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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 18

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

18 THE NEWS SENTINEL, FORT WAYNE, INDIANA. Friday, December 28. fr 10 lfc Court House FITCH WILL IS PROBATED. L.avss Properly to Wlf. for Llf Jaequay Will Admitted.

The will of Mnthlus l'ilrh, admitted to probato lx Judge Wood today, leavea the estjlto to the widow. Mm Vraqcea Fitch, for life. The will aaya that It waa mo inieniion or ine it tator to advance each child approximately 116 000 from the eatate. He provide I hut at the death of the widow 17,200 ahull lie paid to a eon, Schuyler, to make hla portion equal to that Of ine auvancriiiems lu uu other bhlldren. The remainder of the 'property la td he divided equally among the children.

Uuy Colerlclc la made executor of the will. Judge Wood admitted the will Of Main Jacquay. Jt lava U00 to Mre.tMalna Jacquay. it leave $800 to a dauxhter, Mr. Agnes U.

Lothamer( $100 to a S3. Jacquay, 150 to tha Bt. Ioula Cathollo churoh for masses. The remainder of the property I to be divided equally 'among; the children. Krneat C.

Jacquay la made executor. The catata la eatlmated at M.000, i iii ilnel'Ir Intoxication. Al arraigned In, clrpult court late Thuraday on a charge of publlo Intoxication with a prevloua waa lined 126 and coata and sentenced to the atate farm for 30 day. Judge Hoi A. Wood aus pended the farm aentenca upon Na Ills' promise, of good behavior.

Qranta Two Divorce. Judge Ilyan granted a dlvorae to Mike Davla from Mr. Margaret Darts on, testimony that the huaband found the wife in a room with another man and that aha abandoned him In 1931. A divorce waa granted to Mrs, Edith Kryder from Frank Kryder on testimony that tha husband associated with other women Mra. Irene Hendricks brought suit for divorce from Harry Hendricks, charging abusive treatment and non support.

dinger Case Dismissed. A suit brought by Cyrus OUnger against Harley Homers, John Kohr and Owen Ilhoades, charging that he waa defraurled In a realty deal and asking 18,000 damages, waa aettled and dlamlaaed In clroult court. A Jury found for OUnger aeveral months ago. but a new trial was granted to tha defendants. BOOZE MAKER IS SENTENCED Deaths Marriage Licenses.

Franc W. Smith, sheet metal finisher, and Pearl Den tier. Lewis B. Shaffer, machine operator, and Audrey AI Hughes. Joseph Viiilng, butcher, and Marie Anna Laler.

Ralph C. Iluch. welder, and Agnes I lirice. To Prepare Settlement. The office a of the county clerk and recorder will chse at noon Monday In prder that the official a can pre pare for the quarterly and annual settlements with the treasurer.

Kl met Sturm, clerk, eatd today that all per eon desiring marriage licensee should call at the office In the moraine; since none will be accommodated ater 12 o'clook noon. Courthouse Notes. Judge Ryan found for the Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards company. In a suit on note against jrreng ureenweii, awarding Judgment of $396.65. A suit possession of real estate ana aunatei Drought oy the securities 'cortoratlon aaainat Edward and others waa venued from superior court to DeKalh county.

Judge Ryan set January 2 for hearing on an application of Her man It. Scheele for a temporary In junction against the Home Telephone and Telegra ph com pa ny and Oscar Aaier. ucneeie aaya that he noid a meat market to Adler, who has been listing the business In the telephone directory a "Scheele. Herman II. meat market, Oscar Adler, successor." The plaintiff objects to the use of his jname by Adler.

William II. Ilecht brought suit In superior court against Ueorge it Johnson, complaining' that Johnson owes him for Hour. 11 aaya that the defendant la heavily In debt and asks that the court appoint a receiver. Uoyd S. Ilartzlcr filed a petition jn qjrcuu court ror me appointment of guardian for Edna Kunts, aged Chanae Cemnletad.

A change of venue to "Whitley county has been completed In the case of Stephen A. Hallot against Ueorge Feuchter, In which the plaintiff, ask foreclosure of a mcehan iee Men. The case wag venued on application of tha defendant. Ballot brought the suit for payment for labor In building a garage located at if9 ox avenue. Suit en Note.

The Hoagland State bank brought 11 It In aiinaM li aua X.VW1 HKftinBl Michael It org and George Herber Louise Raglen Fails to Place Blame on Fictitious "Willie Jones." BAIN ASKS BOOZE BACK If Louis llaglen, colored, had taken more palna to coach hla wltnessee In a description of "Willi Jones," he might not irow he behind the bara of the county Jail. naglon was tried before Judge Wood on a charge'of manufacturing liquor, He Bought to persuade the Judge that a "Willie Jones" who stayed at tha aame place, had made tllo boose. Three colored men took the stand. The Judge qulszed them as to a description of Willie. 'He waa a tall, slim fellow," one witness said.

"Jle waa a man about medium height" said another. Then a fleshy colored man took the stand. "What did Jones look like?" he was asked. I guess he waa about my alze, yer' honor." found llaglen srullty. fined him $100 and aentenoed him to Jail for 30 days.

Itsglen waa arresti ed October" 30 by Hoy Negley, fed era! officer, and Paul ieuenberger, deputy sheriff, Forrest M. llaln, farmer of Jefferson township, arrested by. federal officers for manufacture and transportation pf liquor) was to be tried today, but the case waa postponed, peoauae of the absence of witnesses. Ilaln' filed a petition today for the return of two gallons of liquor, a oopper still and an automobile, seised by the officers and plaoed In the poasesslon of the sheriff. llaln says that the search waa made without a warrant and that tha property should be returned to him.

