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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 10

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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id THE FORT WAYNE JOUKNAL GAZETTE THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1K1 BRAND HOUSE OF DAVID WELL KHOWN COMEDIAN COLONY AS BIG FRAUD, WITH "KISSING III" At the Majestic This Evening Injunction Filed to Restrain Body from Disposing of Property GRAND nAPIDHL Mich. NOV Injunction In retrain the Mouse liaeKI, a rellBinus colony nnr Benton Harbor, from disposing o( properjr claimed fcr John Hansel and his wife, pePdlns; the outcome of The famllr tree of Pen MsrMe the leadlns corned in of the Oeorire Ha Ibsrt'lTSn Car) all musical corned) KiMlne T'me, erhleh comes to TO' Islajeatlo on Paturdar matinee and suit to recover ths property w1 niirtit ts 1mrretmr to there tmrt ini denied In United Stetes district court her today The car put over to the next term nf court In thir peutlon for the Injunction th tilslnfirf. thev turned property valued at I5.700 Over to Jenerson Dan Marble, Although of the Old School, Furnishes Com edy of the New Style for irara a Troutiarfoure an vrae famoua In thi Benjamin PurnelL head of the cult. when they became tnemhera In IMS Return of thla property and pay Inept for their services waa denied them when they were expelled from th colony laat pecembcr. the petition declared The platntlfra alao eurtc (l 000 for their labor during the eight yeara of their membership The petition charged the colony was a "fraud operating under the cloak of religion," and aliened Immorality Th Utter char re waa supplemented today by Introduction an afndavlt by Esther nan et.

the xrfalntlffa daughter, who formerly an pnrmUa, omce manager Report accidents telephone, ruling accident, such aa moat be at police headquarter, may a reported by telephone, waa the tvlsa? handed down yesterday morn hag in oaae of Arthur "with failure to report an a. by special judge William linen. Vlatt proved In hla eaae had made a telephonic re to police officer, following the rident In whloh Ixmls Brewer waa Vm proeecntlng witness. Child neglect chargea agalnat At fceVt Miller were continued for 80 flafr upon Miller's promlae to pay a (piroiried amount each week to Mrs. Dera Braae, 1711 New Haven avenue, whorl raring for hla children Five youthful train climbers arretted by railway deteetlvea were flren.

an Indefinite continuance. Roy Uasllnga, charged with loil detaettoss. who Jutva auspected 1)1 connection with a number of large robberies, were unable to Introduce evUenoa In court Detective Sergeant Roif who arrested" Haetlnra haS)en expecting information from number of cltlea which might ehed further light on the caae HOLD FUGITIVEWITH y.LQNG PRISON RECORD JiAn $tokta. colorad arrwtM hero rinn Mtlfn whkh Inter TO ha therefor my In th Ints sih Jill BlSlT XiaTj it amif pa sisr in rnuiimi vaudeville for yfftm and another "Inter. been in and collsburateur ofl ll waa natural that lio iM follow the stags aa a prof Ion and hla first ippntranc in Tauaevuie Mh1 Hit ATter thla ha wi rased for Charlea Hojt a A Vilk I Whtte Ptag It la tntereatltif to know that i inei lCTer aim uunnm.

who hare nine acquired fama were la "ftflbf In Tnyland and than fur a aeaaon In "Wonderland Ha then jQlned the force of Jowph Weber In a production of Irean. City, and after that waa with Com atock A Oeat In To It. which waa a nm'lcal Ttralon of A Milk Whtta Flat laat year waa enraged tna inaainr oomeatan ui ressful rlvl of Huddl Park theater Now York. fi "Yflaial IBaVaKlBBBBBaaBaaBaaf 9 Denatured Alcohol for your radiator. Motor Car Supply 217 W.

Main. COUH5TS NEW 8UIT8 FILED The Sinclair Reflnlng company against Dettmer. tltOO on ac count, through Qeorge Schlffer and Ueaton A lieaton. riarry Zwahler against (Aula Woodward, 1200 on contract, through McBeth A Hogg The Hettrlclc Manufacturing company agalnat the lconomy Olove company 1100 on account, through George M. Schlffer and Ueaton JL Ueaton.

