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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 9

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Bash is at Indianapolis oa a business trip. Christian Starke, of 1314 Rockhill street, Is 1H at Bin home. Hugh Hmaltz, ot New York, city, It la the city visit trig relatives Miss Edna Wllllamsport, who Is visiting her uncle and aunt, and Mrs W. Wilt, 1 ick. jur.

rMsuurnc, toov arciuteci, is la Van Wert superintending the ierec lion ot a four! building fpr which he drew the. plans. August Kern, 'whose wife died recently, Is In the city and will vis(t relatives here nntil after Easter. MRS. HARDINQ ELECTCb.

Fort Wayne Lady Officer ef Kings Daughters and Sons. Ioganport, Ind March So The state convention of Kings Daughters and Sons today re elected all oC the old officers as follows Secretary, Miss Rose Farrlngton, Terre Haute; assistant aecretary. Miss Nell Filbeck, Terre Haute; treasurer, Mrse. John Sample, Madison, record, lng secretary. Miss Clara E.

Locke, Terre Haute; executive board, Mrs. Burnett, Muncle, Mlsa Mary Mc Kenzle. Elwood, Mrs. Robert Harding, Fort Wayne, Mrs. Frank Wall, Ijo uransnort, Mfs, Lewis Orth, Kdwards, P.

O. WESTON JURYrfsVTILL OUT. Huntington, Ind March 30 Up to 30 o'clock this afternoon the Jury In the case ot Boston Weston, the Huntington cabman, who Is charged with the klll'ng of Holthouse, of Decatur, had not returned a verdict The: case went to the jury at 8:20 o'clock Thursday evening At 1 o'clock this afternoon the Jurors were called lnt.o court and asked If there were any likelihood of reaching an agreement, and the foreman replied thai they were able to see but slight chance for a verdict They were directed to return and reach a verdict If It were possible, flosstp about the court house is totbe effect that the Jury Is standing ten for conviction and two for acquittal, though nobody is able to say upon what such rumors are based. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. (Compiled by John Heller.

Abstracter. 16 Court Street City Jnonh IT and Alftjfen Jevllle tn Florence 36 Parnen for $1 700. lot 1 Electrlo LlKht add Cha A Willing trustee to A. Wilding; for Jl 501). lof 9, Bond a nub dlv, except no ft Phas and Porter to TOdward Poinsett, for 13 000.

lot 20, UowsarvDla add Elizabeth Ooodfellow to Rudolph ML Henry, for 13.450, lot Pt Hamilton lt Countrv Samuel and A Price to Anna Klltaboth Smith, for tl 600. lot Pool let add. Monroe llle. In Monroe tp Ulrfiees L. Repp tn Aaron and Bertha Amatuts.

for ts, 20 acres pt a 14, fee 28. Springfield tp WILL AID JUDGE. HEATGTN Republican Central Committee to Meet Tomorrowi Chairman A. R. Walter has issued a call for a.

meeting of the republican county centra committee, to be held at the office of Attorney II. Hogan, in the Bass 'block, at 1 'o'ctook tomorrow afternoon. The purpose of the gathering la, Chiefly to lend, wbattever aid may bo possible to the candidacy of Judge 0 N. Heaton for Judge of the supremo court. Capt.

W1, A. Kelsey, mentioned as a possible1 republican candidate for county auditor, declares that he is not a candidate, and says that he la out of politics. The democratic county central com mittee will hold tta next meeting one week from tomorrow E. E. Sterner, bf Greenfield, a candle date for the republican nomination for auditor of state, was In the city today looking up his political in this territory.

W. II. Blodgett, of the Indianapolis News, wad in the city today, and left this morning for Kendallvllle to "cover" he poBtoflce wrangle in the Noble county city lor hia newspaper, The following republican executive committee for the 1908 campaign haa been appointed by County Chairman Waltef; William Vesey, chairman i J. McKim, Hogan, Dr, H. McOoogan, Dr O.

dross, Marlon B. Johnson, Capt Scott Swan, Sol. A. Wood. WerkmaA.

