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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 6

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A 1 rc. hi I a'" ii ataVesawaa) r'fTvTrvH a aa'S'naaiasm'jieasajuujiju i i'WUmaM mil Wtvm I r. IRv pi IN a IV I it ft 3t. 'A THE FORT WAYNE JOURNAL GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1907.

BISMARK SAYS HE WAS SLUGGED POLICE CHARACTER SUSTAINED BAD SCALP WOUND. Wil Found Lying on Sldawalk But It la Probabla Ha waa Hurt In Fall Pollca Hava Talk With Woman Charity Collector. August Dauera, known aa nismark, police character, waa found by Polios Sergeant Pappert anil Patrolman pinker last evening lying In front of the Nichols A Wise saloon, on East Main street, with an ugly scalp wound on the back, of hta head Dauera waa badly daaed, either from liquor or the wound, but he quickly rallied when placed upon his feet and asserted that be bad been slugged by the bartender in the saloon Persons In the saloon, however. Stated that there had been no trouble of any sort there, that Uauers had staggered lato the place and had fall era against a 'three conored post and oat his head Blood marks on the post seemed to Indicate the truth of their story. Dauers was released from jail yesterday morning, after having served at slity day sentence for drunkenness lie Immedlstely contracted a "Jag" find went to police headquarters, where he waa allowed to He down for a time.

Some time after 6 o'clock lie left the station and It was shortly iter that that he waa picked up. Polio? dot the Money. Mrs. Henslnger. of 437 Dawson street, who had been soliciting funds for the relief of Elmer Hart and tarn ly, whose home was recently destoy and whose little boy waa burned to death, waa taken to police bead quarters yesterday afternoon by Pa trolman Kelly and Interviewed by the police.

The charity organlratlon which has In charge tlie collection of funds for the Hart family had made complaint about Mrs Henslnger. not knowing) whether her work was leglll mate. Mrs. Hennlnger stoutly as eerted mat she had kept track of Tery penny collected and that she In tended giving It to the family She turned the money, $23 CO, over to Chief of Police Ankenbruck, who In torn handed It to Mr Clint Wlllson who was authorised to receive the funds Mrs Henslnger was not do tsUned and no charge was placed sgslnst her. as ebe was apparently ac tuated by worthy motlvea Nawa of the Police.

Complaint has been made to the polloe that a peeper has been hang log about the Illnkle residence. 227 West Superior street The police are on the trail of some boys who have been damaging the ftoperty of Mr R. Hump, 601 JUavlna avenue A sneak thief stole fifty feet of garden hose Monday night from the yard of Mr Henry lleuret, 446 East De Wald street Hut twenty prisoners are now con lined In the county Jail, the smallest number within the psst three years Mr Francis Iteno. of Chicago who baa been here Investls ntlne thn Znnn. Vflle safe blowing affair for a burglar insurance company, returned yester day to Chicago Someone last nlaht tnmcut in Ysjse call to police headquarters for xue patrol wagon.

As the wagon Is never sent out except upon the call "of an officer or reputable cltlien who gtves his name, tha guilty persons sjoi dui nine run out or the proceed Jng The call waa sent In tmm down town livery stable and the no wn uie irau or me follows This Man Wants Olh.r Siqf forlng and Beprassad Souls to Read of His Curo of Eczema BY D. 0. D. Prescription. BBBBFBBHBBkl 'aaaaaKl aBal 4aBBBBBrlHrW "I l.Ttrtls..


Freedom From Weeds Is an Important Conalderatlon Sandy Loam for Onions and a Liberal Amount of Moisture for the Other Vsgeta blee Answere to Queries on Fsrm Topics. oaama. Tarawa all ihaa yssn It ku eocssd ir roomer, lu. a puraula, fata, 'so uiwk, now break In. sul op bit foot, lour oa sir bosoa.

Uon oa bath hansa sod rm. Oolrtkooowko lloaomiOUOSOOB IMS SOW ssyososorod. I em tbo proprietor of the Jsr.ia.asi renantroot. ss ot laa n.r dlotoos srooUr blnderod no lo Mr work, so muota oe tbot I woo olniool driven lb Prilno and abostof tso nwos wldolr kaowa romodloo for 1 trooblo. but wlik little or no aubatanllal rollrf out of skeor dosperatloa I anally Aarortttoo tw RoMody.

