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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a THE FORT WAYNE JOURNALrGAZETTE rmi i WWWiWw wftW 11 BsiTv.f"eJ1 vtsvnf AtutfkftqM555 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria 1 EteriUbnOtbtfcodinlBf? Sfrmf1 RftomwDIUiiifl new wmuww JJWj Copy of Wrapper. Always Bears the Signature of u' In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Day in Congress I WASHINGTON. Au I. The Senate ftnt II a.

m. and continued debate a the District of Columbia appropriation bill. Army appropriation bill conferees rMumed deliberations Confirmed nominations of Charles E. Lob dell, Georre Norris, 8 aad Hrebert Quick as members of the Sie vf farm loan board Recessed at lip n. until 10 a Thursday The house net at noon Naval conferee continued hearing on nary per oaael Increases.

Group on pediment of house vine of capltol build Ins; for Saally unveiled Adopted resolution asproprlatinf 1540 000 for relief of flood sufferers in southern states Dls aareed to senate amendments to bill tnodtfylnsT federal reserve act and sent Mil to conference Adjourned at 6 10 until noon Friday Bell ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. ROSE BUD SODAS THE IDEAL SyMMER FOOD" CROCER SELLS THEM DWLLS NEW HAVEN Ind Aur Merlin Inman. of Fort Wayne, spent last week with Mr and Mrs Marion Chapman Miss Florence Shuckman returned home Monday from a visit to Detroit and Cedar 1'oint Mrs. Bam Stocks wss a Fort Wayne visitor Monday Miss Grace Cockran.

of Fort Wayne, baa been visiting Mr and Mrs August Lupkln for a few days Miss Retina Shuckle has been spend ing several days at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Lament east of town Miss Beatrice Lake Is spend Ins her vacation with her uncle at Maysvljle Mr and Mrs A James, of Kokomo, were the fuests of Mr and Mrs A Woolever Hunday Mr and Mrs Harry Purvis and son Harry motored to Garrett Monday for a short visit. Mrs Bowman visited her daughter Udred at Winona Lake Sunday Mrs Smith of Chicago has been visiting her daurhter Mrs August Lupkln and family Mrs inman. of Fort Wayne has been spending a few days with. Mrs. Marlon Chapman Mrs E.

Bowers returned home Tuesday from Marlon where she has been visiting her mother who Is HI Mrs James Thatcher Is suffering rrom an aitack or erysipelas Mrs. August Lunkln was a Fort Wayne visitor Monday Miss Helena Gerardot Is taking a vacation from her work for a few days miss Aiieen Ashley has returned rrom a visit with relatives at Detroit. Master Willard Lucas was on the let list Monday Mrs. u. a.

tsitiekorrer returned to her home at Garrett Monday after a few days visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs Chris. Blrkhoft. Mrs Oral Kit ifen returned with her to make a shorm visit. Mrs Charles Todd has been 111 for a few days. Drs Bush and Dr Fushon, of Mem phis, T.enn visited in New Haven Sunday evening Miss Nelle Metcalf has been on the sick list for a fsw days The Christian Endeavor society of the Methodist Protestant church will give a picnic at Harper's grove Batur day All Are cordially Invited.

There will be a Jitney buss run for the ac commodatlon of all visitors BORLAND DECLARES MEAT TRUST "EXISTS Missouri Statesman Demands That House Order Investigation of Prices. WASHINGTON Au Represent atlv Borland, of Missouri, renewed his charge of a beef trust In the house to day and demanded action on his resolution proposing an Investigation of meat prices by the federal trade com mission He declared the parkers dlvWrnr enormous dividends while they charred consumeVs war prices, and had tried to stifle the pro ponal for an Inquiry because they feared publicity The Borland resolution he oolnted out now had been before the Judiciary committee ror itx momns during wnim IKe stork prloes bad been going stead I ly upward The same power which cotud put down the cattle market In 111 and put while this i Molutton wu nendlnc could pat It down again If the resolution were defeated, he said The packers now own or control nearly everything that is valuable In connection with the live stock business. Not only are they the sol buyer for the farmers" cattle, but they also control facilities for getting those cattle on the market. Mr Borland declared that in Ills, whlle the consumer was paying war prices, the Swift com panys dividends amounted to 1IT cent of Its capital stock, the AmWtfr company's II per cent the Morris company 11 per cent and the Cudahy company's 17 8 per cent. At the same timet, he said, the meat producing Industry had been managed so dtsadvantageousry that there were only it est eoe need or cattle in the country last year compared to If 000 000 In 100 THRESHING MACHINE BLOWS UPjJARNS BURN KENDAIXVIIXB.

