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News-Journal from Mansfield, Ohio • 7

Mansfield, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Mrs. Stump, of Canton," Ohio, writes: "I wish I could Induce every mother who has a weak, sickly child to try that delicious cod liver preparation, Vinol, Our little daughter was pale, thin and sickly. She had no appetite and no ambition. Hers jllC3 DW THE NEWS IS THE WANT MEDIUM OF MANSFIELD H. M.

Weaver of This City Interviews Eye-Witnesses of Trials Made By Wright Brothers Mf Tir ANTED Your paper cleaning to do; VI looks Ilka new; no dirt on carpet or IN THEIR- GREAT FLYING MACHINE 1 mm The Mission of a Mansfield Man Summoned by Cable From Paris to Investigate the Invention of Two Ohio Young Men What He Discovered A Record Flight is Twenty-Four Miles Speed at Times With Favoring Wind Attains Fully a Mile a Minute An Article From Paris Edition of New Vnrlr YWaM. machine, cutting figure eights, or swinging with lightning speed in great circles is accomplished otherwise. About Oct. 1 they had finally got their motor In such shape as to Insure good, long flights. Previous to that time flights of 10, 11 and 12 miles had been made.

On Oct. 8 16 miles had been made, Oct 4 21 miles, and Oct. 5, the record was 2i4 miles, and the flight only ceased because the supply of gasoline gave out. In this flight the older brother operated the machlnle. They take "turn about" in this part of the work, Mr.

i Wright weighs 145 pounds, and an additional weight of iron, 50 pounds, was lashed to the prow. The great bird-like machine rushed around the circle twenty-nine times, and the time was 38 minutes. At times the speed, with the favoring wind, was fully a mile a minute. No wonder that some of the more mercurial spectators grew wlldwlth excitement as it rushed by, for you must remember that all the time the machine was not over CO feet from the earth, that average height, just clearing the tree tops, being held. Only in turning the more abrupt corners, so to speak, was the height increased.

Mr. Wright tells me he has flown a distance of four miles and held the machine so near the earth that the greatest height was not to exceed ten feet. This would show absolute control In a vertical plane. For obvious reasons they kept their experiments as secret as possible. The car on the electric line ran every thirty minutes, and so as not to attract attention they have timed, their flights between the runs, and have been very successful in avoiding, observation.

The farmers living nearby are the only ones who have had the opportunities of watching the experiments, and after two years of such experiments had lost what little interest they bad In them. Mr, D. Beard lives across the Springfield road from the experimental field and to him Mr. Wright first took me. I found him an intelligent man of about sixty.

He told me of the work which bad gone on under the eye for so long a time, and assured me absolutely there was no question as to the flights. He had often observed them, and particularly knew of the series ending Oct 5 of this year. We next called on farmer Btauffer, living half a mile farther up the road. He was a typical American farmer, with Jolly face and voluble. He rents the farm which Includes the field where the flights are made: On Oct 5 he was cutting corn in the next field east and which is higher ground.

When he noticed the aeroplane had started on its flight he remarked to his helper: "Well, the boys are at it again," and A flying machine which hag been Invented by the Wright brot hers, Orvllle and Wilbur, of Dayton, .18 attracting much attention in Europe, especially In France, it being stated that the French government has arranged with the inventors to secure the right to use it in the balloon corps of the French army, for which It has agreed to pay the sum in one minion irapcs, or fzuu.vuv, tuiu hat as an evidence of good faith, a deposit has already been made with a New York banking c6mpany of a portion of the amoliut. In an issue of the Farts edition of the New York. Herald of Jan. 1, an extended article appeared, a large por-tlon of which was a letter from H. M.

Weaver, of this city, to Frank 8. 1-ahm, of Paris, which was written after Mr. Weaver had gone to Dayton and interviewed the Wright brothers. Since the appearance of the article in the Herald It has been translated into French and German and has been reproduced in full in the 1 Aerophile of Paris and the Wiener Luftschiffer-Zeltung of Vienna. The article has not yet appeared in print in the United States and it is of such general interest that it is" herewith reproduced in 'full.

