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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 3

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUBSDAY MORNINS, JUUV 1, W17. THE FORT WAYNE JOURNAL GAZETTE, cra i SUMMER Tourist Tickets at Low Round Trip Fares Daily to New York, Boston, Atlantic Gty and other Resorts in the j. East, direct or Washington Pennsylvania Lines alto to Resorts in North Michigan, Wisconsin and the Northwest, Colorado and the West liberal Stoporers and Return limits CULmmlTtAfnttrfrmbntrd4nm KlUSALt CHICAGO 111. TS Alt Available Space Engaged in Wall Street Additions of the General Electric Co. The General Electric works announce that practically all of the floor pace of the new buildings has be'en assigned departments which will be Installed as soon as they are com pleted.

The building at the southeast corner of the plant will be known as bulldlrg No 12 The basement of this Is occupied by the tinsmith department, under Foreman A Blckel The first floor Is assigned to the Ice machine department under Clark Orr The second and third floors have been assigned to Foreman Thlele and will house the pattern shop The large new building between Wall street and the Pennsylvania tracks Is known as building No 26 The base nient of this building will house the power plant which will supply jower to buildings No 28 and Is The base rrent will also furnish much needed storage space for castings wire etc The first floor has been especially designed for a punch press department, which will be In charge of Bchwartzkopf The second and third floors are assigned to the transformer department In charge of Foreman Walburn On the third floor Is also an automatic screw machine department, which will take care of work of this class for the departments West of Broadway, more especially the meter department The fourth floor Is assigned to the electric transmission and rock drill departments while the fiftii floor contains a finely equipped hlns shop consisting of three departments The tool making department, Foreman Evans the special machine department Foreman Echafer tiacker and the apprentice department. Foreman Ray Doyle This floor also contains the apprentice schools under mp MAim snif inni li AUita aiuuu ncnaniii MW tlulaofwt BKMtabada.4 tboaciMleaMalal tofc Sm Mobua pla of ImTfm.iw with work lias. Ilio.Doobl. BtrnrhllOO MOHf I flDL WrIU totar Br.B 0 eutJi1 C. Otty.M the direction of 3 ttockett.

The large building opposite building No 28 will be known as building No 1 This building will be used for the production of meters Induction motors and belted type alternators The two top floors have been assigned to the meter department, while the other three floors will be used for the manufacture of motors and alternators. Induction motors will be a new line for the Fort Wayne factory and premises to be one of our best lines In the near future Building No 11 Is located between building No It and building No 20 and furnishes annealing facilities of the most up to date type for the plant west of Broadway The new building to the west of building No 26 will be designated as building Mo 28, and will serve as a storage plant for transll oil which la used In large quantities In connection with our transformer business This building will also furnish room for the chemical and material testing labora tories under the direction of Material Engineer George Stouder 1 LOANS $5.00 TO $100 when you want It. No occasion to go without the money you need at. the terms we. offer Ttepayment arranged to suit your convenience 110 00 for 1 month costs 350.

Other amounts same ratio Private and courteous attention at all times. Established 1895 If you own furniture a piano or like chattels, or haye steady employment, wa advance you money on your own, note TO AID BOWSER MILITARY CLUB The Volunteer Fire department of the Wayne Knitting mills has received a large number of pickets from the Bowser Military club which they will sell to employes of the mills The Bowser social which will take place on August 9 promises to be one of the largest ever held In this city on ao count fthe co operation which Is being extended the project by all industrial organizations BADLY INJURES HAND IN SAWMILL ACCIDENT Mouthe. a box maker at. the Wayne Knitting mills received pain painful Injuries while at work over the saw mill yesterday morning The nature of the work makes the placement of guards over the saw wheel cut the thumb and the first and Impracticable and the unguarded blade third finger He was given medical attention Immediately and an attempt Is being made to save the fingers FIREMtNT T0TAKE ANNUAL EXAMINATION About three hundred firemen of the Pennsylvania company will take th annual machinery and air brake exam nations this week Assistant Road Foreman of Engines E. Morey will be In charge of the work The mechanism of engine construction and op eratlon and the expert use of the air brakes will be explained to the trainmen in the assembly room of the second floor of the Pennsylvania sta Hon motorcycle which he was riding, into the curbing la order to avoid colli.

slot) with a blcrols The accident oc HOrwrirth cornerof StTMary's ave nue ana van BUren street at 10 o'clock Sunday morning Mr Olus senkamps son Ralph! was with htm at the time of the accident, but escaped Uninjured The Injured man called upon his shopmMes yesterday, and expressed the bops that he I would soon be able to be at work again. TO CHANO.E TICKET AQENT8 The andltors for tho'wabash company will arrive hers soma time to day, and will start Immediately to check out O. Earers. and to check In WruniarUwA.aewnIrht. agent, to take the place of Braungart, has not been announced as yet.

