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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rj9 I TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Arrival md ItosMtrlnr) of Pasusa sjrsr Tralaa at Fort Wayne. KHJTH OZTOT. Wdbatk Railway. (Train ru by Chicago Tim.) jmnrank jirrw.

Uaatnlnc axfcrsas a 8 gSun Kj.wbm. I 15pu) wiMtM aVpua KxBrese.HM.....MM, AtUntle traKwonL yaut kiwi leJpin 8 8 40tm 8 Buure loom rat 8 Mam 80am Itally. All oQuallyaacapt Sunday. (hand Rapid and Indiana Railroad. (Tralnt run by Uoluinbue Time.) ArrtM.

Drpmi. Mall topm fcpm Vii 15pm 06pm Mixed I SUam 7 Otam All train dally cnsapi Sunday. Ft Wayne S.R. (Train run by OolomUuaTlino.) 83: .8 itn Ittlpm 1 Klpm mun 11 85pm 6 06pm 1 OOpm 11 jpm Sua a uupm All Wayne and Chicago R.R, I iTaina run oy uoiuiodoi Baaftrant. Arrtvt.

VtparL Mall and 1 atom 8 Kpn Van Una 8 25am Atlantlo 25pm Llxua auarn Wutwcurd. Mall and 50am Chicago Paclflo "r1 i t8 85am Prmoutli aooom. 10 00am Dally except Monday. 1 Dally other train dally assent ttunaay. fcOXXB DIFOT.

Ft. Waym, Jaelton and Saginaw R. R. (Train run by Chicago Time.) ArrUtt. Anal Mall 10 Mam 11 Warn 8 65pm 6 OOoiu AocommodaUon 8 SSom 6 jtu Ft.

Wayne. ifuncU and Cincinnati R. R. (Train run by Oolombui Time Arrivt. DmarL I lidlanapolls 10 SCOnm Cincinnati 8 ltpm 10 4m 80am 4 8pm All train dally axeepl Sunday.

JJFORT WAYNE rS3BKTlNEL. THURSDAY, paili jpenti.tcL PulMcaUon Office JVeie BmUnel BuUMng, nua to iCBBOBrBnta. Dally, 26c a month. I Weekly, 1 year, 81j00 Weekly, I moa. THE "SENTINEL" lias tbe Largest Jlona Fide Circulation of Any Daily Paper la tlie State, outside of Indian, apolls, and larger than: all the other English Dailies In the city combined.

AdTertiMrs and Others are Invited to Call at this Ofllce and Verify this Assertion. AVI 11 theriENTUim. "demon atrate" bow our laboring men would aave 825,000 by It rea trade doctrine Free trade will have as much to do with the water woiks tlon aa will the SxirriNEis questions. Delve deeper, neighbor, before you pro pountLqueetlou that are a tuueh a iays lery to you a they are to yeur readers, Koter Into the subject fully, aud avoid skirmishing around the question, cVa irttt. The SlHTlKEL has already demon strated so conclusively that the tariff increases tlio cost of water worti Uist the Qaifte lissa't undertaktii an answer.

Tha Qaztllc seems to be ildrmlshing around the edges of the tariff question, but is evidently afraid to tackle it fairly andtojuarely. It la well euoiigh. Just to Veep t'le Is I le before tbe people, for the Korl ay ae KriTum, to talk of protective larim.aod llie evil Imposed upon the people at by a levy of Indirect taxis, and to demand that there shall be leforiu In I hi aeclee ol class legislation, but before the transcendent laaueof a oeulrallEcd fov rument with states destroyed, suit the whole power vested ma few at Waaulug loo.lhe former queedon tlnks, In. slKiilAonpoa, before, the lalter. CWumWa illy totLt 1 I The Poetii partly right and jurtly wrong.

The republican lot to build up a centralized government over the ruins of free stales raise an issue of transcendant and vital importance. But the J'oit certainly underrates the tariff question when it pronounce it "insignificant" in comparison with any issue. It is a initter of the utmost importance, and it is the duty of the press to ceaselessly agi tate it until tbe country is roused to action. By the way, how would "Free States, Free Election and Free Trade" So hi a democratic platform io 1830? just what 'It likfetjlor her to VTO AAie ivjuiaiuu aa an euguiccr auu a scientist is at eUke and bo enn't afford to jeOpardizo it, by permitting the city, on his advice, to use water which, will be unsaleable or tbe supply of which is uncertain watte money on to buildut costljr and useless reservoir?) tgfJo sny other unwise or foolish thing, ftr. (Jootf can't afford to be bulldozed by the clamor of a handful of noisy individuals with personal ends to (rain.

If our works are a failure financially, if th water is unserviceable or Insufficient in quantity, if the runuit expenses are unduly heavy, Mr. Cook will be held responsible. The lime will come, if the rule or ruin party carries the day, when the men who are trying to deceive and mislead ourpcoplc will he buried under art avslniice of public contempt, and if air. Cook yields to their 'dictates he will go down with the crowd. Mr.

