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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 4

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

irVrr i jfc COMPANY, Are 'Now Offering The Daily Sentinel. SATURDAY, APBHt'4, 1885. ALL THE LATE NOVELTIES isr l)r. J. Diiwen returned from Qhioago last night.

Two hundred eoplehve left Wabash, county or the vhst since January 1, ftliaa Dell Mcpidlan. of Aburn, tha The Pclo clubs compete at tha Academy' rinETflonday. lit, and Mra. J. It Williams returned trout Chioago last night, Tha Wabash system will 'drop the Quito branch about JtineUt.

Thq "hat carnival lit th Princess rink Monday erenlng mil be a gala erent, The court house clock took a day off yesterday (Good Friday). It 3a running to day again. MissVine Kfplinger has retnrned kqou rota. Thi Mr In Utt ftoOuohUd Kmh ttni for Ihp I'lainHff Sanction Ih4 tht tftnr Clothing suit has Ibeen on trial hj the circuit court for the post few days. It was by the Kothschfld brothera against Julia Nirdlinger and Moses Koch to set aside the sale of lie Star clothing house to the latter.

A former attach mentunit ttas dismissed and the neit BOOTS AHDMOC9v At 00 Cent on the Dollar. On tale this week at Chicago rJlioe A large stock of boots and tiroes, bought at Ctfoento On tha dollarjhroujll the consignment of several large uW sfactorers of tha best goods made. Come andase, Chicago Shoe Store. 3 Keystone look, next door to Meyer Bros, drug tore. Tie pretty fsmala book agent wTtEw 1JaV VTOtym is tha work aha represents.

The Wall Paper House imq viJ in 4mawu whera can be found the latest and new est designs and patterns In wall paper for plain, ornamental and artistio wore, It will pay you to call and examine our go6mffd5arpn4tseTore lttrn'if any work done in our line. We also make a BpooialtyLn sign and house paint ing ana win oe pieaseq iq inrmsn estimates upon application. 2 St WrLLUX Yeboiks. 'ill i i I Try Centime's Bock beer; will be on draught 3 3t GUMPPER Appreciates the coning of spring, and In order that his spring trade may be unusually large, the following prices will prevau iwwXTOneryoupei. Brown sugar, So.

owta tifctoe to Jear jw.t for ton fences, and hwe ftem put tip 1rtilk 7Dir; axe'repaTrlfijr MHl ileafiifig Tooj front yard. Nottttag will do more iron fence. Call and samples. Wv AMiAssux, 33 Weil Main Street. Mia Hoy, late of the firm of HartA fl ml Oorprholesale nuUiners, of ilrereWnd, Ohio, has taken 'charge of Mrs.

Jacob Baltes millinery deportment and will oa deaTortosuit ladies cl the most, lasM 1 ions taste. 2 3t Berlin, Paris and Eastern Made Wraps, limit MaiiT l.irSW ii iii 4 fcfuany A iii i.r,tt.i Mantles, Jackets, Newmarkets, Jersey Ulsters, Visites, Raglans, And Jerseys. Jfrices on all garments are very muchflower of any other season. TAILOR JADE ML We offer a large and choice yanery of the latest styles In all the new colors. n.

Special Attention' it called to the superior workmanship, trimmings and general make np of all our garments. Ladies, Call and See the New StyVa. TVy will Interest yoyi. Our Carpet AND TTDholstery Departm Ale alroi full 4U aboieett Moquetts, Velvets, Brussels 3 Ply Ingrains, And the lower grades of Carpets, Do you intend to Refurnish? CALL AND INSPECT. STAY PROLONGED Until May 9.

UBPEECEDENTED SUCCESS! tilNtaf. How. under Treatment; 48 Tuits (JLwaT b7 Mm, Prononiicei iscnraDle. VmVf jL4 ssaal DR. NICHOLLS, English Specialist, RoteoiHottse, Fort Wape, Indiana.

