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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 3

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 'i royai IlicDailySaUel BATUnDVY, DECXOMBB 18. For The Sentinel. TO OF Altt'OA. BY BUE ESTA. I POWDER Absolutely Pure Had from Urape Cream Tartar.

No makes euahluzftil or luxurious paauy. lout fe without other prei hot bread eaten or dyspeptics tile reseating from he) Bold onlT In cane, b. Rotai. FAKtKO Powdsk Oo, Aufuat 1 IttjIAw flaky an be fear of tbe heaTv lndlzestlnle food. cans, by all Urooers.

naw ioim THE GARLAND. 1880. If you want a good, reliable base burner get the Garland. You should not buy a stove without looting through H. J.

Ash's stock. H. J. Ash's stock of stoves is larger and mora complete than that of any other house in the city. The Astral Is a Criit rlass base burner, a powerful heater laud is sold cheap.

H. J. Asli will take old stoves part payment for new ones. ia If you want a cook stove see the Alderman aud Astral Ranges bet ore you buy one. They will burn hard coal qr wood, and keep a continuous fire, at H.

J. Ash's Store Emporium; No. 9 East Columbia street. You will find fetter bargains 'in stoves of all kinds at H. J.

Ash's than any other place in Northern Indiana, and don't you forget It. No. 9 East Columbia St Novl8tf CITY BONDS FOB SALH. for sale cent, mtlar Valparaiso offer i dollars of its six ne bonds, issued to pay on a nirnuai amount of Inileutedness now maturing Thn nltv of Valnal forty thousand of It six fumllng bonus, issued to pay on per cent. a sin Twenty five thousand lo be delivered oil tbe flint day of January next, nud fifteen tbouaand on.

the first day of Marefl, 18Hr. The Interest on these bond Is IP. Im paid seml amntally at the First Natlnftal llunft of Valparaiso, Indiana. These), mils are to rua.teu years the city restrvlng ih right to pay them off after flire'jreara irom the date, by giving Ilia tjauiu fcotlee of such lutentloii. Bids are luvltwt.

thich should bu addressed to the unuersliaed. M.M. HARpOLW? Nov. 2U lru City 1'reaaivVer. rW vQAarjs idnev pAor ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEYS, Bladder and Urinary Organs by Abeorblar all humors, evury trace of disease, and forcing Into the system through the pores of o.skln, nourishing: and strengthening vegetable toulcs.

glv. lug It woaiderfal iwer to care at once. PAIN IN THE BACK. Hide er loins. InUamatlon u4 JHrlarUl'a IMacaM or Ui Mldiieya Diabetes, Drepey.

Urel, Catarrh esr til Bladder, iBnbllllr i mr iuhI the Urine. Blame la the Bltulder, JI1 (llred. Meauty Palatal Vrlaatlaar, Uepoalta, Casta or BUrede in tbe Urine. HEHVSVS dc PHYSICAE, DKBILITY and In fact any disease of these great organs, whether ooutracted by over work, strain, excessive drink, the abuse of nature or ot herwlse. It supercedes entirely the Inconveniences and troubles of taking nauseous and poisonous internal medioluea.

It la worn exactly where needed, next to the body and Immediately, ovsr the Kianeye My friend, you com before, In ralr and feminine guise. Ami Speak Uod's languBg to In majle words and wise I thank you for your kindness, And may God above forever blet And guard you alwayr. here. Bat can It be that ever We two as friends have met I must thai kind Jle.seTei; I If so. tori forgeW.

Bin yet, although Unrecognised, I read your poem through, Be sure Its every word is prized In friendship now for you. It Is but pooi weak; nature's lot TojilqeaaJ mourn, I know. But by tbe precepts you have taught I'll solace seek; for And, by Uod's help, kind friend un known. Who hath proffered words so true, I'll reap in turn, as, I have sown, Encouraged now, by you. And in my after life, lul Endeavor more to do others" now, until i My Master calls me, too Yhat "golden rule" shall be my guide, And brighten lonely hours In future can no ill betide, Or darken by its powers.

