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The Daily Capital News from Jefferson City, Missouri • Page 4

Jefferson City, Missouri
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Page 4 NEWS TRIBUNE COMPANY WILLIAM H. WELDON, President "We shall not fear to follow wherever truth lead, nor to tolerate error, so long as reason left tree to combat -Thomas Jefferson may Of Law and Tyranny of riot is not new to this country. Neither The ugly spectacle spectacle of murder. But riot and murder as is the far uglier deliberately selected and Intentionally used means of Implementsocial, political, or economic theory are new 1o ing this or that this country. Riot and murder as consciously used weapons of social, polieconomic warfare have been blessedly absent from tical, and these United States through most of our national history to this point.

They are absent no longer. The base and cowardly murder early Wednesday morning of W. Evers, the Mississippi Field Secretary of the National Medgar Association for the Advancement of Colored People, has shocked and angered the nation. But the simple and frightening fact is that it has not shocked and angered the nation as it would have done even so recently as nine months ago. And why? Because io the nine months of this Republic's steadily worsening racial crisis which have just passed, Americans have had to accustom themselves to at least this measure of murder: 1.

Gunfire killed two white men in the rioting on the University of Mississippi campus and in the town of Oxford, Mississippi, last September 30th. 2. On April 23rd, a white integrationist on a "freedom hike" was shot to death on a lonely stretch of road near the little town of Attalla, Alabama. 3. Just last Thursday, a white man was killed by rifle tire during a riot on the streets of Lexington, North Carolina.

Those are just the racial murders which have been successfully carried out in this country within the last nine months. Others have been attempted. In Philadelphla, for example, where white construction workers were knifed as they struggled with Negroes trying to keep them from the site of their work. Or in Cambridge, Maryland, where two white men were critically injured just the other day by shotgun blasts tired into a crowd of white people at close range during a riot on the city's streets. The police of Jackson, Mississippi, are now engaged in an allout effort to apprehend the murderer or murderers of Medgar Evers.

They have asked for, and they are receiving. all the help the FBI can give them. We are confident that the assassin or assassins will be caught. We are also confident that when he is or they are, he or they will be prosecuted to the fullest possible extent of the law. While the police of Jackson and the FBI are doing their work, all Americans who love liberty and a tolerable degree of order might be well advised to consider these facts: 1.

A mob does not become something other than a mob because there is justice in the cause for which it riots. The lynch law of the frontier West which murdered men guilty of the crimes with which they had been charged was still lynch law. 2. There can never be enough street cadres in these United States, and they can never be well enough trained in the techniques of demonstration, peaceful or otherwise, to insure for the American Negro any meaningful sort of social, political, and economic justice. The unsolved problems of social, political, and economic justice for the American Negro have surely been one of this nation's shames for far, far too long a time.

They surely urgently require and demand the best thought and the best will that Americans of all races can bring to bear on them. But they are just as surely not going to be settled in any satisfactory or permanent fashion in the streets. 1. If an American citizen who happens to be a Negro named Medgar W. Evers can be shot to death at his own front door in the capital city of his native state for no apparent reason except that he was engaged in a lawful struggle to secure for his people rights which Americans by the dreds of thousands feel should have been granted to them long ago, then the foul form of murder walks very big and very bold nowadays in these United States.

"Where law ends," the elder William Pitt told his fellow Englishmen two centuries ago, "tyranny begins." It was true for the England of his time when he said it. It is no less true for the United States of America today, Is This Moderation? We're hearing more and more these days about how Communist society even within Russia itself. is changing, moderating, relaxing its hold on its people. With more and more trequency, some of our "expert" Kremlinologists are assuring us that we'd better do all we can to keep Khrushchev in power in Russia, because he's "a moderate." If he topples from power, they tell us, he might be replaced by a "hard" and "Stalinist" type of Russian leader who'd be even harder to get along with than Khrushchev has been. One of the ways in which the "moderate" Khrushchev is "relaxing tensions" on the Russian people these days is by reintroducing show trials as a regular feature of Russian "justice." Probably not since the days of the Stalin purges in the '30s have well publicized and spectacularly staged trials been so in vogue in Russia as they are right now.

