entered 'by Harry Hlllman, A New Bostoji relay will' be4 'a feature, DEGREE OF HONOR PARTYi anil Mrs. Henry Whiteman, of TJ Bajrr. street, will entertain, the members of Degree of Honor," he amusements belli pa dro. Next Tuesday tha lodge will "ipaye; "hard timea? Its rtlpma. Boston and tork aiipply the new capital which Is joining old In the 'af fairs of the Foft'W'ayne and Wabash Valley Traction, company along fines already lndipated.

by The SentlhH Henry C. and Jamea M. Barrett arrived In. the city shortly befbrs nboit today their return Philadelphia, where directors of. the corq paby the stamp Of approval to plans' endorsed stockholder's' tneting In Fort "VVayhe a.

week The new financial Interests whlell will be allied with the big Fort. Wayne company ire Tucker, Anthony A Co, bankers, Boston, and Barney one of. the big New York banklhf hoiuea. of. the latter Is Jay' "Cooke, son of the famous financier of the same who was cbnspicuous flgure iii the biislneas world, more than generation ago.

pld Intsrestr Ramsln. It is stated that Philadelphia and other flnahclai interests already Identified' with; the locif traction enter, prise will not only remain, but that Randall Morgan, who has been the largest financial figure In the Present company, will Invest additional capital in the. prbject. along the N.Sw York and Boston who are allying themselves the Jocalpr'op Bummartzed, thf proposition' In etudes', the ftrgan'tjatlon'i of, ,8, be known as the Fort Wayne and. Northern Indiana, Tracy lion compsriy, to take over the pres.

ent Fort Wayne. and Vabaah Valley Tractlbn'CQmpany. The Company will have a capital stock if $8,000,000, as against Capitalisation tf the present organization, and It Is expected; that th, formitlon; of the company win, la: compietefl: by, Marerj 1.. Hslf; tha JlMOO.OOIl will, be preferred and, halt common and plans provide for issue, bt flrit and refunding; per cent, bonrts to' the amount of IIB.000,000. DenyTermlnsi Rumors.

Henry C. Paul In a. statement to The Sentinel today declared! that there' la absolutely not shadow, of. foiinda tion, for rumors that in connection with the reorganisation sc tlon had. been taken regarding hew terminal, station for' FoH Wayna.

'Nobody purchased a foot ground for terminal station purposes; nobody has been suthorlied to eyen attempt to. seejire a option upon any real and the matter of a ter minal elation ''In Fort Wayne has riot even been discussed ss a. part of the Immediate plans, of, the trAct Ion company. We reallzeof course, that In; alt probability a terminal station wll become a neceaslty'ln tha course of a few years, but. we are taking absolutely no steps In that direction how," aald Mr.

Af frequent Intervals for several years rumor? have been current that the traction securing through other parties options upon real estate for terminal purposes near the center of the city. These rumors. have at various fimej connected up with the movement the hotel property, ths square bbunded by Main, Harrison, Pearl, and, Mafilen lane, the Braoken rldge' property at. Douglas avenue, and Harrison streets, and more recently the square, hounded by Main, Maiden line, Webster arid Pearl In whKh It was laid minyoptlons had already been safely, secured No Location Chaian. "Somebody Is more than likely to gat badly fooled and bltjerly disappointed said Paul asked: regarding the option rumors, today.

"The location haainot even, been tentatively chosen, ana wnen jne time comes for a new terminal elation In Fort may be In' an entirely different section of the city from anyof, the aites which have been mentioned In current rur mbr," Uhtll' further detills have been ar. ranged and the organisation, of the new' Fort Wayne and Northern Indian, Traction company completed, la Impossible' to. apeak regarding the Identity of the directing officers. The hew financial Interests: silled with rbjecf Witt undoubtedly have oTTIclal representation upon the board of dv rectors, but whether the change will mean th displacement 'of. any Of the present ofriCers csnnof be ascertained.

It Is hellfved, however, locally at leaat there will be no dUturbance the present regime. It develops that negotiations looking to the enjlstment; of a. larger voluiha of capital n. the local traction property have been under way for fully two, years In Chsrga of tha property realised, that the development nd: lmprove'ihefit! of, the system would come demand. for sd dltlbnal resources.