The federal officers were said to have searched the automobile first and that then llaln told them: "Come on In the house, men. Tou might as well get all of It while you're at It." LEFT WITH ANOTHER MAN Oral Rodebaugh Says Wife Flew to Lover's Arms. RIAL BSTATB TRANSFERS. Reported Oalty by rer etraot 132 E. Berry St.

belmer Fitch, to Richard I. Blos K.1?' fiJj 8 and Westwood 12tt. Add. for 35,000.00. ckiarnr i.

to Peter Pol iToOOOO CYll frace Add. for Orsa I Burgener, et al to August Umpki, et ua. Pt. l)t 660 flat "Jt" lakeslee Park Add. Amil.

for 31 00 United Bldg. Oev. to Melvln A. Johnson, et ui. tots IT and 177 New HaTen Heights for 31.00.

Clinton I., et ui Krderal Building lt 20 steup's I'lao. for fl.00. pysta Wagner, et al to Franklin Adotph Keck, ux, lxt 67 Ormlston Add.

for 3300.00. Jacob 1C. Arlck, et ux to Walter f. J' STRUCK BY AUTOMOBILE Marshall Comlnoarlsh, 310 Spy Run avenue: Is at tha Methodist hospital, suffering from a severe scalp wound received at 6 o'clock last evening, when lie was struck by an automobile tn Calhoun street, between Columbia street and the Nickel 'Plate tracks. This afternoon tha Injured man had not yet regained consciousness.

According to Information obtained at the hospital, Comlncavlsh waa struck by an automobile driven by tlerald Martin. 1315 Ht. Joe boulevard, an employe of the postorriee. No report of the accident had been received at the police atatlon this afternoon. Moose Children's Xmas Party, Sunday afternoon, December 30.

Santa Claus will arrive at 2 m. Come early. Receipt required. Moose Family Night, December 31. For all Moose and their families.

Just present your receipt and enjoy the evening. E. G. SIMONTON, Dictator. Alleging that hla wife.

Mrs. Marie Rodebaugh. flew to the arma of a lover, one Jesse Btory, and ran away from home with him December 81, Oral Itodebaugh. painter, 532 Bast DeWald street, brought suit In su porlor court todly for divorce. lie charges that prior to the unexpected heglra she "gadded the streets" and associated with other men.

Mrs. I oura Thompson. 2510 Zol linger avenue, entered ault against Hen Tliompson lor a uivorce toaay In auperlor court. They married IS years ago. (letting drunk waa a dally occurrence with him, and lie struck and beat her at frequent Intervals, she charges.

Charles I Drury, whom Sirs. Kmma Drury has sued ror divorce In superior court, filed petition for a moratorium In payments of tup. port money to the wife. Bhe wrote hla employer, making charges aaralnst him which caused him to lose his Job as well as a bonus of 91,500 he would have received and now he Is without funds until he can find a new Job. he says.

Judge Ilyan today ordered Peter C. Dooley, plaintiff In a divorce case, to pay 9150 Into court for 'traveling expenses of hla wife, Mrs. llllle Dooley, so she hero from Massachusetts for 'the trial. RETIRED ENGINEER DIES John W. Dreisbach Was Pioneer Resident of County.

John W. 73, a pioneer resident of this oounty and a re tired Nickel Plate railroad engineer, died at lils home In Ilellevue, Ohio, Wednesday evening. Mr. Dreisbach was born Bertteniber 21. 1347.

on farm near Maysvllle and at the age ot 17 years enlisted In Co. 143nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry, In whlou organisation he served through the civil war. lie was united In marriage with Adeline Weaver, whro lived near Maysvllle. After aervlna? for several years' as locomotive fireman on the Baltimore A Ohio railroad, lie cam to Fort 'Wayne took a place a an engineer on the Nickel Plate ran. road.

He was retired aeveral years Uurvlvlng are the wlftow) ope sister, Mrs. Mary Astry, of Fort Wayne; one brother, W. Drels bach, of l.oa Angeles. and one granddaughter FortAVayne relatives also Include two nephews, Clyde F. Drelabaoh and James 1.

Ford; two nieces. Mrs. Herman Traxler and Mra. Fred aelstdtmrfer; Funeral services will be held a Ilellevue Saturday. Ilurlal at Ilellevue.

Hack Seat Driving Proves Dangerous ImrtclJtt. To th unruiiil NBWV1LI.K. Deo. 28. "Wult mliiuto, lve lost my hat," cried Mrs.

Wallace Abel to her hunbnnd as they were driving to Auburn. Wallace turned to hear what his wife said mul turned the steering wheel at the same time. The car struck a pole, tho wlnd ahleld waa amashed, Wallace suffered a cut arm and Mrs. Abel and Collin Andrews, another passenger In the machine, were conald erably ahaken up and bruised. Wcfel.

Paul Wefel, aged 34, a resident of this city until two months ago, died Thursday night at the home of his sister, Mrs. Howard J. Wright, at Van Avert, 0., of hemorrhages, according to word received here by an aunt. Mrs. Charles Muhlenbruck.

The body will be brought here for funeral services and burial. Surviving are two slstera, Mrs. Wright and Mra Laura Wolfe, of Sioux City, and one brother, Kd. J. Wefel, of Angeles, Cal.

Illenhart. Frank X. Ulenhnrt. aged 5, was found dead nt his home In Lafayette thla morning, according to word received here by his two Bisters. Mrs.

K. Bhrman and Mrs. Joseph M. Pierre. Mrs.

Ehrmnn and Mrs. Pierre left this morning for Lafayette. Mr. Illenhart was a business man In rfifayette for many yeara. DID NOT REFUSE APPROVAL Crosby Says lie Did Not Decline to 0.

