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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 3

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1' (' fMhf mm Impure Impure blood, Js a ideadly, pofeoril ItJishloddtliat the. refuse iiricj tlfe; 'tislrbfr product of wasted muscleMrid Iter suesr It is blood that Is filledwitlv blood that lacks arid, bldocj that fc starved and vvatery for lack of nOutUlimehti IpJpdreblQok jnitatelihenejtes, disturbs the heart, retaru i the circulation and clogs up the lungs. 't vitiate the appetite, interferes yittv diction, destroys tile complexion andliils hody with disease. stream of cpntanilnating, putrid pbBbn, arid 'Irlrtsforrh it'iirto' bounding Jife lluid of health," it is necessary to open up even' avenue for the eHmina (ipri of Impurities and force them out of the timtrife appetite should be $6. stimulated and the digestion so that thi? healthftil and nutritious sijbstanCe of the' fppd will, take the place of the poisons thitt, are driven out.

Nbthlng yet discovered will do this so: trior oughly and so well as Wiae Miles' GompotiiJiid of Saparflia Is pleasant to take It penetrate to tie farthest corners of the y'M'etu mid drivea out tlt lMt of dititaise. It tnakAa rh, pure blood and sends it. to ever part or the body, reneUnfaud rejuYlnatiHf? vry fibre iril.1is?uf. Sold by druijitts on guaranitt, MILES MEDICAL Elkhart, Ind. 4Hi'M4t'4i'Vtf momkx to JuVan, it lowmt rite as furiiilnre, pinion, tmCsm, wagon, mrrtocea, etc, ami Irate iho property la four pow tlon.

I'lDMrotl arrtbtM on tk monthly lntnlmf nt lnn or In nt CnntM ttnc of borrower, lionlm strictly 5 contMrotlol. rttt wyn Mortgage Loan Co fUmbi otcf )MI Hank, Calhoun, tile ele I Cn fourth floor. 1 1 A Hatteraly Son. STBAM AND QAS FITTERS. 46 t.

MAIN ftf REIT, Fort Wayne Ind. OSTEOPATHY: I i MW AND SCtKNTurio K18M WITHOUT JbicrNE. The twiner tdlcttaentofthaBanMiLUtuiinli. TuiJoat, irUriM, Vlm, tod tk Frasiot ot tb Ntrttt. Tb.

eMbtie Mtuioa oi minor J'lW DtroraltlM, and prow to be OOUBRCT the Itotttaedt ot people bo Mte trite II. Bali 10, PW A UM H6il4lo, I Wlieeliiien! Wow tb time to kar your whetl nut la ordtr for tl'ioft. will lis, oil an4 yoat blejrcl for fl.OO. will eiaan, oil Ana aijuit your blcrcli and trat wbeel tor fl.BO. work inirintMd' to bi flrit.

)M. F. SMITH tort tftyne, tad. jLfiftti Columbia Sicjcla. Give Your A NEW COAT OF carry n.

alock a cotnpleto lln efLowe BrotKeri' Jatntj ald pure 'llaie'ed Oil, Pelnt Brui'b, Whit lead, Window Qlas' Plat 01a, Ornamental OUm, Mirror late oi all Step: tadderi, Wheelba' Ckll'aibd will make our price an. object. PFEIrTER SON, cbitJMiii M. Annonncei tb reaoval of lit nra to l. ri ll to 4 aad rrxk'tUelraitCalTia.

TENTH AlTiJIVEBSARy. The membtri And ti tends of Queeii Cither oigt, TJaugbtel of Ilebekeb. oberved the tenth unnlvmary of the organtcatlon of the lodge littt evening in a'twinner that will atwayi bet plMlng( metoorjr to all of the pinrttclpante. The nffivlr wai in the nature of masqueritde party and It waa held nt the home of Mr. nd Mra.

Jrank Benoy. who are.noted for their iioepltaUty. Although young yean, Oueeh Jitijer lodge i one of the most impoitnf Auxiliary lodges iii the tlty and It i growing In mem berihlp very rapidly. Toniiht rtd baUace of wed. With Dallf Mattheei.

