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Weekly Herald from Shenandoah, Pennsylvania • 1

Weekly Heraldi
Shenandoah, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


6. I'ENCTT, POINTS, Ei-Steiff of Ulster County. CUR TTSVILLB LBTTKB. when a Re THE LICENCE COURT. A Number ol New Applicants From Malni-noy City.

BOARD OF HEALTH. A regular meeting of the Roard ol Health was held in the Council chamber last night, rn tt, 1 and a man who can be depended upon nrtoiM Besides that, he is at which President spuming, J. r. uiimjo, publican among Bepublicans. Hon.

Thomas J. Higgir of Shenandoah, has a strong following at the county sea; de Special Herald correspondence. Pottbvillb, Jan. 30. Three members of tho Legislature are to beeleoted ill the Fourth district this vear niul thus far there are lames B.

McHale, T. J. Broughall, Secretary sirous of seeing him nominated toroneriu on Scanlan and Health Officer Miles wero present. lion. IVisvin Whine Owes H's Health to I)r.

Da i ld Kennedy'! Favorite Remedy. SHANDAKEN, N. Y. One Of the most prominent men in Ulster County is tho Hon. Davis Winne, of this twn.

His reputation The license court at Pottsville was crowded yesterday by applications for new saloon and wholesale licenses During the day thirty Mahauoy City applicants were heard. They are as follows J. J. Leary, B. Leonard, T.

G. Bornsby, Martin Lynch, Andrew Schwartz, Currv, J. Kussell, .1. J. Haughney, J.

Hough, Mackaitis, Peter Wiseloski, John McCarthy, Thomas J. Whitaker, James O'Brien, Charles 0. Elliott, Michael Duffy, Frank F. Reed, John J. Kelly, Joseph Yea-ger, John H.

Bannan, James O'Connell, Pat rick Cannon, William Wynn, Bernard O'Don- not confined alone to this county, where he held the office of sherin for three years; ne this district representative in the Keep the gutters open. Fastnacht next Tuesday. Council meets to -morrow evening. Flat roofs should be clear of suow aud ice. It is now predicted that this will be a good fi nit year.

A foreign war would be of great benefit to this count y. The Bhovel brigade have bad plenty of work to do this week. Will Shenandoah patriots celebrate Washington's Birthday this year. Postmaster Mellet denies that "The. Wick -low Postman" is to be placid on bis force.

Local polities seem to be quiet but consid i-able hustling is going on under the surface. Much good work has already been done in the churches this wilder. The Citizens' party of town have tiled their papers with the County Commissioners. Sleighing is in full blast and some of the inhabitants predict that it will last for some time. It.

is storms like the last that make the telegraph and telephone companies draw the lines. The session continued until nearly 10 o'clock. Secretary Seauhm's report showed that cases of diseases are on the decrease. Since the last meeting 2 scarlet fever, 2 erysipelas and 10 measle cases were reported. Typhoid fever seems to have died out, The Health Officer was instructed to notify Deputy Coroner Manley that ho must comply with the rules of the Board aud report all deaths coming under his notice, officially, and if lie fails to do so ho will be prosecuted.

The Health Officer was also instructed to notify George F. Leitzel to comply with the rule requiring him to procure. permits before cleaning outhouses and to make payments for New Von; State Legislature, for years mr. Winne has been suffering from a complicated case 1 kidney ana maimer iruuumuu tiou of the iiver. Upon the advice of friends ho decided to try Dr.

Kennedy's Favorite tierneuy. no wan not disappointed, for in a short while after he began its use, he was in belter health than he nel, Dsvid Bynuni, Malachi Uoud, nugn Hanlon, Frank Webber and James P. Gallagher. 'Unong the other applications heard were those of Matthew Farrell and Patrick Flannery, Wi st ward i Gilberton Patrick Christ Pritz, James Toll, Robert Todd and James Cunningham, Girardville Dennis Whalen, Cole's Patch Patrick J. Ryou, Middle ward of Gilberton; Dominick Lvnch.

