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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 8

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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t.w1sllWWr3aafJa 1 Real Estate Notes and Comments rc. i JHE POSSIBILITIES I HOME OF MR. AND MBS, JOHN 0. SMITH IN PUBLIC HOUSING Problems May Develop But Possibilities Are Within the Range of Limitations. EXPERIENCE IS LIMITED New Plan Discussed in Lucid Manner by One Who Has Given Subject Much Study.

(By 10 Day Woodworth) Person of experience and sound thought, who understand both the possibilities and the limitations In publlo housing as well a In housing codes, should look with alarm on the con fuskm which may remit from the flood of fanciful notion which times tiBTe produced. Our experience In clenttfle housing Is ao limited and the principles are as lttl understood by moat persons that valuable space and serloaa thought has been given to many Ideas which hare only the merit of novelty and could only be both lm? radical In operation and destructive a results. Thus, the distinction between housing reform and public housing muat be kept In mind at all times. Housing reform la as neoeaaary aa la any other Item of civilised existence. We xtend: Its influence by efforts which re broadly, educational and then force observanoe of the rules on thoa who.

will not. learn Ita lessons. Hone. tag reform; Is an essential of publlo pat. houstn; Etforra Is too often confused with' pub.

a bouetna Publle Heualng Problem The. aequteitlon and operation of housing facilities by public authority Involve not only the principles of good housing but the further study of the propriety of furnlshler housing facilities at the expense and riak of the taxpayers, the favoritism which would doubtless reault for a few citizens; the effect of public competition with private enterprise, the ultimate effect on public credit and tlie principle of American government. Even those persona of intelligence, and Judrmeril who appreciate these Various phases of the problem, are frequently carried away bv entlmental Impulses with the result that private Charity or the public budaet Is borden With the so called "model" structures which are more valuable In theory than In practice because not appreciated by the realdents who are subjects of our solicitude. Of late Interest In housing matters has been seized on by a variety of propagandists. Of these perhen the most danreroiis ere those who favor land nationalization, or at least Capture of the unearned increment frf huiu Tuuro, A hub, architect Origin of the Dishonest House 4bbss18 sift ir WlaS'Hlsssftk.

saH BUYS BEAUTIFUL HOME Ideal Home Site Is Purchased by G. Howard Russell of Public School Roster. WHERE FAfrMS ARE BUILT LIKE TRENCHE.j On of the handsome Kensington jttil. toia inmuni on juhboot sguie vard. has been DurchLsed 0.

How ard Russell, Instructor In manual training In the Fort Wayne sohools. In the selection of hla home property, Mr, Russell evLneoi. two characteristics which have brought about an or tne sales of lols In Kensington Park up to the preeml time, namely an appreciation of lie. beautiful as it Is revealed In the Kenalnxton Park of to day and of th future, and of me practical wnica 11 eiuioitea in th conveniences, Improvement and location of the northeast residence section. Th Kenamrton Park Company has contributed to the jhrelcal deveop ment of Fort Wayna Oils year In a substantial manner.

Appreciative buyers who wui create Hereon an an prlat type of horn. It the finishing; toucn wnico such undertaking needs to round out lu value to th entire city. SOMEffNOAlENS IN The above photo 1 that of the home and the bath cm second floor. Mr, and Mrs, John C. Smith.

114 The arrangement la good and the On yVllt street, and was erected by City ishes and decorations harmonic In a Suburban Building company. most striking manner. The flrst floor plan of this home I Thl home Is modem throughout and oonststa of a reception hall, living lis a very desirable home. Mr. Smith room, dining, room, kitchen, pantry end I Is proprietor of the billiard haU at 1010 bed room.

There are four sleeping Broad way. Fertile Soil and Ideal Condi tions In Popular West Side Suburban Place. who contributes to Current Affairs, the official organ of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, April 2, 1818, refers to the unearned Increment as "the ancient and ruthless drag upon human progress." lie believes that It can lie conserved for the benefit of the com munity and thus furnish "a total easy revenue far beyond all precedent" Unfortunately neither this contributor nor any other has outlined a plan which will confer any such benefits, no matter how certain they may conceive them to be. Profit Perhaps lllusionary. When considering the possibility of "self owning towns" the thought occurs aa to whether the proflta to i derived from collecting this unearned lnorement in the public treaaury rather than in distributing it among in the several other experlmenta of communism.

