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Fort Wayne Weekly Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 18

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mm VM8MV V. 1 FS frw.ft' TT1? l. wcvTrirrTivsyrSiTeTa SrTTSTrsSPTSSrBBBBSffnprSSSpBgTSffTSyffffSS Hirwnmc U. REPUBLICAN LETTER and jts Indiana COUNTERPART. (Tall Daunting Vetarg That If Thty Tims la Atalat Pari Thty rtteilvt CtrnpeniatlonA Sound Manny Alarm.

fiCli I i rait! i IlBTOOir, 8tt. 11, Mayor hM Jdayburv hag Juat returned from a kuu Iaii ef lha aaetaen $)' middle counties of tba gtnte, and taya i. i.j uiro wur? very At OwoeaoJun.Hou ha raakgalnat republican tamptlin methods 'ne'Yoiieidered peculiar lo aa the taae.t Tt tfjiV. A wirw" "tv auvauce oi lioosevelf special train lettere la man whom tney auppoaed wra Influential h'Wrotirh 0 ber of aerviee. be eoromll onimtn.

I waa evidently ant loua these docu ments ihouM reach their destination a juat llttla'ln advance or the rough tlOatucaoilWattJpjjia president on 1. me wr isiruugn inv wmip stales. )f jL'sntf thereby plated a special delivery Stamp on a letter The presumption ja mat inrjr nave aent out Ihoittantla of thorn. II Apparently llir Icltera werv acnt only lo wavering rpulllaua or demo 11 crat. in ttip titr owoiw on of lhaaa Mlra raa aenl lo Andrew (leak.

At "1 naown butlnfai man ami atrotia; Atcr or la (leorge MrCaughna, the leiaocratlr randldatv for the lefUU "Who In turn ga the leller Ur. abury It leada aa follows National Republican lleadqiiar tra. Hpt. Urt JflMk, Owoaao Mlchear Hlr' Your naaie been given lo me aa one who la not fully derided aa to the political alt uatloa a It atandi to day If agrco abte to you we would be pleaaed to hare some of our beat poated apeak era who are In your part of the country call on you and conferee with you on the leading political queatlona and we feel, aure that they will be able to convince you that the 'pjttiorm preaenttd uy the rrpubll can pirty la tbl rampalin la the beat a whoto of any that waa ever itnWafl befarwlthl XiiCtn people aoniaeir conaaiemyan, neceabdvy ttler that laWg W'tk 5 ss. ft jaV mr i v.VS' rsu.

WttiJ. lie paieed for the beet Intereata of 5h caatry ha we hjw a worhlna majority In both bonaea qf ongreaa. anil la orfler to accomplish tylar If rj thai every vojcr alndM.ana country at heiVI (which we feel certain will Include Utiy'w. put bla aboulder to the lii. ttkaiAl ear at taavln vail all laaiaaB aBalhll.

noi'S' ftt I 3A wjll lie neceaaary 4t rMVft. hW i u. iyPI i 8 I In all part of the ouairvy thereby electing their con LaejiHUMQ and prealdent, whUb mAflt full ritnni.r nail fnr lk aft Wilt Py far ervtc. (ifl re alio Informed that you gy ''hiiv cOtialderaWe Influence In your vfl mm juur Tifwi win with by not a few Votrre you cxtme la contact with Now. If after' In Interview with tlifi llieekera Atiove menlltfiMMl llX yuu iniyiiia aevim io iiiv en nciive 'part la the campaign, we will pay you liberally for your time while ao enrared You are no doultt aware that Pol onel Ilooaevelt ami party will be In 'your city to morrow, and aa we are "Verjr nnxtona that yon ihould be there, we tend you thli by ipeclal delivery no that you will aurely receive It In limn to attend the meet Ing.

If you bare not already declletl to lo ao. If you tlealre to take ad vantif? of tHc alioye offer. If you will kindly ulrr.your name to the HonJ6lriKKordaey. who will be with the patty aa. your city, he will for ward It to ua inil we will at oncp arrange to aend one of our ueit potril men to eee you.

rutting that we may be favored with your pernonil help In the praa ccnt campaign and awaiting your fur ther command, we are youra re h. Kwf Pctfiill v. JgeBrJlv ATIONAU RKIHJUUCAN COM lt leemi to me," aald Mayor Hay "Will eertalntr dratrey thef YVlAm llltrAN WILL, WIN. "II the Uryeejt the lor Iiouh lhy wlllkrrrlalnly tir rMt nenl of the oM ilangard by Ike lMt aa nf a free allrer Ull Tlia eenate wuuM not ranflrm lL bat '') ahnple fact that on bfMnrh of th houa ef congroaa aoon artrr lha iwaaaa ef th aold lindard law would ruf)nt lo aurh ttp wotiiii uiHh iMUT aplendia nuanriui railna freJIiora w1a falih In our lability er continuity at i purpoa. and rammvnlal cennMiea m.iild be ahaki te Iremamletia, untM um auor and repltal woukl bnr, arrl yeara ef Inactivity and dllr "It la absolutely iwotmty la aaln tamr naw dlairkla.

