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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 8

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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jgsT THE FORT WAYNE JOURNAlrGAZETTE WEDNESDAY MORNINfcV AUOUT 7. 11 Mens. All Wool tSJJll wn iSi Bathing Suits We have them in all sizes and colors, value $5 00 special Men All Wool Jersey Sweaters, in all shades and sizes, values $5 00, special Men's All Wool Homespun Suits, were $25 00 Don't overlook this ads study it Jrou know the market conditions The above garments can not be duplicated $3.49 $3.49 $14.75 120 122 East Berry Street MAKE THIS STORE YOUR STORE EARLY SHOPPING. IS BEST COME EARLY OVER EMBANKMENT hiftiaTnarT Is injured and Others of Family Have Close Call. ANGOLA, Ind Auk Morley suffered ft dlalocalloft one shoulder and painful cujh about the face and her husband and thtr two children, Bayne and Bather had a close call from serious Injury at 1 80 clock this morning when their automobile went over a ten foot em tankmen a mile and a half from Auburn The Morley family was en route home from Qrablll and about three miles from Auburn the battery In the ear gave out, shutting off the Mn fc Offer Zg? After each meal YOU fiat one ATOMIC ifhHI YOU STOMACH'S UkO misery AIDS gesttorf; keeps the stomach sweet snd pure EATONIO lathe bMt rwiwdyaad only tarMndnuanll.

Vniwllbadf n.hta. with Mu ta. BattrfaeUon uaxeaawd ONSULT A SPECIALIST pf Known Reputation Free Who Has the Largest Practice of Diseases Peculiar to Men in the City. E. W.

MORELAND, M. D. 128 W. Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. Si Notice wmh xlTe a cure and entire satisfaction.

4 lt Is a specialist office wnere thoee bin need of medical aid are treated pent in every respect ana wnere ney are dealt noneauy vim ana oneclenttously You are told noih nc but the trutn. wnat you may spend upon and what you will And itiy as represented. MY EIGHT YEAR8 CONT1NU JS PRACTICE IN FOHT WAYNE POSITIVE EVIDENCE OF MY ABILITY TO DO WHAT I AOVFR nse THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE tOTH PROFESSIONALLY AND FINANCIALLY k.Tt method used for curing the Iflfseeses I treat are time tried and inererore in accepting; a treatment Is perfectly 1e to nromlse the same re hat scientific method have Remember my charges are rea Csnent within the reaeh of any one neeaing tne services 01 XhW4 every one may be assured the tiling; and glad to pay for haneflta received. I POSITIVELY CURE VARU 4COCELE, HYDROCELE RUP fJTURE BTRIUUKt kkivai SI 3 EASES PROSTATIC 7HUU LE8. KIDNEY AND BLADDER lEASES SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON AND NERVOUS DE B1UTY.

bioat. neou patches, pimples, copper VQoJored spots, sores and ulcers, bone insJu. fsillnr hair or any other jaymptoma of contagious bood pol in eiiner onmirr mmcanau.rr or rtlary etagee, come to me and be na or it jay treaimei destroys the vtrt clears skin. tmrlflea the btood and loroughly cleanses and eradicates 1 trecea of the Dolson from the system. 1 stop Hi Vnd all (ganger of transmission or recur 0P aroece removea tThe treatment I administer for poison acta rapimy upon tne sed blood cells, expelling the oleon therefrom and soon shows the entire satisfaction of the pa the deadly virus or poison Is being forever exterminated from tne system aoa tne oure eirectea i want every victim of this disease rwfao has heretofore been treated Without benenta and WHO DESIRES to BE CURFD aU upon me here at my office PWmr write me when I wilt take rtirt tf leaeure in explaining to you a CITa treatment that DFATl WW pbadlt BLOOD FOWON Thia iltTeatmeat oon ains nothing that is hut trnrlhna anI mhuilAa he jThtra from the damaging of fin flesh, the skin to retrain Its healthy oolr and condition and in leV? 'amoving tie poison from Ithe system restores the suffeier TThat which the disease ha impaired ifrT wiix ooht vou NoraiNo 4V an Atuu jvn V.

