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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 8

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE FORT VAYM JOtmNAt GAZEttE 1 AtURDAY OBNlNi MAIJOHH'Wv S333HS3SSS "11 gb fi II 11 i i nil miiiim' wiiiiiniiri jthi' tut aw iTiiiimo jrcai celery lertyoji, lttuo or crM 1N HBi JKHPVH futlnAat'UniHnA Anil tin whilst wsBssnsssippBW ffBBwBBasBBl BBBsawlsBlBsaBSBBsBSBSBnBSBBnwawsBwaaWa I Ti A ff I i i i ii i i i i. i i T1 NnrlcoriiAnrfiilWAlpninA lTT A I 11 II If! 1.1 il IIll III! ff ff Till il II 1 I.T. 'v imve Have you Seen: the latest fad, the "beau catchers Thty, are ihe dear ut hoil foolish little Curls that stend In a stiff Ilttl. twist on the cheek, or nea the but the marten place to wear heni I right out' from th ear, the partially uncovered can. There Are.

pictures, of them la All the Jatest on fashion plates, and there ire earn plea of them In the hair tor and aooh smart young ladle who love new wrinkles wilt be wearing them. 'Many' laugh at feminine frivolities but they like them. In their secret heart, Just the same. It. the eternal foolish, nene In women that makes them Mis Alice Knight gave luncheon of charming appointments "yeeterday at her, home on Spy Bun avenue In honor pr.Mlsa Hiiey, oi uarpiuiiuiii, N.T..

and Mls Ethel Itfon. of Be wlokley. Pa. The. table was decorated with an attractive arrangement of pink and white sweat pea and violets.

A large cry atafvate or the lovely bios som ornamented the. cOnter Of the table while smaller Vases were placed at eaoh end. The guests were. Miss Martbel Olds, Edna Helt. Mis Alma Dreler, Ml Florence Dang, Ml Madge Magee, Mis Virginia Olds and Mrs, 'Koger.

i. Tnr. Mlaa Ann and Miss Christine Shry oek are contemplating a trip abroad thla prlng. They expect to jo Mias Jackson' party and spend about three inontna en ine coninin. TJIakaf and Mrs.

angerle. of Chlcefeo. have ratwiMd from a trip to th Bermuda Islands. Mr. Zangerl I spending a few day in tat city wn fw Mr.

Cole'an'd Mlsa Kuhne, of Plymouth. ia; are ine mwi." fJS Tr TlT. lUngenbaugh, of Waah ingtoa boulevard east. Miss Clara jTwciTand her nieces. Mies MHdr Miss Margaret Filch morthVripAbroad.

They wllTvlslt jTSglartd. Scotland eland, France, Italy and gwltserland. The Pythian Bister will give a pedro party orl Batarday the It of P. Whlnton boulevard 1, Friends In the eTtrof Master TsJ tnfn JjSld, whe formerly resided here, wDorry to lsart, tha' wently met wlth a aerloua accident at hi fom. England.

While PkUnng Ci Vail and broke ha leg between, tne Knadthr 5 'jrsss: red for many hour. When par ttaMy wcorered, after being In the ho. vfiX fcrJome time the doctor found fhat one horter than the other he Inaerted a metal plat and th hoy will be in a cast for the negt seven montn. Mrs. Jame xcTrmn 0, has returned from Ixmlavule, Kj Xr.

iho ha. for six months and 1 spending A with her mother. Mra. Clark alrbank. before leaving for her new home In New Castle, Pa.

Mrs. Perolval Smith, of Toledo, la the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and RockhHl. of. West Main street.

Mrs. IU McClur gav pretty In. formal bridge party at her home In Oak; Kpqll last Thuiaday afternoon. My, and Mr, Frederick B. Hoffman )av recently purchased the home.

of Mr. nyron Angel, which the; will occupy irt the future; The following I clipping from'the Indianapolis Btar that win lie or IntelIntel et to many Fort Wayne friend and acquaintances). "Mr. and Oswald Btahn an. nounce the engagement of their daugh ter.