Frackville. to draw. permits which he neglected Leitzei will default of compliance Mr. twenty-one candidates in the field for the Republican nomination, or an average of sven Republicans for each scat. They are Capt.

Cyrus Cant. Jacob Britton, Wm. Wooraer, Hon, G. W. Kennedy and tins Shrink, of Pottsville; John Stewart, of Eeilly Township; Hon.

H. S. Cooper anil 1). W. Hibs-man, 'lien.

out; William' Seerer and B. F. Stuck. Tower City; John Sutton, Piuegrove; Thomas Gehrisand James Culver, Carbon; W. E.

Herring, I'alo Alto; Seth Ormo, St. Clair; Hon. S. A. Lnsch, Dr.

H. N. Coze aud Earl Whitman Schuylkill Haven, and Major Branch Township. Verily the woods are lull of public spirited men and the campaign in. tie Fourth district; promises to be Exceedingly heated.

Hon. Ramsey Potts, one of the wheel bones of the party and who has been twice a member of the Legislature, and represented his district honorably and faithfully, will i Iso 1m) a candidate for his old seat this year. The Fourth district could not do better than return him. If it is to be a I otts-ville man, let it be Ramsey Potts. Joel McDonnell, of Palo Alto, is also mentioned as a strong candidate for the Legislature in this district.

Be is backed by such meu as Senator Keefcr and William Wilhelm, Esq. Joel would make a good legislator. Mercantile Appraiser liter Stevenson tarts out on his rounds on the first, of February, The designation of the newspapers had been in years before. In speaking of Favorite Remedy to your prosecuted The Board also directed its sanitaiv com correspondent, Mr. Winne said: "It has done The following were among the licenses more for me than all the physicians 1 ever mittee to notify the Chief Burgess to prohibit peoplo throwing ashes on the streets.

The sanitary committee was further in- granted yesterday Philip Sohweidt, whole the Democratic ticket With uiggins ami Hon. Elias Davis as candidates for the office the race would he an exciting one. They are strou men in their respective, parties. It looks as if the Controller and Commissioners are going to dwell in harmony, after all. They are agreeing nicely on the subject of salaries, at all events It is hoped 'hey will gei along harmonious, effectual government of i he respective offices depend on it.

THE PRBSBYTBRY OF LEHIGH. On Tuesday, February 6th, a special meeting of the Presbytery of Lehigh will be held in the First Presbyterian church, at the corner of White and Oak streets. Of the business to be transacted at the meeting is the reception Eev. T. M.

Morrison from the Presbytery of Chester; the reception of Eev. J. L. Kiishbr dge from the Presbytery ot Philadelphia; to take action upon the call of the Shenandoah eh inch for the pastoral services of Bev. Morrison; and the call of the Pen Argyle church for Rev.

Bosh bridge Also to take necessary action to enable the Board ol Trustees of the Presbytery to complete the business pertaining to the Italian Mission Chapel at HaJeton. The call is issued by Moderator J. E. Lynn, of Pottsville. On the evening of February (iih, at 7 o'clock, Eev.

T. M. Morrison will be installed as pastor of his new charge. The ceremonies will be held in the same church. On Sunday, February 11th, the sacrament of the Lord's supper will bo celebrated in the Firs' Presbyterian church of town.

A large mutt ol pie will bo admitted to members esult of Rev. Morrison's work, notwithstanding the short time he has been here. eon loved, and 1 most iiiiiicmiiihujsi Every reader ought to have one or all sets .1 ohn that sale. Filth ward, Mahanoy City oi ihe books we are onenug kucui. First ward, Mahanoy, Uw yupervisor is dumping oyster shells on O'Neill, wholesale, City.

the coupons. the public streets, contrary to tne ruicsot me Board of Health. The following report was submitted My attention was called to the. condition of a place near ihe borough line, at the west. side of the Kchinoor colliery, and 1 notified the parties to try aud koep Hie place clean.