For He who died on Calvary That precious rule did give. That suffering, weak humanity Mlgbt seek Ills light and llVri Tis very easy, though, ray friend, To be disooursged here, For all our earthly Joys end, And life seems dull and sere. With earnest tlianks, I theu receive Your aid, so kindly given I'll rive anew the goal to reach. And meet you there, in Ueaveu, Aud though I cannot iowrecall, our friendly form, or face. We will there know each other, all in the light of redeeming grace Coesse, Iiul.

Deo. 13, 1880. 4iJelIuM. Great bargains in trunks and va lises 'at Graf ci Getty's manufactory, No. 22 East Columbia street, 'lruliks made to ordtr, Repairing promptly attended to.

Pets 9 lmo. ivoiic ornmtiuic. Fort Wavbe, Iw, Bee. 1, 1880. Notice la hereby given that the auntial meellugorthe slocttuoldera of the Knrt Wayne national hunk, or Fort Wayne.

Indiana, will be held 0,1 11 bauklug house, on Tuesday, January 4, 1881, between the hours of 10 a. aud for the election of live directors to serve tbe ensuing year, Uecl J. D. BOND, Cashier. Hie St.

Louis racific Railroad Are now selling HOUND TRIP TOURIST'S TICK BTH AS FALLOWS From Fort Wayne To New Orleans, La i and return JIB 71 To Jacksonville, and return 61 46 To Austin, and return 60 To Ualveston, and 68 00 To Han Antonio, and return 06 60 Tickets sold at above rated are good for return passage until June 1, 1881. For tickers, routes aud connections, call on or address, SAM. B. SWEET, Ag't, Wabash Depot, Fort Wayne, Ind. dec 2mf STATC MEWS.

It Is comfortable to the patient, safe, pleasant and reliable in Its sOsoU, but MwerfsiMsaltenetleia can be wont at all tlovsCin lany cU niBte, and a equally good Wr' MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. healto after aa otherfleatmenii and rm. SJleshave failed. Ask 3rfZgM it i 7TJErZl7 tote. II oe naa nws VI rT

Iteguiai Iptlve' nat Meguu en Bpeelal rad. vuronio, receive it by return jseeerlptlve; lonaatandlna Ohil ba i.srk sunaniar oomnlalat, weak EBwCffl'feL JngTa WrrJSjttlsv great DAY jsrpNEnriPAD "BSnrc. B. Wooda ortfc, Strop uo. i Theopholua F.

Beese, a young man of New London, Howard county, committed Buicide by taking; a dose of morphine. One third interest of the Grand Opera house at Aurora has changed hands, D. H. Stapp being the purchaser. The consideration was $8,000.

Tuesday night the store of Col. Fred Slater, of Sparta, wan burglariously entered and robbed of sundry articles of use and ornament. Corals till coming into market at Aurora in great abundance from the vast bottoms above and below here. Business of all kinds ia active ia that thriving city. Nobel Bennett, a cooper of Law renceburg, has drivenhis blind daughter to the county poor house, after yainly endeavoring to induce her to commit suicide.

There will be more improvement iuKuehvillenext year than there has been for the past five years. One building association will build eight years by the time spring opens. Several prominent and prosperous farmers in Walker township have been brought into court as defendants to explain how it happens that the titles to their farms are defective. George V. Axtell, of Greene county, died on last Sunday rnornqgj from tbe effect of au ovarian tumor.

It was removed by a post Weighed thirty six and three quarter pounM. An attempt was made Wednesday evenhrg by two masked nien to kill the night watchmen of the Wabash State dam, near Delphi. The parties were recognized and warrants aworn out for their arrest. A great deal of exceedingly well executed bogus coin (dollars and halves) has been put ia circulation in New Albany. Even the banka have been deceived, and one bank finds itself tha owner of about a dozen of these bogus dollars.

James T. McCoy and wife have brought suit for Blander and $5,000 damages, in the Ulark circuit court, against John Shelby and wife. The McCoys and Shelbys are among the old and well to do families of Charles town. Mrs. McCoy charges that Mrs.

