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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 8

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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mt KORfSWrToURNAICAZElTE" SATURDAY MORNINO, MAY I. 1M )'L 3 THAN and Have Discovered Jwarda Olive Tablet Harmlesa Substitute Edward oil ye Tablets th riuta for ralomcl are a mlM aura las. tire, rnd their effect th llv 1 almost lnata.ntanj.nti a littl ollve rotored tablets ar nit pr, Gdsinu delrrralna pot to treat liver and bowel ami witn calomel. tnleasant 1 til tablets tn ik tut ralomel does, but have no after effects. They don Injure aloat.1 They iske bold of the trouble and quickly eorreit It Why aura thd Hear at the expense of the taatht Calomel sometime plays fcavoo.

with the ruma, Ho do strong ltqalda. ft la best not to take calomel lett Br. Edward' Ulha labiate take it1laeet IlMdaches, "dullness and that Ian tiettu eoma from constipation and a disordered llvar Tak Vr Edwards' OUva Tablets when vou f.el "logy and heavy" They "clear clouded rJO and "park up" tb spirits, lto anJJSoo. COURT NEWSI Itha KSj. El HEiNY'S GROCERY 1418 Calhoun Street rnonet Main 102 ana ocou 1241 Wells Street Phone Main 1420 Satedaw we will be busy, make aieiia.

f.j4 buiSIa aSfp ja riia awv aaf then telephone it for quick deliver service. OUR SPECIALS ra)JlrPaper Cleaner, 3 can. 25c MA.ueanser lor kitcnen use, a can, 25c 1 brush free. ICrrstal White Laundry Soap, 10 1 ban 49c You will ret two 10c cake of Cream Oil Toilet KJJ. Soap free.

gatf Gloat Starch, 2 lbs. for. Vr Poppmg Corn, (helled, lb. 5c Corn Starch, per lb 5c Raisin. Seedkt.

lb 14c )fi Prone, fancy Santa Clara lb. 1 Sc iPeache, California, dried, lb. 19c Macaroni, the best ahort cut, It 1 ef. 1 sen asuc, in. mm.

avue Spaghetti, the but, 3 lb. ack M.fT 1 e. P. flnM 1Q. neiu tui.

krameNt Margarine, lb. jTrnrni Dieeu. On BBjaavtow. Vivf' lesi TaWyeam uneeM. iouy id, ifc mp3Hothous Lettuce, lb.

14c tUUIIU uyi as7G LAfCreamery Butter, best, lb FataJPotatoes, Early Ohio, rood cooker, bushel 85c chigan Potatoes, bushel 95c Flourj guaranteed good, lack KfLemotu, California, dozen, EMGreen Onion, 4 bonche. KaduAe, long red, 3 bunches 10c Pie Plant, 3 bunche 10c Homo Grown Asparagus, Hot houao Tomatoes, Mangoes, Carrot, Celery, Cucumbers, Head Lettuce, New Cabbage, ner otatoes, etc ancV Banana and CrabefrmL Apple, table use, 5 lb. sack 39c reef uranges, doz. 39c and 49c mmr Glaze Cookies, lb 19c Fix Ban, fresh baked, lb. KaiApek SQAP SPECIAL 5 Ban Soap 7 aim Ueach Soap 1 Package Washing Powder All Go at 39c MEAT MARKET r1418 Calhoun St.

Jl SmrartCured 5 Small Swift' Picnic Hmari. curaa, i. ku, je lacy Bacon Squares, lbr.15c Bart Bried Beef, lb Lean Boiled Ham, wafer sliced, yi lb. 25c Fancy; Tender Beef Roasts, is. a Taaadar' Hank Steak, lb.

