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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 12

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

12 THE tORT WAYNE JOURNAX CAZnTt hionoaV moaning, February tor I HATEDTOL00K Planned To Quit Work Tanlac Proves Merit, ths flmt time In yearn I am haw abls to eat a Rood meal without offering afterwards, andl what a mora, I am fee as fine a I war did In Ufa." Mid Unynrt, a machinist in tho emptor of the Columbian Enamel In a and fetamplnff Co, Hrlng at Z2ftd Berond Ati Terra Haute. Ind whlla telling rrlenda hia reeoTery tnc taking Tanlac, reeantl 1 managed to hold on to my tia continued, "although wu no bad off I bad to lay oft much of tha Urns. In fact, I waa ptannlnr to airs up my work and do nothing but try to ret relief My stomach waa nil vpset and had been for year, and 4 aUmoat hated to am to tha table for It looked Ilka every blta I ate meant trouble forme .1 a I way a bad a full nauseated feeling; after aatlna and often I had a mean tame in my mouth If 1 stooped orer I got ao dlasy could hardly two and It seeti. that all the blood rushed to my head After I went to bed a harp pains la my stomach and sides would wakr me up all during the night and In the. mom In I felt Juat Ilka I had done a hard day's work I fell off in wetjrht until I hated to look at nuself in the mirror and 1 knew something had to be done right away or I wouldnt last mmh 'I had heard so much stood about Teniae 1 commenred taking It Mv appetltt came back almost at once 1 picked jp in wetjrht and soon got xo 1 could mi anything 1 wanted I nerer hart a elgrn of Indication now and am enjoying; everything; I eat The bad taste haa "ft ft my mouth and I am not bothered with dizi spells any more I sleep aound all night long without turning; over even once and 1 get up ready for work I rive gained back all my Inst weight and 1 centMer Tanlac the beat medt rlns made for there 1 something; about It that does the work Tanlac la so'd In Fort Wayne b.

Meyer Bros tc Co in Wood bum by Fuelling Drug; Oompan in Ilarln1 unrest, wa feet that tha foundations are bring shaken Tht Influence of government, of schools of churches la being questioned There It one foundation that underlies ill of these Institution. If wa with to tt lengthen tha home If wa would ttrength en the church wa anutt strengthen tha foundation on whlrh It ttanda tha home It wa would strengthen the aoclal and economic Ufa of the Ing to note that tkoae radical prop agandlata a ho deny ihe rlftht of private property, who any that all property belongs to all tha people consistently deny tha right of the family, as apd Bay that all women and children art also public property It la cur lout to note how then tha old idea persists1 that women are to be regarded only aa property I do not mean to dttftiM the eco nomic Dhase of the aubject Ma have said that It la cheaper to rent than to own your home It It also aald that It la cheaper to more than to pay rent Hut It 1 not a question of cheapness The result will he a cheap urn II) in every aenae of tha word If the home ownership will contribute to the building up of a sentiment and a love for those thing's which home emhodlea and protects, then It Is the dut of all to build their homes both Outwardly and inwardly of the moat durable material that they can command to make them the moat beautiful and loved Bpota on earth, and lo make their chlldren feel that In nil the world, there Ig no place like home STARTS REBELLION AGAINST PROHIBITION Continued from page 1 tlon agents to gather here to night frepara'ory to starting to morrow on nn armtd expedition which he declared, will clean up Iron county Tha Michigan stats constabulary wilt be aaked to co operate In the xpedltton. Grove accompanied by Lieutenant Ft Btrope and ti oopera masters and kind of the atite ronatabulary seised eleven barrels of wine two mile from Iron rler he reported to Major Dalrymple to day The wins Is said to have been made by John, Peter and Hteven Pcalcuccl wealthy ttiliins who own several bnslneaa nturea at Iron rtr Grrve loaded the liquor Into a sleigh and started to move It to Caspian headquarters of the itate con etabulaij in that section of the pe tlon In portloni of upper Michigan Kltchln, democrat of North Cau oltna, had been anticipated by the son who voted again tha bill, that labor ataoulary. It waa pointed out. Reporta, leaders had eatranged At least a dot.

reaching Ianetng recently It was representatives, was mat by tha Kitf 'oreehadowed poasibie friction claim of labor leaders that tha lift oflind th While there ly 9t to toa Vraparatlon ofiM WM fmjc fcbMt furlh force A weak ago CoL Vandsrcoofc for1 dlglwd Xo rwrh appeared bsfora the a tat. board war na Indication that or. auditors hers with a request for aWnlaed labor hoped to away the emergency appropriation and was nata to tha point of defeating? nil quoted aa aaylng that 'hell will break railroad legislation. loose in tha upper peninsula" If tht pw members of tha ttata er house work of the ttata police Is interfered wera willing; to go ao far as to pro with. diet that tha bill might be vetoed.