An overflowing outhouse on Raspberry alley, between West and Chestnut streets, was mend it to any one suffering from kidney, liver or urinary troubles, for it ill cure them." Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is to day the acknowledged specific for all diseases arising lrorn acidity of the blood, and will cure dyspi psia, rheumatism, kidney, liver and urinary troubles, scrofula and eczema. No man or woman can afford to trifle with health and life. Putting off treatment when dangerous symptoms exist is only slow suicide. To avoid their fatal effect, accept the aid of Dr.

Kennedy's Favorite Remedy; it has restored thousands to health and strength. Unless more care is taken in certain election districts, hi preparing nomination papers, the voterB wont have any one to vote tor. During the muddy spell Shenandoah street crossings w. re kept clean, thanks to Supervisor Llewellyn and his corps of scrapers. The Wm.

Penn and Kebley Rim collieries are working icgularh and they worked all day yesterday. It is certainly a very col dav when they stop- Tk eon! trade is due to well, the "POET" MOLHALL CAGED. Mulhall.thebardof the Sunday Newt, is in trouble again. This time he will likely serve sevsral months in the Pottsville jail. On Tuesday he combined what he terms "business" with pleasure in a trip to Tamaqua, and the business side of that visit is what caused the trouble.

Finding himself short of funds, he called upon several Tamaqua business men and cleaned out. Hogs were removed froinuuder a 'house on North Bridge street and a house between South Pear alley and Jardin street 1 notified parties to stop throwing ashes tlx no reanule appraisement lias noi on South Main street and on Lice tiuiiv hi in" lu nccl cat cars on street. I was notified of complaints of property owners on Wist Huckleberry alley to rirr 7et Hon. respect Monday of tiles: represented nis. If as a canvasser and collector for our arv and succeeded in ten made.

l. John Shoener and Hon. Klias candidaes for Congress and Sheriff, tiv, were visitors to Pottsville on a in many quarters the nominal ions t. genliemeu are conceded audit ibn the hardest kiwi ot work to take eei i Thereare any baud and the mild weather is snow bound. It is due to Mr.

Buyer to state that the establishment not en Hkbali new party and that the HERAM) win eo at the old stand by the old getting some cash on the strength of Ins representations with which he psoceededto paint Tamaqua a vermlllion hue. He was arrested before he could get out of the town and spent a few hours in the lockup, after which he, was taken to the Pottsville jail. ll them otf th i'liere i-i cherishing lei can be done at an. position to Mr. Loach relative hopes.

Many say that he should not is to throw out his hook otlice. One particular people in this dist rii entertain them if he and line for a state complaining of ashes thrown on tbo street and turning the course of drainage, The following complaints have been made, ami a to: Yard i at the corner of Main and Oak streets and on Pear alley fnll of paper; geese in a cellar on South West street; refuse, of a pig pen thrown on dump ai Oak ami Catherine streets; barrels of paper dumped on Pear alley, between Centre and Oak streets; boxer, of paper dumped at, corner of West and Oak streets; notified parties to remove manure bins on South Market alley. Since January 15, 1801, I have put placards giving warning against, measles and scarlet fever on 11 different houses. I have dis tributed to all clergymen in the town certificates of marriages and to doctors certificates of births. EDWABD Miles, Health Officer.

bald headed Statesman said the. mi must not think he has a friend of ih other dy, OOLl.BiCTING SURCHARGES. In accordance with the recent instructions of the County Commissioners, County SoHci tor J. O. Ulrieh yesterday took steps towards making collections of surcharges against ex-county officials by filing in the Prothonolary's office eight rules to plea.

