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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 r' i "r'f "4i i FFT WTOT AnSTTi! A tt A 7TCTTTR1 Tr 7 T'lT tt) I I I ESTABLISHED: ffl TllESOAYr MpRNJAfff '8. 1903. 10 PS, 18. 1903. 10 ft St 1 Sr rJ.

i jPJfc PRICE TWO CENTS)1 i '1 10 1 1 1 IV PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND HIS GUESTS REVIEW SOME GREAT AMERICAN WARSHIPS stx I rytu' UYSTUIt HAY, I 1, Aug 17, FOr Iho first llmu in the history of (he (iimilry tho president of (bt United Stall a to ila? rov lowed and Inspootod in 1 1 mo of ponce, a great fleet of United Stales warship The cere mony wax nrsgnlfkent and iuipres nl lunal HKHlanl(t It was nnmarred liy llin HliKliti'Bt mishap until Just at llH dim lusloil, when the toreudo boat iliHtniycr Hurry, rammed, tho dostroy Dicitur fortunately, howevor, do Iiik I'tilc damage. Tin1 iiu blent was exciting It oc I juxt at tho moment when the IiksI.I.miI was receiving congratula linim upon Ihu microns of tho maneu IIIH I lie fliKt squadron of destroyers iuiihIkIIiik of tho Docatur, Ilalnbrldgo Ilany ili and Chaiincey, all under ioiiiiiihiiiI of nant II Chant hi wiik approaching tho Mayflower at lull ttpei Tho vcisila wore In loae lot ptatlon Onli rs wore signal ed fioin tho INi at ui lo I ho other vwhiIh to form a In cx tiling tho ordora, tho Hi i aim swung a rims tho how of the Harry An ijiKhint later tho Harry laiuiiiiil hi on the atarlioard side As (he uliipi wire mulling at a spi of twinty Kiiotu 'lie hlow was tiomen dona 'I In linatiir listed sharply to poll and hi i mod lo lo In KorlotiH ilia In as rom the Mayllowol slid ap I eaml lo he ulnking 'I ho Mayflower's hoata wcro manneil IiihI mil) hut wore not lowered as the liii.itiu van aeon to right horaolf In 1 infmitoH aho holatod a Blgnal of no hi i Ions damage k)io steamed alongside the Mayllowii and Lieutenant Chandler rt port that while hi ship had roil id a had hump on Hie atarlaiard ipiarti alio was not materially dam Tho ffcjury wan plainfy evhrent from tho dork of 4ho Mayflower Khe hid Imimi afriick about halt way bo I wein her Htoru and mldahlp and a 1 itm! dent had hiH'n made in her pliiia Tho Hlarboard rail waa dam iiimI hut otherwise Itio veaael waa Iniait Tho Harry which had Kliuck I he liiMalnr a glaiHing hlow had hi how i rumpled by the lolllaion but ahu ai not injured oyierwhjo Tho ao I I lent put a Bttrtrten atop to the ma in uvora of tho destroyer squadron Tho veanelB ramo lo anchor Immedl Iv the ll'alrtbrldge, Hale and (liaun ny BlandliiK by the two In collision Hoata weie loitered from tho two of Hit in hut when tho Injiirlea wire made 1 now the lioatu returned to their vea la iVIinlml Ilewey ordurod Lieutenant iHiiidlcr lo proieoil with tho five vi sola to tho llriKiklyn navy yard where mull pairs an may bo necessary ioiiIiI bo mado quickly After the dam ago has boon rejialred, the squadron will roJoWi tho fleet and continue the Hummer marionvera President ltooaorelt who waa Intent ly watching tho squadron of destroy i rs when the accident occurred, remarked that such accidents, especially lo destroycrB wero likely to occur any time lloth tho president and lira tloose vi It no! oil (ho accident with great (ulmnoaa notwithstanding tho fact that their son, Kermit, waa on board the Ikwaliir at tho time, in eommentlnjc iilioii the accident. Admiral Iowey H.ilil I hill really It amounted to little and would dilay the vessols in their inovoimnts only a Tew days lie Bald that aiich an an Idem waa a part of the war game and must, at tlmra, be i xpiH 1 1 il The lev low im currod on Ing Island Huuml two mill anil a half off the on' Irani to Oyster Hay Proaldcnt ICiioHOM lt in company with Becrotary of tho Navy Moody, Admiral Dewey, ll(ii Admiral Taylor, Hear Admiral Itodirors, Captali) Drownaon, Ooneral (Jliiiiroc and Cli neral Ilarry, slood on tho bridge of the auxiliary cruiser May flower as she steadied! slowly down ono column of tho warships and up the' oilier The columns ex toned twontv flvo hundrcil yards, tho ships being authored at Intervals or lire hundred yards As Iho Mayflower pasaod each ship In" the two olumns, the yards and rails of each were mahnod by Jack lea In white duck, tho marines were pa railed and presented arms, the president's saliilo or tweny one (una waa fired, the buglers Bounded ftdurlah, Iho drummers gav four1 ruffles, the band played "Hall Columbia As tho Mayflower swipt majestically past each ship the crow of tho saluting" vessel gavo tho president thr choefs a the commander in chief of tho arm and navy of tho United States. President's Lunchsan. At Iho (inclusion of tho revlow 4.4 CARRIE NATION LOCKED UP.