The upper Mkthlgaui press has since In this connection atateyj. nta made attacked this view and maintained during; debats yeaterday that falure that local officers could batter lira i to enact legislation before March serve the ordar. aould put half the mads la rocelvor Soma officials hers are known to r'rM tnontha and bHng; on regard tha matter as nothing mora fia.n'1 distress more aertoua than than a claah between tha ttata and xprienred In years were on county authoriUe. over tha authority. JJJ CBf7Bi to act in the local dUtrlcu.

lS24ni7SLJZ 'Each if the lnlrUtt cotnmrc iMlon wnn hum vrkd with The National Brotherhood lee Jake's Smile. Phone 3965 or 290. LIBERTY AND LIFE HAVE DIFFERENT MEANINGS Centlnue from page 1. not say a man haa a right to happiness Oh no, knew most of ua might get married. Jefferson waa not going to glva any guarantee Marshall aald am tired of the hyphenated American" be continued It coat an awful lot to get rid of the Oerman Amerlcan hphen Wi can get rid of the other hyphens by education and enlightenment Tha man who does not bolieve fn God was classed by the vice president aa a menu tne co mtry Ta ahould remember that the ai'vlce norallty and We cannot have morality without wt have religion, he aald.

'A man la either religious or superstitious For my part, I bad rather believe In the living; Ood than In tha left hind foot of graveyard rabbit Wh the slelrh reached Iron rler by uiinx by A Reedder In Orabill by A MDonough Deputy Sheriff Orabill Drug Store in Zaneanllle I Kchott Hnd Jess Allen Police Chief A Knlrht A Hon and In South nnd Police Capta'o MHford by Kugene Mor Claude Hrown uuaro ine iquer McDonough, according WEDDING BELLS TO BE SILENCED7 Continued frwm page 1. aitle of religion and turns' and Rev. Avon 1 1 Speaks The tnesaaaro of the co forcefully delivered also at rinity i report, told the prohibition suixt Tlhor that he was "under arrest for tmnsportlnc liquor" and ordered hi men eelae the wins ie nut up a fight but waa overpowered. The w'ne he said wira rsturnel to the Italians by McDonough who the re an armed cuard over it with orders hoot if the federal agent tried to RoiacoDal church by Rev. Ldword i i.

4. i WUson Averlll Sunday morning Th. mnUK country a few miles from the rector took for hla subject "Home toeonln line. The popuUtloa of Bulldinf and sounded the keynote lh Unty la lar cely compoaeJ of of tba campairn by declaring tnai llallaM BCcordlAw to Grocs ami boo me ounui (ryntf has been rampant In uV hills 11 weeds for months The Michigan stats constabulary the homs arovemraent lust aa tha family la the bait of humanity Ha spoke part as follows "The family la the unit of humanity. It it the germ of all flvlllxa ttoa aal progress.

Out of It have grown churches, achoola, governments but they have not destroyed the unique position which the family must alwaya hold The home ia the foundation of government. In the ten command menta tha only authority recognised besides tha IVlty, la the father and the roothor Respect for authority In a government Is no stronger than respect for parents It Is aald that America a children are hocklngir deficient In lack of re spect for parents. This ts the causa of lack or respect for teachers pastors and foveraraent. Thera muat be recognised authority ia tho home. Ho must the home be the seat of culture.

Education la not acquired ia school but In home Some lessons art never learned In. school. Manners, and behavior and the habits that.glvo a man or woman character are learned at home Tou can tell after a abort aa sweiatkm with gv child Juat what kind of a home It comes from. It la tht same way with religion Tha church aundt for rehgioua trainlna but the home Influence Is stronger than that of the church If I the "revolt tried to "clean up" the county a few months ago and Captain Hari tf tut constabulary waa shot by a root lepgei AMPLE AUTHORITY TO DEALWITH REBELS WASHINGTON, reb JI State and district prohibition authorities have am pie a uthority under he Volstead prohibition enforcement act to deal with the "rebellion against prohibition in Iron county Mich department of Justice and Internal revenue bureau officiate said tonight In discussing the first open fiauntlng of the "dry" law to be reported to the two government agencies jointly, en rutted with enforcement of the statute Agents of ohtbitton director's office In Michigan, however, will be given full co operation of the Washington authorities it was said, although beyond advice and Instructions aa to procedure officials were nut only able to say to night Just what ateps would be taken here Attorney General Palmer was ab sent from the CHOltal and reports of ihe Influence of the father audi uot reached WUUai ine isnuenco or me laincr ereon, act! ng att ornry general. mother are devout and uplifting ISJSTJ'rySM? UNABLE TO LOCATE In these days of unaettlement and, STATE OFFICIALS LANSING.