At ths request of bit man; patients and In order to aooommodate all has arrange to prolong hli aur until Ma Ml CkrnnU rn nd tonn SUtndlng 'tiUeatet Huwfnllv Treated nTThe Doctor particularly Invites all caaes that have been given up 1( yoii are dolor well unncr the care 01 your own phrslolan oo not call on mo, mr pro vinos is to treat those who cannot And relief otherwise. CONSULTATION TEEE. Offloe hours rora a. to 8 p. guesfof ler friendTMias lionise Horton.

(Jeorge DeWald, the dry goods merchant, returns from New York this evening. 6T WWxIejTtlfl turnrd from Blooroington, 111., last night The Wabash pay car, after paying the men In the city, left this morning for Toledo, G. Byram, of IndianapoUvis the guest ct Steven Bond, at the Walnut Hill mansion. Owen, Piriey 0. the clothiers, cerre many complimentary nohoes from suburban papers.

EpDcteqtive TomrDoyle, the Baltimore and phio railroad, went west on the Pittsburg road Miss Eliia Lehr entertained a party of friendaqmtaploasft8tljt.a?JierJ(onieLon North Cass street, Thursday night. 'Mr. Charles Becker, of Tort Wayne, is at Grand Bapids vkiUuglis daughter, Mrs. E. A.

Bchnabelj 225 Barclay street. Mrs. 0. A. Leiter and child, who were "visiting up north, passed through the city yesterday en route to their home at Monroeville.

The north room ot the Mayer house is being fixed up in a seat way. Fred 0. BolU wjll occupy this apartment and open a saloou there. Eeubert' Berghofl, cashier of A. 0.

grocery house, waa at Decatur last Wednesday testifying in the forgery case againat Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sohiefer will give a grand reception wheu they occupy the Barnett homestead, May 1. Mr.

Sohiefer has leased the house for five years. Christ Laible died sb Logonsport lreater3ay.Jtojemajnsoame here to; day and will be buried from the family home, 66 DeWald street, to morrow afternoon at 2 30. O. Righter, night yard rnaater of the Pittsburg road at this point, has resigned to accept a similar plaoe at Philadelphia, John Repine succeeds him with W. T.

Carry as assistant The costuming of the William "Staf ford and Evelyn Foster company is said to be magnifioent Tnev will produce "Othello" at the Masonic Temple the evening of Wednesday, April 8, Judge Bicknell denied the motion tor a rehearing in the Case of the Bass Foundry and Machine works Clara Galloatite et at. The suit was appealed from the Marshal county circuit court Engineer TJ, Miller, for aeveral months night foreman at the Wabash round house at Andrews, has resigned that position and Will again take freight engine on the road. He is succeeded by Engkeer Charles Garrison. Christ Laible, whose parents reside in this city, who a short tune ago engaged in business with his father, Paul at Lo gansport, died yesterday, bis body was brought here for interment jThe funeral wilj take place onJMoudaJ' aftej noon from the residence of deceased on DeWald street' George SUvenjjPiru, division superintendent; 0, Doyle, train rnaa ter: S. B.

Sweet, dmison fteignt agent; A. W. Quackenbosh, assistant master mechanic, and Thomas Anderson, super intendent of the car department of the Wabash at Pern, were at Michigan City yesterday on an" inspection tour. The company anticipates no changes there at present John Beaton next Monday will remove the internal revenue office from naberkorn's building to A pleasant room here shewas CureauarahieedbrDr Maver.tne seoea. 111! ful SDeolallst.

Kase at onoei no operation ordelarfrom buslneM; ttnttia bv hundidA of auraa K3t Arah St. rhlla. t'ai tot circular. Advice free at Cut Mr houss, rort warns, wa iota each mo JunslMawlv EXTRA MESS MACKEREL 1 1 in 10 Pound Kits. Also, CANNED' PISH of allklndsn over Dreifer's drug slore.