IIAJYONNB, 0. Aurt 17 Mrs. Carrie Nation was locked up bore this evening charged with disorderly conduct 8he collected a crowd' by haranguing on a street oornef and then: ran around among the men striking clean, plpea.and cigarette, from their moatpsdhtn a' iiollceman arrt ed heri i .3 TVXZKttV. IW I'roHldent Koosovelt received on board tho Mayflower tho various rear ad mlrals, tho captains and commanding officers of tho twonty two vessels In Iho fleet He received also the naval attaches to the of four of tho. great laiwers, (a)laln Do Clulr of thiyllrll lH embassy, Captain IJlwIn tJohanfer of the (lermun embnssy Commander IloittakofT, of the Huaaian om lrassy and Commander Isam Takeahika, of tho Japanese lo gallon Among the other guosts of the prea liUnt on lxiard the Mayflower won Assislant Hoirctary of War Hanger Hlr Thomas Upton, (' Oliver fsolln llutler Duncan Commoilore llourno of tho Now York Yacht club.

Col Bfcar mail Crawford, a reproHi ntative of the Hoyal Ulster Yacht club and Kmleu llooaevi It riesldoiil RnoKevi it onti rtatned his guests and all tho lommandlng ofll (ers of the fleet at a delightful liiiuh i on on laiard tho Mayflower During the lumhooll the president niHii and said "We have with us to day represoii tatives of the groat powers, flroat llrllain, (Jirmany, HiiHsia and Japan I ask you to drink to those groat powers and to thllr sovereigns" The toaat waa drunk standing The prealdont ontlnuod Wo also havo with un represonta tlvea of an International Incident As to that, may the best boat win With laughter and applausothat toast likewise was drunk by tho guests standing Captain Io Chair, of tho llrltlah embassy, addressed the president aa follows "In the namo of my colleagues. In the name of our sovereign and in tho name of our i ountrles I desire to thank you I propose the hoalth of the prial dent of tho United States Rising again tho guests drank tho toast heart Hy Talk to the Tars At tho loiulusloii of the luncheon, tho officers turned to their shipa At It '28 the president left the Mayflower In a barge for tho llagalilu Koaraarge, td return tho call of Roar Adhifral Ilarker After (hatting with the admiral tho president addressed tho enlisted men and ofTtcers of tho ship He said In part "OftlccrB and enlisted men I wish to say a won! of thanks to you on behalf of tiie people of the United States There aro many public servants whom I hold In high esleeni but thoro aro no others whom hold In quite tho esteem as I do the officers and onllsted men of tbo navy and tho army of, the United States. "In dolag your work hero, every bit should bo dono with an eyo toward tho day when upon, every man, from the admiral to tho lowest In rank, may rest the responsibility and duty as to whether or not a new page of honor In American history shall be turned As I passed tho Olympla I remembered hor grand victory of May 1, 1898, which mado hex namo lorevcr one of renown In our history But all aboard hor fnim Admiral Dewey down to tho new est enlisted man had lieon equipped for tho work by days and by years of what must have boon many times Irk some duty In speaking to all of you I want a chance to say a word of special recommendation to tho gun point era Tho Bhota that hit aro tho shots that tell They aro what mako the navy prove ltaolf oqual to any need I am happy lo say that the American seamen have never boon found do Rclent In tho fighting odgo, the first requisite of the lighting man I do not praise you for being brave, that Is expected Tho coward la to bo con demned rather than the brave man to ba praised I expect every one to Show a perfect willingness to dlo rather than to see the slightest stain put upon the American flag, but In ad dltlon you must know how to fight as well as know how to die; then you will be what I hollevo you are, tho moat efficient fighting forco la tho World I again than'c you for what you are A peculiar responsibility at laches to eaoh and overy ono of you It has been a ploasuro to see the ship and the guns, but above all. the men behind tho guns for Devvsy. When the president spokA of Admiral Dewey he leaned toward hlin and bowed Tho admiral answered the bow The men Interrupted to cheer first the president and then the admiral.