Shelby accused her of stealing sundry napkins and other articles belonging to the Shelby family. A ycase of considerable interest to the medical profession has just Irani spired at Clifton, in Union Charley Teeguarden, aged 'J, has been, offering Ubout two years with a dia aathat juas baffled the skill of several local physicians, but on last evening the cause of his trouble became apparent, under the treatment of Or. S. JbCelll He vomited up ananimtl about five luchesjn length, tish ahaped aud of the consistency of a salamander. In a sew minutes after the operation he took nourishment and wanted to go out and play.

aVTOEJ DEI X. BHA TJIVt 1 iiuiiiiMi ariitavii i i Pi rM filvx an Invoice of Meor Uhnun. Cigarette ami Cigar Hoi Frs, lpeimllng the "LATEST NOVELTIES, Which I otter at a low figure for the Holiday Season. T. F.

Thieme, Dtigiclst, so Calhoun Nlreel. DR. HI. DlfflEN, VlIYStlAN AND SUHE0. Office 16 Calhoun Street, Over Mctlhurst's Drug Store, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Dec tt Om d. ift Years OcfrrrtU eJP ubllc. THE CEMUIME DReC.M IrANF'S LIYERPILLS are not Yecommemlens a reiueJy "for all the ills that ilesh 1 heir to," but in afl'ectlbns of the IJver.uid in all llihous Complaints, Uyspepsia.ond 8ick Jlead ache, or diseases of thatcharacter, they stand without a rival AGUE AND IEVER. No better cathartic roi be used preparatory to, or after tukln quinine As a simple purgative they an unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.

The genuine are never su ar coated. Kach box has a red wax ftej on the lid, I.lVElt PILLj Kacli wrapijer beamthe signatures of O. McLakb and Ftn'fNO Bros. ffiB Insist Upon havinR tin genuine Dr. C.

McLANES LIVKH VlXa, prepared by "XE5IINU Hi. narkei ot infr fttl' r' ini'on o' the name JWdwim, ollel Dut saine proiiunt.iilini now TO CUKE CONSUMPTION, COUtDS, Oolda, Asthma, Group, All dlaeaaesl of IHsTlirosI, end nlnionarr Oraons. USB ACOOIUMNU TO l)IBBTION, ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. AwrusU XmdAw laxatJve Prapajrad train fruit tropinl and IstheBestMdMost Agreeable Preparation tn fhe World ror Consttpallon. niltousiteSB.

Headache, Torpid I.ler, orrboIdH, liicIianoHltloii. and nil IBItiorderM arlslnie' from an oo HtructeU utate of Hie uyHteut 3jw3lrv nd chlWrfir.inwi thtwm wbo dislike daily pfeaed with lta axroabuiMsUen, taking pill and naurMu nKHftflnffi. are etipo laiiy pitTSMVU WUU lie) Jf TROPIC FIIUIT I. AX AT IV JO may bo umhI till Oi a mirijauvB, aierlnnlmet1 clUPs and wtolieitpro Uuoea tbe sari) result a tbe acmtn named, It 19 In all iuuh Lhat netMl th aid Ofttbartlctur aperient metllctiK ahd wolleltr entlrply free from tbe unal oWectlonn common to them, rwkid la broased tla bxi only Price 35 cts. Larg boxes 6oc.

SoLPBYALLFlRSl nJAS'JDRUGGISTS. AB4US A AaJtlAW UN FERMENTED MAiTBirfi TRADEMARK ihfgp te MALT AND HOPS ittebs THE AGED. Mental and physical blllty of tbeagtxl beftinH Willi lows of appetite and sleep These two potent ttHtiMW of premature and rapid decline liave their orl1n la Ikitkctiv Ndtri Trow and Impovkrishkd Blooi. Jl other al lmenta may be warded off 1 tUeae be leatored to a oondltlon of health. To acoompllNb this beneficent purpose.

MAL.T IUTTKR.4 are hu per lor to all otber forms of malt and medicine, Tbey are rich In bone and fat prodndne material They vltallxe with new life tbe prooeatof digestion. Theydlneolve and'aulrullate every article or food, thereby enriching MUdBtreDgthenlng tbe blood. They feed tbe brain as well as tbe bloodj banishing nervon ueiw. melancholy and sleepleea neHS. A)r every form of debility of both mild and body of the aged, MALT BIT TURH are the pui eat and safest restorative In medicine.

