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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Average Daily Circu Ution for' the hr am fthofMay mo; FORT WAYNE JOURNAL GAZETTE. THE. SLOGAN "FORT WAYNE WITH MIGHT AND MAIN" Delivered Every Morning of the Year for 10 Cents Per Week. FOUNDED (NEWS OF THE WORLD) SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1914 46 PAGES (BY ASSOCIATED PRESS) PRICE FIVE CENTS. INCENDIARISM AT SALEM SALEM, Mass, June 21 The city became excited (or a tlma nlght it ban a general alarm eounded (or (Ire which waa not subdued until It Jiad destroyed two houses and Isdly damaged third on the western aide the burned district.

A brisk, wind blowing over the Blowing embers of i Thursday's) conflagration carried the jiparke, Jiitiand JIar jn er Jibe undam axed portion of the residential qunr tera Militiamen dropped their police du tlea and turned (Ire fighters, carrying Jiose np laddera and aaststlng the regular firemen In other waya Prompt artfon o(, the (Ire depart' men( and the mllltla made It' certain within art hour after the fire waa die covered that there would be no further spread. While the cause of the blase waa not definitely decided It waa believed to have atarted from a spark i from the atlll glowing, embers of Thursday's (Ire. Shortly before '10 o'clocl. heavy drlrile of rain aet In. From the point of view of the (Ire fighters this woa dealrabla but It promised much die' treaa In the tent colonies The relief committee at once began preparations to provide adequate ahelter.

The atate polka under Peputy George Neal, began to day with the lty officials, an Investigation of reuerta from aeveral sources that a number of the smaller (lrea which "contributed to the destruction of one half of Halem during Thursday's conflagration Wire of Incendiary origin. TEN DIE FROM THE I HEAT IN ST, LOUIS J3T. LOUIS. June 7. Ten deaths (rom heat In the laat 24 houra and 20 akiroetratlona waa the record at mid flight.

The maximum temperature thla afternoon waa 9 degrees. DBUOOED AND BOBBED IH" PULLMAN CAB. It INDIANArOLIS, Jane 27. B. Hudspeth, banker and state senator, of El Pass, Texaa, was robbed of $330 on Pullman car between St.

Louis and Indianapolis last night. lie aald te sight before containing to New York that he believed he aid hjs wife were i rugged In their berth. HUERTA AGENI SEC WHERE TO SPEND THE SABBATH DAY TO DAY Municipal concert at Welseer Paris) Take Pontlae street car to Hclaser park avenue tormerfV Porce street Usual stiractlona at Roblson purk. Take Roblson park car. Grrmania park for members of organization Take Roblson park car.

Koeter park. Take Broadway car to end of line. Motorcycle races at Centllvre park maybe. IN REBEL CAMP WASHINGTON, June 27. Alfredo Brecedo, private secretary of Oeners) Carranza, head of the revolutionist forces In Mexico.

Issued it statement here to night, charging that General Felipe Angeles had stirred up the recent contention between General Car ranga and General Villa, and that An geles was 1n reality an agent of Huertn, Breeeda'e atatementr issued after a long conference wit). Luis Cabrera, one of General Cnrrnnxa'a representatives here who Is earnestly working for participation of the constitutionalists lit an Informal peace conference with delegates to the Niagara Ka'l mediation admits a breach In the constitutionalist ranks that probably can. not be healed unless mediation should succeed. The Breceda statement follower "Public opinion In the t'nlted States has been greatly misled In the mat 'cr of. General Villa toward Mr.

Cm ranza and ronsequently, I find It nee ewwry. In view of knowledge and direct acquaintance that I have of the facta, to Issue a statement In. order to I known the real situation of the. constitutionalist leaacrsnip. General Angeles Responsible.