and a truaile (iintaaary te lave many that ate now reiiraaented by aound money "Th aoind money eamlkal In yaur dtalrltft muat be aupporird by all poaalble co eniralan. Tow ran hrlp aav Ihn pvoide from Ih dlaaater whl'h lnratna theni by promoting liy all honorable raearla lw eleellon of Ike Hen. Baaiul XT Umltk. "(')i ilrpend on yout If io, plraav and Ike naniea of ten Important men liK.vuur ivwn.or.Aiunty who vaver Inirjkad wbomypU, lillv ituenc IrtMr," Hamilton llrll Inrlutlra that part wt waaiifiwWrmf liftoi Mb illy rrHntoil aTiwier wj SrrZfiZt boundid oil th by force on Mry grade! I A in weal by iiomimiu avvnu. ana on in Marearer'rr'afnmhT.

imln I A N0TICE1 I I I i II I flayo fod Pruaaian Stock food for 30 daya, nml find my li6a doing very well, and alio my honea. I can rec veitraent. JOHN (1ROUUN The iruaalaVfltoelr Food la for aale by Jouf.fin. 17 Kaat Columbia Wreet NOMINATKD WEDNESDAY AND DIED THURSDAY. AIJIANY 8ept 6 Wllllum Morgan of lluffnlo ivinptroller of the itate of New Yotk, and who waa renomlnuted for, the ofllie yeaterday illod early to day a bbIootlIIdiw.

L. elavert Hhih' Artiatle oration for the Encampment. Deo ure tp me popumrny or the atore, mtrlta otlthl Wjniow doCirt were aliffkHl hold laf Vvciwd ItlWighoUfi I In the large crowd that throogad the it reel a lait night many compll menta were heard upon' the artMlc window dreailng at Slevert'l Jewelry atore, 79 Calhoun atrwet There were many lieautlfiil window dlaplaya but Hleycrt a attracted mora attention tjiairkny of Viam fuifmai ntir enra hup in meaa ut Ion evening The arrangement of vaubeg, clocks and Jvwelry waa yerr artiatle and preaented an ettremeh light, lit without dbht 'the moit elafiofifte aha rlcheaf dla playfln the ell Mr Hlevert la al 'waya np to Hal and cnterprlalng In hie builneaa methixli. and the aucceaa he hai met with prove It He ban dlea the largeat line of gooda In the clfy, being both a wholesale and a tall dealer Ilia stock la always conk plete and preaenta the most varied and boit' aelectlona of any Jewelry itorkr In the city The atore la eon vtonrently located, nnd the growing trade li proof of Ita popularity i i i MANY SPEAKERS OF NOTE. Charlta Emory Smith la to Heard In Indiana.

I bury, "that the national republican committee I willing to buy up all the Totes It ran get. ami It I a pretty fair indication or now triey intend to conduct thin campaign. They have lota of momy sad are going to spend It i You raaaot possibly mliunderitand Ik. Ulla lh. a.

BTTiwIUIni to pay 'liberally." It la a 5j warning to ine oemorrata io wora an US" rAfr nuina mm: ur ai.aiiii Afmtbrr Indira I la a ef lh aomrehjl feverlah activity or Ih nll drmorrt In MkkUa at IcaM la a Ullar from the eaecuilv cmmlli ef Ih Indlanapoll Moawlary ronvenlloe which w4 aent lo Sur, pronkwnt bualnea man of Itn. Iiealar, i la wrlllrn lb entrUI paper tit lee ewnd money convention and liearM j( f'tba. alsnatur of II II llanna aa chair nun. neaooi nei oi aiarra io 7Un'laalneM fflrn Ih country, who UIMleminit th Value Ih okl ttand "ard." and rada in vt aa follow" i "Thn la rrr arreat danger thai th vaa .11.. 111 ltfftmh jAllfMt aaln trAnlrof at Ih iawvr ami ef th Klftyevth con gv If thy gain repreanlatlvea Irani eight illltrVt and keep wkat ihy new bay Wry will be la fhe majority Thar Utile rfonbt that they will gain three 1 la Wartlv Csrotlaa They will prolwMr ijfij, iraa'e In Kenlucky.

two In Indiana, Xfli 1 SHaaenrf 'and en In Tvaaa. JI'w1U nWvery difficult fer fhe eoond meaey axeple le prevent tne nryaniie rroar ralalaal Ihl disirlota iaeatlda4 and he very dtmcalt ferfthe eeund aui eeeale la aale naw dUtrlaia acarcery. pftaafkle r. aarpeepl K' aarier Ik preeeaf ra vocaMe eendlclen rvalue I eat we in verge a I7U.BOVti vTr f.eV; eyvrafv iu jo a. a.

avA'iu ri i L. Bar. INDIANAPOLIS. Hept If the re publicans of Indiana do not hear aome of Ibe beat bra tor of their party this campaign It will bo their own Jmlt. aa the state committee Is arranging; for an etceptlonally strong campaign of speech making Yesterday It waa an noiinrml that Charles Kmory Smith, postmaster general who has placed himself at the service of the national committee will make a number of speeches In Indiana, Ills dates are Heptember 27 :8 and M.

but It has not yet been decided Where lie will apeak Postmaster (leneral Smith la on a Id red one of the most prominent of thn republican oralora In Ih campaign o( two years ago the puKtmaatcr general made a tour of Indiana In a private car accompanied by llrpreaentatlve Charles II Mr l.a ml la and Mr Smith are warm personal friend! Robert K. MsnsReld. who has as sumeil charge of the work of aaslgn Ing republican apeakera In the state. la tho bualest nan at list committee headiuartera thea daya. In taking charge of the bureau of ipoakera" Mr MansAeld baa rellaved Beerstary lllgler of a great deal of work, and thla will give the secretary time lo look after other Important matters.

