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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 6

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

is Pago Six. I i 1 S. THE' FORT WAtNE EVENING SENTINEL, SEPT. 10, 1906, Just What the Ladies ate Looking For A farewell reception, which proved a merry affair in. i li oil th "goodbye" was una thiem inrortnu company from 4 to 0 o'clock tali afternoon.

Miss HaJl Dawtoa received with tl) fouttK UrM and a bevy of nue ioBJ joiia (iris niittoj all th rootaC Ruth 3n, Almee ard May Jewell Smith teat particular la the parlor and la tbe room, Mia Floramc GtJftttl ptiilded at th table with Lydla Luteal, Itflou Harper and Mabel Kill to afd tat refreshment. Tbo decoration lit th din Ingfdom wert csrtftd out la 7Uow And wilt tad In the parlor, pick wai the prevailing colcr. TlreWa Thlem aid MtryEyatie, tn tmaU hnsaaa la tried tu I solemn looking page at th door but tbaCr faoi wn wrathd la tMllet th moat of th Urn. Tal wa the dialog affair for thlt part'cular crowd of girl aa tier will ie a geuoral scaaerujg wlQIa taa dayi or th rarloua schotls. i Mrt Rachel Sckart, of "Wait Williams atreet.

It ceJohraBng bar 79th, natal acnivtrtar today and there la a gathering of tbe children (or a fatally dinner tbta ven(ng In and lira. Cbarle Eckert, of Virion. lad. asd Mr. and Ufa.

Jean Eaiert, of Grand Raplda ara her to attend tl atBra tlonj Friend of Otto Scaaat a former resident ot fort 'aynew hare received natlo ot hi approaching; marrlaga to Mlaa Caffltrlne Fltgneytg of Laiay ette, which wlB ttk Jflac Bept, I. Mr. Scfcaat la novr located' fn Lafay 'v Q. C. OrtBir'atcrUload lb mnStmt of 4b Geaeral Cnltare etan Sawdar afternoon at hr pretty honw oa Paroell are, Tt putienlar amsuemmt rt th hour aa ret let tari.

Ml Opal Stan aaralabet la aerr lot th tapper. Tb cnaati who joftd tba afatr vara MaadauMf a Gard. 0. A. BUxikorldjra, a ZoBtaer, D.

E. WtQlama, J. Q. Kief.r, W. J.

fimltt. E. Jlouot a H. Itaadett, H. tana, E.

6arUoaV A. E. Una. Spinier. Miai KUaahnth Couadr haa itturacd from Lake Wawaiee, Mr).

Will Rohan and children aara returned from. Claax lake. Mlaa Ellmbetti DefVatd liaa rania home from Walloon ilkA Miai rtermlone Root, of Cleveland ll the iraeat of JH llaokan. lira. Jamti YanCamp ho returned from a vlatt lnlUon, Mich, Minn Jane Harper hai ratarned from a two montha' trip abroad.

Mr. and Mra. 8. JC, Blair and ITTbj Blair appnt jmtertiy ia Lima, D. Mil) Ilattle Kara, ot Tale, Mloh, rlaltlnK Mn, Hither.

Nalaon Kara. Mra. 3, Jttartlniialn, of Carroll, Ohio, la ylaltlnK her ilnter. Mra. Taylo Mr.

and Mra. W. A. Brant and inn will, return today from' a trip to Mack Intr. Mr.

and Mn. Clarence Brhelt went to lakn Ceorcc todar to spend two weeks, 1" Mr. and Frank X. JTohr ire now at horn ak 204 Teit JefTerton itreel, Mlii May Zollinger, of Weat Supe lor afreet rl'lllng frlendi In Churn buiro. Mllea Porlef w.Ul leave' tomorrow to ronttnue hl atudtes at Wllllama college.

Mra; A. V. Kelt and'dinthter. Mill Nettle have returned from a Tlilt In Chlrako. Mr, and Mra.

George. CllHora and children are at Clear like for a ten, daya' nay. Mr, and Mn, Amna Richer hT aa their Kueat Mra. Lettla Kunlon, of Tlffln, Ohio, Mr," and Mra. Perrr DeHiTen ire going to Oklahrima tne flrat of Jan. lire. Mra. Walter Old ind her alaten Mlaa Merrlt, will return today from a tour of the lafcei. Mr. and Mra, Jamea Stewart, of Cot feyvlllo, ire rlalUng Mra, belle Dlffenderfer.

