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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 4

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


1891. Victorias, Lowells, All flrst class rpakes this eeay sons vodujtTOn8 $1,60 ft yard, REDUCED to Xl 25 This Include Making, Laying and Lining. Made, Laid and lined at the Prices, Our $1.25 YELYETS, at 90c. Our $1.40 YELYETS, at $1.25. YELYETS, at $1.48.

25 Rolls of the BEST ALL WOOL JNGRAINS at 65c a yd, TIDCOTDV DDIiettlCriDDtTC Ckand Weawno Cawets Iftl LOI III UIIUOOLIO liHUILIO DB)Tirui Designs, .700 CAIIPKTS rteilnemt hi B5e. 80o CAItPPTS ltediKH il to 05e. DOo CAKPKTS ltedurwd to 7Se. CARPETS rMuoed to 8S. VELVET OHE LOT PRETIY R06S, at 65c Each.

The Bange of Patterns 1m larje ct Quickly la ocurlng Choice. THE JEl WSTORE. The lseaoKnapp Dental ootorie met last evening sVoofflo of Dr. W. W.

Hungee, Mid In tho absence of the trnnHimyPtu ifripir? 1rL 'J "i Tf1ffTft Bhalr. Ta paper on tbe toothache was read by Dr. Jtungen, which mi dis msed by all members present: After the transaction of oilier business, Dr. VoCurdy requested to prepare and read a paper at theneit, mealing 6f tbe Coterie, to bo hold at bis office, 22 West Berry street, Tupeday evening, November II The Woman's Heading Orel meet on Seturuer at the reeldenoe of Mm. E.

Burnley. Mm. 8. B. Bond and Vra.

for this meeting, end. Ui subject ere Joan of Are and Charles VII. The claw will alM read part pTfikUlere Maid, of Orleans." InviUtiona to th marriage of Hie Minnie Uerber, of Ligonier, to1 Mr. Harry Green, also' of that city, have been received in Port Wayne The wedding occur November 10, Two WwIAmsv aJBuiOTOT, For Indiana: Southerly wind and lightly warmer; lair weather; lair FRESH LOCAL. ITEMS Vim jful.aWllsop went to teflanoe.

lOhiwtordar to Mr. and Hi Simple, i Nirdllnger avenue eon. TheVft J.olub will give aball at 0. hall to morrow night. The Select Social wjU fire a nop' at Blendard.hall tomorrow evening.

Cant B. Lennon will drill Emmett Commuidery thl atoning at Library hall, Dri Res nnived from: Xoule vlll evening and fr registered at the Kendall. "ISiuAgneaSiuqr, slaughter of UrJ Jerome Studor, la borne from the Sacred Heart quit ill. Mill lfoagland 'atrLogfu. port, whither ahe hat gone to take charge of a large olsaa In traveli.

Mis Elisabeth Me Bride, who baa been tbe guest of Mrs, W. L. Carnaban, left for Philadelphia last evening. Born, to Mr. and Mrs.

Kendall Wetorn eon, The proud father i an emplove of tLe Kewspaper Union Mr, Ed JtoasntbaL aooomnanied by Mr. Frankel, left for Chicago laat night, after a visit with hli brother at the family home: Mre. B. Lindaav and habv. of Cin cinnati, and, Miai Amle Tentland, of PhlUdelphla, arrived today to be the gueata of Mrs.

Will Noble. Born; to Mr. and Hra. Juliui Kenfnr, of atroetdaufihter. Mr Keefer it passing cigars around among his fellow employee at the Centlivre brewerr Jamce Madden will place a ifew front in the building at the corner of Ualhoun and Lewis ittwt, whiph he bM leased and will occupy for bia business.

Mm. Lvdia Hhanklin returned to Washington, P. C.laat evening. While hers ahe has been the guest of her father, Mr. Calvin Anderson; of West Wayne street.

