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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 6

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

YbI ''A 'J UL ') ir ViJ r'r THEr FORT WAYNE JOURNAL THURSDAY OCTOBER .19. 1905. HMlMHMMMHMMHMMHNaMMMIHMaailHaaiMMHMH TCA i I Will Jl m. Bse, IT MJtRV ST. 1 fc Fall and Winter Underwear OR MKN, WOMAN AND CHILD At the Big Department Sj4re I jTfils store has always been noted for the splendid qualities the under 1 wear carried.

We'Jnve prided ourselves on the fact that nothing but' the. best brands in their highest grades nave ever louna a place on our sneives. We carry several standard makes, one of these which gives universal satisfaction is the widely known "Munslng" Underwear ij which we carry a complete line. The following brief mention will give Voti Sn'ldea of the range pi qualities to be found here. Ladies' Two Piece Suits.

Vs lt iW PQntS and Vests, fine ribbed and fleece lined, at per garment, 23c, 39c, 50C Pirnls and, Vests, all wool, a choice line, fine and toft at I .25, $1.50. Ladies' Tlflhts, in black cotton, per pa 50c. In wool a big variety at. 1.25, $1.75, I Combination suits, cotton fleece lined, 50c, 'Combination Suits, winter weight cot ton, without ilecce, at 75C, 1 .25, 1 30. Pants and Vests, cotton in winter weight, without fleecr, at per garment, 50C.

Pants and Vests, wool an cotton mix hire, warm per garment, 75C? 33C, $1.00. Pants and Vests, In a fine silk and wool mixture, pink, blue and cream colors, at per gaiment, 1 .75 I III II ail lilt II Suits, medium white or blue, fine values at Ladies' Combination Suits. Comb'fnatiohSlntSrtrfVooI and cotton mixtures, per auit? j.i;: .0, $2, $2.25. Combination suits, in fine silk and wool mixture? thite or $3.30. Combination Suits all wool, all sizes and shapes, at $2.75, $3, $3.25, $3.50.

weight, Stilrtg and Drawers, cotton heavy fleeced, each 50c. end Drawers, cotton, finely woven, ncavy iicccco garments. i uu 'Shirts and Drawers, in cotton and wool mixture, an extra V4iuc, at per garment, 55C. Shirts and Drawers, natural wo si, wEracnVi i Shirts and Drawers, in fine gray wool at per garment $1.50. Men's Underwear.

Shirts and Drawers, in fine natura1 wool, at ,75. Shirts and Drawers, fine and soft, Jljrtit gcy and white, great value at $2.00. Union Suits, in ribbed cotton fleeced lined, great value at 1 .50. iU (A to its. Union Suits, ribbed wool, extra value, at $2.50.

Union Suits, very finely woven, natural wodJ, per suit $300. Children's Underwear. la this section we have garments in all qualities fc'r all item, the infant up to the boy or mU J. i H.iiUUil Children's fleeced Garments, extra Children's Union Suits, in fleeced Children's Union Suits, fn woi and cottdrroiixture is $1.00. Chiliren's Oorntehts, line wool, In gray or black, at.

$1, si so. Children's Gormets, lit all sizes, line woofcaf front. 75CI mm SWPeF Saie" Vo. tylll be the Event of tfeeli, Sztufrday Night, October these sales Increase In number, ttyey will grow In Interest. Watcli for Announcement Specials.

'Wi tiriT MMMWkMaMPNMMkMMMMM MUllTHEWa rrV rb L1 If. hw Kh county cDhnnfMbneri veildr day held ft, elofi with Cie promoteri of, Uie Toledo, ami Chicago Traction cohipnny hdw building Una down' frhi Xiibora f'ToH Wro, roUtlre' A'rllHt'ot war thronib lluntertown, 5bl count, Tha naln atraet. which a lh Lima roadrwaa arrf upon and the. Irancbla will ba'alfUrd up to day. i The Beaarava o9nr' haa thrra emasra ottmani at'rork buuaintt the road in thla tholr' private rlfht of Trar which hue ben aecured toitba Thellne to' the north within tiro and one bait mile of ihe county The'caieyO'AluV Vrtir.Ta.

John "In tbeJce of Benjamin Bcbtealn SKi. i 'f saS (A 1 if Varner occupied the attention of the I kef Marie Sllque Frr Judjment juoge noma preaiov iwaaTaooered ror tn riamtiir. ine eaae of William caaa va. Darld aupeiior court, ine. A plat of East Wayne Acre addition wM filed with County Recorder Ashley.

