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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 13

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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tn TUESDAY MORNINQ, FEBRUARY 1J, U17. THE FORT WAYNEWURNAWSAZETTE IS The 1917 MODELS IN ALL THEIR BEAUTYAND SPLENDOR AUTO SHOW Concordia Colic gc Gymna'sium February 13lh to 17th I i AUTOPLANE DESIGNED TO RUN ON THE GROUND AND FLY IN THE AIR I THE BUTOPLANEt WITH REfZ ADMRfH. BRRpltY PgKg. CETggp TESTS CADILLAC EIGHT CALLS IT MASTERPIECE Dean of Engineering Colfege Tells of Results in Demonstrations Before Students. "Trom an mgtneerlnir rtandpolnt, the Cadlllae Flsht la a masterpiece sal a Mechanical and Electrical Knttlneerlnir of Kentucky State unlversltr, nfter testing and demonstrating the car before the siunems The car waa loaned to the rollers.

Trof Anderson i eiutst, out of the took of the Islington Cncltllno company at Lexington. Ky At the con clusion of hie teata Prof Anderaon wrote to the company, saying From an engineering standpoint, thla car la a masterpiece, and are were a lit lie aurprlaed when It ran with no vibration at fUtv elght mllea per hour, which Waa th highest we ran It. "Although thla car waa not tuned up for the teat, It pulled 650 pounds at forty eight mllea ai hour, developing 70 4 hoYae power. We will ear that alnce the Installs tlon of our teatlna; plaat, thla la the only car that ha ever been able to keep It aelf cool under a high apeeif tut our uaual nractlce being to control the radla. tor with auxiliary water connection, which you underatand la to compensate, for that part of the cooling due to wind age on the road a spilt radiator, Very badly bent frame, and the head lampa and fender were eomewhat marred While the Ford es.

I caped with a sllghtlv hent frame al.J cracked body and fendera We were given the work nf fixing lip the damaged Packard, the front end of the frame of which were bent to the left ao far that the atartlng crank would not engage with the crunk haft by an Inch and a half We looked about for aome thing aolid to jack agalnet, but found nothing better than the brick walls of the building ltaelf The walla were twenty five feet apart, ao we put a txt I inch timber from the frame of the car i to the wall on the right aid and a screw 1 'Jtck and blocking from the frame cf the car to the other vtaJI On the left sMe of the We used blocking between the nd of the frame, ao that when we I packed against the frame both enda of i I the frame straightened up at once lly a I number of applications of the acrew Jack 1 land the necessary shifting of the tackle we were able to get the kink and twist out of this frame without removlnr the tweiv4 Hndr engine from the can which, needleaa to aay, would be aomaiSLtf Job The owner, at first, waa much con 1 terneu, aa lie mougni no wouiu nave go the expense of having the engine removed to straighten the frame, but. thanks to oifr conveniently located walla we accomplished the work to hie com plete satisfaction without that extra lienae. STRAIGHTENING AJ3ENT FRAME Some little time ago. In our city, a I knocked It about fifty feet along the pavement ana up over ine curn anu sidewalk into a. yard.

The 1 ackard suffered (Photo by American Press Association York city I the autoplane, a unique combination of an automobile and an aeroplane a veritable limousine," which will not only run over the giuund at approximately forty. rive mllea per hour but will leave the surface of the earth and fly away like the magic char lots of old Entirely different In Its contraction frbm any aeroplane heretofore produced, this litest creation of Olenn II Curtlas' brain is decidedly a step In advance The main body of thla string craft, for It can hardly be classed as a atock aeroplane, bears a marked resemblance to an automobile but It la fitted with three wings which are attached Just back of the side doors which allow entrance to the Interior These wings vary in Ire, the largest being at the top and the smallest at the bottom The machine rests on four wheels, the two front ones being capable of being turned In the same manner as those on a motorcar The Interior resemtles very much a I lodern sedan or small Umoualne The control mechanism conveniently located In front of the single pilots seat. In cludes all the rudder, aileron and lur controls usually found In an aeroplane aa well aa set of Instruments or iwordlmr speeds elevations, angles ana omer aata or interesc to tne aviator lust back of the pilot a scar are two pas senger seals The machine powerful with an eight cylinder 100 horsepower motor, which in drive the autoplane at a maximum speed ofslxty flve miles per hour through the Tim wing sprnad Is forty fc.t The length fcver all In twenty se'en feet ami 'vertical height 1. slightly over riS.K" 'how. "ear AdmlralUrad 'ey A Flake retired and autoplane ff Believing that the Cadillac meets their ideals of all that a motor car lls 2fgll should be, is it not perfectly logical iPfPIIP that the Cadillac should enjoy a larger HHHl ownership than any other truly high 111P gl grade car in the world) Willis 11 Sfeinhart Randall Auto Co.