Charlea W'ordpn, jr ha a returned from Madlion, where he waa the. tuont or Will Moffat Mlai Either Giimthi, of Waahtngton liouleeard weat, tin returned from an outing at. Lake Jamea. Lavou Eperry baa returned from Macklnao Island, where ahe pent aereral waekg. Mn.

Elwln Jlulae and ion, Stewart, hara come borai after a month') outing at Et, Ignare, Mich, MIn Beaale Hauler went to Grand Rapid) todajr to vlilt tar litter, Mra. Turner, for iom week). Mra. Fred Hump and ion, Herbert it Fairfield avenue, hare returned from a Tlalt In Van Wert. Grace and Rnnott Smith, of Lam bard atreet, hare returned from week') rlalt in MonroeTUla.

Mill Clara Jooat ha returned from Mt Clemeni, Mich, where aha atayed a few week for the benefit of her health. Uri. N. a Hughe and eon, Herbert and MSai Clgl Nelaon hare come home from Nurtaport Point. Mfh.

Mr, and Urn. iVMcDobUiI and Mlsa htcDohald hare cloaed their 'cot' tage tor the aeaaea at Beme glty. Mt, and lira. Otta KJtia. of Fo torla.

Ohio, are vUlttaj Mr. and' Mra. U. T. Ulcxrt ot INI Eroadwuy.

hflaa Mama Bhartdan. of. Wtbeter leava thl) wank for' Jw Tork City to be eon veral week), Hubert Oorerdale, JHury Weintr, Robert Muitt and Maurice B4iTt went lfayat todwy to attend Shii" Cue. Mra. OKrwr SVaru wlfl.acaompanr ter OAAtntar.

Ka ivuu. to ocora, 0.. touorow aadplace her la colleso mar. Glasn Walker, of Benton Harbor Mlctx, traa the gneat Of TttTlor; Of Eiat Berry atreet, erwr Sunday. lira, w.

L. Wirt haa returned from Colmnb Ohio, where aha wa ealtod lact week by the aerloua lljneaa of bar asteit Mra. E. W. Dedal and children and her ailtej, Ml) Cramer.

Want to Chum paJro, Ii, Saturday for a vlalt with ralaUTM. lira William. ICajlen asd her moth er. Mra. bare coma Rack from Hl whera they apeat two weeta.

Mra. H. L. Chimborlila of Waole ihi, Wl. who Ttelttpi hir parent.

Mn and Mr. A. J. riotRner, will re tarn hosM toroorrcw. Ulu melrn Meyer, bai returned front Cbtcurp and will apind the lohool year w)Qi'jr tuuti, th Mliatl Meyer, of Hantaan atreet Mlat Jaaale doojwlo, of Indtanlso Ca, who bai been vlaittng bar aliter, Mra, Erio Gmu, for a number ot weeka, will return bom today, Mr, and Mra.

Wl11am Breuer and danghter, Mia) Amelia hare returned from St. iPaul. Vtr, Md Mra. Qreuer pent a lew day. Mlai Amelia apent the (ummer there.

MT). a Oldi. Mlaa Marjorle Olda and brother, Edward, returned at noon today from Charlerolr. Edward Qlda wta return to Princeton toon and Alex 0 vlJl adtar Harrard thla fall. 1111 Saabraaae.

of Wilmington, 0rt who ha been Tlaltlng Mr). O. M. Iealle tar a rtat, left yniterdny for Huiadalsbla wnera ana win remain aareral Weeka with relatlrea aid, rnenai. Mr, and Mas, Will Braokenrtdg and children returned from a few weeka' reit at Michigan lake reaorta.

Mra. Jnlla Whitehead and daughter, Mil) Hattlo, Detroit, arrived In the city today to rlait and Mra. a. Liggett Mla Liaale Ear. of Oay atreet.

en tertained a number of frlendi at her home taat evening. Prince at prngrpa air pidro were takenby. MHa Clara Scheumann and Emeat nerke. Tbare will be a meeting of the Vla Itlng Kurae league on Tburaday afternoon with Mr. H.

13. flond at 8 o'olock. All Intereited are Invited to tttend end, are nqueated lo take their uimbiea. Mr, and Mra. 'Thomaa Gordon DIV wOrtb.

who wera rueata of Dr. K. K. Wheebck, returned home to Waco. Texaa, yeeterday nneipeotedly, a I Mft Dllworth received word of hla appointment aa munlclpul judge lo fill a vacancy eauaod by a realgnation ot the proaent Incumbent.

