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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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THE FORT WAYNE J0URNALGA2ETTC TUMOAY MORNINO, ftBRUARY 1 Only 4 Days More Don't delay or you may miss an opportunity to save big money on clothing that won't present itself again for a long time. To Make a Sweeping Clearance of ALL WINTER SUITS OVERCOATS I am sacrificing profit forgetting about higher prices next season and offering them at LESS THAN TODAY'S WHOLESALE FRIGES $253035 IPS THE BIGGEST THE MOST IMPORTANT BARGAIN EVENT THAT HAS EVER BEEN FEATURED IN THIS ENTIRE SEASON in the clothing business of this city. It means that every man who is buying at this sale is SAVING AN EXTRAORDINARY PERCENTAGE OVER PRICES THAT WILL BE IN VOGUE NEXT SEASON. Miss this sale and You miss one of the best chances to buy clothing at a bargain price. yUt tOipAt ClotlW lona gajubocn sx AMERICA GAINING LEftD IN TEXTILE INDUSTRY GASTON1A.

FVb II ftrship in ths textile Industry of the world eutelde of the spinning dla tiicts of Great Britain now rests In 1hrsa Now England and one South ern county Bristol ctunty Vi vtth orer 604 OW spindles, rank flla asa: county. Mass. third with 1 192 032 arplndlee. Gaston county cornea fourth with 1 Oil CM spindles. That thla county had jumped front eleTenth place to fourth became known today with the announcement of the resulta of an Industrial aurvey made by the Gaa tonia, Chamber of Conraeroo.

There are ninety spinning mills In the MAYOR FRANK CARSON IS AFTERVAN TLEEI Wants Him to Resign as Chairman ot Thirteenth District Tha Indlaiitpolls Btar aavsl Koll.wlnj (he Tllt of Mayor Frank R. Ceraon, of Boulh Band, a supporter o( Governor Fruk Lowden, ot III. Inols, le IMIanapolls and th attend ant reports that no had com har to demand that Vernon Van Deal, manager of Senator Warron Hard. Inae presidential campaign reelffn aa chairman ot th Thirteenth dla trlot, tha air In tha political campa In tha ernool hotel bcania vibrant with toulp Notwithstanding tha fact that Mayor Canon denied that no nat an at aharpened tor Mr Van Fleet tha Incident daveloned noma Interesting talk amona; politicians. ini report tnai jaaror tareon would open a flcltt to unaeat Mr Van fieet caueta a flurrr aiao in Mej.

Qen. Wood I becauaa Harry a Hon, ot Fort Wayne, tha reneral tnanar or la chairman of tha i weutn oiatnct ana occupiea a posi tlon similar to that of Mr Van Fleet. tn to political observers, la that Mr van neei and Mr Hoaen will retain their seats an tho atato committee and they vriU contlnno to fnanaao tha campaigns if Senator Harding and uen. woo Tha rival oampo con tend that tnelr noaitlona on tha state committee tires them an advantage with each other to aeo which one wield tha moat Influenoe among their fellow committeemen In order to further the Intereata ot tbolr reapeot Ivo candldatea. Both Mr Van Fleet and Mr Hoaan contend they ara Drivllered to con duct proaldentlal campa Igna la lndl ana oven If they ara mombora of tha atato committee How Van Float Vlewa eituatien "I accord to every man and every PLANS ffl FUND FORM.UMRENCF.

North Indiana Meeting at Richmond April 712; Many Features RICHMOND XnU rVmiarr M. Plana for tho severity itventh an hnal session of tho North Indiana conference of tho Methodist Epiaeo pal church, which will be held In Richmond April to II art being completed rapidly and wmie the ae tallod program hen not finally been Daaawd on there will be many soe claj features proylded In addition to met conference ousmh. proper which will proTO) of Interest to tho lanr number of visitors. Wayne county was the birthplace or the lvortn inaiana oomerence ana the comlnr eeealon Rut iIti some attention to the historic conference held In Centervll.e in 1141, when the boundaries of the conference were fixed. The session was held In the Methodist church of Ontsrvllla The build in is sun used by the Meth odtst congregation of ths bistorts town, On SundayApiil 4 a prelim inary feature toah ooaference proper Dr Oeorgs R.