K. Elks Oases. Lou F. Croaby, proieeutlnK attorney, (lied an affidavit In circuit court today, declaring that tie had not refused to approve affidavits which Homer VunMeter recently filed against officers of the Elks lodge, of which Crosby Is a member. VanMeter, whom the defendants ay Is a discharged member of the order, charged officers of the order with permitting gambling and liquor sales" In the Elks home.

Crosby says Chat Van Meter came to his office and reauested approval of the affida vits but refused to give him any of the facts and circumstances upon which the charges were baaed so he might determine whether there were sufficient facts upon which an affidavit could be approved. He advised VanMeter, Crosby says, that If sufficient facts were placed In his possession he would give his approval but that VanMeter declined to discJose the information. FLOOD, MICHAEL FRANCIS Funeral services will be held at 8:80 o'clock Saturday morning at the home, 806 Walnut street, and at 8 o'clock at fit. Patrick's Cathollo church. Ilurlal In the Cathollo cemetery.

OUMIiEirr, HENIIT Funeral services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home, 1332 Jackson street and at 2 o'clock nt Ht. John's Lutheran church, with the Ilev. H. P. Dannecker officiating, Iiurlal in St.

John's cemetery. PERKY. A. C. Funeral services will be held nt 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home, 201 Master son avenue and at 2 o'clock at the Scottish Rite cathedral, with Mrs.

Nellie Arnold officiating. Red Men lodge No. 106 will hold services at the grave. Ilurlal in Llndenwood. Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock wo begin our (Ireat IIalf 1'rlce Hale, one month earlier than usual, but with the greatest lot of merchandise to bo sold at Half Prlce that we have ever offered.

PATTERSON FLETClIEIt CO. SHOT BOY TO SAVE HIM; EXPERIMENT WAS FAILURE Churches Lodges present pjonmns Irving Portraits of 1,1 fc of Olirlst to He tflvdi Sunday The series of 14 portraits with I living characters, presenting the life I story of the Chrlst chlld, will be lv I en again at (he Plymouth Congregational church next Sunday evening at o'clock. By the use of care I fully made costumes and different lighting errects within a large white frame, the groups assume anartlstlo plcturlzatlon of the story, Scripture readings and special music by the Plymouth church choir are given along with the pictures. MASONS PLAN OPEN' HOUSE Observe Now Year's Day At Oathodral. An open house program has been planned by members of the four Masonic llue lodges of Fort Waye for New Tears day, which will be observed at the Scottish, Rita cathedral during the afternoon and eye nlng All Mauler Masons will be welcomed at the open house, 'A smoker, will be held and lunoh served.

In th. eevenlnffmember of Home lodge. No. 842, will confer the Entered Apprentice degree on a class of candidates. Sons of Veterans auxiliary will hold a Christmas party and gift-exchange at the home of Mrs, U.

Sink. 2218 California avenue, Saturday evening. Queen Esther Rebekah lodge will hold Its annual Christmas supper and entertainment Saturday evening at 5 o'clock. Members nnd their fumlllees are Invited. PLAN RIO CARNIVAL MEET Trinity Social Clul7Mectliifr Friday Will lVaturo Novel Kienb).

A carnlva.1 and midway will be held at the Trinity Episcopal church parish, house Friday evening, January At under the auspices of the Trinity Social club; The entertain merit committee Is planning many attractions Including contests of va rlous kinds, games, grab rbag count ters, fortune telling, dancing, moving pictures and surprises of many types. Everyone Is Invited to enjoy the merry making, of the plub, beginning at 8 o'clock with a movie show In. the auditorium. SISTER OF FORT WAYNE MEN IS KILLED IN CRASH Kin of Nicholas, Anthony and R. Iammairino, Meets Death At Greenfield.

INTERURBAN HITS TRUCK Officers of Fort Way no lodge. No, 14, I. O. O. presented Erank Votrle, recently, with a beautiful Jewel, emblematic of Odd Fellowship, In commemoration of the 36th nnlnversary of Mr.

Votrle's Initiation In the lodge. Mt. Votrlo expressed his sincere appreciation of the gift. He has had all honors of tha local lodge conferred on him and In 1806 was elected as representative to the grand lodge at Indianapolis. Mr.

Votrle says that he has missed but seven regular weekly meetings of the order during the lam 20 years The How and Arrow club will entertain its members and their families, nnd members and their families of the Welfare club and the Yeomen lodge, Sunday afternoon and evening, at its hall, on Main street. WANT CHICAGO PACKERS TO OPEN THEIR BOOKS CIHCAOO, lec 28 Mrs. Rose Sinilz, a Hungarian, nho last August Mhnt tier Min Mfts 19 tt anvA iIm soul from crime," learned today her experiment had failed. Ienco Is under arrest after nn alleged attempt to kill Patrolman Monnghan He was apprehended while trying to holdup a storekeeper. It was said.

"Desco was a good hoy at heart," Mrs, Slclz said, after shooting her son. "Hut neighborhood environment and bad company proved his undoing Iesco recovered nnd promised to become good citizen. CHICAGO, Ieo. 28. Government machinery moved today to compel three Chicago packing coircerns to submit their hooks and records for audit and Inspection by the department of agriculture.

All three. Swift and company, Wil son and company, and the Cudahy Pack in company, were defendants yesterday in a mandamus suit filed by Attorney uenerai tarry m. Oauglierty. The suit follows the packers re fusal to surrender their books for ex amination under provisions of the stock yards act of 1921. Previously, they declared a fight against what they termed "an attempt to place their business secrets In the hands of the government The defendants were glvei until January 11 to unswer the petition.

MAYBE BARNUM PUT THE RATE A BIT TOO LOW DESIGNER OF FAMOUS EIFFEL TOWER IS DEAD PARIS. Iiec. 28. Alexandre Que tave Eiffell, the engineer who built the famous tower that bears hla name, la dead. He was 91 years old.