MALT BITTBKSare prepared without fermentation from Canadian BARLEY MALI and HOPH, and are free from the objections urged against malt liquors. Ask: for Malt Bitters prepared by tbe Malt Bittkbs Company, and see that every bottle bears tbe Trade Mark Label. duly signed aud enclosed in wave lines as seen In cut. MALT BITTERS are for sale by all Drag, gists. wcdsat CONSULT DR.

WASSERZUG, A regular araduate.rrora Rutwlan Poland, aa bis diploma will allow, auii practice will prove, on all 8EXUAL, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. Consultation free and strictly ronfl Jeutlal Consulting room, 2d floor ojflce ami am 11 rooms, 84 West I sti eet uelween Oalboiui and Harrison strtwis, Von Wayne, Indiana. Dr. wassersnu, havlOK had expertenct aud praotloe for 1U aiH lu Kurope, can be consulted with tliegieutfnt couildeuca ouoll diseases incident to tbe hninan Kvntpm. Wben vou bave tlted all otUei weans aud exliausteii theNkill or medical praotltloneia In old con.

nit Dr. Wassej sng. tbe Pott pnyslclau. All who have Been injuriously treated, 01 aresufleilng from the direful effects of mercury or otberrolneral poisons, or tb we who may be deemed Incurable, will seldom fall to find speedy and permanent relief. OuuirrU In all 1U uuases: Hcorbutlc ernptiouH, btotcnen of the xktn, ulcerated legs, cancers, tumors, skin dlKiaaea every kind, rbeumatrnm.

sciatica, gmit, liver oomnlalnuatitlima. dysentery, piles. fats, dyspepsia, nervous debility. illaeHSes ortne ear anu eye, an aiuiivir jw uuuai 1 lseases All matters strictly confidential and respondents answered. Hpeoial atten ton paid to all female diseases.

Tupe wrm expelled In three boars. Or. Wiwsersug will positively stay bore su months. Medicine for chronlo diseases eU every where. Write, and mention synptoms.

U. BoxSil, rort Wayne, lud. Ait IS, div6ni. Pltri MAN EriTLY CURES IKIPNEY DISEASES, COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles. SB.

It. II. um ji. i.ii.m:v itaej I aetml I1L a cbariu. ItAaweurcil mumr rcrt i Saae.R.PlI ES, ami bua acvrr fitllrd 1.

I at ntlr." WT1JMI1 Wfiriml. nrHL.Alk.UM.VU. n.ra.'MUKorr rtoMeMV.l... AfltrrtiW I minm rnviiR ANn AQII run at Brmt from t' H1C1ANH RaV It Is a fEWKLT A. "HAT5ERSLBY, PLUMBER, OAB AND STEAM FITTER, GAS FIXTURES, Main Street, East of OUntoa, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Uras3 Work, Iron and Lead pipt. Liit and Force Pumps, BheetLead, Batb Taba, Waab Bowls. Rubber Hone. etc. Old Ka ftxtaree legiil.

broaaed ana anal to new. maurvau w. MATTHEWS, A 'hmjim mr dv i ht i m. iiaiiis'ia in vw Money to loan In lartee 01 small iiumi, XSoteff and MortKHses bought, Hoiuen to rent. JCoom No.

8 Foster HtreeU Block, on Conrt sep29 lyr fflDMAPOUnODTE! Indianapolis, frn Chicago Il'y. FAVOBITE AUD POrDXAB HOUTK To Indianapolis and all points SOUTH and SOUTHWEST. TIME TABLE OOL 24, 1880. LEA ST. 1..

A F. 10 40 am 11 12 18 pra Fort Wayne 5 aoaiu Huntington 615 Wabash. (16(1 PlvX.P.AO. 7 45 Kokomo S2 Tipton 9 14 rVoblesvllle 9 67 1'dla'p'lls arli U0 145 240 SIS 4 00 5.UI '160pm 86Spm 4 60" 940 5 81 10 10 8 20 40am 7 15" 148 751" 8 23 85" 8 04 9 85" 4 00 RETUltlNINU No. 1 leaven Indianapolis at 8 50 a arrives at Fort Wayne at 1 .50 m.