Mr. Beaton is 4 ran BROCERY dO Calhoun Street AaavaHl' sues government licenses in Allen, De Kalb, Noble, Lagrsngo and Bteuben counties, lie also travels over Kosciusko, Huntington and Whitley counties, where he has jurisdiction. The office pays $1,200 a year, besides office rent and traveling expenses. "I don't want to talk about the crops, because yon will Say I am croaking, but nevertheless, it appears that the wheat in northern Indiana will be hardly a half crop; imi ten juteen bushels, at least below last year a pro duct waa out on soma Fayette county wheatflelda Sunday, and they give promise of the poorest crop eve known in thataection." So said Alex Heron, aeo rotary of the state board of agriculture. TWsTa Holy Saturday: a foastobserred in the Gatholio church with more solem mtylKCoanyolherr' On this" day to Are and Judy water used during the yearl are blessed.

The holy oils are also received. This year, in the absence of Bight 1W. Bishop Dwenger, the oils used in this diocese were blessed by Bishop Ciiatard. At the singing of the Olona the bells chimed and tl organ peals' burst forth again is anticipation of tha; glonous resurrootion of the Messiah. home ff dm Huntington the guest of friends.

Mrs. Charles G. Emricu, of Coessekis visiting MrSq Louis Schraeder, at 27 The Wabash company is very wisely laying about ten, miles of new steel rails between Wabash and Peru, John lallie, was at Huntington yesterday, where the Ann, ot Lillie Munson have stone quarries. The Wabnsb, has begun making freight shipments from Chicago to Detroit Tia the Chicago and Atlantic at O. Boughton, train master of the Wabash at passed through the city lhiajnorning.en routetalolodo, Mike Kahler is advertised as missing by a morning paper.

Mike is at Chicago and all right, so he writes his family. The limited express train on the ritts burg road, runmngXetween New York7 and Chisago, is atyled "tha fastest in the The state board of health reports the state to be in a distressingly healthy condition distressing to the '85 class Of new doctors. K. Frank A. Gibbs, a Wabash conductor, died at his home, in Lafayette; last Thursday.

He used to rnn from Lafayette to Fort Wayne, Th Uy etOraad iRapidatpropossa 1 sell $20,000 worth of bonds to pay for the erection of electno light towers to be built by the Fort Wayne company. Will B. Emery, the editor of the Huntington Democrat, was in 'the city Thursday. Will is one of the brightest young men in the state and his paper reflects it The resident members of the (thirtieth Indiana reiriment are asked to meet to riighUlihejfflce. oiCoiwty.CkikMwer,.

to arrange for the reunion which occurs at Sion 8. Baas armory next Tuesday, John Jones. Jacob Jones, and John Johnson, Monroeville bloads, came here yesterday to take the city. After filling up Marshal Meyer took them in and the young men, Who didn't, give their right names, paid fines tins' morning. Mr, Moore) secretary of the railroad O.

has returned to Fort Wayne with his family and taken charge of the association. Mr. Moore is a hard worker for jthe cause of Christ and the association will prosper and do good work under his management Heretofore the Guarantee company of North America, With headquarters at Montreal, Canada, has insured the" honesty of the Wabash cashiers, ngent and collectors, but on the of the present month fiwitched over to the American Surety company, ofew. The indications for the lower lake region, as reported by the weather bureau at Washington to Tin Semttniij, are as follows: Fait weather, clearing in extreme eastern portion, north winds shifting to southwest slowly rising, temperature falling, preceded in east portion by rising barometer. B.

Lane, of St Paul, arrived in the eity yesterday and will assume the local management of telephone exchange here next Monday. Mr, Lane is a clever fellow, and was formerly editor of the St Paul Despatch. Supt. tk O. ferry win continue to reside here and manage the affairs of this district, which includes all the territory between Logansport and Miohigan City, The Llgonier gamier says! "Leo, Looser and bride retnrned from their wedding tour last Saturday evening and are' now 'enscojiceftl 'iff the beautiful dwelling of ihe groom's parents where they will remain" Mr, issue was to test tha validity ofTd Koch's possession.