Qlralda. to Claude Miller. The marriage will, take place Baster Bun marriage will take place jgaster nun u. day, April Ut the hom. of Mr.

and tf" i H.ry SJho Wf vf i 11, I i 'f. i 1 DiMREDBy THEUSEOFOXYOLINE Dr. J. A 'Crawford, secretary of the Crawford County Meaioei eocieiy, vi Crestline, Ohio, says: rl have had grand results In'four ease of diabetes the use of Oxyollne." tv. it.

o. of this baa equally good result with the us of Oxyollne. lie has not treated a case lutwhathas shown marxea improve' in a ehort time. Oxyollne Is made by an electrical and la In many respect similar: to owme. Dr.

Wells Is anxious to 'treat those suffering from, diabetes. J.C.HUTZELL DRUGGIST Gasoline 16c Gallon 1402 W. Main St Phone 1538 DEHM MILLINERY Correct etjlesi in Imported Hats, also, copies from, ti UP 1101 Calhoun street. Automobile entrance on Jefferson. Just off Calhoun street JLriie Theatre Bldf, 1012 Calhoun St Where 'rortWerne" GeU Her Glaaae Mrs.

'Btahn, tilt North Pennsylvania street, with only a few, of the most Intimate friends presenk. Mr. ana Mrs, Btahn and daughter came this city' from Fort. Wayne, 'where they lived until Mr. Btahn was appointed to the bureau of statistics 'In this city.

The wedding trip will be to Canada for a visit to Mr, Miller parent for towweek i i Thursday afternoon Mra. Anna Dick meyer, of Ka( Wayne street, waa sur prised by her friends and relatives; who called to. celebrate her Bhe' received many beautiful' presents, and after a delightful Afternoon an elegant supper. was Served. The guests were Mra L.

Oerke, Mr. A.AItman, Mr. E. Duhlmann and Virginia. Mr.

and Mrs. II. Mra II. Bchwehn and daughter. Myrtle, Mr.

and Mrs. Ilarm uin. Mia Minnie Kruse and Mis Eleanor plckmeyer. The extension department of the Col lege club will give a dance this evening at the Commercial club, A large number are expected and young women and men who are Interested In the work will be welcome. Mr and Mrar Ralph Qetts, of East Crelghton avenue, were given a surprise and house wanning by about forty of their frlanda on last Wednesday evening.

They were presented with a beautiful piece of cut glass and later a dainty luncheon wa4 served. Mr. and Mr, aetta were mar. lied Saturday unknown to any of their friends. Mrs.

Oetts waa Mis Daisy Bowman before her marriage, The Saturday evening Dancing club will give a dinner dance thla evening at the Anthony, hotel. The club I oomposed of young married men and a few single men, who meet Informally every other Saturday evening. The men whose auspices the affair this evening will be given are John K. Hoffman, II. I.

Fisher, Clarence Bohoo, Charle Nleser, w. Wardrop, Page Tarnelle, HI II. Collins, Walter Barrett. EX Hoffman, II, Brooke Bala, 0. Hoffman.

Ralston. Fred and Walter Bhanley, Walter Hamilton, Frank Fltspatrlck. James Porter, Bart let Shryockv Mariotte and Rex Price, F. II. George, Charles Bamaby and Maiirtoe 8elbrr Mr.

Banit Hamlllnn lh, of the State' Federation' of "Woman's clubs In Michigan, will be a' dlstln guthed guest In the, city next week. Shew4ll speak before the meeting of at JO o'clock, and during her stay In at 10 o'cloo, and during her stay In wi our wiu oo me guest or Mr. Fred McCultoch. Mlas Levenson'hai returned to her home In Chicago, after a visit In the city with Mr. and Mrs.

Snnshlne, of Xwton place. Klas Harlet Fowler entertained the Friday Brldaa elub at he hn. nn Douglas avenue yesterday afternoon. Mrs. J.

H. Glloln has returned from a tea days vlslf ln Chicago and. with reiauves in uneooygan, Mich Mlas Manr Caswell tia in her home In Huntington; after a itlA 4 total wtH lil. l. ind fj i Mra, PlatL of Division street hu returned! from Where she pent a weak with relatives.

Mrs. Lewis Orasa has reenrnMl tn home In Van Wert. after Visit In the city, with Mrs. W.M., Botteran.of Iluehanan street Mis' May Ilceson ha returned from, a business trip In NewTork. Mia Margaret ail'U entertained the members of the VlvaVUle girl's club at her home In Lawton place last evening.