W. E. Ootid. H. William Ieer and N.


Bauer Aetorrfeties people Who Call to Test HI Ooosjlt Powers Read Thoughts and Tells Past and Future Uiehtts Upon aMng Satisfaction to HI Clients. Mr. Carl Bauer, the great Desman clairvoyant and astrologiit, is quart tered at residence, 118 Clinton street, near Lewis street, and already a nam ber of city people terre called apon him for advice. He reada the past, present and future of one'a life with an accuracy to command respect and the correctness with regard to a matter of which tt Is supposed be knows nothing Is enough to astonish one. He Is not a palmist tn any sense of the word, but he guarantees to give advice by means of hie art that will prove of value la matters of business and love.

Air. Bauer will remain here for some time, add the reputation ha has already established guarantees that his time will be well filled from now on. People who have already consulted him have been astonished with the celerity aud correctness' of his replies, while he has many recommendations to show that come from people who hare profited by the advice he haa given them. Mr. Bauer will tell one his mother's name, the day of the month and the year rhen one was horn, where one has been empluyel In the past; the ubject that may be preying upon his mind; the nam of the lady or gentleman In whom one rcay be particularly Interested, and wan other facts that are equally Interesting No other Power for Cities and Mines Being Developed In Idaho.

Penver, March SO John A. Bagley, former attorpey general of Idaho and one of the leading lawyers of that state, who reacned Denver recently, discussed a big power plant project In which, he is interested "We are harnessing the great Shoshone Falls In Idaho and will supply Salt Lake. 180 miles distant, also In termediate mines and towns, with electric power and light before long." said Mr Bagley, who Is chief counsel for loe company that is building this great plant, which will equal a similar one at Niagara Falls. "There will be six big plants at Shoshone Falls and up the river with a combined capacity of 75.000 horse power The whole plant will cost $5, B00.0O0. Electricity will be transmitted to Salt Lake and other cities and towns This is an evidence ot what the people of Idaho are doing.

Idaho is Just beginning to be developed The surface has barely been scratched. I believe it ls the richest state In resources of all kinds In America." WEAK STOMACH WILL TUNNEL AVALANCHES. Colorado Railroad Unable to Remove Great Slides of Snow. purango, March 30. The Penver and Rio Grande railroad officials have decided they are unable to remove the huge avalanches which obstruct the track between here and 811 verton and ha ve set a force of men to work digging tunnels through all the larger elide.

They expect the tunnels will last until late In the summer. During the past month more snow has' fallen In the hills around this piece of track than haa ever bein known in the history of the country. WILL PAY FIR8T DIVIDENDS. Creditors to Realize From Bankruptcy Matters. First dividends of 10 per cent In each case will be paid to creditors In the bankruptcy cases of Ben and Ru dolph achleslnger and Romarys, Qoeg lein Co.

The declaration has. Just been made by Referee Wood, an'd the payments wltl be made April 14, AGED PIONEER ILL. Venerable John C. Pfelffer Is Suffer Ing From neumonla. John Pfelffer, one of the pioneer citizens of the city, la very ill from pneumonia at his home on North Wells street, though the attack has not yet reached a stage that is considered alarming.

Mr Pfelffer Is now In his eighty fifth year, yet despite bis age he has been in good health and Is fairly rugged. SCHOOLBOY 18 MISSINQ. Parents Worried Over Disappearance of Arto Zumbrum. ChurutniBfto, Ind March 30 Rev and Mra Chrlat Zumbrum, residing1 near Merrlam, Noble county are greatly alarmed over the mysterious disappear ance of their son, Arto Zumbrum 16 eara of nae, who has not been seen Since Monday The boy haa not been in good health, but he left homa Monday morning to attend school and carried his dinner pail with him as was his custom lie, did not reach the shool but at noon Monday to an acquaintance 'who aaw him In the vicinity ot Iilue Ijike, lie stated that he Intended going to Churu buaco nnrt then to Fort Wayne Tele. phcne meeaagea to relatlvea at Fort Wayne ealabtlahed the fact that the boy tied hot been seen there and the purents are nearly detracted by grief The father la a Dunkard minister In tho southern part of Noble county Burdock Blood Bitters elves man Clairvoyant wno Has ever visiieo.