CA1A RMAI. CONDITION. hp JV Catarrh of the nose, throat and EWnw inhelatlon method It removea irritation, pain in furenetui end prevent lung combUcation. yvtiromo bronchial and vulreonary Nervous Debility Han VkalltT is diminishing end there are thousands of them owe It to themselves to take prompt eteps to relieve a. condition which ult mately leads to misery and help essness At no time In a man life does he need more the services of a SKILLED SPECIALIST I give each and every case lnc" vidua! treatment and my original perfected methods are safe sura and certain In bringing back atrength and vigor They build up the phys leal, mental and ltal man Inv go rate the wasted organs and soon restore the nufferer to IfOBUSl MANHOOD.

BBBBBBBBBBslBBt SBBBBBBsi EliZssmsssal illssssssssssssssflsw sasssssH MORELAND I MORELAND ind operate my own ofToe Come te me in confldeneei you will receive my personal atten en II use ypu honestly treat yeu skillfully and our you permanently Varicocele TSi" the lost treacherous, and client and certain In Its 111 results of all known all ments of men. It makes lta appear ance apparently without causes, but never ceases In lui destructive in fluencea until It robs a man of all his vigor vitality making him a complete physical wreck. Under my treatment a healthy circulation of biooa le quickly re es ablished to tne parts the wasted given to the organism Every trace ox weakness disappears, drains and emissions cease the weakened eye tern Is strengthened you become atroi ger and better In every way and will aon possess the sense of well being which aooompaniea ood health and robust manhood. the disease without resorting to the pain or danger of the old time operation metbqda, IN JUSTICE TO MT THEAT UKNTIVIIICII HAS KWVEfMTET MET "WITH FAILURE, WHERE USED ACCORDING TO INSTRUC TlOt A ONLT ASK A THOR OUGH INVESTIGATION TO MAKE TOU IF YOU ARE A 8UF FEREft FRO THIS OFTEN FATALLY NEGLFrTED DIS BASE, ONE OF THE MANY VJ0 ARE TO DAY I METHOD AND SENDINO OT" ERS TO MB FOR TREATMENT My method prom ptly re duo the enlarged condition of tlw cfotjrn. and ppeedlly and perm nently restore the part to perfect health and sound ess.

No pain Hydrocele You are under no ebt gatien te take treatment unlets my charges terme and arrangements are eat af actory I always make prices and terme ef payw ent te ait the pat ent a eonvenUnee. Kaiser BUI thought "American were fer peace at any price and dern me If they alnt. but he going to pay ne price wnen they git tn rough. light Fred Felck of Garrett, hao pened along the road and towed the party for a abort distance. Then It was decided that It would be better for the Morley car to follow the Felck car All went well until another machine passed Felck and supposing that Mr Morley had decided to go ahead of him hurried on, leaving the Angola party without a guide.

At Gambling a bridge over a creek in roua maxes a sharp turn and Mr money was unaDie to see this aiiv lng down the embankment. At member of the family were thrown from the car but with the exception vi tan. money an escaped any serious Injury The woman was taken to Auburn where her Injuries were treated and she wae later taken home. The car was badly wrecked. ARE LEARIN1NG 10 SAVE THEIR MONEY Plan of Industrial Loan and investment Co.

Teaches Thrift. Habits of saving are easily learned If a systematic plan Is followed out Such a plan la offered by the Indua trial Loan and Investment comnaAY Many people harassed by by the feeling that they have become In debted to the grocer theMoctof the coal man and there, sometime reach a point of discouragement which would not be the case if they could only lump" the whole sum and pay it out at one place The "Indus trial has a plan whereby anyone who can save a dollar or two each week can relieve their hands pre serve their credit and enter upon a satisfactory plan to save their money Charles Steles secretary man ager of the Industrial, Is In per sonal charge of the company's office on the ground floor of the former Sentinel Dutming on west wayne street. He will be pleased to explain the plan whereby a loan of $50 costs oniy a year or even iiiiuus a. a year provided the bo to we serves carefully the terms of his agreement with the corxpany. Adv WANTED Boy for office work; one that can operate Underwood typewriter.

Fort Wayne Engineering Manufacturing Co. Sixth and North Harrison Sts. KlBilY COMETOFORTWAYNE Endeavor to Secure Him for Speaker at Great Liberty Gardens Fair. Oener.1 Chlrman Frank HUM m.n announced last waning that ar. ood prospect, to a.

on. of th at th comlnn liberty gardens fair no 1J a per onac than Oerari (or fc fcft Vi Trf Revere Cord Stamina "They hare the stuff in them." That's the answer when you are asked why Revere Tires stand up so well. No materials are too good for Revere Tires. Extreme care and skillful, painstaking workmanship go into them. These tires represent the kind of craftsmanship in which Paul Revere delighted.