"Villa atwaje had continued being lavsl ftwaeil rrMimA Anil null it nttt been for the Interference of Felloe Angeles, who Js the chief author of tba happenings occurring lately, there never would be any difference, whenever the Insurbordlnatlon of Villa la (Continued en Page 20, Column 1.) i BY LAUREL, Miss, June 27. Hundreds of men are searching the country to. night near Stevens, Miss, twenty miles south of here for three negro highwaymen who late to day shot and killed two emplojes of the Gilchrist Fordney Lumber company, seriously wounded a third and escaped with the company's pay roll of II.J00. Those killed were J. Simmons and Rees Fltzpatrick, clerks In the office of the lumber company Wyatt RuOlnson.

another clerk, waa wounded by a but let that shattered his shoulder. The holdup occurred Just outside of Steenn station, where the three clerk boarded a railroad motor car for the company's logging camp alx mile away They had gone but a abort distance, when they came on an obstruction on the track When the men alighted the negroes opened fire, killing Fltzpatrick Instantly Simmons, fatally wounded, died a short afterward. Robinson fell wounded. The negroes took the money and escaped Badly wounjed, Robinaon made hla way back to Stevens and gave the 1 ISN'T IT STRANGE CtfQ AtS Ar rL SS rr SMMUSitzsS'S sS Wier jiw SfS1 tSsJ A' i 1 lV llisiMia! I .1 I I I I II I II I. II I 3 IELEP1 I UNDERWOOD SHOWS FINDING IN EM IE GIRL PUT SHERIFF ON TRACK QF YEGGS Postmaster Carteton 11 Baurn of A villa, came to Port Wajne yesterday to confer nlth Inspector B.

llatt regarding the robbery at the A villa office early Friday morning and to check over the stamps stolen by the when they cracked the safe. Mr Baum told th stnrv fr th mh. alarm. A poase waa quickly formed. ibery to Inspector Piatt and said that Technicality May Permit Race Meet Because the suit tiled In superior court yesterday to enjoin the Allen I County Fair and Amusement company land Paul Strleder (rom holding a race event at Centllre park thla ft ernoon, did not name heKort Wayne Motorcycle club as a QOtdefendent, In i nil probability the meet will be staged at advertised, Mr Strleder.

who Is secretary of the amusement company, notified members of the clLb last night that no races would be held, pending settlement of the suit. Howeter, as the suit did not Include the motorcycle club it Is and a special waa sent frpm here with a large party to join in me nuni Someone You Know 0 Nellie Rickard a telephone operator. waa probably responsible (or the robbers' capture, tot It waa she who gave in nrsi inrormatipn to the authorities In neighboring towns. The robbers were seen to enter Avuia rrom the south. At a blacksmith shop they stole Some tools and then hid behind trees waiting (or time to pull oR the Job, One woman, a ho livf witlun a hundred feet o( the postofflce, law the robbers go Into the piece, but she waa so (lightened she waa unable to do The first report of the ex piosion awanenea ine telephone operator who was working across the street.

Although badly frightened, she took what monev there was In the office and pinned It to the inside of her waist sleeve and then called Garrett, Kendallvllle and Auburn Officers or As far as ran b. learned the stamps were recoierad In a' the stamps a rtounted to IIS Postofflce Inspector Tlatt hfta Information which leads hint to bellee that nitroglycerin carried bj the tegga la buried along the Lake Shorn tracks north o( Waterloo and a search will he made ior It. Are Tou oh Bunch. Frank Mejers. lames Itatten and a Continued en Page 20, Column MIN IS! WHIPPED BY 1THER OF KOKOMO.

Ind. June Charlea I Harness, until two xteeks ago 'pastor of trie HarrlsAn Street Christian churrn ot this ctt and who la now being ai.ed by CalUn Smith (or alienation of his wife's affection, 1 waa aaaaulted to day on the pubuo square in thpresenre of large crowd by Smith's brother Harness face waa cut by the blows (rem Smith's (lit and more fliaa thirty stitches were taken Iby a doctor In dosing the wounds. The (lght (olloved tbe hearing of the 'esse against Mrs. who ta "charred her hUfthann' with AMutri If jou ahouM happen to walk down one of Fart Wayne's etreets eome4ng their seen ear old son. Thej afternoon and notice a man dressed in gray, with seventeen teas of mail eii'case waa transferred to circuit court UIS UBCa, auraiinjc nif nwipr( uu uouiniu aivug 1IK0 a ii ufrjvn uiviwn i iihi viaio fiiiu ill hoc ft somen here, can Introduce yourself to Lew the heard" until next irm ol court l.t liked and most capable carriers oa tie city force, Jeharges will be flleH bx Hsrness Lew" divi.les his time workinft (or UpcU Barn, attending to the firs of the Buffalo lo.lge0f nfalch he is the aenbe, bathing from the beach of Kokomo ntllt Lake James or flshlnR the deep blue waters that beautlf 1 place, leekS wl ea ault wa.