15e Stasatner Sausage, lb StnaJlt Fresh Pork Shoulders. 13c ork Chops, lb WOMAN ASKS $5,000 FOR INJURY TO KNEE Velma Ross Sues Henry Lantz, Contractor, (or Dam ages as Result of Accident Ctiifiuhiir ret pre persona! Injuries the reeult of helnK knockej down by an autnmohUa nt the inlereertton i tM street nnd Klorlda drive, elnia Itoniv Florida drlvri ee lerdn) HVil suit for 000 damses against Henry A luits. ovner of th automobile which figured In the arcl dent The accident on urred on Jbruary 1J. JIlea noaa jinwd that her knee rap waj, severely Injured that eh compelled, to remain (n bed for four weeks and thai ehe Is still unable to walk a long dletance without crutches, n. Karl letrra Is sttor rsy for the flalnttff CIGAR STORE OWNER IS SUED FOR ALIMONY eilll for dhorre and 11000 aHmony was filed, against Thomas Althfwse, pro)ir1rtor ef a cigar store at JM Koiith Calhoun street, ester iay by hirwlfe Mrs Fdna Althouse, T2 riaaa drive Mra Althouse al Here that her husband lecuu In toxicated freqiently nftd thai he waa ubuela toward her Ph au)1 that he abandoned her and tholr three children on several occasions hft says jen noma on April 21 and sh does not know where lie ha been sine that time, Sirs AllhouM was granted a restraining order to pre sent her husband from iHepoelng of property lYnk n.

Oulln la her attorney HEAR REPLEVIN SUIT art Of the ettdenre la IhM r. IleMn suit of Mrs Martha Felrhler Hide against her foraier husband Charles 1 Whter, a rarrtier living oa the Majsvllle road, was heard sea terday hy SperiaV Judga red tthoaft In superior court. Among the article, which Mrs Hyde claims are her own and W.h Partners in "The Mistress of Ives' sssssHNbMf sin sLH liiiiiHeKS liH ISf isH sHT 2eHBp jjV iH fSk VjH 5 411ss1hI IlllllllllllllllllllHsP JllllllH LAWRENCE KINTZ JOSEPH SNYDER In The Mistress of ft Ies to be presented at 8t Andrew's Catholla church hall, May 10, 11 and 11 Joseph Hnyder and liwrenra Klnls are the Dald and Jonathan of ths production. As Harold Jeffries, a young Iswier Joeanh gnjder Is kept busy In his profession proteittng the in tereeta of Colonel 8t Ivesoa of a rkh planter Frank Fenker as the colonel not Infrequently shCresnonora with his legal adviser But there Is sn eineclel bond of friendship between Joseph Snyder and lAwrenee Kims who ptaye tte role Jim Smslley There are fue young women and seven young men in tne cast wnicn is unoer in airection oi Key, Henry A Hoerstmsn, pastor are being held by her husband as a row and calf a player piano, a china cabinet a buffet dressers carpets and other articles Bhs ssks 1100 for their unlswful possession "I worked In the Held like a slave for J1 years" Mrs Felchter said during iier testimony The esse wa continued fpr further hearing IN SUPERIOR COURT The. John peers Jlow company dismissed Its suit against John twirling and others for 11,000 on an appeal bond TH case waa dismissed without prejudice to another action Haley attorney for the plalntflr It represented the defendant.

The reneler for Alfred Ansara and othera was gHen authority to sell the property which Is In his possession The case er Churtes I'lehl against the Toledo, lt I uul A eslern lull. SATURDAY SPECIAL PRICES Creamery Butter our own fresh churned, 1 lb. carton 45c (Thi butter i churned freh for every day). No. 2 Vi Yellow Clint; yrup, per can 23c Walnut Meat, pound SSc SALADS PREPARED IN OUR SANrTARY KITCHEN Potato Salad, Cabbage Salad, Spaghetti Salad, Home Baked Bean, Spiced Boiled and Baked Ham, Smoked Ham.

Reluhe Sandwich FHIing Our own Horn Made Pimento Cheese and Deviled Ham, Swiss Chseee, Crick Cheese, Llmburgar Cheese, Old English Chseee, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Wis. eonsift Cream Pesnut Butter In Bulk, Strawberry ami Raspberry Jama bulk. Heme Baked Goads baked In eur own aven Fried Cakes, Renin Breed, Whole Wheat Bread, White Breed, Buns, Honsy Rolls, Cinnamon Rolls. Sugar Cookies, Ost Meet Cookies, Molssses Coakies, Layer Cakes, Angsl Food Cake, Banquet Cake Our Own Home Bakes Pies Buttsr Sooteh, Ceceanut Custard, Pumpkin, Lemon, Rsspbsrry, Cherry and Apple. Dill Pickles, Sour and Sweet Pickles, Sweet Relish in bulk.