At tho conclusion of the ceremony tho band played the "Star Spangled Banner," The president asked the name and birth placd of each of thergun pointers They Included men from all states In the union, California, Texas. North Carolina, Mafne, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Washington, aa well as from Oermany and Ireland, Norway and Sweden. The president ww especially fctruck wlt(Tth largo proportion of men from the mlddl'weiUv 'tilt the' Oiympla he wa i Ln tTllt aa iaislas. ifiAftPETflT FULFILLS THREAT SENDS A BULLET CRASHING. THROUGH HIS OWN BRAIN.

Committed Ttrrlpla Act While Stand Ing In Front of a Mirror In a Room, Where His Son Lay Sleeping Traglo End of Busy Career. Suffering from a tomporary (It of Insanity, brought on hy lontliitiid III health, William rotltt, fprim as Blatant cashier of the l'irnt National bank, stiHal In front of a mirror In a room at his homo, 801 DoWald alroit, at 7 20 o'clock yestnrday "morning and took his own llfe.liy shouting himself through the bead with a bullet from a ,12 calibre revolver The traglo death of Mr Pot tit was the culmination of a si riea of throats to kill himsdf years of liard woik at the bank followed hy tho diatli of his wife in Kohruary lunj, had wreikoil his health, ami for iiIkiiiI two yoara he has boon closely watched by tho members of his family to pro vent tho very thing Willi II ik currod yesterday morning In Good Snlrita 8unday. Sunday Mr Pcttlt had gone on a trip to Toledo, In comiany wilh Ida brother In law and sister, Mr and Mrs Bjisb, and Mrs William wls and her daughter He seemed in un usually good spirits and appeared to enjoy his outing He returned home about 11 o'cloek Sunday night and yesterday morning was tho first nioni ber of hla household to ailao His brother In law, Mr Hush, proprietor of the Rush (ommlsnlon house at 720 Harrison street, who by oarneat request of Mr Pcttlt had resided with him slnco the death of Mrs I'otllt, arose soon after Mr I'ottit and found the latter sitting In a chair smoking his plpo Mr Hush Inquired of Mr IVttll as to tho Ktato of his health, and received tho reply Oh my (lod. I am nick My bead, my head, 1 don know what lo do 1 i an aland this any longer Foretold His Death Shortly after Ihla Mr rettlt iiaaHid out of tht) house hut returned later and Bat down to brtakfast with Mr. Hush He ale llttlo, however, and after the meal he begged Mr Hush not to go down town, saying that tho men at the Hush commission house could get along, slnco It waa Monday morn Ing and business would In light in this roqilest, Mr Hush remained for time but Anally prepared to go to his work.

As ho was leaving, Mr Pottlt, It Is said, tapped him on tho shoulder and said, "Don't go, stay awhile If you go and loavo mo It will bo tbo last time you will ever see mo alive." Following this, remark, Mr Pettlt passed Into his bedroom, where big son, Hertland, who had boon stooping fin the same bod with his father, lay sound 181000. Stepping In front of a dresser mirror. Mr. Pettlt fired tho fatal shot. Hertland Pettlt, aroused by the noise, Jumped from the bed and tho other members of tho family rushed Into the room They found Ml.

