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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 9

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

UNOAY MORNINO, AU9U1T 4, 1tt THE FORT WAYNE JOURNAL GAZETTE STEPHEN A. POWERS, OF AN GOLA, DISCUSSES THE PIONEERS (By A. Ttt 4lnd rut.lun of th plnnaora of Biiuwq ounty, win neia at Angola, arty aetttors. It a rtrnarkabl fact that ther ara probably mora poraona ovor tha ag of 19 yara living In Stoubea county, than In any other oounty in tha atata of Ilka population. night in th town of An tola at tola tlma thr r1d fifty paraona mora than 10 yaara old.

When wo raft act It amd quit In cradlbi that many of thra partrmi wara born bafora fltaube County waa "flrat acMlatf PT tha ploueaia It waa HO yaar after Columbia dlaoorrred America bafora a whlta man aat foot on Indiana aolL Whan Oaorva tha Third Wat Btllt on land In War of 1111 whan tha Star Spangled Banner waa written, Willi Haikln waa a drummer boy marching ahead of tha troop to tha tuna of Tankea Doodle Ha wa tha hueband of Clartaaa Haaklna who la now i yeare of aa and uvea in An At this tlma there la not i aoldler of th War of tilt living and thla moat eatlreahla lady racalvaa her 111 00 par month from tha tor arnment, aa a aoldler widow of the War of llll aha Urea alon and eup port haraalf with hr penalon. fiha la a very modeat unaaaumlng lady Her picture aocompanle thla article and la worth preserving Henry P. Hathaway la 1 rear of are, ha has alwaya enjoyed Ufa, nothing; arar aeama to bother hint He waa for many yeare luetic of tha paac of Tork township. I tried my tlae and In th mom in it they all had to fret up, do up their bade and pile them up In ona part of tha houee dlana her and deer wa plentiful. Ona day th boys caught a llttl faun and gav It to her for a pet, after It waa grown to full also It would go Into th foraat with tha wild deer, and then coma back and coma right Into th houee wber he waa work ing Procured th loca aaat wher Aagol SEBUWCE OP COMFORT ClanhaoL Aoodneial wrtah I waft VSS'tt'tStSS 1 JJnj of burglar tool.

Ha was arreated for murder and tried in th court Eoue hloh Mr Oal had recently ulit This was In 1144 Mrs Hendry remember attending th trial on day and aaya that Judge David coierirk, or rort wayn a fended old 811a waa proeecuted by Robert I Douglaa, then a young attorney of thte place. During in trial aha sars Mr Doty wife came all day long. Hippopotamus Cool water? Vm a hot blooded that tbl llttl tank they gWe in la up to boiling point nor than half th Urn. trle of th early dare Th Indiana were very friendly They had a peculiar War of doins bualnean. into court with hla little child, ha tookltbey would trade cranberries In hulk Ha came to Angola to act aa Deputy Sheriff filled, that office with dla tlnotlon and credit and ear ha ha had mora fun In hla Ufa than some people who ara 100 years old.

Loulna Hendry waa tha wife of Alanaon Hendry, ona of tha first lawyers of Steuben county, her father waa Judg Thomas Qal who wa on of th carlleat tettler of Lagrange county He came to this county la 1884 and built a log houa In the northeast corner of tiara. Thla houa had on room with a large fir place and a small at tlo. In tbl room lived three ram 11 lea. they had thre beda thera war At children who slept In trundle bed They cooked over th flr th child on hla lap and cried continuously Ha thereby won th arm pathy of tha Jury Th jury disagreed, then a chang of venu waa taken to Allen county. There they found him guilty of man alaughter and aentenced him to life tmprleon mend He spent on year In prlaon sola and confined In the old loar tall Ha cut a hole through the bottom of tha jail and got away Ha wa arreated and returned to the Jail, thla tlm It waa thouaht prudent to fix him oo ha wouldn ret away again.

Shackle weighing II pounda were for aa article of uual alma retard lea of It value Mrs. Hendry 1 It years old and came to thla oounty In 1114 Many Incidents of th war of th rebellion hav beta related but no on mnt) spent on year in wwn urmT.m when tha supreme court granted 'JL. 1111 new trial, he was aent back to An I listened to his story ibpuiw uur muiri wut a.p proem. this incident vary much When asked If he had armr run vet. Mr Jenkins, said xea, i will get a ladder and get It down for you" eo ha put a ladder up to tha outside of his house ta a nun ooor, opene ana took flown lie oia army musket and ha said.