In. Ave Anxloua to a propM1 eplrtt aa the metropolle of thla community tb loeal fir. department, full 7 aqulpped and manned by available am, read, a nlnt mil. run to Woloottvill thla afternoon, upon receiving report that a fir endangered that village. On arriving there th.

local department found Its effort war not needed. Tb. town waa not on fir, about to destroyed aroaa from an Th report that Woloottrlll. waa In a threshing machtn Sep arator on tba farm of Frank: Myers, near that town Tba resultant fir. burned two bama, eeventy nv tona of bar 1,500 buabela of wheat and a calf Th.

loaa la wtlmated at II 00 with 11,101) Insurance. RIQSOAG APPROVES SALE OF ISLANDS COPENHAGEN Ola London. Aug 11 II It Is regarded as probable that the rlgsdag will accept the offer of the United States to purchase the Danish West Indies in spite of opposition from several quarters Includ Ing the socialists who demand that the negroes in the islands be given the vote Immediately The offer for the Islands Is $21 000 000 and the cession of all American rights In Greenland and Denmark. PEABODY VOTES "WET" BY MAJORITY OF FOUR COLUMBIA. CITT Ind.

Aug Washington township in which Pea body la located, roted "wet" at to day, option election by a majority of four votes The townehtp haa one saloon. located at Peabody Th. rot. by pi clnctr was As follows North precinct. 1 dry" 101 "wet south precinct, 101 "dry 7 "wet." In the nort pre.

clnct 1 votea were cast oyer which a diaoute arose and these were not counted. In the eouth precinct threej Oleputea vote were esse PIERCETON Ind. Aui 1 Pierce ton will vote on the wet" and 'dry" Question to morrow There are ne saloons her now if efioldenBii JfrCodeofEluct fZt E. Berry St. Perl Wayne, Ind.

The Beet Place to get (reament for all chronic and private diseasee "Ipf men and women. Including; Male and romsl Wssknsss, Csnoer Oerter, Rupture, atsetel Bleed Poteen, Varieeeie, Hydrocele, Kidney and Bl.dd.r Troubles, 8ter llrty, Discharge. Skin sstses. Open Seres, Tubereulsr Qlands, Caearrh and Deafneea Cys Dis sssss, RWeumatlafn, Lung and Throat Dieoaoee, Tuberculeeie and Nerveue Dieeaeea.

I I Treat Successfully Dlaaasea af Msn Nsrvous Debility. Blood Poison and all Special Xnaeaaae Quick reaulta when then falL Skin Disseise .1 cure ecsema, son, psoriasis and lupus by electrlo process No pain, no delay It In doubt a alosie treatment will con wine you Hundreds of references In Fort Wayna Rectal Dieeaeee I claim the most perfect ayatem ever devised for the cur of pile, fissure or ulcsratlon th rectum by a painless and aasy method. Ne cutting) no paini nawetentien frem buslnsssi no fa I laras. Huadrede of references for th asking Writ for particulars It yeii cannot call. Spinal Trouble I use the most approved method for spinal ad.

iustment and spinal stretching No pain. No danger, Dl of Women All diseases peculiar to th sea treated without leeoit to surgery Consultation free. If out of town, write. Prices moderate. Including aeaiclna.