Ajnons tbo roplloo wbloh wore br no aiosok soont. I rooolrad from a follow utorer In tkls oltr. alalia, profound foitb Id remedy tnol hod workoil wonders In nor oooa, to frank sod oo positive wore bor stolomenu that tbev Improond me with tknlr anulncn.aa. and I dourmlnoatosirollsthoroufbtrlol It proved tobowbot loboownsotbo Tbrwls IX PPMotiptloo for akin end soalp." I ceo trutofullr ih.t from the vr Srat Spplloollonlobtolnodrollof I waa dellsbtod wllk oiporlenoa that I oonUnuod to appl, the romadv I have now used eleven bottloa In all. aad today akin la a amootb aod olror aa tkonsh I bad never been aflllntcd and I oonalder mraeir wall men Now I roallao that there are loatlmonlala end teatlmonlala.

nod I aaauro all who mar see tbla one that It la aa aenulne aa truth and lankaace oao make It I ahall never Jojiet ISO favor of tha one who leoonimendod hie rem ad, to one. and now If oome aurrarlos and daproaaod snul ahould aoo tbreollnea and be woMToennn nave Keen aroom pllnhed as I have otilv done after mature deliberation what sprwnlod upon me aa a almple dut, I will add that I Hand read, tota.lf. everr woM herein oonutlned LBLAter D. D. D.

Prescription positively cured Ibis man. snd note sfter he had tried in numerabls other treatments and remedies D. I). I Prescription Is logical and acion lific. No use to dose the atomach when the dlaeaae arises from parssites In the skin Kill theaa parasites or Ihey will surely kill you.

D. kills them and theo leaves the akin in healthy sad besnnf ul condition Go today sad get a bottle 1 1 00 eat h. DltEIER 4c BRO Corner ('alliouti mill Columbia Sis NMS AND PERSONAL TAIK FROM KU We serve "QUEEN" din at the "THE QUEEN" SSoenta. SHERWIN tfc JONES. ENORMOUS SUMS IN INSURANCE, Ohio Business Done by Frstsrnal 8o clstlss Nearly Thrss Millions Paid In the stste for Death Claims During the Year IMS.

O. April 23 State insurance uommlssloner Vorys rcpiirt ed to aorernor Harris to day that there were sixty three fraternal bono flclary associations doing business In the state In 1906, with an aggregate Income or $72,497,984 37. or which 64 waa paid out In doalh claims The Ohio associations received $7 188,447 43 and raid In 'death claims 15.818.349 23 All the associations lave an aggregate of assets or $62 077.479 21 and unpaid death claim's aggregating $7,948,288 They wrote Insurance during 1106 aggregating $771,128,411. and had in surance In force at the close of 19111; aggregating $5.693.627142, a gain ror the year of $321,014,318 There were ,7 death claims paid during the year aggregating CEN80R8HIP FOR PLAYS. Archlblshop of Montreal Makee Proposal to Council.

April 23 At the Sleeting of the city council Mondsy afternoon a letter waa read from Archbishop Ilruchesl, or the Itomsn Catholic dloceao or Montreal lng that a censorship be established to examine all plays to he produced In the theatres here. Two of the French theaters recently agreed to submit 'all plays to the archbishop, snd he (Bow dealres that the censorship be extended to the Engllnh thesters Tho council appointed a special commit tee to study the matter and report (Rpeclnl to the Journal flazMte I.KO, Ind April 21 Mrs Jucoh Ixichner, who Uvea two miles west ol here, has been critically 111 with pneumonia ror a number of days, hul lias now made a change for the bet ter, and It Is hoped will soon ho 1 1 tlrely recovered Mrs Sarah Houle his sold her farm consisting of seventy five acies fo' $3,700 Mr David Wateon's team became frightened at some horses which wert running In a held nnnr the road last weok while ho was driving to this placo and would have gotten away from him had ho not run them into a telnphnnn post, causing them to stop but also breaking the tongue and neck yoke ol the buggy Mr John Manning, Mr KJ. McOoinh and John Conrad, or this place, wern In St Joe thle week at the meeting thero to oloct a aurveytir ror the Butler A Fort Wayne Intern rhan route The Ijtdlea' Aid met at Mrs Minefield a home laBt week to sew carpet rags MrB Henderson won the first prise lor sewing the largest ball The farmers In this vicinity are very Blow In getting their oats Rown on account of the ground staying ao very wet Important! If you want lo make garden keen chickens, or co. It will nav von lo get onn or those large lots In ('has Brlire Addition of East Wayne llelghtn Slie of lots 40 by over 200 feet long located high and dry $10 CASH and SI ner week pays for a lot in the Dreibelbias 1st add. (South Calhoun Street Car Lino throne the center).