No. 8 leaves Indianapolis at 11.35 a arrives at Fort Wayne at 7.26 No. 5 leaves Indlanapolla at 0 10 m. arrives at Fort Wayne st 0 25 a in. No.

7 leave Indianapolis at II 10 arriving at Fort Wayne at 6 25 a m. For reliable Information spnlv to C.M. ROCKWELL, Oem Pass, and Ticket AjenU Vi T. MALOTT, Ueucral Manager, Indlaunpolls. Wl MTPIl LOCAL AOENT8 everywhere to II All 1 Ell' sell tea; coffee, baking powder, flavoring extracts, by sample, to ram Jllea.

Profit good. Outfit iree. rceple's Tea Co Hox 60W. Bu Lonls. Mo.

An 1 4 KM Oats Iff? Wheat Pork 83 SSZ I CO fees f'l rL Aug e.o.d.A Hmo "A Brfgbt teeth, and lips that glow tbe while, Btfeht light and color to a smile; more than this, OLte light and color to a kiss. Bat both must sutler from the want jnx; EtWesftc MK eMpUUlj ourrd ne. C. 8. llOvJAIKIN, orrt.iiVe.Lali out I BeMkeChaNlttU6 WonJtM flfr iO In MMaV Utl rairlHrx him lAwr aui! Kldaej I OetuplAtet.

it has isTinra WONDERFUL Wll I i POWER. jKmammm nEOACSn IT ACTS 'ON tith IMVKK.TIin BOWEIH ANU Kill. NEVH AT THK HA2IE Beonuso It oleanse. the system oi I thepoleonoua humors thot develope I in money ana urinary giwHwiwr I loueneso, Jaundloet Conetlpatlonr I Pllee, or In Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Female disorders. KIDNEY WORT adr? vegetable cm 4m4 a.

Hall pwyidd. I 0a parkas .111 make.lx fits of mrdlclae. TUT IT 3XTO 017 ll.y ltt tk Jrelta. PriK, St.OO. WXUS, SICBASISDir ft rnjirltUn, 3 Bllc.

Vfc larwpana.tothSBrsmSs.iuats of greu BaAbM.eTp.opl. irboprmtn to pnrohM. a KMneyWort nlT pwpMd, tb. pi prtMonoftlils lbr.tod r.moo now pi paaaittanquldSana as wall a. ary.

It ta very montr.ud, i. put ap In large botttaa, and is liolaat a. tli pat up dry lu Ma mum. It uiv. 111.

MaaUy orptarins, I. aremy. ready and Is mora ully tafcm by tpMpl. TjQtrrD Axm mTBoiB tfi BavooraTa WKtLS, BICnaKDSOIf 4 Prop'm, IlMltMtt. TS.

0INCH0 QUININE M. HIBHTITUTK for the sulphate of jalulna Hnpenorlntonlcpropertlesind irodueei no disagreeable efleut. DOHK: Trie same as Sulphatc Qnlnlno. Bad by DruggliU, or seat by man Prloe. $1 60 per os.

CLA.PP a CbstnlstS. Ooti 2inotoddAw B01T01T. Fry's Meat Market 146 Oalhoun Street. BoslCoraBeefirWiir. In tbe olty, uiv it yotuvelf.

trial and sstlsf Also, PORK SAUSAGES And fresh Porte At jll limes 1 will sail Meats of all Kinds as Ahead as anywhere In tbe elty. An. tf U1 20 TWENTY NEW AND ELEOANT STYLES OF 20 A'eiv york, 0liio. (ATLASTIUOSUSKAT WSTf UW.J RAILROAD. TIME TABLE ADOPTED Novemb.r 7lh, IW0.

TRAUMH KAVTWAHlJ. STATIOHM, ip, I ulfHgu Mansfield Ashlaud Kent Warren Greenville Msadvllle Union Jamestown A r. VuOalo Rochester al Rlnghamton Albany llosUm Nr York 1 i No. a No. It' No.