Mr. Clarence Hamilton and daush. terhave gone to Chloago to spend a fewd Wt WlthrJends and Mra A.E. Fauve enter tamed a few friends at their home on West Wayne street on Thursday even lug. The affair was a delightful In.

formal dance. The house was brightened wrth spring flowers and during the evening Supper served. The Miner School Parent Teacher oiud win meet on Wednesday after noon at Mlss Alloe. Hall, the supervisor of drawing, will give as BAD BREATH i' Dr. Edward' Olive Tablet Get at Uie Cause and Remove it tits Edwards'' Olive Tiblets, the substitute for calomel, an gently on th bowels and positively do the work.

People afflicted with bad breath And quick relief through Dr. Kdwards'. Olive The pleasant. sugar ooated tablets are takett for bad, breath by all who know, them. Dr.

Edwards' Olive Tablet act gently hut firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural actio clearing tn blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any of tne bad after effect. Air ne oerienia" or sickening. griping cathartics are 'derived from Dr. ttawaras uuvs grij paln.

or disagreeable of any Dr. V. M. Edwards discovered the Trnt id the or'. mula 'after seventeen or practice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the attendant bad breath.

i Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet! are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil you will know them by their olive Take one or two every, night for a week and note the effect. 10o' and ISO Inch long. Keen' In cold water, drain. and dust lightly with salt, nix It with the Garnish with lettuce.

cresses or celery leave nd serve immediately, a talk on "Art, a It Is taught In th publto school of Fort Wayne' And It application to the decoration of. tha home end the school' Mirents and friends are Invited to be' present at the meeting. The children of th third grade, will furnish music; Neble MaCeulinV Mis Dorothy MoCauliff wa euletly married yesterday afternoon four o'clock to Mr. EdgarB. Noble In the Plymbuth Congregational, church.

Th Folsom performed ceremony In the presence of a few relatives ana friends. I. DR. CARRIE BANNING TALKS TO COLLEGE CLUB ON EUGENICS "Stop the process of human degsn. erallon," said Dr; Carrie Banning, tn her talk before1 the College club at It regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.

Fred, McCulloch, yes terdav 'afternoon. "In the early ages," she 'continued, "the law of na ture. th survival pr the nttest, and this law eliminated all the phyai Ically weak. The new maxim I to can for th weak, and In caring for the weak In our tnlxdlrected philanthropy the weak Increase. While th weak.

Insane, criminal and pauper should be properly provided fer ear muBi ne taaen, ip prevent ipem rrom becoming the Bredomlnant olsss. Anxiety I caused," said Dr. Banning, "by tn increaee or the leaa desirable class and the decrease, of the. de slrafl tine men went on to 'describe eu genlca a the gclentle of raoe lm provement by better heredity, the In fluence upon the race paused by tnerv rlagei selection. It Is a sctsntlfleally established )faot," said Dr.

llannlpf. that 'the assignment at character of th parent to the young if pot altogether a hAPhaaard fashion, but. In puuiy case at least, shpws ym tt She then said that eugtnlos, as It was talked of to day. the reiult of the writing of ah Augustine monk eald Mendel, who based Ms theories on. hi observation and studies pf th growth of vegetable.

"'JJol only the bodily character" said Dr. jBsn nlng, "but the character of the mind I also essentially determined by hereditary endowments received from ine parents. Tne gina eg mine child possesses." she continued, determined before the child I born." Dr. Banning then explained th tremendous Influenee one human i bee Ing ha upon th race, and what the study of eugqntca should mean to everyone. Bhe aald tha( th knowledge of the science meant a duty to co operate with Its law.

8b divided the study of eugenics Into two part, positive and negative, eurenloa One that seek to encourage parent hood or th worthy, ana tn that seeks to dlsoourag parenthood for the unworthy, or th unfit. "tkaMnthAftA IiauM he said Dr, Banning, "to the lpsomnlo. drunkard. those who pos sees racial poisons and degenerate diseases. Ignorance on the part of these who contemplate marriage la not only Inexcusable but It.

Is In the nature Of a crime to the nnborn." con "'fet th light shin pi sxJ ual subJeotsj It win dissipate thf mist of prudery' and false medety, Tu will know, ignorance Is net Innocence." She made a dnal plea, for the prevention of marriage by the unfit, te teach th young along eugenl Unas, and to stop the process of human trace, deterioration, mm BiEVEB'EaKa Hommaa has purchased th Jacob Rager Property In the northwest part of town; We understand that Mr. Hommaa In tends tearing down the old hear and jiidinr a new one. in owes. Her, yesterday on account of the seri Mrs. Jack Burt was called to Montpe iieruay on acnount epn of her daughter.