arose, president of DeHeaw university mi maae an address on "education On April ft. Dr Sweet. profsiaor of history at DePauw University wllr apeak on "The Frontier Circuits and Circuit Riders of The early Methodists of the etats were settled alone the national road and the flrnt churches or tho ae aloner thla tilth war. one sf the earl leat being Just west of Richmond. On April I a reception will be held for visiting mini at era and other vis itors and on Monday ths opening; bu nines session of.

ths conference will be held GIRLS WANTED! Good pay. steady work. Ft, Witm Corruaited Paper republican and cttlaon of Indiana the Co. tight to have hla proferono. in thla I 0 Mr Van SUPPLIES LANDID not think any man ahould be abuaed 1 for expressing hla choice, and I do I fjTDNET B.

Feb It Supplies not Intend on my part to enter Into inhabitant, on the Magadelln "land. lea bound and 91 limited r. right, although a member of the atata tlon. MrermI WMka, niTe boon eommlttea. to repreeent Senator unai on Qrlnd.tone Ieland oeve of Haraing aa Harry a.

Hoonn. aieo a tho group according to a wireieaa member ef the emmlttee hae to rep riVMt tfl fl.v tmm nt Leonard Wood. 1 can not aea ih. v.nm.nt ntn i.i In that irapect any dlfrorenca 1 be Th YMM yesterday In making her way to within a mil. of Twelfth district.

Pleasant Bav and there traiurrrMl I feel that It la right aid proper to teamairom the la S' if to Jand which drova out oVer tho froaon Wood and for that matter there suraCo of the bay ahould be 00 opposition to any mem 1. m.hi rnitr mt rAm tm ber of the lute committee lining up na(1 lTen up hop. getting; tho with a presidential candidate auppliea to tha after bucking Aa for the reporte which have um Ac field, for oeveral weeka The been circulated about my reelgnaUon or wwk th. lc. they are greatly and I eiu.

hiM am not Informed that any one ha, through, tho message said from denooratla source "The precinct contmlttoemen are tha organisation of tho party If It could bo eald that member, of the republican organisation could not participate in OAfnpalgna the. Northern Indiana Deaths WILLIAMSON We hare clean, permanent work for two young men. Apply at once. Sdierer Bait lecturer will deliver hla beat lacturo A ma nh Wninua ftcMlMt VMihlei' at Woman's Greatest Problem to Be Dismissed by Dr. Allison To day t)r Oeorge Allison, orator and OUTLINE STUDY PROGRAM Tha aublect la tlmelv and Dr Al UaoR wide axperlenca onable.

him I to hindl. rnoat aubjocta with aa la AtlB'Kht that quickly appeala and CLEVKlJlNfi rtliin ah. a meeting here to day of tha advlaory y'" auditor, of tha la Ma Born In Texas, school4 la contra! asaaaTaaaaF JTajTSsVUE I HE WHO DOES ONE THING WELL doe not attempt a hundred others. This is an age of specialization. Ours is examining eyes and making glasses Our guarantee saves arguing about quality.

MEIGS 1012 Calhoun committee of the National Catholic iMiucatlonal association a program of studies which will be preeentsd to the convention of the association In New York In June was outlined The committee consisted of Re amen A Burn president of Notl nitnola. he left home at 1ft to make hi own way JVr years he wandered and worked hla way over the efreatr portion of the ynltsd States, tnoet of ths time peine a railroader. In one Dame university. Rev John B. Peter or another While a roisterlnc son.

rector of St. Johns seminary fellow working aa yard master Beaton Rav FVlwerd A the for the Clover Xaf St Chnrlesten. Catholio university Washlnaton Illinois, he had a vision ef a taraer Rev Richard Tterney 8 Ver Ufe. Qulltln hla job, be took wlfarTtce to the party In electing a York Rev Francis Howard; end children with him and worked nominee I wouldbe glad to render ajeiumows ana tiev rrancis nn wj couege uut 01 mu auoran. vieveiana sTrsnge ecnooi of sspenenoe.