Mich Feb There was no etate official in Lansing; tonight who could aay what action If any would be taken by atats agencleg jtion with tht reported 'pro RED DEVIL 'GRIPPE TABLETS Drivg Aches auid Paina Away Contains no acetanilide or quinine 'Grippe or cold gone ia 24 hours. Ask your druggist to supply you. It pays to have Ked Devil 'Orlppe Tablets on hand, to taka aa soon sa the Imt grippe gches appear TRUSLER REMEDY CO. Huntington, Indiana. lGenrmt Groeatwck fould not reaoh.4! up to a 1.1.

hour I At th. headquarter, of tb. stt polic It waa aald no official word of tha Incident had htan received. In tha abaenc of Colonll Roy Va.nd.r ook. head of tha eonitabularr.

other WANTED Young man, 20 to 25 years old to learn i i business goad chance for advancement; ref erence required. Address S. 1100 Journal Gazette. BUSY WEEK FOR AUTO SHOW MEN Continued from psgs 1 throughout the run of the show. In both afternoons and evenlnga.

The orchestra will bo placed on a balconr overlooking the first floor. Is Popular Event The Interest shown by all Fort Wayne In the coming show speaks well for Its popularity Not only does Interest run. high In Fort Wayne but In all this district, where auW dealers and auto ownera and all per sons Interested In things automotive art turning their eyes to Fort Wayna and are contemplating attending this city's great ei post ion. It la expected that thousands of persons will come from northern Indiana, southern Michigan and north era. and western Ohio to attend tha auto show Amplo parking apace for care will be provided for visitors, and the building leased by the automobile trade association for the show will accomodate thousands of spectators.

migj ht refuse to sign It LEGION AWARDS HONOR DIPLOMAS Continue1 frtm gaga 1. whose tribute came from sincere hearta mellowed with age and eg per Je nee Span inn American War ret era ns were present in a body, aa were the nuraei of Port Wayna. Gilpin Preside Commander Ollpln. of Pogt 47, A merles Legion, Fort Wayne, prealded through out the program In hla openlnt remark a he coin men ted In well choaen worda upon the significance of the occasion and upon the pecul pleasure that cam to the American Legion lth the lit and the hono' of dlatributlng the memorial certifies tes for France Owing to aome delay In trannmisnlon by mail, not alt the certificate arrived In time will be sent directly by mall by tha war Department the next of kin Rasd oHnor Roll Following the reading of Allen roumy goio lwis of the Bpanlah American War veternna, aqd tha sounding of taps by Charlea Phllley, there ory eye In the audl Ulnee and other overhead work aa to TTora nroDer ana inTitnmi ctesrmno i for the pasaigt of traffic in the public mernwaya, sirwu ana aiwys vn aloog and acres which the same ahall WANTED Younff nun. 20 to 25 years old to learn jobbing business od chance for advancement; ref erence required.

Address S. 1100 Journal Gazette GOVERNOR GOODRICH PAROLES SIX MEN Continued from page 1. return to Indiana Among those paroled were Ray Alexander and Carl Kemp, convicted in tha Grant county circuit court September 21, 11. of charges of petit larceny and sentenced to the farm for aix months. A condition of their paroles 1 that they pay their fines of lis each in weekly Install a from Marion and LJ.e count lea.

Its very i a .11. nity and sincerity that reflected hearta heavy with both sorrow and grnmuae The rnuele which Included th rendition of the Star Soaneled FUn ner. America, the French National wtaa of a sweelneaa never to be forgotten and was under Ihe direction of A Lea lie Jacobs and Fred Ur. bahna. One of the very, peaalng Leatures of the prngrram was' the ren tution or a nasi eolo, "Khaki Lad Toy The Invocation waa etevti TAmt Robert Little and the prayer by TRab bl AU Welniteln.

Much credit la due the am. lean Legion post for the handsome manner In which they conducted the merasea wnicn waa held throughout tho entire ITnltM. Waahlnsrtona birthday by tha Amer iwan jjg ion ior the purpose of dla trlbutlnar the PVeneh rttntm 'Mr pirrnan Soldirrs, RaUtlvea Soldier and rrlenda ii aa a singular privilege and Indeed an honor that 1 ai permitted to taka Perhaps never before In our fair naer tttetra aaseableA ao com plate a rep rnnniaiisn oi ine SOKllarB Of sarrlflca during our taU war. Perhaps never bof ore hava persons met to engage In a mora lander memorial or to Pay anbre deserved tribute, Is a glorious and memorable thtnar have met to do Te present and to receive certain French memorial diplomas by done by thoaa whose relatives and Wo feel In this particular work that ItL my JHenda, not aa the Individuals we are, not as the or an Ua tlon we MnDMa haa mor florloua capaeity America, and Prance, WhyAra wa Hervr After all, why are wa horeT Whr do we now sit with heavy hearts, aorrowrul retrjpeo tlonT have we these de.d to tt oaaeary? Was It "On tha morning of tha third day of August, nineteen hundred and fourteaa, a neaceful world ia u. sklee aflarfi its peoples stricken dornb with mingled horror and aurprlao.

