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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 14

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mm Iftt FOTIVWAYNE JOURNAUXAiarnt SATURDAY MOMNINO, IfAY It IMf ietC.Hua St. Lyrk.TTi.itsr Bldg. EXCURSION Fort Wajna to St Louia 6t0O Rcuad Trip $6,00 Way 12. Vw Traction to Bluffton, and fee Clove Itf Railroad. Ticket goeadl returning until Tuesday following dale of tale.

Ask Agent. For Full InformationPhone 219. FORT NORTH. a.rart a it a. a EJU1 UIANA lKAt TION COMPANY.

FT WAYNE MEN MJBiiS Lewis H. Brown and Robert H. Klaehn Become United States Army Officers. NOW AT TRAINING CAMP TION COMPANY. ELECTRIC ,10011: POWER PlMm34t Complete Servic' SSTSPEQ 1 ima esr a.

ELECTRIC CURRENT SUPPLIED FOR ALL PURPOSES. tiirr. utat. xhwitvb Jff VAE laA rtaTVawi fA ft i Phne298 I 1025 Callioun Street I i li Captain Oeorce Byroad. ytr da "received notification that Lewi II.

Brown of tho Corrugated Paper com. pnr and "Robert IT. Klaehn oflh Qerman American National bank would bo commissioned In tho offlcera' re serve corps aa lieutenants of Infantry. They are now at tho training camp at Fort Brnjabln Harrison, having re ported 16 the camp adjutant yesterday Aa aoon aa these offlcera receive their commissions they will be detailed on active aervlce and ordered to report to the ramp commander. Colonel Edward Glenn, for duty.

Both young men now (o on full aervlce pay and allow, ances nf the grade they will hold Mr Klaehn had the benefit of three Veers' training at Orchard Lake Mill tary academy and has alwaya taken an active Interest In local military affaire since graduating from that Institution. Mr. Brown la a graduate of the Iowa State university, where he received three year' Instruction In military science and tactics under'the direction of an officer of the United State army detailed there by the war department Both young men were enrolled In the ctooj of Instruction maintained this prlng by Caetaln Byroad for the off! core rMrv mrp and made such a CommeniUbW allowing that the Con' Cordis) forwarded tbetr paper through the. channels of the war department with the recommenda. tlon that titer be commissioned aa el Infantry.

When the re serve ccrpa training camp order Were received, both men at once enrolled and hav gone to Fort Benjamin Harrison, not htiuwtng that their paper had been aifirared and that commissions were; ti the way. Thus a very pleasant aurprlae of a military nature la In store tor them at the camp to day. WAR PRICES PLACE Contractors Submit Bids Indicating That Iron Work Alone Will Exhaust the Funds. See Us To day See Better To morrow rrwavsjiornet ua let. ANTHONY HOTEL Ml FORT WAYNE NORTHERN INDIANA TRACTION CO.

WABAIH VALLBV UNtl" Erteotive august 7. 1l WEST BOUND TRAINS LKAVI go a. M. imp M. TWA.S2.

i S. I 09 A. U. 09 P. M.

II9A.1L IMP II 11 It A. U. 00 P. It UsO Nooo IMP U.o oi P. SOUTH BOUND TRAIN t.AVt ve 1 I 1 00 A.

M. I 00 A. XLb I 00 A. fOO A. m.

IIM1.M.I 11. UO A. M. I 00 ISJP IMPH P. M.e ve H.e 10 00 M.

11 0 P. at. Train leaving here at 1 rw, s.i to a. 11 is a. s.u m.

make connections at Peru for la isnapolls. Limited train. Rnvd Part ohtv sTo Huntington only BEBTCR. A rent. I If ft MEN.

Back to Robust Vitality Results Guaranteed In Casea Accepted. Quickest Cures That Stay Cured. Lowest Prices Of Any Specialists. Make No Mistake See Me First Frequently tick nrj inifering people) come to me who have tried all manner of to called cure without benefit. I give you Immediate fvenefitt, cure you at one half the expente and in one half the timet, or it cottt nothing.

I am proving to the afflicted that I am ditmutmf cured patients almo.t every day who had TMa la My Fctjr. Own been unsuccessfully treated ror to Thia affie mi Voj will 0ng that they thought they could Tr.4d By Me l. not CUTeo want tta iceklng treatment or those who have been under the car of othr sifdallets for a Jong time without being cured, to come to me and litmt iticw them, a I have so many other, how much better my treatment, acts. YOU CAD TAKE MY TREATMENT AND PAY ME IN ANY WAY THAT 18 fAIH TO BOTH PHYSICIAN AND PATJENT. I want a chance to pncj frcan cureiffllctsdrekspthjat suffsrwrs.