Pettlt In the last struggles of death, with blood and brains oozing from tho right sldo of tho head, abovn the oar Tho right hand still clutched the revolver Death had boon almost In stantaneoiis Shortly artor tho terrible affair, Hertland Pettlt said "The report of the revolvor awakened mo knew what had happened without looking and I sefcamed for help without looking Wo have had to guard htm from himself for a long time liver since Mother died ho has boon despondent and sick Ho never In so many words In my heartqg threatened to kill him seir but would say things that meant that ho would. Ono of us boys or tny undo was constantly with him Triad Revolver First. Tho revolver with which Mr Pettlt killed himself was found to be loaded except In two chamlxrs, from which, two shots bad been fired According to Mr Pish, who rosldoa across the street, Mr. I'otllt evidently tried the revolver after he had passed out of the house, boforo eating breakfast Mr Fish says ho was eating hla break fast when ho heard a shot In tho dl reel Ion of! tho Pettlt yard He saw Mr Pettlt pass up tho walk, howover, and go Into tho hohao. and concluded that tho shot had boon tired by some one else' Tho ahot In tho yard waa not heard by any members of tho ret tit household Dr.

A. R. Van IluskJrk, tho deputy coroner, acting for Coroner Harnett, artor an Investigation, decided that death was tho result of a self Inflicted Injury resulting from tomporary In sanity, following 111 health A Busy Career. Mr Pettlt was not only one of Fort Wayne'a best known cltlxens, but ho wasalsq one of her most useful He waa born at Kensington. Ohio, May 28, 1841, and was reared at that place He Served In the union army throughout the clvlf, war and recalled a wound while In the ferric.

After the, war, heehgag4 la' business eomnils JfltUoor mH JH 187J1 ottarM rossW' durlDJr ROOT AND GOVER NOR TAFT PRO JECTIMC RAIL ROADS IN THE PHILIPPINES L. PETTIT CHAMBERLAIN'S TARIFF POLICY. IONIK)N. Aug IT Colonial Secretary Chamberlain, plying tea request for a short definite statement of hla fiscal proHsals, linn written as follows: 4 have never auggeBtcd any tat whatever on taw malcrlalt such as wool or cotton, and bo llcvo that such a tax would bo 4 entirely unnecessary for the pur poses havo In vlow, namely 4 for mutual preference with the 4 (oloniou and for enabling us to 4 4 bargain for hotter terms nilh our foreign competitors, 4 "Aa regards food there iioth 4 Ing In tbo iNilloy of tariff iifoim 4 whii I have put beforo the loun 4 41 try whiih nood Increaai in the 41 slightest degree, tho coal of lUtng 4 4 of nny family in tho country" 4 I 4 4 4' 4'4'4'4'4'4' 4' 4.4. UNION B.