OlKIIli 2aripml till) U20" 1165" 1208am! 101 2 40 St)6 4 58" 622" an 7 M. 7 45 10 00 hi ipm 1216am lo (14j 8 15 8 45 I 40am 12 '18pm i lllJ5am" 121pm. 26pm. I ISTpm 1 3.10 60am 8 10 20" I ') I 8 67 ilO (100am 240pm 15oam 1 4 20pm TRAJNS WESTWARD, STATIONS. No.Jlj No.

No. 0p.I4er York 900aiui 7i0iin 4 U20proiloniiiru 1227am II 67 4 Lakewood 1 2uim I pm Union Clly 1 41 I 1 "2 Meadvllle 2 2 40" Oreenvllle 8 44 8 Ufl 4 54 4 41" 5 47 5 42 Kent 0 0B 8 10" Akron 1180" OSS" Ashland 8 50 8 8 Wansfleld 9 30" 9 2 Ar.Kt. Wayue. 235am Chicago. I 8 00 lp.

Gallon alO 15aio 1006pru 1102'! mui" Uibana. 116pm 180ara Mpriogfleld 1 60 2 15" I)a ton 8 (li 1 50 Ar. Cincinnati I ft oo QyTir 'Vhtrtion IV. Al JUtAULEys THjj in the city of Lonlsvllie, HtlMV. DECEMBER 3itosso.

TVtnlli 111 S( II ru WiM(a 1 I I (pleil) under provlstoun of aUy IU Ueueritl Austin LI or KstiiMisi of rorpratiiK the Newport Co approved April 1 rtilH 1m IrlMl 4M.J Umm 1P Mtatert circuit court o. MarcriSUit rendered tbe following dec! llf rTBat the Commoaweallb Ilbtribu tlon Company logal. at IU drawings ure fair. 1 'ihecorrnfanybafl bottw. hand a lu iortwervufand.

HaatlthallaiMf iirtKAis lor 1 vr DECKMBJ5R DKAWINU I I 0.UIUI JM plOO each $10t(HM) Vita nra f)nMia in mm U0 nra 60 each buO pnaueach 10.0UU uacut'N lea go to Palace hotel ear and sleeplus are run on tra'n jyo. rnoru Chicago Ner Xorkaally, via rt way no, Mann Held, aud the Erie lloilway, without change. Alao rrom Jfew York to Chicago dally, on train No A. Met can he tiktrn at any hour without leaving the train Connection at Meadvlde lor Oil City; at Oorry for Tltunvllle; at Jamefl'own for BaiTalo and Niagara falls, at Haltoanoa for Rochester; and at Blnghamton for Albany and BoHton. tt.

ailAHUL, (Jeneral Paaeeniterand Ticket Agt P. CXXJPER, ct. Cleveland. (). Cieueral Huperliiteudent, Cleveland, 100111.00 1.00 LOO 111.00 ACCEPTED.

have accepted the agency for this city for the celebrated "EGYP TIAN Fever, Ague and WARRANTED the market and superior to many, A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for infernal medicines, and me most eueetive agent known in tie cure of all Billions and Malarial trouble. PRICE $1.00. DRE1ER Wholesale and Retail Druggists. l'VO Unhsvn arrnntn.1 the l'OO 1,00 Liver Fad7' 1.00 I 1 All Equal to any "pad" in 1 An aa I A I'tUHllT SIBSllfl IK i.oo Kite Md Malarial loo 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3neral Agency for FIAGQ'8 LIVER PADS. DUEIER BROS.

Aug 1 e.o.d.AwCm. lM eacLlO.lXlO I 1JM) prs 10 eaeta UI.OCKJ pre Spis uuOeacb, 9 pr. KK) each, vol prises, tinXi WhoU Tioksts, Half Tiskets, 1. It. It pr lvnlr draft ly letter, or lONTHKNI HY UIHThHKI) LHTBTMl UK FOMT OFFIt'l'I tuiUP.K.