Rsmemkex, ny treatment I different and better and COSTS YOU NOTHING unless yen are willing, glad and satisfied to pay me, THE8E RE THE DISEA8ES OF WHICH I HAVE CURED SO MANY MEM MANY OF WHOM FAILED TO RECEIVE A CURE IN TREATING VITH OTHER SPECIALISTS. The ver ne war time price hav killed Fort Warre' proposed new ooll eum at leaet (or this year and possibly for atvtral seasons I( became known yesterday that contractor who were aaked to lubmlt bid for Its con' tructlon lmj mi tided the member of the board of 'work that the Iron work on th tiulldlng alone would coat $181000 rrils come within $2 000 of the total appropriation remaining after the "urchese o( the land necessary for the alte. as tri total fund now avail. able tut UI.5 0OO The project will therefor undoubtedly be abandoned for th pttteiit The price of Iron arffl bulldinr mtteiiat ha more than doubled and ti teadlly mounting higher SPRINQ COLDS ARE DANGEROUS Budden chtnre of temperature and undrwer brlrsr spring cold with stuffed up had. sore throat and general cold ymtoms A dose of Dr King's Kev Discovery I cure relief.

this happy combination of antlaeptlo balaama clears th head soothe the lr rltated ntemlrane and what might have been m. llitrerlng cold I broken up Don toi treatment when relief I first felt a a. half cured cold I danger oua TsJs rr. King New Discovery tin ovr eoiaisBon POUCEHEWS ARMY DKSERTKH tURRBNDERS. BHgbtnTheCoi I nor where jrou lyt eattng a food that does not clog the liver or develop poisons In tihe colon.

Cut OOt heaVV meatS and I'' rlnt By a man "who surrendered Starchy DOtatOeS and eaH.11 tin army several week ago CV.JjJj oi l2 1 'wanted to be sent back to Fort osiITOVOTl VTUOaf, OiSCt with berries or other fruits. Try this diet for a few days and see how much better you feel. The whole wheat grain made digestible by steam cooking, shredding ana baking, Made at Niagara Falls, N. T. CITY SCHOOLS SHOW INCREASE OVER 1916 The following ts the result of th city school enuireVa.tton aa announced yesterday afternoon by County Superintendent I O.

McComb showing an Increase of 17S over last year, Whtt 4i1orl Wsr. nrt Ulru. Bon. IHrU. Toill tint MS II mj San4 Ml ITS Thlrft Un 4T1 II I SM rauTth ier i i i rinh i in si jh sum KM III! I 1 1T nni 11 Ml ill rishth i 1 li i un Mnth mi in; i fan Taut 1 Wl 1 ill 14 I Ciulodl.1.

14 11 4 7 TmU SIM (Ml 5 in 11 SM ELKS, HELP THE BOYS I The boys are our best assets our future citizens. Have your boy and your neighbor's boy, all trie boys in the city, under sixten years, register (no charge) as a citizen of "Elks' City'' Elks' temple, this morning, 9 o'clock. This is not chanty but duty. ELKS' BIG BROTHER COMMITTEE LINCOLN BENEFIT WOMENMAKE FLAG The members of she Lincoln Benefit club are fashioning a Urge American flag to presented and Talsed at the T.lnntn erhftol In 'Wushtns'ton oil the os caslon of tlie In it ir festivities The banner la to uiii i leet. Weak, Nervous Men wm have smb patle snfferla frem lajjsereCleae, lami pewit, ef cimwi anil Xui.

will leer aalcls Ike rlhl run eay at th sliixl pIsmo tail time will do the week, aleevee) lert enerrr. anibl ijhse aa4 streaatlk, neafUala th dell cete oawl Unp USM ergins cenorrsed la saasr Xe su esevld iIti ap he, h.iissss sheantNl or dlsheerteaed. BBtU he has eeemiltxt si. free VAaiVOCELsl AN HVDHOCKIE5 I an Varteecalai Ujtnttlm la a trm weeks' Ubm eriakeet Iktmil the halt TBICTl'BI reedllr rene.e Htrle tore ST sar solt seethed wilt.ul the ese er uuesinerMeu i dees te vethas taut It buslaMs eel Issears, salt S4 Baa a Mast desradlasl Itrbias, haralas, eraldlas pelnral aa talla Is SMaral llrra paaasp ef alf.