Cook, like jEtxz L. Wltuiire, is on record in the strongest powtbte terms in favor of the use of water power. 1 his lias been denied, out tbe following extract from his report to the Peru water works board is uon elu sive 1 do not oonalder it uiy dul) (odiscuHS or attempt Io polat.oul the teoeral ben eflU which bilglit lM expected td' IBlire lorourcllr bv reaalrlna t.e feedar dam. and the eonaeqluint Jrnhanouicutof your manufacturing Interests; but In so tar aa It may ba rogurded aa an, mijquoi, your eoniempuu an wr worn, it la rf nuuuy a Question for candid confederation. It would auord an excelleat ubatdlug raaar voir, which would greatly focllltato the preclpltoUon of ausjiended Imparftlealn tlie water; It would aid In tho construction and operation of altering chambers; It would obviate to great extcut the variable altitude of valer in the pump well, which would otherwise result from alternating stages of water In the river, Aud It would furnieh an ordinarily reliable hydraullo powea wlilcli could be utilised In propelling your regular pumping ina eblnevy, at a uofl not exceeding pi percent of tiis coal of operating tha moat eoftnoial calateain puiuplugeugine.

The coat of pumping hy water power sbould not Uh ceedlcenU per ullllon'tnUon oue foot high, while the uuua service paraarmM bysuam nuchlnery rarely com below 10 cents. InJtlugaa your average supply gallons lu 21 hours undsr a prossuie of 0) or say 139 feet head, yonrdaily coat would ba SI 3D, and Willi stoam power per annum aganslgl90.7u dlOerence in favor of water power, t2, .31.40. Thla dlfferenc Is equal to interest at 10 peroenl rer annum on ai perccuton ut 7 perceut on 828,001, and at 8 percent on 8331; Tho cxt ra coi of dam and otlier work Jiertainlug to pumplug by water ovar the cost of steam machinery and appurtenances would prebably not exceed 820iA 1 understand that tUedain and canal be long to private Individuals; and whether you could obtain pokstaloi or the tlam hf pnrchaae or coademaatloit Fur works purposes, or acqu Ire 11 by lease at a reaaonabie rental, or vtiatiiertbeownera would repair It, and accept a faliprlce per annum lor tne requisite power, are loosl and legal questions, which do not seem to come wlllilu llie range of an engineer's report. The petition of Messrs. Diss and Si on 8, which was refer red to a special committee, deserves careful consideration.

If the people can aave a few thou sands of dollars every year by the' use of water power, it is absurd it ia an insult to their intelligence to nuxe that they dou't want to use it. In otlier words, to use a vulgnrisra, ''they don't want to bite their noses off to ticketff TBI W1TEB. VOKKS. There haa been so much rubbish printed and spoken in this city on the water works question that the public mind has been poisoned with the most ridiculous ideas and the most absurd notions 'on the subject. It is difficult to get) th people to listen to calm good sense upon this most important mattor.

There is grave danger that this city may lie conipellad to spend ten and prob ably huhineds of thousand of dol'ars to gratify personal malice and npite, and that, when it is too late, the tax payers will out how they have been bjdhltned xad swindled, The questions of power and supply and systen sbould be considered simply on their merits. Personal considerations should be txcluded. The experience of other cities should be consulted. The best scientific authorities should be heeded. Now the plain fact is that the pet plo want the works built cheaply and honestly.

They can't to speud $50,000 or $100,000 to gratify the per sonal spite of Mr. Jebuu'L. Wili una or any other man. It ia the duty of spito their faces." II'. Mr.

COOK and If he doesn't perform this dutv he is unworthv of resDect or I uiivennuii was wen ai confidence to tell this city plainly tended and nominated the following POLITICAL POINTS. Indications favor the nomination of Pierce for governor by the Massachusetts republicans. The republicans have nominated Horace 8. Walbridge, of Toledo, for senator from the sixth Ohio district. The republicans of Van Wort county, nominated the following ticket on Wednesday: Representative, Jan.

lince; she rill, llios. luxlrup; commissioner, II. F. Jones: surveyor. Thos.

Jones coroner, T. J. Cole. The Pennsylvania greenback labor party met at rhiUdelplila.lVcdnesday. Nine counties were represented.

The customary resolutions ware adopted, and Howard Metis, of Kent countv. was nominated for rovernor. Tbe ex ecutive committee will name tbe re mainder of the ticket. The following are the officers just elected in California Governor, Perkins, republican; lieutenantlieutenant governor, John Mansfield, re pubhVau; secretary of state, Daniel urn, republican; comptroller, 1. J.

Pentiold, republican; treasurer, John Weil, republican; attorney general, A. Hart, republican; suleyr general, J. V. fipanklin, re publican; clerk supreme court, Frank W. Cross, republican; superintendent of public instruction, F.