The Warsaw Tunes says; "Eli 8ny der left todav for FlltoburA, Ta. where he will look oyer field of nts luture operations and finally dnoide upon hia removal to that city. Mr. 0. W.

llolrocs has entered Into oontract with A D. CreMler, for the torrh of five years, to take exclusiro charge of his prairie farm and convert it Into a pork nd fine slock, yi. O. A. Bohustv of.

the Korr Murray company, 'was surprised at his West 'Creigbtott avenue home by a number of bis friends last evening, the ooeasion being bis birthday anniver sary. Contractors Paul and Bash yesterday began tearing an Griffith street between Wayteand Berry, preparatory to put ting flown theasphalt pavement They will ready for tbe concrete by Thursday or Friday. Mre. John Jtolen was surprised by a party of ner nieudw Monday that being, her fifty slxlh birthdsr. She Was the recipient, of numerous The affair was participated in by soma ton couples and was very THE GREAT BATTLE OF BALLOTS The (Treat ctroptigrni which closed last eveuog In the states of Uhio ana new loric were proDBDiy tne most remanuaie la tne history of this eounlry and the people of the United States are now anxiously awaiting we result.

vi w. iBffL; No matter which way the cat jumps, we are satisfied that the good people of ibis city will not be behind the returns that we gire lor their money, "OUR BOYS' CLOTHING Department was thronged all last week and will be this. Mothers never saw a lovelier array of juvenile fashions, or' such low Prices, Remember, we are giving an elegant Chest of Tools with a Suitor Overcoat at 1j or above. Gfffl 1 FIE DMCIATS! never began to sell id many strictly fine Overcoats as we 'have this season. $15, $20, S25 "Will take cbolm of several hundred! In the rery latent color and ty)wrU.

AmrfRAn ana Imported Uoods. Pon'tfsJlto our nnrnlflcfnt stock beforo leaving rwtT order with ynnr Ullor i IT. Vif.ialiu, am Pete Max. t. U.

Wf Lf.jntt on iiikl Judge John Morrl has returned from Ipdianapolls. Judge A. A. Cbanin Is eonflned to the house by sickness. Mason Long Ig.

recovering from severe indisposiiron Will rorckol, floor man at M. Frank i if on the sick lirt. Dr. T. B.

Williams, of Angola in Mri A 8. Lauferty recovering from a severe sickness. Herman Elrohtfer, tne decorator. Is engaged on a job at Auburn The cases, of typhoid, fever at the Feeble Minded Institute are oonvaloao The shorifTof Kosciusko county was )n the city lo dsy to arrest a young bian who is wanted at Warsaw. A atoreonUcan entertainment will be pltx Flaas are being drawn by E.

Rledel fur a two etory brick addition to ne duiu to tae wesinrmster semi nary. The new building will be 3M feet in dimensions, two stories high(rend wilj contain eighteen rooms and a chapel. Work on the Improvement will be commenced soon. J. Ford, reoently from Japan, was married 1ft the dthsr day to a Miss llurkamp and bu.

com to Fort Wayne with his bride to reside. Mr. Ford will engage In the mortgage and loan business here, and will open an office in room 17 Arcade block. He ii residing at 108 Berry slrest. In tbe Hamilton house: Tbe Barber's union is making active errangetnenu for their annual ball, which Is to be given on Thanksgiving Eve; sfld everything Indioatea that it will be a successful and entertaining event The arransement comniilto.

which eonsiats of Beub. Browand, I. 34. Sherman, Henry Leuer. WfllUm Miller.

John Brunskili and Henry Holism, will tneet tonight at Matt Molipher's barber shop, on Main street. One qf the most ridiculously funny pieces ever presented In this cily will be "McCarthy's Mishaps," which comes to the Temple. Friday night The audience is kept In roars from the beginning to the end of the ikJeoe. McCarthy Is regulef oirens In liimself, but wlten Mulligan oompUeatm the situation, the fun grows fast and furious. These are enough to kp the audlenoa shfru.ting with laughter all the time.

St Mary's lodge. No. 14, and A. will have a banquet at their hall this evening: The program will in olude an address of welcome by Thomas Williams, en address by W. T.

Floyd. 0. of Indiana, and an address by J. B. Coleman, of Muncia, nd, The eonunittees were as' follows: Arrange ment, A M.

Balnea, Jaa. Smith, Joe Boberta, Ilenrv Levi. Mosoa Mnin'n John Ridlyf receplftn, Louis Wilson, F. Dtcksrson, D. Wallace, A.