Its earin torn ia auaklaig by the iron hand unromantto war It rlt the movemoett of the military pride of Im Krtal Qerngur Infantry, bayonets, ilana, magnifloent boraea, bmaces. rumbling' hewltaera. great siege guns. field pieces, cannon, moior cere, wagons, asets. uospttals.

wireless. IS YOUR CISTERN DRY? I'SSSL Sps Rub No More a i nil DmiuH nant or man er rt. rowder brraks hard water.f Dusolvet best when boiled first. aBSk? VBBB IrJssi gmgaTaa' agmg ggggfer'SaSai aBaSaleV egggl DR. MORELAHD, Specialist TION pgtKa I CURB KWney.

s.aeeer and Uriaary Teas, tlee, as burning awd pais atepged Ig heuroi Piles and Rupture cured wiUtsut aearsUeet I euee Nervous DeOllKy, yalhna Mamsrv. fc ose ef getergy ans A att ten, aUaarwineaa. aharge aethlag aewee rey nwtheaa, wwleh arw new and ug to sate. If I treat mm I will cure yes. If I cannot sura yew will not I CUR si Btaed sod Skka Dlaeaiia, seres la the Mewtn.

aere Tkmet, ftktn DiaeeteTaUeet Paliing Hair, SMaraee OUeSa. Lump, nd Tvmart I CUSt VANICOtg AND KNOT. Is man. A aerenaneng 1 i la what yes went tnta I gsaura yew If yea take siy uaatnvewit. 1 DR.

MORELAND XT titt? HOUR la 1J, 1 aMelaa, mil ftiwalava, I Paly FARMERS CHEMICAL FERTIUZER COMPANY THB F0HT WAVNI KlMOtftlrtl) Farment A. Fanner pttoMrrvv inrMa. rei eaaaa waa. aUTOatoaikt aavica tare ay llaa. eaala aamaa far aaneeuee el keuL wrtmai e1w aaWeefc aaraaae.

A aaa will eM eve. it pais ren hohii, oattlk. ixttr ans moo M0MI MONL OaU.eiaa ea aa. aiaee, EUROPE IS BADU IN NEED OF FOOD Continues from paoa 1. dent of tha chamber of commerce of the stats af Vow York.

I The Unltr.4 States has remaining from laat ear's harvest a aarplua of appeal stated. aU jItia that the profit a from the aata of sipon wheat alraWy amojunted to aWVANTEDI Good pay, (teajy work. Ft. Wayne Corrugated Paper Co. expecTearly PASSAGE OF RAILROAD MEASURE Continued from gaga t.

valop and that the Isw under which tha roads will attempt to work aui their own salvation after tba king period of federal control would be Is ths hands af tha prealdent by the middle of tha week. I Aa la always ths case wits ha portent legislation there waa wide dlacuaaloa today over the possibility of ths roe king of ths bill by presidential veto At the same tlma genersj coramlttteemeg of all ths railway labor organisations to discuss ths presidents proposal for set tlement of saga grievances. Tht dais of tha eofiforaace had na direct bearing on the plan of Bsaator Cum. minge tor calling: up the railroad of, ths conprofnlae measure. vlotatlngf all humane standards and be.

inurniuonKi vusta, mrmani drove on ails esrpeet of steal, fVsnca, bravo rranos. found hereetf defender ia a war aha Hid i.h had net anticipated end for prepered. But la the spirit of wn. lores av straigM. younr soldier, confident, gallant and strong; to meet the Invaders of her SOIL A Vtetary WerUi White.