M. Campbell, republican; chief justice, Itobt. K. Morrison, democrat. The national liberal camp meeting, which has been in suasion at Bismarck grove, near Lawrence.

for several days past, has adopted a resolution that 1 1 is inadvisable for the national liberal league, Which is to meet In Cincinnati shortly, to inaugurate any political actfrdVor'tKj nominate a presi dential candidate. They have also organized a western liberal wing of the party, ana aaopcea tne motto, rec dom, fellowship and character. Several prominent Brentlemen from the east are present, and sou discussions of the convention are quite interest ing. PAUt WSO C0U1TTT DEJlOCBfTg. (VirrenK)ndence of tha Heim! Cecil, Sept.

10. The Fondling county democrats met in convention at the court house in Paulding yeater inc convention was well at Tbe steamer Colombo, from New Orleans, August 11th, for Bordeaux, uas grounded at Dec Amber. Tbo Bank of France is daily releasing large sums in gold twenty franc pieces, which are being purchased for export. Horricks, Miller A. the largest cotton monufacturers in tbe north ol England, have given notice of a five percent reduction of wages.

it ia asserted that Austria, as the price of Turkey's non resistance to the occupation of Nova lhuar, guarantees the sultan hi European possessions. The. Franco American Union intends giving a grand fete, the proceeds otwnicn will be divided among the families of victims of the yellow fever in the Mississippi Valley. Tha secretary of the Indian government has warned the police that no correspondents will be allowed to accompany the troops into Afghanistan, but that regiment officers may communicate with newspapers. The cotton operative at Ash ton uuder Tyneand neighborhood held the largest meeting, Wcdnosdav, ever known in that district, and unanimously decided to strike.

The operative will Jiot have to resort to the funds of the trades' anion for support. A correspondent at Vienna hears from an abaoJutelv trustworthy vsnur that the emperor of Germany visited (he czar in consequence of the naving written to the emiieror expressing: dissatisfaction at the demon strations of friendship between Austria and Germany, to the exclusion of Russia. la Soldi says Prince Gorlschakoir. in an interview with its correspondent at Baden, disclaimed the slightest concern st the attacks of lierlin newspt pers. lie had always deprecated anv undne weakening of France, and hence lfismarck's hostility to him.

The friendship of the Russian and the Herman emperor would certainly suffice to smooth any slight differences which might arise. The railroad accross tbe isthmus of Tehuantepec is to be built by Edward Learned, of Pittsfield, Mass. He has secured from the Mexican government the right of way, and a promise of a subsidy of $12,000 per mile. Tbe'linc will bo an important rival ol tbe ran ania railroad, and will be of immense advantage in assisting I ho Mexican authorities to enforce order in a large lection of their turbulent republic. Learned says the work is already in' progress.

Tlie amnestied communists have ar rived at Paris in a most pitiable con dition. Tbe men are nerveless, women pale and haggardfcbildren drooping Hejenty nve percent of them are suffering from opthalmia worse than that umcted by the sun and the Mies in Alexandria or Cairo, Kgypt. The scenes when the train arrived were heartrending, and much more grievous man me arrival ol the nrt Ueucij inenL Comforts of every kind had been1 provided by the sympathizers from Montmanle and Belleville, but tbe condition of the health of the ma jority is so bad that most of the new arrivals were sent to the city hospitals. TIIKCAHJL KKVOLT. Two regiments at Chatham and eight batteries of artillery have beeu ordered in readiness to proceed to India.

Bcvcral battalions will, if necessary, be ordered from the Cape of Goad Hope to India. Maj. Caragnn ri'i relations with the ameer were latterly very cold. The London Tiiet says Uen. Rob erts has but 2,000 infantry, 1,000 cav alry gnu eight guns, an inadequate force to coe with rebels in Cabul, aud UckeWf Sheriff, (vFergersoh; Oomxauvuoner, Jacob Baylor; surveyor, "If: 'sMshorflifThe convention was addressed by Mr.

Cunningham, of Indiana. All tbe nominations were made by acclamation. IncoumtO, NEWS NOTES. Tom Scott arrived home from Europe Wednesday. Ex MiuisUr Welch was given a public reception Wednesday, in Independence Hall, Philadelphia.

i Wat. H. Williams, manager of the Mulloct printing rross uompany, died at Philadelphia Wednesday. John Shillito, the eminent dry Soods merchant, Cincinnati, died sullenly Wednesday, aged seventy one. The steamer Wrtl, from Hamburg, brings in French and German coin.

The Weaer, from liremen, brought id foreign coin and bars. The Algeria, from Liverpool, kmAt ei r.rji oni n.l il. bit avre, 1695,800 in specie. Nothing ha been done yet by coal presidents loosing to me arrange ment for restricting production Judge Lsthrop does not exiiect to can a conference tins week since President Qowen will not be able to leave Philadelphia. Leading officials ot various companies say a combina tion will not be made, aud that none is contemplated, only a Umjiorary working agreement.