One of the rules was issued against Ellen Leahy, administratrix of the lot John Lea hy, who in 1886 was surcharged with $721.50 for money overdrawn lor salary and traveling expenses. George Forney and Thomas Doyle are sued ps the executors of Martin Dormer, deceased. In l-s(! Hornier was surcharged to the extent of 63 for orders overdrawn. There is another suit against the same ex ecu tors to collect $188 which was mroharfred against Martin Dormer for money overdrawn 1U0I ute on an tne unices, i am wining uc. "After I lit.

Ball." Latenffst night a young man named Harry Hafner disputed the decision given on the cake walk at the sociable in Ferguson's hall, and another young man named Edward Maedcr, in the discu sion that followed, threatened to punch Hamcr's face. An ad journment was at once taken to the gym nasium in the same building and, in the Mahanoy City. Jan. 31. "Poet" Mul-hall has been traveling over the end of the county for the past two weeks, soliciting subscriptions for the Sunday of Shenandoah, Several resident'! of Mahanoy City and Mahanoy 'Mane claim that Muiball victim ized them to the extent of sixty-five cents each "tius" Miuchof, of the Palace hotel, Girardville.

mourns the loss of a twenty fiv dollar overcoat which Mulhnll borrowed and pn.viii.ed to retnrn a week ago. a nomination for the. Legislature, it, but this claiming of every- ln with the hope of a certainly of is rather too much of a good fitioiikl if be thing I cants to go to Congress, as some say must make peace with a goodly presence of a few friends, the pair proceeded he nun, Be management. Another man who acted as Si crctary fVir an M. L.

A brunch has been discharged hy ihe P. K. I. Co The company's injunction is, "Don't do as 1 do (combine,) but do as I say." (lirls who are inclined to be stage Struck should profit by the experience of the Mahanoy Cily girl. There are thousands of idle thespians and theatrical companies are not picking up hayseed rs along their routes.

H. E. Dengler, who served as chief clerk under Ex Postinasioi Boyor for over four years, and one. month under Ihe present administration, severs li connection with that institution after lo day. It is not known what Mr.

Dengler will do, but if Madame Rumor is correct, he will take a position under 0. E. Tilman, the Shtuaduak lumber sing. A. P.

Spinney has been appointed to audit the accounts ol Henry Portz and Christian Schwarlz, trustees oi the Independent German Beneficial Association of Girardville, which is about to go out of existence. The Philadelphia and Blading Railroad Company ban notified its passenger train crews that on ami after February 1st thcyr must reside where their trains are made. THE LICENSE) COURT to convince each other with boxing gloves They fought three rounds and Hafner wai ilicuns, must have vote under his standard; er it. is quite different, He iry Eepubli ev John 8h With lias a awarded the, honors. It is said Maeder wan Shenandoah's day at the court and a dozen new twice or thrice as many nited party behind his back mid will fences to repair.

Mr, Shoener would excellent Coneressman. He would Yesterday was Pottsville Hcens applicants with tor salary. In 1886 Daniel Beichert was surcharged to the extent of $257.54 for money overdrawn for salary and he must make a plea to the i ounty Solicitor's rule within 15 days, or judgment will be entered against him for Tamaqua, Jan. 31. Officers found MuJhall at the liar of hotel reveling in the luxury of cocktails and ether fancy drinks.

He offered no risistance fo arrest. Among those who paid him money was Farley, of Munch Chunk street. Tamaqua, who subsequently became suspicious and upon telephoning inquiry to Editor Doyle learned that Muiball was unauthorized to make collections. icrestrs ot Uls in affairs in orgies to the mt and not dahhle would not be i rned, may Bono, who lie amount. have no make an devote oonstitue which i BCheiues exact ly sentiniei Candidal charged with i 1888, and bis en Leahy, is others i underti iih the oevter it John Leahy was also sur for orders overdrawn i v.

idow and administratrix, Ell 'witnesses were on hand to plead for a license. John Tunnah, who quit the saloon business four years ago, asked that a license be granted for his old stand, corner of Coal street and Market alley. Andrew Elliot and J. Scanlan put in a good word for him. Owen Brennan was another Second ward applicant and was vouched for by P.