Onlera of upward, lv ei (res, tan be sent at ourexpeuse. R. BJAK1MAN, Courier Journal BuUdluK Jonlsvuie, or at No. X07 and SOU Broadway, New York. oet 29 FKIsbOW IIVl'OPllOSPHiTKS.

Is a combination of HypophoKhlteA, originated by me In Canada while under theprocesof pulmonary eonflurnptlouand which ha since been employed by the mtHihal profession throughout America and Kiigland with unprecedented buc CeHH coutalus the elements essential to the auliual organization, or oxidising agents and toiilct. In (omblnatlon with the stiihulating ngeitt phosphorus, posaeNslng tlie merit of being allKhtly alkaline, and ia dlnpeuaed In the convenient and palatable form of a rup. Jts fleets are nsxially visible within twenty four hours and are marlred by a Ntlnmlatiod, of the appetite, the digestion and assimilation, entering directly Into the circulation; It tones the neivefl and muscles; exerts a healthy action of tbe secretions; ueltherdtnturbeH the stomach nor Injures the fi stem under prolonged use, aud mai bedUcontlnvied ataiyilme without Inconvenience. In a word It possesses the stlinalanis to arouse the strength, the tonics to retail. It, and merit of a high degree.

Very respectiully. AM EH I.FEIiLOWB. Do not be deceived by remedies bearing a similar name; no other preparation Is a Bubbtliute fur this under any clrcum stanctts, HOLD 11Y ALLIBUQU1TM. Deo 7 mriia nxn Take Notice 1 All oonespomlence should he with M. A Dauphin as below.

In ull cases the I'll KITS theiufielvo" are sunt, an never rlrculars ofTerlutf certlflcalcs or iiuythlnp: else Instead Auy one proposing to offer anything else by circular oilioi wise, oil his own heriuH or that of the i oinpany. Is a swindler. A HPLKsritin opt'ouriTKirY to WIN A FOBTUNH KlllHT UKANI) DISTIUBUTION, OLaBH AT NEW ORLEANS TUESDAY. IANUARV 11th, 1881 ltiKlli Monllily Drsitlui. Louisiana State Lottery Company This institution was regularly Incorporated by the legislature or the State for Kdaoatlonal and Charitable purposes in 1888 forme lrm.flwly llVMiw, to which contract the in faith ol I he state Is pledged, which pledge has bean renewed by an overwhelming poptlar av.v1.

I.n Ahliu. I. tYa ha. oonsutntlon adopted Deoember 2d, A. 187, with a capital of to which.

It has since added a reserve fond of SHfiO, 0UO. ITS ORAND8INOLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tnesday. It never tcaUt or postponei. Look at tlie following dlstrlhuUon TAPITAUPBIZE SJOjOllO TICKETS AT TWO liUl.l,AKH kACH. 11AI.F TICKETN, CNK DOLLAR.

LIST OK PKIZKH. ULSTERETTES FOR J. 1 Prise I Capital Prise nuptial 1 riKe 2 Prises of I2.UX) him 5 1,000 5,000 100 liymo lou liw SU 20 10000 iSJu io 10)00 APPROXIMATION PRIZK8. OApproxlmalioaPrliwworfDO 1 2,700 Approximation Prlres of a Apjioxlmatlou ul luo 1857 Prides, amounting to EARLY FALL WEAR. SPLENDID PATTERNS NOBBY MAKES 1 Responsible corresponding agents wnut ed at aHatt Ut witoin i satlon wW 'Oral connen dr.

umm i FRIENDS' ENTERPRISE One Prift Clothiers, Merchant Tailore, Gents' Furnishers, Ov 26CalhonTi Street 26 Kor lu giving I Sress or rder bj or M. A Jill mt Or vfuit oGtN BALA. iVER ia 4M ''i'ymmwwmam Angnat Jfc' j.fcil jwt IMIO Doi QOLUi llol lJ I i lygMam 41 VEIIY EASILY HAlIAaED, ECONOMICAL IK PTJBL, AND aUARANTEEII TO Give Perfect Satisfaction Everywhere. BUY AOHARTEROAK MADE ONLY BY Excelsior Man'fs ST. 1.01)18, MO.

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