Tbe Western Union Telegraph Company has declared a dividend of 1 percent from the net earnings ef the three months, endimr September Jotli. Net profits of tbe company for tne quarter, ending tsepleiuber 30lli inat, based on official returns for July, nearly complete letorns for August and estimating the business for September, reserving an amount futucient to meet Die el.iims of be Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company under existing agreements, will be about surplus July 1st, total $2,031,692, from which deduct interent on bonded debt construction of and purchase of lands and other properties sinking fund appropriations $20,000, leaves a balance of $1,764,691 Tlie dividend of 1 percent balance, after paying Tho stock lwoks close from September 20th till October 16th. FOUEION FLASHES. aTCeVTC sssssssssssssssssssMsssssssssssssttasssssssssslgsssagsstt i aw, wr Kff' Ct lima Main fain Mm aiWll sty DM Jtifw OHrank II and that XJenJtBobeW Jt asln CO. JL lev.

There is a rumor that sums Afghan troop; who left Oabnl, WWinled ntf advance on aharUrgardsapsil illtf MlfmlfinmifA nt thin however, ifl dO sttoyed by telegramsfroui Allayhahad, announcing that the British Jroops and guns are already inert. Another dispatch from AUsylabid says that as early aa the ISth'of August the ameer advised Maj. to abstain from figbtlntf abbut'Cabul, fearing an attack upon hint Tbe St Petersburgh the massacre of the mea)bet8'f Ing English missioh to Afghanistan obliterates tbe scientific frontier MtsMsen that country aud India! afiff snalfts It necessary for the occnptin dj tne whole of Afvhanlslan bv the British, but this is incompatible with th Assurance given by England Russia, with whom 'there must understanding in regard to tVe Weas ures of satisfaction to be Eiurland. The Oaittte totoOttAt 'tl recommend a solution by a partitloej' of Afghanistan so ss to Dting English and Kussmn domiaions la contact in central Asia. STATE NI5WS.

and tylanoi known to ex atlbesame munications. will rrobablv Iw comDclled 1i dels 1st ffrttsfcitr. his sdvance until at least three fresh, Sixteen new ease were reuorted at infantry regiments reach Kerdsm Tal Memphu Wednesday 7 white and 9 The Hoosier bandits are' pttipr their work in at A'incsnnes. Fire large buildiiigs filled wjth ire burned last Monday night at Cambridge City. Incendiary work, Julius Cliomel, of Shoals, ar rested last Tuesday morning cbalged with shooting Chus.

a few days since. James Johnson, la teamster of Ploomington fell under a wngon last Tuesday, the wheels crushing hi chest producing instant death. Miss Ahco Beebe, of Madison cohll ty, wnsahot in the arm bytho cci' dental discharge of a shot gnu" lit the hands of a young miin last Monday. benjamin D.tvis, of iAlayetif, committed suicide lastTuesdaf aiter nnoii by takingthree gralnsof streh niiir. DoniCbtic trouble Wuf lh oaue.

Andrew Maps anj fuuily, jQsr bon were Kisoned last iry eating uiiisbrooiiH gathered jj) the woods. Two children oipd i i tne rest of the family are in a piecar6uaH condition. William Brown, a csnvkt who escaped Nov. 4. 1874 sudor Col Shuler'a wardeuship ati Jaffersoaf ilk prison south, wss recaptured at Henderson, aud returned, to His old quarters.

i The Ixignusport.Ciawfordsrllle fetid rxiuthweslern liuilroad was soM 'Df W. P. Fidibatk, master 1to chancery; on Wednesday, at Orawfordstille, for $315,000, to John O. Williams, forth Vandalia road. Cl.arles Baker, of "Wabash; sBoV' Jclm ilonoven, a LlacaKitiUTi, in ttis grudge and whisky were thriuM, lionoven in return shot Bakei'ln 'th shoulder.

Baker went to jail for want oi vw) nan. Harriet Dunn, of Monticello, who broke jail last week was, on a westward bound train near Goodland. She was clad in a complete male attjre aud her hair was even cut short, and! she was only recognized by tbAc ffictr in noticing Her liana as it lay 9a lua back; ol a car sent. Tlie body of John Summit drowned at Morgan Ferry on the 4th was last Monday. The body of a woman was also found in the Wabash River apposite 'Mount CaniH'I, last Monday, supposed to ba that of Alice Cotters! or Ellen Del lenger, drowned at the same placf.

Thomas Josephs, a desiierado, late of Ohio, brutally murdered William i allabau, of Cum pbellsburg, last Tuesday. Callahan refused to tell Josephs where Hamilton's girls were, where upon Josephs drew a revolver aud shot Callahan twice. He died two hours afterwaid. Josephs wa arrest ed aud uen to jail. One hundred molders of the Ohio Falls Car Company, of Jeflersonville.

struct for wages on last luei day morning, in consequence of which the Ircixbt department was closed, throwing 1,000 men oat Of em ployment, rresident Bpragae issuea an order giving the molders an op iiortunity to resume work at wages paid by other similar shops. Tha company has large contracts Sndthe) losses will bo Immense, Serious trouble may occur at any moment. SPOUTING NOT1JS. Lexington nice, third dsyi Fine weather and track, and lares attend ance, itunning race, miler lieats, won 1 1 rri oy joun iv. owinuey, ijcou iiu 1:471, The race for the St.