"Nick'' thinks tha( the aun rises and sets on the Second poor or Harmony 'against htm by mllh who arruardl hall, izu nnt Berry eireec, anu wmi ae uoesu i uow aoouc cas uunaioes or alienating the arfectloiu of Mra, lodge is not north knowing. jeonlth. The church board met the He a eottage ai Spring beach, Lake James, where he upends his vaea 'aame night and dismissed Harness. flon and his 8uaday. Lew can cook as good a meal as aay woman i tlme made his hoie "'riffiS'cilk tilnit Bmahined''tht'Tn ursX eottage will testify, and under oath.

IjKternoon and Thuraday nurht her hua. If there was eer a resi ror eare gooa reyow ta ton wayne, zjbw iraiasihand (lied an affidavit against hei Is one' of Uem. Iw will do most any thing once and he always Manages to attend the national conventions of the Buffaloes' lodge without any bad after effects. her here, etiargtng her with child OYSTER BAC June 27 After hearing his physicians decree that he must either take a prolonged rest or Incur the danger of permanent ill health Theodore Roosevelt to day made plans to conduct the fell campaign, no far aa possible from Saa understood that thu races will be held, morel hill. John McGrath, his aecre The event.

If carried out will be staged by the club ent la own re sponaljlllty. John Claflin Quits The Dry Goods Trust After Its Failure KaBdRxsBBBaV 3aKeBm sHsWIElasHB iBBBBK'ffi'HSixaBY BBBBBBsSBlSBBBflar1 sfHIIIIIIIIIHi.flllllllllllllllllH i tary, rented a cottage In the village and expect to 'move, here from New Tork on Monday for Colonel Rooae le't probably will spend a great deal tnore time at home In the four months before election than he Intended before Dr. Alexander Lambert Informed him last night of his physical condition. Another decision which Colonel Roosevelt reached waa to atop the steady procession of visitors to Saga more hill He waa told that hla constant Interviews with political leaders, (rom all pirts of the country were too much.c( a strain on him and that (or the next few weeka at Iraat, he should see aa few pereons aa possible, "Beginning next week," he aald tonight, "I shall see no one at Sagamore hill except bv appointment If othera come, I shall have to decline to see them." Jhert jv ould, be at least one advantage In thla ment. "It will rite me an opportunity to renew my acquaintance with Mrs Roosevelt and my children and grand children," was the way he put It Colonel Roosevelt was asked whether the burden of taking the lead In the progressive campaign would be shifted to another's shoulders.

He said that Representative Hlnebaugh, of Illinois; chairman of the progressive congressional committee, would have charge o( the congressional campaign and that In each state chairman and national committeemen would be In charge, HELPED FRIEND AND GETS WORST OF IT AftNAPOLIS. MU June 27. M. P. Harris, of Mississippi, a young enlisted man la the navj, to night, waa escorted to the boundaries of the government reservation at Annapolis and there dis honorably discharged (rom tbe service because be hail iuirrODateJ another i man in an examination for admission to tbe naval academy as a midship.

jman. Harris won a designation (rom t'nit Jed States 8enator Williams ta take the entrance testa nader a new plan of Secretary of tUcultJt Daniels.iorJ.hd lbeaefit of enlisted He parsed the testa and later took the place of D. JLongre, also pf Mississippi, and passed "the first examination (or bitn In Vif Iginla When Longre apjieared at tbe naval academy te take the physical NEW TORK. June Z7. A(ter the H.

le" "TJ'" ri.eii. vraose his hand writing did not acres sale dry goods concern, which' Is also h' tbe Jrat examination pa a holding company (r retail stores In pars. various parts of tiiefcountry outside of Longre 's cave has been referred to New York city, uaa fern put in the, the civil service commisiioi at Waih handa ot receivera aa the result of In subeldlarlea bearing its Indorsement I John Claflin, president, resigned and, succeeded by Cornelius N. Bliss. Ur.