Ti A KtrV JT. Inrl Vh 9 precinct mmmltteemao oonld PTiWllllanien, ave II years, died this any say aa te nominations Imorninr at hla home In Jefferson Members of the republican organ township Whitley coanty of Bright laatlon lit this state, whatever post dleeaae tlon they occupy whether committee He la auiwWed hy the widow and men or chairmen, have a right to Mu mom Liemanct William 1. their cholct and a right to express It Arthur and Wallace Williamson, to regara oanaiaaia zrom out ox Mr Williamson was bora In Mont the state. Otherwise all they would romerv county Ohio June fL 11X8 have to do would he to elect a can tut had been a. resident of this state ornate chosen and wouia nave no tor many years.

voice In ths selection of that candl Funeral eervlres will held at the date I bstleve they all have such Jefferson chapel Wednesday mor ing a right" a ti home at clock. Burial Hegan Ceafers WKh Local Leaders jn the chapel cemetery Mr Koran taees the same view as Mr Van Fleet Me aatd further how ever, that had taken the eueatlon up with his own county chairman and the mttnbere of tbo state organ laatlon. I hellers a member of the state committee haa a riaht to hla own pellticaj opinion," said Mr Hogan, "He Is sr ought to he Interested In what la best for tho party and should remain an effective psrty worker "Before Interesting myself In the candidacy of Mai 0en Wood I at tempted to gage the sentiment of my district I took the matter up per aonally with tbe county chairman and explained ts them my feeling toward Gen. wood and asked toey naa any objections It I espoused the causa of the general ta a managerial capacity I found they had none I made It Slain to them I would ak no favors rom them either on peraenal grounds or from political connections, and declared that I wanted them to feel free to be (or the candidate of their choice Ml told them also that conditions Bright develop that would Impair my usefulness on the committee and I asked the chairmen to feel free to exprr ais their opinions on what they deemed to be tbo heat Interests of the patry UNDERTAKERS DARKENGRAY HI Use the Old Tlme Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will Know Gray hslr however handsome de 'comes a quiet spoken, courtaeus and ease of manner born of the freedom in the mloaio west He has a charm' Ing personality that win friendship of those who come te know him. In his particular atyi of oratory he reminds us of Bishop Quelle, espeo iauy in comoining ory humor witn serious minded discussion of funds merit 1 frets.

Horia poison, prima donna of the Boitoti Fngllah Onera com Dan v. will ssaut Dr Allison to day liar tro gram win inciuas popular selections! mv aervloaa to the utmost 1 am writing to all of the district and county chairmen In regard to my poaltion and I want to work In harm. any with them. This Is a republican organisation and we are entitled to courtesy Pocahontas Lump and Egg. Capital Coal Co.

Phone 4422, We Are Headquarters for Columbia Grafonolas and Columbia Records Come in and Hear These New Records JACOBS MUSIC HOUSE 1021 21 CALHOUN STREET YOU'LL like our Grafonola deparfanenCtlie "Home of the Grafonola" in Fort Wayne. Here you can hear free daily concerts, not only of the latest records, but also of aliy others delight your fancy. i 'ft i New March Numbers of Columbia Records eR fote; rjannnPlltnsBnwLv' yMw her role o( the eweatest Insaclnabl. I auallty ana her neesonalllv la Itaalf would carry aa Inferier alns.r alonar war tawarda auecaae vrltaout her, eth.r talent. All mualo loveia In I Frank Mungovan rUNCKAI.

DIRECTOR PHONE 6G49 MO Calhawa ttrawt, M0T0M AMIULANCI. aaca. Yewr hair la charm, II malodla. preaealet in lb. meat an.

sea or mare me wiien it egnui.tia. form by ae artlee ar uai fade and looks WUI1. the lwra and tnualeal I. p4r.n. and Bulph! 'eoBDllnsentarr sests trs tMrved.