Leger stakes at Uoncaster Wednesday was on by" Rayon l'Or, Ruperts 2nd. Exeter ord. itettmi; was to 1 against lia? on D'Or, lOti to 5 against Ruperts, ami iu to 1 agaiust f.xeter. llie team of Irish cricketer, wliicl. left Irclnnd August 20fh, to make a cricketing tour of the United Htatee ami arrived at new xors: Tuesday evening.

1 leven of tlie party are to play a match against fifteen of the tiuorge Club, at Uobokeo on Friday. Toledo tri stale fair. Weather perfect, track in good order, sport fine and attendance large. cjasa, $40(1, in three purses; Uood Morntpg 1st, lk(i Marvel 2nd, Joyce 3rd, Eu ne, 4th, time, 2.32, Z34. 2.35 class, $400, divided Rienal 1st, Flirt 2nd, Billy Yenr.le Ord; time, 2 351,2:35,.36.

The runuina race, mile lieats, purse of $150; first heat Conrad 1st, Harper 2nd, Jack of Tnuii 3rd: time, Second heat Conrad 1st, jack of Tmmp 2nd, Louisu 3rd; time, 1:491. Tha hook aud ladder truck race, distance forty rods, was won by the Return company o( JNorwulk, ibo vlltinpiOns of the lluiteil Stales; time, Yellow Fever Nolea. No rsous hove been attacked to JctJrd. pjielllow donations aggregating A RTPAM FTTTErfLL ssiisl iirsHor" 'Ofa II III 1,1 I la ho I. colored.

There were additional idea tin. 2 ogHbesa 1.1 TirUCTtcelTea 1 I ti8.6 and imigiwr norirs Ho fluty. gOIBNTiriO. trsn AaeelollwaaHIUaaUKa Paper 8f aiaaaalaHana aantj Mnaalallam, suaal aval Mayans EriaeaUaa. 'At.

the meeting of th social science association 'at Saratoga Wednesday President Barnard of Colubibia Col legej NeWToikV'preserited a paper an cssMipmeuiisni; oirncunsm and. lnter Mtivnkl 'coinart. He 'tu 6rj0sed a rastrid weight gold 'colnJone grain In which nearest assimilate In Value" the Various cbths The paper.ot President Porter, ol Ai College', dn "Modern Educatiou bow uca in tbe unilea, gtates, England, France and He w6uld have tbe coins leas two cents', fad to rnniildpr subject 'of weights, 'maasdfes and potajLtriW rtobVt at tho close1 of this uceting; aisu rriiurs more iuiiv Tl Ysl, its unnortun ilea kta its i eriis read. The professor the ideal MMbihU? kenvuer mioiliu Utt uiniseu iearaerand only precede the pupil iu! his studies by a feW lessons. A man who would teach others must not only learn hat he desieus to teach, but also that he may Impart bis knowledge with the best success.

Teaching is a consummate art which, like every tier, should come out from science 81 a flower from its soot. Ode 'bt the geat perils ia modern education ia that in aiming to ba too scientific it often fails to bo scientific in fact Uerhiany provides far the liveliest intercourse between tssveher and pupil by which the individuality 6f everyone be cared tor. The exandnations fcf the pupils bribe teacher are indlipensible to enable him to his teaching to the Capacity ef 'each, also to discover how fsi he understands and remembeVs what has been taught aTntngi wheret ofU the Cat ilbly Trtih tieaeral Hallway Newa. Tk' third annual convention of the association of railroad claim agents has begun it sitting at Philadclphb jkEairceeuiauvesare present irom many railroad. ThfrLoadon Jkandard asvs: Tlie IOsiikdail, Railway fusion negotiations ha made formidable progress.

xu rumor announcing me lease ol tne ureat, westsia road to the Hew YoTp Central la untrue. 'The Wabash OonJpanyliayenierly concluded in ment witlitue Ureal Western the ratter sreares a portion 4 traffic hitherto controlled by ada Southern. This may Ms of the Grand and Great Western. icrtt js'goW 'reason to believe that iM'Seeetlnra of railroad men have ih Nev sines the consolidation of the Wabash and Ht. 1uia.

Vnnana anil Northsrn roads, with a view to pro viaing another through line to tbe Pacific coast, ia opposition to Jay Oould'a scheme. The most fessihla plan! seems to be, and the one most III farr is, lor Uie Pennsylvania, Pan Handle and Vandalia roads, now forming one lins Irom New York to the Mississippi itlver. to make perma nent connections with tho Missouri Pacific, and at Atchison with the To peka and Santa Fee, and thus make a through route Irom ocean to ocean, equal or superior to any in operation. The matter is said to be in tho hands Of prominent railroad managers in the east, and it i thought some definite steps will soeu be taken in this direction. The barn and contents, nt the in firmary, near Circleville, (., burned Wednesday.

Loss, insurance, sou. Pordy wooden ware factory at Holland City, burned Wednesdsy. Loss, $300; partially insured. Tho works of the Antwerp (O.) BUve Company wsre damaged $300 to foou by are, Wednesday, which Droko out mineury aim. A fire, Wednesdsy, destroyed tie Rocky Mountain Paint Company's mills and machinery, at Rawlens, W.