NO TAXES; NO INTEREST. Lots now on sale at the office in charge of Mr. George Esmond on the Kronnds. SLOT MACHINES MUST GO Chicago Chief of Police Places Ban on Gambling Devices. Gardner, Tempi too.

Wla Kindly describe ths Ideal soils for boets, caul 1 flower, aod onions. Reply The beet needs a mellow oil, and one that shoud ever contain liberal amount of moisture, rather than too much plant food Tho plant will do reasonably well when there has been a liberal dressing of well rotted manure, but when too much freah manure Is a pp. ml there Is a tendency to ru to tops while there will be but a slight formation of roots Since the root Is the Important part of the beet Us formation should be catered to more than the formation of tops Do nOt understand us to say that the beet does not need materials rich In nitrogen, for It doe' Kxiwrl menta show that the average acre of beets remove" about as much nitro gen from the Moll as nn acre of corn However, whllo thoy remove connld erabln nitrogen, they tako a great ileal more or potash, and, Ihereforo, the manure apitllnd for the beet uhould contain a larger percentage of potaah than Ik nenedfd for corn While th beot takes from tho soil about thn same amount of nitrogen as an acre of corn. It takes about twice or three" times as much potash Rome advlso tho application of limit to the plat In tended fo beets, but we think this In not a Rood jiraotlcn Umo seems to have tbo tendency to promote scab and some of the other funRoim din easea, and (should never be applied to ground intended either for beoN or potatoeH Since sand makes the soil Ideal, many times excellent re suits are obtained by the liberal mix nir of nand with the soli of tbo bed This should not be attempted unless there Is a groat deal of sand handy to the garden Cauliflower equlren a rich soli One that contains a considerable humus seems to be the Ideal place for the plant Any soil in which there Is much humus or to which a greit deal of organic matter has been applied and well mixed with tho surfaco layer will make a good plat for the (Hull flower It Is essential ttmt the plant! havo an nliundanco of molsturn and: the bed or patch sooild bo located' where tbo ounil doep nor drv out enflly and where the soli Is known to retain moisture well Any met ow, bljfk soils which retain the inolKture without drying it In tbo Rummer1 time are considered Ideal fr thl plant and am cf fert IMnp the ground which will produ the re I suit n'o the onei to foil iwed by the farinei Tho application ma iiuir phoutd he done fl stmn ai oml hie and the manure Fhn lid be ris i I ably well lotted and well mixed wit i the soil A nunbT nf purdenerp hne had ecellc it surcei by am IvIiid; a heavy coat of the ell iott'd mi rremi an old straw hp If however ou have an o'd rotted down heap upon which no freMi maiiim has been thrown this winter Ciiq w'll mnke excellent material with which to enrich tho cauliflower bed Artdv this material now and disc it into tho ground The onion hIioiiI I have a vory rlh and mellow seiil which Is freo from weed We are tcld that thlo vegeti ble should be attempted onlv on a soil containing considerable sand The ronnon ftor this advice li becaus thc are generally but few weeds on th' snndy loam, and It Is less trouble to I grow the rrop there than on rlat THE The Electric Sign of DRS "Home of Good Clothing" We Want No Mistakes Made by the Good Dressers of Fort 'WTayne when they are hunting for the store that advertises wbat constitutes a good Slllt and then offers to have their own Clothes judged by that or any other HONEST STANDARD of MERIT and VALUE. Look for this Sign It means the BIGGEST DOLLAR'S WORTII in the Value of the Fabric; in the Workmanship of the Tailoring; in the Permanency of the shape and in the Exactness of the fit.

We Sell Hand Tailored Clothing Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction: SINCERITY CLOTHES, manufactured by Kuh, Nathan Fischer, Chicago, $12 to $30 the suit. AUGUST BROS, fi Clothes of Rochester, $15 to $30 the suit. We Sell KOHN "Union Made" Clothing also, and other lines well made, tho' not as well known, $5 to $20 the suit To Build Up a Business on the Reputation for Selling the BIGGEST DOLLARS WORTH Always has tecn our aim in Fort Wayne and NOW that our efforts have been so enthusiastically responded to by you we know that our SQUARE DEAL Methods HIGH GRADE Clothing is going to bring us even more SUCCESS. Our Label on a Suit Spells SATISFACTION I Be Satisfied with the Best la Hats and Furnishings That Means DEAL UNDER THIS SIGN REASONS: a miffSy CornerGoing' HOMfaooDaoniiMG You've never heard a kick from the man who wore a. HOWARD HAT You've never seen a larger assortment of' 50c, $1.00 and $1.50 Shirts in Fort Wayne than we carry.