Attorney Holder haa returned borne from Richmond, where ho met Mr O. Shore, of Prairie Home, Neb The gentlemen were comrades In the civil war, being membirs of Co I), tth Indiana Volunteers, and went with Sherman' to the seat, separating at Rocherter thirty Ave years ago Hlnra that time they had never met until on last Saturday al Rochester need not ba said lha meeting waa a Joy on a one, and the few daya spent together were full to the hrlm with pleasure IPIMPLESI 11 ea tba fkae. anas tetter, freest, II Mkaaade.rlagworwtrbaadail aklsi dlaevdiri aaa he eurea wlia KISIEU'S tHTItlT ruse ao eM a ascu.1 nm im wz tmritf the bleed aej Mtitm thaeyauai. artsa a Oiata pee aaWe. sauaavaa.

aaaiaaiava 35 EaaasBR SCW YEAIl OPENS. TERM OF inoO WI WILL EBOIN TO ntortriow. All but th Now Hamilton Building ta be Thrown Open la the Pupils The AaaJgnmtnts ef Taaehtra Annund by Sunerlntandint tudy. Th city adiixiV will oowi ilonda', bVp. tamlwr 10, vltli Iht wycrptlon of rfe nw llanilltun siluel.

eliUh will not rady for ua uatll Monday'? aVplaraber IT. The south by the city I (roll Pupils living In this Urtltury, and twlonting lo th gradea I II la I Inclusive, all) attend Ih new Hamilton acliool and will present them aC lvra si Mill chol. Monday. nVpiem Inr 17, uilla In raid trrrllor) In grd. II lo I A Intluslv.

will alUnd th mum achouli which ihy attended laal )m. an I will lw expected lo prrnl llirmwIVMi at aaiu achnola Monday, nep lember ftTtlpr BuiMtrlnUndcnl OltclANI.ATION roit law wi BOAItn OK TRl'IITKICaV. All.n llamlllon. irldnl Clrerse KHI at retary lUKlthlll Irvaaurrr llrKHVI810M ANll INTltt'CTI(N Juatln lo.l suprrlniendrnl I'lura llrter, Ivik and librarian K. A Itoaa Ireln, auperlntrndant of build lns nri'KHMnoiis or hpkciai, iiuani'ii KB MIIUm Mile, imml.

Mary Hlephrna. rrudlns and ptiralnl i ullur Alice Hall, drawing Jeaale II Moiitsumrry prlncliiat Iralidng eoheoL Annie Kllngrnanilili, primary Instruction Norma. Allen iirlni loal klndrrgrliia Martha lvdrrwrll. snrl subitum tret her IIICIII CIKHIU I'rlri, lil, Chmlrr anr llln and UtomHr AanlKtant prlnrliHtl. Mary Jay, Kns llah A II t'roer ilividra and tliemlalry Kaltierliii II lllynn Mathematics A MitiuNs botany VI Ia aianlliei HtoHialmrnt uf Kngllli lmlH Hamilton KngllMh Mary Koll.

history II in fCa tlermaii and (Ircvk A Prlre, ih nl grosraphy and a I gebra c'arrlit May lierr Latin MUKiltMIIAI.K CIICM. Margsrrl Mahall print twl Maf Ml C'lure. (rSdra 7 A II Martha 111. t'lark. aradra a A II Ada II lrrnth.

grada i A II Annlt llalllle rad II Worlirian gradea 4 A II Margaret emplM ll sradra I II llvriha Vtlt.kc. rad 4 A KllsalMdh Bowman sradi 31 A. furuhn Akrn. gradfa 2 II I A May latuihrly srade I Norm lln. kln4rsjartii Jatkann, alnlraartn CWAT 8VHfUl.

Irabrllc Uoyd, principal Marion llrent grades A II 'Anna flahRr, grade 1 II, 7 A Addla VtlllUraa aradea II. A Kva llsebe grades II arn Morgan gradra 4 A II Jsun llurnjirircy srailva a It. I A Klliabrtli' lioan, grad 4 II Mary llarkey. grad I A. Uracs.