Bass, Jones; (invitation, Louis Wilson. F. Dinkersoo, Jaa. Smith, Thoa. Wllluuni.

Tbo Geary Dramatic company aregiv ing really eioellont entertainments on the stage at the World's museum and drawing crowded bouses. The members or tne company are perfonners of merit and ttperlenee, and carry their parts In a way nralseseacb night for them. They Vara all artists' and act splendidly. Geary's edmpany is a success, Tbey have been presentine ''The Two Ornlmni" so far this week, but to morrow 'nlchi thw will nlaus tn len Hand" on the ilafe Msnagw (leery is giving eur people a obanoe to see good theater lor low prioe of ad mission, In law suit. Miss Carts Brown, of Brooklynr who the gneetof Mrs.

A. E. Waterbouae, has returned home. Fltiiomaine iVommay, of Spy Run, wre nu has reburned from' a two weeks' yiiit at Tiffin, Ohio. Attorney llonry Colerick and Coun ellman Ilemian Michaels are at Cleve land on logkl business.

Marketmaator Rope's ton cent collec tions for October, amounted to some thing over sixty dollars. Miss Llllio Beltrnen.of has boon the guest of Hiss Carrie Dese tier, rtnurnod home last ovening. John J. KelW bis returned to "Chi cago alter a visit with hit arenU Kelley and wife, of Madison street. E.

M. Brewer, representing a horse insurance company, with' headquarters at Crawfordsrille, is in theoity today Master Olto Rothschild of the a a baa returned from Angola, whoraJ he has been flhing for the past two woe as, Misses Josia Ilartmsn and Mary Leonard return od today from Chicago and Michigan City, where they werei Vllllltlg. Robert, Downing' advance agent la a lady. Frank Htouder la very anxious to arrange a Hale for Mrk Downing in this city. E.

S. Wbitttmib. ofDesMoines, Iowa, is In the olty. He it a newspaper hian andisoonneotetl with the Moines Mail and Times. South Bend Times: "Miss Vallie Baird returned from her Fort Wsyne visit.

Her sunt, Mrs. A. B. an ton, accompanied her." Dick Townsend, the genial host of, the is at Decatur looking after the business of tho Burt house, of which he is also proprietor. Charles Sclielo, of St, Mary's avenue, has gone to Pittsburg for medical treatment lie Is subject to spells which rendor him helpless for a tinier J.

E. Rledel has moved hrs aivlli tectual 4uslnM into handsomely remodeled aitarlinehta formerly, ooounied by F. Ttendrick, In the RchmiU block. J. MoUwar and Dr.

J. W. Causland will occupy offices ovef'WilP ism Moellering's new drug store at the southeast corner of Lafayette and Lewis Mrs. H. Eaton and three children, who came from Chattanooga to visit her sister, Mrs; Wagner, of Gay street, have gone to Providence," I.

where they will make their borne. and Mrs. W. f. Orahsm returned yesterday from a two weeks visit to Tyrone, Penii They brought homo with them to spend the winter' Miss Helen Qrahatu, a beautiful little girl of TjTflniJ; A full attendance of all who have been attending the class for the study of the Sabbath school lesson, at the city department of the Y.

M. C. is request for Thuredsy Nov. 6th, at 8 clock. S.

Flnkenblner, formerly nianager of the Singer Sewing Macbine oom panys business in this city, now man agerfor tbe.aVme company with head' quarters at SI Louis, Is bore on busl new and pleasure. Tom J. lloulihan, ex deputy city gone to Chicago In tbe tnterestof Fred Graffe jewelry clean er, which he will introduce In theOar uen iuy maraoi on a large scsie. air, Houlihan wlH probably be absent sev eral weeks. J.

II, Stollhbrn, the commissioner elect who takes hie office next, month, has a hew eew iuill In operation at the site of the one burned down last July. He has also built a grist mill to run by the same power, and hs will now turh out wheat (lour, buckwheat, chop food, etc. A party of commissioners and trustees of nrant county are at t)ie Rich hotel. They came here for the purpose of buying road scraper of the Fleming facturing Those In the party were JI. F.