Lola Watts agalnat Garland Watts, divorce, through Thomaa Moor head Walter Horman agalnat the Union Rtockyarda company of Fort Wayne; 16 000 damages and Injunction against further Improvements In plant, through William Fruechtenlcht, PaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV HiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW I 4 tiaMaaT lafafafafafafaV 'fM HWaaBaT 71 1 CaLaffaBeW 1 BaTrV. Lm TT aaaaaaaBaV'S irMm ssmII IN SUPERIOR COURT Kltzabeth Benjamin was granted a dlorce from Daniel Benjamin upon the ground that he waa a habitual vaiiat railroad department, was held beth Rjan laat nlaht at police headquarters aa I Zada GrllTlth filed a contempt olta a fierltlve pending his return to Bu tlon against Bverett GrlfTlth and eyrua, where It Is declared he 1a 'ciara frails has taken similar action wanted Jn connection with freight Harry Kails, car thefla Ueutenant Ktrauser veatrrday that Btokea has a prison retard In msny institutions covering oonBrtieaaenl of about 10 ears In all fra of that time being spent In ts 'OTilo Penitentiary OVIRHEATED STOVE IN CIRCUIT COURT No jfl Mo. lga ''ajidi to The wills of Catherine Wittmer and William Kippe were admitted to probate In the circuit ooart by Judge Wood yesterday nuiicr pun i ciDtr' 1AUdLO oMALL Burns agalnat George Beckman was nnuro to, Auna circuit court yesterday stations were called to the Hooaier store at the corner of and Washington streets last when a heated stve In the gro department became overheated breatened to destroy th bulld little damage was done. ELECTION "HANGOVER" and eonrt officials were My surprised yesterday morn team that the election had pasted more than usually undis turbed. Not a single street resulted rrota tba celebration of the various victories.

or the 'drowning of sorrow" la defeat CHANCES AT JAfL TaDewrng the resignation of Law. eetie Orr aa turnkey at the county MI, 'Sheriff Al Abbott annoonced tbh promotion of Deputy Doyle B4lm to turnkey and the appoint mfmret Charlea IJ1 aa driver in th laa ef Behpar tJALUABLE DOQ STOLEhl trXnen reported last night that at atuBbla alredala dog ihad been enAleai from hi bom. The dog la tar months old and answers to the mum of "Jlgga." wti. OVERCOAT 8TOLEN i Walton. 43S Went Berry treat, reported to police last nigbt Uu fca.

hi ovsreoat had been stolen frjeth T. M. C. A. PROWLERS sfnllc were called to SOI West BersV street and to 1114 Anna street I DtKht because of the activities ef prowlers, one could be found at luinr place, AUBURN tiff, narrett.

111 Tllden aronue, reDciet to polio it night that hla Autrarn automobile, had been etolon from a parking place near the GARAGE ENJEREO Charles Braunt, 1.11 Ohio street reported to iollce lute last rirht that Ma had been broken Into by thieve ana tne carburetor motor aaa spotlight stolen front his FvJRRESTED ON In Barton ss placed under er fijantl charging child neglect. He Japnear police court BbARDER ARRESTED Anthony arrested last on a warren from cltv court ring him with Intent to defraud sranouae keeper ZWICK SICK tgeant of Police William Trtck tne suddenly III while en duty sight and waa taken to bis home Jicku Mary Wayne Dlates. Take home a er box today. MARRIAGE LICENSE Clmert Kles. foreman, and iary Delaney William Pappas, proprietor of the Oriental atore, and Doretha Seitx.

Walter Mettler, electrician, and Tbelma H. Blelch. AR1LTREAT STEIMRICK ORCHESTRA SATURDAY. TRIER'S. CLERICS DON OVERALLS FOR WORK IN BOSTON BOSTON Nov Seven clergy men today exchanged the ministerial frock for laborers overalls and went to work In the building trades It was a one day job for them, the result of an Invitation by the central labor union: return for thoclergymsn courtesy In asking labor lenders recently to speak from their pulpits In a petting rsJn Rev llsrry Freda drove a cement uragon Rev Newton Pet ter and Rev A.

Young worked aa laborers on the new Mun Latln school. Rev Frank Kingdon and JUv Parker placed brooms on a Winter street building and Rev 8. Btephenson and Rev A Smith did odd Jobs on other buildings under construction In ths business district. Halloween Masquerade Picture for everyone. TONIGHT KUCKUCK'S LOCAL'WEATHER DATA Fnrt Wavna.