A letter has Just been received 'in Paris by Mr. Frank 8. Lahm, a member of the Aero-Club and one of the senior pilots of that organization, which apparently answers affirmatively the question whether or not the problem of aerial flight in a "heavier than air" machine has been solved by the Wright Brothers, of Dayton, Ohio. A traimlatlnn nf thin letter was read Ity Mr, I.ahm on Saturday before the technical commute of the Aero-Club and created profound Interest. There are members of this highly scientific committee now fuly persuaded that the long-sought-for has been attained.

In order to investigate the various stories that had been appearing concerning the two young men in Ohio and their wonderful achievements, Mr. Lahm cabled to a friend of his, a manufacturer of mature years and great experience. His letter, which Mr. I.ahm permits the Herald to publish in full, is as follows: Mansfield, Ohio, Dec. 1905.

My Dear December 1 I was at Chicago stopping at the Grand Pacific, and after a tedious day's work had retired early. Just as I was about falling asleep my room telephone rang, and on Inquiry learned that a telegram would be sent me, and soon it was delivered to me. It was a imzzle "Verify what Wright Brothers claim, necessary go Dayton, prompt response cable." I studied it carefully, and as the matter seemed very important, concluded to ask Wright Brothers to explain, fof surely they should understand! So I telegraphed them, retired to the sleep of of the just, and awaited the reply to come the next morning, and when received It no light on the subject. In desperation I telegraphed again: 'Do you know Frank Lahm, of Answer came back: "Yes, Lahm, the French aeronaut." All this time there was dimly con-Rclous iii my mind that I knew somewheresomehow of Wright Brothers. As soon as I saw the word it came to my mind that they must be the ones who some years ago experimented with a "flying machine" in the Carolinas, and I promptly notified them I would be in Daylon the next morning and would they meet me? At 7 o'clock the following day I was there.

I Inquired after a time whether there tv. WANT COLUMN RATE. Twenty words or less three consecutive times or less, 25 cents. One cent each additional word. Cash with the order.

Call either 'phone 167 and we will send a messenger for your ad. without extra charge. Answer to advertisements can be addressed care of the New If desired. Employment Wants FreeTo accommodate persona out of work the News will publish free ot charge "Situations Wanted" ads. free.

"To Exchange Ads." Free (Saturday only) If you have anything you don't want, swap it for something you do want by means of the News Want Column. WANTED SITUATIONS, No charge for Publication. TlfANTED-Houwwork in small family or IT position a nurse girl. Ado-res A cure Newa. YD ANTKl-Rospeotahl woman with M-iT tie girl year old, want poult Ion in mall family aa au all-purpoes worker or to wait on sink.

Munt havit little girl with me, Addrese "A care of Newt. 8 ANTED Wanning to do at homo 267 rourtn at. i ANTED-Weshlng todo at home. MS North Malnat. WANTED Houe-clanli by an expert-need man.

-Mam phone Hrtt-It, TV 7 A ED oum cleaning to (to by an zperlenued woman, Uuii at aw Hamr treat. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Twenty word or leas ttnws canta. 1 cunt per word In excess. 1 Foreltn advertteera appearing under this head are unknown to the Newa and this paper cannot, therefore, voucb for ada, UTANTED-filrl tor R(nirl hoHHuwork In email family.

iall 164 Third at, or phone Manxdtfld DM-L. ANTED Good girl tor general houee- work til family of thre. Mrs Bell, Perry it. Mmntleld phone 778. TV, ANTED A aood girl for honaework, IT muH lie tiwil I'nok.

Family of thrnn, no waahlng and good wagea. Addreu A 11, cars Newe office. HELP WANTED MALE. Twenty worrte or teas I ttmea cents. I cent per word In excess.