It's the Only Place you can buy Guaranteed Socks. You can always get "Just What YOU Want" from a collar button to an extra large size suit of Underwear. You will never be treated with Greater Courtesy than by us. WOMEN and CHILDREN are especially well cared for. If you sk for a grain sack and we don't have it we won't try to sell you a collar bag.

THAT'S MORE SATISFACTION North and Save $5 on Your Next iSuit ffh MAJESTIC. I eaten "THE LION AND THE MOUSE." Immencs Audiences Will Witness Yhl Splendid PUy Each Night. whero thorp nro a number of weds If the ground ha neon ken fro from weeds and mftn'urod with man urn slllie Chirlrs Klein's Ia. "Tho Mon and Moubo whlrh Henry II Harris will prod non here at the Majeetlc thin woth coiurl ib elements of vital in Been for tho second tlmo on Sunday night "Montana Is a new and oris I mat mory en ino on me plains, qphuqk tarl 111 Iha nr twal Attsi In itlln satnaaflwtas' mill nil? niiiMrouiu tlliiin DLf nil aSaTj which tn known to he a most trouble so mo question Itlended In with this theit In an exce'lent lovo fctory artd a moit hnmoroiiH net no of comedy er Introduced In any ilay The company Is lnre one num being twenty jteoplo Two car loads of scenery nre icqiilrod to stage this which la known to be freo from woed terest to all clinsea of people One, niodiictlon. besides four thoroughbred seed, crop you can grow as profitable ain portraiture thn octopus of flimro A A.

a I i i.i IS YOUR Blood 5ad? Try "Smlth'a Potaaslum Com psusd." Trial packags of this Kreat blood purlfler free by addrsslnii John A. Smith Co, Milwaukee. Wis Money rvTunosti ii nrsc ouc ooiue jails aatlaTy yoiL At Druggist. CHICAGO, April 23 Slot marhlnea trie purely gambling; derlree which netted Chicago saloonkeepers a rich harrast under Mayor Dunne's admin Intra! Ion, were put out business un der a strict order Issued yesterday af ternoon by Chief of Police Snippy Unless every one of them Is remov ed from saloons and other places by o'clock lo night tho patrol sergeant of the offending police precinct will be summoned before the civil Bervlce commission on tho charge of neglect of duty Slot machines have been 'ordered out before 1 his probably lll lie the first time In the history of the city when they will actually bs removed to stav out 1 lie older applies only to the coin machines Cigar and gum vending machines are excepted "The original slot machine Is a gambling device, mire and slninla to said Chief Bhlppy. "and It will not be tolerated In Chicago during the nest four yearc on soil free from sand as upon a sandy loam It is an oxcelient plnn to pile stack of manue near the plat and allow II to rot a ear In this way the weed shells In the manure are nearly all killed, snd then If the ground has been kept clean the previous years, there Is no reason whv It cannot be made nn Ideal seed bed for the onion with the application of this manure The fact that onions will grow v.cll upon swamp nnd muck Innda proves thst sand la not neces sary to the production of onions We saw a muck soil not long ago where more was not a particle of ssnd and tho onions produced were trulv won ders to behold Subscriber, Maryvllle, no state glr on I Ilka the Inter Ocean better, than all the other papers I take I would be pleased If you tell me the simplest remedy for righting mites In my nennouse can I begin now? Reply The pest mites can be erad icated better at this time of the year than at any other time There are generally but a very few of them In the henhouse compared with the number during the summer If the poul try ralaer Is thorough In his method of extermination he will have no trou ble In holding them In check during the spring and summer Early In the morning, as soon as the hens lesve the roost, take a common machine oil can fill It with kerosene and fill every crack and crevice on the roost full of oil About tho middle of the day close tho house as nearly air tight as possible Take an old kettle and nil It about half full of live wood coals On this place a piece of tin When the tin heoomea red hot throw on a handful of aul phur.

get out of the house aa quickly as possible and close the door As soon as the Bulphur has burned out throw on another handful Continue till ynti have used a half pound Ily that time there will be but a very few mites living Repeat thjs every week for three weeks, and you will have the peats nearly. If not complete ly, destroyed Get your Tanamaa cleaned for 60c up. Grubera Clgr Store. who rtem in his attitude to all. even to his wire and children Is relentless to his ennim treading under his Koldcn hret nil those who oppose him oi his colossal schemes The other Is a haractcrl7stlon of a young and beautiful gill the dsughtnr or the judge who Is being driven to the nll with Impeachment and dlngraoo as the result of bis righteous decision nsalnst the trusts.