THE ROMANTtC ACTOR, DAISIEL RYAN, Ami AShienffid Co'mnanv. SpecUl Jfflvf 8peelltle, '1'oilgh''t'iyi ihe juaunee 40niorroTr a. iigjii Jrlwa tOc and 30c. Nlgflit' rrlceelOcI'gOc, 30c, 50c. MABQNic remstiL.

mAbck 10, BAutiful Comedy Dram, 'SflORB ACRES." Preieuted by a fine company of play ere, witn enure new acenery. and tntcbanical effects. A STJPEBS PRODlICtlOK ANTEED. PE1CE3 NEVEB Reserved etB $1.00, 7Sc and 50c. Cillery admliilon 23c.

Seat sale Friday. IVIA80NIO TEMPLE Xngagement limited to one per. toimnee.i Wcdncfrdfy, March 21. ENOAQElifENT EXTRAOftDmAIIlE! EUCIBNIE And excellent aupport, presenting the eutlAguished. aucceii from Wal' lack'i theatre, New York.

"A taily of Quality." By Mra. rrahcee Hodgaon Burnett and Stephen Dfrectibn 4f Henri Grf ltt teAOKirtCtNT SCENiaY, jatftUMlTE C6STUMES. Carriage called. Prices, il.BO; $1.00,. 75o end BOo.

Bala of seats and boxes Monday, karch 61 tickets limited, to eaoh pur'chater, i. BROADWAY THEATRE. 'Monday, March 19th. TiK JHIAMA "HIS tbRDSHlP." Acit(T orKnlitlit i l.mlU nf Coiiiinjita. Ailinlmloil J.T will.

llMtrrml; mii 11(1 cpiit. MrSaCIafaDianaStacy, ft XBB INDIAWAiVIAVI trti Scmullltloli itA tout Wuvoe jrireet tllly) betveta tlie bouM of 13 and a u. no eiarceeuaaa rut ciuo oo umpt et Siiiaj ins OIL. Pt Cewleem Tyaewrmn, k. td.

ISA iiiiii' ff oUriBnUCLcji (TUP Pt4 AHM LocAL news. lfrtiiiAyi, mah jaM Jrtfi.wV'o! Iff BBS ft ui.iii fcrin'aiTrtinlr ft iAit. .1 mffft'Md. hilt Mr. Oreenwalt, Of this city, has letsed the Lake Side Hotel at Borne City for.

the lenton. J. E. Koush, of Chicago, Is In the city to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Anstle Pierce.

Mrs. George Welch, of Wallace treet, entertained a party of frlendt at he home last evening. Frank L. Meyeri, of Columbia City, was In Fort Wayne Thursday look, ins nrter his tee cream business. Mrs.

John Evans entertained a com pafly. yesterdiy afternoon In honor of her Kiss Florence Campbell, pf Franklin; Fa. Mrs. B. Maxwell, of this city was In Columbia City yesterday bok tug after her real eitste Inteiesti In Whitley oounty.

Mrs. Charlei McCulloch and Miss Edith ZoUir left this morning for Weit Baden Springs, where they.eit pect to remain week or two. The.Jttltbbone Sliters, at their rej ular meeting tomorrow will Initiate Ave candidates, to be followed by a banquet, A good attendance la desired. Mr. and Mrs.

Fre'd Arnold, of Bay City, who hive been the giiestt of Mr. and. Mrs. IX. C.

Tresselt, of 144 West Washington street, htre returned to their borne. Mrs. t. L. Blppenhammer, of Hun tertown, been In attendance upon her daughter, Kri.

X. M. Kyler, of Force street. Mrs, Kyler has been very sick and her. recovery Is quite slow.

0. F. Sherwood, of Chicago, Is In the city for a few' dys. Mr. Sherwood was formerly.

a resident of tho city, and for a number of years whs connected with the Kerr Murray works. Miss Hller, who hat been at Qrand Bapids during the winter perfecting her studies; will return this week and take charge of the Plymouth church kindergarten next Monday morning. Mri. Carrie Clark and daughter, Vesta, of Vtn Wert, Ohio, and Mrs. Seymour Clark, of lima, Ohio, and her 'three children, hive been the guests of Mrs.

W. T. Limb, mother of Mesdames Clark and Scott. Oeyer A Boggen Is the name of a uew firm of photographers soon com to Fort Wayne from 'Fostorla, Ohio. They will occupy rooms at 44 Calbeun street, above Mergentbelm's millinery establishment, end workmen are now fitting1 up those quarters.

Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Mergentheiu, Mr.

and Mri. 'Caspary, Mort Mergon thelm, D. HI rich, Mr. and Mrs. Loeb and ode or two other ladles and gentlemen from Chicago, who were in the city, the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Mergenhtelm, have returned to their homes. Within a abort time Dr. Fair will leave for' Alalka In the interest of the Aliska Fetrollunr company, in which lie, together with A. A.

Bowser and a r.unjter if other Fort Wayne gentle tr.Hi, are largely Interested. Mr. Bowser will accompany him as far as fTeattle, andMrs. W. Cooper laat evening antertained Society of Art kt the last meeting scheduled for the year, fTbere about' Hfty ineoibera Mrs Mary "Ford, (if.

gave on' JEagi list Etchers" and exhibited a handsome collection. Mis. Sarih QulAner and touts Brown' were msrrie'd at the re'sidenci of Msilri Carey, lathis cityi bursi day afternoon 'by. Justice McCormtck, oi Monrof tovmshlpv i nrosneroU linngiBMt van tn his' comf ortabla: horaa tnsrs today. I'Ib.

In L'rfcua. OloiUrt Bcrliinli. tittw politoei tWU. ll.rtl.l.n. M(IK.

f.OfllHON.l'. ajMlM nFl Tnitt, I JB3II VlftlllS 1. liiiiiMv. i Ik 0pi.eUry. i Tuiit, .1 i I ttlti.lllan I luilun l.hltlun, fnhiH, fm, su amtl him.

routo xiixi. Umne M'rlt rift. Amrrton CliwVf vsfeMn mTrr ivitm rii urn T. Ihlll (' IIU lil mil il (5 Jvi me llnchii. 'Alliiw unii titiKtminbil li dli ert I'dui ft.tuprut blmts i urn (lie vteutil vfifir Kiia Ui AJ.1 4 touil ol ilMU led toiling tiir.i: ilv ifttniint Hqulrwil.

Lei Id tat) sit onrei, MinS It Utk cn lh m.r, Klwitt "III Hot, trnr dtlli lor ro milium, iwnw iim iiflui.i jrom mi rmiiwii; It ltl.M eii in1 arum, ILliis in iirwunt rf Hll In (, Mhlf HOlnn' IimI Hit mlM, nil uiM iKiihsi ndv to limit inle htiiune pour Inlo ali. utivn Tlic miili mill li emontlt. vulvrir tfoser. mull' foil: mM 1 miu in iiouf roiov. u.

ji, ori i I. lend Hit l)rt and inllll HMII tic hi.iiiliM jj l(6t lulllll. REV. WOOtMRf BtJIF: The, Cincinnati Cornmirolil TrU bunt today print tin following Ap clal telegram from Xenia, phioi of Revv editor of the, Jamestown Journal, whicli occurred, at Trinity' :M.X; iti this, city, 1 concluded after midnight Wednesday: ight; the jury flhdirig Mft Woolpert.gbllty and suspending him from the' church until conference meets. He was charged with bttTlng defrauded a Fetit, of the Jnineitown Fresi; but of $1,060 In a business the BandaU bote! lodged sixty three gueati last night.

Jure North was a buslneii vliltor from Bluffton yesterday. The laetltla dub was eutertalnel Ust evening by Mrs. F. W. Slhler.

MorrU, of Richmond, Ind.W Ss registered at the Wayne hotel, Councilman Weber, of Huntington, was in Fort Wayne yesterday. Mri. Fred Qunvpper spent Thursday' In Columbia. City with relatives atid friends. Mrs.

John Wilmore, of Wells coun ty, la in Fort Wayne visiting for a few daye with friends. Henry' Kbehnleln, the Enet Main treet barber, has found it necessary to enlarge bis facilities and will put a third chair and an addition to his back board next week. Fred 0. Young, formerly connected with the Blckeniderfer Typewriter company at Indianapolis, leaves today for to take charge of the company4 office at that point. At a busineas meeting of the Olym pin band held last evening It was decided to give masquerade ball at Randall hill next Friday evening.

Some original features will'be Introduced. Mayor 2. T. Dungin, City Attorney J. Fred France, A.