Mrl, Honold entertained the follow tag young ladlea at her borne yeater day arternoonl Mils Pauline Spiegel, Mill Carrie Mayer, Min Ixtah Btop dllL Mtn Addle Trastmaa and Mli Emma Elsenarhcr In honor ot Ralph Pappera and Baymond Hamilton, of Detroit. Mich, and Robert Kohl and Oharlea Feriton, of Columbia City. luri. M. Buck and daughtor, lull Era, ot 01 Falrlleld avenue, havo re turned from a two montha' vlalt In dif ferent eltlea Detroit Uiddtogton, Cleveland and Chicago.

Mlaa Helen Jluck haa corns home after an eztrn iIt tour ot the northweit ind will be the cueit ot her mother, Mrt. K. U. Back until the event of her marriage, which takei place In October. urev Jonn ueNUtr celebrated, bar birthday annlvenary Sunday after pnon by entertatntns member) of the fim club, who are and Mra.

rank Schramm. Mr, and Mral John Haaa. lit, and Mxaj John Sander. Mn and Mra. Henry Meyer, Mlaaci Katie and Minnie Thaln, Mlsnls Koegelman and Thareaa Bohramin and Meaara.

F. A. Schramm, John Thaln and George Schramm. A harraeli Party followed br a bake of tnarahmallowa wa enjoyed by a Jolly company of young people Saturday evening. la the party ware the Mliee Ada Greene, Joaephln Oroaby, Cortnne Strata, Henrietta Straal, Dly Striker, Jenle Haberkorn, Loulaa and Frleila Schubert.

Fannie Panty Gllohrlet, Laura Banoy, Arne Ttutiell, Mabel Homaher and Ueitn. Edward Diner, 8un Bottlrk. Babies Fed af Regular Periods Most Healthful 'In Jitl probability the tnoat fertile cause of trouble to the rory young baby cotnei from or Improper fecdinc. Ot rouree, It la' tbe little one') sacred right to be fed naturally, and any woman who. ihrouth lovcibt ease and pleaiure, dUe It thl right, 1 not worthy hiitmof mother.

Cut even natural feeding must be given only at itited Intervals A mutt not bo fed every time it cries, a It generally happent tiat Hi' lrouia la cauaed by already having too rni.rh food In lta atotnacb. lor the (Irst lit weekt It mutt a nienl every two hour In the day, and If at ike 'Once or twice during tbe night; after alt' weeka, tbe time between! earb feed may beincretaed half an lour; and gradually extended, unl.t) at month It can be fid every fonr The time rule holda good, with bot tl fi bablea, but the proportion of ro'JK must bo' moat carefully roat firrd. Under three month) oM a tableapoonful of milk to two of water, with a very tiny ptneb of la nasally about right uoiese tterlllted milk It used, In which case a baby can dUaat a roirch larger proportion of Milk; rem "three to ill months, three tablatpooniVla of milk, gradually In creating' to eight tableupoonfult, ilh an equal quantity of water at first. thl being gradually 'diminished until ft It. halt and half.

At nine' month) pur milk way be given. But If a baby constantly erica about au hour before the proper reeding un'e, tou ir.ay be irutte aura It 1 helnt; lunhfflclentlr nourlehed, and the obvious thiuff to do ta lo liicroate the rmiwrtlon of njllSr. If the biby from w'nd. It mutt never hare toothln eyrup. or any medicine udmtnlaUrH eicvpi by tbt doctor's order A chaii.KL.ot vosl 1 tlon often nil that la nerensjiry to ea'pel the Satuience.

This 14 tbe lulr's ohlef roraplaln and It tauted by lr rogular and Improper feeding, by itiicklnit nn prnpty feeding bottle and the uie of so ctlled, bat' misnamed 'romfortera." The clothing hurt to1 loose, especially round the firck. Tight, itlff llnd'irs are quite out of Ana ond are not only uhnrceaiMiry, hut harmful, aa the little boily must havo.frciitofik for the develepmtnt of all.ltv The "long" cloll'c thould only coma a little, way below the fcef. 'A baby' should not btt tormented by being drettfl In elatonifo robe's over trimmed clof.It.'j nnd viri'tl lionnetl. Every tarmtiti should of tbe toft rat description and 'made to that It can bj ratili.y rUit'i'd on' and off. A toft woolen Rhail the heat nail muni cjn'tortaWe Trop." Ihe "nhprti nlns" frnod arrive), AvhJch ibnull be at the end of three ruontbt, tin rlotji 'niJtit be material lthtrilov not require starching, at irntiny prn' mltet autfer Intensely by haHir si'flened liiji 'and frillK lltrir delicate, nit I nt.