The Eiffel tower, the world's highest structure, was built In the Champs De Mars, Paris, for the exposition of 1889. It Is now used not only as a point of ant age for sightseers, but for meteorloglcal and scientific observations and as a radio station. Eiffel was widely known as a builder of great metal bridges. Our Oreat Half Price Sale begins tomorrow morning at a clock and we will sell 1,000 dozen men's 86c, 60s and 81.00 hose (irregulars) at Half price or 17 He. 26c and 60c.

paterson fLetcher CO. NEWVILLE NEWS Chfe Hs (7nfrlll la tira frnm Rh.nnn. dash. lows, visiting his brother, Frank Cotrlll, aucl hla later. Mrs.

Kate Pus seiman ana Airs, lua 'I raxier. Hello IlUIr and Mr. and Mrs. Priik Ablna s.n.1 aan. ItAlllai s.n.1 guests of Mr.

and Mrs. I. J. Hialr nf iiutier, nristmas. and jiirs.

lleadley ami Mr. and Mrs. Oeora Head lev and family of Hamilton were fruvsts of and William ftech er. recently. Lenore Koepps is home from Fort Wayne where she took treatment at the I.utheran Mr.

and Mra. Max Norman of Anders6n, visited from Saturday tin Wed nesday with Mr. and Mrs. 8. Wjatt.

They were accompanied home by Airs. Neva Oaff and daughter, Arlena Kate Fusselman. Mr. and Mrs. Forest rna svdman and daughter, Joyce.

ind Charles Cotrlll of bhenandnah, lows, were auests of Mr. and Mrs. Edarar Kua selinan of West Mllford, O. 4hrlstmas. Ora Tuneiman, who na here Ing hi mother and brother has returned to his home In Iketrult Mr pnd Mrs Charles Kmlfh ami non, t'harlen, spent Christmas with Mr.

nnd Airs. I'Olllns in llltkavilis Mary Mitchell Vore suffered a sllaht stroke of aral eia. recently, affecting her left Id tlrainllns; went to Auhu.ii. Huiuluy, to vlrilt Mr and Mori Hharpe over the hoMUa. Mr.

and Mri Malcom I luK ere here the lrt of the week from lanJnir, Mich. their itarents. 0 ercoats, $10. During our Great Half Price Hale we will sell you Michael Htern Co. overcoats that were made to retail at ISO, for $10.

PATTEHSON FLETCHEH CO. (V UN Tia iSOUTII I1ENU. Ind Dec 28 Never again will C. Ei lckson pluce credence In a stranger's word. Ves et day ErlcksoiYs auiomobllo was damaged and stranger carted It i.

ur Th tssfn i tnlfl IVInlranst I wnu Ills mother was exonerated. to fhe doiiCo atatlon. at a' a at(nrnv ilonlarlnrr nnnimrt MMiiy jricKson went io me station to claim the machine, but police told him they had not seen It. Police believe the stranger took the machine to a garage, had It repaired, and drove It away state's attorney declaring "It appears that thin woman, through supreme sacrifice, has changed a potential bad man Into a useful citizen. Today Hesco pleaded with police.

"Don't tell mother," he asked them. "It will kill her." Hut Mrs. Simla knows. FILLING STATION BANDITS ARE SENTENCED TO PRISON (v MaiATas INDIANAI'OLIB, Dec. 28.

Jack Hollo way, aged 28, and Thomas Dranglnls, aged 23, who held up gasollno filling station near the home of Mcyor fiamuel Lewis Shank last October, were sentenced today lo th a tataj ef orma toryLf ocJernu of 10 to 25 years by Judge James A. Collins In criminal court. They were convicted on the charge of auto banditry and Judge Collins sent request to Governor McCray that the men be sent to the state prison rather than the stable reformatory. The men obtained $35 In the holdup and wete arrested a short time later as they said they were preparing to rob another station. The two also admitted that they held up a bank In I.os Angeles, California, Jas August.


Butler, campaign manager tor President Cooltdge, will be a candidate for the republican nomination for the United States senate, to oppose David I. Walsh, democrat Io Incumbent, It Was announced here today, Hutler gave notice of hit impend Ing candidacy by telegraph from Chicago, upon tecelpt of word that Governor Channlng Cox Intends to retire to private life at the conclusion of his term of governor, Instead of running for the senate. WAWAKA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John E.

Pancake spent their Christmas holidays at Marshall, Mich, and Mra. Itoss Miller, of Kalamazoo, Mleh. were guests of. their arents. Mr.

and Mrs Willis Oerver for the holidays. lee Landon, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Land on, and Mrs. lirlce Eondont Miss Opal'Iandon, of Elkhart, came lor the' Christmas holidays at the home cf Mr.

and Mrs. Iee landon in Ilev. and Mrs. Fred It Hill are enjoying their honeymoon In Wisconsin and Mrs Dwlght Drill are on their honeymoon at Chattanooga, Tenu. You can luy a $8 60 Wilson Pro.

silk and wool union suit for $3 25 auring our iiaic i'rlce Mai that starts tomorrow. ATTKRHON FhKTCl I ER CO. Our Great Ha If Price Rale begins tomorrow morning. One month earlier than usual, but with mora merchandise to sell. PATTEItHON FJLETCHEIt CO.

fiUN NKWB GHEENKIELD, Deo. 28 Mrs. Mary Manclnt, aged 68, and her daughter, Hose OTanciot, were killed Instantly when an interurban on the Terre Haute, Indianapolis and Eastern Ti action company line, struck tho truck in which they were riding near here last ijlght. Nicholas Manclnl, a son, who was driving the truck. Is seriously in jured nnd physicians at Connersvllle, where he was taken, say he has very llttlo chance for recovery.