Th amount of the notes out mL wjishinotov 'ii tr. rMwut j.s,vu.o ji iu o.ever.,Qajane.,gundav fore the receivers are able to determine igdisna Palr and somewhat cooler the amount of the assets, hut they Sunday Monday fair were estlmsted on the basis of state Ohio Thunder showers Sunday, soma i hat rooler. Monday fair. l.fll .1 liaOnnonn m. IIllnols Sunday, iot quite.

iJOMN.CUVFtlNl IHAT GOVT. IS NOT BROKE AS CLAUD WASHINOTOV, June 27 Fortified with official, figures (rom the treasury department. Democratic Leader Underwood told the house to day there would be no deficit In government flnanoea and that any prediction of one was based on wishes springing (rom political antagonism. In an analysis of the government a finanolal situation he announced that IheT tdtal 'receipts "of 'the" government for the fiscal year ending next Tuesday would aggregate 1723,000,000, leaving a aurplua of 220,000,000 and that with only a half year's operation of the Income tax. That did not Include Panama, canal expenditures, estimated at IJS.000 000, Next year, he declared, Panama expenditures would practically pass away, and the canal receipts would pay running expenses.

Mr. Underwood's speech was In sup 'ot the senate) amendment to the egialatlve appropriation bill to Increase the treasury (und (or collect ing tbe Income tax from 11,000,000 to wmun 1110 nviin uubii agreed to. Mr. Underwood explained that the Increase waa (or collection of the income tax from persona and corporations trying to evade it. Tor next year," he predicted.

we can be assured of collecting more than 1100,000,000 from the Income tax, even It no more proportionately Is collected than was collected this year, and more proportionately will be collected." Mr, underwood said customs re ceipts were producing In the current year 222,000,000 more than the administration had expected and that the treasury department reported to him these figures of the total revenues (or the current year Just ending; Income and corporation tax, 276, 000,000, which had been estimated at 192,000,000, Internal revenue, 1109,000,000, estimated at 1212,000,000. Customs receipts. 2292.000.000. esti mated at $270,000,000. Miscellaneous receipts.

2S7.0O0.000. estimated at 229,000,000. Representative Payne, o( New Tork, author of the last republican tariff law, contended that the republicans ahould have been credited with some of the receipts of the current year, aa (Continued en Page to. Column) 4.) RESOLUTE DISABLED; VANITIE IS WINNER OTSTER BAT, N. June 27.

With the Reaolute retired (or ten days (or repairs, the Vanltie and Defiance raced to day on the aound again In the lightest ol airs. Tbe Cochran yacht won without difficulty. A minute after the two crossed, vir tually bow and bow, the Vanltie took the lead and gained on nearly every leg ns they reached and beat twice around a 1514 triangular course. At one time the Vanltie was nearly two miles ahead, out a slight Increase In the breexe late tn the afternoon enabled the Defiance to regain some ot the ost dlstancs. The difference be.

tueen the two at the finish was 14 minutes and three seconds. On cor seted time the Vanltie beat the De flu nee seen minutes and 42 seconds The accident to the Resolute was not serious, but the loosening of the cat on the bow sprit, and the 'slackening of the bobstay were deemed sufficient to take her back to Bristol, NORTH PROGRESSIVES FLAGGED GRAND FORKS. June 27 The progressive party, of North Dakota haa (alien abort of the number of votea required to qualify candidates ror a place on the general election Ballot. Under the law. party candidates must have twenty five per cent, ot the total vote rast lor ita guber torlal candidate In the last previous election.

The progressives registered only 2.120 votes In the state, thus eliminating the party from the primary tightr The law regulating qualifications et candidates will be tested In the supreme court according to leading progressives. PRESS CASE WILL BE QUEBEC, June 27.With accusa tions made by each side tbat the wit aesseS of the other bad been guilty of deliberate falsification, counsel for the Empress of Ireland and tbe Stontad (o day finished tbeif summing op be fore tbe commission appointed to in vestigate tbe circumstances of tbe dis aster. Tbe commission has now ended its. labors as fat as the bearing of tJ denee and addresses of counsel are concerned. After a private bearing to be beld next week, a finding will be rendered.

8. Haiffht. counsel for tbe owners of tbe Btorstad, attempted to day to bow tbat tbe collision waa caused solely by the Emprete being stopped directly in tbe path ot the eoilier. Counsel for the Empress of Ireland argued that tbe 'opposing, eoonsel bad tried to prove tbat Captain Kendall of tbe Empress was to Warns and tbat the machinery ot tbe vessel was faulty. Both of these things could not be true, be contended.