X. Beck and B. D. Smith, ot Huntington, attended a meeting of; the directors of the Ohio Belt Traction company held In this city yesterday. The sermon by, ile'v.

L. J. Motsch man on "The tibia and Modern Thought" at iChyit Lutheran church are attracting, considerable attention, They will be continued for time more Sunday evenings. Mrs.W, Vesey gav A high tea yesterday afternoon' Jn honor rf ber lister, Miss Studebakar, of Decatur, who is visiting during 'the week. The decorations were floral and were prof use and charming.

The invitation! exceeded .100 and most of the recipients responded In persan. Colored society was agog last evening and those who succeeded in getting on invitation to the function given by Mrs. Lewis, of Calhoun Street, were the envy of their fellows. The affair was In honor of some visitors front Xogansport and Lafayette and City Clerk MonnJng and Murray Hartnett were the only two white people who were honored with an Invitation. BA 'CJC FROM MEXICO.

Tha Fort Wayne contingent of tha Mexican tourleu returned home last evening after delightful trip, of Ihitly'day. Fort Wayne bers the "party were B. 0. Thompson and wife, B. L.

Coster Sheldon and Mele.B, Mounsir. Tq Mr. and Mrs. Thompson the experience was not new but' the. others are limply wild In their expression et beauties and novelties of the trip, tha delightful scenery and the superb service provided through the agency of Mr.

Thompson. Other members of the party wan Julius Dick, of Huntington, and ex Poit rosster Oeiieral James Oary, of Baltimore. Mr. Thompson continued with the excursion party to Buffalo and will be home tomorrow. MARRlAd LICENSE.

Louis A. Brown and. Sarah ner. Quid' CUtrn CMieti or Cm.1 at alive. vvniin, V'wp 1 the Ih 4 liionctiiiiii, trventii, V'liiMiiinK CiHiiili.

OMii, I foe the cure 4 CnMmpllon. SPANISH WAR VETERANS. The members of Eenry W. Lawtou Camp, No. 8, Spanish War Veterans, will hold their first, meeting in the club rooms in the Elektron building this evening.

Business of import anca Is to be transacted and a full attendance Is desired. FOR SATURDAY 00 Paper Covered Novels, 4 for 2Sc. SOc Paper Covered Novell, 23c. 20 Bo Fapeis, 10. 20c Box Papers, new shape; 10c 35c Box Papers, new shape, 23c.

Parcbeesl, 30c. China Prints at half price. Pocket State Maps, 15c. Vest Pocket State Maps, 10c. AT STAHN'fl, 10 W.

Wayne St. CANDY tiALE i'ii'l'ii AT A. C. AURENTZ'S. SPECIAL UNTIL MONDAY MORN Ape 30a Cream; Almonds lOc tb.

These goods are put up in boxei, and are strictly' fresh, and pure and every box as we represent W. BERRY STRSpT. CARD OF THANKS. W. diilra'ln thliway to axpreii ouKthanks to our.friendsani neigh mpattiy Jn our lets Mtkrs'aremt At by' 'et otiiftkii vd, daii gh it''(irS' Mr, and'Mrs, S.

0. Obarieswood, I Mullif li. I nkioh timcrliie It. hiotil HUM'; quitK, tui? rf niiitn. NOTNCE.

Do not fall to attend the great bl cycle opening Saturday evening, from to 1 1 p. m. Every lady that enters pur 'torr tl at evening will be pre sented with a carnation. Musle fur alshtrl by Italians and a large Edliort phonogroph. Come, as it will be a grand treai to you, tor "we have over 400 blcyclas on our floor) in fact we have, the lnrgest btcycle store Ui Firt Wnyne and Northern ItadlaU.


MEN'S STJITINO. Spring line now In at 0. Merchant Tailor, 07 E. Berry street, Phone 810; VtAt rfWWVrSAAMrSAASf FOR RENT A pleasant front room, with board; all modern conveni ences. DO E.

Wayne' St. 3 8tt FOB RENT Store room, and flat, No, SO Harrison street. Inquir; of S. B. Bond at the Old National 3 tf FOB BENTT room house, corner Stophlet and Garden Sts.