With the' sanction of the Phlladtlphla Interests, which have! domna'tet the' property un.Vr (hepres'ent organisation, New' YdrK and poston capitalists: were invited into. the field, "They repeatedly sent expert, 'to Fort the property and make'': report on jAgV's eaiilt tiy came forward propoaltlohs tfa Cohtlnu4 on Page" Two; JUDGE HOLDS PLEA FAULTY Says Against STATE WINS THE DECISION Judge MerrymahtRuies That Wilkinson as'Quali 'Juror. Judge, p. Meirryman.ln the 'cifcuit court', todaf Iveld thst the. grand Indictment recently, returned Against DsVId, VVartell charging hlnvwith per jury la good.

Irt so far as'' It Is effected by the plea! Thomas H. Wilkin son was'not qnailfied. Juror when 'he: admlnlitered.thc oath.under which the crime la alleged' to. pave, been commif teil. In, a review1 of the case that con immeil tnbre than an, boW the Judge wild tliat all of the authorities Indl" Csted.

to! that the: fact that Wilkinson 'bad aeryed on a Jury with' year Cf the time at which this ib dictment was, found did not disqualify hlro.Snd does: not affact the validity of the abatement filed, by Juoga K. Erw'ln wainn); sufficient to defeat, the Indict meht and thst unless" more dlrecv cause can pe found for; challenging the act nf.t'he grand Jury It will stand and this. 'Question be. Carried through the case wlien It comes to trial and cited asa cause of appeal In case of a conviction. Elliott's Attorney In Ciss.

Although Benjamin; ,1. Elliott, late chief of Is net Jndtcted for per jury, the decision In this! case was fbl lowed Vry by. Judge 1 Morris, whohas been retained to defend blrn. If Judge Merryman had 'taken the ground that Wliklhsoh! was not tjualined to administer 'ah oath all of theilhdlcttnentawould bave. been In yalldated but.

Elliott ia'nd' all of the othevs, with the "exception of Otto 'Bohihobm couiflbava been reached by affidavit would not have affected th'persons who Were csught In thei'ldraghet that went' through red llghtiJlstrlct. Iridlctad fbr mak ingVa, false'bath, before the gran. Jury! and! hls'indlctment, 'would have been Invalid had the court taketij the View that the pica, Jh abatement waa good. Thla ruling Is not a' bar against other PleaS to abafa tha grounds an whlchrth first, attack was. made la.

r. garaeaas insufficient ana it is not like. ly that another. battle will' be lnstltnted afoijg (he. aame.ltnes, AUTOSHOWTO Committee Decides Not to Extend Time; of itha; Exposition; v': cars' TOTAL $100,000 Success of first Event As sures Annual Show; Hereafter; I Robtera Break Into Safe and Get $700 Near Gainesville, Ga.

THE BANDITS ESCAPE Oal.neavllle, 'Fhh; 1. The exr press Ssfe on the Southern railway 'train. Ko, northbound; waa blown open by fb'ir rpen a t'S: IB' o'clock' this morning at: White Sulphur Springs, four miles from here and about ITOO stolen. The men, covering the creW with revolvers, ordered the tran, in start. The bandita disappeared in the darkness.

No one was hurt. Onl cera train' pursuit. Train No. 31 of the Southern, road la kbown as the rtnlter) States fast ml and rnns from New Orleans to New York. robbers broke.

doWn the door of the riailrpad station at White Sulphur bound the right agent and set the slg' nal. for the train to stop. A the.locb' motive slowed up, one of the men entered the cab and, ordered the, engineer to proceed to Lula, a small station several miles away, After a. atop a ss mernbeyg the gang entered the express car and while one held the conductor and ex press messenger, st the point of. a gun, the others blew open the dopr of the safe, obtaining: the money.

Agent Tor rell. of the 'Southern' Exnress com panyi. peputy United Stairs Marshal tandera, Detective Haue, et' lha Boiilhefn railway. Deputy Sherln: Lit tie and posae with bloodhounds, are on the frail or tne r.rjn. The tram was delayed but half an hour.

HAS RARE OLD BILL. Danville, Feb. l.Thomaa Hudson, of thla cltyl 'today sent; lb. the treasury department at Washington for 'Teilehiptlo'ri s' bill which wss aii thorlr'ed by the congress and which' was printed in Ttie bii( fop "sixty" dollars bt.Spanlah mints a and countersigned J. Duhdas: and Charles Hobe, eornptrol lera of, the.

erurrency. WAS KICKED BY HORSE, J. C. Nsar; Rolling Millj, Suffers Fractured Lag. J.