Practicability Not Demonstrated If the idea of the "self owning town" Is practiced, that fact haa not yet been shown; In short, when it la we will probably find on anawer to the! that they change and Improve the ap riddle of how one may lift himself by I pearance of the garden. The succesful raisin of garden products appeals to manr who have purchased Country Club Oardena, developed by the City ft Suburban Building Co. A great many of the lota In this fertile aport were planted this spring and are now In excellent shape. With the perfect soil; and the other elements Just right tore, there Is a friendly rivalry as tfr whose garden wll produce the most. The shade trees that were planted In this tract are now developed so nrtRXNCn warfar not tie a west A thing in trenches.

Long bator th present war began, with Its new methods of "digging In," trenches bad heea need la another and distant 'pari of too world for th very distinct and peaceful purpos of agriculture. NotwlttuKaadlng th fact ttat rlo Crow best la valley where th soil la rich and where It Is kept flooded almost continuously until the grain malar, the Filipino, who ar aa de pendent upon rlc aa ara the Japanese and Chinese, have succeeded In grow lag upon mountain side. There la, of course, a variety called "upland which require lea water than that Crown In the valley, bat even this grown In marshy aoU. Thtr is kept wet, according to writer In Popular Science Monthly, by a trench system which holds back th rain and th Irritating streams, preventing the water from flowing down the mountain and holding It la grooves In which the rice planted. ling buffaloes are vied to drag the plows and harrow through the mud.

Sometime these animal are blindfolded and made to turn wheels which elevate the water from the stream to the trench fields. After the rlc spouts are set out, the water arost be let off from time, to' time to sennit weeding and cultivation, bat It lever destroys the ledge. Scientist seem to be In doubt as to vhere the Filipinos learned t4 build tlco sementera. aa these trench farm are called, the construction of which li a religion ceremony, accompanied by elaborate rite. The whole prooeas 1 described In the Scientific American as being essentially one of levelling helve lata the mountain side.

The earth la tint cleared: the soil 1 care fully removed and placed In a pile; the rock are dux oat: th ground Is shaped, excavated behind and filled in front, until a level result. Thl is no light task, with' no tool save ticks. When a big boulder 1 countered, there may be days ot pa tient, laborious digging, like an animal. and prying with hand and stick. Once the ground 1 well the soil 1 put back over the plat, rich oil from another location being fre gvestly added to that previously re moved.

In order to provide for flood ing, every plat must be walled in on all sides where the mountain doe not furnish a natural wall. For this par pose and water worn stones from the creek beds are employed. The walls are formed of these, piled to gether, undressed and without cement or earth and of course in many places the barrier must be carried down be low the level ot th terrace, on the outside, as a retaining wall. Such walls will run from one to thirty feet in height, and in at least one extreme case have been observed as high a "6 feet They are carried to a height hlch will bring them about It inches above the flood water level. These walls are quite flat across the top, which Is from IS to It inches broad and this famishes the path among tnJ sementera.

An easy flight of te for ascent and descent ii provided by means of single rock projecting from the front of th wall at regular lnter vals. Of course, a mountain la un races inim iu top aown. no lest rs markable than th sementera are in rangemenU for water supply. PhiUj. pine mountain are full of imitl streams that seldom' or never ceas to flow.

These streams are diverted fron, their natural courses; in. tome cuts being wound for miles around the sldel of the mountains, passing over dee galllet and even rivers In woodei trough or tubes for the making a which the natives of course have only what a good union man would coa i elder the most hopelessly inadequat tool. The sementera soon come to cover; ibe whole mountain and afford a atrlk Ing scenic effect In. the words E. Jenks, who describe them la i publication of the Ethnological 'Sun vey, "Winding In and out, following' every projection, dipping Into every pocket of the mountain, the walls1 ramble along like running things alive.