They are truly worthy the name of that great patriot. The stamina of Revere Tires Is also the reason for their economy. Longer life, many more miles of wear, freedom from tire troubles all these result In less cost per mile when the season's expenses are footed. Revere Tires Include the Revere Cord, which is a real improvement in cord construction, the well known Tread, the Revere "Granite' and "Plain." REVERE RUBBER COMPANY, Mfra. 1788 Broadway, New York MOSSMAN, YARNELLE Distributors Pearl Street Phone 115 TIRES THE COURT NEWS LEO HAN FILES INT Denies Every Allegation of His Wife in Her Petition for Divorce.

In the complaint of Erma Neuman for dlvoroe filed In the circuit court )esterday her husband Leo Neuman has filed a cross complaint and a general denial to each and every al legation He says In bis cross com plaint that the defendant refused to prepare Ms meals and that he was compelled td do the work himself, and when he remonstrated with her she would call him vile names she told him that the child born to them was not his He also claims that plaintiff associated with lewd char acters Leonard, Rose and Zollars are attorneys for defendant. 6T00KEY VS. STOQKgY Guy Stookey has Hied complaint for divorce in superior court from wife Edith Emrlck aV Emrlck attorneys for plaintiff. This couple were married In 1H4 and lived together until a few days ago locum defendant with cruel and Inhuman treatment. RUPTURE CURED Sufferers from rupture jrUl glad know this annoying and dangerous affliction can be ot red without resorting to the sur geon knife My treatment If painless and la warranted Jo JU tbe breach Armly and heal the SPECIAL D1SEASCS New or old, acuta or chronic, such as pains ard burning; Uo new stages and ulcer, swelling, all three stages cured quickly and secretly to tay cured case I accept for treatment, Kidney.

Bladder and Prostatic Diseases I master these die ases because I have found new and mighty weep on with which to ght them My treatment goes direct the root of the trouble, the proper remedies are supplied and diseased conri ttotu. are overcome oy prempt und er feotive measure and the patient Is soon dismissed perfectly cured, Po not allow these terrible diseases to get the start of you) at the very first symptoms consult a reliable Saeciallst. Your very life may de peftduponHprompracnon. REYNOLDS V8 REYNOLDS Charles Reynolds Is suing his wife Ida, for divorce in superior court, in his complaint he st thitt thev sra married aeven years celved a telegram from Mr Gerard ago and that about four years ago wmen aays he deserted mm snd never car Many thanks for oordlal InviUtl bacj jn mu that time Emrlck to visit ort Wayne early In Bep tmrick are attorneya for pUinUlt Will do this with pleasure In that vicinity but cannot aa my pi DAVIS VS DAVIS Local Weather Data Department ef Agriculture Local Office Weather Bureau rat Inr tha t4 hciura ndinsr at 00 Aug 118 Temperature at tne ana or aaen neur 1 ,100 AM 87 68 Ho 00 AM 11 00 A.M 83 SS IS oon tS IS 100PM 81 00 .100 84 I 00 3.100 S3 4 04 PM 100 00 A 81 (00PM 100 8 00 AM 80 00 PM 99 1 09 A.M 7 HOPM 16 temperature, 101 10 00 PM 11 00 PM dn gnt 100 AM I 00 AM year 80 this date last Lowest temperature, this date last Hlo hest temperature since the first of the month 108 on the th Lowest temperature since the first of the onth 62 on the laU Total precipitation tor zi nouri, Total precipitation since the first of Barorntter, reduced to OOP Relet ve humidity! 12 00 Noon 00 29 IT Inches GREAT DOllAR DAY Innumerable Places to Spend One Dollar and Make It Do the Work of Two. SPANISH 'FLU' SPREADS ALLJF EUROPE Two German Armies Put Out of Fighting by Strange Malady.