Foreign advertisers appearing- under this head are unknown ta the Newa and tola paper cannot; therefor voucb got euch ada. Draughtsmen In Demand. Mora rails for strictly competent rtraiig-hutamfln than can fill; over one hundred good places now opaii for first class architectural, structural and me chanical men; aalury dt-penda on ability; any looatlon deelred. Ateo good positions for Knglneera, Superintendents, Halesmen and Clerical men. Write us today atat-Ing aire, experience and salary dnelred.

HAPUOOUd, i'ark rutsrjurg, Pa. Ti ANTED Aotlve man wanted lit each county to ejhlblt, denionstrntn and advertise atnple line; salary I1" weekly, fer day for expenses. No capital required, lonesty and sobriety more ewH'nttal than experience. National 7SU Chestnut Ht, l'uijaaeipuja. ju IT.

ANTED Experienced soil pine mould ere, steady Jot), good wages, pleasant location west of Chicago. Give experience and wages expected. Address Box Newa aince. a t. ANTED An energetic, lioneot young man, age xo to so, wno nHH naa some buslnesa exnerlerica.

to bo to a branch nflles ot a Mausneia nrm. Must rnniish good references, or an interview, address News offlee. 1Y A NTED-Beveral boys to work at watch it fsclnrT- Annlv at one. North A murl. can Watch Co.

1XTANTED Carriage painter at onceMN Diamond Bt, Mansfield, Ohio, Harry Baiter. ft ANTED Rood hand and machine IT caulkers for tank work. Wanes per day. The Reeves Bros Co, Alliance, O. 7 -IXTANTKl) BOYS To sell the Mansfield TV Newaon the at reeti and at the denote.

Price cash to news boys 1 cent a copy, sei ling price cents, 1 eent profit on each copy sold see? Unsold papers of even date redeemed at Newa counting room from oto Silopm, Papers can be had at the News office from SMS to (I lu. Territory for one good boy at each of (he depots will be reserved on ap plication, iso onjecwtiu to nanuung oilier papers, tf FOR SALE. Twentr words or lea times canta 1 cent per word In excess. 1.XR sell, March 1 18th. one mile north of Ontario, horses.

cattle, sheep, farm household goods, etc BALE -One good oi-rsii for IIS, worth 1 l-'ii. Bcott'a Plnno Hture.Jl Main at. "IIOR BALE Ideal Incubator, ftM-git, hot water, new last spring, In perfect con A Wright, S70K-5. "TTOR BALE White Wyandott eggs, a suit iwrrltir atratn of heavy laver. nrtce II.IH) for lit.

('all and sea my flocki and Judge for yourself. I. Rurnham, AH Mouth Kett ldamoiid at, or Manslleld pltone 8 tu-r'. TXR BALE Good S-rooin slate roof house wtthharn ami one acre ground, 117m, In east end. Bnhl, broker, Bly-rover bldg.

Open evenings. I TOR BAl-BIX-room rottntreon Bough-1 ton ave, third bouse off west Fourth, not five minutes walk from Main street. Bean. 7 BALE Red Durham hull.U months 1 old. Kennedy, i) Lexington.

Mansfield phone 7 I MR BALE Notion store atock and fix- tures. Ublect for selling health. Ad dress car News- 7 1.X1R BALE A No 1 family eow.thlrd calf, 1 4 miles east of city on Bayesvllle road. 1 No 4. McBrlde.

7 IIOR BALE Quarter sawed oak hall tree, gas range, gas heater, and kitchen cup-tKiard, cheap, all good as new. Phone '1U57X Manslleld. 7 IIOR BALE Two good S-room houses on 1 west side for tlruO eaoh. Balil, broker, Blymyer bldg. Mans phone Stt.

TlOR BALE A nice 7 -room house on West Arch St. Inquire Mansfield phone SST-W or 11, care News. 10 TJWR BALE Pnra white Wyandott eggs, toe for 15. Jos Cllne, two miles on west Fourth st road. MauaQeld phone Irak FOR BAI.K Houwhotit fnrnUhlna- Thursday, Friday and Haturdav, from :) to 11 a and from to m.

Bnardsley, Park av west, west slue Blymyer flats. 10 FOR BAI.K Hank stocks, mining stocks, Industrial stock and bonds. Good In-veitiutmta. i BkIiI, broker, Blymyer bldg. Maus phone tw.