Tlnkbam. grad 1 U. Ilrln Hells grades JAM Malwl CToalij, grad II I A Jane A Hai ver. arad. I II KABT CIKKMAN HCHUtlU frnma (' Wtber.

principal and grados a li. li, li Martha Htumpf. radr 1 II. II. 1 II PRANK I.IN BCLIOUU Martha VVohlforl, principal and grade A II Jnnl Pelkey.

grades I A II Mary II. Beaton, trad i A II tlorgne Slarkey gradra I A II HAMILTON Anna kl Kalrrtld principal and grudts 1 A II Caroline A Jnilvrl) gradra It A II Addle Ihimrll gradra I A II Emms llabcrkorp, grades 1 A li Mlnnl Arnold grades A It May Warner, arad I A HarrM II. Fishrrlns gradr I II IIANNA Alice llaberker. principal Margarrt Wade, grailea 7 AMI Annelt Oaaklrts grades A II Kmma kl Mebrl grade A Klltaketh rtfrmsn, II l.nule Wolf grades A II V'lltabeth Murphy gradea 1 A II Kalhsrln Kvana rade I A II rtlrd II Austin gnidra A II Mkry Kern. grade I A MlnaltsJBUfrlt.t I A Bert hswnswr (Irrmun IIAnMKIt HCI(HU t'lar Phelps prim I pa I Ksnrea ntanley gradea 7 A It fleorilnu Wadge, gradea I A II laura talhley.

grades A It Vannl Kohn. gradea 1 A II FthHt hV Wlrllard. arade A II Kathrrlne tVherer gradea I II a A I A II i A tot n. Katheilne critourhe. gradea I II, Martha Knurr, gradea I II, I A Ann Douglas; srade'l II, IIUAIII.ANI Hiout.

nrlmlnal Kllcp MrKrac aradrs A II Mary K. IMrk aradea I II. ,1 A Ella twrr (rade 7 II llle Winter trades A II Msrgarel Mulrhead grudra ft A Clara Jooat sradea B. I A. Iah Tennanl arad I II Msry lirokaw gradr i A II Itrrtlia I Ill all.

gradr A II Ldlllan Wilding, gradra I A II Mitral II rVNa kindergarten Kmliy tlrlswold kindergarten IIIM.TON A KNl'K HOI II Mil. Kmms I Armatrong iirlncliMl lura CI llrad grade II ft A Kllaabrtti llslrt. grades I II I A Joanna Conklln gradr 4 A II Kmms flatier, grad I A. Ida Koons srsde3 Matirl ll.lih grstlea A 11 Cornelia llearli sraib I A II JFKHKIUION HCIKiOU fc IA oolley prltwlpel Honnell gradea A II Mabel Clayton arartea I A II Klltahelh Chapln, grdea 7 A II Anne Trenam gradea 7 A II Janet A Maephall. grade I A It rdlth Williamson grade A II Kva Jtaughmen, gradea I A II Maude A.

Oasklos. grades I A II. Caroline Rlddt, gradea 1 A Ansa II, Hinrlalr. gradea IB IA. Ansa Jen grades It.

I A. Katharine Kralg. grades 1 B. I liAltKMtbK TP.AIKINO HCHOOU Jrsslf tl Wontgemery, principal. If aea Vrickena.

grsdee, cZrallne Msuek. grades IB.IA, llUdr vrillUma, gradea I 14 pent graaes WW J. 4 kra ih.dl t.Ul ilnow wV, u'cirutkcii Ciioou'' Celt Ply, prlnotpal and grades A H. Uealrk Kell. gradra 4 A I a Walters, grsuVa 1 A II Annl Miller, grades I A Julia M.

bryaatt principal. J.ora Miner, grade I A II Msry Ltlrlstl. grad I A May nke, grkue 4 A II Marlon wvbe, grsdrs 4 A li Ksnnv llartman. arade 3 A Clrare JlardlnSV. grades I II.

I A Katharine Us rhe. arad I A Kllsabeth MtCrsken rada I A U. rNBUrtApVA BT1IOQU jlcKean'. mlnrlpal And grades I A OK Prudence neWaan.nVa.da.'k A U. Jennt Too, gradea't A B.

Laws Mulrhead grad 1 A ll. CUTTII WATNK CIIOOU Mary. A Abl, K'rral and gradea 1 A II Julia lAind. gradea 4 A Maude lllsgler. atatlve 1 A II.

KdilB nirn! grides I u. Helen llrenton. grades B. A. Ads Mccormica, grilles bam.

Dalay llelber, I Jl, 4 A. rtrud Clarke grade 4 A II Augusta llaherksm rada I A II. Kdtih llotswertsV arade I A II. Marina (leaker grades I I), I A. Krll l.untbard,.

arade I A II. WRBT OKIOIAN BCIIOOI. Carl Ik hears, prlnvlpal and grade a II III In, Karah gthaaf. kradr a I II. WCIIirriTllTK TKACH.KKB Msrtarel Cunningham Harsh rosier 1 Milan Olroan, DEATH IN A TENEMENT FIRE.

CIIIC'ACIO. Jfc pt It Two persons wer killeil and a iiuiuiier Injured In lire whlth to day rteirnd III Iwo stor Iriirmrnt houa a Kl't lx splslirs alreet All if th victim lived on Ilia an on. I rl.M.r Th Hre b.H'ed to have of Incendiary origin Th lose waa tl.oiW aOMKIMirVr, hVpl. I Th president and parly arrived here at Sx Ihla afternoon to be prompt at Ih wedding of Miss Mabel McKlnkry. th prvstdsnl's nlc and Ir, llvrmanus.U Uar.