inis clar head, an active brain, a strong, city can lay claim fto the veracity that vigorous body mikes him fit for the Mr. Bauer cn, and many Fort Wayne battle of life. people are ready now to vouch for such claims. Those who have here 1 Croup Instantly relieved. Dr.

Thom tofpre maintained that there Is noth as' Eclectrlc Oil Perfectly safe ing In clalrvoyancy are ready to ae Never fails. At any 'drug store knowledge their mistake, ana now put I the same confidence In what he tells I Dr Wood's Norway, Pine S) rup them in regard to the future that they I seeroa especially ndapted to the needs' have been compelled to show for his of the children. Pleasant to take readings in what baa passed, Unlike impostors and pretenders Mr, Bauer takes no money In advance, iMSEXtmgiS Att business strictly confjdentlaL Ladles and gentlemen can visit Mr. 'Bauer without fear of having "their rnn finance betrayed, as he considers his business a sacred trust Mr. Bauer I can be consuitea aauy ai rest denee, 1129 Clinton street, near Lewis street.

Madam Bauer receives all eall Hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. Ully. Sunday, 10 a.

to p. m. Will xtot see anyone after hours. All readings are 1.00. No or no less.

soothing In Its Influence. It Is the remedy pt all remedies for every form of throat nnd Jung disease. TrtHoni than the tortures ot turning plies. Yet there's a curl. OUntment never falls.

I have gilt edge investments in Local Bonds and Local Stocks and Mortgage Loans. PFEIFFER, Bass Block." AND SICK HEADACHE CURED BY a DR.i WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. i Another Triumph for tho Tonic Treatment for Disorders' of the1 Digestive System. A great manyv people who are suffer ln from Indigestion are suffering unnecessarily. They can he cured, Proper attention to the diet and the right remedy to tone up the weakened organs are all that is required.

Are fyou one of the sufferers and are you willing to do your share to make your lite The first step Is to send to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co, Schenectady, N. t. fpf a copy of their diet boolt, "What to Eat and How to Eat. It is free on request.

Indigestion is not always recognized as such. Those people who are always tired, worn out and miserable, who nave fits of melancholy or of HI temper without, apparent reason, should know that Indigestion Is often the direct cause of all these troubles. The symptoms of stomach (rouble vary. Some victims nave a ravenous appetite, some loathe the sight of food Often tnere Is a feeling as ot weight on the chest, a full feeling In tne throat Sometimes the gas presses on the heart and leads the sufferer to think he haa heart disease. Sick headache is a frequent and distressing symptom, A very delicate stomach requires easily digested food but nature never Intended that the food should be dl gested before it is eaten The stomach must be strengthened to perform Its own work and what It needs Is not food already digested but a tonic.

The processes of digestion are controlled by. the blood and nerves, and medical science has produced no better digestive tonic than Dr Williams' Pink Pills. This la shown by the statement of Mr. A. C.

Merrill, a mining man, of Oneals, Calif, a veteran of Battalion Third 8. Kegular Infantry. "I had never been well since I left army," he says, "always having had trouble with my stomach, which was weak. I was run down and debilitated. Could keep nothing on my stomach, and at times had sick headache so bad that I did npt care whether I lived or died.