Hackey, O. M. Grindle, M. Peolo, A. It Hinitb, A.

N. Stephens and all but the latter re siding at Maricn. The three Lutheran congregations of Mt. Paul Emanuel end Zion churches are making arrangements to run a big (iscursion to Valparaiso one week. from nekt Sunday, upon the occa sion of the dedication of the Emanuel's church; at that place.

The structure cost $15,000 and was designed by Archi tect Rierlal, of this city. Persons who will accompany the excursion are re porting to (lottliob Niemann, the grocer. A happy family reunion was held at the farm home of the venerable Mrs. Olojd, in Terry lowuihlp, yesterday, Mrs. (tloyd is seventy five year old and lives on the farm with the family of her son, George B.

Gloyd. The other children are' Jerome D. Gloyd, Es 0. ftluyd, IV. Gloyd and Shannon W.

Gloyd. Tliey were all present with their wives aud children The daughters were Mrs. Theodore Bowser, HAPrcrry Fitch and Mr. Samuel ninemnii, of Illinois, and they were present with their husbands. John Porter, who married oh of the daughter, (now deceased) was present with his second Wire.

There are twntity fivo grand children and they wens pre ent, hut there are no great grindohlV dren. Olhent in attendance were Mrs. Frank Mr, and Oscar Reams, and Mm, tJohn McCombs, Mr. slid Mrs. Joseph Urbloe, Mr.

and Mrs. JeiirtB (kiiig, all of reside Iii tU neigbDOrliood; also Mi Etta Harwood and her brother Charles. A grand diuner was. served and all bad good time. BAD BURGLARS berityr'tlfl tfUVuinBiwed see'witueesj fl'B onasseew 4he aafilistl ciiurvu ay imtwT nonnrop, 'The Wayne Building end Loan as eoolatlon will hold a meeting at tbe Custer bouse Friday evening.

Krank DwLagrange, councilman from the Tenth ward, last evening trotn Michigan with a lot of gwne. Jobh Merrii, aged thirteen years, died of typhoid fever at the City hoe plUI today. Ills rather Is leaMRter. Tbs young nooilo of' tha Congrega tional ohurch will hold a social at the residence of A. B.

Nickey Friday evening. W. Past, general agenl of the National" Lifo lmuranto ooinpany, of Montpeliet, Vl is iu the city for tbe purpose of establishing a local agency. Miss Lillie Beitman, 6f Wabash, who has boon visiting Mist Carrie Dnaeauer, of West Main street, bairolurnedbome to the regret of many of her friends and admirers. P.

J. Kelly, of the American VVhoel company, with headquarters at Cincinnati, ta at the Wayne. Mr. Kelly will approve work of Appraisers Fiilier and Rbioesmlth. Tb many friends of Charles Shaw surprised hint" at; his bom on West Fourth street lasl evening and pre sented him with a beautiful oak' rocker.

The. happy occasion was Mr. Shaw's birthday. Monday while Henry Young was working in a gravel pit in Jefferson. township the banks caved in and he was buried by tbe sand.

hen extri cated it was found that one of his hgi broken. Drury, the traveling salesman isa been very ill el the Wayne hotel, is able to be around. He ex pects to return to Fotoria, bin home, tliis evening. Mr, Drury wife died sboutgtwo weeks ago and her loss has weighed upon his mind. A spirited horse driven by Tliilip Krlegbaum, of Huntington ran away and collided with another vehicle Mr.

Krlegbaum' was thrown 'thirty feet, breaking bis right leg Mud collar bone, and Inflicting a terrtbls cut in his head. He was also Injured internally; Hh son, who was riding with him, escaped dangerous injury. Patents have been granted to Hoosior inventors as follows: John L. Alexan der and'W. E.