Mustard Pickles in bulk, Olives in bulk, Freeh Cottsga Cheeeo, dry or creamed Try our own make Potato Chips, nics and crisp. Home Mode Fudge, Mspts and Vanilla Full'Line of Fresh Vegetable Hasd Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Homo Grown Asparagus, Rhu bsrb. Green Onions, Temetees, Spinsoh, Gresn Bssns, Turnips, Csrrots, Red Beets, Celery, Men eoes, Psrsley, Csuliflowsr, Sweet Potstoee. New Potstoes, Nsw Csbbsgs, New Bermuda Onion. Try a jar of our own home made Mayonnaise Dressing None Better IfjJjejkBelW 5 Bar of White VyHKfSflBEB 1 Bar Palm Beach Toilet DOEHRMAN GROCERY 622 624 Barr Street Phone Main 767 and 787 our Want Ad for iPlljjrib'ers.

Schwcgman LWitu. SELLING OUT Entire Stock, of Groceries. HARTZOG GROCERY '1530 WEST MAIN ST. Fixture and iease Sold to Hoosier Stores We Must Vacate Building at Once Come and See the Many Specials and Save Money Pitted Red Cherries, can 25c Xll Small Milks, Can i a .4 6c Perfect Pineapple, large can i 37c Searchlight Matches, 6 for, Baked Beans, Heinz', Van Camp's and Beechnut, 2 cans Apricots special, 23c; 2 cans. 4 Plum and Fig Pudding, Atmore's; 40c, seller, can Kitchen Kleanser, 3 cans Big Sale on All Housecleaning Specials a Remember the Place.

HARTZOG GROCERY 1530 WEST MAIN STREET road company tor II 000 damages son, defendants In a suit brought by William F. Bradtmlller for Dosseeslon of real estate and II 100 yesterday niea a motion ror a cnang or venue from the county Judge fixed May II as th dtte for hearing the report ot tne drainers commissioners on the ditch petitioned tor by buphemla Nettle, hoist snd other In Cedar Creek loanspip. IN CIRCUIT COURT Judge ood gave the Appalachian Coal company a. Judgment agalnat jonn and I'nrry Archer lor W4 10 trade acceptance Py agreement ot the parties ths court gave the Haas Kleclrlo Bales aumiiany a Judgment agalnat Ilobert A liuhler for 8'0 on an acoouut Anthony A Wvher illamlssed his suit against KepUnger for lino on a note. The suit of Kenneth I.arwlU against 'William and Margaret bert for iKieeeeslon ot real estate was dismissed, NEW, SUITS FILED The Houston Coal compsny Pled sun sgainst tne auir uoal company for Kit on an account Olds A nomas attornes.

it Joseph LJ1I sued William Btahlhut for 1310 on an account. uids A Thomas attorn) FILES ARTICLES Artlilea of association Tor thel'ar roi racsjnr compan a 1100 000 con cern which. 111 buy ae'l and manu failure meat uraducls at tha nark ing nlunt on the Lincoln hlahwar feuranlles east of fort Hum, filed articles or association yesterday In vno ornce or ueorgia a illume, county recorder The Incorporators are Frank Par. rot, Joaaph Parrot Edward Parrot Charles Parrot and John A Mailing Of Fort Wain, and Walte IIuim vi jinrinn A PPRAI8E8 ESTATE, The estate of the late l.lw Tln Inge has been appraised at IK 611 by Clayton A Undemuthv county as. waxur, ma tne oasis ror nxing tne in horltance tax.