Inquire 00 Stophlet St. ci 62 Msdlion St. 16 '4t FOR RENT A few good reildencei and two builneis roomi tn 'toll city. W. Doud, over Old Ns tlonal bank.

7tf FOB RENTIf you want, money on household goods et "ad" on second page, first column. Room 3, Ar cade, upstairs, 13 tf FOB RENT legant jfflce rooms, formerly occupied by Home Tela phone Co. Inquire, T. 8. Hofer, Room SI, Bank block.

lOtf FOB BENT Fine office rooms on Calboun street, opposite new couit house. Inquire John Bosttck, 41 Calhoun St, or 130 E. Wayne. 12 4t FOB BENT Large, furnished froht room, with privilege of light housekeeping it desired. Bate reasonable.

Apply at 81 E. Wil' IngtonSt. j4 2t FOR BENT Two 7 roora dwellings, 14T and 140 East Berry street; hath room, furnace and other Im provements. Inquire 133 East Birry street. 18 eod tf FOR BENT The three story build lag No; 14 West Main street, thitd building; welt of the, HamiltoQ Na: tlonal bank.

Inquire of S. BvBond at tha Old National bank. 3 9 tf FOR RENT Lodge room can had by patties desiring It on either Wednesday, or Friday evening, at very reaiouabli price; nice dancing floor in same building Saturday afternoon or evening. Telephone: 1083, tjerw 'phone; 10 tf TO LOAN home; money, In man umi, at per cm. otnet tffpar, ''feint.



15 31 WANTEPi A good washing or ironing; wages $3.00 per week. Apply PO East Wayne stret. 15t: WANTED A home far 0 year old girl) comet from good family; for particulars address Box IS, thU office. lfl 2t WANTEpTo adopt a nice little boy between the age of 7 and 8 years, AddressBoy, Sentinel ofBee. 7tf tfflca.

tf i ev vtiii. iyu aew moaern ix room cottage, Snath Jlsrriton St, W. 7tt" WANTED If you wsnt to horror money, ie "ad' on lecand psS first column. Room 3, Arcede, stiirs. 13 tf WANTED Olrli for.

general home work; good wages; men Want work In hotel, Rood reference, MM. Ellen Fltr.gerald, 128' Calhoun. upstairs. lOtt WANTED i New Ideal; good Inventions brlnjf big' prlcesf plenty of capital available for the right thing. W.

0. Burns, patent: attorney, 80 Calhoun street, Fori Wayne, Ind, 3dAw tf WANTED Situation as bookkeeper and general office man, or a manager of a department, by a young man who is well qualified and accurate; can furnish bo'rid and reference. Address 0. W. Brown, Washington C.H., Ohio.

10 Ct WANTED You to be relieved of your 'rheumatism and catarrh; .11 your circulation, respiration and digestion are Jinpettect put you right; "Tha, Oxygenor Xing Will cur you; trial treatment I0 days. Room 3 and 4 Schmltx block. Ct WANTED AH afflicted with ft cough of long atandlajr, resulting front grippe or weak lungs, or hemorrhages, should try niy cough and lung syrup, an old Indian remedy, made of root and herb. It bai never been known to fall. Call at 33 Fairfield avenue.

24tf WANTED If you want money on your household' furniture, horses, carriages, pianos and other like security on. easy payment, everything left tn your possession, call and see us. The Reliance Loan Room 0, Arcade, upstairs, open every evening. 18 lmo DENTISTRY. DENTISTRY.

t. Faloliss. Dentistry. War Ek ranted Work. Moderati xWjy Charges, Get Best I U.S.

DENTAL PARLORS, Drs. J.A. A J. W. William, ifgra 'Fhohe UVS.

08 Calhoun St. LOST. LOST A black and Un dag. about 1 year old. Finder pleats return to 207 West Berry street and receive reward, Stt LOST A bunch of keyl, between postofflce and public library.

Finder will return to 10a E. Berry St. ond receive reword. PROFESSIONAL. DR.