Haselrlgg, boiler cleaner; Anthony N. Bryan, Evanarille, automatic pump and water elevator; Josiah O. Keller, Fort Wayne, dental engine baud pieoe; Fred MoJahan, Indianapolis, apparatus for condensing exhaust steam, exhaust mechanism, feed water regulator, steam condenser and exhaust steam purifier; J.ohn Murray, Fort Wayne, wood pulley; Robert E. Foinuexter, Indianapolis, wire tightener and E. Power, South Bend, sulky plow; William Carpenter, Kent lenA.dMk.JiarTQTC, Ibrol haal v.

nacHrxreM neiiiie. Thieves BW4I a Keaa Cartel BlaMtsl Prows Hiss Wswestw. Rev: Shackelford, who was formerly pastor of the Trinity M. E. church in tblacity, but now stationed at Wai suffered a loss from thieves ss will be seen by, the fallowing from yesterday's Warsaw Times: "On going to the barn where he kehs nu rig, ir Hhackciioro, tins morning, was considerably surprised to find thst he was minus his fodr whocled road cart vehicle used in hia practice.

Tbe Indications are that some one bad entered the stable, run onl the cart and hitched a horse to It, then making off This view of the case is warranted by the fact that Night watch Garner, at about clock this, Tuesday, morning. saw some one driving through the streets eastward, (ha wheeled vehicle very, nearly, if not quite fully, tallying with the missing cart. Tbe latter waa comparatively new, having only been in use a fsw months. Two good fclsnkete were also taken. The stable occupied by Dr.

Shackelford for his horse and rig is on tbe residenco nroperty of Mr. W. B. Punk." WIIA MAHi THI sUesMls.ffUle Will BM.eeliesT Merita fttU Bertk Way. Last evening a number of Bloomingdale resident met at the? office of A.

H. Bittcnger fyr tho purpose of discussing th 'matter of changing tho name of Bloomingdale, which has become obnox ious to them. Peter Certa called the meeting to or der and stated the objeot. F. C.

Bolts then ntored thai X. Bittinger act ss chairman. On motion of H.W.Cbne, II. McMul Ian was appointed secretary. Robert L.

Romy thun moved that th chair appoint a pominitlee of citisens of the Ninth ward to make arrangements for a public meeting on Haturday even. ihg, November, 7, IffiU, 8 o'clock fl. mj, at Frank llako's liall, on Wlls street, to voteujron changing the nam from that of Bloomingdale to either North Wayne or the north nue. Mr. Blttenger then nisde the nouncemenl that Frank Hake's hall had been secured and hat Mr.

Hake gay tbe same free of charge, aud then proceeded to appoint the following committee: Robert L. Romy, Peter Certle, F. C. Bolls, Chaa. Haiher, H.

W. I'haic. Louis Uaaaard, John Young, Amie Racine, Anton Keig, Jacob Certia, Harry Mo Mnllan, C. F. PfoifTer, Frl Racine, J.

C. Feigel, Charles Tajte and John Brink. F. Jtolts then moved that tb committee pieet at the office of Robert L. Romy on Wednnidsy evening at.

8 o'clock, flank block, to make arrange ment to circulate the call of the 1ng. Meeting adjourned sine die. Mr, Gladstone delivered hi maiden speeohJuQ 8, 1833, Eatw la Bier et Besller Men a4 BB the ash PieervH irfce re tn A Buretsra entered the crooerv store of Poller A Men, JtO Calhoun afreet, some lime during laat night and stole between 900 end which had been lea in the money drawer. They effected'aa entranco by boring through obe of. the Bljfli'i'mr fit1 rfat'li from the nslde, Alien' getting into the nalqpn.

part. They then forced open the money drawer eucf took tbe cash. When the store was opened this morning the robbery was discovered. Th tools used hy (he fellow weiVhift In tb saloon. Tlinse the burglar had obtained by breaking Into the carpenter shop of Pressler on Laaelle street.

Tbe robbery was retorted to (be polipe and Ibey are investigating the affair. VOCST CULLIK0S. Tlie 'squire had but Utile business today. The circuit court rfss En session this morning, but nothing jaL Inlenest was transacted. Fred Blcke obtained a judgment in the superior court of (461.

W) against John B. Manning ft al. James Madden obtained a judgment the, superior court against Reuben Roaseau and tb dofendentwaa ordered committed to Jail unless paid Henry L. Auer and Clara J. Fiedler, Frank Baker and Mary Merchant, R.obert Btarmer and" Mervilda Burns, QoorgeTrautmen and Giistia NQsch, Jobn B.