Open evenings. tlOR SALE Wide oarrlniie Underwood Typewriter, tabulator with eight stops, suitable for correspondeiioo or billing. As food as new. Win Moaey. Hecond Ht.

hone Mansfield Die. FOR BALR Residence lot on West Park ave, flan; Sherman (Ton: Bertha ave. also cheaper lots. Hall broker, Blymyer Mdg. Upeu SALE A good slate roof house with part of the modern conveniences and a food barn, Kaat First at, cheap.

Must sell, eY Bowers. lb. 1.10R BAI.H Good A-room house, Adam at. street Imnrovamenls uald out. not far from court bouse.

Open aveulugs, Leon- aru st Mowers. to IjlOR BALE House on Wood at, lot suxISu, 1 law down, balance easy payments; also complete nice modern houses west side for rent. Open evenings. Leonard A Bowers. TtOR BALE Registered Poland China sows and hoars at auction, March 8th at I in at Held Carpenter's Farm, All Sows furrow by April lnt, Carpenter 41 Ross, FOR BALE A home on west side, on square from Park ave, $.

11 H-buck. OR BALE I have lust bad two proper ties piauea in my nanus lorsaiemai ara special bargains, one S-room home completely modern, mo0, and a nice 7-rooui home, iiruu. a kuuuck. FOR BALE A new -room borne south side of city, t. Rebiick.

FOR BALE Our best flour at P. 00 per sack, ts.OO pr barrel, delivered any place In the city. J. C. Lanls It Bon, Kaat Fifth street.

tl FOR BALE A tile manufacturing plant located at Rlttman, O. Entire plant In first claaa condition. Mora orders than could nil at owner's death. Address 1. 11.

Graven, administrator. Loudonvllie, O. tt TO LET. Twenty words or less I times a canta. I cent per word In excess.

TO LET Three flats, one 4 rooms, one rooms and one rooms, with conveniences. Hummel, phone ltt). 8 rpO LETi-Ten room house with all modern 1 Improvements on Park ave West, Inquire at Dr. Hudgus, Mulberry st, a mo LET Three rooms with city water, A rent very cheep. Call at Mprlugmlll or jaausuniu Jtnune JUf, jseil etu-w.

a riiu ir. i oy tne nrsi or jpni, new nouse of six rooms, natural gas, No Henry jseji paone (Uf-r 7 mo nicely furnished front room Mansfield phone IKT. 7 TO LET Ooort bonne, centrally located, close to business part of city. Anuly II Bird bldg. Phones, uVIl (Mt and AiM-w.

7 LET Three rooms on Clnlrraont ave. Appiy lis nowmau st. Beii-piiomi tw, 7 TO LET Four upstairs rooms. Milt a bio for dress-maker or housekeeping. Cen tral, s-e cor xnd and Main.

Inquire lis main si. 7 rilO LKT New T-room house and four 1 acres ground. Will let ground ou shores If preferred, Mansfield phone )-Y. a ITIO LET Three rooms for light housn- keeping, gas and water. Inquire iu st.

a Fifth TO LET Several nice moms centrally located for light housekeeping, Ri-nt reaiouable. Apply to I Jones, Mnrlnuinlll Street. fllO LET First-class cow psature, with .1 running spring water. Apply to Mrs aeviua nummei, a Ainiu roan. a LET St or room.

40x70 feet with I ment basement, on West 4th street, ad joining JMews Dunning; would prerer to lesse for Aerm ot years. Apply ta W. tt. Cappelier. tf LET Good large business room well located.

Address Business Room, cara News. tf WANTED HOUSES, ROOMS, ETC. 1 Twentr word or leas times a canta. I cent per word in excess. VANTKD To rent bouse of five or nine It rooms, no children, gas In house preferred.

Wanted by April or Mansfield phone sotl-R. II1 ANTED Hnisll Bor 8-room house on i west side, rent to lie not over tiNO to tKl a year. Address Box at, care Nowa. 7 LOST. tvantv Tjr.a Aw a .1...