HUNT TALKS OF THE RACE CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR IN THE CITY. 4 Thinks He It Destined to Succeed Durbln Does Not Believe in Long Campaigns and Hasn't Announced Himself. Kx Secretary at Hlalo Union I) Hun), of Wlnrht'aU who Is consider oil on1 of Iho HtioiiKOHt republican pots IhllttleH to mux red rijor iHirbln apt' I laHt night In Ihlu city, enrouto to IiIh homo from a tumliicHH trip to Kemlallvlllo Winn auked aa to his iu tentlonn relative Jo tho republican nomination for the ofBoo of eorernor, Mr Hunt that ho had not ynt definitely decided on hit fuluro actions' in but it watt plain to bo seen that the 1Ir man from Itandolph coun ty will bo bard after the chief executive plum when be considers the proper timo arrived Nor did he try, in the least lo corneal thlt fact You may say for me, said the nocrttary, "that I do not belief WASHINGTON. Aug 17 Becrotary Hoot has betn In Mrrospondonce with (loveruor Tuft rtgardlnK tho conntruc lion of a ttyHtcin of railroads In tho 'hlllppluo Islandu ummiiitlnjc to Home 60U miles It Is proposed to build a Hue from Manila north through Luzon to tho harbor at tbo northoriimoHt end of the Island Anotlur projoctod line is a branch from this north and Houtb lino otcr tho mountains to the oaHWrn oat Another proponed line ft) from Muni la Month to Ilatangas It Iiiih been hukkUmI a1m that a Hue be onstriK led uIoiik the wtHt cojst of iiizon from Digupun, tho present terminus of the Manila and laKupan road to (he north end of the island The proiHMilloiiH whit have been Mnitiidcrcd by the ttirtnry of war ami the kov rnor of tho Philippine tontemplnto aid l) the Philippine gov ernuient In the coiiHtriKtloii or tho pro poued road It Ih llered that a guar antee of the interest on tho amount of the ohL of the roads hi iohq the roads prove unable to pay such in torcst out of the earnings will bo suf flclent lo induce capital to Invest in tbo different enterprises The Philippine, government cannot make grants of lands to aid in tho construction of tho roads but It could grant right" of1' way It has boon determined that the, Philippine government has the mis' thorlty to guarantee the interest on tho railroad bonds, tho payment Of Situ terost If made, to conatttuto a Hen po the railroad property Tho secretary of war believes that tho construction of these roada would ho of Immense benefits and would set tie for all time tho question of poasl bio insurrections In the Island of Luzon For police and patrol of the Inland the roads It Is believed, would be far superior to a regiment of aoldlerfc. While the tost of a regiment would be nearly double tho amount of tatea ctst tho government would pay on UUf ost of the railroad construction The secretary says tho building of railroads In Cuba havo eliminated the prospects of disturbances In that por tlon of 4 ho island where constructed Ho thinks a similar result would follow the oustructloa railroads Itf the Philippines Hnglneors hare making; surveys In tho Island and rUJ road mon havo been In consul tajtlon with the secretary of war on the subject whUU has reached such A atagQ, that It is believed early action will be taken looking to tho building of railroads on an extensive scalo.

bi ii CJ IH, if RUSSIAN FLEET SAILS FOR TURKEY AND THE PORTE GALLS OUT 52,000 TROOPS: ITT 4 vfl I Hi am a Noon after coming to, tli Ih ity, Mr Pettlt acientnd a iostfa wltb the Firm National bank, lit Hi In rapacity he provoil of groat valun to his cm ploycra ami ho waa sluiilily ailvanccil Ha rcniniiicil with tin Institution until ho was fori oil, by III lii'uHh, to rotlro last AiiRimt Tho hank officials worn loath to aicopt IiIh Kignatlon, but ho fptinil It Impotniltili' loHODtlnuo hit work Tho dccoasoil wan twlco married Ills first wife was Min Carrie I) Nutt man, daughter of Nuttnian, a banker of this city Sim died In 1876, leaving three feoutf On October 1082 he waa married to Mlsa Bertha Langel Sho died February 18, 1902 The surviving children aro Ben rettlt, chief oloctrlclaa for the Itillman com pany at Donycr, William Pettlt, a civil engineer living at I'ortland, Oro Dayton Pettlt, of IVnvcr; and I.loyil and II Pottlt. who 11 vo at homo. In addition to his prominence In business and financial Ircloa, Mr. Pet tit always took a keen and active In terest In the affairs of Iho cUy anil of ItlA nAllM Bin vapnn ai ASIA IvhA A t.uv iisiiiuu iiu noo (ii viao iuv a councilman from the Sixth ward, and he was the nominee in IH94 of tho re publican party fop county auditor Un til disease began to wreck bis body and mind he was of it particularly cheerful disposition at all times and ho was exceedingly popular with nil who know hlro FIRE IN CLEVELAND MASONIC TEMPLE (XHVBLAND. O.