Hours, a. m. to p. m. Sunday or Wednesday hours.

axospt by appointment. NOTICE tX caTtetf farmMlyha firm af W. Carter Sons. Is now la tba for. MM and til business by himself rkoa.

lt. I KNOCKED DOWNBY AUTO lilax Sail, reported to the police ee that he had been strvck and knocked down by an automobile at Calhoun and Williams street. He was bruised but not seriously hurt. The machine carried license No. Iltlf HOW APPENDICITIS CAN BE PREVENTED Fort Wai ne people should know that a few doses of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, as mixed In Ad ler I ka.

oxten relieve or prevent ap nendloitia. This simple mixture re moves such surprising fojl matter that ONic HfOOiNJFULd relieves almost ANT CASK constipation, sour atom ach or gas. A short treatment helps cbronto stomach trouble. Adter I ka has easiest and most thorough actlor of anything we ever sold. Mein sen.

druggist, corner Maumee and Uni versity SPECIAL THIS WEEK! 1500 Children's $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00 Wash Suits will be sold this week in our Children's Department on second floor at two priced 59c and 98c Sum 2 to 8 Years 400 Men's and Young Men's $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Spdrt Shirts FZ(n will be sold this week at JvC ah sin, njt 17 Palnv Beach Suits $7.20 and all sizes PATTERSON FLETCHER CO. THE STORE THAT DOES THINGS WHEN YOU WERE A BOY By Jack Callahan irlOWVDUOSEO raxiETye. PH4 M0NEV irwriio OOCSWT KEEP OUT Or? THE rwxavmc miMTlSWMiHM K310RCE.I VSAKm HEAD' (poeRCatwt iwrs) I ttp KfM WWEEff WMWCE Cy. v' HW DONT MlFHECOESlM frVrJ.fUSTAy CEDRfiErSH' rWuM GOCdtrAl jlwWJTSHIrA I CUf. GtGBAG Vnn TAVC I UMX HOMf TV) CO Xa JAMK lfCkAH1 kce.1rlEr.

I rriZ. lav Wt tJll aaaaaaS I TKlc a imu AuurW At i H. i 1 IV1" rK I laaaaaaaV I ernss. sve tv i i i sc I I SOMKIHIN' HaSS T7 he asr I LJrllimiCtLJ I BJ 5A 4 jL" Hiri.rfTyt, vjtx jh fill II ll Mill SWWBfirBaV THE DEATHS immmmmmm ST. ST JOE, Ind Aug Mr and, Hra David Furnish of Detroit.

are here for a visit with the tatter's parents, Mr and Mre March Andreee Mr end Mrs Harry Hureh of Garrett were alao rer Sunday auests in toe Andress Bhoub of Peaeasouls, VlM wss here over Sunday a the guest of Mr and Mrs. Fred JonltJna Mr and Mrs Howard Northrop. Mr and Mra A. Northnip war. Sunday dinner gueete of Mr and Mrs.

Will Hamilton mil riaosei and family i gueota Prevlnes and son saraeo naturoay night with the for mar's parents, Mr and Mra Ben Hamll ton and other relatlvea Sam and family war. Sunday guests of Vr and Mr. Charles Coburn. Mr and Mra II. da.

war. Hiifijav dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. roster were afternoon gueeta Mre Try Journal Gazette Want Ads. On cent a word. OVERCOME BY HEAT Russel Bogart, 1131 Green street, waa rercome by th heat yesterday neer the corner of Hoaaiand and Brandriff streets reellns; weak and sxhausted he sat down on too curbing but soon fell baLkwarda.

People living In the neighborhood called th police and the strlrken was taken to his boms. DEOATLR, Ind. Aug Real es tate deals of magnitude ar. two In which James Arnold of thla citand Ms father In law Daniel B. Ford, are prlnclpala They have purchased the farm of 1U acres near XtUls.

tor tit 170 Another one la one la which Mr Arnold traded as part consideration three houses and six lots In this city was the purchas of an eighty acr farm a mile north of Wiltshire belonging to tlenry Bcherry the consideration being tt S00 To day, To morrow and Saturday, the International Business college keeps "open hous)," that the public may see their new quarters on West Jefferson street, one half square off Calhoun. COLUMBIA CITY MAN IS SCVCPlSLY INJURIO COLUMBIA L1TT August 1 KU Bol a nloAk 1umn4 from a leddar that be came overbalaneed. In preferenee to fall Ing backward with It, and probably sustaining a broken neck or other fatal lo Jurlea Mr Bellinger fell fourteen feet and lit an both feet. Nelghbore, seeing he waa aeverely Injured, hurried him in an auto to the office of Dra Q. and tlrleier, where aa ray disclosed a Pott fracture of the left leg both bones being broken and one lammed together at the freoture.