Clawson end Minnie E. Doup have been liceneed to wed, Constable Bsgbr went out yesterday to arrest ton young men charged with lipping over outhouse at WUliamsport. Tliey bad a hearing Justice Hay and were fined. Juilite'O'Rourkshs (ranted William Van Horn a divorce from Anna Van Horn. Jobn T.

Leach has filed his bond as guardian for the minor heirs of the late Mary Ann Leach. Justice Franca yesterday united in marriage Frank Bsjter and Mary Merchant, and tbey will begin house keeping in Lafayette township. lb case of Alice Owens vs. Moses Rosentbsl snd John Koehler, and th cas of Meneoh, va Reinowald and En to man were sent to Justice Ryan Justice Tancoy'a office yesterday ou a change of venue, Thejre were a bunch of four drunk in police court this morning and they were registered. on Marshal Franks docket as follows after tbe mayor had disposed of thelreaees: Michael Barry, drunk, arrested by Franks, $10.50, jail, Hamuel Brown, drunk, arrested by Offi cer Fletcher.

$10.50. jail; Daniel Murphy, drunk, arrested by Fletcher, $10.50, jail; Albert Fisher, drunk, arrested by Officer Harkenrieder; lot. go; The latter drunk promised to leave town if he was given his liberty. ABurra TKLtetmArfi. Niw YoR), No.

4. Wheat opened firm at Jo advance ond then declined to in the early dealings. From thia there was a reaction of and by noon the market waa steady. Receipts, 488,010 ibipmenla, So. 3 red winter, $1,041 cash; Do Cora opeued steady at unchanged prices end declined and at noon was steady.

Receipt, shipments, Kg. ottjiw, eaehi OaU, dull but steady. Receipts, shipment, 714; No. 2 mixed. caAb; DecTto; 37o.

Rye dull, unsettled and weaker; western, 980. Barley steady; Western for export, 51: No. fi Mi wankee. 70s. to arrive.

Sugar, refined cut loaf and crushed, file; powdered. 4oj granulated, 4 3 1 16c. Coflbe, spqt lots steady; fair Rio car goes, io. Pork, dull but steady; new mess, $11.00. Lard, quiet; $6.42: $5.61.

Butter, dull and In the buyer a favor; weetern axtraa 30e. Cbeeee dull but steady; western flat, KlrMOc. Egg dull and weak; western fresh, 2425c. UxioK Stock Yars. 111., Nov.

A. Cettle, reoeipta strong; 10c higher. Hogs, receipts, strong; ftT)15c hicher. Heavy, 1.7.Vit '2i; mixed and medium, liiibt, nneep. receipu, strong; 1015c higher.

Csiuaoo, Nov. 4. Wheat 'WTe; Ma. tl.O 'l. Corn.

Nov. 4fto; OaU, SI); 0ti mav, o. rora, scmi; 111.37); May, $11.70. Lard, U21; May, $6.60, Rila. rt871: Hav.

ft iaC Ml Kalat TraHSiers, Charles, Aloysiiu and Louis Geiger rrsah MUsaMMrOyeitsw S. ft 25o. Lu gti Solecla, Wc oan. Fatnt llovsB. BIsBlHCUle NSioe The best ahcloheapeat plana to buy your shoes i at 04 Well street.

wa 5t It DovmiikTV. tier lw 'Be, rHse Best PotaUies Ho bushob Beat Roll Butter 20o lb. iefeCn.FIoiir,$4.T5 barrel. I Beat Country Mills Flopr, $4.50 bbl. I Xarga Yellow Onlona, 25o peck.

Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 30o peck. Froit Uousx. The' rawl WaM SJarfcel. Fliip Jtnrln wheat $600; No. I red, second class family, $1 00 Vl.iU; graham, per saca.

wueat new, v. Oata 2o. Rv 8ic. Oil Mcal Porowt. $1.301 40 Corn Meal Percwt.

I241.50. Clover efeedVaM 004 25. Timothy 8oed 85. Flax Seed VOc. Barley 0(3t60c.

liar lO.WXSsiaoO per too. Hides Green, 5o; sal tod. 6 Jr. Tallow441e. Howenstoin Biby pictures free on Wednesday earl) week.