The jury this morning cams in with a verdict for Mrs. Nirdlinger and Moses Koch, affirming I tha sala aad giyipg Mx, claim property is vacatedL. weloozne "Mrs. Ivinta the society of onr beautiful little town and we feel sure that our people will find her a cultured and amiable lady." The editor of the Decatur Democrat says lie is threatened with a horsewhipping by couple of indignant Fort Wayne' females and their Adams county consorts. 'The newspaper man says that the recratloq had better In? postponed indefinitely, The atmosphere is not Just yet suitable (or that kind of amusement tbia time of Ihe year, and then it ain't right to treat a poor fellow 'that, way in public Tourist business promises 4o be much heavier this year than last, and therein everv indication that the several water ing places and pleasure resorts in north.

precedence over all others, This prao tioally settles the controversy, aa his claim, covers (he entire value of the stock, aid Mr. Koch will manage the Fort Wayne louse through an agent, aa his business at Cleveland calls him there. B. Adams, general roodmaster ot the Wabash; B. A.

Houghton, division roadmaster, and Win, Moran, Section foreman, are in the city to day attending the Little River ditch case. Theodore Eggeman waa yesterday giveii'a KcenBerto marry Miss Anne Zollinger, doughtier ot Henry Zollinger, of Adams township. Judge Sinclair to day adjourned' the superior eoort for the Una Judge Henoh will convene court next Monday. Eva D. Fliesohman sues George M.

Bach et at for partition of property. S. B. Alien is attorney for the plaintiff. Silas A.

Jackson sues James M. Cart wnght et al for $100. llobertson A Harper are attorneys for the plaintiff Commissioners Ely, Wiley and Shoaff filed a final report in the Brown ditch, established in Lake townsrjp. JohnKumbnl sues Kmma Stone to foreclose a $500 mortgage. Robert Stratton filed the complaint.

J. Marsh Coombs sues Blackman Weaver for $130, Coombs, Bell Mor ris appear for the claimant James Ninde seeks to. recover. $160 from Charles D. Foulkes et al, through his attorney, S.

Swayne. Frederick Baelke has sold to Herman Limbach lot 19, Swimiey's addition, for $325r Francis liarren was to day divorced friii Jane Marren by Judge O'Bourke. Judge Frszar has again adjourned ihe Little River ditch casa until April 20, J. E. K.

France waa appointed a no tary publio to day, kirmfd Evening XwiterUiinment To be given by ihe Arion society, under the leadership of Prof. O. A. Sohmidt assisted by Beineke's orchestra, at Arion hall, Bastes Sunday, April 5. 1886.

1 JuVnnercher Daa Lied wird That" Schwalm 2 Piano duet Rhapsodie" Liszt A. Schmidt and JS M. WoUanlc 3 Bass Solo, Ists and Sins' Mozart AUgUBt CKUU11UI. 1 Mainnerchor "Fruchlings Hymne. Becker 6 Cello Solo 'Paraphrase on Schubert's Serenade O.

A. Sohmidt 6 Tenor Solo Aria from "Der Freis chuetz weDer Wilh. Harkemper. 7 Bolo ouartet "8pinn, spinn" Juengot W. Harkemper, F.

Sohanz, H. Wolf and L. Niemejrv 8 Violin Solo ''Fantaisie on Masan ieUo" Alard 0 A. Schmidt OMaaiiEerohoJ''O GeistderToenA'Abt These pieces will be interspersed with selections by Beinekss orchestra. Doom open at 7 p.

m. Entertainment begins at 8 p. m. Admission, 25 cents. Mrs.

Mary Hightf Philadelphia, who farmeily resided in this city, is visiting Mrs. Neireiter, ot West Washing' ton street i ill, il, Herbst, of tha seventh Ward, will be a candidate for city1 assessor, 'i a Military Man, Mr. L. B. Ferguson, Kentucky Mill tary institnte, Farmdale, writes; "I have used St "Jacobs Oil ana deent it the best medicine made for rheumatism and neuralgia." BOOTS and SHOES AIXTOK Uranuiatea, 7a.