A bihy frequently 'cries, tifrcuie It tufferlnc dlBcomfort In vonseijuenoe of Itn, diets or B'ttlcwju blng too tightly tied, particularly round the Jt often inpfletie that the little one thirsty, and vlth no lancunse hut a cry It unable In any other way to make It) want known. A little milk and water or eeH plain water ruay be safely fiver, a spoonful ni a time. When baby Is a old It may be taken out In a mail cart or pcram b'llator Inrse fnur wheeled varletv, on th bndy of the cerrlagn Is ssrunqf with 'leather stfant Js the most cotnfnrtibU. A toft pillow should be placed In tlio bottom and with tbe hooJ up and plenty of lnirru' wrap. the1 little on? will sleep ni romrortably as In It, rradl'.

and ahmilrt that early be ttccuttrmiedto paet the crtutcr part of Its tlroe'ln thn opon elf. Some Persons Say The7 like a change of bread. yUxj They have not eaten tho' "Perfect Bread" that can be Bpread when fresh, the eame as good home mado liread. Try a loaf of Perfection Bread and you will fall in love with it. Ask for it at your dealer.

Perfection Biscuit Co. JM0 HiaPjjPilllg s. Guy Foi, llnrry Glueing. Ljle Tucker, Irfillo Tucker, Chaile Hnrnn, Cbarle Hart. Arltitr Schreck, Fred Smith, ObarK Goldrn.

Walter Hunt, Dr Howard Uaf.ori)ni Mr. Wll' The fun or tl.n vounerr crowil kept up unit! near midnight S'ltni ila and there wero fow ot thotf who leov town thla wfelt Jor.schOftl win. were not enlO)lng a final frolic at some lit tle party. Miss Ignite N'aylor "vat one hostei. About thirty youn folk enjoyed Mlat Nitylor's hospitality and ployed pedm.

M.ts Eliza llanna 1 Clarence S'smdahl winning the prlzoi The room were Ustefullr decorated, with pink and white astert and fern The guests Included the Mlatea Mabel knd Venett Sltet, Lucy nash. Esther Fleming, Evelyn rlther. Helen liar per, Linda MoRinnie, Kutn iieert, Allr W.orden, Clera Thleme, Char lotte Edaerton anil Messri. Dan Beers, Gerald McKlnnlp, Marehalt Worden, Henry Belli, Ralph Tbleme, llarrla Htrtinas, Herbert Henna, Roger Fisher. Arthur EdgerUin.

Francis Wllllama, Hiram Moderwell, Tllletteo Glbion. Mlaa Grace Gibson, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Olbsftn, of 16H) High atreet and Mr. Edward of New York, were united In marriage Thursday, August 30.

at Fort Ogol thorpe. Ot. The bride and groom came directly to Fort Wayne to tpend their honeymoon. Mr TH'tson was called lo New York a few daj ago on bul nesa and Mra. Tlllotson will remain here a few weeka with her parenta.

Celebrated Silver Wedding. Mr. and Mrt. Amn Koennemann oelebraled their twenty fifth wedding anniversary yesterday at their home at pingnn, with the assistance of about two hundred friends and relative. A bnt load of twenty threw people from Fort Wayne attended the, celebration.

In the party from the city were Mr. and and Mn. Herman GerdlnK and children, Mr. and Mr. 1.

Koennemann, Mr, and Mra. Frank Miller, Mlai Millie Vin kelroeyer, Miss Clara Lankenau, Mr. William Lankenau and children and Herbert Lankenau. Mr. and Mrs.

Koonnemann wera'marrled In Fort Wayne and tbe Sentinel' "Twenty five year ago" department had an announcement Of their mar riage license In Saturday litut ana Celebrated Annlveraary. Mr. and Mrs. Had Blackburn, who were married Art yean ago, yeater. day, paid due attention to the anniversary by delightfully entertaining a company ot their frlendt at an all day party.