Just the other day, for example, three young Russian studeuts were tried before a crowd of more than 2,000 spectators in Moscow's Lenin Stadium. They were convicted, and they were, sentenced to several years of hard labor in a remote part of Russia. Their crime was the illegal purchase from Westerners of some nylon shirts, some neckties, and some cuff links. That's the way things are going in the Soviet Union today under the leadership of that great "moderate" and "relaxer of tensions," Nikita Khrushchev. Too High A Price What is there to say of a tax program whose avowed purpose is to spur investment and expansion yet which, in some of its major provisions, would in all probability have precisely the opposite effect? That is the case with the current proposed program.

It would repeal the extremely modest investment credit and dividend exclusion privileges now given investors, as a small measure of relief against double taxation--once at the corporation level, the second time at the individual income tax level, Then it would lengthen the holding period for long-time capital gains. The almost certain result would be to significantly reduce the volume of. transactions in the securities markets. Thus, market liquidity would be reduced and with it, the attractiveness of investing la liquid securities. And a smog would move in on the climate that is supposed to encourage capital investment.

No doubt these proposals would produce an Immediate, though relatively small, increase in rovemment revenue. But that would he bought at an excessive price. The price, over the long term, would be reductions in the job-creating facilities and opportunities the Administration stresses so heavily, It is price we cannot DARY CAPITAL NEWS, Menan City, Me. Friday, Aune 14. 1963 Page 4 To the Point Why Should We Pay Soviet's UN Congo Bills? By RUSSELL KIRK The United Nations organization is in cial difficulty again.

Thant and company want some 500,000 to pa for maintaining troops in the Congo and Palestine during the latter halt of 1963. Russia, already owing Russell Kirk more than $63,500,000 in unpaid assessments for these operations, will pay nothing toward the new The Raging Pesticide Controversy From Industrial News Review According to the "Third World Food Survey" recently published by the United Nations, one out of two people in the world is badly nourished and one out of every six is unrelievedly hungry. The conclusion was drawn, however, that enough food could be grown now, "if present technical knowledge can be spread." The ability of a single farmer to rapidly and efficiently care for large acreages of land depends on the availability of modern farm machinery. inexpensive chemical fertilizers, and safe eflective pesticides. All three sential elements of modern agriculture must be used and improved constantly if the world's burgeoning population is to be ted.

The pesticide controversy ranges from hysterical rejection of all chemical pest control to total acceptance. The President's Science Advisory Committee, while warning that a problem exists regarding excessive or improper use of certain chemicals, observes that pesticides have been a great boon to man in increasing agricultural production and in helping control insect-borne diseases. It said "judicious use" of pesticides "must be continued." The conclusion to be drawn is that all encouragement should be given the agricultural chemical industry in carrying on research programs aimed at the continuing development of better, more selective and safer pesticides. They will be of lile-giving importance in a world where increased agricultural production will be the only alternative to starvation. Why Do They Remain Silent Now? From the St.

Louis Globe-Democrat Fidel Castro, once portrayed as Cuban Robin Hood, stands today an ogre whose crimes rival those of Adolf Hitler. An estimated 100,000 Cubans are rotting and dying in his prisons. The plight of these forgotten men, women and children has been chronicled by the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. An arm of the Organization of American States, the commission drew its facts from relatives of the prisoners and survivors themselves. The report tells of inhuman barbarities and atrocities, of reopened ancient dungeons, of prisoners driven insane by illness, starvation and mental tortures on this island where there is no law, where the individual has no recourse or defense from indiscriminate arrest and execution, where life is given or taken according to the whim of Fidel Castro.

Were these crimes laid to a Person, a Duvalier, or even a Trujillo, the community of American intellectuals, artists, writers and humanitarians would by now have excoriated all in the Administration for delaying in destroying the regime. But the criminal today is Fidel Castro, a Communist. And to many in these quarters the horrors of the left seem somehow more acceptable than those of the right. What is the difference between torture and murder done (Continued on Page 8) bill; neither will her satellites, nor France. So the UN intends to raise the assessments of the nations that do pay.