Johnsoni a carpenter residing a and fracture the right leg JUst below the' thighs The frae litre If a serious Fort Wsynes, first ahnuat bile given under the auSplces of the Fort Autb Dealers' Show assoiMatlon.whl'cli has been' the center of Interest since tha of the' show In (he Princess rink Thursday morning, will clojin thnlght' at promptly 10:80 tbf. clrinl.h8 of the dobra wili mark the end of! the most ucceful exhibition ever held in IhW c.Uy, and Ihb'. unqualified success' of the show hot recCgnleed among he a'asopla tlpii, rtembers bti fvery liltor has pase4 'through the doors, a thousand peoplb paid admission on the opening and this was Increaae'd 80 cent oh Friday, the aecorid dayahd it Is expected the flUROiTOfeviof wlltbiyncroased id per 'JJven small' sters are displaying a keen Interest In the; show, and small hoys, who were, not over, ten or twelve years old, appeared at' the rink this mprning before the opening, of the show and prntrdiy marched up to the ticket window with 80 cent and asked for two tickets. 50 was; handed to them am they were gllowed to enter without 'paying. The crowd, that attended the show last night waa a gay one and many who' came n' the early part of, th evening stayed unt II the closing of the doors, slid were enjoying, themselves every minute, of their Every lady 'whb stopped at the "exhibltof the Handan was, given 'a, Wilt be tonight's show.

tiooiuOO Worth 8o'ld. success of the has surpassed: the utmbst.expectations! of both' the aBeoQlatlph members, and the deiiefa; outside bf the association, who are.exhlbltlng the show, Not only has, the large; made show a success, but the as tea that have been 'made 'exhibitors "are" I. rho'st unbelievable, when it la stated that JiOO.OOO worth of cars 'hav. at ready been sold in the twoVdaya of the show, Of this amount about $00,000 are re tall sale, and the' balance Wholesale to. sub dealera from, out of the city.

The majority 'of; the cars sold at. retail have' bech purchaaed' by'jFbrt he people, The highest price for! a. Car Was ind the next hlgheat 12,700, and bothof theae Cars were bought by Fort Wijyne men. Every dealer at theahbw the'biislhesa, itd': though some dealers have beep more heavily patrbnited than one dealer alone selling eight cars, whtcji hrought' nearly there la.not one hut who Is perfectly satisfied, for' whtte It was anticipated that few. ears would be sold, the sales have exceeded tha! 'highest hopes.

The majority o'( the cars sold have been touring cars, with TunabnutA' coming and limousines third. M. Oriffln, of this city, who owns a 40 horse power NationalNational raclngcar, for which the Ran Motbr company, hos the ageh'cy. purchhied a hew sixty horse power raor.Frlday, this being the only racing car sold at the show. Not Only were sles bf pleasure cars made, but sales Of commercial cars 4'aae o.J MAKES PURCHASE $24,000.

F.raaman Property1 on Eatt Superior, Street. Henry K. Freeman, cashier of the Tlrst National bonk, today pnrchas, from John Conrad, residing a tract of 122H feet; on the snbfh side of.Enet Superior streef. between Clin fori and Borr streets. purchase was negotiated through the Homer I.

Vao Meter agency an the cdnsldera tion. was .124.000. The property lies ithmedlaleiy east b'f tb tract recenily purchased by (3, as the new home for their In grocery Concern; arid la especially valuable for Its track frontage, pccupylng the site Is the old lliird planing mill and, sheds which. have been used as feed Vartl, Mr, Freeman said today he. had no 'rtefinlte" plana regarding the' property, and the purchase merely as ah Investment.

MI REPORT AGAINSTBILt Uncertainty as id sibffbf; the Senate Committee. RECIPROCITY MAY: vt GetabAdART Hciw the Members of' the Committee Are Iiikely Washlhgtbh, Feb. nnanc commit tee. of the. senate waacalled 'together'together today In bf th McCail'tiill to.

supply the machinery required to put Into, effect tb reciprocal trade with Panada. Three or four da.yi Cpnaumed by tha.cbromMtee; reaching a :deC.lsloti:as;'tb Ihe of reporting tha "''it' waa to limit hearings to Monday and Teday. all of tie 'or hearings Came from, agricultural Cphi mlttee wi.B "(ieRaloreyin. hour half anil adjoiirrimcnt Was taken until Doubt of Enough Votes. Whether there are 'vojes enough the comrnitiee to rerbrt the bill favorably' fou't'd 'not' be' lenVn'ed hrfha outset 6fJ tho meeting and probably will hot be known until.

wheb Senator will be able, to he present, Aa a matter of tact the members; of the committee feel that It Is Immaterial how hill is reported, wheth er favorably, adversely or recommendation. The indications are that ihe' method Will' be employed In the "interest': of the early transfers of the fight to the Cf the senate. The most ardent supporter of Cana dian reciprocity on the committee are Senator Culum, of Ililnojs; Seitatpf Money, of Mlsaisslppl, Senatqr Stone, of il lasourl. Lodge 'Glo'uetsr Had It' hot for the Injuryto ths flahlng Industry of Glpuoester, Mass Senator Lodge of. that tate would ha've'bea'n the teadef In "the forthebm Ing )h the Senators Tallofe'rrb and.