It la the Benamln T. Pettlt land lying hetweon the New Hayed traction Hue and Mauraoe avenue enat ot tho city, with Estella avenue on one end. Jury For Walker Trial. Judge O'Rourke ordered' th jury commlMlonera to draw 'a apecbtt venire of 1M namea from which a jury la to be aelected to' try John We'ker or murder, beginning October If: Circuit Court. Judge Kdward CRotlrle 'prealdlnjr: Tt iry waa aiachargrd until next Tueadaf; Jonea waa wrgued before the court, to Wed." Edwin Crnae and I.uiu M.

Broom. Oeorg 11, Slang and Laura B. I.und. Jcph, FlWgh and Harriet Fred enbniw i Henry Itobert Beobold and Mary Kmina Sleban. Jj0Vd'B.

Younga and Ethel phairer. Mottetd loan 5 Rttd 4 oent. Intfc'ekt And SOCIETY Miaa Olalr'a party yeaterday after, noon, in compliment to Mlaa Hattera lay, "waa affair. In reaponae to Mlaa 'Dlalr'a request, each guest brought her aa a baby. and these pictures were put In a bas ket and a priie given to tbe one moat successful in tracing the likenesses.

Mlaa IHalr had also taken illustrations ot popular, advertisements; cutting out tha readlnk matter and try ing to supply tbename of tbe adver tiser furnished wruuck amusement. Prlzea In the two contests were won by Mlaa Louise Bond and Mr. Jud Overmeyet, w.ho afterwards presented them to tna.gueata of honor. The In' vltcd list included Mlaa Sinclair Hat teraley, Mlsa jPorter, Mlaa Hughes, Mlaa KlRlo. Nelson.

Mlaa Petera. Mlaa Adah Illgglna. Mlaa Walton, Miss Isa 1,11. Un.l.i.B" .1.. .4.1.

IhinlaH.1 the Mlsava Bather and Grace Smith, Mlsa Fairbanks' Mlsa Pearae, Mlsa Grace Fitch, Mlsa Mary McDonald, Mlaa Ethel Mlaa. Hull. Mlaa Mlaa Fee, Mlsa O'Rourke, Mlaa Margaret Baylor, MUs Rossell, Mlaa Bond, Mlsa Elinor Bond. Mrs. Oscar Brokaw, Mra, fleorge Overmyer, Mis Maude and Mlaa Jeannette Muhler, Mas Helen Trenttnan.

Mlaa van Swnrlngen and Mlsa Marjorle Olds. Mlaa Madge Mitchell, of Lima, Ohio, waa an out of town guest. Mrs. Erie Crull will entertain a party of Kendall? Hie friends to day. Mra.

Margaret Buck haa returned from Port Huron, Mich where sho spent the summer, and with her daughter, Mlaa Eva puck, haa taken apartments at 231 Maeterson avenue, Mra Frank Tail has returned from a visit in Columbus. Ohio. 'J: Mr. and Mr. Bdgar H.

Schlefer, of 2114 Thomas atreet. have gone to Buffalo anil Niagara Falls for a week's visit Mr and Mra. Bernard Ragan returned yesterday from their wedding trip, and to day wlil go to Chicago, where they will be tendered a reception by relativea of Mr. Ragan this evening. Mr.

and A. W. Pierce will la aua invitations to day for tbe marriage of their Mlaa Lillian, to Mr. Frederick chleabecker, which will take place Wedneaday evening at the home, 1120 Rlvermet avenue. Mrs.

Elisabeth. Cutshall left yesterday for the eat. Uhs will spend aeV eral weeks vlsiflnr friends In Pennsylvania. I Visa Johanna Aehnelt and Mr. William Haserodt.

of Etyrla, Ohio, will be married Tuesday afu rnoon, October 24, at li o'clock, tne home of the bride, 1534 BL Mary'a avenue. i Mrs. Morrison; ot Decatur, who waa the gueat of her sister, Mrs. W. J.

Vescy. has tone to Texas to visit frlenda i -Mrs Reeves, who haa been the gueat of Mra J. Knapp. will return to her home in Grand Rwplde. i Mr.

El H. Merrltt. I attending a few daya In iJf Mr. George W. Wxley.

assisted by Mrs J. E. entertain the ladles of Plymouth Congregational church at hef 830 West Wayne atreet, to morrow afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. Mr. Laura Brahitfater.

of Clarkea vllle. la 1he gueat of Mr. apd Mra. Wallace Beard and other friend In the city, Mr. Herman Bandtel entertained a number of'frlenda at hiahome Tues day Evening In celebration of hta birth day anniversary.

Mr, Bandtel received many ikena of renVambrance, and the evening waa pleasantly apent with gamea, after which lunch' was aeryed. The guest were Mlsaea Mary Ohneck, Hannah Hickman. Basel Kowe. Grace Lehman. Emma Miller, Llda Bowaerr Anna presseltr the Mesara.