So that In 'The I and the Mouse." Mr Klein has given in an Idea of the Influence of money and politics in the nffalra of thn general public of today For the Interpretation of tills most success ful of plays Henry H. Harris hss gathered together sn exceptionally fine cast, and Its advent hero should prove a most Interesting one I)e spite the fsct of tho excellence of tho attraction there will bo no advance In prices horses which are for this pla) TEMPLE. carried "MONTANA The 8plondld Western Drama to Re turn Sunday. "Montana." a western play will be This Afternoon and Class Vaudeville Evening High BILL MAKING GOOD. The Temple vaudeville this week Is another pleasing attract Ion for this popular play houno Harry Richards A Co present a comic operetta en titled Ixvo a la Mode Their comedy work Is excellent and all three mem hers pofisess tolcen much 'above the ordinary foe Whitehead, Assisted by tho (irleraon sisters.

Is presenting; a novelty In the way of artistic fooling Mr Whitehead Introduces some very effective soft shoe dancing, which h. made a very favorable Impression Mileas and Mexlean, the funny clown with his dog, replaced Memphis Kennedy, presenting; something en tlrely new and original and as an en tertatner he has had few equals this neason The rest ot the bill measures up to the Temple standard "sjy THaOTsyCaM Well Fed Folks are pretty sure to be patron of IIOF BRAU'S RESTAURANT and show by their appearance that they get the best food provided. They the beet the markot affords, dellclously and daintily cooked and served Our bill of fare contains all the luxuries or the season. Ilof Brau Restaurant Cor. Calhoun and Columbia Sta.

4.1 'cspvRicMT Jrrftr' i "Accidents WU1 Happen In the best regulated families" a well as en the beat regulated wheels, If your bicycle la Injured on the road from any bring It to and we will make a neat Job In repairing It Expert repairing of bicycles Is our specialty, and we wilt make It good aa new A. J. ROUSSEY Excluslvo Agency for the Racycle. Opp. Intsrurban Station.

621 Harrison 8U GOOD RETURNS ROM RENTED HOUSES Great Demand for Good Dwellings In Fort Wayne at Present Time. "The dearth of dwelling houses In Fort Wayne Is becoming more marked every day said a prominent reaJ estate broker yeeterday "I have about flftv hounes on my rental list and every one of them occupied In addition. 1 have a dosen Inquiries every day from people wlu want dwelling houses aud can't secure them I am confident If the facts were known, that hundreds of families, able to pay good repts. would he found doubled up In quarters not at all adequate to their needs or to their ability to pay. Many of the people who come to me ashing for houses aref people who are willing to pay $18 or $10 a month.

There Is a big demand for houses that will rent for from $10 to $15 a month and building houses for such a class would be profitable. But the demand for $20 a month class of dwellings shows that people are proa perlng and the fact ought to lte building by men who have money to Invest Remember! April 27th, 1 SO I'. M. la the date of the Great I ot Bale In Chas Bcherer'a Addition of East Wayne Heights It will be to your Interest to be there. Journal Oaxatta want ada bring suits.

It has been proven time and again. Try th.m. Je I 'CPVR0MT iHBBBIWffl 1 aaaaaaataaaaaaaaB aCaOlaVal I HwHyfaSsSBBBBBBBI tw SaSBaSSBSaxSai BS jBBjBH i I BBWBBH iH BBBBBBBaUxexaaaaavi dfxaxSr BBBsIBK BBVxfH 0SflJBflMHIHtt sbMB I BbYlsxBjH IBkBBMi si The Oliver Steel Plow HPH BBaasatSBSj RIUlNa and WiUlND, ar. eon BBBBisxSBB IBS BBBBxBBBB 0Yr most BBBBaaBBBI SB BBBB1 BBBB eale.t running, aaalaat handlari BBBVaataBBBB BB Plow for purposas oa the BBBaxgaaSBBS BS BBBBBBBBB BBBBlSBBBkI BB BBaBBBfl ISTasUraits bafor. buylna any BaBSSaBBSB BB KSBBBBBBaXvBBBBBB Oin.r Sinn BBBBBBBBa7aBaaTafM BTafJ wBBJ JIbV ''fi'frtiBB.

r. I. tJBBBBl.

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