9K I cent per word In excess. OST Couklln seif-fllllng pen on south 1 Main. Mane phone mi. Janiea Merrel. 6 FOR EXCHANGE.

No charge for Publication. I.OR EXCHANGE Tw good renting pro-: pertles on xud 8t, for a nice resilience property on went Hide: will uuv rilffereiien. Bee McCally ins Bird Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE What have you to exchange for a chltToner, one or more lots Ui the Trenton Addition. Jood Tvonwrlter or a soooiid hand square piano.

Address Trader care Newa, a MISCELLANEOUS. Twentv wnnls ne tesa ttmca 23 centa. I cent per word In excesa. IiIVIDKNDf Eight por cent, dividends It guaranteed, payable semi-annually. Ten per cent, paid lat year from the sale of ma-hogany I inner cut from our ten-million- dollar forrest on our tract of land, which li paid tor In full and deeded to a Philadelphia trust eomimny for stockholders' protection; 20,0110 acres being cultivated: live stock, etc, raised for market.

A few shares for sale now. Write at oifre ami secure 4 per cent, on your money 'April I. HO. Handsomely Illustrated paper and booklet free. Write today.

Address L. L. 1. 701 Drexel Bldg, Philadelphia, Pn. IS 'ANTED To borrow twal to IU for ona Tl vear at Heciirliy good.

No risk. Address C-41S, care News office. 6 t) SMITH A CO opened np for cement flnuMtone work for tills season: wa Siiarantee our work to lie In first-class cotillion; reasonable prices. Call Mansfield phone 144, Bell 4l. tt FOR EXCHANOR Good slsed Are proof safe or Ut ree-horse-nowe gasoline engine for typewriter.

Address A U)t Fourth st. 8 11 AF vj id aaow wno nrsires neni TT typewriting work dooe erenlngM; law flrma' work preferred. Address oars furniture. Phones, Maim im, nun tm in. VOTK1B Toall people that are Ick, take iH Nature's Health Restorer and get well quick.

Please call Chas Adams, lut 0th st, siananeiu, onto. Tt UrARLOW Auctioneer; will aelt lJ- for Jacob Reniy, March six wiles Houth of Mansfield; horses, cattle, sheep, ahoats, feed, farm utensils, household goods, eta. Hale at lo a ni, f'KW CLASH In shorthand and typewrlt-H lng forming. All who desire to Join Indly call before April 1st. Plica reasonable, Hood iMMltloua guaranteed.

LuclleJ Anderson, IS West Third Mansnuia phone 667-R. SI INSURE your property in tha ater-chants' fc Mfg. Mutual Ina. and ave money. Office I.

O. O. F. block. O.

W. Deyarman, Secretary. tt I CAN on furniture and salaries, lowett i ratea, easy payments, quick sorrlee, Addrsas or write 1 Davles, 7fs Main, Both phone SJL JF you need money drop a card or call room Bird U. M. Loan Co Manslleld phone 1237.

Bell phona 710. Bajall payments, easy term. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. WE issue "Surety Bonds" and writ Fir lnsuranc 'ln the very beat eom- panles. COOK U'HACK.

GARBAGE. THE Manafteld Garbage licenses garbage collector, removes your gar- bane 10 gallons or part thereof, lUc per week. George Leuihner, Mgr. Jboto. THE MANSFIELD LUMBER CO.

order too large for our capacity or too amall for our careful attention. Both phones. 271 North Mulberry street. JOB PRINTERS. ARBAUQH A LINDEMAN.Job Printers, ii Kast Third street.

UNION CENTRAL LIFE. General agent C. S. Hill, asst. general agt J.

B. Fox, Sturge block, Mansfield. O. MACHINE WORK. TTINttlNl-; trimmings of all kinds, valves, Ti oil cups, lubricators, lujectora, etc.

Repair work, prompt and efficient service. Fnrnyak, rear postofflce. LAUNDRIES. M.CALVERT does your work promptly and makes your collars look Uk new. UMBRELLA REPAIRING.