"It was sppu ent from the first that Germany plumed a mighty empire te renrh from Bagdad to Berlin go be subserrleat te its military power alone and rearpondent lo Its wlU. As ths fnaleot stench of putrescence differs form of gnvarnmwnl rhirepe woaM ny be aatagoeilatle domtnaat la toward, but probably fatal, fcemUph "Therefoea, If we are to vindicate our their Uvea ana their all ndarda ef lowrnmint ImIm world, if we wen et show to blstary that taury were rishl, Ve wore to tecure theai to auvelves aid ts ths rest Iks world we were compelled la taka tha atop and right toeing more precious than as eur leneler aald, 'make good with eur Uvea and fortunea the great falta te which we were Nsthina lea eeuld have led this great pvoeeful natlea bits euch a Ann mm tur aove ior baa laeea aald by anma that soa for France It tvee entertained thnnsa wa owed a debt te foa ad that al tbeteem, tha fart rwanaina, that tba real rteaea aw ie war was us save our Inwtiiultotw. first ourselvws and then araas and te the world. The deb we owed her waa not enoush la KswIP to fuetXr ua In the sspendKure Of sa many Keetaua hves. Tha Caete Angels of Psoas 'With the end cams vkrtery' Met alone the vietorr ef an army or af armleat sot alone a vtetorr of people or of people but the vktory of a principle Us prineiple of rlsfct jus ttoa, fcumasltp aitd clvDiaaKkiea a vie to i by whkh, tha theory that might LEGAL NOTICES LIOAL NOT ICbT, fcertby given that rort In llana.

Ha petltnt praying that certain franchisee and r)ht bo granted unto that the toara has determined the exact form of tha ordlnaros granting such franchise, ind which said ordinance is aa folios a An Ordinance granting a Prarishiee to Fart wsyns tgd Northwestern Railway Company. Section fMK ordained, bv tha Board of Commissioners of Alien County, Indiana, that there Is hereby granted to Fort Wayna and Northwest em Railway Campany. Its grantees, successors and Htlgns, the riant, per ihimton and fa' To forevw operate and main tain iw imeruraa rauroavo auong, i en the roots upon which ths earn la now located including such track or thicks, poiea, vires, trolley wires, ransminsion nna Keieonone lines. iwitehea, turnouts, sidetracks and other efficient operation of. aald railroad aa eafflir asd ala To constrict, operate and for alntaln aa over and across the nublta streeUL allnva.

hlrriwan and other public ptsctt In said Allen Cbanty for a diatanre of five mllea on earh s'de of the ralrntt of aald Port Wayne ay company formers and othw annltavnoea and In strumentalities (or the tranamtsalon and sale of sltctrlo eurrant for light. heat and povtr tor ptablto and private Section IL rJA Ftort Wsvna and Northwentern Billway Company shall, (at Restore the atreeta. hiahwara allea and otter publlo places, on. ever, along and acroo which Its aald rail ran a nnau oe eonsnwciao arna ma tained In each manner as not to WANTED PtMALI Mi LP WAKTED Cood woman for general housework: miit un derttand cooking. Salary $10.00 to .1 5.00 per week, Fine Phone 7925.

WANTED Experienced salesladies, in all departments. Apply at OsVce. Grand Leader. 'i WANfFl Egowtenoed iady vok at Amy Jdurwal Qaaetta MIM tLLANfgut TrydUvrajit to save soma money on emokr (ui leva cleaned aut and re a in naoea, chlmneyi cleaned aut and ro aiTa. 1 14 ti "tfANTED Clstern cleaning and re pal.

ei. noaoer clean Ins Clean and avoid spring rush Alt work ranteed. W. Hlnas. phone 11 or tP WANTLaDCutema to clean pair Phone 73S red fS tt A NT B.D Everybody to use Uayton Alrlans trrea.

More miles for your money. U. S. Battery Statloa, Hot eaaartly Impalr use thereof by TUght and heavy haultng of all hinds. cross the trawlled roadway of aueh PaINTINO ans Woer treets, alleys aid highways as to per ptU)m during Decern nit tT lht I will so any plaos Is raffle ipon avrh atroets, alleya and I Oreen ftse hanging gpeetai imber and January.

lt tf county. Phone nunwari over hi a irtCH; ana nan i construct and maintain suitable end wi.7 i Q9 cistern cleaning rapno agfo approacha to all eroeotnra of said iUli railroad over ncn etreeta, suiaya anaiwi ra yn mimui on nubile hlehwan and Df Btia runway uompeny inaii paper hanging and Phonal Rlua lflM AflHRa. rubbish, light hauling, and cleaning paper. Phone not, ed ahall no set. locate.

maintain tta Boles, wrires. any poles. almmonfallllM tint nfinaamrirv 1 Harr Street 1 tPO Interfere with tha public travel on such JEWEJLRr and watcb repairins, streets, atieya ana pnoito nunwari, tro Zz ahall restore meh hlgtaways, atreets, ralnoun. alleya and puMk plaeas to their former WANTED DrMemakln and plain imy aj a. vwinf vail reo OT d.

JOI I 11 Imp doing of such work no pole, wire or feraon otner appliance or matrui i so set. located. 'SStmSS WANTffD AsKee. rubbteh and Ugbi Iil.1 1 hanHng. Phone T4If.