Like giant stairways, the terraces lead up and down the mountain sides; and whether the levels are dirt colt cred are or patches of ripening jeU tow grain, one 1 struck with th beauty ot the artificial landscape ant marvel at the industry of an other wise savage people." DOUD REAL ESTATE NOTES. Ills boot atraps Finally, bearing In mind the clear. distinction between public housing and nousing reform, between pumic nw Th general activity in real estate sates seems to be continuing In a satisfactory manner as la evidenced by the number of transactions made by this agency (luring the past week. C. East, a prominent PennejM vanla roadman, has recently Joined the ranks of Fort Wayne home buyers.

having purchased from the Miller es tate the residence' boulevard east, near thirty feet In width and the house has elpht rooms and la partly modern. Mr. ni rj.i... I East will take possession at once. The rtrimti1m1 ifm uaa tl 7nn A tnterurban pardens, Mr.DObhrman ha olosed a sale of, two acres with a small residence on the Phllley road, th purchaser being Fred Bergman, of this General Electtlo Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Bergman will move out to this suburban place. He was attracted to this particular location bn account of It having been near hla old homestead. KITCH COMPANY NOTES.

Dreibelbiss Abstract of Title Co, 729 Court St. Prompt and Reliable Service n.nhi. a. i rt. i.

consiaerauon was is.iuu. n. a. i odd. on this matter ot public housing must I pany, the property at Wayne rortne neira.

ciosea tne aeai. inciuoe some tnougni on me more serious phases of which we will men tlon only tho following. Personal Initiative has been the cause Of American success. Personal Initiative haa been made possible and has been fostered by our system of hoc By William Edwin Williams. KUfd aad Ceprrtsaud NkU rstsi llirim, rrwl4at Htfa Bretkers, Tried and proved by the ages, a Xxwu of ancient wisdom comes down to us in th form of the parable of the two builders, on or whom built cis house upon the rocks, and the other upon the sand.

It was an old saw, when Solomon, forebear of the Nasarene, who transmitted it to us, built the temple at Jerusalem. It oame, quite poeslbh. out of Egypt, where living rock and shifting sand were the two foundations readiest to hand. Origin of Diahoneet House. The first to utter the proverb knew something ot the Integrity of a house an lnterrltr which has both an leal and material phase, which must '1; and political organisation.

How far gold at th end of the rainbow? Are Pf." 'l to there not debt as well as credits and he how la the general situation of cltl 11, xena improved either aa to the aocial fI' blmJ! V.l or political conditioner llbertyand equality merely as a lovel ThU. it has been said in favor of vr co operative ownership of the new communities now being created, that the government la in a very different position from that of the real estate operator who devtlopa a new suburb, as 'the government gets its money cheaply, is not gunning for speculative profit Dut merely wanta ita principal back with Inter eat. haa the power of condemnation that it need not be mulcted In assembling large parecla, can work en a very Urge scale, and Is' sure of Its population in Each of the above points must either be denied or very greatly modified as to meaning. First Oovernment credit is better than any private credit according to Its owner to tax. If the taxable Income is reduced by excessive levies the value of the thing taxed gradually disappears and public credit Is endangered.

Remove all real estate from private ownership and there must Ik some startling readjustments in our, entire plan of taxation. Beoond Aa the amount of govern ment borrowing la Increased, the street. This property ru purchased a numoer or manges in real estate ner. have already moved Uilo the new resi where there haa been more, than one "Ve Service, derlce. hundred houses erected within the past Jlillus CooK euberintenrtent of foun five years.

The latest trans dr for Base Foundry Machine is that of Mrs. Lena Chrlstman, i nf MiphlHn ctr. mi r. I former owner of the property at 2811 chased of Leonard Wood through C. 8.

Central drive, who sold her residence Kltch company the residence property to Charles Castle, another prominent at 32S E. Woodland avenue. Mr. Cook Pennsylvania railway employe, for and family expect to move to Fort IMOO. Mr.

and Mrs. Castle will occupy Wayne within the. next ten days at house within the next thirty days, which time they will eocupy their new) Among other suburban transactions, home. Including a number of lots In Bluftton FEATURED FOR SUNDAY. JcfiyrruiSUMMITCITY RESTAURANT 11 A.

M. to 8 P.M. Six course tabled' hote din mn FIRST CLASS SOUND Splendid menu, ntten GRADE LUMBER, SEE E. G1LMART1N SONS LUMBER. YARD AND PLANING 117 137 Murray St Phones 7700 7701 and Sand and Gravel Co.