The decorations of the dining room were pink and whit rotea, dames ot various klndt wera part of the amusement, Among the gnettt were Mr). Blackburn and children, Mine Lillian asd Bertha, and Page and Robert: Mn. Jaoob Stuti, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Lehman and son, Mr, and Mr). Frank Mess man, Mlsa Frances Dlerket, Mr.

and Mrt, O. Schroyer and daughter, Mr. and Mra. K. W.

Stolte and children. Mr, and Mra. Stolte and children, of the city, and from out of town, Mrt. Ohler and Fred Ohler, of Meoroevllle, and Mrt. Ackermann, of Indianapolis.

WIVES At CHUMS. A certain amount of reading and study of current event) la equally Important In the work ot the diy a the dditlng of tbe rooms Id order that a wife may he able to dlscusa event Intelligently with ber husband, or her husband's frlendi. Another way. alto. of becoming a husband's chum at well at his honse keepir.

It to endeavor to assist him, any rate In sympathy and Interest, In the work which oc eupla him fluting the day, Few women realise what aialataxce they could render their huihandt, nor do they see that tne. overture! or auch assistance muat. come' from themaelvea. This hint alao appliea to the older daugh ters. If there be inch In the houithold, at well to the houie mother, whoie time may he already.

occupied, iayi Woman') Life. It I) rare that a nan wilt make any suggestion of this kind, bnt let him once lee inch a deilre on tbe part of hi daughter or hit wife, and be will be more than nady jo encourage her. A person who tetJt you the fault of othert Intends to tell other) ot your fault. Have a care how you listen. Home Note.

In life1 It 1 difficult to tay who doe the most mischief enemies with tho wont Intention or friend with the belt. Lord Lytton. MEALS FOR TOMORROW (Ctitcasd iti.oirJ. Herald.) TUE8DAV, 11 1MB. bietkJCKt TIUAi.4 f'lriie Hteamed Rice, Butur and Tq (tared fluent.

Brfhrt Crumb iWiflcl' noli ('OtfT' ToiTntodS tii tUlf it'iilt fn1 JSkIwI Khtlrri ltiM4 Ct. ii i iifcae. 'Ira wtih me ChlrkMi okl In Milk IMkM fc lolnlft fjnen. I'om.

l'reot yiil1 Cablw no pila I'rrt ch 1 iren ot Aramcr t'resm. Miltt Oik Diked Peacbes Select good slxt'd free stonei. pare and cut them ta halven and relieve the ftorei, riace a alnrle layer In baking dlah, liollow side uppermost. Into earn lialf put one half taranfjL tea spoonful butter and the same amount of sugar, or a IMtl9 mote if tbe family like sweets. Sprinkle Tiuttn enerouiily over tbe wbols and bnkt twenty mlnuti, or until soft.

Bread Crumb Omelet Cover one thlrfl or em half cupful bread 'crumbs holllng water and leave to soak. Bt the folks and whites of Ave eggs separately, ha wbltea vary stiff. Add to tbt bwten yolk on aaltipoonful ot shakeof ri pepper and tha drained btead nrumhs. Blend thoroughly. AVarro'1 rrylng part and sreai it well with butter, leaving very little aitnt butter In It anil let ll get nlpfn hot.

'While this la fining turn the beaten whites Into the yellow mixture end stir' (not beat) until blinded. Turn into me ipMer for a tntnut over in Intent hat, then move to moderate hat, covr with a warmed lid and leave fifteen mlnuttsf Cut through the eenter and fold. JIliS onto a tiot plattar and serve at onen. live lp pn to allow tha omelft to pun loucniag.ine uo Tomntoee on th ITaJf Sbell Out the tomatoes In halve without paelln end plie them. In a bakin1 pan.

Tut a pltc of butler on top of aach. and llgtlr dust with salt aftd.DeDter. Stand the nan In the ovon and cook th tomatoes slowly com an nour.or luiiu pariaouy. lnoer, ready ioare of coaattd bread; put a half tomato oh each eqtuu pour around thm cream sauo and aarva, very hot. Clilekan Cooked in Milk breaa end Joint a 4 to pound elUnkto.

Lightly Suit with salt and )pptr moU plfoa, then roll In flour and pus In a routing pan that It will Just about hall nil: than pour over noiigb rich, ewert milk to oovar th cWok a flv or alx pound dbjckao generally takea two tiuarU. en a olose nttlng eorer and bak In th ovn until tender. I hv oooked a ftv pnund ohlokeit In two na oo balf houra. Th oldr th chicken th longer th tlm. It will require very llttl attention, and you will hav gravy and chlokaa seasoned and flavored thit oooklng In no other way would do.