Mrs, Karl I Hi The Personette family have moved onto alarm near Akron. They mlded on the Well farm northwest of here for sev erat.yeara 1 Mra Charles Pearson Is getting some better. Bhe has besn suffering front ery flrst broke out very rapidly until irado, slpelas fori about, a week and the dls ease has been checked, it nn her noae and snread verr Within a very few hours It had reached all over her face and clear to thoback of her, neck! Charles Reed, residing south of town, has a cow that gave birth to twin carves the other night Both of the calves are male an are as niacx as a orow, We 'are: nformed that Mr. and uoyd.Bhuley will soon go to Colorado, where Mr. Bheeley has a good position wnn a signal company.

The democrats of this township will meet In this place Saturday afternoon In convention ifor the purpose of selecting delegaes to attend the state, concree slonll and joint senatorial oonrentlona Mrs. K. Martindala Is In Tippecanoe this week conducting a series of revival Word has been received here stating that It erschel Conner, a former Hltver Lake has resigned hi position at Aurora, 111., as. superintendent of, the Brass Manufacturing company and has gone to Ban where he will engage In the manufacturing busl pesfc Tr 'Hannah Getty, who has been an Invalid for the pest several year. la becoming more helpless each day and It la tnougnc that sna cannot long survive.

my as 'Arthur Tracy and family have returned home from a Several days' visit with their 'peoise In. Monterey. Hlram and wife hava decided to move to the country, and aa a result they have leased the Mary Jameson farm near claypool and, will occupy the same withe per box. The Olive (joiumDus. u.

Tablet For sale by all druggists. Recommend special 8unday Dinner and Supper as amea of uperexcel lenc. Tou'U Jlnd dining here a gratlfjtng change from the mediocre 'service offered by the ordinary restaurants. Our purpose haa been to. upply you with better better serylcaipd different surroundings; We have succeeded In that.

The EngMsttJeaFMom 'm'W. 'wAyNBsYTe In a few dava Mrs. Frank Getty has returned home from Warsaw, where sh visited for several days with her brother, William Richardson, and Mra Joel Walburn and son were In Peru, over Sunday visiting with relatives. Tom Alspaugh was ld Fort Wayne over Rundav vlsltlna at the Frame hom Mre. I hsd.

heenlhsr prjev era! days visiting, retarnea home with him Monday, Ed Braude and wife war 1A Chicago several day the first of the week attending to some business matters. Kenneth Raker, son of Mr. and Mr. Thomss Raker, died la Do Angelea CaLt Monday forenoon. aoeordtng to Information received here by his parents The remains were not brought hers on account of.

tha rigid restrictions In transporting a body oao stste to another. It was claimed in a message that Kennefn hsd died from spinal meningitis and that It would be ahaset faepof ibl to get the remains to tun ptace, Surprise irill grow at our selection of exel pattf rns wtiye So many Smart Sfeapex, Chic Examples, and daring, (farming an Authentic StyIIiacwi; Models from our oyra wtrgate vW' id interest with those from New York and ahf oad. PricM range from to $60'00 1: NEXT PUBLIC TfilAL TO BE HID APRIL 1 Wacktord lew club, through th! eenunlltee on arrangements, which Is othfossd of Davs O. B. Fuelbe ap Up a MeUnd, the latter of whom chairman, has arranged for.

a publlo trial to be held in the superior court roost Vsdneeday evening, April 1. with twalts rtH WaVle ladles as lbs fury. following the moot ease tiled, March members of the club Bftltlened Cora mlsslonere Butt, Bchwler and Slack for loner were unsbl to grant the request because the court house Is never used for public functions en Bunders. The elub has unanimously given a Vte ef thanks te Mr. Butt, Mr Bchwler and Mr, piaek lor pa et.

favors. Any lady who wlhe to serve vn tn Jury may either remnninleat With D., Nniui up statement of raeja and four witnesses! will bT examined by both stats and defense. The ladles who served oA the serving the eomlpg, trial, The etlor tisys WIU be named. Twenty minutes' time will be SllsMed each attorney In which to make his ile to the iury.