MARY A. WHERY, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON, OOloa and residence, .23 Ma'dfson St. Specialty? Disease! Women. Telephone 470. Office hours, 0 to 3:30 p.

and 7 to 8 m. FOR SALE Or rent, a Complete barber buflij, Ad'irtss, Box. car Sentinel. I4t3 FOR SALE 4SI. Litayett a rooms, Hoi fiOxlo; 13,700.,.

ttoud: jj 'if" 1. r. a FOR, SALE il ant ottering College Placa Jot irj Weit Wyn trat.ts fsgtiUr E.iDoud. i i4t: tl It I FOR SALE vOne good dilylog horse, 4 year old; also buggyond bar liens. Aihlreta Box 1 2, lliii fihlfle.

FOR SALE Honae, 230 Crelfth ton avenue," between Smith and Oil er street, inquire 100 BfitWl. St FOR SALE If yoU! wt xdrmew' periofial securtty Ad' on ato, Srst columtu 'JRoottt'SJ Arcadi, lafef ifa ji 'I. A FOR SALE Or trads Nlea nljiei room, house on Charlea.atreet; wal Lafayette) wapt araslt collage) 4, will leli, for, 100. W.jB, OttiC fit Wl FOR SALE bwt. block on Calhoun street, 8, 000; will Uk in Solid, over Old National, bank.

Tt'f. FOR SALE Or tradewNIc nkidanctri near new Lutheran church. South BlcadwaV wint a nlr i'ui, v.vif,....w i.1.MM. tte oud. iky FOR SALE Tha tbree ktorr butldin eorner' of Berrtr nd'a4'ritiwTl streeU, known as'ih Nindf.MotlQ Innnlr nf S.

Ttnnil OIH 3 4. National bank. FOR sale Two lot, both north of; r. F. W.

R. R. and east of Broad4i way; SS50 each, just Wit prlcsj owner non resident, Doudii over Old National bank. 7tf FOR SALEA Xo, laMtmef new bualness jblock, lesa hailni quara froin new; eoof ioueinfl for 3O4.O0 per yArj pHca, S8J L. J.

Bobtlya, 22 Bank 1 FOR SALE Tha thra.tory'biild Ing No. 14 Wt Main trtHbitf building weit of the Hamtltojt'Nay tlouil bunk. Inquire of B. Bond at the Old NaUonal bank, FOR SALE New moderns ealdnce facing, Williams park; rtirhoirr bill for cost and discount' Uj amount 'WiTfi. Doud, over Old National FOR SALE Hone, wagon and har 'i nessj Itorse i years old; welghs 1,200 pdundsj arenn i for work or drlyiugi wagcin 1 ttt': able far delivery or express work; will sell cheap.

Ill Falrfleld 'J'4 nue, FOR SALE The belt residence prop erty In the city; lot 78x130, teetr; frame house, ,13 room 1: good eel lar; 2 Hfg. cUterVirwIlIf water; best of reasons foseiiiribv Call addrieM M. Boom 1 2, Pixley nidg. Walters In the molt exclmlva of the rcit.airre.nt have come to look upon the tip at so certainly their right that they have come. to assume! ah afr that.

Is offensive the ex tremsJ: There js no acknowledgment from them for' this courtesy on the part of the diner' now. ritcrely grab it a a thing that belongs to him. nk of France pay to. the government a. royalty on, notis issued In excess of the cash reserve, baled in a percenlag ot the ruling rate of discount.

In 1809 the royalty thus paid "was S048f3p0 A process for ths? electfU taJjOuritlcatUii of'Twilir' two electrodes. ron, SALE Or 'Trade Onmonthly' payments, A number of house; will tak amali hou or tol pAr pAy rtiant, orJf ytruhavi AlaVVilS want, I wni build ftfof arl montbl.payrntii eicoier ijroadwsy. or ,1 id 'p iam.M.1' i.irwl.e..wai,i.i 4 FORSALELot 20xlUQ teit, on, weit, Aide Calh'oita batwean enrldga and. DougVa. S4.000, bargain for.

ottVon'1 lot 134 Fletcher' 'Addition' J125 3 lot on St. Kary avs. at S13Q Court flrt: floor. FORSALE Elghty, ftoraa of land; this land i in Paulding coun. txV Ohio' 1 wly.ojo:;,iiniia';trpm good ruarket, advon, good itoii' road leading to 'county seat)" thla iJand', aU.

Ota Wat' It chaap; "IU, Jwrobaaar so for. lelllog AeLrM Ohio, ear Coriaam fcou. fblft Try Want OohM.

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