.1. Mul- kings, but riot Congressman's a clean cut will have the pretty badly punished. Spr'nterH Mute lied. Yesterday Silas Hepdersbut, the Berwick sprinter, accompanied by his backer, Charles Sponeberger, came to town and made a match with Martin Fahey for a 100-yard race to take place or March 1st, 1894, at Berwick, for $300 a side. George Turner will he pistol fli er and is to name the referee.

The Philadelphia Item is to be the final stakeholder. Each man posted 100 with Chariot Sponeberger for temporary stakeholder. now called upon 10 pay n. Koom For Mrs. Ferris, a widow residing in the base- 1 I.t iu EiiH'erinj mien 1).

D. 18 also v.i u.w.,,. o. 1, In 18-8 David Gorman was surcharged with $322 83, J. Oliver Roads with $313.09 and William Brown with if (Sit, all for ciders overdrawn.

They must plead to the; rules filed yesterday within 15 days. nominated ne wi i him to a man. nllips, of Gordor in connection his friends thin ruination lor the Sc i .1.,. .,,,1 work in Hon been nomina better I Passes will be tbe ciews can inued until such tie their residence time as which itb tho he had islature azimar Sha-nl Anthony fy that he for a saloon Bixyoung children were on the verge of kinas produced Mr. 1 on starvation yesterday when Providence Sehmniker as wilnescss intervened.

About eight years ago Mrs. should also Ik. granted a to tCf license must Tb folio one izens tick I.Vrrisam! her husband, with their il drou. in the Scconddis'rict, which is ins, it he wants it. His chances in that direction would be better than tor Congress, or Senator.

It is almost certain that he cannot carry tho 30th Mrs. Mary Dougherty, widow of Patrick Delano have, slated the School Director, A. P. Martin Neeb, li years ir; Supervisor, John M. Clerk, E.

Phillips ilei David It'll, 1 Schl Township al district. It, is conceded oy the ewd politicians in that district, that jhn F. Finney is the only Republican Engle Insntctors, .1 udge of Elect ion, Senator most sh Major who ca; Centre street the residence I. Max Reese by Lawson, the laticr, on eupied by M. Removals.

John Lhwsoii, the East saloonkeeper, has moved into vacated by Henry Weiderholi will move into the place vacpti and tbo bouse to he vacated by South Jsvrdin street, will he oi D. Malone, the owner. uveut of the latter i in it. ild be there woi no ti lillips. In mid do eoii! nomination an disparagement spective places good for both are well exper as well as the arri ves to do a to Mr.

PI the two ei ic state an enced in i test when THE MINER'S WAGES tne pi on the i.50 a jgiiebl Eocrease Ther tin tor their constituents. moved from this town to Wiley, Washington county. They had resided here for many years. About eight months ago tbo husband died, leaving his wife poor and with five children, the oldest ten years of age, depending upon her. She struggled alone until last September when she concluded she, would return to Shenai doah.

The woman believed that her friends here would be able to put her in a line of some kind of work. To raise money tor the return Mrs, Fenis sold nearly all her furniture. Friends in Wiley offered to care for two of her children, two boys 8 ami 2 years, aud she came on with the other threo, all hoys; aged 10, and -I years. Three weeks ago another sou was born and is still alive. Mrs.

Ferris had much difficulty in securing work and as she was not, able to do anything the past few weeks the condition of tho family became, distressing, Priscilla SmiSh, superintendent or the Flower Mission connected with the Young Women's Christian Temperance Union, first heard of the case yesterday and at once started to work. As a result of this lady's efforts Mrs. Ferris yesterday TWO WEEKS IN FLORIDA. Have you ever taken atrip to Florida? If you haven't you've probably been deterred from taking it by the great expense. Hut now you -neefl not be troubled by this difli cultv any lorger.