44 I al. stroot. Nnsesss Would like to board a few good borsca this winter, rate reasonable. Inquire of T. Ellison, owner, Bank block, or C.

HpranklcSup't. 4 we Sw Diphtheria jircvcnled by A.ntl eptlc Competund, the greatest known remedy for diphtheria. Sold by all druggiate. Trade top piled toy MeCiure Drng Coi ExOelaior Fertiliser Odarlaa plant food for boule plants al Floral Baxaar, 85 Calhoun street 3 3t. Wednesday each week baby day.

Cab. photo free. Howanitein, 44 Cal. street. We have iust cleaned up a manufacturer's stock of UrnJ brellas, and have selected 500 of thm to runas a at 1.00 each.

They aVe dis played in our show window and speak for themselves. They art wclPworth $1:50 each. We also place on sale today 17 Ladies Jackets, Black wide Tale Diagonal, Heavy Astrakan, Roll Collar and 650 each. Positively worth $10 each. New Gloves and Mittens, Fascinators, Hoods, Hosiery and Underwear, Meiptlifiliii'olQZiiQT.

Kprthweet Con, Alain ajid Cal hoan Btreete, Pulfs qf Furs. Good SHorUnMit nd low price ournil Bluk H.irMuff. 37 ct. Monk.y MuH. Site.

75c, SI. (I SO. French Seal Muff. fl.B2.Sl 79. tt UM Cloak Departm't la a busy place so wonder come and compare our prioe of CLOAKS and, JACKET? With those of other stores and you will know why.

New Market almost given away, tbey away era so cheap, We stall have sfew dosen of those large1 good Comfortable at. 75 cts. Hlill butter SI, II .25, ISO. Fins Sttir. ComrorublM, it Si50, 89c.

1.00 2.50 Blankets Kplcndid 1M doubla Bl.i.k.t, All Wool l(M Dad El.nV.1 Grer and White Blaiikata price. ma. will iuiv any pv10. Borne Bargain thia week ii lace Curtains Rnlondid Turd Inn a Lans rurlaim 60o, regular price never less than 8'Jc Splendid 3 vard one Lace Curtains. good width, 7Vc, positively cheap at $1.

Splendid 3 and 3) yarda, elegant de signs, wide Laos Curtain ibis week at fl, Bl.w and vA thst have never betore been offered at thme prioe. Mergenihelm's Bazaar. to Clara Carnaban parts of lota 414 and 416 Han na addition, $1,600. Mary Gibson to Amanda Kay, west half of lot 23 Fairfield's addition, $, 00 POLITE. It pays to be honest and polite, but it doesn't pay, to trust the polite merchant, lie may tell you a polite lie.

If you wish to be happy you must learn to be juat deaf enough not to bear some thin as, and iust blind enouah not to see others. Knowledge often travels in ono deep ohannal, instead of spreading out in many shallow streams. Boat Silver I'lated Knives. Forks and Spoons are lamped 1847; Rogers Bros. All other iiogein aruiuur wtwium mo auuiip tot i are sold Decorated American chamber act, 11 pieces, English and American diuner set, JOy pieces, Ycu will get better goods for leas money at Ward's Cpoap Crockery store, No.

8 Went Columbia Street, (sign Big Dog) Fort Wayne, lud. MaJoiftoTEBrLK Saturday, Nov. 7. first appearance in four years sad Gnat. William J.

Gllmore'a HIW DEVIL'S AUCTION! tVERYTHINC ENTIRELY NEW. aomona CosmawM. Hsa nlltceot sowerr, Ivwni.r lTTaosfornot.usoa jiaw Tricks. New apseUUUaa. Bnuiaat Catalan, lurests.

6 PEOPLE IN THB COMPANY Tae nuwest syfeetetjr enrmaluuoa Aaiafloa. latootanaraliU la maffalluea, ttasillnf ta splsaaar, tfirTeot ib beeutr Tbs tmautli neuLotArCMirUi. Hut la, uraes an Terpsl ebor. TS Trana SUanuc Bsllat Troupe, MLLE. ADELI CAMIaS, PREMIER.