J. KeUy ly or unncees i i ev inn Ma anrf nn. 1 ff imp aarlly Interfere with tho free and John Harkenrlier. MM blue auch streets lUera. public high way a WANTED Men to our uncalled and other nuNla nlaoea.

and all euob suite and overconta Reaaonabla A. poles, wires, nj polos and guy wires Moll The Tatloe tf WANTE1V Ashes and llrht haullnar. LEGAL NOTICES and located under the i direction of the publto inn chares of the streets, alien, aublle Marhwaya and I publl placea where tho same may bo I situated. I Section Hl gald Tort MVayna and Je a Nnrthwenters Railway Company ahall I LCQAL NOTTCa, Indemnify tha aid Board of Commia slonem of Allen County and any other Rtate of Ind1ana, Allen County, act municipal eorperatlon wherein any of Wayne Machinery Company, aaia insirumenuuiueo mar against, and ave them and each of them harmlesi from, all liability en account of any injury to person or prop ertv occaatoted by reason, or on ao maintenance ef aald i oaTroad or any 9 Court, by the affidavit of 1 rP hyaSrsaSl attXadaafva? l2l mtbllc hlahwaVi neither nobllc olacea eh CwTPB.y. reaideat of 'Section rv flald Port Wayna and Northwestern Sailway Company ahall efftnanJ within ten 4e aft the final adoption Lm of thio ordinaMs file with the Auditor JJJJ SZ SLTS1 ln of Allea County.

Indiana. Its written JJ Sf'S" Jorm7 acceptance thnwof wh reupon aald lffi "i Company, Ita pantees, successors and gij he h.j.rt ar aid Compear t. N.Si a feto riYi that aald1" th tha onnald ired br said Board at nine April, ltM. and 'clock in the forenoon of the lath day of March, UH, at wrilch time a pub Ho set my haad ud af Hxed the seal of said Board, ais tlat day of February, li0 8eal) ANQT78 MCOT, Auditor of Allen Countv. Indiana APPOINTMINT Of AOMINISTRA.

tT0rt. Notice It hertby grlvon that tha vn deratmiad hat been appointed admlnle trator of tht laat will and teatamsnt or Karpn mner, late ox aims county. maiaria, irrun. i posed to be HlrenL Indiana, deemed. Said estate la eup EPWARD SCrTFaTUM AN.I Administrator ADMINItTBA.

Not lee ts karaby grlvea that the aa aersigneu torn oees etc, the wUI be heard and KENT BWTOT. COLKRICK A ROQAN, determined In ita abnenea ftlJ Attaut: Clark. Attorneys. for Plaintiff APPOINTMENT Of ADMINIgTftA TOR. Notice Is hereby given that ths deraruroed has been aooointad admlnia.

trator of tha hurt will sad testament of aaratarnewt. imia oi auen ooun ty, Indiana, deosased. Said estate It aupooaad to be eohrenL ALBBHT H. XJLCBNER, R. K.

peters, Atty, Administrator APOINTMKNT. OP ADMINgTPlA TOR WITH WILL ANNIXCO. Notice Is hereby gtven that Jte trator of the last ma Hurt Will and Testament dlana. deceased Bald mait lata of AUenCoun ta ty, Indiana, dweased. Bald eeUte is supposed to solvent.

naiuiEHi Bane, Atty, that the an. deralsiiad haa beaa aoDotntad anecntiis of the last win and testament of Brld Jet P. Prteeoll, lata of Allen county, ndiaaa, deoautd. Bald aetata la sup prssd is be solvent IfAROARlST VJ. IKXmCOhU Sommera 4 Keaaork.

Attya. aAgTAVaTi LAIBE, derslg ned has beaa appointed exeoutrli of the mat ad teatamsnt of Michael Kinder, late of Allw mmrIi Indiana, deceased. Said aetata la sup Hayes, Atty. principles of democracy Why? man Its aaaoa unoe tbaae sated virtues has sua seeurely founded. How glad the Beat speedily around tho earth It flew Ezdtemeat drove away our suspense.