The small number Wltnetsss win not prolong the trial and the rest pf the time mr be tUsd ff tryumenta Clara Reinkensmeier's mil linery bpenlng Tuesday, Mrirch 17,2026 Broadway. Sends of Miss Orao Cobbhav meTr notice of her marriage to Charles stdemarCa retired officer of the United Ctate navy, at Midland, Mien. Miss Cobb formerly, lived In this eltr. Mra Vhlllp Reldenbach Is at home from Middle Point, wher she has been visiting her: eleter, Mrs, Alios II who lit Bsahler, Mra Bertha Bowen ha returned home rt. vya: jrsne fhlll Ivra Moor, or Marya Mrs.

it D. Whltmoroiiof Rookford, from a visit InJToi miv. Mra Myra Moor, of tMary'i Mlas Pearl MaRlwaln has gen te Ober lln to visit her nleee, Mra fhll It. Ohley, uiu iKniiijt V1ertln TJl H. WhltsnorVA.

sira ueorge is. vvuson iww hi Wooster for a visit with her Mr. KE. Frank. Tt J.

May, of Xaeeon avenoe, an em. ploye of the (gnplnnetl Northern repels air valve and' the was badly raeenea. Mr. and Mra J. H.

Kackett and daush ter, Helen, or Akron, are guests pi hi Backstt's mother, Mrs. D. A. John Um. Pmtden Is at home from a visit with relatives In (dvoy.

Miss Bylvla Smith is at home from a visit with her parenU at Kenton. CLEARS AWAY ii raMWRTEE RETOfitS AN AT Aa attendance of 11,000 people at the Pur Food hew the two weeks It was open' wu reported lael night after th nnsl count by th member ef the committee. The largest attendane for any single session, for Batufday aiwtrpoun tee1 ftMMveeve. HUrlf)s fre secon week more than doubled, that of, the grsA week, th" altandsae for th MM uter being Millinery opening, Saturday, March 14th. BORGMAN STEIN 132QBroawvvay, WALLENNEWS WlTtmr TAsT.

4 a' Itfoor Uklnff'up tha 4nU iwwsjr.nouif nun, loha Hrbfr tv barn In WaUn. sr" saa rjsiw UQWU wwsyiajiip, Mr. David Wells, the Parent of mw tmprovsa at, Elmer Cseh was a' hli ntertown Tuesday. Allan water la aiUMMM Ins tile from this place. Mr.

Pratt he been on the sick Rev. taeSy took dinner with Mr. and sere. SJirosr uo wsanesaay, nevivai services nays ell attended on aenouni Itemsmber th Sunday school Sunday Arthur' Waters and chll Mrs. B.

Opllger. who has. been very 't fl a ti 8M Itr. i Improved thl writ. Blmer Ceeh was a hvslnaa caDer I ruescay.

eters. I engaged In ut sarvlaea have not hn' verv1 well attended on account of slaknaM. at 10 a m. ana sira and Mr. and Mra.

Chas. Arnold Mr. and dren ndelilldrn wr the home or air. anq sirs, liawara tptiger fun Vn. Geo, Orllger called at th home of Mr Prank Klnse7 Wednesday.

Mr. Chaa Feletler (s lllng on ths farm which ha recently purchaaed one kail mn pot or alien. FOR SALE Cadlllac four Ing car fully equipped. Run onlv.8.500 miles. $975.

Rav mond Qaraoe, 71 8720 Barf street. Sv 'fiESS: WmMwr OER.S RO nESIOHT 1 1 1 IS LLENCDUNTY to tiih A th work of th Woman' Chrla tlaq Temperance pnlon 1 hroadnpg' ana ipcresn rapiaiy Ana int Df a more worker In every part a th PtAth Id go peat, th eomntlWe hs decided to kp pan organiser, Mrs. Ev flofc', In ths field, mptll good) working anion have been eetablUhed whrvr pos. slbl. We urge the women, In all part of the city to help lp, thl great worit of getting ready for pew state constitution and for th national prohibit tlon amendment new pending at Washington.

Fori Wne sheufd have at least four more unions, with a many youpg people' branch and. Uyal Temperance legions. should have at least a. dossn mor pnion through. ut Aen coupty.