Two other women, whone names are not known, escaped unhurt, but It Is reported that another man was painfully out. According to Information given officers who Investigated the wreck, Manclnl attempted to stop before he reached the track but the truck skidded and over turned on the lalls, the Interurban plowing Into It. Mrs. Manclnl Is survived by three brothers In Fort Wayne besides the son who lives at Turnersvllle, Ind. They are Nicholas ammarlno, 264 Fairfield avenue; A It.

Inmmarlno, 1205 Fulton street, and Anthony lammarlno, 1010 Colerlck street. A son in law, A Morlts, also Uvea In Fort Wayne, at 1206 Fulton street. Mrs. Manclnl and her daughter conducted a fruit store at Connersvllle. COULDN'T GET JOB SAYS MAN WHO STOLE JEWELS fay Hm) OAUY, Dec.

28. Ray Hogan, 28, confessed to police today that he threw a brick through a Jewelry store window In Houth Hend and escaped with $2,600 In diamonds he causa he get n. Job. Hogan committed the robbery after leaving ma ii year oid nririo in a tnwvlo. The loot was sold In Chlrngo for Hofran said.

Hotmn's father in law, on information from his daughter, tipped the police to the young man's wheie a.RJUli? Mrs. David Fox is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, of wash, during the holiday Mr. and Mrs Herman Bchenkel and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph E. lludlg and daughters, attended a teach 6 re' hieeUtigInlhShd1nie of the ltev. and Mrs. Theo.

Elsen, Wednesday. and Mrs. Herman Hchenkel and daughter, Clara, spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hahn, south of Andrews Mrs.

Millie Sohmalzrled Is spending a. few days with her son, Maine draft and family, of Fort Wayne. and Mrs. tlrant of Bouth Hend, visited relatives and friends here Christmas. andj Mrs.

C. H. Eandrum were visitors In' the home of their son, UUbert Lan I drum, aHturday. and Mrs. Plat 1 ence Hi tzar and children, of I bee.

Huntington, were visitors In home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Deter, recently. and Mrs. Oloyd Orossman and children, Mr, and Mrs.

Daniel Wendel and son, Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cross man, Mr. and Mrs.

William Milliner, of Dnnzuoi Mrs. Mary Hlpsklnd, of Wabash, and their relatives of Huntington, were recent visitors In William Orossman Miss Esther WaranTin. nt T.nfa va(I Ulra itnu Marker and Miss Hazel Warscho, of! Indianapolis, and Miss Mildred Hchoclc, of Peru, were visitors In the! Henry Warscho home Mr. and Mrs. Jack llensel.

Mr. and I Mrs. Paul Foust. Mr. and Mrs.

Llnvd Foulke and children. Mlss Iva Btephan. of Fort Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stephen, of South of An drews visited their mother, Mrs.

Harsh Btephan. recently. Howard Caster and daughter. Thada. Spent Thursday In Miss Lulu lirossman.

who Is teaching school In Whiting, III, is spending her Christmas vacation in the home Of her father, William Oross man. Dela lltidla snent Thursday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Itudlg. Mrs.

Eewls Hchmalzrled. of Eagro, and Mrs Frank Fultz. of Andrews. snent Thuiaday with their slater, Mrs. Jacob Eudlg In honor flier birthday.

SHOOTS WIFE AND SELF WHILE CHILDREN WATCH wmt.o COUNCIL. H1MVVH. Dec 58. While their flvo chlrtlrmi IimL John Miclieltroe, it, shot and serl nuunaen. Ills wire.

'Uecllin. here last nlRlit, and then fatally shot himself. Mluheltrce died afti. beinft taken to a hospital. Mrs.

Mlch euree win recover, it waa aald. The traajedy waa tha reault of a family fjuarrel. JEWISH SOCIETY WILL MEET IN EVANSVILLE INI41 TO tm NCtmrmfLl GARY, Dee. 28. Kvansvllle waa chosen as the next meeting place of tha Jewish Itellgloua' Education association of In the closing sessions of the annual convention here.

Tho federated Jewlxli Sisterhoods of Indiana will meet Jointly with the education associa tion in the same city. Gregory App's Drca'm Came True Elko Jacob of old, tlrrgoi App, custodian of St. Mary's parish Hub house had a di earn, Hut the hul nations worn different. Jacob uw ladder towering lno the heuvens App saw a. thief, a boy.

standing at n. eash register. In the rtlib house, empfMtrg it of, its cash contents. And his dream came true. Hlx dollui a were stolen from the oosh register Saturday night.

That night lh his sleep, App sny a boy stealing the money. The next night, App turned out the lights In the olub rooms nnd waited long after every one else had gone. And then his droit became nn actuality. He caught Orven Murray, aged 16, 2735 Reynolds street, at the cash register. In cily court today, the lad pleaded guilty to petit larceny.

Hut hifl age and his promise, never to steal again won leniency from the court The boy was let go. SAILSTAD AND SUNSHINE GIRL SENTENCED TODAY City Hall BOARD MAY ACT TONIGHT Three Mentioned for Appoint ment As Detective Captain. A captain of detectives of the city police department may be appointed by tho buard of safety at a meeting tonight. Three are mentioned for the ap pointment: waiter Kavanaugh, Walter ImmeJ and Joseph Hrennan, alt three now detective sergeants. The decision to anuolnt a cautalii of detectives was reached at the board of safety meeting last week and at that time it was said that tho appointment would be made before tho first of the year.

Hut members of tho board said today that there is a possibility that the appointment may on held up ror several wccks, although It may lie made tonight. AUTO LICENSE DECISION TO BE MADE SATURDAY SOUTH ItKNO. In. I Den 2 Decision on the suit of the South Hend Motor litis company, attacking the constitutionality of the motor vo hlclo license law, passed by tho last legislature, will be announced by Judgo I.enn J. Ore, of the St.