Iliat at avavl lawk ounl! AJllaon. subject, th. kJ 7H atUndanc. Of the Udtea la eel.ecl.llr (rom anr druc alere a battle it a huad vd fold. Na aeie treed aea CELLER'S MILK BREAD Date, ttet erviUe and reesemaet THAT ALL "CsJUr.

CooJt Are) Good" ralp. Uapravad br the addlllan ether latredieste. Theuaaada of folks recommend this raadr tab ua. prepar alien, It darken, th.

hair beautifully oealdea on. caa pes alblr tell, aa It darkens so naturally aad avaalr Tea tnolBWn a spoaae or mvtt brash with It, drawing this throuth tha hair Uklna ana small elraad a time by mernln. the hale dleaboeara after aaother appUeatioav or two, lla natural color have dtin, pemument work for two young men. Apply at once, Scherer Baking Cc, 1247 lrUume Av tnue. iiS ii apstwauoa or twis, Ii.

ihhiim viu' bv a I eer realored and It become, thick UdO JoUnWa GtZHU Went Ad T1 bnn RESULTS. 1Baaaaaaaaaav aBaaaaaaaaa. JPaaaaaasi aaaaaaaaalaa.oa.IE BsH fnaaHlaBaaaaaaa. Ilaaasnaaaaaaaaaal 1 i PJaV tPBlKH i II Hani sssH LssssB I II saaKElsaaB 1..1 rPJaBBnaBBW tr ma A aisseasa mmummmmmms Qriy ii Ws handla Completa Una ol Columbia Records BERT DUESLER Tit Cra.oiypl.jW 20S Wesr Barry Stroet PdMia 111 Maiaret Rbmaine's First Tbts sxa'jlMiai new aoprano of the New York 1UuopcOtau Opera CotppanymatolWColiiiaabacleAttc wfth four esntnit Kcorda. Aa aa txtluswt Cobrabta rtar she grvca eftijr promtaaj ot tHing an crea, wider foQoiaa of noaac iWesa to tbe great ao6enoe who have at eatliiisubtticairvapptasiitled her ewcty appearaace loftririn, xcte.

eTawli New York. Laaaaaaas Th A Mardones MadhiHcent in Songs of the Sea "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep" and" "Aeleep in the Deep." Into thete eongr Mardones has woren all the magic and the mystery of the sea. The amorous ban of this exclusive Columbia artist haa all the majestic power of surf booming upon some rocky shore. KM US WllnL'SrM VseaeaeaeaaW? WlMmm. iaaaaaw Ol tha en CotaaaM.

Nee, aVsaaWO SXt li.iisas.TWaSAI tt jUaJ. tateaaisa AUsat. Maer eK cmr 'If ST rrU RmseUe Soars Tnrougli Gay Sicilian Bolero There is a rolcanic brilliancy in VeraTs peat "Bolero" that truly tings the stmburnt Joya of SkOy. And Fonselle. txctustot Columbia artists ha poured bet vrbole soul into this perfect record of a glorious melody.

496S6V 1.S0 AsaeKl OtUe Croat Mi isiaa aacleds I Graad Oper. srau, aapeasr seaa. Sf Ocaad Osaraelara, 14 peaeisr tree Uta. I assess Irs selections. 2 bird liafaalUs, laad aeaess.

1 slaas solss, I aooordlo. Seles, I rleUs solo, I wkaallai solo aad 14 dssrss, mi I I loaf se a. Je Urn levk erf ee aTeasf aaasb COLUMBIA GRAPHflPHONE COM PANY.Ne Yrk tmurwuA "iter THERE1 IS A WORLD OF JOY i in Columbia Grafonoks Thousands of home, know an4 eherlsb Columbia rbonocrapha. Tbey are delight la ovary way In toao and appearance. fleas' See Them I III Columbia Records Th fan o( those remarkaW.

Kacards la world arid. Everybody wsnta tbem, Cora, lit and tnafc. your aaltctloa. All tho abova row area era bora Hear Them I 1 tr'i.

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