The bone of the right beat waa freetared Tb Injuries were reduced end Mr Bollinger who has beep unable to do much work for sev oral months on eeoeuat of 111 health. I reeled fairly well Wednesday tCrlOOL 'IftlNTINCMNT MOVES TO COLUMBIA CITY, COLUMBIA CITT August I Prof peoiaing nsw neea ei tne uviumnt 3 Julius Send, Trust eompsay la this dty. Bandt.1 Mre Oeorg Bandtel a reeident of thla city for many enra died yesterday at th family residence t4 Mas terson avenue at the erfe of forty seven veara Desih followed an at tack of heart trouble aad she had been bedfast for the past three weeks Th deceased was born In Byracusa, August 11 tttl but cam her with her parents when a child. Surviving beeldea tba husband are three children Helen. thla city One brother and a sister of Duncan.

Oila. Bertha and Fred Bandtel, all of residing In this city also survive Bh waa a member of th Bethel Evangelical church LipplneMt Evans upplnoott. son in law oi Captain and Mrs. Isaac) dlsay of this I Mr wul Hsmllton and little city died Monday at Cambridge daughter Margaret Klnor and Mr and Springs. Pa.

death being due to an Mrs Lee O. Tustlaon and littls son affection of the kidneys. Mr uppin cott had sons to th springs at th suggestion of his physicians witn nopee of regaining hla health. Surviving besides th widow ax three children The funeral will tak plc at th faml ly residence in Cincinnati Thursday afternoon at I 10 clock. Krenmlller anna Mai ia Kronralllor widow of George Kronmlller died yeeterday at the residence of a daughter Mrs WU 11am Sutter (it Fifth etreet, at the age of eighty two years.

Death wss due to paralysis and followed an ui of three weeks Born In Wuerten berg Germany eh came to America with Iter Bister Mra Beeger over en ty years ago A few year later she came to AHen county and settled In Lake township where she resided un til a few yeare ago whan ah cam hsr aks her home wu oaugmer ifrnnmiiiw wu a charter mem ber of the St. John Lutheran church Her hueband and one daughter pre reded her in death Surviving are five children Mra William Sutter of this rttir Mrs Butt, of Lake town. hip Oeorge xronnuiieT oi Wayne John of tak township, ana Charles of Columbia City Ther ar also twenty three granacnuaren ana fifteen great granacnuaren. Funeral servloes wlll bold Fri day afternoon at 1 tt o'clock at th residence of the daurhter and St two clock at BL John Lutheran church. Interment at St, John a cemetery I Kennedy James Kennedy aged I Veara.

a re. Keith motored to Hickavule Saturday Glenn Miller of Auburn was a 81 Joe visitor Mondsy Miss Edna Jackson soent rrom Bun day unttll Tuesdsy ss ths rueet of her unole and aunt. Mr and Mrs. Cbarlee Jaekson at Concord. Mr and Mra David Furnish of Ee and Mrs guests in ths Andreee home Hrr uena rvaae retosaey reeumed home with her elater Mre.

Amanda Shafer for a vlalt with rela ttlvee In this vicinity The boye and girls' classes of the Lutheran Sunday school, accompanied liar Dill a grevs Thursday Bassstt and son Carl ware In Mllferd township county, Saturday and Mra If. Wlrinav and daughter Doris and Mr and Mrs Wldney were gueets of Mr and Mrs Frank Adams, near Angola, Sunday Mr Mrs Howard Botfhwtck and1 children, Prlsotlla and Russell, and the former mother, Mrs Pmma Berth wiek, were Sundsy guests of Mra. Clara Qreen, at Hleksvllle. Mr and Mra ft. Kinase and an Duwayne and Mr and Mra.

People motor ed Hamilton lake, Plaaeant Lake Waterloo and Auburn Sunday While at namuion laae tney caued on Mrs Mary Bowman for a short lima Mr ana Mrs John Ooldemlth, Mlee Laura Bhutt and Miss Lola ReleneMer. fer all of Harlan, Ware Sunday eve nlng guests of Mr and Mra. A. Pat tsrson. Q.