WIL LET ROAD CONTRACTS' ds ror the construction of four a wui oe received Tueeday by the county comnusslonsrs. Ths roaas are me Hodeooeck road Peiry townehlp the Moore road Jackson townahln. and the narke nd Basting Joint roads In Mauraee ana em eon to MARRIAGE LICENSES Albert. carutrr( Visit thfc MaxwelkAuto Show todbyand 'all next week. SpnA Q2Q airfield tJ, LODGE NEWS Mfnthn ot Harmony lodr No OOF will mct At their ha.ll Went Herrjr slifta Sunday artornoon 3 15 clock, and will leave th hall Corn ed Lliurch "RECOURSE TO QUEEN OF PEACE," IS THEME ReV.

John A. Dapp Heard at Cathedral Holy Hour on Intention for May Pride? etenlnf a Imnreaalva eerv Ire Incident to th observance of "Holy Hour" al the Cathedral ot the immaculate Conception wer tended laree fonareeatTnn course to Msry Queen of Peace general intention ror the month or May recommended by Pope plus XI to membership Of the lsg(i of the Hacred Heart was the sermon topic or Rev jonn A uspp In explanation of this Inientlon. he declared 'We are all painfully aware how tap the late World ear felt short ot accomplishing th ob Ject. ahlch wss boastfully pre rlAlmed Ia be Ifa main nurnoss. I ha.

not put an end to all war th fart th attitude of mind which It hits engendered Is pot on thst make for peace, much less a lasting peace The fierce passions which It let loos hae only partially subsided and so long aa men are led by asslon there can be but little field for thess higher considerations, which alone afford a firm foundation on which peace can be established "Hence th Holy Father whose mire had heetf uniform) raised In behalf of peace, a neac to be brought about through Justice, tempered brotherly love, and a conciliatory spirit, urges upon all, and upon our associate In particular the dufy of having recourse to piayer, that Ood who holds In Ills hands the heart of men may Incline them to whatever rive promise of eolld pesce pope Plus urge especially to avail ourselvea of th intercession oi aiary, aueen of toeare It wa on th occa Ion of the World wr that Pope Benedict caused Invocation 'Queen of Teace' to be added to the Litany of the leesed Virgin, snd It I well that during this month ot May, when Our Lady's many title will form the subject of our dally meditation, we should often lovingly remind her of this the latest of them sll and entreat her to prove her claim to It, not merely hy wnat sne will accomplish In our Individual souls, but bv bringing bsck true and lasting peace, to a strife rent, guilty worm Th older of gervic Included rosary, congregational alng lnr. meditation on Clulsta agony In the garden, devotlona In honor of the aacred heart and benediction of the' most blessed sacrament Founder of Honored in Picture Th modern version of the of FkTBnc Nlchtlnft aJe, founder of modem miratnr method, ulll per rayed In movtnir picture to shown vt Bt Joseph' hooplUleOn th venfnff of May 12, National Hoepltal day, Jt wa an noun red laet nlg ht Modern method of hospital and army nursing dat from th time Florenc MhtlnxiU, a British nurse, went Into th Rusla With Britlnh troops, teinc th first woman to attempt such actlvltie which hat sine Worn common throughout th clrlliasd world, and th picture plar will on doing1 honor to th faroou nur. Bt Joseph hospital will maintain opn hous on Mar IS from 10 o'clock In th momlnr until clock at nlg ht, th Jonr hours makfnr It posslbl for ail to nit th nurse' booth In th lobby of th first floor, and th various ope rat lnr and treat' meni room, and also allowing time for visit at th other hospital of th city will their nil tiki nlnr In th Uoum mill be furnished hj )ue Vnique k'Stt rtrVmlire tha JafTerson club 111 give a ds.ntHTTr the lluh rooma trila evening The Shaneon. orchestra will SMALL FIRE LOSSES CAUSED BY SPARKS Dally average fire losses tor the city again decreased yesterday, when only two aparlc fires were re fiorted during th day, with total osse of $60 according to department ea'lmate Los estlruiited at t0 reaulted rom a roof fir at the home of Charles Ellon. 0I0 Jvorth Clinton atret, itbila the 110 loss occurred when the roof of a bualness block at 737 Court street wa fired by filing (parks.