Al Slegrlatvf Cnarlea Carroll. Willis Htte, Albert Btecher, Fred Bouldman. Hugh Smaltti la gueat of his parents for a fewdr Mra L. T. SturgiatWlll entertain the ladles' society of the Flrat Preabyter laa church to morrowvafternoon at her home, sot Wallace street.

Mra. Stur gls will be assisted bV Mrs. J. M. Henry and W.

McCaakey. I He There ulll be a meeting of the.Vls Itlng Nurse league 'thla afternoon at 3:30, at the home of Br, J. C. Calvin, 235 West Wayne street, ifat jini Mra. Iaaae d'laay.

nd Mra. Buaan Morse rernraed last 'evening from Alexandria, wherer; they were the raesta for the laat three weeks of Mrs. I. Bvana Lipntncott Mr. L.

Potilltier'and little eon hard gone to Lafayette 'for a two weeks' visit wljh relAMves. Breem. Mlaa Luia Maude Broom and Mr. Edwin Cruse weraqaletly' married laat evening at o'clock the home of the Drtde's Mrs. John Broom, hot Archer avenue The Re: E.

Allen performed the ceremony, which waa wltheaaed by rltlvea and a few near Mrrana. Mrs. Cruae will go to hoiekeep1ng at 1123 Thomas street 8tno Uiri3. Mlaa Laura Lund, daughter of Mr. Henry M.

Tund. SUng were married llist htght fir the RT' it. v. Kroll at hi. rasldence The only' attendants wer4MMe Julia Lund and Mr.

BlmeV Hudeon Following the ceremony a reception was held from tv ii o'clock at tho'rtnne noma on Wcat Crelghton avenue.r Thd house was beautifully, decorated withy bittersweet, autumn pine Donahs. The lrM bwn waa of 1 French lay primmed with VaUnclenne lace, aaj ahe' carried a i1 www, 11 JT 'f totter Mark Mark LVaJsssV. 1 tc mk or Irade XVftich vhjsmi, tf wr Common cracker and wafers fingered from the' time they leave tha bakery until yea gtt them in a paper bag or tbe Cracker and Wafers baked, by the. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY itwl packed In, package' with all their oven delicious freshness and high quality Whlth haUT If you want to' answer this question once and. for all, try a package of either bf the three delights mentioned below; Social Tea Biscuit Jut the thlaf to offer with am ftArraoon cwy of ttw orchocolat or coff.

In fact, tbey'r gooA to Ml moat M7 tlm Jnit for tb plciar of It. Rwitt and llfhtlr flvrd with vanilla ButtetThin Biicuit A crtsrp, Hfbt, dcoacrt blacnlt, ricb a ad aatiti fyioa, tvnrcd aa ome thlng out ot tho ordl vary. If yo riolly waat a blacnjt that's particularly alec, try a paefcat. Graham Cracker dlffrraat Iroi tha ordinary Orabiat Crackro ilaTercsit bakl diaretwt riaTordllTcrcBt In pack toy More palatable mora aalryluv mora nutrltloaa. Mad of tho pwrtat Graham flour and haked In a manpfr thatonlylhcNatloaal Ulacult Company huowa Bver after yon will be guided by the NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Trade Mark, In red and white, on each end of a package, wbn eyer and wherever you buy IStscmi, Crtttktrs and Waftru NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY jw wf uwni.

Mini, mm wutt ST la I 7 i i TK' i. 5 'v. I Snappy Slos 1 I Combined with PIrsl Clttjs Work I I liilPaa'yV malixhip and Leolher is what wc I I aaT olfef to young men who are I LATEST and BEST in I I MEN'S SHOES I I AGENTS FOB. THE BOSTONIAN SHOE FOR MEN I II M. APP.

II Aoe I Every Purse 'Tr Every foot 916 Caliaoura Street TsbV JLJi sw mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 i iTTT 0mmmmmmmmmm aSLSSSBBs1lDrJ mBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBsHar1 ISBBBBBBbI Ah awNjIBBBBBBfei JsBBbbbbbbbbs 1st W. bbT Ml 'JftV'O His shower bouquet of wiilte rose buds. I Mlsa Julia uuia wore gray eianiino over pink alik and held pink cosmos. A wedding aupper wa served td forty Bye guests. On the which waa lighted with green candlea, waa a low centerpiece of ferns, and fern leaves were acattered over the olothrA number of the brlde'a nearest frlenda assisted in serving Mlaa Lillian iPer hara, Miss Elisabeth Williams.