In the party were Prealdent and Mrs. Kinky, Mrs Kettherln Malthws, of Washing li. I eeretary I the President U. II. Cofiel MOHSTBR OF THB DIP.

QULL LAKE THE HABITATION OP A FRIOHTPUL REPTILE. It Raaamblaa a Serpent and Attacks a Boat In Whlsh Two Pan pi Wars Riding KIKIIAIIT. Ind Cluvsla at tlull lade are much wrought up over lb appearance of a monster of Ih deep, seen near the Allendale ramp, laal Sunday II waa dlsceveird by John Kemper and kllse Carrl Wlr, hler. of Cincinnati who were nahlng JuM before dusk They llrst lost tialf a doaen sioon liooka and llii aad then their minnow pall, lrll. Ing Itehlnd them In Die water Noticing thai the water waa strangely agitated near them Mr Krnux began rowing for tlir sburc, but otiie.thlng grabbed on of th ora and It turn up with a plcr Iditrii oul Toes a hl.l.

ous head appeared uliove Ibe water, swaying from side to side emitting a hls'lug sound aom twenty feet away the tip of th rent II tad could be arnr laahlng wster Inta foesi Mr Kemper rowed toward the shore, while tli young woVnan was In a state of eollasee The monster pursued them and attempted la rapU th boat Nar the shorn glr Kemper tiled his oar lieallnr Ihe rrptllr ofr and In doing overlurtied the Ihmi and both hlmeelf stu cnmpentoai if thrown lata In water, They were reamed by a pssaing launch Mr Kemper describee the monster al having short fore legs, and a head a large as a ralf with belglnsr and large, louklng I eyt h. On lla fort head wis a ihuk growth of hairy Ilk aulmtarare, an. I Its body was covered with scales, that gave elf a phosphorescent glow In th water MRS. LAWTON TOUCHED. ftaspenda to a Charming Compliment to Gentrat' Layvton.

ANOKIISON Sept. I. Mrs Uiura 8 Durr. of thla city, president of the Indiana departmeat of th'e It prlsea very hlgbly a letter which he has Just rcceUed'ttom Mrs. Mary Iwton.

widow of the lata Oeneral liwton. The letter! aaa mailed at Uou 'i lavllle, aa follows, 'My Desr Mrs. Itgrr I have Juat received your beautiful token of love and rcapect for Indiana's hero and know ant how to thank you It touchea me Inexpressibly. Fechaps. If I felt less I could say more but hope you will believe that appro rlate the tribute you have paid to bin who wss altVavji proud lo call hlmielf an IndlaMaa.

Very sincerely yours. MAR LAWTON The letter Is In response to one from Mra. Durr, referring to tba badge worn by the Indians K. C. at the national encampment at Chicago "tb badge waa dealgned by Mra.

Durr. It la of while satin, with the name of the state organliatlon, the place of meet Ing, and a splendid likeness of the late General The Monroevllle Dreei announces that The fifth annual Farmers' Baa kct Picnic will be held aa per an nouacement on Wednesday, Septem ber I tth. In Meyers' grove, near Town ley, on the line of the Flndlay and Fort Wayne railroad. In evenj Jefferson township Joins Jac kaoa. thli year.

In the until after harvest fedtl val A most etcellent program has and It la expected that an enjoyable as well aa an Instructive time may be had. Such able speakers ss Aleigndrr Johnaoa. superintendent of State Parm. al fort Wayne. Mr and Mrs IleVllblaa, Of Washington township Mr (lorrell.

of New Haven, Rev Harrison of Monroevllle and others Thla event raay be termed a picnic, but In reality It will be a farm era' fair on a small scale, but truly Interesting KiktblU of all kinds of farm products will be brought In and prlsea will be awarded In the way of praise If nothing more i gsAlUInt'l HAM bBMSBB sjsjk aajsastffjataBS) kHQfjaaMBBBatoal njrl fJJVajgi SSVdJ Jm, ajjjBjBjejjjjjjjjeaaF BjBjnji iajsBajsjgjH sg BSapaTrv enan ym'iw l. lageajajr 1 rt WBDDWCSTA8T PRESIDENT McKINLEY AND PAR TY AT SOMERSET, PA. Will Atterva) Wadding af Mlaa Mahal McKlntay, the Praaldant'a Nleea A Speech to the Crowd at San alar Willlngtona Home. Tff. aad uv, IUsayradlnaUaL spector of lha navy and Ih president's physician The presidential parly waa met at th Homers! station by Mr and Mr 'Abntr McKlnley and Ur.

llermanua I. llasr. I he groom. Th trip from Washington ta Bomersei was without special Incident aava for th ntbulatl greeting given Ih prealdent at Cumberland, th home of BVnator cleorg I. Wellington Ishorl alopa were mad route at Hancock, Myrsdal.