'I waa In Comoanv A. 29th Indiana. I used this old musket at Pittsburg and which he out another hole worked his way out of tha Jail Ha hobbled his way to Prosecutor Doug la' barn, stole hi home and rod to his home near Jameatown where had a regular work shoo of tools and with th aasletance of hi wife unloosed hi a hack tea. mounted Done las horse and rod away to th Mexican war Mr. Hendry tell many remarkable A Few Minutes a Day Will Work Wonders on Any Complexion aaaJeBltlww ThiththeTwoelfth of the Series of Beauty Secret Revelation by VALESKA SURATT Who, Self Made Beauty Ha Become World Famou niBaTM5fv? ia mwm Ji "Th.r.Ar.

L. fiM Fw SlmpU jXIH 34 TtMJw piltBaa A BMtfui f'4Miraa Conp1 lf gSfi By SURATT $aaatasw Tcx you I I about what happened at Shlloh April tnd, 1862, with me and thla old It wa about o'clock In th morn lng, were drawn up In line end knew that tha Reba were on the otber aid of a email bill from I stepped out of th ranks and. climbed on a stump to what wa going on over on their aid, and It seemed aa though 'Every mother on of them, went and got hi gun forhlm. I Jumped off the atump but Just aa 1 turned to tak my plac In the rank they hit" me right there, pointing to a wound at th top of hi aoa between his eye It knocked me down and 1 eouldnt see but I soon rot up and order wa to Tall to doubt went with the com ipany bad gon about 10 rod when Xe'l ta th ground, then cuuia KEKin ma us kdi ana with th boye. The fiVat thing I knew a bail out tha B.

off my belt. Tha.t PER8KVKRA.NCE. Lack or loaa ofldldnt bother much but tha next tuna bust development frequently arlsea 1 it took th tip off my ar and that from iuae of pada. which hurt worm than all cf them, it Juat iM atun. hut on wa want and th nut tneir etrengt uae ta wi 'Z i JTi.

ri lowing formula and In my "teen off and made Quit a few weeka you ahould noscratoh on my body Juat below It. longer need te uee aueh at Well then we aaw tha Johnnt Babe auburfoaa. Though taken loomlne? a ooluma deep and wa had mtarnauy It ta Perfectly niy OD un batU. I aaw the gen rifri, iTJtSff fwi Ili rtdln away out in front swinging Rnd hair Mn'hia saber to hla man, We wer lav of eugar, au.weU mlaed lof down then watting for their Kgether Of fnie, take twe charge. I aald to my companion, aaooonfula threa or four hllav nan fatnh him in ha uM Jokingly mak ready I tak aim! firer of water aftr your meala aia nd thAt nunl fJl oaca on nia norsa ana it etoDoed their charge but It dldnt stop their shooting The next thing knew a can atruca me rignt on the neaa.

there wher you ea that bare Placa It aeemed to rake right acroas but It dldnt hurt ma much. They fired In a drag ahape and It waa terrible Well air they dldnt let up tilting ma and a ball atruck ma right ther In th ahoulder Teat sir. If hav carried thdt ball for SO yre? you BFFTB Por wrinkled hands Tie tha formula given to Martha The drucrlet will let vi hav the ruetone for a dol The derelopment will be materially miitM ty lack of nutrition In tha nat any artificial fair, and there waa a time, too, when I looked at my poor treaaes In tha mirror with absolute despair After much study I made up the following farmulav and used It faithfully with extraordinary auocesa Your hair will ittow luxuriantly and free from dandruff It you will make up and uae thlst Mix half a pint of alcohol with half a pint of water To this add one ounce of beta quinoi onus taorougnlr and tban It will ready to use. If yeu prefer, you can use Imported bay alcohol. The beta qutnol ean get at almost any drug cuits.

This formula should that over half mi tlm. must be P.r".TW' 'T "ii taksn un at ibt baaTutv tahia wrusnin gensrousiy ror a raw nun. There waa a tlm. inlsad. whan it ts utM ll Ruh the tonlo thorouxhly whAIl lv Into the acalo with the flnnr tins.