My stomach refused to retain even liquid food and I almost desDalred of getting well as I had tried so many kinds of medicine without relief. Then 1 was bitten by a rattlesnake and that laid me up from work entirely for a year, six months of which I spent in bed "One day a friend recommended Dr Williams' Pink Pills to me and I began taking them. They cured me when all other medicines had failed I have recommended the pills to a great many, for during my recovery every one asked me what wait helping mo so and I told them Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I cannot speak too highly of them Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are guaranteed to be safe and harmless to the most delicate constitution.

They contain no morphine, opiate, narcotic, nor anything to cause a drug habit. They do not act on the bowels but they actually make new blood and strengthen the nerves. If yon want good health you must have good blood. Bad blood is the root of all common diseases, like anaemia, rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, St. Vitus' dance, nervous ness.

Indigestion, debility, general weakness, paralysis, locomotor ataxia and the special ailments that only women folk know. The only way to Cure these diseases is to strike straight at their cause in the blood Dr Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60c per box, six boxes for $250, by the Dr Williams Medicine Schenectady, Y. YOU WILL BE REPAID FOR WAITING IF YOU ATTEND OUR. 5 gams to be had here. Since tho inauguration of our great cut price sale wjj have been civinK the greatest uglungs, Trucks, Bags, Suit Cases, etc, ever heard of in Fort Wayne.

The great selling valued in Hen's Furni here is undisputed proof of this statement WE HAVE A GOOD REASON i 4 GREAT HAT SALE TODAY and TOMORROW tr t. x. 1 i i cbikhmj av uatvuii uti not, uuy mat new opring uac unm vo torn you tne story 01 wonaeriui par i we: as, a. for these radical hat reductions and lowered prices on all other goods. Workmen are crowding us for room bad weather has delayed tho remodeling of our new store and it is now ijp to us to clear our store of goods at mo Dest prices wo can get.

Aside from our great sacrifice sale of hats othor goods in our store call be had at greatly reduced prices. Follow this advertisement to the end a gather valuable information from the list of bargains. ivl I 1 I jt47JsWw El AKTISl t' Nryjr 5WiV vT.r.xxiBfciWwy 3i CITY BREVITIES. The address at the Ministerial meet ing Monday morning will be delivered by Rev. Kuhn.

The Westlake Fishing club will give a dance in Saengerbund hall on Tues day evening, April 24 Walter RIppe and Sid Tyler will leave for California soon to reside there permanently. IVed Iaurent has gone to Montpe Her to visit his brother there for a few weeks The Academy of Medicine was entertained last evening by William Itanke at his home. Robert i ever has gone to Indianapolis to Visit friends there for a short time. Lee Meyer 'and Harry Daniels, of ColumDia City, are here visiting friends Joe Rothschild, who has been in Illinois visiting friends, has returned home. rrm nmwn of nnvlt.

Ill is visiting her son. h' Brown, of this city i in.M Tnsliia vm. I a rf a Hat rift clerk at the poatofflce. Is Buffer ing irom Brnau ut i. i vu Cass street.

The will of Herman II Whitley, who died recently in Milwaukee; has been prpuaLeu. ins jii uyci mostly located In Massachusetts, Is all left to his sister, Mrs. Charlotte T. An drus. of this city.

Judge Frank Roby, of the ap nurr wits in the cltv thla morning en route to Waterloo to at tenu tne tunerai oi ms wumci, wuu died near that place 17 tables of new spring suits at Patterson's Nothing but long coats this year. CHURCH REDECORATED. Westminster Preebyterlan Church Presents Hsndsome Appearance. The Westminster Presbyterian church has been redecorated throughout and now presents an exceedingly handsome appearance. The color Cheme in the Sunday school room Is a light brown and gold and in the aTtdirorTQinttTlgiit "Breeii andr goid: The furnishings and woodwork have also been freshened and the congregation, may well feel proud of the ap pearanco of their cnurcn, ah ot tne regular rburch services will be car; rted on as usual next Sunday.

Don't bake when you can buy Domestic Bread. Stetson Hats All new spring styles and colors, soft and stiff. No better hat on the market today. A hat on which the prico is never cut by a dealer. The $4.00 fA kind, to cloe out.