Mr Eggers wjlj assume his new duties at the Bowser plant Wednesday. J. J. WOODS ON VACATION Mr and Mrs Woods left last evening on an extensive tour to Denver, Bait Lake, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other points This trip will "be the first Mr Woods has taken since he resumed the responsibilities at the General Electric works They expect to be gone for three months or more. PENNSYLVANIA OFFICIAL HERE Resident Vice president R.

McCarthy of the Pennsylvania, passed through this city last evening en his way to Walloon lake, where he and his family will spend the greater part of the summer EFFICIENCY CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Wayne Knit Efficiency club held a special meeting at the club rooms last evening Although scheduled meetings have been abolished during the summer months qpeclal meetings are called whenever the need were acted upon at the meeting last evening Assignments of topics for future talks were made to all members and other plans for the future were gone over BMi sBfi immmmmmmmmammm BROTHER TO LEAVE FOR FRANCE Fowler division storekeeper for the Pennsylvania, baft returned from a visit to Pittsburgh where he went to visit his brother who Is about to leave for France TO INSTALL VACUUM CLEANER T' Wayne Knitting mills Is examining the merits of a number of stationary vacuum cleaners this week. A machine suitable to the needs of the 1 Indiana Loan Co, I I 211.212 8H0AFF BUILDING I I Second Floor, Phone 995. 1 IgLECTRlC CURRENT SUPPLIED FOR ALL PURPOSES. Liutii; ncjvii ruwtK It i fiFAJr FORT AkVv WAYNE mj Oj? NORTHERN Tli1 INDIANA rl i lO SSSBSSS1 I II 1025, Calhoun Street FINDS BOY ON ROAD IN DAZED CONDITION II employe of the Wayne Knitting mills reports an unusual Hn cldent that occurred on his trip to Trl Lake Sunday He states that while driving about six miles on this side of the lake he was startled to find a young farmer boy lying In the road. He hastily stopped nls machine and extricated the boy from the bicycle which wss lying across him All attempts to revive, the boy to consciousness proved In vain, no Mr Wehr placed htm In his machine and drove to the nearest farm house He was Identified as Carl Ruby, residing about five miles from the scene ft the accident Although somewhat sjfirjved the lad was unable to tell wMxher he had been hit by a machine fallen from his wheen, or had been merely overcome by tne heat? Mr Wehr reports that than his unconscious condition the boy was uninjured arid the wheel too was unscathed.

Maohlnlst Gluetenksmp Injured Machinist Fred Glussenkamp em ployed In the wheel department of the Pennsylvania shops sustained a fractured arm when he turned the Remove the Roots Of Superfluous Hair (Entirely New Method) THIEME BROTHERS ON VACATION Thleme, who motored to Chicago with his family will arrive In tlU city some time to day Thleme is spending his vacation at Ashbvry park and other places In that vicinity He will return aa soon as the hot spell abates KRAMER ON VACATION Knitter Foreman Kramer of the Wayne Knitting mills Is taking a well earned vacation "somewhere In Michigan this week The entire time will be spent In fishing 6CHIMEL INJURE8 FOOT Schlmel employed In the labor gang of the Pennsylvania erecting shop is confined to the Lutheran hospital with Injuries revetved while at work A front end locomotive door fell upon his foot badly mashing It and bruising the ankle. To Fight Yellow FeverAtoroad dr: Jiwi ourrtRAa Bt Juan Gutteras, director of sani tation In Cuba, has been commissioned by the Rockefeller Foundation to fight yellow fever abroad, and while his destination has not been given out It Is believed he will go to the Balkans He was a member of the commission sent by the foundation last year to study and fight the disease In South American countries sylvanla oar, machine yesterday after a week's absence Boone formerly employed at the Rolling mills, has taken employment at the General Electrlo works Dynamo Assemblers Meyers and Newcoirib have resigned their posi tions In the General Electric assem bling room. The former goes to the Goodyear company and the latter has enrolled at the Bowser plant. Klots and L. Jones have re sumed their duties In the I offices after being absent on vacation trips R.