The industrial powers would make up most of the deficit, with the "underdeveloped" countries (among them Brazil, Argentina, Pakistan, and India) contributing at a reduced rate. According to this scheme, the United States would pay 37.19 per cent of the total. This is less than the 47.5 per cent which Americans paid for these operations until recently; but it is more than the sum Congress authorized (one-third of the total). If American representatives at the UN agree to this Increase (afler maintaining, for several months, that they would tribute no more than 32.02 per cent of the total assessment), Congress will be annoyed, with reason. This additional "voluntary contribution" runs abashedly counter to the will of Congress, just as President Kennedy's recent "emergency" foreign-aid grant to Indonesia circumvented Congress' tion to cut off foreign aid to Sukarno.

Many members of Congress 'Bobby and I Decided Not to Camp FIE SUPREME CIVIL RIGHTS cannot see why the U.N.O. "Peace Force" should remain in the Congo at all. No fighting is in progress there. Aimost all the UN's troops are concentrated in Kantanga, the most prosperous and orderly part of the country. Their only present function in Katanga seems to be the forcing of the troops of 1 "Central Government" -which 1s gaged in a persecution of ga President Tshombe.

At this writing, President Tshombe, though immensely popular in Katanga, has withdrawn from his capital. Elizabethville, because he is menaced by agents of the Leopoldville regime- Out After About the Britannica A Well Known Extremist Makes An Extremely True Allegation A recent column on Newton Minow's leaving the wasteland of TV for the shaded academic groves of Encyclopedia Britannica brings some interesting annotations from the readers. Hal Peary, the Great Gildersleeve of radio fame, suggests I am not completely accurate in implying that the ex-chief of FCC is a liberal is a liberal is a liberal. That phraseology may go for Gertrude Stein's roses, but Minow is no rose in the Gildersleeve eyes- nose, for that matter. Especially when Newton's new job is with a firm on the "Unfair List" the Screen, Actors Guild.

That was news to me, and I hastened to verify it. Not that I don't trust Hal, but I fear he is an extremist. For years he has been campaigning with mne for various extremist candidates who have been extremely opposed to increasing our modest national debt and have been equally extreme in their denunciation of moderate Soviet aggression. And a wise journalist knows that he must check up on extremist statements. So I got in touch with Guild headquarters, and it turns out Hal's assertion is extremely true.

The cultural and educational films produced by the Britannica Corporation, the Guild fells me. are indeed on the "Unfair List." as they have been for some 15 years, because the firm has been unwilling to meet the Guild's minimum terms. This is somewhat confusing, since the usual argument of the Establishment is that any product turned out by non-union labor is automatically untrustworthy, unconstitutional and un-American and is secretly financed by the National Association of Manufacturers, the American Medical Your Lawmakers By MORRIE RYSKIND One of the finest services a person can de for himself and country la to write to his or her congressman or senator 0n ones of importance. Senators and congressmen do not know Jour feelings on carrent legialation unless Jon keep them advised by writing them. They appreciate your interest in the job they are doing in ington.

This Republic la YOURS. Let's keep it that way. it la FOUR duty te write YOUR congressman and senators, THEIE ADDRESSES Stuart Symiagion, Senate Office Washington, Sen. Edward V. Long, Senate Office Washington, D.

C. Rep. Richard Ichord, House Office Washington, C. (The Eight District which Mr. Ichord serves Includes these counties: Cole, Beene, Cooper, Monitean, Morgan, Miller, Camden, Maries, Pulaski and Phelps.) Rep.

Clarence Canned, House Office Washingtes, D. C. (The Ninth. Dietriet which Mr. Cannon includes: Osage, Gasconade, Calloway and Freakita particularly by the dreaded "security police." who have arrested his secretary (a woman) and have frightened all the white people in the province.

So many Congressmen wonder why the U.N.0., backed by American funds and munitions, is Intervening in these internal disputes of the Congo--and intervening against the pro Western forces. When U.N.O. troops broke the Kantanga gendarmes last winter, Mr. Arthur Krock wrote that Soviet Russia had been the only winner in that fight-but the United States had paid the bills. Now, it turns out, America is expected to go on paying Rut sta's share of these puzzling op erations--and, in effect, working against Western interests in er to pander to the vanity of leftward-drifting African national.

ists. Rather than paying more than 37 per cent of the new assessments, the United States might well pay only 20 per cent, sayand demand an orderly withdrawal from the Congo. Even the American Treasury, despite President Kennedy's deficit-financing, cannot suffice to police Africa and shore up every regime that wants to make its power absolute. Today in World Affairs Soviet Government, Its People Differ Government, Differ By DAVID LAWRENCE WASHINGTON President Kennedy, in his speech at American University on Monday, made a significant differentiation between the Soviet government and its people. This is the first time a recognition of the peaceful aspirations of the Soviet people themselves has been expressed by him in such a clear-cut way.