UMRRKLLAH repaired and recovered, no patent covers, work gun ninteed. Typewriter Repair Shop, a cor Third aud Wal-nut street. mm Special Bargains t- 8 room house sntf lot, ltf block from Marlon ave. school, pretty little horns, at 8 room house on South Adams with nat. gas, hard and soft water, large lot, newly remodeled 1,800 8 room house on E.

2nd both city and cistern water, fine lot and barn. at 82.300 7 room house on Central Adams st. newly remodeled, large lot, nice property ..............12,000 7 room slate roof house on Wood city and cistern water, lot 66x180. private drive, nice home. $1,800 10 room double house on 1st eas of Main, large lot, rents for 20; good Investment $2,400 9 room house on West 4th at, near high school, A No.

1 property, lot 60x 180, good barn, all In best condition, bargain SLOUGH BJRUST Both Telephones, Mansfield 449. Bell S74-V Try It on tha Goal Ranga It I the only nlf-ahlnlng stove polish for coal stoves, the best screen enamel and store vipe sosmel saves work and money; kill rust. it your dealer hasn't it, the Wagnen prdware and Blymyer Bros, have." ERIE RAILROAD. $8.85 to Louisville, and Return. Tickets on Sale March 16, 17, 13 and 19 Inclusive.

Colonist tickets to Pacific roast and many other points In the west, north and southwest dally until April 7 at greatly reduced rates. Settlers and homeseekers' tickets to various points on sale first and third Tuesdays of each month. Winter tourist tickets to Florida and many other joints dally. See W. E.

I.angdon. Agent Telephone 134 or write O. D. Hughes, T. P.

A Youngs-town, O. th-s ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WELL? Bright' Disease. Diabetes, Rheums, tism, Ootit, liravel. Dropsy, Inflammation ot the Bladder, Bad Blood and Nervous Troubles caused by Bick Kidneya. W.

M. Barton, th well known druggist of Mansfield, knows by experience that I1INOIFO will cur all forma of Kidney aad Nervoua Troubles and will auaraatsa It In ell cases. Can you afford to try It at hi rlisT It costs you nothing It don't do Ua work. Sent by matl to any address, prepaid, on receipt of rents. Six boxes.

It 'A uadsC pualtlv guarantee. WWW VXVQUTZa OF 0. STUMP. "We tried various medicines, but without any benefit whatever, and she could not take cod liver oil or emulsions, as they nauseated her and upset her stomach, ''Learning that Vinol contains all the medicinal and strength-creating properties or cod liver oil, but without the nauseating and system-clogging oil, we decided to try it, and the results were marvelous. She loved to take it and It gave her a hearty appetite, the eolor returned her cheeks and she is stronger tf, in better health than she has bee aor years.

"I cannot say enough fii favor of this delicious cod liver oil preparation tor weak, puny children." local druggist, Will M. Barton, ays, "We have never sold a medicine In our stor equal to Vinol for ounv children, weak old people, sickly women and children. Why don't you try it on our guarantee?" Will M. Barton, Druggist. above letter.

It is understood that an effort will be made to have the Wright brothers come to Paris to give a demonstration of what they have accomplished. AFRICAN M. E. CHURCH Endeavoring to Wipe Out or Reducs Its Indebtedness. The African M.

E. church on Uiess-ner avenue has not reposed on a bed or roses in endeavoring to secure and pay for a church home. It has had many trials and tribulations. The present edifice was erected in 1895, at a cost ot 11,000. After Interest and a little principal to the amount of 1365.30 had been paid, the church was unable to meet the balance and the property was taken by a local loan association.

It was la ter re-sold to the congregation for $1,100 on terms of $250 cash and 10 a month on the balance. During the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Powell about $384.75 was paid, leaving a balance, Including interest, of about $800 or $850. The present pastor, the Rev.