InJ Nov 121 Toral weather data for tha 34 bours ennin at is noon lry bulb temperntura at Wat bulb tetrmtratura at II is boot humidity at It nwn JJtp, TO. 33 S3 7 HEAD NEW BILL AT THE PALACE TODAY Bnnrlnr back all tha old fascination which haa attached ltaclf to In America for the paat third of a century together tha vmbclhah mnt of a wealth of ultra modern charms and Idea tha Mlnatral Mon archa. who head th new bill that opna tha latter half of tha week at the theater thla afternoon promlaa to prove an attraction of ax traordinary merit Tha Mlnntrel Monarch! are th coniummation of tha fUeaa of that fa th plcturaaqua character comprlalng the oaat of thli offering and dnveloptMl and co ordinated their respective inT imitabla talent All who have watched the vaudeville mlnetrel and musical comedy ataa; durina; tha paat decad will find the familiar aa tha place of Lfcutr birth For there la John Gordon of the famoui Oordon Brothers Char ley Udell, of tdell and I earce Billy Golden, pf 'Turkey 4n the 8tsaw fam and Charley Whyte who aans; with Colonel Jack lfaverley a Mlnatrela Lvary or of tha veteran performera la no leaa than three acore yeara old, ttnd their proaram of alngHia; danclna; and comedy la ebmethlna; ao out of the ordinary aa to be well ntgh beyond adequate verbal description Tha Louis Willi Beaaie Gilbert Ha are a trio of artists of exceptional talent and whoaa names are among the moat brilliant In tha reaplci dent chronicle of vaudeville fame Wilts la to band balancer he variety atmce haa ever developed, while Beaal Oil bert haa "been, honored with the title. Th Worlds Greatest Lady Cornet Ut," A third member of the party la a doe second to Mr Wills In equilllbrletlo and acrobatic proweaa and together the three offer an act which for originality and versatility haa few equals Kd and Bird la Conrad offer a vocal and fnuHcel offerlnr under th cap Both are thoroughly pllahed performer who well nigh brlnr down th house In hearty laujrhter Volant Brothers who justifiably eH inemaeivea Acooraioniata a IjUX. If press comment upon their ejipesr BJioes elsewhere is any criterion a Fable In Plctqrea an Cnl versal News and views of world wid.

soope are Included In tha supple mentary features JOHN PHILIP SOUSA'S BAND TO BE AT THE PALACE NOVEMBER 22 Announcement waa made last nlfht by Ma haver Frank K. Rtoii er of the i'aUce theater that John Philip Souua ana hla re unrated band would be a the 1 a lac theater on November 23 for a concert in th afternoon and eve nlns at the Palace buuMu waa badly Injured some time ae In a fatl from hla horse and will resume hla concert encasement on November 21 coming; to Fort Wayn the follow Ins; dav From Fort Wm Pouna and hla band will ro In arilwauke Xtlanctn. otia am Kt laut, and fron thenca to ine iinno coast ort Wayne a 111 the only Itv in Indiana to be favored by an appear anc of th one and only John Philip Son, and hla band on hi STIRK CIRCLE MEETINQ Ladies of th retniUif meet nine; it I clock In snort ou nines hv a. nmrram presented by th honorary members of vine, ruiipar mm do ereo ana all members are Invited to be present. Light haulinff and exoress rr weekly contract work with Jrord ton truck.

Green 6797 40 HOURS CLOSES HAItTFonn riTv Tint Forty houra devotlon aervlcea rame 10 a cioss at wt jonn cat oil church here last evening Father John Keller waa assisted by rather Ed ward Vurpiltat of rort Wayne father lSkholas Keller, of BlulTton, lather twen of Huntlnsrton Father 8teger of Sheldon, and ALICE BRADY COMES TD NOTED ARTISTS TO APPEAR AT ELKS' SHOW Brilliant Young Star of Both Stage and Screen to Be Seen In Forever After nun aviiMi irnur will iti musical program aVaiated by other men hers of hla company Allen Ament, a violinist Is a lar member of the company and hla iroajram aa well aa that of Misa.rlir fix. Merner olanlaL and Mlaa Helen fcAllc Brady noted sUr of both the! JTrove sitr.a.& nt iltnaj nut nasi to 4Hs Ma, 1 niiuwr iuii.sik arillll WR TSriTe? After" the' tofllaht include Kvln plmmunii wnli Wlliil. Hifff H.wtt comediatv and Onh TlH.k. play of love youth ha aorerareH foe on I liivhouse olid year at the Then, are few career lltMri Anw lean theMer tbat parallel that of Alice 11rodj Miss Brartv Is dav tha poa on of an enviable place In the after tlnna of the lnsolns; and motion pte ture piih'ics Hhe has been r.arkably Miii li lntK fl 1 la and on I ho atase la equally at, hi me In drama, eara a. Miss Brady had ieved fiistantiST rronai aucccww The Thlrtsa That Count Llttll man Minner and as th prima all star cast fratnered tor, Hobert I.ra shier rag; vpcaliat Out Mor saving.