In a sense, Mr. Kennedy is following the strategy of previous Presidents. The purpose, of is to show the Russian people that basically the Ameri. can people are not hostile to them but merely differ from them in their understanding of the processes by which real freedom in the world can be obtained. Mr.

Kennedy, for instance, "No government or social system is so evil that its people must be considered as lacking in virtue. As Americans, we find Communism profoundly repugnant as a negation of personal freedom and dignity. But we can still hail the Russian people for their many achievements in science and space, in economic and industrial growth, in culture and in acts of courage." Somewhat the same philosophy was expressed by the late Pope John in his famous encyclical of a few weeks ago which aroused worldwide attention. The idea was first broached by President Woodrow Wilson in his war message to Congress in 1917; when he said specifically that the American people had no quarrel with the German people but only with the Kaiser's government. Recognises Passion Mr.

Kennedy recognizes fully the passion for peace which is imbedded in the spirit of the Russian people as well as the American people. He stressed the tremendous sacrifices made by the Russians in the Second World Mirror of Opinion Morality, Freedom Remain Inseparable By TOM ANDERSON Publisher, Farm Ranch Magazine Abraham Lincoln said. "'The people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men. who pervert the Constitution." If we are done in. it won't be by Gus Hall and his American Comrats.

And it certainly won't be by the likes of Castro. The greatest enemy is the enemy within--and that enemy is now in control. Take Action What can you do? Work in the party of your choice. But never put party above principle. The country, not the party comes first.

Socialists have infiltrated, and in many cases dominate, our educational system, our churches and key positions of government. Oppose the centralists. Help bring government back home. Insist that yonr local officials refuse "federal aid." Reduce government to size that the people can control. You control the government, it you are free, and not vice versa.

Our leaders are surrendering us. "'We must be united," our leaders say. United for what? Surrender? Revoke the Disarmament Bill (HR 87-297) and the men who passed it. This treason treaty sets up a program to over our. entire defense estabnavy, air force, missiles--to the United Nations within a nine-year period.

One billion people are enslaved. Millions who once knew freedom (including several thousand Americans) are rotting away in filthy jails and slave labor camps, without hope. Establish Morality What's wrong? Lack of morale a Association and the American Nazi Party. But there must be something in the fine print of the by-laws which permits such an exemption when made in behalf of one of the Establishment's subsidiaries. Some years ago, you may recall, when the office employes and ficid staffs of various AFL CIO unions struck for higher wages, they were chided for attempting.

to disrupt the labor movement. A strike is not a lawful weapon when used against the unions themselves. And a TV producer--his name is signed and he has not asked me to withhold it: 1 do so only because of my own fear that pressure might be unfavorably exerted against his offers the following explanation of how the interlocking directorate of the Establishment "Britannica is run by the Benton Corporation, which is owned by ex-Senator Benton. Mr. Benton is top man in the Benton and Bowles advertising agency, which has many accounts with the broadcasters That could explain why Minow was offered his new And Mrs.

John Schumacher of Santa Barbara, writes: "Britannica has moved its main offices here and is now housed under the same roof with the Fund for the Republic, now called the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. Dr. Robert Hutchins, president of the Center, is also a director of Britannica. "Inasmuch as the Center indulges in a great deal of political propaganda for One-World government, I fear it is inevitable that history may be rewritten for Britannica in order to give it the slant of the Center. Thank goodness, I still have my old set!" To which I can only add Amen.