Raheated In the gravy It will mak a tin lunoheon dlah th nat dav: end wilt hiw a atlll bttr flavor. Som oook only young ch)ons In this manner, but a sjid older ahloken win h.v ri.t., flavor. Hav nver aeea this reeipe la any nnolt hook or In print. It la a Tanke recipe, and one of Unci Dudley's favorite dune. Ctreen Porn.

Creola frera sic tar ef young, fender oorn, leaving aa mono of th bull oa the cob si pea sill. Jdd out half grata peppw chopped fine, a llttl gmted onion and thrs peetad tomatoea out fine. IIat th whol to boiling point, then let alromar about flftenn hilmitee. Add on alf tuspoonful aeh of ealt and sugar, snd juat before removing from th tire two taaapoonful of but' tet. A New Model "Jumper" Dress for Fall HnjSj nrlffi ffWtnrBtlifPllllrl' l.

iVv jktTBBH KKBBKSSt tVH lie3 $jil? iLLLLLauiLLLLViHiLiLLLaLLliLLLLLiBl KEUwIBSBttKKli rJt aiVe. ix9 lsaacxsaV VcBaVnasv i IBssll limiLLB tsLsaBtsHstVBMBV wBBb' saliLsHEwMggnwiLLsLLLLHtHCaBiiLLH Ul IsLlViBaUHgenLHBirfaVBl I llHB flBHflHtlMziKiiiBiliiiiiiHEliiiH A BgHiHflHlriLKlr'B t.i 1 mHHaWiMnifitt JiBaaaWmaltaaaaaaaMaaaaB PtttBrajSli bHN jT lafHLnvrffissHBDHIiiiiiBiiH ttwJ Mum. tWelK WwUen THOUGHTS. A wnman 'ebnrneai t. a.v..n.

drad Imaginary virtual and then sltt creation. She lovea him for what ahe wants, him to be. nther than for what belt. When death, th great Reconciler, has come. It Ii never our tendentett that we repent, but onr teverlty George Eliot, There It no better way to make a selfish annHad hnehant nf m' naw.

fectly good man than by always being unselfish and doing a thousand and one miDgi, ior mm mat ne always been accustomed to do for himself. It it a recognlied truth that wa ill car mort for the penon who Is dependent upon lis than for (he one) we depend upon. Anon. Coffee is a risk PosLun. NEVER.

The, "Jumper" dress Is one of tin arnarleit models for csrly fall, is made mich original l'nes that It will he bocomlna; to thA nverp; wom an. Una ot these new jus; Imported from Tarla, la a licit toned bronr.s green English ttfnhalr, a favorite, ahade am) material cif the ialt aeasoo. Tha gofer) aKlrt shows cir cultr movemont on eath hlfernato pauel which suggest) tho tunic skirt. I'arls favors this tklrt. treatment strongly, and It 1 In bo tinted In one.

form or another oa nitrly of the best BinrleK Tho Mouso. though K'parato from pklrt and flashed with a wide tealliertxmed girnlo ot Rlc the impression of being In onj piece with tho thirl. A fharmlng use of pUId la seen In Ihojsofn.hlffoi' taffetas that form tbu gtUmpo anu eleeyps, This plaid 1 in dill green, blue'' and yellovir, subdued In Innp lo make no glaring enntrnst beirfeen ituelf liiLtrouB green mohair Over this it bv.U,rda a.c, posed the ifWhalr lilouse cut out In front to admit of glimpse ot the plait beneath, and having large oval'arma eyes. The full puffed sleeve of tho plaid Is with a novel ruff of the mohair Inset with white net larei, moro of tha net' being used In the chemisette, touched with green snd brown allk embroideries. Like many of lh( season's, frocks and garments, the back la the same as tho front, wltji one exception, attd lhat Is the omission of the cut nvit portion showing the Bilk blouse beneath.