(By be NMnpaaw BatarprtH Aatadattoa.) LONDON August ft. Influenza Spanish 'flu" aa It Is called Is spreading throughout 'Europe. in ixmaon aione mere nave been ore than 800 death from the dls ease In less than two months One week In July the deaths In London reached S87 Quinine queues are common sights The Fourth and Sixth German armies were out of the fighting for weeas who tne disease ana great tiu camp have been established In Bel glum end France where the Germans were sent to receive treatment and to prevent the disease from spreading mrougn me nun armies Many deaths occurred In these two German armies and other German units. Few cases have been reported rar tmonr the allied amiiu in Prance but the civilian population of In Britain the disease not mn. fined to London.

The country districts and other cities suffer greatly In Leeds. Manchester Herts, Eghan. Sheffield and Birmingham certain schools and factories have been closed Perhaps the greatest toll, if reports are to be believed. Is being taken by the epldemto In Austria, also victim of cholera and dlseaaea arising from malnutrition. The number of cases In Austria is reported to be reckoned In thousands, Spanish "flu In lta symptoms le much like what the Americans call grippe.

But It Is more eevete and often fatal. In Russia both Spanish "flu" and SPECIAL SERVICE TO AUTO OWNERS In line with War Onset ration principles we will hereafter close our place of business at nv every week day also all day Sunday To accommodate thoee who may have trouble on the road at night we will have a night emergency man whose duty will be to reapond to all calls where pulling In Is necessary no matter what make of car and turn such cars over to any repair shop as directed by the owner the following day Try Joumal GazetU Want Ads. One cent a word. They bring results. Is Your Blood Starving For Una avl.

I. aulnx her hua a rtKTmti Car ton "and Thoma. Uavle. for dlvorc. In at ine aim 5 ernon wmiami certain Kindly communicate wl me tfbout ten flays meeting taK N.Tort ir ond communication reoatvaa irom tn.

man who waa unafraid to exhibit niakta aome etron claim. H. mad. the kaUer and hi. cohort, the true Immoral he auaulted I Itit ef Am.rlca.

her by hitting her In the eye with I la Other men of equal prominent may "at an hard that her ht waa im hn .1 for th. rreat four d.v paired for Mima tlm. he atruck hir event which herlne on the 4th again after hi. in th. aame Keplemrter The rair win p.

nem in place witn 1 1. net ana men uv w. II baaebatl puik, under ah te aerted her June liUT of eleven Immenae tenta. which are 0 by 110 feet In a ae II COURT NOTE tent, will ntaln the dlaplaya of lie ducta of thu garden, of yort jn eir0ult court In relation to th. Th.

great combined dollar day uburban day of mid lummer 1. b.ra, Th. crowd, which, pour Into Fort Wayne thia mornln will find "every thing aa adyertlaed" with countloa. dollar trad. tnducera.nta awaltlua; them After the purchaiea ar.

made there will be time to Tlalt ether and li the array of good, by th. many dealer who unltd In th. day. euceeae Thou who have he time, and who have brought th. cl Udren with them will be In intere.taa in a leacur.

at the Chautauqua thia afternoon, a apactacular pagaant in which lZi children take cart. It beglna at I clock Captain George Frederick Campbell, th. Urltl.h aviator who yie aH CITY NEWS fcw 1 ELECRlCiry treatment gives vigor makes mid die aged men strong es the youth and makes young nun strong revitalises the nerves when ex hsueted frwA overwork or worry It cures nervous and general debil Ity loss vt ambition lame back difficulty In concentrating your thoughts and th whole train of symptoms that result from the stove causes. suIUtlon and Examination Absolutely Free end Confidential 4 Successfully Treat end Cure Nervous. Chrome and Private Dutaitt ot MEN AND WOMEN.

You Can See Me at My Office From 9 to 12, 1 to 5, and 7 to 8 Sundays 0 to 1 CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION AND OPINIONS GIVEN WITHOUT CHARGE if You Cannot Call, Write for Information, People coming te Far. Weyne In search ef treatment sre requested te see ens Immeelataly upon arriving (n the eity. as Many ere eured in one er twe treetsnent. E. W.

Moreland tfeM werr wAVHt tht, fort wayn. Indiana. rerm.neally Cata.1 ah.d Blanch Kern, matron at th. courthgue. haa raturned from a with h.r brother Al fred K.rna at Camp hr man Thllllcoth.

Ohio with Co ath Englncr. Corp. Mr Kern, la to aoon aea overeea. duty and la i well with army life I 00 Genuine Cow Hid. Bella idc during our Oreat Half Hrtr.