Ilnrkwood and Marllnsburg, wht Ihv prealdent ahnok handa wllh aa many ol th aaaemliled rrowda aa he could reat When Ibe president arrived here he waa handed a telegram fronvsloverner layers, of Trsas la reply lo the mess dlspati bed lo the governor by tin president Ihla morning from Washington II waa aa follows "To lha prealdent ery many thanks for yew reHPsrsm Your action will tie greatly appretlaled Mild gratefully re memtiervd by Ih peopl of Teaas I have thla day requested Ih secretary of war to forward the rations and Itota lo tlat veaton A great and altogether line specie 1 demonstration greeted Preetdenl McKIn ly upon his arrival! Cumberland this afternoon An immense crowd wis at the st a I Ion II had olendd to make a sveswlMa a Ibe Journey le Bumarsel but the gathering was ao enthuslaalli that after retieaird talla he Anally re sponded ns follow "My fellow clllsen I assure you that tills rail Is vtry uncanceled by at I had no Mea that so many of my fellow lilsen cif Cumberland would nasemhlr her lo glr such cordial greetings In Ihe moment that I stop wllh them I an. glad lo knows that nu matter what lie our politico ar all for th l'nltd Hates, all for Ilia dear old flag wherever It flout, and rietermlnnd ih north and south, to stand by the brsv soldiers end sailors who are maintaining our standard In our distant territory and glvlna abetter and protection to American cltl sens In China An Immense number of telegrams havt been received by Prealdent MeKlnlev elm hla srrlval here They ram from all part of Ih country tongratulatfna Mm upon hla letter ef acceptance II ta regarded by the msjorlty of Ihoe wading thm aa th ablest Paver of tb kind lha president ha ever written 0 1 THE MUNClE INTERURBAN. TAptlllll.K KVIpKNCK THAT till, ANl IJAS IIIXTlf MAT UK I kl IIY A UrfB TUAT Wll.b COMU TC) POItT WAY NIC, Mt'NClK, tnd Sept 7 Another ytTorl la being mails la construct th lntrurbas tract Ion Ho between Mum I. Uunklrk and Hartford City Thla la th uncle In teruyuan line, commonly known a isrewnell line Una I capitalists. A Jehnaon, K.

Hitchcock and ether mea ronalderable wealth, have Jakea aa Interest In In protacl. and In company with Isrewnell the promoter, tek a trip over ik proposed route thla wetk. letters were shown from an Kaslera.aill llonair who agree to build th road and tarn It aver to the Stockholders In return for a atlpulated amount ef cssh snd bond. II feoley, of Hart fold City, ta another Indiana man Interetlrd In the enterprise Mr llllrhrotk Is prealdent ef Ihe Delaware County National bank, of this city, snd Johnson la presumed It ftluncl wealthiest resident Per the nral time In Ihe history Ihe scheme there seems to be tangible wealth back uf a project to unit th nil snd gaa belt by electric line Mr Brownell has obtained moat of th right of way, and la under a bond of II ova lo construct th road. The propwe rvrut la from Muaile through lt4erton Bhlde Ur and katon In Hclawur county About a mil north of Katon the road I to branch one spar i tending: lo Dunkirk Hcdky end evesil uallr I Port la ml while II' other goes In almoat is dlrct lln to Hartford Clt) and Moeitpeller, and einlualty lo Pert Wayne Al present Ihv line only will be conairufted with Munrl Itedkey au.

llartfonl City, or possibly Montpeller as lla terminals It ta estimated that II will take between Manws) and lew cm In cash lo iouslrurt and fuutp Ihe road fully With Hartford City aa a terminal, th road will thlrty on miles In lengtli The condition on which th eastern rapl tallsls will build Ihe road la that Munrle and Hartford City popl subscribe In rash for a large block of the ato. and that bonds for the remainder be floated The promoters will ask for small subaldles from th township slong th routs Den. it. int. I autfsred for thirty yra from gall alonea.

Treated with a great asany phyalclana and bav taken a large ardonnt of patat medlelo. but coald find nothing that would relieve. Laal April I began taking Dr. J. II.

Mc Leaa'a. Uvar and Kldn? Balm. Took nine bottlea and have felt po pain or symptoms of gall stones sines': D. B. TUCXSfB.


1lJobn Hlenchneld will be nominated for governor by the democratic convention to morrow and his name will be presented to Ih convention by Judge 8 Tslor. of Ctie murta The lion William Mai hey of Krtr. haa been offered second plac on thn ticket and haa agreed to glv an answer before lb convention assemble at II o'eloak to morrow morning Macker le speelcd to accept. Other place on Ihe ticket ar not so certain and probably will not ba definitely determined until Thursday This, however, ts Ih ticket Mm most prob sbl of flnal acceptance Por governor. John II Rtanchneld Chemung, for lleuteaant governor, Wsi.

Msrkey. of Krie, for crtsry of stale. John llorten. ef Renaslaeri fer eomp treller. Kdwln A Alwstsr, ef Dutrhew.

for elterney genersl, Oenersl M. Pllmer. ef gkhoharlei far treasurer, clay II. Clarke, of, Wadlseni for engineer and SJi Veynr. Rnseell A.