Cbrap In, aUre eseta aer aaeUhMde euai safe, aeaa. tried reaiedlaa, etreas Injertlaas seldarn esd sehslaae lajerraptlea free seaeflt 4ber cease ebatrertlea ef the lillllil dartaar IraataMat. 1 trlasrr eaaaL Clnm.l. watlea4 such aa east 1 Mjr trfataarat alepa aed gtOUUUl lanw. aeevrrted an 1 rtUavea la a few dare.

It 1. selaaliae petite, eee (atitiST a feriaaaa Sad dla.J4hale the ealr aar. war to be base trees eft tearthara. palplta Bld. I eaa raatere yea ae oak klr and tlea.

disslaeea aaia all awed senaaaeatlr I caally that will he aarprlaed. I "606" or "914" Tf ouo or vi moon i oion I eaa the aawrat had lalnt treatmeal far BI.OOO POIMON and Hklq Illaraaea. Theaa dlaeaaee readllr yield te rar Hleod Making and Bleed Parlfflas Kenaedlra. Kidney, Bladder SLSZTSfc lr and prrmaarnllT rrllefed Thru dlaeaaee readilr rtrld te Bleed Making ihii mriijuis Ulcers and Pern Ivrlrnrelei tea.

nyaruccic iap.dim.nia of pane are eursd1 pannaa.Btlr without cat tine Special Diseases aUsaied sernaw eatept. Ut arl Irpllfl. I will site ea Jmt the alt and treat ProsUtic Misaial rellert wit teal eperatles. I paaalhla eaat. EXPERIENCE I whft oount.

In curing these SPECIAL Dlf CASES. Inst as I haves hid mere than 20 year' experience, yeu will readily un. eJerstanet wh I ten sussessful In curing ftr others hav failed. EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION FREE Hour Daily.Oa. p.

m. Evening 7 to Sundays, a. m. te 1 p. nv DR.


Wanted Printing estimator and sdesnian. experienced. Unusual opportunity to good man; address 305 Journal Gazette. ACTION TO BETAKEN ON MINNEAPOLIS BOARD MINNEAPOLIS May 11 Dlrectore ef the Minneapolis chamber of com merce wl II njmelTo BTorrow to decrdo whether to abandon trading In May Wheat, following the action of th Chicago board trade it was announced to night by AT Ttmmerman, president of the organization COLUMBIA SATURDAY SPECIAL Fresh made almond glaze. COLUMBIA CANDY KITCHEN HickelB ate RDAD CIRCUIT TOURS to New York and Boston Montreal, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washirijton, Norfolk.

Go Oris Routs Return Another Rrt Selling Date May 15, Return Limit 60 Days. 30 Day Summer Tours to the EaatV one. plrtt. Get Full Infernstlen of Agent, or Writ P. PARNIN, D.

P. A. Fort Wyn. To night Will Be a Big Occasion for the Michigan Men at University Club. Secretary II W.

Muller of tho Uril versity club, has sent out the follov lng letter to all alumni of university. Inviting them to pren ent at th excellent program to night 'Saturday, May 12, I Mlchlgtn night' at the University club Tie club InW'M you aa a Michigan man to bo its guest that night The men are golrg to put on the banner program of the ear Lets' get out and dlaplay ome the old pep I hit made Michigan famous from Dartmouth to Leland Stanford "Trofessor Robert Hunker of tie law school will be the prlnoipal attraction Come out to hear him Come out and lend your voice In 'The Yellow and the Blue' Help raise the roof with, a locomotive' and the of "Lets renew our college daj apend a couple of hours thinking about, listening' about and talking about old Michigan Wo nlll show tlio other fellow what Michigan spirit la. "Aa Sully Sullhan used to aar Come on. let'a make it big'" YOU NEED A SPRING LAXATIVE King Miw Life Pill wlU remove the accumulated waste of winter from your Intestines the burden of the blood Get that sluggish sprir.g feter feeling out bf jour lyaten, brighten your eye, clear jour complexion Clet that lm and anap good purified healthy blood Dr. King's New IJfe nils are a non grlii Ing laxative Jhat'aids nature a process, try them to night it all druggliu, 25c.