Joseph superior ochjrt, tomorrow. Tho law Increased the cost of automobile licenses from 60 to 200 percent. An appeal to the supreme court will tie taken In case of an, adverse decision, counsel for the bus compnnuy ha announced. I'ontiao Iilghts Soon. The installation of 01 namental lights along Hast Fontlso tdreet will be completed within a week or 10 days.

Ueorge Nicholson. the contractor, said today. Shipments of material, ordered weeks ago, have not anlved, but they are expected within a week. Four days will bo required to complete the work after the material arrives, Nicholson said. lllrths.

Horn, to Mr. and Mrtt. Wllber M. Berry, 438 Laselle street, a daughter. Horn, to Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Bchlble, IIlltaii avenue, a daughter. Horn, to Mr' and Mrs. Frank C. Felchter, rural route No.

11, a daughter. Hoi to Mr. and Mis Klmer Oreuzenbach, maternity sanitarium, a son. IliiiMing Hen 15 lis worth, garage, 1411 PprlniT street, cost $300.

I'felffer and Funk, residence. 1006 Fast Hudlslll boulevard, cost $4, 00. lus Orelne, residence, 2009 Hayer avenue, cost 34.500; garage, 1026 Htate boulevard, cost Morn Contaftlon. One new case of scarlet foyer and an additional case of diphtheria were reported to tho board of health today, making a total of 18 cases of ncailet fover and 23 of diphtheria now In tho city. No new cnsei of typhoid were reported today IRISH FRElTSTATE IS STRIVING FOR ECONOMY (Bv Associated lrM rreiMmlence i dOhIjIN.

The free stuto government is confronted with serious financial problems, and the finance minister has unnounred that the balancing of the budget ran bo acccrm pllshed only by practicing strict economy, as taxation has reached tho limit. The dull has endoised the economies on salaries of sehool teachers and old age pensions on the assurance that cuts nre to be en forced In other departments. Criticism has been directed at the expenditure caused by the change of government and the consequence that the free state now Is ebllaed to pay pensions to uispiarea Hritisn or Hclals as well as the salaries of those appointed to succeed them. Jt Is hoped to effect a large saving in the expense of tho army by re duclnjr the present cost of more than fCO.000.000 to about $20,000,000. It has been urged that Ireland does not heed an rniy larger than that of Canada, which costs The i.rittsh government has allocated $7,600,000 to provide houses for the ei niiiuierii.

j. ntj ipnu is to pe au ministered by a board of Ave mem hers, three to be named by the Hrlt lainrovernmentftnd on aM by the nortnern ana soutnern governments oe ireiana. Former Wisconsin Manufacturer and Oirl He Fled With Got Prison Terms. ADMIT ARSON" CHARGES HUl'lOIUOIl. Wis, Use, 28.

KU uurd J. HallMtad and Dorothy Anderson. liW "sunsltlno girl," today wera sentenced to serve four yeara In )rlsnn, on rhargea of arson. 1Uo cauple pleaded sullty. Hallslacl and Alias Anderaon war arrested several weeka ago In Napa, Cat.

and returned here to face charges ot (tlKKlng the body of an other man from a ravo. burning; jt. and leaving It for that of Hallatad, three years ago, In. order to hide their elopement, Hiillslad'a wife, believing husband dead, remarried ami ollecten Insurance for her "dead" hualanu. Authorities charged (lallstad and Miss Andeison went from city to city throughout tha country during; the three yearn before they Avere ap tureil In Nairn.

Hallatad will 'go to Waupun penitentiary tonight to serve out hla four year sentence. lie pleaded guilty without a. truce of emotion when the charge was read. Uorothywaa eontenced to the wo. 'meii'a reformatoryi at Taycheetorti, for four yeara.

Bhe too received the.sontence with a calmness of I estimation. "Wo have talked It over, and are ready td pay," aald Batlstad. "After It Is nil over we hope to be married." Dorothy waa Hnilatad's secretary when he Was president of a manufacturing concern at Hau Claire. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS INSTALL OFFICERS New Hall of Veteran Organization Will Also Be Officially Opened This TAKE IN FIFTY MEMBERS Veterans of Foreign Wars will open their new hall at 107 East Main street, third flooru tonight when the recently elected officers will be Installed by the state commander. The post will muster In 60 new members following the Installation ceremony, Acttvll ten lt be undertaken In the course of the new year will be discussed.

Tho officers to be Installed are: Commander Charles I DuWan Vice commander Ted Uieberich. Junior vice commander P3. Scherer, Adjutant AV" S. Jack way. Quaitermaster A.

II. Hitter. Chaplain Edward Harrison. Officer of the day Frank Klley. TiuHtee William J.

Heard. Inner guard C. Hunter. Outer guard Charles Vender. Hurgeon Carl loebel.

Host historian fcMward Lewis. Auditing committee Clyde Drels bacb. Gilbert Hrage and A. II. Hitter.

Police BOUND OVER FOR CAR THEFT Hazel Bryant and Albert Bahrct Waive Waiving preliminary arraignment and hearing in the city court, Ilasel Ilryant and Albert llahret. recently returned from Poughkeepsle, N. for the theft of an automobile belonging to Theodore Drowning, Mt deraldlne avenue, were bound over to the circuit court today Tli.y are charged with grand larceny. The' bond of each waa fixed at An eight year old girl, an adopted child of the Ilryant woman, la In the Isolation hospital. Bhe grew1 111' with scarlet fever while being re turned to this city from Pouahke.p sie with hef foster mother, WRONG MAN.