You have been hard at work all the fall and winter and you need a rest. Two weeks in Florida will brace yon up immensely. If you have the grippe it will cure it if you have a touch of rheumatism it will drive it out of your system; if you are full of worries the change of scene, the delightful journey South, the balmy air of Florida will chase them away, and you will come back with new energy and courage. But you shake your head. You still insist that the trip would cost too much.

Then you haven't heard about the five tours to Florida that the Pennsylvania Railroad has planned. They are marvelously cheap. The road is to provide, first-class service, and you know what that means on the Pennsylvania, aud the whole cost of the journey, including meals and berths, mmd you, will be, about $50. Think of that! Why, it is only ihe price of an ordinary ticket You can leaveNew York Dougherty and mother ot Councilman Dougherty, asked that the storeroom at the Ja din street corner of her new property on West Centre street be licensed. Fklward Brobst made a statement in behalf of Mis.

Dougherty, stating that tbe place was a necessity and that he believed it would be lawfully managed. Edward Dovers made an a. plication for the place at the corner of West, and Laurel streets, lor which John Feelcy is also claim ing license. Gustavo Wachus was a Fourth ward applicant. Andrew Hildebrand and John Gorgus vouched for him.

Oscar Betteridge aud Constable Thomas Poland indulged in considerable blarney in behalf of Mrs. Bridget Finnegan, who seeks a license for a place in the Fourth ward. William Menkewiez was another Fourth ward applicant, and among the others wore John P. Cardin, John MeAlec, Mrs. Ellen Welsh mid James Bell.

John Hughes and Jeff Yost, said of Mr. Bell, "He is one of our best citizens." The court reserved its decision in all cases. They Tiled tin Horse. Edwin Runkle, CI as. achlier, The Columbia Hose Company, lasl night, tendered a sociable to the ladies! committee that assisted in making and airying out tho arrangements for the company's fair.

The social; was held in Rob-bins' opera house and for several hours fun reigned supreme, Music was furnished by tbe Schoppe orchestra and an elaborate luncheon was served. It was not a public affair, but a sort of family gathering at which formalities were thrown aside and everybody went in for a good time. "Grimes' Cellar Door," a musical comedy lull of rollicking tun, was presented at Fur; uson'a theatre hist night and delighted a good sized audience. James B. Mackio jumped into favor on his first appearance.

If is Billie Grimes is a very amusing charac-ti r. J. Henry Mack was also amusing as Jomah Grimes and Miss Louise, Sanford met with favor as Patiaorti. The comedy is certainly a mirth provoker, even if it has no plot. Busts.

The collieries drawn to make return of the prices of coal to fix the rate of wages to lie paid minus for the last two weeks of January and first two weeks of February have made their reports and the average is $2 02,4, which makes the rale of wages lour pur cent, above the basis. The returns are: Special kiiai.o correspondence. Pottsville, Jan. 31. The Bepubliean borough ticket nominated here has caused disappointment to many and there arc loud cries of bitterness and threats to vote for Jeremiah Seitzinger for Chief Burgess.

Bribery is charged. It; is alleged that Conferrees instructed for men other than the nominee sold their voles at per man. If this is Schuylkill, P. A K. C.

I. Co n.r&4 2.58.9 2.71.4 2.65.3 Mcrri am Locust ti guilt oki Creek Burglary, ost Creek residence of William Bain TI I received some corn meal, butter, lard, I molasses, tea, sugar, soap and potatoes. To-' day a supply ot potatoes, eggs and other provisions, $1 fit) in cash aud a small bedstead were sent to tbe unfortunate woman. The matter ought to he ventilated parties prosecuted, ow what your readers think, bumble opinion that William would make one of the besi this district ever bad since the nv" Campbell, but it would lie 1. was Hs in- tor colliery mornintc.

or Philadelphia on any ol those Tuesdays, true, and th I do but it Willie Cougi das i uselee lican I bridge, fire boss at Pat burglarized yesterday bridge lett his house ft and shortly after bis a lid, Feb. 13, Feb. 27. Mai Milton J. and Ijarvcy Fausl, two young ibe colliery at.