the tf fort Wayn snd vicinity thou nun da or rtonarr ci6ThTnsxpur' thascsv Real ad on rwig three IATTFR8(JN L.rTCllf It CO alvclr to motion ttlctu herself eaelu ea Mlaa Brady the mot sue Today she I where er mt Ion pictures ars shown nnd her admirers er legion I Tlwn ale retume. to in apeaaing tare In Vrever A Tier and overnight porsHl a rtpmonal triumnh that nlaced her Immediately In the front rank of American actresses Mtss Bradv per forma nee aa Jtnnia th little ermont heroine of (men Jtavia appealing: ro of loe south and faith was promptly acclaimed, a notable hlstrl onlc achievement TAX COLLECTIONS HARTrORD CITT lnd N6v 0 Th total tax collections In Blackford tv for the fan installment, come to f364 453 35 according; to flfrures In ths county treasurer office A tarre amount of tsxea on personal prop erty went aennqueni awui tne usual am punt of real atate taxes was paid. KAOUGH COAL Co! Etabluhed 1895 Phone 502 and 229 A MAJESTIC Ssturday Aftsrnoon and Night Scats Now 8lllna Bargam Matin Mln Floor 75 and $1.00800 Balcony and Gallery Sats "Tunful Scero aood Cast MAJESTIC Theater' Tontglit, Curtain at 8)15 Ameries's Yeungeat ni Meat Popular Emslienal Actreee ALICE BRADY PCRSONAU.Y IN FOREVER AfTER WtN DAVIS' ftOMANCr A Spoken Play Her Createat Success Ran ene whole yesr at ths Plsjrheuss, New Yerk. If you like her en th screen yeu'll lev her en the stags. Seats Now Selling Prices 50c, $1, $1.50, $2 400 Gallery Seats at 50c tale at 7 P.M.

LYRIC BYRNE BYRNE In i Musical Tabloid VsudsvMI Speelslties 8peelal 8eenery and Warerebee, World ssd of the Musicsl H.t Clover Comed.ans and a Chorus which eomee hsrs st Pre.Wor of DsncinB snd 8lnam Prices. Evening Performenes, sss Basutlea Floor 1200 and Bal eony IliO snd JIjOO Gallery 60o TEMPLE TODAY AND TOMORROW Helen Jerome Eddy "ALIGHfWOMAN" Also a Good Comedy "OUT FOR THE NIGHT' WHY PAY MORE? Prices So and 10s MIZPAH BAND CONCERT The Mitpah bond will sire a ron eert at the Scottish Rite eathedrsi on Friday evenlnr at eiarht nfter" oclnrk. The hand under the direction of John I erweire, will be assist ed by Mltei Emel Verwelre pianist and David Erwln baritone. Prog rem March, "Mlspah Temple I erwetre (Dedicated to Illustrious l'otrn tate Charle Metre Overture, 'America" Ilte I Cuban Danre Ixnasio Cervantes 4 Songs'lal Recompense Hammond (b) Sylvia Speak I IMvia t.rwm Two numbers from Suite "Sll houeelew Iladlrj la) American (b) Irian Bones (a) Sanctuary I Forge (bj To a Menseng er La Torre David Frwin 7 The Evolution of. Dixie Ijike The biggest part of Fort Wayne hat teen and the other part Will rlfmnr In a4 tk Amwimm aUnua 1.111 'Experience JL WITH Flicnard Barthelmess as'YouUr Ths lure ef life snd sll its csrsssing voices Ths wsy of ths world with ons who haa turned to th left.