The blecjt was tenanted by J. C. Heller A short circuit In sn aStomoblla belonging to Oscar Foster, csused th machine to be damaged to the extent of IIS, while It wa parked at Calhoun and Columbia atreets, yesterday afternoon, while a torch ussd In repairing anotbsr msohlne, belonging to Adam rller, 11J5 Krle treat started another blase which as extinguished without loss Three grass fire aleo were reported yester. day SOUTH SIDE HONOR STUDENTS ARE NAMEtT, en honor students 'will, be gradua.tecrjby Pouth Bide. high school this snVlngjit was snnounced yester.

duy.byiitjC. llsrrls principal Ini order to attain this honor a'grade of more than BO In dl' subjects must MONDAV is last DAY Monday Is tb last day tor pay tng the spring Installment of taxes Th office of Counjf Trees urer Thomas Connelly will tie) open until I o'clock Monday night. All mortgage exemption must also be A ed by clock Monday night. County Auditor John IL Johneon, announced yesterday. PARADE TO FEATURE Annual Spring Initiation Will Be Held at Majestic on Friday Alternoon I'lan for the annual spring ceremonial of Mlspah Bhrlne temple to Incajd a etreet parade were mad at a meeting ot Shrine executives last night The parade will be In charge of XoMe Arthur H.

Kmlth and will be formed at the Mcottlsh Kite cathedral at a o'clock Friday afternoon. A mounted escort will lead th parade and this will be followed by automobllea with the members ot th dlven and the past potentates Th Mlspah nomad band and the Mlspah patrol will Le next In line and they will be followed by the all Important candldaoe holdlna; tlglui.y to the life saving rope, Th recently formed oriental band, visiting nobles and th noblee of Mlspah temple will con Mud the formation. The' parade will start at Uie Scot tlah Kite cathedral and will go south on Clinton etreet to Lewi etreet, west on Lewi street to Calhoun street north oh Calhoun street to Wayne street, west on Wayne street to Fairfield avenuel north on rWn field avenue toJWrry etreet, east on Berry street to, the Majestic, The parade will paae the Shrine property on West Berry street, where work on the new temple ha been started. The first Section of the ceremonial will be started at th Majestic the ater Immediately following tha parade, and will be closed at o'clock ZMner.w1H be served at the ttcottlah IIJ( cathedral, between and to Xh ft. Because of the large number, of Shrmer who will be In attendance a program will be given at the Majeetlo theater during the dinner hour to entertain those Shiiner who are waiting until there have completed their repast.

I The second section will begin at o'clock and will continue uaUl 10 p. From 1 o'clock until mlrnlght a vaudeville program, will staged for Shrlnere only at tb Majeetlo theater. Viait the Maxwell Auto Show Saturday and all next week. Kinkade Son, 1020 Fairfield avenue. How to Peel Off an Unlovely Complexion only thins known that can biaLi awn a complexion, out or an agea faded or dlscolured one a natural, not painted, oomplezlon Is ordlnsry outlcle.

a little eaah rfav. th healthy, girlish skin beneath gradually peeping out until within a week or so ft fa wholly In evidence, pf courae such blemishes aa frecklae, moth patches liver spntx snd tilmplas srs dlacarded wlttf Hie old eklll If yuu lU'prooure a ounce or mervollsed wsx Fwiu'proeurs en ouncs or meriollsi st thvdrug atore uae like cold at nlgntv washing this orf mornings, the results will astohtah you SPECIALS AT HOOSIER Shop8j5 26 27'28 Washington Market Beef Roast, pound 12 14c Pork Roast, pound 18c Fresh Eggs, dozen 25c Creamery Butter, pound 45c Many More Specials BEEF, PORK AND VE4L Special at All Hoosier Stores aj.ielaalIaibenaaa.a The Big Rub No More House Cleaning Special 10 Quart Galvanized Pajl 5c With Rub No More Deal, all for BREAD Is the One Food of which you never tire. Thi I Bcaiie of It Tutineu and Strength Giving Qualities. Downing's Bread A a Meal in Itself. EAT MORE BREAD AND MAKE DOWNING'S Daisy ft Homemade Breads Your Favorite Brandt.