Stewart, at OasVMlagai gwepua to aaaoiBta, pepeiessaes si is w5 4gJ rl rl Ti. zss.m 'V it i 1 1 in Hill I still sent tbeaaSM af Mr. Color lo lha froovea (lea and ll order that lha neralaattoti ball come Iron but own county. Olio Kmpr, Kings, is understood to have been prevailed upon to make the nomination. Senator kit II.

It Is expected, will sen end the nomination 'i i a A SECTION HAND KIILLEO AT LIMA. LIMA, eVpt .11 John Jaroby sc tlon man on Ihe AC railroad was hit by esst bound iasanaer Irs In No 4 Ihla morning and Instantly killed Ills bead was severed from his body No other martn of Injury were on hla person lla was brought to this city on a switch engine and taken te his home In Ih Punk building. II leave a wife. CRUSHINO OP UNION LABOR. (INK RKsCI.T OP TIIK MIL.ITAKI8M OP TUB PltaVHCNT AUMINIrJTIlA TION sere, have reported le the Central Ped eraled unksa I bat.

tkyliara received letter from more than MO represents lives if Fvrlo It lean labor organisations, who hare bees Imprisoned In th municipal prison at Haa Juan, Porta Rico Th letter layi that all Isbor orgSnl sallons known lo alt are being sup prd by Ibe military awkerltlee. Those now In prison. It Is ssld. Include Ihe presloents, secrelsrtes and nembrra of lha arbitration commit tee ol nearl all th labor unions of mny conaequrnri In Porto Hlco Tb labor leaders In their letter petition Ihe orgenlsed workmen of the Htstes lo appeal to Ihe admlnlatrallon al aarclikfion to obtain Ihe relas of Ibe lalwa leaulcri from prison ami to a I low the organisation nf labor" TjIIris" pnsi eed without ieraecullon rearnllna r.ncampment No SU. t'nloll Vet ersn legion of tndlanu(Mills, la In th, city attending Ihe enrampmrttl neat wmlt he In company with Mlllam tleake untl a naimber of others of thla city will le llositoii to attend an annual rnrtln of Msson GGRMANY STANDS FIRM.

WILL NOT ASSENT TO THB RUSSIAN PROPOSAL. Doubt Entertained aa to Ll Hung Chan'a vXuthorlty Rapraaanta tlana Mad to Rueila Kalasr and Consort Oo Visiting. (C'oprrlgkL 100. Ihe Aiaoclateil Preas i II Kit LIN, Hept I The number of cablegrams, arriving scrlstlm, Imputing lo (Jermsny comproulao propoil, Horn In amwer to the Kobso Amerl caa proiosala appear baarfesi The rprrespaadent o( the Assoc Istecl Press Irsrm authoritatively that tier many, replying to the advice lf withdraw tier troops from Pekln, has sen! Russia detailed reasons why thla aeema Inopportune and calculated to proloni laataad of ahortealng tba war The altnatlon la China atlll roatln dlflcnlt lo a diplomatic aenae rather than from a military atandpoiat The queatlon of doubtful credential! In the caae of Id Hung Chang and other would ba negotiators continues to play aa all Iraportaat role It la understood that Dr. Mamm Von Brhwargen ateln.

the Uerman mlaliter to China, reported from Shinghsl to the foreign offlr here that he doea not believe IJ Hung Chng; ll properly authorlied Judging; from repeated Information which the mlnlater received there on th aubject A foreign office offlclil said to diy "There are no signs that Rusala meana to repudiate her proposition Hut It la already clear that the entente of the powers will dot be affected thereby Germany gave Russia a formal answer to ber proposition, but I am arts bin to slate whether this answer amounts to a rejection "The forelgrt office knowa that the moat recent and rery contradictory newa cabled here from Washington Is moat unBleasant to the United RUtes 'government A member of the United Btatea em baasy here told the correspondent of the Associated Press that "all the powers with the etcepllon otflermany ar inrlous to make peace with Chi na and that they will practically rec ognlte. IJ Hung Chang aa China's rep resentitlve." Tbsf. emperor and. empress ot (Jer manr were festively received In 8tet Ho. where yeaterday evening, the whole harbor and Ihe river ahore for mllei were gorgeoualy Illuminated The On aquadron, composed of ten Iron dads and a number of entailer veiesli.

which had been maneuvering la the haltlr will remain In 8tettln harbor until Monday, when tactical movements In conjunction with the army maneuvera will begin. The na val maaeuvrea will lait until Heptem ber 14 and will be directed by Adml ral Von Koester. The Prussian government haa issu ed Instructions permitting convlcta In gad's of from twelve to thirty, to as slst In reaping the harvests through out the kingdom, owing to the scare Hy of labor Pruasla haa begun negotiating with Ihe reat of th Oerman atites to ex lens the reduction of the rsllrokd Ur Iff on foreign coal uniformly through out the empire a THE LADIES. "i Tht pleaaant effect and perfect safety with which lid lea may uae Syrup of Pigs, under all conditions, makes It their faycfrlte remedy. To get th true god genuine article, look for tht name of the California Itg Syrup Co.

printed near the bottom of the par kagtt, prrr ante hy AH, dnit jVcttW' i CLUB LBAGUO COURSy THE ENTERTAINMENTS BCOIN IN NOVEMBER. Six Pine Altraetiena to Be Olvan in th Temple Theater. Two Musical, Twi Lscturts, Two on ths Dramatis Order. Tho committee on entertainment fur the Woman'a Club league la now readjMo mako All, anuouncontonta for Ita coming aeaaon of rntertalnmenta. The success of Ihla course hat bo come aaaured by reason of previous anotaiagcg do not hciltato to aubecrlbe for tlckela beforo tho committee 'U enabled to state tfar at IractioAa.