WHEAT CONTINUES srap COURSE No Indications of a Letup on the Wheat Market; Eggs Remain Constant. The4 Port Wayne wheat market continued lis aero antics vesterdsy. and ar cni dltig to all Indications It will keep climbing to An ndvance of i tenia par bushel nnosied ine top ngure IQ 1J ti per bushcL rhe egg market la practically at a standstill, local quota tions noining at 13 ana 31 cent pr doren The approach of warm wrath.r will of course causs thfs branch of trie market to slump considerably Flour lie till In the cllmblns class an advance or 20 centa per barrel taking place yesterday, and Indications pointing to anothr rise In a short time Th top price fr spring wheat was $18 60. while winter wheat reached til i Sloan'a Liniment For Rheumatism Th torture of rheumatism, the pairs and achea that make life unbearabla are relieved by Sloan Liniment, a clean clear liquid that 1 easy to applr and more effective than muy TIt era or ointments because It penetrates quickly without rubbing For the many palna and aches following exposure, strains, sprains and muscle sorenesi, Sloan Liniment I promptly effective. Always have a bottle bandy for gout.

lumbago toothache, backache, stiff neck and all external pain. At druggist, 25c. LINCOLN LIFESDAT KENDALLVILLE 8UNDAY KENDALLVILLH. Ind. May 11 With a promise of fine weather from th weather man, th Kendallvlll.

Red expect a strong battle from this Fort Wayne Lincoln Life Sunday at I i aiernouse para, in iiie re present in Taatest semi pro team iravennr out of the Summit City, and Included in their line up are many atar player The real life of the baseball bugtr was awakened last Sunday when ther witnessed an exciting contest and ev ery ran is waiting ror th Bundayi game "when the Reds sre determined to start their winning streak, CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY DON'T MISS THIS Cut out thU lip, enclose with Ee and mall It te Folev A Co. 1SS5 Sheffield Ave. Chi cago, I1L, writing your'name and ad dress clearly. You will recelv in return a trial package containing Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds, and croupi Foley Kidney Pills, tor pain In aides and back, rheumatism backache, kidney and bladder ailmenta and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whola some and thoroughly cleaning cathar tic. for constipation, blltousnes, head ache and sluggish bowel.

Meyer Bros. Co, TIOLINE The Oil That's Clean One gallon free with every Gates Half Sole Tire Order. INTERNATIONAL RUBBER SALES SERVICE CO Inc. 1519 CALHOUN ST. PHONE 4177 NEORO BOY SCALDED.

Chsrle Williams eighteen month old. son ef Arthur Williams, negro. 1101 Oay, la rfvln. at toe result of falling Into a tub of tolling water yesterday morning at the family home. POLICE COURT.

lleyd Blaine and May Meyers were the allaae used In police court ye terlay morning by a couple caught In a room at the corner of Butler and laineun street early yeeieraay morn aywmm a. yuni nu wilful! they faced Judga H. Waveland Kerr lined them 121 each May's husband filed suit for. divorce from her Thurs ejav. Then he watched her and after she and "Lloyd' had gone to a room together he called a policeman who ar rentel both Harry Miller, who beat hi wife, was fined 120 and aentenced to serve tan day In lt He alleged hi wife attacked him with a knife, but there vai no proof beyond Ms own word Buck did not appear to an.

ewer the charge of operating an automobile with glaring headlights, but he was fined 110, the esm punishment that has been meted out to others found guilty of th earn violation of the same ordinance Record of other cases follow! lony Bowser, drunk, $1, road work: Mile Harkenrlder, drunk, continued Indefinitely, Ben King, drunk, $11, raad work, Hasel Beard. larceny continue! until to day: William Mouse nest, loitering, certified to Juvenile court. Nellie Ellett fugitive, contln ted until to day, Harry BowL drunk, 112, road work. HOME DECORATING HINTS Old shabby soft wood floors can be given the appearance and finish of hard wood bv using Acme Quality Varno f'u 'n. lac.

Acme Quality Paint c. a sm r. I Saves space, time and la Store, Main and Clinton StS. tor Make your Ironing better considerable value for the price. Army ana NaVy Knitting Wool This 1 the yarn officially' indorsed and requested for use by the American Red Cro and Comfort Committee of the Navy League, It it precisely the right grade and weight for sweaters, scarf, wristlets, helmets and mufflers to be used at the front, and comes in the correct colors of grey and navy blue.