AK 17 pFlro to rr renomlnaUm night destroyed tho thno uior floors I HcrUry (f Ktato and I bf IDo Masonic Tomnii at ido cornor Of Superior and Hend i ruotj) anil prac tlcally guttwt tho lovir (floors with water. The building was milnd by a num beriof Masonic lodges and command finea on tho throe upm wane her lower floors woie occupied by Stores and offices Tin director es tlmate the loss at No estl mate as to Insurance 1 I be learned The fire IS supposed in havo startod from a crossed elect rii wire SATURDAY AFTERNOON HOLIDAY. WASHINGTON, Auk 17 Sec rotary Hoot to day lerotveil from Iho dopartmout of Jtwiiio an opln Ion of ono of tho assistant attor ney generals relatlvi lo tho effect of District of Calmnlila statuto making Saturday afti moon a hoi I day In tho district and iu appllca 4 tlon to the national diipartnvnnls. The opinion says tin Hlatulo ai piles to the deparlmepts, but the heads of departments under other laws may compel work from clerks on Saturday after noon and all oUaOn holiday when ucsiary 'Md farther tiat sefen 'hour of, work, each, day U' re AT irofrot twice In long campaigns I announced my candidaiy for tho oflliii of secrotary of state six wooks boforo tho state convention and I was nominated unanimously I bollcvo the proper time to make an announcement for the gubernatorial nomination to be about six mouths beforo tho convention. If I couldn't mako a winning canvass In that length Of tlmo I would not want tho nomination In regard to tho aunouncemont of Frank Hanly, of Mr Hunt had nothing to say.

Tho fact that Mr Hanly and Secretary of State Itanii I Storms are both rosldents of was mentioned by the Journal (layette man and Mr Hunt wan asked whiih of the gentlemen lie thought will suffer most from, this giiigraphlcal condition Ho unties! tatlngly stated that If cither suffers it would undoubtedly ho Mr Hanly Con tinning Mr Hunt It Ih tiiHlomaiy in all state ofllcos i xi opt that of the chief exooutlva give deserving and capable officials two terms Mr Storms has proved to be un excellent secretary of the atato ami no person In tho stato, possessed of good political judgment will oppose I was twlco cretary of Ktato and I know that tho official who oxecutes his duties faith fully Is entlllod to lie returned Tho statement was mado by Mr Hunt that I lover nor Imrbin could un doulitodly bo renominated for govor nor, did not the fact that the chief executivo cannot miccood himself make him Ineligible Quite a hugo boquot was lossod at Governor Durbln, the probable candidato for tho shoes ho now wi ara expressing the opinion that he is at Iho present tlmo one of tbe foremost men In Iho public oye. Mr Hunt voired the Iniller lhat iho term of (lovernor Durbln has boon on of gnat treillt to himself and of benefit to tho slate lie stated his belief that the a tlon of (lovernor Durbln In regard lo lynching stamped him a man of unlimited capabilities and added that the commendation of President Koosovelt was tho governor's Just duo SMSS. WHITE WATER VALLEY BAPTIST RICHMOND Ind Aug 17 Tho fifty seiond annual session of tho Whitewater Valley association of Baptists will oneii hero to morrow night anil will continue through Thursday Among those who will appear on the program aro The Rev Frank Kurt. South India, the Rev George Oreen, Bvansvlllo: Dr. W.

T. Stott, and tbe Rev, BJverson, Franklin the McGregor Marlon! Jth RaT.r.'M. CharaberlaInrUbrtri Mr. IndlanapdUM jes y. ipr 8.IJDA8TAPOU Aug 17 Tim squadron of tho lllack sea flint which had boen orderid to the Turkish coimt Balled tiMlay It Is under tho com niand of Hear Admiral Kriuger 80KI llulgarla Aug 17 A ills patch rocelvod horo from Usklb says that six humlriMl IVashl Dasouks.

un dor Uie tommand of Albanian chiefs who are notoriously cruel, havo oil lagc tl and destroyed a number of vil Isgoo In Iho districts of Dobre and Okrlda. The Turkish authorities. It la added, connived at the outrages and furnished Hie Uasht Itazouks with old uniforms In order that they might ap pear to bo regular soldiers ItOMK Aug 17 Tho memorandum of Iho llulgarlan government to the powers regarding the situation In Macedonia has produced a groat cf feet hero Tho goneral lnipresBlou Is lhat tho Bulgarian government is no longer ablo to hold back populir feel Ing which unless 11 Is rcprcj ed In tlmo will lead to a war wl(h Turkey The falo of Bulgaria in lhat event. It la thought, would probably be "'I same as that of Oreoca lit the kfC ffjL with Turliey Tho Italian ftopp'r ment is exchanging views on Jcct with Vienna and London, us SOFIA, Uulgarla, Aug 17 Order havo been Issued for the mobilisation tomorrow of two divisions of reaerve. It was rumored that they will bb en ployed In JWrcJhj.iilv'i!! the frontier to prevent thO HUItM jtl vj uuigsrian Danas into jnaeeaonia.