Hal. PATTERSON tUKTCHEH CO A.lile of Margarat Halber Unai re port Ueorge lialbar aaminia trator unerlor ootirt li.nry ueta va Le. Bcolea Complaint on not. D. mana nwt arena oeiu.

mu ui Myera attorney, for plaintiff Blniuaap. county jauerwa. jaw ing th. clgara around to th. boyi ye.terday tt a a baby boy hraoiht down eiahteen Oernr plane, will apeak at the Chautauqua to night, beginning at a cioca.

Th. dollar BDeciala however th. real attraction, and theM should hav. firat attention and flret oonaia ration. Mechanical draf Uman de iret vrotk evening.

Telephone 3577 black evening. Savin Of SUgar No sugar is required with the aeliciouj food GiupeNuts REAL eTATl TRANr eR cirr TI eooor. inieme ei ui aivrg u. iu. m.n.

Add for 12171 00 Hop. hoapllel to Albert Mao. beth. lot. 4 IT 411 Hamilton! tourth Addition for I11J00 0O Albert li Macbeth, et ux to Clara i trarnanan ii.

I Hamilton ourth Addition, for 1 16 000 0. Emily Wright Hood to O.rtrud. Old. part lota and I Colleg. lac.

I Imi roveniept Company Addition for li mo COUNTRT Loula Qladleua, et ux to Hot man Joeeph Alerting part aectlun II town. hip 10 rang. 14 ea.t, tor I 1 000 00 Loul. a Qladleux at ux to Cha. liurna part II town.hip 10 north rang, it aaai, lor fivuuuv ITh.

H.le of all Palea. Catteraon lletch.r'. Ureal Ha 4 Crlc. Bale te gin. thia morning at eight orluik, fAtTt RMUti k'LKTCHER CP On Cheek and Head.

Cross and Fretful and Restless. Scalp Dry, When my baby was three months old cam. on his runt cneea and on th. to. of his bead His chetk would get led and ha would scratch until It bled He was cross and fretful and at olf ht th.

eruption made him restless His scalp beeem. vary dry and bis lacs looked s. 1 got sampls of Cuticura, than bought a cake of Cuticura Soap and a boa cl Cuticura Ointment and I did not uss ths whoW bos of Ointment with the Boep when h. was beeMd (Signed) Mr. Wm Evens, 111 Met rill St Mien, Clear the pores of Impurities by dally uss of puticura BO touches id Cuticura Ointment.

aaii. iMk fie ar awl a It ad. iSt Sm. Xw. Ummm 4 Ma lihw SM.

Iron Is Red Blood Food It Helps to Put Strength Energy Into The Vein Of Men And Roses Into The Cheeks Of Women Many a man. and woman who ought stQl te te young In feeling Is losing th old time vim and energy that make Ufa worth living simply because their blood is starving for Iron, Iron Is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food Into living tissue muscle and brain. A prominent New York Surgeon and former Adjunct Pre fessor of the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital Dr Kenneth K. MoAlpine says "if people would only realise that iron Is Just as ta aispensaD'e to tne mooa as is air to tne lungs and be just as particular about keeping VD sufficient supply at all times there would. In my opinion be far less disease resulting front anaemic weakened conditions.

In my opinion, Nuxated Iron is the most valuable tonic, strength, and blood builder any physician can prescribe." VaunrvaVCTvasAr mots kuiim rem. mJHbt tYZ" In wltM. hM km twanribi. mad I STM bf trx4etut. kod ht) I fPaWT lagflTsBBBBB.

to tiNd le Kara mi Uoe twsavU wiviflk) to wil Iukots to erwuuu Wr fharav Vbsw UM im InMiiiUi IMS ittwat Um ww e. awtwsMturw. etiawaatws enmiaafwl eS eSMly euto (tMMV iw uito le trtei i er la. wul tWu4 SMir si 1 FREE Auto Touring Information By The YELLOWSTONE TRAIL ASSOCIATION, INC A ANTHONY HOTEL FORT WAYNE, INDIANA Fr.m Any t. Any Deetlnetl.n In th.

United ttatea, Kaulpp.d is Qlv. R.utss and Oener.l Reed Cendltlens. ErECIAtLY FOR NORTHWCtT TOURING. Ioneat and R.Iiabl. Worm.tion Fra.

Fbona, Horn 4257. A POtTAt WILL 00 THI BUCINI.

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