California hams, 9a. Extra leaf lard, lOo. MinoflTneafte 1 Canned peas, 7a 2 lb can tomatoes, So. 8 lb can Aeme tomatoes, 8o. Cherries, pie peaches and corn, 10c per ean.

aji sons uamornia canned iruins, zoo. All tobaooos down again. ABBOOirut's CorrEB, loo, Fine roasted eoffee, 121c, Fine green coffee, 10, All brands best flour, $4.50 bbh All best teas down to 49a Fresh yegetables, fresh daily, At the Ketbtohb, "33rCaThonaKeir' Rheumatism Quickly Cured. There has never toniHiiedlolne for rheu matlMm IntrrNtaond In Kort Wavna that has riven suota univereal satlsfaoUon as Durang I KDoumauo uemoay. ll stanas eui aioae aa the one treat remedy tkat aotuallj oures this dread disease It Is taken Internally and never hu and never eaa (all ro cure the worst ease In the shortest tune.

It has the endorsement and recommendation of many leading phyalolans In this state and elsewhere. It is sold by every drua glit at 1. Vf rite for free 40 page hamphletlo It 'K. Helphensttne. drujf tiat, Wahlngton.D.a noyau dw 7m C.

W. Semple, ot Mnncie, has entered suil against Cincinnati and Louisville road, claiming $25,000 for injuries received by a fa'l from a trestle at New Castle liistfaU. Styles Just received In tadlos', Qetif atlases' and Children's wear, A Full Stock OoDStanUy kept on hand ot Plain and Substantial Hoods. Hut ONE PRICE To everybody and that the lowest at which boots and Shoes oan possibly be afforded. 'T W.

H. FLEMING, Calbonft Streeppposite the Court Honse. 1 "Mai A1 al pLBCTlON NOTICS. LChaslosA zelUntrer. mayor of the oltref Foit Wayne, Allen county, Indiana, do hereby certify that there will be an election for city officers to be held on the JThe following offloers are to be elected, vis! One Mayor to serve tiro years.

nnn Ohr Clerk to aorvo tiro rears, Vine City Treasurer to serve two years. One City Marshall to serve two years. One City Assessor to serva two years One Trustee ot the Water Worts to serve throe years une uoiuwuniita tivtu wwu tv wi' two years. 'M In tesa'monr whereof have horeunto set ray hand aod affiled the teal ot said city, this Sd ilar ot ApdL 1W. li.It.1 A.

iOIXINQKE, Mayor. AtMt( EOCKHIIi, City Clerk. SUte of Indiana, Allen 1 Dlodrlch Meyer, marshal ef the oily of Fort Wayne, do hereby oertlfy ttat Ue above Is atrueoopyof the notice of eleottoodeiw rd tome by Cbsrlaa AZdllnger, foiyorcC aid city, of which all voters, Inspeotors ana lodies of elections in said olty will plejartak i CltyMarahal, "1 TbfJ QrsmtnH Vorm fan Xatrlh fm Pain Will IieTwiWrt Quickly Ihart nr other aUionrnv MTi BwaUiiUji, SUft eok, BumR. ftotJilsU CulaL pro, Ftamiivr, Boras, ynw iBAckaictM, yuimr, Bor Sciatic. Woundi, JUaMimsutiMn, MevrUffU, mri.

Stiff lienk. BraimisL Iiutir, SotJdat, CuU, Lurnbtv VrMUblUw, iwtdMbe, mot hr U1 nUrafistJ. CfcUUnnj Tlsi artiiv oln GaJvaifon OU beatnour retiisAped TrkdA Mu k. uul our fMrall Lntttara. A.

a Mej Oo Aoto FropritikirlWllator, JUL, 'axSS' Dr. Ball! Conrh 8yrap HI vr yr Conch at one. Price only 9ft Ct. a bottle. CTY A2TNO ij tOVm MKK.