E. Kooken has returned from a visit to his parents lo Garrett and has resumed his duties In the Pennsylvania cost department. II. Trotolet has recovered from the Injury don, to his eye when a piece of flying steel entered It and has resumed his duties as machinists helper In the Pennsylvania machine shop FOR SALE Eight room home, northeast corner Wil liams and Hoagland avenue: cash or payment plan. Phone 1601.

G. H. OTIS MDGooDsCoM TO LAST DAY OF OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE IT WILL BE LONG REMEMBERED $19.95 to $39.95 Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats $11.50 $12.95 and $17.95 Women's and Misses Cloth Coats $8.75 Two Cloth Capes Left, Sold at $19.95 Color Midnight Blue $10.00 ARE YOU GOING AWAY? If You Are Why Not Take a Pair of Womensalls With You In Your Grip You will find them indispensable and save you lots of washing. And just see the com fort you will get out of them. are the only house in Fort Wayne selling SVVEET ORR MAKE When down town stop in and see demon stration on our second floor, suit department.

$17.95 Black Near Satin and Taffeta Coats $10.00. $15.00 Jersey Silk Two and One Piece Dresses Small Slses for Misses Only. Choice $6.95 Va Off on AH Women and Misses' Bathing Suits Pay the Brleelady Off of Price LAST DAY IN THE MONTH SALE IN OUR BLOUSE SHOP TO DAY TO DAY $2 98 Silk Pongee Waists, embroidered in silk sport, colors. Gt QQ Special at P0 Whiter JapiJillc, Persian, (collar, cuffs and four in hand bev (I" QQ Special at JLe)0 $2,25 White Voile Waists, deep pointed collar and cuffs of colored handkerchief JTfI linen Special tPJ olt) This waist fastens in front with, one large pearl button. Plain Colored Organdy Waists, value $3 98.

large crochet button as fastening; deep white organdy collar and cuffs, edged with heavy crochet lace, also hemstitched, colors, Nile blue. drt QQ maise and coral Special at tPsWaaO WORK IS PROGRESSING ON NEW RESERVOIR ROOF is believing!" When your own eves see the roots come out you know I th autlre hair Is gone not merely the IfriBUV UV.II. fuu Mm tlM. 4M.IT vu never return Yes, It Is really true that the new uhe lactine mtthc.l removes suDerfluou hair I completely reots and slk without the I least Injury, lea vine the skin soft. smooth, hairless lou 40" the work in a JUfy, In your own home without assistance.

It does away with numerous and exnenslva visits to the electrolysis expert. Ddss away with depilatories or shaving at rrequeol intervals, jvoimna use it ever known before Perfectly harmless odorless, non lnitatlnr Get a stlok of I pbelaetlne, follow the easy Instructions, land If not entirely satisfied the drufglst wul reruns your moneys STARKES RETURN FROM FUNERAL Oanc Foreman, Harry Starke, of the Pennsylvania blacksmith shop, ana Henry Starke of the machine shop have returned from1 Hammond where they attended the funeral or a relative who died from ptomaine poisoning ADD ANOTHER FEMALE The female cans; at the Nlckle Plate round house has been Increased by the, addition of another worker The new employe was set to work at once hauling cinders and doing other work of this sort. INDUSTRIAL N0TE8 Waterhee the champion turtle catcher of the Pennsylvania shops returned from an unusually successful hunt Sunday night. Among his catch are two mammoth turtles Caroline Beerman and Dixie Helen, of the Wayne Knitting mills have returned from their vacations Clara Rlchter. employed In the of fices of the Wayne Knitting mills, has recovered from a weeks Illness ana has resumed her duties Machinist S.

Moorehead has finished his vacation and has resumed his duties at the Wayne Knitting mills Williams local agent of the Fort Wayne Auto Supply company has re sumed his work after a two weeks vacation spent quietly at home Hausen a bouermaker at me Pennsylvania boiler shop has recov ered from in Injured arm and has resumed his work Chief Clerk rjonot is dsck at bis duties at the Pennsylvania master mechanics office, after spending two weeks In Ohio. Machinist A Hugenard Is spending this week at Crooked lake lis Is employed In the Pennsylvania sir brake gang Machinist Coleman Is back at work after spending a short time In Lima. He Is employed In the Pennsylvania air brake gang Gang; Foreman Brandt, of the Pennsylvania erecting; shop. Is back from Nashville Tenn, where he was on a Visit. Mri.