T. Loss, no insurance. The furniture factory of Joseph II. Hamburg, 146 and 150 Hester street, New York, burned Wednesday night. Loss on stock and machinery, on building, the latter is insured.

Insurants not known on stock and machinery. Tlaa "aveatlnel." (Huntington Herald (rep.) Under the new management tho Fort Wayne Sckttnel seems to be booming. The recent rapid increase iu circulation has necessitated the in trodactioa of a new" doublo cylinder printing machine, wiln a capacity to print 6,000 papers ier hour. The SavTixsx is a live paper. Iiu ttrtaa Ym flillen, tke Olekrateil Ptdeairill.

The only remedy used by her, after long and continued exertion, her matches, isCJiles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia. It not only relieves her relaxed muscles nnd cords, but gives her strength and endurance. She is never without a supply of the Liniment. tillef nils' cures uomplaint. Sold by all druggists.

1 Tlie reason why medical practition ers do not hesitate to prescribe Dr. F. Wilhoft's Anti Periodic or Fever and Ague Tonie is as follows: Messrs. Whocloclr, FinUy A of NewJ Orleans, its nroDrietora. have milJixh.

ed its coioposltlou and physicians have approved it because it contains 210 dangerous drug, and because it invariably proves successful. His for sale by all druggists. For htme back, side or chest use fQIILOIl'S POROTJS PI.AHTPK Price, 26 cents. Sold bv lJwtnrtT via. 0 A.4ftAl$.R I MAU IWM I GAS FITU 1 Main Street, East of FORT WATKE, IJ(J1.

krass Iron anil Lead Hpu im ard tokci ruHPi, Shset Lead, Bath Tuki, Wash Bowls(Rubbr te; Old eaa llitnrea reallLi lironaad ami naad eiiual Lo new. onaUISiU T339S 1 jm.xu1 jRitte'E LEADING' HAIR DRESStftj a mportar sad Wholasalt asviBstail Dsalcl ia Hnfunit ihh vrsivneAsa. i.t, T. ine iniprov VlOH and Holo manliflirtiilvr of. 1 lie 'tmiirovoil isiiau or venii luune: wi 1 l'KIrTinTlo' OrrmifienTaTTrtll Allt k.VKLY.

Ui Impecs, M. aviw unu 1 iki AISO Tbeati laeties, gene A. on luuid to 111 re. guarellej apiTriTuyne. j.

fjBsfiiiDJWuunar qj an niri iltml lAifH Aia an.i.,11 imftliiA si nit aiuit ui lauaaanusin sap or nalitfT. arllefra dvrtrf rtl.U4MUWM.hIha rulluwliicomrmni: Hun "Wo mamiAwclurt mloirWvtf, prcHjdiftit; Johil JL, 1'ikim, MocriiUnr: Vm' riiuarflttn reiich traiii ivitMiihId uet and ludrliuta Huriiloffii Wnveti, all vputllutlne with H7U. FjlKKeM, liand CJ MAIX11RIXMV4J WV(t42UaXl 4lWnTU KrLxKetltw of naliirullv mirlv hair II SO CeUXJ, PiirtltHiraHiaiuirln auy uart or lim eouinr can have witd pi ToupM 111 nde to onJr by lukliig tlie ineaHunj an heia filrauttMls IucbuH) 1. Artiuntl llin 2. From car to ear.

J. KroMi rtafplfl io ifiupie, over Die crown. 4. rrym ira heftil to UKMtWhen intwiiiri for Ton mutu cut ti nut ter ft ia ft llrll li At niuri ptwi unit (Mm; and give the i glVf To Those Who Wisb It PnrchiM HAIR GOOD'S We Won 1.1 KByt flrtA InrirekofaiitJ tfti9 Iranruu'UMl iuKiin Kith rt.HMT. of 114; rallK.vrti and if the rcfxirl lw nut mvorable go eluo WllOllltlH Juioiiiu Kriier, of Mr, fetreet.

hfip. liutli favuriihlc. mid vuiinonclutle ta irv uh. wn will taianmtao WiU'tlie Hamtj tivMUtionUaii'l lol (win lit Ivnt that vre will auu win yvur inouu tihlnJ Onr lorni axnortvmre'in iht Haul' na4id the lilwiial up port Klymi to by tbo iMjoplo, juitiiry xh in hayliig that our vork ahtl wwli uro pel let to auy ID (hit ir adJotniii clLiH, i it inimla4tralhiforward, boneot tMaaunntil In AVHrf' l.ratltuirlloil. SO tbat a May liwl mfo ua.