bt officers atato, however, that ttUfttor 9 is unfoundod and that tho reserves were railed out to undergo thalr cua. ternary training of fifteen daylu CONSTANTINOI'LIO, Aua; 17. An Impei lal Irado has been Issued oUHMT out fitly two additional battalions of troops (about 62.000 men) from the Kuropiau provinces at Turkey Ift opijr sequence of the spread of Insurrection In Macedonia. These tfodps onV prlae twenty battalions of reserves of the first class from the AOrlanopIw and, Salonika army corps The are reserves of the second class. NATIONAL BUILDING TRADES COUNCIL DECIDES WITH THE STONEMASONS jl Ji'U "il I DHNVKR, Col Aug 17 Tho Nu llonal Iluildlng Tiailes ioiiikII tonvcu ed to day ami adopted a resolution en dorslng tho Stonemasons' Inleinatioaat Union of morica, which is affiliated alth tho National Iluildlng Tradoa council, and condemning tho Rrlcklay era' and Masons' International Union la tf or Amerua, uerauso oi its amea at lions Jowarda dlruptng tho stotle 'i masons organisation with a view i ulinvKlnw I aa a Kiulv IThA ftl tM Ilia VAJi 117 VMS aillf nays Tho convention by vote 01 10G to BZ rerused to givp tne, ru penters tho work o( puttlac In Plate.

VI of channel Iron, studding and iv This work now belong to the lalher. WILL RETURN HESS TO COLUMBIA CITY His Father Will Withdraw From Hia Bond. ypM lul to the Jnurnul (Jastte tnl. Auf? 17 Tho local ofllclalri dorldml to day lo turn Fred HoH ovvr to the sheriff of Whltloy County, auI ho will be taken back lo Columbia Oily hi a few days, or an Boon 9 ho Ih ablo to travel It 1 sUtod that Mr Uen Sr will with draw from hla son's tiond and tho young man will bo kept In custody un til ho is either trjed on tho hargo of blackmail or artjudgod Insane It Is thought a commUulon In lunacy will be called to Inquire Into his condition Hess la at I)r I Hoi knoll boa pi lalf bxh aovoral timet has aaked tho doctor and nurses for a revolver that bo may ahmit him ho If attain Tho bid let has been found near tho crown of hla head It la believed that Hens la a mouo mantac on tho subject of blackmailing, probably due to oxceaaivo reading of trashy HUrature lla fad aeeius to be to blow up psrrlage factories. te la twenty four years, old, aiut tbe spa Jbf 4 waalthy fanner.

JUthoagtv STldenUr crsted on UiW fcne ivbjeet, beJW Mher wlsekVUhtMwtoumsC livi 't. Ti" ii? tiit r. LANINQ PRINTING COMPANY FIIRCj Loss $100,000, Only Partially Covered by Insurants. N()llhX)LK Aug 17. The manu moth plant of the iJinlng rrlntlht company, of thia city, on bf the largr iBt of Its kind In the country, was partially destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning The loss I in, the neighborhood of 1100,000 fully ooverod by Insurance The main halt of the plant and all adjacent building wen) Fa veil Tho business w)U bfe resumed? Inimodialoly Tho entire Insurance on' the buildings waa ISO 000 Over 300 people are thrown out of employment tcmpoiarlly 'i 71 'XI 1 A il 44 i PHILIPPINE POSTAGE.

WASHINGTON, Aug IT. Th postoflWe dopartmout has ordered 4 that on and alter Octpor 1, United States postaf stamp over printed "PallltPlae" hail not be accepted for postage pa matter mailed within the, United States, and United Stato postag sumps, without, OTW Drint. ahall 'not. bi waceptadi 4.

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