Thii "fti msJtaa en. nlnt tha hi i I Woman now buy and which ara claimed xum ytt tain. to do almost everything under the sun ru rr.rmT TtfT TZTi "i.s' "sr hVi' Wh7 tow te take on 'It. natural brown ose anB aolve the problem myself a IOTmui loomm" anB SOlva tha nrohlam mvi.lf coloJ 1 rrV th' tB Preparations ino i use oiun oiini elvanesa reaulre but a faw minutaa R. R.

Por oltv naJs uok'u'vauM. my tlma a day to apply far less time nr shampoo It about vry ten than many women require whe are be dara Ordinary ahampooe contain lnr eotistantty disappointed with thaii eaustlo potash. Avoid the ooetlv tra ins; qoHBianiTT uisap laxk of success in cosmetics superior one youreelf aa follows: In Don be discouraged. Any face, any half a cup of hot water diaaatvji one form may be made beautiful beyond teaepoonfal of eggot When Safitiraly compare If the proper methoda and the dissolved and the solution ha beoome proper Ingredients are used. lukewarm, pour onto tbe hair and HMb.

ehampoo the usual manner It umTHi a a aa exquuui latner Alter rub 1 X.UB'.om,,.or bing It Well Into the eoalp so It KaJ 'nf Jr or aboit the mouth and of crow a feet l3U i. ZlV oh. ah. i. k.k JZ and rinse with, oia water It makes many thousands Jowlng fornniuvi but not boiling aagol for not more lera solved I solved It with tha fol I a larae bowl pour naif a pint of not.

MRS. H. sV To aaa remev a bat la Hua thla Iwiwi in a pan oi wntr on now nre. in a rew nrnnuxes aoa two ouaoee spin ana amir ajrooss msfioeuy conthiue atlrrlng until all la dissolved, who perf eot eaiety by getting a At first It will look like Jelly, then It good drug store eeta unoe of wi will start ta eream When It doss this, called sutto solutioti. will aos remove from the fire, add slowly two one dollar Apply this sohitton freelv tablespoonfuls of glyeerlne and etir with the finger tipe aa the hair, oonsuintly untfi cold.

Keep In air tight want ramevel. Step the hair maist Jar You ahould be able to get eptoj with It until Jt has dissolved. a act any good drug aeore and It should pot will take but two or three minutes. ooet you snore than fifty aenta. Then wipe off with a warm, damp cloth Rub In wall until tha oraam dlsap.

and wash th aktn with warm water peaxa Thla cream will not grow hair nd ajiply a faca oraam, ThU will Let me know tha result I know yea leaven th SkUs aatramely soft and will be surprised. alaaa. Important Announcement Owing, to Ml ValeskA 5ur.tfs nforcd abcnc for wrer! Wwk abroad, wber aK goct for th procurement of her new wardrobe and ftr lb prcparadon of Ker tbeatrical eng menu thl winter, the eppearenc) of tKee weeldjr Ulkg on1 baut wM be suspended until the week of September le dreaa it twice a day ever atnc I bit. I walked two miles after It struck I wa blood all over. Ther picked up and put me In an ambulance and took to th hospital.

I am 12 rears old now but I can stand up straight a any of th bora and gt M0 00 a month pension that keeDa my wife and I here In our llttl cottage as well aa anybody and ar aa happy as any on can be to know that th union wa preearved com through to Angola in 1841 with aa ox team It wa Aot much of a place thev Wild pigeons were so thick that when a flock would fly they Juet fairly roared and there wa deer verywher. Elisabeth Maugherman ha th dla tlnotlon of being th oldeat woman In Steuben county tin wa born in Pennsylvania In HOB before candle were roaae or eieotrio iignta, steam boata. railroads teleaTaph. talODhona automobU and flying machlnee, and laht run over all the Hat of tha Inventions that man inventive gen lua baa produced In th last hundred year bafora doctor aaorlfled or ueed halo to graao tha fact of how man during th last century has com prehended the work of th Mighty creator ana rrom nature auaaea tlona ha produoed th wonders enjoy Mra. Mauiiienbaa 4a th mother of nineteen children.

Her oldeat daugh ter is Tf years of ag, ana an has 1M llnial aeeenflnt now living. In th early day ah lived In houa without any roof and wlth any floor, ath Is on of th early pioneer, an wa nit tnree time a rattle anake. Aa Indian doctor gav her two quart of whiskey which aved her Ufa Bb haa smoked. pip for eventy nv year. Her huaband wa In th war of th rebellion and an arw a penalon.