Ana Uiere, oeaiemng ai mum aaaieauiur susDesaa. ina eloai of battle lined. Bus so lot now in i daily Ubor Thla aft popplaa blow between tha Flanders fields tween tha rrnaa Or else their tombs Angels of pew to comfort ths Tha Tribute ntf grraaes. wPYenra hnowa that the magnlnoeat material aehUvtments ad oar partlolps ttoa In the sould never be without tho espendltan of llvoa sad fortunea that ths victorious eonelunloa ef hee suffering wai uite Inapoaeible without tho sacrifice you laid upon that aKar of principle la the form of tha dead whom wa have met thla afternoon te reverence, la token of her recognition of those fasts, and aa aa attempt ts eapreas her fratltude for this eervlee, she aenda yea these oartlflcataa. May they bo sdlf revolved aad kmg pro served Tat ae diploma, however beautiful; ae Material tnosument, how aver long it nay saedure the changing ieanaortalise them, IThey did that shea, as Urmia aald.

they gave thai 'lent frail suuure oeT devetlos far bo yoad ourpottr ta svdd or aWtracL yoad through Mlnajng tears you read tha aorrewiui rapon, juat tne siwn awiicia. pntiricatroa, all too brief, suite Inad TKa Ireva Whs Died. Mieh hllndinr tears you I wful report, Juat tho short official on, an too oner, suiie inas In aalt laar hours af their bwtaT algkla yea were aids by aids sad I heir haealni tkoushta mot your taoejghts ef ikem. Their ooag aManaaae etas your sugenaa, Tbalr monotony of camp routtni gaa yeor sorensra. Their battlas wen your bait lea.

end la your mind you urged with thaw attack. Hut now theVreiem tvo more ts gulnsle with laeiy aughtrisr eoanradea. They lewhere toi the bosoni af Pranoa. thler aravea could claim tfn bodies of these mea than there, where they fought and died. Only the anggts keep them fompaay.

Ha was flesh of rear flesh. His heart ana formed one and now one lo among ths They went te their deeds and lert wou to reur inournu ana in thatir ptaees aerrioa flags. Uraad little flags olsm I can i them aowbsra In the cottage, there the auutaion, tne same. a ine wuwowa, just 'Pray thai their toes may be the i worthy by making us mere united rui more atsadfani in braver ta defend It la our national spirit. abroad aad well ir nlng, but unsound.

frtonda at heme; atronser ta endure tha tea turn or reoonsirucuos. jr nn mourn these dad, It ba with i prood thankagiviaff for tkalr opportunity, and giro All praise for ths daring Qod whs ild dare ike grave, He laid an vault Ts challenge disaster asd die for tba truth. What rreater gift aaa las high Ood give Thaa ths sower te die that (he truth Mfaaaaa aial eBiat aa thsas lofty aeatlnels of heaven, that aj tt Is hour atands watch above thoaa sold ssyjuma of the rUab tbay that were aa segjinnmg sng wiu nruini wnea we are gust eon gave. WANTED OIRLS WANTED PERFECTION BISCUIT COMPANY WA Two Salesladies FOR REGULAR POSITION FIVE EXTRA GIRLS FORSATURDAY Apply at F. W.

Woolworth 5e 8c 10c STORE WANTED A youna Ia3y lo yeari old or over, tor mailing: department; need not be experienced in of fice work. Address 3. 982 Journal Gazette. ANflili LaJy caahlar at T.aiali wii in t.ipiii li GIRLS We hava a few steady positions open for young it ysars of are er oioer 10 learn oooKOinaing All City ears paai within half block of our building without inconvenience of transferring Agreeable, clean work a hours per weak, with half holiday Saturday Pays up to lit per week after experience. Cas also use a few young ladles who can work one halt day each day Port Wayne Printing oompaay, half block west of Cal houn on Washington Wvd 1 1 tf UANTLlS Ten demonatrators to begin wor jaarcn aat.

apply any aay Between 11 and 11. Tho Whan Store WANTED A lady elevator operator at onomii VHliaiing. KMll rOOTO 9X9, eTK" rlneer ft eworfer Phone red WANTRD airl for ganeral bouaawork two In family, no washlna or irontni Phone Rg or Tit. lt "WAN TED Lair nfrlcA i sort nnisnad garments, answer tale phone, eta, Troy Dry. Cleaning Cora vsehlngtor.

Rt tf Iry Ca i tf VANTED 43 rli Oanatml Klnctrla Co. Broadway tf VANTEl Baltaa WAVTKD CIrl for'rsnaral houaeworT rot Pomrlaa ave Phone 100 1 lt tf WANTED Maniourlat. Anthony Hotel easy collect toeia. No experience parson to ar 1 11 a. m.

to day WANTECWDrossmakers. sewing girls talloress surd ladles tailor at once. sir, Brrry rat rTione ilia i ii 49 Madison Bt. phone 1474 i reauirf Permanent nosltfoa CaU 0I W. Third.

Phone ifol hlu ral houaework Good boms for reen 1WI ll jirla. Eagle Laundry Company, WANTED MALBMItav rvw Til W45flli' MEM MOW! Several good poiitlon. ai jao Umnen and conductor ara opeaJ If you want a iteady good iif Job and can meaaura up tol our auAlificitionfl wa want to ieafv an. Wa want men of Bood noraf cliaracter who are physically who can read, writs and ipeaa Aa English languages who arel citizens of this country and who! re between the aaea of 2 1 and 45 years. If you can qualify all at once at our Holman'" itreet car barns.