122 West Jefferson Street llllll sip mi TO First Time That Trip Was Ever Made by a Motor Car. From Vancouver to Winnipeg waa the feat accomplished for the first time by motor car v. hen II White of the I former city, recently made tne trip ana won the gold trophy offered by the Vancouver Automobile club The car In v.hiih Air, White achieved thla record was a Cadillac lie was ac companied by his wife and daughter 1 lie luiai Himailc inivcinu wnq inlles Of which 1 005 between an I ouver and Calgary, was made In (4Va hours actual rui nlng time nearly 1 miles an hour, an uniuually good record In view of the road conditions Shortly after leaving Seattle, oil the road between Klrkland ferry (on the eaat nlde of Lake Washington) and Rnoqual mle Falls, they attained an altitude of feet above sea level, negotiating the climb In one hour and forty five minutes without a change of gear This feat la made all the mere remarkable when it Is considered that the teur lata were towing a trailer which waa a eritable house on wheels comprising two bedrooms with full slsed beds a cllnlng room and a kitchen hlle the roads were fair on the average, there were stretches that severely tested even the Staunchness of the Cadillac, Toward the end of their Journey the roada were particularly bad, entire dla tilcts having expeilenced the wettest neason within the memory of the oldest Inhabitant At one point, for Instance, they encountered a washout which had entirely removed all traces of two brldgea, and it was only by the couresy of a freight train conductor, who gave them permission to travel for vwo miles on the tracks, that they were able to continue their Journey, HUNTERTOWN NEWS HUNTEnTOWN. Feb 11 Mrs Jane Feckler, of California, and Mrs Davis, of flouth Dakota, are visiting Mrs, W. IIsm Mrs Sheldon Parker, who haa been ery ill, is some better and Is able to kit up a little Hoi.

Oder has purchased the Barrett farm and ei peels to erect a new house as soon as possible to lake the place of the one that burned recently. Mrs Will Bolton, of Kendallvllle, was Milting In the home of "Mr and Mrs Herman Hatch last Thursday Mrs Perry Rlnehold went Sunday to Visit Mrs Naomi Warcup of Fort Wayne, who has been sick with a very bad cold Carlton Hatch moved his household goods to Fort Wayne last Friday Pan Btlner, manager of the Hunter town drain company, left Sunday evening for Chicago to attend the cement show and lumber dealers' convention. Miss Louise Baylor has submitted to an operation for the removal of her ton Mr and Mrs. U. punten, Fredona and Jean Punten visited In the horn of Mr and Mrs Mllo tSloffer Sunday, Friends and relatives have received announcement of the marriage of Miss Beatrice Fitch, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.

Htch She will reside in California. Rev Steele commenced his revival Meetings nt the Huntertown II It church Sunday evening deny Fogel expects to move to Avtlla In a abort Leo Sunday school won the most Polatg la the Oaf contest Sunday, 3 1 Extra Features 8 New Body Styles Built by John W. Bate Mitchell eto 1460 or 7 psUtttMiger HIi It 127 Inch Tor Mitchell Junior Some Notable Results 100vOver Strength 24 Added Luxury 20 Extra Value 31 Unique Features Here are some of the chief results of Bate efficiency methods. They mean more than economy, you see. They mean an ideal car.