2 a. m. It i.i, or March fhursday alter Burned larine Ginte Death. aged 20 years, while and two weeks from the hoc to Shenandoah and Miss Ci r. ouis oee, pion hy Mrs reins are aim.

men ol Kingtown, fire in a kitchen stove wholly destitute of fu igb nitureand the family after unloading a new butcher wagon at the attempting ti wiih the Eepub what caused Ja 11 I boors later I yo" wl have a whole fortnight In Florida house, but did not go down to see it. When she went down sever elect niui and sev' at her home on Shamokin street, Shamokin, has little clothing. It is a deserving case of 8 had 11 lco she found tin a nurse containing maKing utile trips to Havana. The tours are to he, "personally charity and if any in town can contribute provisions, clothing or pieces of furniture and will notify Miss Smith, of tbe Flower Mission, their donations will be received with to-day allowed her dress to catch lire and was burned to death before assistance could arrive. Her body was burned almost to a crisp.

been taken I rum a vase on ii mantel. A lady watch beside the vase was not disturbed. 1'. Si. treignt depot nitcnea a newiy purchased horse to it.

Milton said be would try tbe horse and yelled "Git-ap!" The borse responded with vigor and like a flash made for the. company houses on the north side of Line street. He didn't stop until the steps brig i ns th tli er li want first 1 1 all. ge ''get, gratitude. ccompanied by i man.

who wil and hy achaper L'uidc and t'riehc that is, each party is to he i i toiP'ist agent, a skilled lailr look after the arrangement on, who will be attendnnt, to the ladies. Mt thi of one cf tbe houses got wedged between the Not by tbe Firemen. wheels of the, wagon. Harvey Faust had Ins A member of tho Rescue Hook Ladder Ivll Service ExinuinattOo the lOih inst. the local hoard of Civ Fxamination, consisting of John n.

chairman, John Bock, secretary, and Kate Glover, will meet to examine right leg badly bruised by having it caught Company has requested the statement that between tne nouse aim wagon. -in, Mi Would in and Se.i officer, 1 D. D. PI At th Schuvlk the man found in front of the company In, use a few nights ago was not maltreated by any of the firemen. tti Don't Abandon you have the Asthma.

Try Sohiffmann's Asthma Cure. It has never been known to fail. Trial packages free of druggist, or by mail. Address, Dr. B.

Schiffmann, St. Paul, Minn. Mention this paper. iy q. Well Managed Fire.

The new public school bouse at Shepton, the l.ers etc tetiu tbe It applicants for positions under he local postal administiation, There are eight applicants, fienrj Eeilly, George PI. npert, Martin J. 1 alone, Simon, Patrick A Foolish (ilrl. Last night a girl, apparently about fifteen years of age, occupied one of the circle seats in Ferguson's theatre. She was neatly and less Association in which Miss Hess, of Shenandoah, teaches, will wonder where are at Conwav forcarriershins, and James .1.

rteu clerk- i comfortably attired in a red dress, a black pinion they ut I ho Jr and Miss Julia L. Bradigan for ships. cent and a dark trimmed light felt bat. She hid a rather pleasing face. Her skirtswere short, indicating that at, least her parents do posed when the moulders of public and pr ncil pushers got together thai were organized for mutual protection, I combination developed into nothing lofi a piratical association, the members try cut each -tiler's throats.

'Ihe "city" ville) members are the cause of the trouble. The "country" members Tr- mt. Will When Baby was sick, we gave her Oastoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria.

When sho had Children, sba geve them Castoria. i man iug to Potts whole were Town Clerk Coakley has decided not to make Philadelphia tbe olace of his future not co nsider her out of her teens. After the caught fire one day last week from a defective, flue in the basement. The fire had smouldered about five hours before the blaze broke out. Freight Agent William Horn was summoned from the railroad station, about an eighth of a mile away, and by his coolness and good judgment extinguished the flames before much damage was done.