Th prospt It Yrr encouraging, Women ihy win lay said other poet ofws portano until our obligation te.Ood sad humaalty altng these, lips. been paid to th uttermost. Tanrs for Mloonles nation, MRS. MARTHA hlDENOUR. County Prsldnt MRS.

JOED WBDTr. County, Vle PrdeRt MRft ewntr.0rftir! Mffi IONCHITIS Mm in a i' ttn, mi.j, i ,14 musa FOR COUGHS. ASTHMA. DATA bONSUMPTlON, BRAZILIAN 0ALM NEVE tOSTAOASE AriTML TrjEQERMWSo.Woif rUrUBIjiHi rOO )pgasaSJfyssgsB Mrs. Powell Almost Dead Dnt nroain, cpuW mudiy walk across th ays Mra ty.

da ypweJI, Pf Pr? befpr tried Cardul, I 19 almost dead. 1 can walk four miles' andTdo'' my Work with mu'dh mor I. pral Ctardul for niy wonderful eura" Cardul Is ucees. ful I penfltlng lick women, because It I composed of Ingredient that et fpvoineaiir op, tn. womaniy tum.ii' tut relieving backsche.

(rregVlarlty, misery M4 fllstreg. Only A good medloln could inpw sueb co llnttal'lndr Jpr pppularjtri M. jCur. lot has, for th past ysar. Tnr i $12.71 Say, Misferl Tou can't touch It in Fprt; Wfp for money.

Thl sv. Inf Indirect future th real dope oy of store and rssl fany other dsslgna Phon Mil ftl. tW jEAftwV TV a eassr I iSf 2', A hi 7 ill 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 i ifir II iJifi Aa-a'" ffff' in IsTllf: rm i 1 If la aa easv to fid Of Plmrlee and blackhead with Reelnol, and It cost tittle, too, that anyone who face Is disfigured by roes pests 1 fool. Ih to keep on with useless cosmetic, or complicated "beauty treatments." See how simply, It. Is Bathe for several mlnntes with Bsstnol Boap and hot water, then apply a llttl Reslnol ointment very gently, Ltfhta stay on ten minute, and.

wash trt vrtth Reslnol Soap and more hot Water, finishing with a dash tut uula watr le the pore.aDe thl one or twlo a day, and you wm be astonished to find how ejulckly.the healing, Reslnol medication soothes and clean the ore, leaving the complexion clear and velvety, Reslnol stop Itching Instantly and speedily heals eosetna, and other. akin humor, dandruft, burns and Bold by all druggist. Reslnol Ointment It eta and Rsalnel Soap, tlcU. For free Ulal dss, write Dipt, i a. Reslnol, Baltimore, IsMMIt deceived wocthls '7" i SMALL JOB DEPARTMENT Tor Cuphoarda aothes, Chutes.

Oak) Jloers, Rplr. THE WILDWOOD BUILDERS (X)v IIUM IMT. SIOTM 'fviv 'IH Wt' fff WlP.1.1 ft, WH A most pltudafl atrrtt iMtn thowa lit Ko.TT8, I tatllmt tn tlota, large, satins, POpltA, or th bsiTtft wttoM linen. If do sired, th gnrpllee ts( my sMHM Pf flgnrM lllll Of brocsd, la cs fb dxu i plala tr. Tic Tin it th ire Ia llnrsoV.

Th hlDH tktwi.A 4ro ihouider ixA tlpavf IT (th pfr tern' I wt for lthsr fpU ft, ot korter) tber I (nUd, aalUr gh ehralsett, wWeh tuf 4 with bih or round ack. es, drtptl ikirt with lnwt off dowa th front and. til back. cplt the bestnsw. and tn sU? bt of t0i pUUi eolr, A trad Ils.

A' wW folded itrdl Of Mirsi W0fl4 tmj Appegfllsct. To' ak till 4nss U' silt tf qalnw (U Trdj lao murJl. Th ttr i et Ut ttspii 1 "ii ferffik'. ihtttpa, tart rtjht epps, kiwwrm ti th fnOsst tAtt.Ot tt kgt ft dimnaloMk te 1 It may ebtalned BU rit oupegndllnglleetktAspt or rlv th nitinDrwwm nuXBtthrG: '1 1 T. I T'l'l'm1.

Nm icpor on AtreetanlNa city apd gttt i.j..;o...) jfattSSA K. iyJtfe Ms 111 11 il' ".1 I itmmmmmm.

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