0 ii ITABLE AS SAYS SPEAKER CLARK WASHINaTOrT. Jono 27 Speiker Clark to day told a delegation 'ot women from the National American Woman Suffrage association that "woman suffrage la as inevitable as the rising: of to morrow's Tor six thousand years," said ths speaker, "men have been trying to run the world and some think they have made a bad mesa of It. I hop that tftien yon women run, It you'll Improve on It, I think woman suffrage to Inevitable. The only question you (oiks will have to consider Is how to most expeditiously get what you are after. iou can get It quicxer oy ine nam than by congress.

In Soma there Is a great prejudice against woman, suffrage. Ton want to remember one thing, that It youxjose the first time you are out (or years Whenever the subject comes up tor a vote In Missouri. I am going to vote ior woman This Is not because women are fitted, and I may add that 1 would not like to say that all men are fitted to Vote If you evero vote, and I think It is coming certainly, 1 hope you will vote tysasissssTSswss'ni 1 ssieee (Continued en Page 20, Column 1.) TEE HAUTE WOMAN JUDGE IN DIVORCE CASE TKRRD IIAUTB Indw Juno 27. For fifteen minutes to day Miss Grace rvxr lll nirxlA th bench of the VlgO I superior court to hear the divorce ac tlon ot Mrs. voornees uruiim he hiuhsnd.

who Is controller bt the city of Terre Haute. After heaflng the formal presentation oi complaint, which charged cruel and Inhu A mA Mra ftrlfflth'S man brief teetlmony Special Judge O'Neill granted lha decree, uruuiu ui present in court. It Is understood a settlement was made outalde court. Everything, along. smoothly.

and even the lawyers behaved themselves admirably," said Judge O'Neill aer she had dismissed court, 1 really enjoyed me 6. 0. P. SLOGAN IN INDIANA THIS CAM PAIGN IS "KNOCK BUSINESS" DEMO CRATIC EDITORS COMING FROM EVANSVILLE-SENATOR SHIVELY IS IN FAVOR THE WEATHER ii I'm raw Ma aisa inn bu uuu rjuis. xir a az.

Eh. iiJY'Z 1 iwaim in pon.on; uonoav isirj I II" "vi iuir kisiuii vm vim voumrj urn moderate northwest norm winds, be and returned here for trial. 'knon merchants. wming variable by Monda) IBrRfl. Tucker tKmaVAPOtJS.

Ind June 27. Members of the Democratic Kdltortal association who returned to Indianapolis late thla afternoon from a delightful trip to Eianevllle, where the an nual mid summer outing was neia, were convinced that the republicans havtf organised an "anvil chorua" the purpose of which ta to KnocK dusk ness conditions for the benefit of their party regardless or the Injury that may be done te the people In general In comparing notea about existing conditions the edltora found that In every part ot the stfte the republicans are making the same kind of campaign. They have dltberately aet about to rnaKe appear mac ouainess la bad and that it will continue to grow een worse an, long as the democratic party la In pewer appears to the democratic edltora who have studied the situation that the republican 'eaders aim so crajy to get back Into power as thev were under the Cahnon Hemennay Watson Taft regime that they are willing to sacrifice the beat tntereata of the entire country tn order to advance their own. The (act that continual "knocking" on business Is liable to (lighten men eo they won't make Inveatments seems to have gten the republican bosses no concern v. ha tec en a What they want first of all la to return to political power Howecer the democratic editors generally aald that tn aplte of the frantic, efforts of Ithe republicans that business men gen erally are not alarmed over existing conditions Many of them said that the preeidrnt hit the nail squarely on the head when he said that the al leged depression Is largely psychological The editors concluded that a large part of the deprewlon exists light In the minds of the republicans who are trng to manufacture political capital.

"The "editors "generaltv "staled" "triet business is Improving throughout Indiana. Thin was especially true of the smaller cities A well known banker who ettended the editorial meeting said that the country banks generally have their money loaned about up to the limit lie said that In the smaller cltlea and towns the people did not pay any attention to ji.n.ririr, rri Continued en Page 11, Column 1.) VACATION NOTICE. Before leaving ths city feel your vacation, arrange with this office ts have The Journal. Gaiette forwarded te yeu. Dally and Sunday 10c Pr week.

Phone II er 72. i I f. tt w.1 Lr'J.

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