READ THIS. The Voltaic Bilt of MftAfcall Mioh. offer to Bead their celebrated rafftaflfaiPgwiU praut n'ywjr Jlnrapri othr EHM jrearanoq throughout UieBummerr Mbdj much needed improvement ire being made at Mftxipknokee. Wprk oa the sew hotel will begin ia a Buort time and ce willbtf plftoid on the late dbout the lat of Ihl month. All the road leading to (hb point we iau inp bright oolored hwgeri tettin forth Men's flue dress shoes, button, laoe and congress, at $2.

ScHicrxB Son. The City roller risk will undoubtedly have one of its largest houses night This has already been assured by the number ol Skates engaged. Both floors trill he running to accommodate the crowd. 'Foil band of music Monday night a beautif ol boquet will be given to each skater. MissJeesie Fyke, Fort Wayne's most graceful skater, will shortly leave for a summer visit Far ties desiring to aee her skate will only have the opportunity from now until next Thursday night two AmdAKCES oa trial tor thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles.

Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis and mnary other diseases, Complete restore lion to health, visor and manhood Guar anteed. No risk la incurred, as thirty 'days trial la allowed. Write them at once for illustrated yamphlet free, D.17eodwlv. KHUyOR Ha. Editor Pleane announce my name as a candidate for ibe nomination of Mayor subject to the decision1 of tbe democratic conven tion, ui a.

f.y FQE C1TT TBBABUKEO. Mil KniTrtR PIhbaa announce mr name as a Candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the docisloa or tne aemoorauo nominating cod vontlon. Tours truly, HEKBTCBBBaHOnr. fob crrr clkbk.

Mb. Iditor Plcanfl announce my name as a candidate for re election to the office of City Clerk. lubleot to the dpoislon of the demo cratic nominating convention nt wiuuui' junn.n4 Lo Ha. Editor Please announce my name as a candidate for the nomination of City Clerk, subject to the deolslon of the democratic ooaventlon, EUDOLPI1 0. BGIN WALD.

LADIES Who are tired of Callooes that fade la sunshine or washing; wll find tbe I jr KM, AS "QVAKKK TTVnV ferfeotiy fastaud relfahle. If you wanfrai cnBstprlnt.trythem., Made In treat variety. PR. DILLS OHas removed his offlceto his residence HO. 108 EAST STREET, Where he wul live exoluslve attention wall DI3EaSE3 OF THE EXE AND EAR.

Office sours, to'B p. m. i HSUTb OREAM, BALM, Cleanses the Bead. Allays Inflammation. Heals the Sores.

Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell, A Suick raiior, a rw ir Cure. A jlartl 1S appuea into nostril Is leabletauee Me mall at drus its. Send for ctrcu I r. BLY BBOTHBBS, drucgisla, OWego, K.t CATARR Mm mfmM iaiiiB Myo TbH HAY kfcVbKA WANTED, WANTBD Famliles In need of help or any one In wans of work at housework, sewing, washing or houseoleanlng.toapply at Employment Bureau, Vft Griffith St. Hmo Avenue, Fort Wayne.

1 1. "i i War WANTKD LAD1ES AND TOUNO MB5 take nice plnuant work at their own home; 3 to US per day easily made) work sent tiy mall no canvassing. Address Q. WMsta A CoM Dubuque, Iowa. Confirmation Suits! Parenta' attention IsTespectfally Called to our raagnlfi.

cent' assortment of Confirmation Suits, 4'S, "We two lines at $5.00. We have two lines at $0.50. "We have three lines at $7.00. We 'have four lines at $8.00. We have ten lines at from $8.50 to $12.

If your desires run in the way ot a CUSTOM MADE SU.ft COAT, VEST, PINTS or LIGHT WW 0W04f Come in and see the finest display of Imported and Domestic Woolen sver brptubt to this eity. 'Prices way down and tho perfection of a splondid fit guaranteed, Vt Friend's Enterprise Tiij aii eel's FDislirs, 26 Oalhoun StreeL Aug 16 eod.

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