Brandt accompanied him Miss Daisy Itoheck, employed as stenographer at the Wayne Knitting mills, has reaume4 her After an absence of two weeks, during which time shs was on her vacation. Barbs, a knitter at thct 'Wayne Knitting mills, has been forced to leave his work and travel for his health. He has been tailing' in health for some time Machinist C. Bernlng, of the Pennsylvania erecting shop, has recovered from a smashed finger, reoelved while at work some tlms ago, and has resumed his duties. Sickness.

keeping Machinist W. Ohneck from his duties In the Pennsylvania machine shop John Angel, formerly employed as molders helper at the Bass foundry, U.n accepted employment In the mailing department of the Joumjal Qasette. Oans was reported absent in the Pennsylvania car machine shop. McCoy, formerly employed in the Pennsylvania erecting shop, has taken I employment In Chicago. A.

Koehl, mpMed In the 3 n. I road foreman ornoe. Has returned from a short trip to Chicago. Production Clerk 8, Cunningham will not be at work; In the small motor dej partment of the General Electrlo works this week. He spending his vacation at Niagara Fails.

1 1 Adams tZM completely recov red from bis recent Illness, and has returned to the Pennsylvania car ma hln shop. A. Hettle. was taxi sU the Psna (Continued from Psge 1 of the Santa Barbara Press In 1878 He acquired an Interest In the Los Angeles Times In 1882 and four years later organised the Times Mirror company of which he became president and general manager He was a mem ber of the Associated Press es aa gnPo tn dc etD General Harrison Gray Otis himself a veteran of two wars came of a lor: line of military and statesmanshln ancestry His grandfather was soldier of note In the Revolutionary war and the Otis stock produced James Otis Revolutionary patriot and orator, and the first Harrison Gray Otis, once noted as a senator from Massachusetts. Gen Otis was 80 years of age, his birth having occurred on a Washington county, Ohio, farm, February 10 188T Over five years of General Otis' life was spent as a olunteer soldier of the United States In 1S1 at the age of 24 he enlisted In the 12th Ohio Volun teers was promoted through all grades to a captain In 18M In that year a consolidation of rerrnents placed him In the 28rd Ohio Veteran Volunteers his colonel and captain be ing respectively Rutherford Hayes and William McKtnley Altogether Otis saw forty nine months of actual service In the Civil war was twice wounded and received seven promo tlons Including two brevets retiring with the title of major and lleuten ant colonel by brevet With the outbreak of the Spanish American war In 1898 Major Otis at the age of 61 volunteered his services to President McKlnley and was made a brigadier general of volunteers He was assigned to duty first at Camp Merlit (Cal and then to the Phllap plies where at different times, he commanded arlouB divisions of the Eight Army Corps in the campaign tor pacification tf ther native revolt.

He led a brigade In person In the assault on Caloocan and participated In the capture of Filipino capital He resigned his command In April. 1899 returning to the United States Upon his discharge he was brevetted major general for meritorious conduit In action Following: the Civil war, Otis returned to the trade of printer for which he had abnndoned school at an early age acquiring finally In 1882 a fourth Interest In the Los Angeles Times. Previously he had served for four years as foreman of the government printing office at Washington Quite early In his parser as editor and publisher of the Times for he speedily secured full control Otis came into conflict with. orgaulsed 4abor n4 thereafter until the day of his death he waged an unrelenting warfare for what he termed industrial freedom. On October 10 1914 his building and print.

Ins; plant was namlted and twenty of his workmen killed The arrests and trials which followed were matters of nation wide Interest General Otis acquired a large fortune his Interests aside from publishing being extensive, tn politics his paper ever reflected the attitude of Its editor aggressive uncompromising Republican. Otis connection wtn that psrty dating back to 1880 when he was sent from Kentucky as a delegate to the convention at vmcago which norm nated Lincoln for the presidency Aside from those mentioned Genersl Otis held numerous governmental no. sltlons at different periods of his life lis was prominent In ti.e Grand Army Of the epublio snd numerous other patrlotlo orders and a member bt the American Acsqemy or woience The bride of General Otis your manhood Miss Fllia Wetherby was nis constant associate in Journalism and literature until her death In 1904 Of the five children born to them, two daughters survlye. NOTICE. I will not oe responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Ellen Splcher, UILTjOJT SPlCHER.