KJ The $5.00 kind, to closo out The Well Known Young Hat The hat for the college boy; the hat for middle age men and the older ones ir well. Sold the world over for Our price two da vs CIO "7 only $4.50 Here Is a Bargain Mnny men like to buy the latest thing in a stiff hat for some show an inclination to buy as low as $1,50, whilo others limit their price to $1.00. We can do better. A fortunate purchase enabled us to buy twenty five dozen stiff hats, all sizes and latest blocks. The factory needed money and wo paid spot cash.

Other stores sell this same grade of hat at $2.00, but our QO price, to reduce stock is OC Another Bargain A varied assortment of soft hats, winter weights but all good styles. Values up to $4, at the low price of 98c A Good Hat for 48c Wo have on liand a number of stiff hats bought for winter selling. Values run from $2.00 to $4.00. The entire lot lias been placed on the bargain tablc'aud yin the ticket reads rfrOC THE HATTER GOLDEN THE HATTER JOKING IN THE JUNGLE zz3i zwm a Words were inadequate to describe ll 10t THY THB ENTIN8U WANT COLUMN, the'feelmgs ol Mn Crane a NEW YORK RACK ET STORE Our introduction to the people of Fort Wayno as a merchant takes place Saturday, March 31st. Our reputation as a cheap seller haa preceded us here in advance of our opening and we assure you our reputation will be maintained.

Please don't misconstrue our meaning of cheap. article Ave sell is of standard make and guaranteed quality. Your Money Back on Any Unsatisfactory Purchase for the Asking. B0 aentlemmi's Four ln Hand Ties, all ellk, two inches wide We will not tell you they are 50c values but leave you to say it, and we think you will Priced for opening day, 1BC, 2 for 23c 1,000 rolls Fine Crepe Paper, all colors, per roll Be 50 Clothes Pins flc. Paint Brushes Be.

Double Pointed Hard Wood Toothpicks, 2 boxes. Be. 2 qnart Covered TJn Pall 8c Qold Medal Box Chisel Handle Leather Top Be 24 XXX Knvelopes Sc Ilottle Best Sewing Machine OIV A oz size, Sc Gilt Kdgo Shoe pressing 10; i i Petroleum Jelly, large size. Scrub Brushes, Nail Brushes, Horse Brushes. Bath Brushes, 25 Dozen Black Mercerized Petticoats, all new and and this spring's styles the best things yoxi have seen in these no cheap qualitv, just cheap price, at 89c, 98c, $1.39, $1.48, $2.48 arid $2.69.

These are wonderfully clever and are truly models of artistic skill. 50 Rolls Fancy Table Oilcloth, per yard 14c Plain White, first qintlity 18c We have just 0 Cashmere Hugs, sizo 0x12, the kind you cannot wear out "Tiger Brand," at. Lace Curtains, qualitv high, priced low feu fast selling, 50c, 75c, 89c, 98c, $1, $1.39 to $2.25 pair. Ginghams 5c, 8c, 10c 12c per yard A fine line of Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Wash Croods, Dress Goods all prices, all kinds. 50 Dozen Mohawk Sheets, 3 iiu hem, 72x90 seamless 90c pair PJIIqw i.

J20C and 35c pair Hosiery 1b a strong feature here For opening, B0 doz. Hose, good quality, at per pair 0c Bursan Hose, advertised In nearly every magazine In the United States as the only hose that is knit to' fit. without a seam, 17c a pair. While the present supply lasts get a few pairs ot these. A Special Lace itose, white, high spliced heel, double solo, extra fine quality.

If there Is one left Saturday night we shall be lucky Prices for opening flay at 600 doz. Men's Half Hose, big values. On sale at bargain prices from Be per pair to ZBc Let us show you hosiery. New York Store J. S.


MJM.Ju XsloV.h)"i I I atffrV, rfoLj.

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