'Bltrtmbns, the bthet tninnrlty rhembers, probably bppose the Senator Burrow who Is sctlng, chair rnsT "Ot Jh thj absence of Senator Aidrlch and Senators' Snid.ot and Fllntithpugh opposed "to the; sgres" mentfin the ground that it endanger the principle 'of protection, usually are found smorig'thos supporting, administration roeasurca; HaJe and McCuniber are bitterly opposed to the agreement while the poaltldn of Sena tor Penrose has not been tfeciarea. ING Distffct Contest Began With Thirteen Competing ior. HARD fOlGHT ALL WAY 'THROUGH tBMEO Woman Pays for Funerals 'of Foreigners' in Utah, DIED IN EXPLOSION WILL TEST WATER FIRST. Dr. Eric Cru il has been asked to take samples of water from Wells ut the City Soiap works, the Berghoff brewery and: from a packing house In.

the eat end aridsepdiit the state' chemist (or If It found pure wells HI drilled City property with a view of establishing the pew pumpfnsj NTo wells have been drilled under, the coh tract, recently let 'by the city, but. aonie will be sunk In the vlcnity of No. 1 station, tmuthWest Of the city. GAINS NEW Atithbnjr TVartiR. "chipteV.

pt the American Woman's league; is Increasing rapidly Irt membership, thirty new igmertnjvlnsflheefl added tthe rolls recently, vims quaunes tlbn'foria No. chapter house, the membership 'hopes to seenraj very soon, Salt Dnke IJtah Felj. liEfl.x teen friendless; forelgne'ra wili' share the grave of Hugh McOulr In Chl Vary verniers In this" City as the re sult of a woinn desire to give dignified burial, 'n her Hugh Mo Oalre.was fo eTian of a ctew cf ItaliansItalians an' Oreeks which suffered 1 l.rmlnnlfon tn the' riowaer exnlnsion at Devil's Wide, last The hodles of the dead were so commingled that. identification was Impoaslbte, The fragments were Interred together at Morgan, utan. The mother of Foreman.

Mcfjulre, after making ever, effort; to Identify the remains other Bon, applied, to' the Morgan county authorities for permis sion to bury all that was found of the sevenieen exploeloh victims, Iter request; was 'granted and the reburlal will take ptaco! today with appropriate rltea. A monument will mark the resltpg place; 'of the victims. 'ICE ARE; 8ituat'ran Around Cape Breton laland Is Much Iroprovsd. Sydney, C.B., Feb, IS. Tl'ie (cb fio along the shore of fap Breton av been pat tJally, liTted.

The. steamer Bruce, which hmlntnlns betweenPort Aiix Hasnues; N. Fv snd North Sydney, reached Loulshurg last night after a wtck's Imprisonment In the Ice oft Low Point. The Brure.durlng. port at her bondage, waa In grefit.danger ss the grinding flora threatened to crush In ber sides srid 'the! lee piled her ran, po, serious, was net preqicament that her sixty, passengers left her and made helr way oh foot over the Ice tb ihe mainland, The governmeht Ice breaking steamer Stanley, which afso had heen.caught In the grip of the Ice, freed herself yesterdayyesterday and sailed with the malsfpr the Magdalen Islands.

WILLIAM ROCKEFELtER BETTER. New Tork, FeblSV Rockefeller; who home pn! Fifth avenue, continues to Improve; it.wa ta (eij at an4 early; reepvery' is; 'J'obked' Bockefeller Is. suffering from an! aC tack of lahibagbi th result i'bf a bard go Prof Beah: of Chair 'z': min, and Prof; CoS, of Pronouncers i'nder the direction of bean, Albion. they superintendent, of. the county sChoelsi, acting as1' end' with Henry 'E.

Auburn, th uperlrttendenfj ot' the peKalb cburtty' rchools, as, pro, Wuncer. snii SupfrinFcndcnt JJ' of OiJt.rett; Ptbf! 'Kem, tier, of Warsaw, arid Prof, Hubert Vootheee. of Fort: Wayhi as Judges, the. cohtejr for the Twelfth jdlstrtcl hegan at 9iti o'clock thin the 'udltbrluti of the' 'J Jlilih ti thla tty. Thcre, Were! 'only flv jutities; ieft 1 resented.