Boose Charge Against Car Miller Falla Flat In City Court. The case of Carl I Miller) proprietor ot a drink parlor at 722 Harrison street. charged with selling waa dismissed today "when It was disclosed that the wrong; man had been brought Into court. Homer Van Meter, 018 Harrison, who' preferred the charge, admitted on the stand' that It was Miller's bartender, Orval Van Gundy, and not Miller, who aold drink, to a man na Van Meter waa peering In window of the drink parlor. Van Oundy was fined nnd sentenced to Jail, Thursday, when arraigned for selling boose.

Five Drunks. Five drunks were In court today. Mike Wagner, charged with two previous convictions, drew fine of $25' and coste while fines of $5 and coals were handed to Charles (lordon. Eld Haya and William Emblem. Dan McLean, who cut Ills head In u.

fall down the ateps at the City Mission, whs let go. Runaway Bey. John Uarth. a young lad who ad nilitde ho had run away front bis home In New Tork, was ordered held a week when arraigned on a charge 'of loitering. The police will notify h's parents.

Unlawful Parking. Howard. Double, I U. McDevItt and Fred Kverdlng were each fined $1 and coata today for the unlawful parkv Ing of automobiles on downtown streets. VAIL WILL PROBATED Sheriff Sells us Farm.

nKCATL'll. Ind Tv 9x tiia nn. aore farm owned by Albert and May uiiBf. lucaifu in wnuasn township, was offered at sheriff's sale at the fast entrance or I ne court limine today. The farm was sold sullit to nw.t KR of 110,0011 IiJd Uy th I'milanflaJ ment made lit the court.

ANTWERP NEWS Fifty percent of all skull frnct ure. are due to automobiles On bis trln to Alaska, ttm late President Harding delivered 61 ad dresses before bis strength failed. iHirtng out Oreat Ilalf l'rice Sale we will sell our entire stock of wool and silk $1 to mufflers at just Half 1'rlce. or 60c to $3.60. Hale begins tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.

KETQtlEU CO. Mr. and Mrs. Herman "Webber of Kort Wayne. visited Mr.

and Mrs. Ray Taylor and family l.era...,Mr. and Mrs. Prank Wilson and baby Jane, of uncle, wera tbe guests of his parents, Mr. and, Mrs.

Clack Wilson and C. Cast on, superintendent of schools at Camp Point. accompanied by his wife and sons. Charles nnd Joseph, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Stein field and and Mrs. Charles Klgar and children, of Fort Wayne, were guests In the home of Ir. nnd Mrs. fl. M.

Urattln, Christmas. Norma Comet, accompanied hy her sister, Mrs. A. Ilarto, of Kort Wayne, visited their parents. Mr and Mrs.

XV. CofTlet, Christmas day. HUNTERTOWtf NEWR Mr and Mrs rcil Diddle, of Indianapolis spent Christmas with the tatter's mother, M)ra. Warriui. Jlr.

and Mm. Kd Kellrtm and family and MIhh Kmma Ureen vlnlted recently with Joe Hmook of Fort Vayie Hrhnol will open again nxt week after lacing cIohm! on account of small pox Th children will hatp to show certificates of dilation upon returnliiH. ui i Is home front lllonmlnfEtoti to ttprml tl.e vacation Hh his parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm Hoot Minn Iluth llelher has hfcn confined to her home for the pant three weeka with Influenza Til den and Fred I'reston will return nt week After their tilp to MIhm Mary Tilden Is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. Kmma ITollejteter Indlanauollsi Two Things You Should Do Before January 1st Make your resolutions for the copi Ing ear and order your 1924 calendar.

AVft can lfot help you with the resolutions they are youra, to mnke and keep or break. lint ms are ready with (he calendars. XVe have made certain that none of our readers need do without one. And, tha calendar we are offering Is one that you will be proud to hang up nnd look at for 365 days. We "offer It with the compliments of th season.

Hend for your cony todiy. Fill out the coupon below and enclose two cents In stamps for return irontago write our name and nddress clearly. Frederic .1. Haaktn. Director, The Fort Wayne N'ews tSentlnel Information Iiureau, Washington, I.

I lose herewith tw rents In stamps for return postage on a froo opy of tbe 1934 Calondnt. Vaine City Htate NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MAY BE ESTABLISHED (By Louts J.udlow, Rpecltl CorreBpohdant of WASHINUTON, D. Uec. 2S, A cherished dream of Oeorge Wash lngton will ha realised congress passes a. bill that has just been In troduced in the senate by Henator Simeon 1.

Fcsh, of Qhio. "Tho piopusul here," said Henator Kchh, commenting on his bill. "Is to materialize tho ambition of tho founder of the nutlon" Tho FesB hill pioposes to establish at the seat of tbo fodernl go eminent a grout graduate limtltutlon to bo known na the "National University of tho I1 nited States' und carries an Initial appropriation of $600,000) llud Washington llcd, this instl tutou ni iloubt would hae been brought Into existence In the early pait of tho last century. When ho died he left a bequest of 50 shares ($500 each) of Potomac stock for the beginning. "If the government," said Senator Fcss, "would make good tho $25,000, the clft of the Father of the Country, fojr this purpose It would materialize now sunt sufficient to pro ide not only tho necessary administration building, but an endowment su flic tent to rare' for all tho future needs.

Twenty five thousand dollars? at 8 percent, compound Inter est from 1799 would amount to over $24,000,000. If we add to this fiuch gifts as may bo offered hy ben factors, the endowment can easily be placed In the $100,000,000 mark. The national university project, whleh Is being revived by the Ohio senator, has a history dating back to the very beginning of the government. Washington made a national university a specific Item of recommendation at different times In his messages to congress. He communicated his views In writing to such men ns Randolph, Hamilton and Jefferson, members of his cabinet.