The nuBDana or on oz ner aauch ter wa In th Mexican war Sh la always In attendance at th Old Bottler meeting ana nopes pieeont tbl year Hon. Joeeph A. Woodhult I irtoneer lawyer of this county He la 14 year of age, goo to hi pfflca vmry oar ana is auu in active trao. tic. Hlx young men studied law In bis omo ona beoome judges pf circuit and higher court.

might mak anaatloa of othr InterestlAg incident but I fear wa hav already taken too anueh of your valuable space to be of lnter et to your pairooa, Th following I a list of othara la Angola who ar 10 years of ag aa4 If Pyncheon II, lmellno WalUok II. Cur tl Cast il ix Mary Rodger II. BILaa Julia Crockett IS, John Knleley Betaey Conklln II Uriel Carpenter ll, Anna MoUrew II, Jan Mabrey is Joseph Barnes II. Elisabath Patkard II, Iaaball rackler l. Joseph attout II Barbara Cline II.

mother ef con Kaaamaa Cllaa Bam Brook. 10. Ha oody 10 9abUl MitobaU 14, Oacg Oordoa 14, Amanda Lava It. Jama Yards of New Fall Dress Goods placed on sale this week. Our dress goods are made by reliahlfi dress goods mills.

All the new fall shades. Our prices are muchjower than the stores who Come and see. are in the high rent district. 50 piece ef fine French or Storm Serge; noreltiea end 11 the best new fall good, that mearare 38 end 40 in. wide.

Augu.t Price, yard Extra fine all Wool Cream Serge, the te.t ever offered for the p' rice now a yard 100 piece fine Storm Serge, plain Serge, novelty dreaa gooda, all the new fall ehadet. Special 42 to 52 in. wide Storm Serge, Plain French Serge, fine Cream Whipcord, fancy novelty Dreaa Goods, and all $1.25 a yard value; 45 to 54 in. wide I Auguat Sale Price a yard 36 in. wide plain Meaaaline Silk, the be.t value ever offered in Fort Wayne; all the new ehadea, worth $1.25 a yard.

Our Special Auguat Price. 5Bc BIG REMNANT SALE THIS WEEK Hundreds of pieces of Silks, Wool Dress Goods, Ginghams, Percales, Calicos, Outings, Muslin, Crash, Curtain Goods, all for BARGAIN PRICES, jt i Every Short Length of Piece Goods Reduced New Fall Tailored Suits Ladies' and Misses' Suits, made with the best materials, the best workmanship, the best styles, but not high priced. Come, see the Misses' and Ladies' Serge Suits, all colors; qc special values, $13.95, $12.45 and yKj.vo Fine Man Tailored Suits, Plain or Novelty Cloths, all sizesjo a nrr now $19.95 and A4 Ladies' and Misses' New Skirts A large stock of New" Skirts just unpacked. Serges, Panama Whipcords and Noveltiesj special values, $4.95, $3.95 gnj ana $2. 50 Fine Altman Voile Skirts; regular values, $8.00.

Our August Special a gg Prices for all sizes, $5.95 and tc Money refunded if goods are not as represented T2 THE VFIACE TO SAVE JWNEK 608 CALHOUN STREET FORT menimnanfo. Hall 14, Barah Part. Pan Cal 14 Dora Kurt. 14. Wro.

Hubbard, II. Core Hub.r II. Fr.l.l(h gi.i. Tiffany 14 H.rm.lla. OlMkua II.

Q.or. WTilaniriT. JlarTin Iar row wnarui. II, M.rr A oilpln IT. H.nry II, WUIIam Polt.r II.

buclnda Kirk II and r.ur H.nwood, 14. BUTLER NEWS SUTUDR, Auf I Mr. WillM Wtwtw pant riid mt Auburn tb cunt of hr latr( UIm Hom. MtM Vaata, Marvin, Qarrtt tba VUMt of hmr 0rnJniothr, Mrf. Us Qorfar and aunt.

Mr. J1 Btron Mr Tblak. of Auburn. pnt ih dr In Butlaf an routa ta HanHton. Mlaa Anna KUmar.

who ha baaa tha ruaat of Mtaa Edith Vinr for tha paat waah raturood to har bona at Orf villa, Saturdarj Mr and Mra. Byron Maaoa dad naat, MUa Mara altaudar, motorad to Auburn and apant tha ovanlns with Mr. aad Mra. Kd win Foadlok. Mra Kan Vaaiy of Bang or, a who haa baan vlaitina; har nlaoa, Mlaa Sadla MoCurdr at rraaiont raturaad ta Butlar and will vlait Mlaa Mmla MoCurdr and othar ralatlTaa bafora roturalng to bar Mm.