My own set is dated 1943, when Britannica was still an objective encyclopedia and a valuable reference book, and not a brochure of the Establishment. recent years, the Britannica Year Book has gone in for interpretative articles, so that you and I might know what to think. Thus, In the 1962 volume, Paul, Hoffman writes glowingly of "The Problems and Promises of Development," and the current volume offers "'The New Europe" by another liberal mainstay, Marquis Childs. It may be questionable whether editorial opinions belong in a book of reference, but at least these pieces are clearly marked for what they are. But when I find that in the body of the book, in what.

described as "the factual record of great events of an important year," the report on the Peace Corps has been written by R. Sargent Shriver, I can't help wondering how factual it is. And I worry whether next year the section on Agriculture won't be written by little old Orville Freeman. Oh, well, Britannica may no longer be authoritative, but you can't deny it's much more authoritarian. War, when at least 20,000.000 persons in the Soviet Union lost their lives and when, as he described it, "countless millions of homes and farms were burned or sacked." Realizing, to be sure, that many persons in the world are skeptical of the good faith of the Soviet government in keeping treaties, Mr.

Kennedy anticipated the argument when he said, "even the most hostile nations can be relied upon to accept and keep those treaty obligations, and only those treaty obligations, which are in their own interest." Perhaps what must have been the most difficult part of the President's speech to prepare was that section in which he is. sued this warning: all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear pow. ers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy Or of a collective deathwish for the world. "To secure these ends, America's weapons are non-provocative.

carefully controlled, designed to deter and capable of selective use. Our military forces are committed to peace and disciplined in self-restraint. Our diplomats are instructed to avoid unnecessary irritants and purely rhetorical hostility. Relaxation of Tensions "For we can seek a relaxation of tensions without relaxing our guard. And, for our part, we do not need to use threats to prove that we are resolute." The President was conscious of the many criticisms that have recently been launched against his Administration for giving the impression that the United States is so afraid of a nuclear war that it would possibly surrender on a diplomatic issue rather than risk the ire of the Soviets.

Mr. Kennedy's latest speech is an effort to set such fears at rest. He gave reassurance to Amer. ica's allies in Europe that the United States "will make no deal with the Soviet Union at the expense of other nations and other peoples, not merely because they are our partners, but also because their interests and ours converge." Mr. Kennedy unhesitatingly expressed his opinion that the Soviets are responsible for world tension today.

He said: "'The Communist drive to impose their political and economic system on others is the primary cause of world tension today. For there can be no doubt that, it ali nations could refrain from interfering in the self-determination of others, the peace would be much more assured." New Effort Mr. Kennedy said, rather hopefully, that this would require a new effort to "achieve world law -a new context for world discussions." The proposed high-level meeting in Moscow to discuss a nuclear test-ban treaty is a continuation of the Western powers' effort to find some basis of understanding with the Soviet Union, even though world opinion has been doubtful and skeptical that much could be accomplished. Mr. Kennedy's speech on the whole refiected a conscientious effort to advance the cause of world peace and to reduce the cost of armament.

His words will be applauded as an expression of American purpose, If the speech could be reprinted in the newspapers in Moscow and broadcast over the Soviet Redid which it probably will not be there would surely be an advance in' the cause of peace, because basically the trouble in the world is the lack of communication between the Russian people and the American people. ty, mainly. We've let our morals down. Freedom and morality are one ball of wax. We've sold out many of our freedoms for a mess of pottage, for "federal aid." We've been seduced, like the Romans before us, with bread and circuses.

Unless morality lives, freedom must die: unless freedom lives, morality must die. The Administration leaders spoon-feed us our Pablum. rock us to sleep to a lullaby, "Peace, It's Wonderful," and coo to us to sleep tight and no bad dreams. Like the bus driver, they announce: "Relax and enjoy it, and leave the driving to us." In 1930 Communist Demitry A. Manuilsky wrote: "War to the hilt between Communism and Capitalism is inevitable today, of course.

We are not strong enough to attack. Our time will come in 20 to 30 years. To win we shall need the element of surprise. The bourgeois will have to be put to sleep, so we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions.

The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them with our clenched fist," America's Opportunity This world cannot exist hall slave and half free. Which will it be? That depends on you-on America. America save the world if you and I can resurrect just two things: morality and courage.

We have all else we need, in super abundance. Only the courageous are moral. Only the moral are courageous. Only the courageous and the moral are tres..

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