Ite solemnly' urged It" 1 arowefl Address In 1796 and in the same year he communicated his wish to the commissioners of the District of Columbia, even going a. far as to Indicate a willingness to set usde a fund for its establishment and to specify the piobable site of the plant He fore his death he hud seemed tho indorsement of most publlo men for tbe project, inside nnd outside of the two houses of congtess. Ills scheme was most heartily Indorsed officially hy six presidents who BUooeeded him John Adams. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison. James Monroe, J.

Q. Adams, und Andrew Jackson. Jefferson, one of the country's earliest patrons of edu cation, even went to the extent of propoalng to Gen. AVashlngton the transplanting of an European college, faculty and all, as an early ioit w.e enterprise, tho apear ance near the forties of sectional differences and the expression of the fear of too much centralization caused the friends of the enterprise to rest. In 1809, In Hs annual meeting at Trenton, X.

the National Teach ers1 association started a renewed agitation by adopting a resolution offered by A. J. KlckofT, of Ohio, committing the association to the project. It also appointed a committee io look after the matter, composed of thirty five members, representing all parts of the union and all the liberal as well as justness profession rive nwwm mmMTwrn. DECATUR, Dec.

2i. The will of John Vatl, manufacturer, who died recently, was probated here today The document named the widow, Mrs. Christ ena U. Vail as oxecutrlx, and specified that the widow and three sons continue all business enterprises In which be was engaged at tbe time of his death The will, which was written He, tt ember 16, 1919, provided that Mrs Vail should receive $600 In money, all the household goods, and the proceeds from the collection of all life Insurance policies, and that notes held against his sons at the time of his death should be regarded as advancements made to them from their shares of the estate. ORABIU.

NEWS John ICIopfepsteln la still In a very critical condition. He Buffered a stroke of appoplexy a few weeks uro and la practically Maurlco Perkins, son of Mr. and Mis. Perkins, has been brought home from hosltal in Toledo wheie he submitted to an operation for appendicitis. Mr and Mrs.

Harvey Wltmer and daughter. Kathleen, have returned to Kort Wayne aftei a brief visit with relatives and AVI Una Ira bill who 1m attending Wheaton college at Wheat on. 111 in spending the holiday vacation with her father here. Continue County Agent's Office. fmrKciAL.

to rum wns mmrinmiJ HAItTFOIUi CITY, Ind, Dec. 28 Tho lnm drawn Pitht over the office of the county agent took another turn today uhen the county board of education met and appointed County Agent W. Mansfield for another year. Mr MamnM Immediately resigned, the resignation to take effcet January 1 Th board also voted to rescind tli action previously taken abolishing the office. The matter now stands open for another candidate to apply.

Receiver For Garabe feaTCfa4 rwrtv Mrmm mmMtmrniJ GflAIULU Ind Deo. 28. Albert Mgley been appointed receiver for the Iantx Gorman garage. Suit for receivership was brought by Noah Amstutit and Aaron Ilelchelderfer, of Harlan, who are creditors, and who claim mismanagement. The owners ot the garage are Lanti nnd nimer Uarman, formerly of Leo.

lue to the largo number of accounts outstanding and collections being slow, the above action was forced Schlatter Roth Weddlntf. sirorAL fO THK fVaTWaT HrrHtl UUA111L.L. hd. I)ec. 28.

Miss Josephine Roth, daughter of the ltev. nnd Mrs. Henry Itoth, aird William Schlatter were married Christmas evesi Let us have your ad in time for our big Saturday Classified Section. Phone it, bring it in, or notify ua and a solicitor will call. Phone Main 100., Do it now! OHURUBUSCO NEWS A Mr.

and Mrs. C. p. lUnnaid speut hrlstmas dav with their sun lntiaw and famlh'. Mr.

and Mrs. IHiffoi. on their farm, rait of Mlna Hern I say who Is Rt teiiilliiir h'Ihuj 4 mko In spending the holldas here Mr and Mrs Itobert ltulde of Itk hmomi aro spending a few da with thulr patents. The ltev. and Mrs.

J. II. Hair entertained In their home last Monda IhHr sou Klnjd and. daughter of Mun Mrs Her tha lit II, Mrs VV uiiwii nmi noil iwurn 01 Wayne. Mr lIuHoman and son.

Vt.ll, and dniiirhter. Mildred ami .1 a. va.ii,,u, lU' isiuill IIMTriH 11 home from the MethodlHt hospital in Fort AVajne hei she underwent an operation. Klnce first exhibited by Alexander Cjifthum Hell there have been 8.041 dlffurent patents on the telephone. ITS TIME 10 MAKE GOOD RESOLUTIONS Start Out In 1924 With Your Debts All laid.

IS very "one likes to be out of debt at all times, but more especially at the beginning of a new year. If In check" Ing up, )ou find that you have not quite enough to pay all bills, copiQ to Hie Industrial I oan and Investment company, 114 West Wayne street. We would be pleased to us slst you to start the New Year with a clean slate. Then you begin to ftive putting aside a dollar or two week in order that you can pny us when your obligation1 with us tomes duo one year hence. $60.00 costs only $4 00 a year.

Ltaraer amounts In the same proportion. You may make tie loan ror six months If you desire. Thie company Is Issuing a five pel cent Havings certificate. These c'r tUUntes earn one fourth, or twenty live jHr cent, more Interest than Certificates of Deposit; they can be ac quired in easy weekly payments sim ilar to Christmas Savings accounts. During the time your savin cm are ac cumulating, the money Is earning four per cent average interest for you Hy starting now.

laylna aside S1.00 a week you will receive before the holidays irext year. Many are. taking advantage of this' offer. ft rtfr 4l '(,.

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