Lydla Boa ar, of SpanrarriUo, ar yag'tn pirUaf 'iiyuay and' will ramali tha homa of Charlea fblUlpa nod halp oara for Mra, Phlllipa. Mlaa Ailaaq Boott, of Edon.0, la apandlng th waah with Mlaa Qaorgla Qood. Mra. 1 BohoTllla and daughter, Mlaa Corol. who hava baan tha guaata of tha lBff Mra.

Howard Shaffar, of HtckavUl, la tha guaat of har aiatar, Mra. Carolina Ackannan Mra. Fattaraon and two daugh tara. Virginia and Kathrya of Garratt, aro tha guaota of Mr and Mra. 0, Q.

it ton a. Mra. ohn Bklnnar. of Danvltla, XttH ta apand ng faw daya In Butlor th guaat of Mr and Mra. Sam oVnMova.

Mr and Mra. Kd ftttar, of naar HAra tlton apant tha day with Mr andMra. Oaorgo Btout. Mr. Btout oontlnuarvary 111 Mr and Mra.

Btava VanDuaan ara arranging to movo from thalr praaant bumo oa aat Main atroat. to tblr property on Waat Depot atraaL Mr Duaen haa baan Tery 1U for tha paat few montha and aa aoon aa hla condition will permit they will moTa'aa tha wnla At tha tr.T.1 nn ftyp fTM gUtl I greuy wiun oinw Mra. IRletoher Dlrrltn, of Hamilton, and alitor, Mra. 3 Barber, of Aahtabula, ara the gueeu of Mr and Mra. Jack BawaiL Kev and Mra.

Brigntmira and family aro expected noma from a month a out log at Cold Bprlnga Mra. fVUilara Aohrbaugh rotumed homo from Ooahoo, where aba waa called to attend tue tunorai or bar brother In law Mr Jaoob Meyera. B. Baxter mada a bualnaaa trip to Cromwell Saturday Mra. Mann, front near Hamilton, la apandlng tha weak 1 Butlor tha guaat of Mr and Mra.

Parry Hammond and family. Mra. Watormaa and daughter, Oraoa and Butt, and aoa Robert, returned to thalr homa at Hamilton, after apandlng a faw daya with tha former a daughter, Mra. Parry Hammond, Mra, Jake Cook apant th day lid Auburn tha guaat of Mra. John Holgn.

Mra Jaka Cook apant th day la A bum tha guaat of Mra John Halga. Th republican dolagataa alactod at tornoy H. lUtter. ta aotiaTeaelmal CQDTen4lQnAttrtrn.r uA, JmJm Orla Bohradari to Joint aonatorlal and MUolal oonrontloiv Attornay A. En dloott and A.

JHuntaman. Union townahlp Stnta Frank Eckhart and Latar reagleri oongroealona Harry SbuH and Prank Thomaa, aenatoiia (1 B. Smith and U. E. Carratti judtalal Loula BtoU and tdy Fottar.

Mi Oaorgo aUkar, of rott Wayn. pent Saturday In Butler on bualnaaa. Mr John Smith, of near BUckavlUak Ohio, la quite 1)1 lxarlng bean atrlokan with paraJyaie. Hla daughter. Mra.

Dan Bearer haa bean apandlng a few daya with him re Mlaa Maya Btouder. of Dearer, Cot. and Mlaa Inaa Chlloote. of Port Wayne, wara gueeu of Mtaa Nora tfrowa Sat urday afternoon. Mr Chaa ChrlatoCfel, who had1 hla leg fraetured and hla kneecap dlalo catad In a cara in 'at tha gravel pit thla week, la getting along nicely under Dr.

Kramer a oara. Mr, and Mr. Chaa. Decker toft for a two waeka' Tlilt at Ilan, HL, with; bar THE NO. 11 JAMES OLIVER SULKY PLOW The 1 0LIVEE PLOWS ENCIRpLE THE WORLD The best sulky plow you can buy.

plow and driver are carried alongvnot dragged. Wa want you to carriedr Coms'ln arfSUet ua you all tha good point, on thla plow, and you wil carried away wun ib C. C. SCHLATIER CO. COR.


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