and tai obtWnJiiiVwWwiwforUtrmoiioy.iiottiat MxMlnriar.tjriticiDin tVfntr tha Amrulaium ot thetydmv. AllNorvod ulikft. and no rol reprtMwntaLloiiB being allowMl. piicea be aa low tf not iwr tliftii any hair enubllhlimenl in thestatii. All our giKwlHrtt innrkwd lu uIri fltfiim nnd Hold utrirtl nt one miue All 11 lr.tst alyion and uoveltlw lialruoods, lilehly itMsoiiunandoa by dlf gooda lit aort Wnyne can be found at iMpuiLhaMeriofnieclieap er and lorgent atoclc of half JELUJMKKHIKUKIL lMHCtLlllOUQHU an, Mieiiy 'uinin Ji5dl A IS Truthful adTortlrtpr and i bluwloK.

huuilniifBliig aud unWi asUVtjrilHOl'H, TI3pLOS POX, Wholesale lie alerln AulLraeib, Ilotliiig Valley and BiUmiu COAL. Alsio atfCDl for the oelebratod Piedmont CfackBmith Ool, the bent In the world. WeaUirii agent fur Boyd.HtlrkDty Co. Yard, comer Clinton and Railroad StSr Down town oflle.TTColhoan ittreet. JHAYf4 HPHirHJ KKMEDV.

TRADb MARrTHE GREAT fc AD I MAific tngiitn nm dy, A ii un ftJHiif er tor HoBiiUk) Wmk M8BM, IpmaktsNT jfitSSK nfSJr Rtrd I Li mJ tMiubef Hif Abs wImssI moto xtongs fias, Afte, Tfikw siu latov Mmmt Iluaaw tW TisiiaO, Pmnatur (lM Aft), and nan' MhT dlsUM UlU lllsHUlllf CJUtUUrlsv 8t4 BBetuar (trtr 0 Fall paHiilHbkisi In Mr ftgrlilt, vllf vt dtalr mi (Tm mail to vvasrj sua Huo1lj MsbbIoIm la awl4 fttl 4rafdU aU tl ln kaf, nt all MkfM for ri will bsj awut frva bj om tmif Us wMf by sUdrvaarlut THIS 4JU4Y KniCINE No. MochaukV Klwck, DtTttiHT. RIIOH. 0alt1 In art WtiM fcf Mil tlrsiKifU. Bssua.

0. Whtisb atatjla MaTlMa wlw iiilsU HiiHi taajaia P41 8 vm lalfjlta Not Neglect TO EXAMINE THK ftaltR StocJo BiBIQR etqi' TJluuuliL Uitbexlty. GHorWMtbttll TAV) i ufl iVii tiavlnr ncqotrad rklkwMw4tnlUUloM In Ilia imafrmaiUaf MbanliiS'I)lsssMs, nauHlwgln a layXruloo' JtUfiuemsMi iw wcawanv aiia lSMavaauat AIJKy hoondurt.anineyeaiwaMoiaulii4iad stixr'ln''erttml gentlemen aaautSata UtetatatVesMh'rilh raoally ff 4Be 'WorM WepeswarrUia yonaultl ng MtA'ththe IS YAlTl 1W' JIVTKI. Tlie ulKalilaaUnn hili KSelifaVr WI In cSrpnrttted under tba name and style of Wertd'a llraaia.ry WaaUeal Aao NINE PHVHIClANH AND RtllUIEONM of eijibvmoa and skill bav beeadioaen aa tbefaonlty. i.s 01)110 to DWKAJREn fsTalLlbnin oma ofniraovarai apenlsl Tills of pracileala vera alily luauaged by a gentle uia apiL lironcniai, inroaa anaMing Caklll.

ir Ulsmuwa treHtivl wrth the moat aunreHHrul relulla DIHSUISEH' Or SVXMIEKJ" KspeoUlly nroourfbolllHMKifaiaapBrlar ondei' for tbe curAofallthoaaeiironlo tllaeaaoa peenllar rWEIlVOUSTJiBKABES iaJraiyaU, Ner voui Uoblllty, Eplleikrv tnwiJ'Oliore (t. Vlti s'a Danoe), neuralalp, and oilier ner voui atustlan of an earn rMntbla.pelUy. 'f NKOKBriABV tit BKH PATlKNl'H. llj dlatroiwji, we nai raatniaiiychnmledlaenaesasauoeeas finlj wltnoutnawltii aperaoual oonauUa tlon Jtae partloulara aea "Heoole's Vuutr moil Sense Medical AdviaarM (I, UK) pages, emitov ftd tor Sllllier Invalids' aiul ToulU' auSda.liaokl'MWO.g.ageri JOwuts nosUpaUdWw yUIIUlIUU. CAaiea KAanoatg tits opar, wiuun.w ar aaiieu upon iu.

ftfaaai Ano, quen1ly4o, iiecftirmiiaMltliuwi for INilVuaSjIIarvlln. Tumors. Klstululii jieruia lajropsy ietiorlaar VrloMO, suad to, tno Itlarl.liarteture.etei.atn.vVaalaolriNit li asOMlyi Uy.iMnew, inetlitd wluiout dead CAuU leol. KpliatllXiriraaure, ud otiier dahniuiUea. irtee a Ciira tlve sent ou reeolpt of Wa.fia a.isjlaajnaaxjt Aaa'aa, fl.