4 treat asmpany. GEORGE H.ADAMS, Louise Denpsty, Vletctla WsKsn. Wa. Race, W.U.BsnbolTMew. Ba sslbie aatt maar otbera.

THE 8PECIALTIE81 The Wonderful Boebobleel The Marvelooa Ijoi cHa! The Uraeeful Trr peatle Family, 8 In Number! nnidvnUDti Will BiniMtsir In all will prevail. The above greet enitltmUoa will apnsar la all llsentirotr HotwltbaiaaaloK Un framennlti' WtkisantenalaiaeaUtBaajve resiuar prtois lOSfft RBM1 Or ala.Mlhar rarnlatuarl m. raraiabed. na bowUini boutai rooau: rond IntaMlb. an H.

A. H. aw. mi uvinrr Hisr, THIEME BROS LbadinG TailorS, 12 W. Berry St.

fOR ONE WEEK ONIY V1 We well sell our All wool Ten quarter Scarlet Blankets at $135. per pair. Reduced from $3.00. Avail yourselves oC this opportunity at once as the quantity is limited. ti IE BOS10J STORE, 28 CALUOUN SJREET, Fort Wavne, Ind.

iliaf lOrf OQODJUJGK To All Who Head Tills and OaU. You are wplooma whether liu, or noU F. M. SMITH CO. Have anew and.

attractive stock of Table and pocket' Cutlery. Baaors, Rclaaors, TLooks, Wringers, Washing Machine, Belting, mechanic's tools of all kinds and athousand and on things to be found in firePclaas bardware styre. The best goods to be found the most rcaaonable prices; F. m. smith CO.

22 Cauioun Street. Undertakers and Eibalmers. sarin sressasbls. upn uar and ail M. a Bireel.

Telephea Bee. abova taken In Irtvoi for I'nlTvrasI II AIMb perfect otin(llilMi. KtuNHil, Mot aosabin offer rofiiMMl. TUB HA 1. Mt TYPBWRrTRIt 00...

IN Lanaile St, Uaioafo, IU Gf. KATT, ARent, rsHwsras, G. W. B0WEN, D. Plijrtsioiatn.

evnd. onotticnirs tor eoaauhsUnn, to l.B. bUtartatT. 10 IS.

afaUe slnet. Fort Wayne. Ind. epectai wuaUoa paid to oarnaie ttlaasa. New Feed Store.

All Hind or reed. Hy, ttrw, Oor and Oats, Preah Butur, Kffa and i blckeaa sill aiwar be sept la sicca at rery lowed A. H. CRAWFORD. I86 Broadway.

CHEAP, MEATS, THB HBAT If ASK IT AT lOa BARR Will open 8aturdsy, Oct. 24tb. with good supply. of cheap meat, such as Pjgs Feet, Spare Ribs, Hogs Head, at your own prices. Give him a call.

234m JOTICB lB sM I smseUDao. 0 101 aard of trusiees of n'i CbrtsUavB AitaoeiaUoa tbs KM day 01 Noenber, inat tvaJrl aoaAclatlnn and fwurlbartlia aaunZ by oitrunw upon eeUle el lbs iawtoiatUa CH. flfcWTQN, Fmst, BO.aCBRanRR.Becy. alovsatber lest. ajOTI.

Is hereby (11. that tbers wiUbea 11 meeUator ma mfUibniBof tbsroii wajse loanf MPiiM'liilriU AasotUUon at o'clock, R. Si. oa Lbs Sib day vl Nevsoiber, iSui, at the du tsa Kallrnad tMipartuat at of sale, as aneiaUoB. lor tbn lantese of antaoruias; tbs' bnautl of salt) aaaoe aeon to borrow th bubs of" s.tu, san totwruri.B,ani"b7 nortsUi BP oa real eatate ol Uw aiaprlanna.

CJ. U. MKWTON.FnrSB. Horembsr i. UW1.

H. 0. URAUBll, D. RYAN, JustlGe of tace. ROOM, ay ARCADE BLOCK.

jIADavV I 1 SBUTSllDI I0OHDER. ratftTudannjw. A aarfaat Btaanatl iDTjini nt bniou a HigKsa mfi i L..

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