None Better. If You Like Whole Wheat Bread, Trr DOWNING'S "ALL O' THE WHEAT' It genuine whole wheat Bread. Try Hi YOUR DEALER HAS DOWNING'S BREAD Phone Main Myron Downing Bakery Phone Main furrueli thi Ti regular mnnthlv ne chapter No OS, Oi rem tea of Kurt fares, Tueeriav aftrrnonn. Mav i he home of Mrs. Anna Timbers 2204 North Anthony boulevard Port Warn.

cun II No Rolal and Relmt Masters Hill hold their stale meetlns; for the month of May et It. j'The Hope for Distressed Humanity," subject 'of free lecture, at Majestic Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, by G. R. Pollock, of New York city. WILL REPORT ON TOUR AT BUSINESS MEETING Th? ttl) flndr iummltte of th wholJHler and JubtxrK burnmum yentrdaW noon mi th chamber of eommrc to preiar a plan of th propoWd fcood will tour to taken In Tho report Hill placx1 befnr (ho bureau mamberfihlii at bualncaa meeting" to bo heldon May It The routo paiaea tliroujh tjtu Utle n4 towni Ten of the finest homes in Fort Wayne now contain The Ampico.

Hear it at dickering Stydips, 347 Berry St, Th honor student Ivlan Po well. Lydla Beatrice Vou.h. Oorrlt A Strom. Lean McAfee. Hertha Bandtel, Walter Kns, Cheater It.

Krlrfcer. Hilda Hthwier. Henry poeng)s and alette bellman. See the new sensation, The Traveler, at Maxwell Auto Show, Saturday and all next week. Salesroom, Fairfield, between Jefferson and Washington.

BAND GIVES PROGRAM AT HOSPITAL SUNDAY Th reiuis)hanla Railroad rihoji craft' band vWll sH an Interestlng inuslcal program hefore th patlenta and visitors at tha Jren nf run hoa pltal unday afternoon, according to announcement mad by band ot fliers last night. Tha program will bo tha first of a serlM of hospital entertatnmonte to given, by th organlaatio 0 i Notice to taxpayers For your convenience the treasurer's office will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9, Berry street entrance. THOS. J. CONNELLY, Treasurer.

Opposite Cathedral I Phones Main 5681 5682 5683 We Deliver Free I Opposite Cathedral Daniel Bros. Meat Market We have everything that you want. Fresh meat direct from our packing houte. See to it that your next order comes from this big meat market. A Saturday, May 5 Boiling Beef, (tender) v.

4c Beef Roast, (choice) 10 14c Chuck Steaks 15c Round Steak 20c Hamburger, (fresh) 10c Pork Shoulders, (lean, trjmmed) 15c Pork, Chops, small loin 18 23c Spare Ribs, (fresh) v. i lie Bulk Sausage 15c Casing 18c Pork Shoulder Roasts 18c Veal Chops and Roasts (native) 18c Veal Breasts, (native veal) 10c Lamb Chops and Legs, (genuine) A 35c Regular Hams, Eckart, mild. v. 23c Picnic Hams, 68 lean 14c Smoked Ham, sliced 35c Meyer, No. 1 Pure Creamery Buttery 46c Bacon, best sugar cured 22 25c Bacon, extra light and lean, (not sliced) 28c Lard, bulk, Pails, 35c, 60c and $1.20 Note These Specials Good Luck 26c Maytim 18c A Nut Colored Oleo 28 Longhorn Cheese Brick Cheese, Kraft 28c Swiss Cheee, large eye 45c Sandwich 'Cheese, Kraft 40c Boiled Ham Certified Luncheon 35c Pressed 25c Minced Ham 20c Braunschweiger 25c Summer Sausage, large 25c Dried Beef, fresh cut 55c Liver Sausage, fresh 10c PHONE MAIN 5681 sa.


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