On sale at Fahcy Goods Section, first floor, where the right knitting needles. No. 3 and No. 5 are also to be found. SEAVETS SERVICE SATISFIES AND SAVES.

Demonstrates Its Usefulness Every Time You Iron When you want to Iron, gat lb board oat from some obscure corner. Un fold It and you hav a broad Ironing top standing sturdy and strong on solid legs Made of selected whit, clean wood, smoothly planed into an Ideal Iron lng surface. men you get througa Irvnlng, Just fold up th PROPERTY TO BE SOLD BY THE JCHOOL BOARD The city school board will hold It rcirular meeting Monday afterifpon at the office of Superintendent J. Study, at which time five house and one lot located adjacent to different school building In the city will be offered for. sale Lpon sale the houses wll I be removed from the lot to make reon for additional playgrounds for tie students The old nddislll school property on Fltzabeth street will be olTercd to bidding This include the lit and the abandoned school building Iwo frame houses on grounds acaulrel ndjtcent to the llloomlngdale school at 1311 and 1J19 Marlon street will also be oTerei Tor skle.

a will a house at 342 vieii miner street adjacent to tho llosgland school and another house at 812 Cottage avenue adjacent to the South Wayne school The terms will cash, the property going to the hlirlieit bidder THe school board will also be met bv a etoup of patrons' from the Nebraska school asking for improvements there To Set Clock Ahead All clocka in the public and parochial schools will be set one hour ahead Monday to conform with the daylight sivlnj plan All principals have been advised by Prof Justin Study to take this action liElfek laP aii EAVEY $1 .25 I nil luisl in aia SM TROUBLE ENTIRELY DSAP PEA RED, Trailer and mothers worry oier a child with a chronic cough Knudt Lee, Wajinaska Minn, writes ForaeeraJ years my daughter had a bad chronic ccufh Kery tfme she caught a little cold aggravated the trouble We tried mapy medicines, but not until tried rolet's Honey and Tar did anything produce any gieat relief. In a few day the trouble entirely dlsap earea ana nis never returned." Fpley lonev and Tar for cmia ha rnlda rrnnn. roueh Meyer Bros Co EXPECT HARD GAME WITH LAFAYETTE Tse horl Wayne hhamrocka ezoect nna of trie hardest games of the season to morrow when they play at Lafayette Tliej Lafaette team will future In Mia clianplonshlp of th state, which the jeert warn Cluo Is after The Shamrocks will take the 7 24 car Sunday They have alined up Pitcher Hardware Comporty Harnson and rear) Streets i nilMttBWUUl ll SEAVEYIS IS THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT STORE BRIDGE WORK JS aMmW SPECIAL TO MAY 20th. This Coupon li Worth $1 Cash Any new patient presenting this coupon at th New York Dentists, will receive $1 dsntal work Free when IS 00 worth or more of work la done to demonstrate our metn ods In up to date, high grade dentistrydentistry Oln this and use It (J Oj Af RF. Fi WrWJWni EXAMINATION FREE BPtJCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUT OF TOWN PATIENTS.

If your old plate is broken, send it to un. and let repair it We can do your work aa low Set of Teeth $500 Gold Crown $400 Bridge Work Extracting 50o Alloy Filling $1j00 Gold Inlay $2.00 Cleaning Teeth 60o Gold Filling $2.00 NEW YORK PAINLESS DENTISTS Lady Attendant Second Floor in Odd Fellow' Building, Corner Calhoun and Wayne Street, Fort Wsyne, Indiana. Open Dally, until 6 o'clock Saturdays evening until 9 Sunday 9 to 4. KINNEY'S Big 98c to $2.98 SHOE STORE Ladies Pumps, plain and straps, at. Ladies white canvas boots, high heel and English cut.

Ladies' white canvas boots, English rubber sole ,1 Ladies' tan, at $1.98 $1.98 $1.98 $1.98 Misses Pumps in patent or dull finish, at Boys Shoes for $1.08 Men's Strong 'Work Shoe jgl QG $1.98 $1.49 Infants' Shoes and low cuts, for Men's Dress Shoes for G. R. KINNEY CO. Inc. 207 209 E.

Main St. Fort Wayne. Ind. Fort Wayne's Greatest Shoe Store MaU Orders Given Prompt Attention. Jj I A 1.

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