A. B. Lee, came here last October and Is devoting himself, with the aid of his "congregation, to lifting or at least reducing this debt, although Illness in his family and the recent death of his wife have hampered in the work. In furtherance of the plan to acquire their church home the pastor and members of the church, feeling that best work can be accomplished among their race by their own fellows and their own church associations, desire to reduce the burden as much as possible to the colored people, who are few in number and in humble circumstances. To assist" in this work they propose a "charity lecture" to be given In this city, April 4.

by Bishop W. B. Derrick, of Flushing, N. a noted orator and minister, who Is bishop of western Pennsylvania, Ohio and Africa, of the A. M.

E. church. He" waa missionary secretary from 1886 to 1896 and has traveled extensively in Europe and by education, ministerial experience and travel has added to his natural qualifications as an orater." The work ot assisting the colored people or Mansfield to pay for their church home is a worthy one and substantial contribution can be made to: the cause by a liberal patronage of the propsed lecture by one who is said to be one ol the greatest orators of his race. The consumption of spirituous liquors in Canada last year was less by $709,000 than in 1904.. CURED TO STAY CURED.

Hew a Mansfield Citizen Found Complete Freedom From Kidney Troubles. If you suffer from backache From urinary disorders From any disease of the kidneys, Be cured to stay cured. Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting cures. Mansfield people testify Here's one case of it: A. N.

Woodward, traveling salesman and Inventor of Mansfield, living at 25 Grant says: "Three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of a very severe case of kidney trouble, and knowing that they are all they are claimed to be, I recommend them to everybody whom I know to be suffer lng from kidney trouble. I have felt like a different man since using The above statement was made by Mr. Woodward on August 80, 1908, Mrs. Woodward was Interviewed on July 9th, 1904, and said: "Tims has proved that the eure in Mr. Woodward's case has been permanent, and we believe that every sufferer from kidney trouble should lose no time In procuring Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers).

Price 51 cent. Foster-Mllburn Buffalo (New York, sole agents for the United States. Rametrber the nam Doan'a an4 ts no other, was such a firm in the city, but no one could give me any information. There was none in the directory, and no one seemed to know anything about a "flying machine." I then went to the telegraph office, since 1 knew my message had been delivered and finally discovered the boy who had delivered the telegrams and, through him, their street address. Going back to the hotel, I found Mr.

Orvllle Wright, the younger of the brothers, awaiting me, and about as much puzzled as I had been over what the cable message and my telegrams meant. In a few minutes we both grasped Just what you Wanted, and Mr. Wright promptly told me he would do all he could to satisfy you and me that all he reported as accomplished was the truth and nothing but the truth. His very appearance, though, would disarm any suspicious to the contrary. A young man of about thirty apparently.

Blight of build and with a face more of a noet than inventor or nromoter. 1 In-'contour, head face resemble Edgar Allen Poe. Very modest in alluding to the marvels they have accomplished looking more to the renown and glory that will surely come to them a the solvers of the problem of mechanical fight, than any possible pecuniary reward. He told me that the place they tried their experiments was eight miles away, and" promptly sought a trolley carl and in less than an hour reached the spot. A great field of about ninety acres, flat and level, what we call meadow-land, covered with coarse grass, and hummocky.

Off In the Jiatajice- pearly half a mile away, was a small structure in which was housed the aeroplane during the time of their experimenting. The field was otherwise bare except three trees far to the right, and which marked in a way the limits of their circling flights. During the preceding hour, Mr. Wright had briefly outlined what they bad accomplished, in season of 1905, and which -closed abruptly on Oct. for reasons to be stated later.

During that time they had. made some fifty flights, and the first trials had been of varying success, though with changes and Improvements they were conscious that every week showed an Important gain. By the middle of Sep tember they had completed the machine practically as it was when they closed the season. The frame was. made of larch wood from tip to tip of the wings the dimension was 40 feet.

The gasoline motor, a special construction, made by them, much the same, though, as the motor on the Pope-Toledo automobile, was of from twelve to fifteen horse-power. The motor weighed 240 pounds. The frame was covered with ordinary muslin of good quality. No attempt was made to lighten the machine, they simply built It strong enough to withstand the shocks. The structure stood on skids or runners like a sleigh.