The hand of love, lifting a broken soul to hsppiness. Shspsd into swift, rushing drama that faatly moves with hundreds of plsysrs through ssrtons) scenes of tingling realism. Laugh with Lloyd and Hit Leading Lloydy HAROLD LLOYD In a Merry Marriage CCS sf 9 MIRTHQUAKE I UU Sunday ETHEL CLAYTON in "BEYOND" EZ3 (fPHOTOPLAYS SUPREMKBBa DELUXE CONCERT ORCMESTRAr Complete Change of Program Today Wt PHOTOPLAY Violet Mesereau 1 "Out of the Depth" big country store; tonite 20 Valuable Prizes Given a Away lDIIIIBinilIDBBIBIIOIlBH PALACE Four Big Dayt Starting 2i30 Today 8 il 5 Sunday 2:30 7 il 59 .00 The Fviinsirel Monarchs In a UnlgucQftcring inJIinatrthU Ed and Birdie Conrad "IloneySonga" Allen Canfield "Give Me the Makings" VOLANTE BROS. Accordianiitt de Luxe Louis Wills Bessie InThe Masked Frolic" Coming Monday Billy Miller Co. in "Adam Killjoy" I rAWA SHOWS AT 1:00 SslO 20 7i30 AND 40 P.

aWJ Din T12JJ gaf "1 'SSLparTSatsfrB Ml at asi 5 Full to Overflowing! GREATER CROWDS EACH DAY ATTEST THE REAL VALUE OF "The Three WITH Douglas Fairbanks Showing in New York at $2.00 Prices SEE IT IN FORT WAYNE FOR Aftornnnn Children 15o Fvpnino Children, Iiernoon Adults 3SQ tivening AdujU (Wsr Tax Included) BwBtaV.r, ZK. rj COMING SUNDAY Air. and Mrs. Carter li TsT WTTK ue naYen "My Lad irrienas Pun fat avarvbodv A unbiirst of Bmilaa don't miss TrrSKis 5SeVKSlS i ak vr CM rj yy WVS ltB Daromrtrv reduced era level (in 1 jn so wa ip vf TcmperuWes at I nop oa 9 Ml m. 00 a.

10 00 ,11 0j. iiup in. IS Jl ova.mi MMnirht II Non l. I 40s II I 1 It I 0p 10 a 14 0 1 IV in IMa II tnpm a a 31 a ou p. in Extremes of tamperatura Hlshrat durlrr the hours, SL Hlsheet on Kls date eut rsr, liw.

durlnr the 14 bourn. II. Inreat en this date test IL Hlslieat alni thv ui ta month. Prerlpitalles Jnrhea) PALACE Theater, Tues. Matinee Night, Nov.

22 Th mast popoiar musical orsantxatlon In tha world. How In Its 23th yoar band of 100 tha fcaat ma issicns In Amarloa. SOUSES. THE STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER 9rri VassBBSaaBBassaf Cv3v VKk vMV'asSBi5'''f fv1! (st9 m2a.KWrW SSBBSBSatOW SEMPER JIDELIS 'TIlsS MARCH OF THE FAMOUS DEVIL DOC 8 his fcS TTL Saata on Sale Bos Office, Friday. Nov.

18, 10 a re, Priced Mstlnes at 3 e'elooV, 75c, It and fl Ml Spe clsl School Children's Price, SOo Night Prices, tt, SO snd 2, Pue Wsr Tea LANGUOROUS LUXURIOUS CALIFORNIA A story of a land where the van qoished goes down and the game of life plaj ed without rules, A romance of gold and the weird west, where mijhty men recog nize but one law the law that lie in the hardness of bare fists. And through it all surges the raw elemental strength and fiery force for fortune and the love of a beau tiful woman. BsHaBSBSBSBSBSaVlfliP BSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSU 4M BsSBsSsBsSssl VpfsBsSsSBsBV i Itslsss liaslati 1 1 i I WBW J3iBe! alPia.sasasasff 'iaKSI I fJSBXJJ W'irf an With Wilson WALLACE The Hell Diggers'' an wrote it and it is T377Aiv Byron Morgan wrote it and it is one of his most powerful stories. It's red blooded, "he man," two fisted straight from tbe shoulder romance. Pictorial, Sunshine Comedy 2.

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