Apply to AJ Beamer. Supt. Gtjr Lines, Trac tion Company. PERFECTION BISCUIT COMPANY wants able bodied men, 20 to 35 years old. Apply at Pearl and Webster Street.

orporation two ANTklJBv lararo mgnt young men to learn baalnesa. rood salary to start excellent ehance' rnr sdraneement. Address postorTIre fANTr Colored waltera. Oriental eara fix uaineun Bt '1 tC .11. tool athe, floor and general foundry ard Supply Marten, Ind.

I VKSTh.tJL barber. Miller A Cox ee sw MBrae, o. nunungtoo, ins. Jnuat Lrtrtheran rTonpltal. pho an with ford a tag Joqrnai.Qasette WaNTEJO Lathe, floor and iaerat maenirrista, tool maaera pattens makers, flior and bench mould and blackarnttha Marlon ilachlna Foundry aV Supply Co Marlon, A B.

Thee Tlor. ltlt Calhoun 8t Best oagaa Footer Walat g'actory air m. coiumoism. WANTCfr eVWoman to do aaneral noueecieanina rriene nn ome ri WANTED Mlddle aaed ladv for house work pg washing, Fhona 7S4S bhit WANTED 43irls to learn telephone st eratlngi grood wages, steady werg pay while laaralng, excellent oppor unities for onergetle, ambitious glrla. Tha Homa Telephone Talegrapri Main and Clinton streets.

ll WXMlKb EpericncaTtyi incxpcrtcnccu unwci ihb, nice clean work. Apply Fort Wayne Prinbog Ca "tWJcl Writs or call Stratford ear. Hanttnston, inq iiir WAN TED Young jay to" work In downtown paalnesa aietrlota only, so ezperienie WAWTEI CirU for light work. Good pay. Craig Biscuit Co.

MRS HOUSEXJLaBANEK. don't yea, know the Chase Cleaning: OorporaUoe eaa make ttaoae girtr wtnaow aha artists la tso efeanlnaT ot both domes. tie ana oriental rug a 7 mono mi 1H Wavne Bt lnw manuracuirars, good hpnast man lass aad Ohio, gellins dlreet ta eoa suater Our average mea are draw ing ids oa a weea, none out men who are willing to work aaed applr Call er writs field saasager Moora, 1SI K. Barry Vor( Waraa, iALfcflUN Umrrlei man to aaU ani it InsJrsaos ta elty. atglarr and alaaloa.

Advaaoemost to pre EJItf roaimusloa. Advaaoemost au era PTftowe hit It years of age. 1 log to ll.Oat firs fear Eaporyenee beneficial, out sot essential. S. Uaoola Ufa rUdi ang vininUv for laser sow standard equipmaat iu theuaaads ad tha largest eoaeerns la tha eauntry.

Applltsaat must she auoaaseful sates reoors la sows si grsda Un and he able to rural Add Mercaasc tawuMtl Usohlaa Indiana JftrancB, I.I Woudaaa, eaiarlaaoe end refereaeesa AOdrau iSSa. Jaeirttal aaaetta It Tt ATKfV RetaUwall papar aelwauui iati gi gs au. wsaaiaaios sv i Require the services of an experienced window wajKerJ Apply Superintendent. Helpers wantei AppiratnctunS Buperlop atreet. WANTED Iratilaaa dlaniak (orf trolt oomarn.

Wondarful tlea: aiood per. Addraaa. Join irj Htrtwt. ST W. A i.i CANTED Men II up.

Ballaar 11,1 Onneivsa lilt Bonn. Ua aiB. Raeaa.1.. rrw vi mrcn 4V WANTED Ja.Ho Bafcgry A ED ExperitnceM nva. Panl.

I dry Company. VANtliD ruM. Barber Calan. atrlntlv nuijM aloje rree. ill S.

Slate Rt Oiloi BHOB POlJAkEH aaU4 In tWelaeK make money, Xajndajr A ki ueonier. inq 3 li WANTED A dHar (or VWJ Inquire Lawta WANTED Oooe, all reuna plokWif ateadi. leb rear round If Addreaa C. V. nk i.i""' jJ ITHIS) sax.

account will put your feet on the tth to wealtn anJ a I ness. Invetigate." uincoin fMational Hank. WANTED LxDerttiweJ winders. Dudlo Mfg. Co.

ft SpsiTlONS, A darlna nan time Lat.K,!,'5.."'"Siri: Addr WAHTfctU V.lM. u. gl WlNTKn 'plableaVntCl II.

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