Thla year the enlortala menta will be held In the Temple thou tre, which will permit of a limited number of tlcketa being Bold. Thn seating capacity of Ihe theatre It leas than a thouaand. and that fact haa prevented the uaual number of on tertalnmenta being given for tho aame price of one dollar without re aervetl aeati Nevertheless, the nffl ers of the lesgue feel that more pa Irons of the course will lie uniformly plesscd by the present arrangjv meat than there wcrr the two prevloua aea sons The course this year will open on November 21 wllh Ihe second appear ante licit of the Chicago Symphony orchestrs This megutflceiit attrac tion delighted everybody who heard It last season from the severest musical critic lo the ones with the least mil slcal taitp This compsuy coats the league liJO Is the roost eipenalve uurober uf th course, and one which, under all ordinary xlccumstauifs, would demand aa admission price of one dollar Mr Adolph Itoaenbec ker la till at the head of the orclratra and this announcement of Itself Is a guarantee of Ita artistic work There will be another musical attraction aa the aim of Ihe committee has been to divide the sla entertalnmeuta in such a way as to appeal to the testex of all who may dealre to attend There are therefore two musical events, two lectures and two perform ancea bordering on the dramatic The second musical entertainment will be a novelty, known aa Ihe Itoyal Tyrol ean Concert company. Th company consists of tea art lata picked from two of tka flace! foreign spot laity com ponies the Meier family and tho Munlhalera They play a variety of Instruments several of which are en tlrely new In thla ouutry and while the musicals may not be of the aamn order af artistic merit aa the Rosen becker orchestra. It will he fully a artlatie In lla kind Bo much fer.

the musloal aatcrtalamntev The lecturers will be Ernest BVtoti TleOaapeon and Jacob njli. Mr. Thorn peoa'a name Is faat becoming a household word, a peclally In those families who have taken Hcrlbner i magatln. Mr Thompson a fame aa a lecturer ha been of rapid growth. Wllh the iceptlon of Henry Stanley and Ian Macl.areo, no one haa ever met with aurh platform successes, aa has Mr Thompson In eastern cltlee the children have fairly i flocked to hear him and it will delight reader of Ida writings In this city to know that ho will lecture hero, on "Wild Animals I Have Known." Mr Jacob tills, who delivers ths second a llano by birth: a carpenter by trade when be came lo Ihla country Hut hn drill ed Into newapaper reporting and mado aurh a success of It that he haa kept with the New York Bun for ten years He has mide a great atudy of crime and Hi causes and he paints vivid pictures ot what ha knowa Mr UIU haa accomplished a great deal of giaxl In the metropolis of this country and he will probably lecture here ou 'The Haiti with the Blum The Ivctiirc will be Illustrated The pther two entertainmenla will be given by Mrs tlertha Kuni llakrr a very aoted reader, who was heard here once before In Kimball hall and who at that time delighted her listen ers, aad The llogersOrllley recital Mr OrllUy la gn humorist, Islet I reader who haa Ailed over one nun dred public engagements In the rlly of lloston, alone Assoc Isted with Mr OrllUy la Mr, Van.

Veachton Roger a noted haa appeared many limes with auch One artists aa Melba, Nordlca, Emma Juch and Cam panarl This promisee to be aa delight ful a form of entertainment aa those that precede It. In fact the course Is bound to suit the large number of pa Irons who always attend Tho course preaenta not only a variety, but all are high cliaa attractions Circular and cards will be lasued within a few daya announcing all partlculara aa tu reserving of sesls and obtaining tick ets for the course The dates for the course are aa follows Chicago Bym phony Orchestra, Nov II: Ernest 8et on Thompson. Dec Royal Tyrolean Concert company, Jan. 21; Jaroh A fills, Jan SI, nogeraOrilloy Iticlt al. Peb IS; Mra Martha Kunt linker March 7 i Or II.

llackhtisen the new In atrurtor for the Fort Wayne Titrnvcr tin aad successor of Mr Tltnin, or rived In the city Bsturday evening and will st once aisume chargi of the classea of the society ss well a the sthletlc course at Concordia college Dr Backhusen la a graduate or tho Milwaukee icbonl for sthletlc Instru. tors, conducted under the auspices of the North American Turnerlutn.l and la also an being gradukte of Missouri Medical college at Ht lxuls He Is besides a very pleaaant gentleman ho will prove popular In Ihe norml aldt of the Turners work. 1. i. 'far 3 ivrr.

j. aaaaeaajsjasTai us llllNaagja..

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