These held the frame high enough from the ground in alighting to protect the blades of the propeller. Complete frith motor, machine weighed 925 pounds. The operator lies face downward in a horizontal position and as close to the frame as possible: Contrary to what would be expected, It is 4 fact that a weight, hanging below the center of gravity, like a pendulum, causes the aeroplane to capsize, hence all weight is concentrated as near as possible iii a common plane much as a bird flying draws Its feet close to its body. No rudder Is used. What may be called a tail extends to the rear, but Is used only to change the direction up or down.

The guiding of the DESSERT JELLY kept on cutting corn, at the same time keeping an eye on the great white form rushing about Its course. "I Just keep on shocking corn," he continued, "until I got down to the fence, and the durned thing was still going round. I thought it never would stop." I asked him how long he thought the flight continued, and he replied it seemed to him ft was in the air for an hour. After this Interview we returned to the city. We called on Mr.

W. C. Foust, druggist, a friend of Mr. Wright. On Invitation Mr: was present at the trial of Oct.

6, and described to me fully the operation of the machine. He timed the duration of the flight and counted the number of times it circled the field. Mr, Foust is a young and enthusiastic man, and, though cautioned by the brothers not to divulge what he had seen, he could not restrain himself and talked about it so effectively that the next day the field was invaded by a crowd of sightseers. The fences were lined by kodak fiends, and reluctantly the Wright brothers were forced to discontinue their work. They took apart their flyer and brought it back to the city.

The practical work of 1905 was ended, I next called at the pleasant home of these discoverers of the "only new thing under the sun." They live very quietly with their father, who is a clergyman. The elder brother, Wilber, I found even quieter and less demon-trative than the He looked the scholar and recluse. Neither is married. As Mr. Wright expressed it, they had not the means to support "a wife and a flying machine, too." Twelve years ago they engaged In manufacturing bicycles, but gradually went out of the business as the craze subsided.

Even as boys they were of an inventive turn of mind, one of their achievements being a printing press, which, on account of Its great novelty, attracted much attention. And, too, at a very early age they commenced to study the problem of mechanical flight. They have made a special study of the laws governing the flight of birds, and have compiled tables of great value relating to wind resistance as -applied to aeroplanes, In this they have discovered many errors in the deductions and laws laid down by those now esteemed authorities. In these matters they have found that Lilienthal was far ahead of those who followed. They have given much thought and time to scientifically construct the best form of motor as to the pitch of the wings, size and it appears to me that they know far more than others in this peculiar field.

My visit was made on Sunday, and for that reason I did not see all the parties who witnessed or knew the work accomplished. I enclose your letters Just received from them, which gives further references. They told me of their correspondence with Captain -i who I tin- derstand is a member of your Aero-Club, and laughed at his assertion that there "was not a mem In all France who believed they had done what they claimed." (Signed) HENRY M. WEAVER. As is already known to Herald readers, the Wright brothers have been working on the question of aerial flight for the past five years.

Their first experiments with aeroplanes unpropelled by motor were carried out at Kitty-hawk, North Carolina. That site was chosen because of the prevalence of a good sea breeze, the presence of barren sand-dunes and the comparative isolation from curiosity hunters. Others who have witnessed their successful flights at Dayton, Ohio, apart from those mentioned In Mr. Weaver's letter. Include ft bank president, an official of the census department in Washington, the director of a local building association and other citizens- of unquestioned veracity.

They all have the same story to tell, practicaly what is set forth in the com ci out right every time. You urn ply add hot water and bro-man-gel-on doc the rest. Every ingredient delicious nutritious and pure. No pure food law can be too exacting (or Bro-man-gel-on. It is the original and one perfect dessert jelly.

One package makes enough lor a family. 10c tire light yeltoW pkge.) ISo sUe (pint, package) gomr grocer's rtmtmrsLtmom. Ormng; Kaapbirrg. Strmttbtrrr, Cfitrrp. THE STKRM SAALBHRd New To.

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