1 Work on the new top to be erected over the reservoir is being pushed to the utmost capacity The supporting arches have already been put into place by the Engineering im company, and the actual placement of the roof will take place within a short time. GEORGE MARTZ LEAVES ESTATE TO CHILDREN DECATUR. Ind July 80 In his wilt executed November 18 1911 and witnessed by 8. Mbllck and French Quinn George Martz leaves his household goods and kitchen furniture to his son Orval and one ninth of the remainder of the property to each of his children, and one ninth being the share of their deceased mother, to two grandchildren, Gyneth and George Parrlsh Advancements of 81 980 to a son Charles Marts, and 2784 to a daughter Mrs Cora A. Baker, are to be deducted from their share He asks that Henry Heller serve ss guardian for the grandchildren named, and that Jesse Sutton serve as executor of the will.

The estate Is worth about 812 000 tn re 1 estate and (500 In personal property SCRIBNERSc CIGAR. A luxurious, smoke. On sale most places where cigars are sold. L. R.

Killpatrick, distributor, 816 Ginton street, phoner2583. DECATUR MILITIA BOYS ARE TO LEAVE SOON DECATUR Ind July 20. Company Indiana National guard brganized In this city, will leave soon, being a part of the guard which will be mobilised August 5 at Fort Benjamin Harbison, Instead of each unit mobilizing at the home stations From there they will go to Hattlesburg Ths local company Is In charge of Captain Dunn and Lieutenant Robert Peterson. I i Try Journal Gazette Want Ads. One cent a word.

They bring results. YOUTH NEAR CONVOY Harold Swick Slips Into Deep Water While Bathing on His Father's Farm. CONVOY, O. July SO Harold Swick. son of Mr and Mrs Swlck, of Ridge township was drowned Saturday afternoon In the stane quarry on his father's farm Kvery means was used to save his life but It was unavailing and, after working; desperately, the attempt was finally riven up HaroU and his brother, Wyler, had been working on the farm, and had gone to the quarry to cool off.

In soma manner he slipped Into ths water which was 20 feet deep He grassed at fcrts brother Wylert and pulled him Into the ater, b. he struggled away and scrambled to Ue ledge lh tody remained In the water for over an hour before It was recovered Harold was a member of ths sophomore class of the Convoy high school. He is survived by bis rarcs's, three brothers, one brother, Edwlnrle with the American ambulance corps In France, and two sisters Mr. and Mrs Charles DeCamp, of Scott, and Mr and Mrs, WU1 Freck were Sunday guests of George Lewis and family Mrs Andrew Begg, Mrs Ebon High, Mrs Ed Moore and Mrs Thomas Meads spent Friday with Mrs Will Dreasel, of Monroevllle, Mrs Jane Decker anil grsnddaughi ft ter Miss Pearl Eddy returned from 4l two weeks visit with relatives In Hud son Mich The Convoy Grays defeated the, Ed' srerton ball team nt th MfllAr balft park west of town Sunday afternoodt score 2 to 1 Miss Delia Storm Is spending the week with Mr and Mrs John Smith. at Wren Mr and Mrs Jack Smith ro rtaugh.

ter Martha, and Misses Vera Shook! and Rose Refolds to Celini Sunday and spent the day Miss Hilda Frledlev returned Saturn? day from a few days visit with friends In intsvllle, For Sale Electric Fans: M. Nussbaum Co. f3 UNDERTAKERSTJ'i i i i 1 ff KLAEHN MELCHINGl UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Fine Funeral Furnishings 221 Washington Blvd, Bast TsL 22S Metor Ambulant Getz Cahill fj UNDERTAKERS 10JI Calhoun Street Open Dsy ana Night Beth Phanaa servWat reason Res. Meter Hervle. What eaa be more of a wonder than the tiny lnfan.

Its entire being Is new and strange and glorious. (Millions of woman have used the solas did penetrating preparation, "Mothers Friend before baby Is bora. By its use tke mssoles relax naturally when baby tea ana tne ueuei tea leartns sown arrives. iervousne Regulator Co Dept. it, 7 Lamar Atlanta.

Ga, They wul send you a valuable book. "Motherhood and the free. It Is not only very Interesting, but It will make you helpful to otbera By no chance fall to get "Mother's Friend from your drossiaC It is la dispensable te ezpeetant mother sad i Is absoUtely and satlrely safe. 1 LMiusovaii Ryan Undertakers Phone 6S4S 1900 10 CALHOUN ST. Motor Amhulsw a rO IV?.

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