THE RIGHT KINP OF A GIRL Let a girl beerecao'gracpful In thj dance, lot her be ever so, elegant of walk across a drawing room, ever so bright In conversation, the muBt pus test tome other qualttles to convince the great average run of young men that ah can he a manager ot his home, Frugality, woman Instincts of love for home, an eye to the best Interests her buihapd and the careful training of her children these are the traits which make the good wife of today, and which young men look for In tho Klrli they meet, says Woman') Life. Men maysometlme) give the Impression tbat they do not care for common tense In their sweethearts, but there Is nothing they to unfailingly demand of their wives. A gentleman, 'at a mutlcai party where the lady wit very ptrtlculir not to hare the concord of iweet aoundi Interrupted, seeing tbat the fire was going; out, aaked a friend In a whltper, "How could you atlr the fire without Interrupting the music?" "Between the replied friend Home Notes. DON'T FOR BUSINESS WOMEN. Don't bring your homo troubled tu the office and alf them there.

Don't criticise those who work with you, or those for whom you work. Don't be late to your work and then expert consideration because you ait a woman, Don') try to be inannlth cither In dress or, manner. The mannish woman Is out of fashion fortunately. Don't sprinkle yournelf with hoavy scent. Your particular kin I per funic may be exreedlnRly obnoxious to those about you.

says Woman's Life. Don't expect to he treated as If you wrra In aocie ty. You aro probably doing tbo work that was done formerly by a man, and if in small ways you aro not considered as ranch as you were at home, remember that you are in business. Robison Park Extra. Social dance 'Tuesday hlghtj Sho ber'a Orchestra.

Cars betwoon 8 and 9 o'clock. 8 Jt. TO RESTORE NERVE. A if rtaln doctor In I arts, much sought 'after by fashionable ladlea whose nerves arc overwroiiRht by pleasure, adopts aome rnrlo is remedies with which lo cure hit fair patients. To one fine dame he tali).

"You aro on tho verge of nervous collapse. Now what you have to do It this. Every afternoon walk to such and such a hospital. When you Ket there ask for Nurse X. She will take yon to the second floor, Into a room entirely fit nlshed In white.

She will sit down In this room; you take a seat opposite to her, and remain for a full with out saying a slnglo word. Then go bark home, by such a road, such a boulevard, stub, a square, and men a says Woman's Lite In three months' time the lady was once again calm, strong, energetic and In excellent health. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. WANTED Dnn't denv lotlLMlf lellnhls conferred by Satin kln cream and S.iln akin powder. Pretty New Fall Caps and Baby Baskets Trom Lav J.o D.

La. Mode, Dainty hoodi of sheer lawn, chiffon and silk, elaborately trimmed wltn flutlngi, tucking and ostrich feather), will be worn this Ian by Dimes, unime the slm Die ones mothers generally put on Infants' heads theie caps for dress oocaslont are much betrlmmed. Even the ribbons that tie tho capa in place are dressy being longer and fringed at the. ends, or worked with a delicate floral vine design, Those elaborate hoods aro not to be worn by tbe real young bablei, for tbe llttl facei of tbe Infanta would be practically loit among the row of tucks, shirring and smocking, but for youngster) ot elghtocu months and two years of age those hood) win oe Do coining. Then, too, they will be wanner thai the lingerie and lace capt and most appropriate tor in oetween sea son weather before It Is cold eqough to put on heavy one.

Trimmed as they are with ostrich plumet and ribbons these new ityle hoods are einenslv'e and unlets mothers' are Ingenious enough to copy them at home few except the' children of wealthy parentis ill wear them, A pretty model for a 'golden haired blue eyed babe could be made of chiffon with a full pleated aunburst bick and a rosette In the centre. At the tides there It a wide piece of chiffon rolled and twisted Into puffl alternately long and.ihort, under which a full shirred oval strip ot the material about three and a half or five lnchea wide is put on and thaped to tha face. In the or a trifle to the right, two ostrich featheri may be added to give a imtrt finish. A pretty silk, or chiffon model, leas elaborate than torn of the styles, can be made with a tucked or tmocked back, wide shirred sides that extend to the temples and end with rowa of tiny puff) around the face and forehead. These aro graduated In so that tbe large 'ones are at the top and small ones at the bottom.

One large feather In the centre with ribbon ttreamert complete this seat little bonnet For real tablet the newett thing It a chintz or cretonne covered layette basket that It mott effective With nrett'ttv ttranAit finitnn. lng'the tide of tha batket and tha ueu ucneaiu. a model cm be easily made at home from a wicker banket. Thn Inatdn n. i.

should also be lined with cretonne or nocxeit made for holding the comb and bruth, powder' and aoap boxes and plncuihlom The legs. If wrapped with ribbons tied In pretty double knoti, are aa addition to tbete hitkett..

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