He chopped a hole in the the wall next to the chimney on the second story aud poured water down upon the flames. Daid Faust, the Shenandoah insurance agent, promptly made the loss good. residence. He went there a few days ago I show the girl was seen in the company of with the intention of purchasing an under-1 sevora young men, with different ones at taking Dusiness, out loui.u nuainess luo times. This morning she loitered city so ow tie gave up me inca aim uaa decided to open an undertaker's establish willing to do anything to keep up prici and while they were acting honestly the "city" members wereicdulgingin ago as you please.

As a result, I am informed, the association will go to pieces at the next meeting, but an attempt will be made to reorganize on another b-'sis. ment at Tremont, this county. No Express Changes. The changes which many newspapers have stated to take effect February 1st in express oompany circles will not materialize, A re presentative of the United Stats Express Company said that such rumors crop out annually after the first of the year. If the Adams or American express company intends to supersede the United States on the Beading or Lehigh railroad something official would be known by agents at this time.

The United States Express Company has a ten year contract with the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, dating from February 1, 18H3; and five-year contract with the Philadelphia Reading, dating from February let, 1892. Escaped Injury. A team drawing a sleigh containing four women and twmmen returning from a funeral, started to run away while descending the Turkey Run hill to day. Tbe horses were turned into a suow drift and stopped. They kicked the da'h board of the sleigh to pieces, but tbe occupants got out without injury.

The JJjobai.d list of Legislative candl Improve uienfs. The tenants are preparing to move out of the Egan property at the southeast corner of Main and Centre street. It is said this property is to be built up and there will be a lodge room in the, remodeled structure. dan The lorn about the Lehigh Valley depot for several hours and when at last the members of "The Wick low Postman" company arrived to take the train for Ashland it was discovered that the girl bad been following the troupe. She was stage struck and wanted Mr.

O'Rourke to take her in his company. Tbe girl said she was from Mahanoy She accosted Mr. O'Rourkeat the depot and he gave her a sharp lecture. After the company departed the foolish girl complained to Station Agent Quiun that she was without funds. Mr.

Quinn ed Considerable comment here, in unusual one, in fact tho iwn ei' in Ibis district iorseieral noi sill rising. There are too sn ei out of a job these bard Sued the County. Edward Foley, of town, to-day instituted suit against Schuylkill county, by service upon Controller Severn. A tow weiksago Joseph Rice, of the First ward, appeared at the Pottsville courtas a witness against his wile, Mary, who was convicted of being a public nuisance. Rice manded his witness fees, but Chief Clerk Walker, of the Controller's office, declined to pay them, on the ground that Bice was responsible for the convicted woman's debts, being her husband, anil that therefore he should first pay the ousts of I he case into court.

Rice subsequently transferred the claim to Foley, who now seeks to collect the fees. How's Ttlln We offer One Hundred Hollars Reward for any case of i atdrrti thai can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh re. F. J. CHENEY Toledo O.

Vi the undersigned, have known F. .1. Cheney for the last J5 years, and beilevu him perfectly honor, ble in all business transactions and financially ahle to carry out any ob-llgations made by neir firm West 1 ra.ix. holesule Druggists, Toledo, Wi.luing, Kinn Wholesale i roggists, I oledo, Ohio. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucuous sur-laces ot the system.

Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free. tin i Crushed oal. While nt work in a breast, of the Burnside of Ramsey Potts' name in nentie ii.

the Legislative nomination ith eo; i i triends to acimn ami they conn ry, ueai i hy havodeced th will up case I Chich, a miner, was family injured Ml ,...11,... ViiTin stud wvpra Tlhfi i (V.t 'i ilra on i.eoine bhronsnout 1 eoai for her return to Hiram Melt. cmen'S DUiiy, tothTKature. HVa lawmaker had his legs broken at the same time. I Mahanoy City..

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