Mlsa Charlotte Stapleford, Mlaa Pearl Ppnd, Miss Bue Qeake, Htaa'MbliTieiinant and Mlss'DlanchA Young. Out ottown gueat at the woddln were Mr, and Mrs, J. Ptang. the MIsse Qora and Elisabeth Mr. llonjamin Harner, of Van Wert, Ohio, and Mra, Mr.

left laat night for a southern trip and In a abort tlme'wlll go to hdnaekeeplng at S4I Washington boulevard west. Flaugh Fradertburg. A qnlet home wedding of yesterday wa that of Miss Harriet M. Freden harg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Q. V. Fredenburg, apd Mr, Jacob Flangh, The ceremony waa performed o'clock by the rtev S. W. Allen, at he bride's home, 498 Jackson atreet.

Mrs Flaufth Is the Well known Pennsylvania engineer. Mf. and Mrs. Flaugh hare a home furnished at 133 Buchanan street, where they wlU Immediately' go to housekeeping. I 10 1 1 ri The ladles of the Wayne sfreot M.

E. church 'will give A dinner and koclal at the church, Thursday 'evening, October Ktb. Dinner served from to lp.ii. Menu. Stewed 'Chicken Uaahed Potatoc Hot Blaculta Gravy J' Creamed Squash Cold Slaw Beets Pickles Jellies Jam Coffee Ioe Oream Adttlta, lie.

year, the. COMPLETE LINE of COPLEY PRINTS Will be on exhlblllqn at our Btore' to day ONLY. KEIL Al KEIU .1 0 ii i i ARE YOU AFTER A POStPFICET If You, Are This La teat, Ruling' Pa gardlnd Tsn'ur. of Office wll( lerest Vou. 'ft, i WASHINGTON.

Oct, 18. a'b. Im portent anuodnciment of 'policy regarding the tenure of office, of. boat Blasters throughout. the country was mad t(Vfav'hr tMurirtaater Curtail a MJ; JJj, VfV 9 in fiVf HB 1 ciW Chlldrenr undcl twtlv Keep the fianda soft and white.

Wear them wherr you clean house. 73C and $1.00 Pair ARCADE PHARMACY julia e. eWnuel, Pharrhaclat. 115 W. Carry Ot, Phone 43B.

a (. kA 11 AVNbbKiJbbbbbbV UW COLONIST RATES tit CALIFORNIA and PORTLAND Somt Great edocllona Fnaa rptb IXk lo Oaiebv tist laalnly, Um Vb.k n. K. tOm lk followlo law wi wm wwamm i waauts so01 Baa Fraadace halt Lai fortWni Smui fiZfi VF fii Wataak Far I 111 I in laamkba IHt, VI XL C. THOMPSON, f.

T. A. gardlng fourth clatii Offices waa announced In Aprl( nuiely, that Incumbents will be retained, during satisfactory aery Ice," A Fourth class poslmaetera are commissioned to hold office during the pleaauie of tha postmaster general. "In the mattar of ofi floes, the pcttmaater general aald, "ttw case la somewhat different, aa the olntmente are made for fixed tefais. In thatdasa of offlceaeach case requiring action la considered and snltlod on 'tha baala 'Af viif It I dl This niachm'e la liwithoutts'.

doubt the BEST MACHINE, MADE In order tojfeam your ppinton. I 'Make tbe fol towing dffevr ywJj" To the lady residing JafAllpitrounty havlng In her posaeselon Domestltf Sewing Machine Iwol pre Bent a new DomvUle FPIEK OF CHARGE. 3 For particulfr regarding Mitt offer call on 'i Ji H. a HitzfeiTiann Wo, XftqAt. Hcpalrlng, needle, and repairs niy 4 mv; PEft a.

The Wabash ft. ia connection with Clark's Cruise including the Orlentltlvltfeayj Qiir attention to thla Magnlfloept win ter outing; lasting seventy days from, NewvYork.dJat bf da'partoro ITeburary th, vlslUng Madeira Ca, dls, Seville Malta, Athens, Constantinople; Monte Carlo, 19, days tn" Palestine and. Bgvpt, 4 days lit Rome by the specially chartered White 8tafElna' ateamer "AltABJlX;" Make booklngs arly lo jnmir best accommodations, Price $0(pd un, ornit. jeara February Ith Vnd Books jbf thla grand cruise pn ftppUcatlo, a THOMPSON. Passendar Agint, pert Wgyda, nd.

Voung, Voman'e iri tln xVafiyrtoii NOON 81 Oeap meala aervad to' women Break. trf BlnnerrHM itlj 8:80. BnDoar 40 'srfSSKWE.

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