DeKalb for Vonie reasotv not, being X' presented, and thirteen eon; y. testsnts. Each evuntr was entitled ,19, "threes b.iit Rtenb'eh nd'I4gn fh: had only two. The contestants were' the! winners In the county roatches ra cently held and were as foiiowaJ. Steahcn AVIMi Co and Iv.

LagrnngeGenrge t)Ma'. mona" kotlk Fern Moore, Veronica MM ur and Beatrtcjf Ijieho. Whitley Maud Bitiner. Cilen OatIO way. and Elnoto DeVlna Allen Edith McCionagte, Etta Hemfich and EnlllaMnrtln.

There was. a fair sited audience present, the pareblatiod 'rlends of the! tonJCstants, at the' opening, but the'; atteiidnnCe Increased considerably (. the forcnohii, hbure passed; Begsn Doing Down. For a half hour, the pellr took.tha wor'da. as prbnognced; 'dipitlhctlyur J'rof.

Cbe, the being used, snd spelled them quickly' 'and correctly. They were all. champion' Vpellers, "and' to' carry on tne irooora ot me ony win. the prtie of fejireeentlpgitha liar trlct' in the contest: yet ts); be hfid. The; district; entitled to three repreaehtatives, this state tpnresjw.

It wa ititt ib'ciock vhen first; SpClief, Fefn.Sioorb, the champion, speller bf the Contest held, went down, It was; onthe simple word 'sh. Spelling of aa. George of L'agrsnge; 'next to In spelling he used! tnstejd f)f the last "sr; At 2 o'clock, when an; adjoyrnmeht' waa taken until for "dinner thera tird ben six down alt6gther, lesylhg sefen on tha floor. Aftsrnpon'a Battl. hour adjournment, Superintendent Co renewed the" of words; there were seven cohteslantf, 'all on tTieironr iWlng th going down' besMei pern, Mooa Oeorge, Oldii Were Wllilii Cox On ''lul" nil," Olen on Maud Betaher on 'perforale," monla Teagv on "copyright" This left standing, the following; Iva Crane; VefonW Maxeuri Beatrice Idaho, Elnore IWV'Ine, Edith McQon agle, Kttft liemrlfk and Euilla! the latter three representing Allen.

county, PREDICTS EARLY ACTION; Cspt, Csmpbell Regards Toledo Cbl 'cgo Canal; 4s Certainty. 'rr confident 'that. Ihe proposed T0'40 Chicago hairge canal by way of Fort Wayne 'will be Capt. Charlis Campbell, editor; of la willing tV hxard, a more Jefihlta prediction. He believes, the next two or three years i certain to see tha beginning of actual construction work, Accompanied by A.

Randall, Capt. r'amphell baa been spending thla a eek In the territory through which (he canal will pa ond has addressed mAttnc nt Hnn tlneton. Rochester. Goshen and (South JElehd. This' even ing, in response to an urgent inyua Oon.

Capt Campbell wilt apeak at Hiiritlhgton for the socqnd' time. Sunday night Mr. Campbell, will, de liver srl address In Westminster; Pres. byterlan church In this and. on Monday will ga with Mr, RAndall fbr'' meeting at 'HUNTING FOR Terre, 'jnik', Feb.

H. Dbeat are' today iearchlrig for four prisoners of the Vigo county Jail who, escaped lasi evening: irpm nmx. rue Superintendent Fred Mullen on hla At Aav in Vifflre. Mullen vesterdsv'' inbn who. rsslgneil' because of criticism which; fplldwed.

tha escape. of one prisoner hands. 1 da 'wt THE WEATHER, Washlngtcn, Feb. U. Forecast Indiana Rain' "tonight and Sundkyi'.

probably turning to anbWi colder brisk, north ahdhbrtheast Illlnoisrt with ralni in south pbrtlprn; tonight; 'and Sunday" arid, i anew In horth, portion tonight or Bundayj colder In southst portion tbhlght. inow tonight and, probablr Sundayi, colder, brlik. north end northeast winds: iJower Mlchlgan Bnbw' tonight of Sundayi tolde. tonlghtj, brisk north and northeast Winds, mi 3 v. r.

I W'S i 4 A JA, Ki i 'i ft 'jff i a1 'Hi (i' at 1.

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