Pit located on Winchester Road, (in now furnish washed sand and gravel. Delivered everywhere. Pit Phone 765 green. Residence phones 16(9 green and 10. To Secure begin with the foundation and extend amourt available for private borrovv in peaa or, me rooi.

ine emicsi mg Is diminished and the cost of cao id comes, home to tho owner and ital to Industry and commerce is tilth builder, for dishonest houses are creased, private Industry is dlscour ynad either through the lack of aged and enterprise is destroyed, high Ideals In the builder, or the Third The use or application of tin stubbornness of an owner who obtained by govern. nent loans riot listen to honest advice. But what is through government otfice which ever the source of the fault, the build are less efficient and more costly than that lacks Integrity which wants' private Industry flnda desirable or that harmony of purpose, plan and necessary. Furthermore, whereas priv DDearanc Which make at once for ate Industry la dlnrnntlnueil when Itx effectiveness and for beauty, la ilka.aalm la accomplished, a public office al man, who, having many virtues and a few glaring faults, proves to be the most disappointing of friends. The house that has not integrity, (hat has not staunch, honest char acter from basement, to roof bea ways finds a way to Deroetuate its ex istence through means which were not content' a when It was established.

Speculative Profit Is Rswsrd. Speculative, profit Is the reason for all human advancement. Speculative I bullded upon th sands; and while profit Is not an element of trraft, but ji may wunsiano ine orainary winns is the reward ror ernciency. in meas of heaven. It will not withstand the i taring speculative profit we must not breath of professional criticism and.

regard merely the amount estimated In the end. may be almost as much of the vendor, but conalder that the a. burden and a loss to, Ita owner ifvende determinea It acordlng to. hi it had fallen, before the storm. comparison of the relative value of'all That house that la to be built upon offerings, the rockj that I to have Integrity of Th power of condemnation has plan and material, must be well never before been assumed to be an planned.

Back of the designer, the economical method cf acquiring pro architect, the builder and varloua con I perlv. The facta aa to the full prices muat be a mind capable of, wh'rh are and should be paid for pro correlating all these functions Into a perty thus commandeered, together harmonious working' force; driven to. with the expensive methods pursued. a lngle end. If the owner be capable are too well known to require discus this achievement, so.

much the bet slon. teri if not he had best call upon one; The size nf the undertaking always Whole. i will he ost difficult ta d't rmlne Sources 9f Dlssppolntment. stead of being Certainty. The He laps; bis.

foundation upon sand amount which would be proper at on who does. not. take thought as to the time muat Increase or decrease with ntneas of hi architect, hla builder, rtemande upon the induatry aupported and all the functlonariea of a build by the Inhabitants. Jt Is, therefore operation to rear In wood and very certain that there la no way ot Iron and atone the dream (hat Is his. determining In Advance from year to An efficient architect, a conscientious year the amount of population which uoiiaer, oonirmcios worsins; at cross i must oe accomortated ana.

It 1 equalJy purposes with no direct responsibility to on efficient, directing hand any one of these make for disappoint In building comparable to that suffered by the optimistic ancient who, ignoring the experience of others oonomlsed at the wrong place and )ot outright the house that he had unwisely built upon the jtahd, The beat assurance of the Integrity a building Is the union of th Ideals the owner, and the builder; A kones haa in Inalienable light to be well built Its construction is a task that should be approached with a sort of reverent enthusiasm. The earner who realises (this fact, and th builder who Insists i upon it ss due te hie teputattorv will produce a strue Ujat neither wind of heaven nor pbiii os vriiiciaxn nn upon iia certain that publle officials are no mrer nnalifled to decide thl point wheri they are ppehdlnft other people' money than are private Individuals who measure all the facts with a view to rsklijf their own savings. There. are numerous other points to lie considered hefor vcat the possibility of such Human nature Is aq element which will "de. termlne th success or failure of any uch plan.

ret back tothe very situation which has prevented sound I tax rerorra) wnai is everyhoays busl. ness. Is nobody's business. Upkeep would be a problem of most serloua proportions, increaslna with the sis et the town. Practical politics, a ne.

cesslty In every democratic community and nation would soon blot out the rood feellnra anil tiw nf Ihu, aejUatlonfor tbey are not of communities and th same a it ha I the Best That Is In Food It Is Necessary That It Be Prepared Properly A MODERN GAS RANGE On Account of the Ease of Regulation Always COOKS, BAKES BROILS, OR ROASTS in the Best Possible Manner Food By Trying to Prepare It in a Range Thatttoes Poor Work Get Your Range Now TWis the Time you Needit EASY PAYMENTS IF YOU DESIRE Northern Indiana Gas Electric Go. 112 East Wayne St. "THE GAS CO." Utility Bldg. 4.

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