31 Extra Features Kvery machine there are more than 2 000 vol do slgned for Bavins seconds Here we employ eVery method known for eliminating waste Since the Mitchell was standardized since the present typo was adopted our factory cost has been cut In two No other factory In the world, aa per our best Information could build a like car at anywhere near oflr coat. Wo claim that In these ways the Mitchell offers 20 per cent, extra value Much more as compared wi'h some cars See If you agjree If you do, you will want these results ot efficiency Mitchell Models The Mitchell is built with eight styles of bodies Touring Car 4 Pass. Cabriolet Roadster Convertible Sedan Coupe Demountable Top Limousine Club Roadster MITCHELL JUNIOR Is built with Touring Car and Roadster bodies only. Quoted prices, of course, apply only to open models. And this year we ernoody 31 extra features That Is, com furtH conveniences and economies which are generally omitted No car at aiy price, we think, embodies more than four They Include a power tire pump, reversible headlights, a new type gear shift, 'a, ball, beating steering gear, an engine primer at driver's hand.

There Is a light In the ton neau, a locked compartment In front, a tool box under hood, lou will see. tl such extras MITCHELL MOTORS COMPANY. Inc. Kaclne, Wis, 17. S.

A See These Models at Our Salesrooms During Auto Show Week The Auto Supply Co. Distributors J. A. BREWER, Sale Manager, 119 123W. Washington Blvd.

IgsMasMsilMsBtMsaSaMsgaaslMslSaailaillI Phenomenal Pulling Power Proved In Hill Climbing Hill climbing: is the test of all tests for pulling power. Because of that, and because of what it has done, wc emphasize the high gear hill climbing ability of the Hup mobile Perfected Four. Iw nas made good on the hardest hills in the country. Its latest achievement was the climb of Fort George Hill, New York, on high gear under the official observance and sanction of the American Automobile Association. It reached the top at a speed of 15 miles per hour.

It was stock and standard in every detail. Indeed, it was the United America Hupmobile now making its 20,000 mile tour to the capitals of all the states, with an excess load of baggage, motion picture equipment, etc. Yet this test was oaly confirmation of what the car has done elsewhere. On Corey Hill, in Boston, where no multi cylinder car will compete with it; Tam O' Shanter, in Philadelphia; Hospital Hill, in Kansas City; Coon Hollow Hill, in Seattle; (Lad so on. This remarkable hill cfimbing ability evidences phenomenal pulling power.

With four cylinders, Hupmobile engineers have pchieved more than you get in many can with more cylinders. This motor has the power capacity of a racing motor. But, instead of UMng this power for excessive speed, ltis translated into pulling power. That is why the Hupmobile performs in the way ususOly associated with 80 liorsepower. We should like to demonstrate the Hupmobile for you, particularly now, while the Show is on, and you have the chance of seeing how they all perform.

Frf pmtnentor Tourlnt Car, HISS, Rodttmi, $USS Srn panfrr Touring Car, HMO, rmr Round Touruig Car $1US, Coup HST0, FJre.paM,ic'M' Stdtn. $I73S. froMf Dmlmt Randall Aula Sales Corp. 1030 Calhoun St Phtne 402 I Hnplimoki le 1 HsaaaBMSsaSaSSBgSakHaaPaaSaiM'l HI This Is the Chalmers 5 Passenger 6 30 Needless to ask you what price yon want to pay (or this attractive car. You very much prefer the present price, $1090.

For beginning March 1. the price will be $1250. $160 is a good saving certainly enough to make any man accelerate his purchase on such an attractive value as the Chalmers. Well balanced. Easy to.

drive. Easy on tires. Economical of gasoline and oil. Big. Comfortable.

Roomy. Sound. Good from end to end. On the 2 passenger roadster there is a saving of $180. The present price, $1070, becomes $1250 on March 1.

Present Prices suMsierT.trtii $1090 7 MiMoter Sseaa S1S5 Re.s.tar 1070 UsmbiIm ZS50 Tewu( I3S0 7 Tews Car Hit AllrTUaf.s.s.DebNil KS li.2 Welt Washington Boulevard. C. H. LINES (Formerly Chalmers Sales Co.) Telephone 734 mSPsffiQtlllllKTSRNIillHlHlllPIIMIIMIIIsRMNK I cPS.

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