I. T7f rinr an an Inimeuuj prafUqeajt the World's Diblkunftary and luTartoSr Hotoi. having irealed many tbouaaud oaawa of tlioao dln aawia fwaaliar to rwottuktit, I havebeeis en vUli Wpriia'iiMwi faetuaiaBd poul tlvb mdy ft thM Jiwanm. tTdwgvatUaa.uUiralapolfltll8ava Bttrowa IrintaYhtldto frencriptioB TtM tarm. howerar, la but a ftwble ex prtjttaloa'oc injr blaU apprealaUoDoriu valua, baaed upon paraoual obwrvatiou.

1 haTe, while wltneaniug lu poalUv roiultn thoitpeolal dUeaae iiwldeut lotliaor Kfinlrtin of woiuanf alugld it out a th Climax Crawnmf Cum itfmy madtoal ffJi in it wWVk, aa ft pualUve. Hafo and elttMtlualreinady for thla and one thai wirlv at all Umea and all clr oumiiUnoa.JU!t klodly, 1 am willing io stake tnr Kputatlon aa a physician: and so oonaUtfutam I wbal It will notulaaii pofnt thamot't Mngulneaperlatlonaura alugltt liivahd lady bo uvea it for auy of of the alluienta lor which Ireooinraeiid H. Unit I ollarand 11 uodar A 1JHITIVK UUUAWTW (Fw opiidltlotiii.iwopuin phlat wrapplug btrUla.) turn uitwV1'Oj ivv aufuiiK LuuajijuiatuikMai In which mx FavariU PrMnpbaliaa work by magio, and Willi a cat iiliitv iiover iMtftrTu attained bv anv inudl olne; IuMwrlvuv iKxacaaive lowing, Hiinful MitfmOiJWiiklv sMunprtaalotia Ul whuli from tinnatoral aauaea, Irregularl tiea, WbaK Barkf Prolapaua. Of nUUua of lh CJItiMi' A nte version and llotrovaniioii, IWarliig do wn Hnaationa, JntruHl liMtt, N4rvoua iVprtMHlAo, DeldNty, lfcwpon deac, Ttinfttned iKraurlafce, Obron lo OongeaUou, InflammaUon aud IlliMirHUoti uf the Utorua, luipolency, Its tf or HlerllUty, and Keinaht Weakness. 1 do not estuJ Ihht matUHna aa a "curo bnl It admirably fultUtaa aiaolaaaM of aaraoaa, balnga moat perfect atina In all (ironic dltMNUtra of tlie mx uU ayatem women.

It will not dUta joint, nor will it do harm, In auy niatu or condition Tlioaewho dent re further informnllon on thene aubjveta van obtain It In Tne bookofovertOUnagaa, aenLiotpaid, un reoelnt of SI Al. treato mdiuimy of thoae dlaouaea peculiar to Kenmlef, aud frlveamueli valuable advlea ia.rtjganl to the manasiimeat of thoae afliviiuna. FaverMa FrMripboii teld by Dmaaltta, U. V. PIKIU'K, M.

DH Pieneuaary and Invalula' Uuul, Bufialo, Na Anthorisad, by rBowalta ef Xt. aairix: I'osnilar Monthly Drawing of tbe CoiBiiionivalllLJJistriLuliQa. At Macauley'a Theatre, la llie City or Louisville, ou SEPTEMBER 30th, 1879. Drawings iwref ptotpontl. ocur revnlar ly on tbe last dny of every month (Siin daya excepted) and will be sodbi vIshmI by intUl OI uimaiuiitAtat jjiin raLf ir Ud atutulllltr.

andjicket holdera, agent a and ciiibtt are reqiifrgted to semi on representative with proixT eredobUaU to eiaiuln into the Urawlng. A tw Era ji History LOTIERIRS. (Jraiuland unprecedented sQeoees of tbe uw featores. bolder can be Lis own eupervlNor, call out bis number and aee It pinoeu iu iue wnoei. The nmuaaeidenc sail attention to tbe Kanii oppon unity praa for only tl.

any of janil opportunity presented of obtaln thefolujwino pnics ST 1 pr 100 pra 10O aaeh 10,000 W.M) Suipra Meaeb lo.uou vr 6XSJI 000 pra 20 each u.uw ISpr 81,000 each iOflU) lMOpr lUtacb prmiueacii 00 0 prsjiiioeaoli, approximation it pro evii, pra luoeaeh, lflonrtses, SIISUO Whole HalfTJcketa, II. Tickets, IVI. All applications for club rates should be intide so the home ofllee, Kull Hat of drawing published In Iiuia vlllofnurirr JawrfMUaiid New Vork JlrrnlJ hnd mailed to all tleket holdra. For llekeis nnd Information address T. J.

lUHMKUKORIV Heo, OmrUrJturnal llulldlnrl Louisville, Ky. SM WILLIAM; MYERS, M. Surgeon and Physician. OSSoeandReaidence, t57 WIMT WAVNK NTUEET. FORT WAYNE, INDIANA.

uiar isutf.

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