Bayman aooompanlsd his daughtfra, Ellssbsth and Katharine, to and Mr a oeuDle ef weeks sir ana Mra. rrote Melton celeoretea their fiftieth weddlne annlvaaarv Ron. aey at tnetr nem. northwMt and th. letter's lady friend, all of Oar ri mrtni rvineorenner ana son or Fort Wayne, James Smith Mrs, Its and family irred Hefty and family, Lib mle Wesson, Mettle Wesson, Frank Johnston and wife, Sam Fellers snd son, Ira Bone and wife end Den Mc Cann and wife In the afternoon Baeeett was aalUd and took pictures of those present.

Mr and Mrs Charlss Jsekeon of Con cord were Sunday evening callrs of Mr and Mra Bert Jeckeon. Mre H. St. Clelr of Auburn epent Thursday and Friday as ths gueet ef her Mra William Psppls, and family A Patterson of Hleksvllle and Mlea Krepps of Pennsylvania were the gueete or u. rauerson ana wire Mondsy afternoon The Sunday schools report for Jnlv tn ss follows Lutheran If present It 71 offering ll present, 11.07 offer Ing Christian preeent, 1 tt offer ns.

Brown ana ramur spent Bun cervtlle. At Foster's you find the greatest line of well made bed davenports in the city. Cea you afford be without health aad acotaeai lasunueet Xeasea It auc Tsu will be vUoed yoa cannot. THE POLICY WE WILL WRIT! PON YOlT oeets llMa sa ssg mooh. ray hUL urgloU but aaapliil bin.

AIM par yw snawthly la aaa at disability lneurred taraugh slckaes asawtssnV Ask fer farther tatermatl.n. gladly furalsh it. CHAS. M. PREBLE TerepKea.

IISs. Ream Swlaaey Sleek FOrTTa'AYTtE. Free Inner Tubes We will give you FREE, pne INNER TUBE, jwith every "America Heavy Car Type" Tire that you purchase from us. A complete net price list appears below This offer is for a limited time oply anticipate your future needs and take advantage of it. A DRINK WITH 'a PuAI0sC nerarore aei wespiiate Agreeable and rerreehlng eapeelally to he eeuew It Is a remark abst nerve teal.

try It. tired fsrmer died yesterdsy afternoon, at a local hoepltal following an lllneee due to eenlUty Th deceased was born and reared In Adame oounty, O. reeid Ing 4here utntll eight years ago, when he can to this city to make his horns with a son R. Kennedy, a plasterer contractor Surviving ar eevsn eons R. and BV Kennedy, of thle ettrt Grant, of Walcott Kaal Ira.

Harlan and ECllaa'of California, and Ell, of Oklahoma One daughter rMa Anna White or Montana, aiso survives. Funsral servloee will be held, at the snd lahiu parlor atan hour to Funeral Announcements. Funeral ervloea for William Banco will be held this afternoon at two clock at th raaldMic, til Mon. roe street. Rev D.

It Qulld officiating Interment at th New Haven cemetery The Ben Hurs will also hold tbeir services Funeral senrice for John Henry Neff will be held Saturday afternoon at two o'clock at tb Peltier undertaking parlora. Interment at linden wod Th body will arrive In Fort Warns from Los Angela Friday aft moon funeral seryloa for Mrs. George Bandtsl will be held Saturday afternoon at clock at th raaldsnc. 101 Mastsrson avenue and at I It clock at the First Bvangslloal sburcb. Rev Lauderaann officiating A sister, Mrs William Rsgsnaur.

and brother, Gustavo Weber boUl et thla cltr ar numbered among tba surviving relatlvea Funeral eervlcee for Mrs. Jose chin fHaverwfrl vsrhsldrrrldarinornlnE al sesciocK at tne reeioeaca, nil Bouts Lafayeu street, aad at I clock at ML Patrick CathoUo church. atrmat at ua vataouo ZoVnJaBawSBBwaBB "SsaaW wSaawH rj fTBWI Isaaaasral BwMTaySJ ISSSSJ UjgjVTjH SBVj Non Skid 28X3 9.24 30x3 9.90 30x3h 12.60 32x3h 14.35 31x4 18.93 32x4 19.33 33x4 20.20 34x4 20.77 Guaranteed 4000 Miles BaawalnV AJ'assHes. Smooth 28x3 8.70 30x3 9.27 30x3h 11.84 32x3h 13.43 31x4 17.76 32x4 28.76 33x4 19.00 34x4 19.47 paawSaaTJal I.

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