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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 10

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tW 10 THF FORT WAYNE JOURNALCAZETTE. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 12. 1906. 'Ji rKF3 STEUBEN COUNTY, THE PIONEER IN THAT TO HAVCr THE THIRTY fOUItTM ANNUAL REUNION Of PIONEERS (Hy Klst Nwh Huron ANdOLA, 1 1 id Aug 11 Thirty four years ago was htlil In Angola the fl reunion of the tmVih pfs of Steuben county Hlneo then vnch year th old lettkTB Jiavo ht ltl iholr reunions.

For many years Ir (ieoro W. McConuHl Was president of tho uaaoclatlon Ho Vas flnallv pifHlriont for lifts, and ulnco his JihIro KKl.Im'I, A I'owprs hits most of tlio (lino rcIim! as freafdent of tho lil Rrlilors' socloty. lian iimIo tho Htso lation a com J)leto orgJinbution and so conducted lU offnlrH Hint foi the lust flvo years the overage nttondanro has boon from fifteen to twonty thousand people. Tlili year tho thirty fourth annual reunion of the pioneers will lo neld at IsllllllHBPSJiHWK salalflfHIHI JUDGE 8. A.

POWERS, President of the Old Settlers' tion of Steuben County and Through Whoie Efforts the Success of the Meetings Are Assured. cnty years. He will talk at the old bottlers' meeting about ''Angola soy vnty yvnra sro lr. K. Klneoy was one of the early physicians in tho county, and It) now elfrhty slx years of age Andiew Croy has Ifved In the county seventy sovon years, and fa eighty years of ago, and will bo one of the ppenkers at the meeting William Jonklno wrs In (Company, Twenty ninth regiment He was wounded three times In the war of tho rebel lion, and ltf still able to attend tala the county Amos (Jralmni, James Wolcott William Orlroin, Lyman Hart, Knthryn ZabHt, Peter Freud, Henry Ilresnler, l'hll Hliaver, Sarah Harigor, Ann Henuy, Mrs.

Albert Uoylaa, II. E. Crandall are of similar age and length of residence In tho county William Ferrler Is eighty four years of age He commenced merchant lie biiHiness In the county In 1849 and Is Kt 111 due of tho substantial business men of the city. He deals largely In ltfJSaBBWpr: 'JJV'lilPbk MMi'wwagwtfXMBlBKnWi promotion of Jsfferson DstI aa colonel and was unilor his command, bat he nay that General Scott th (treatest and grandest general of hli lime. He afterward went on.

a whaling ex voditlon to the China sea. He baa many relic whlrh he will bring to the old settler' mnotlnK. among others a part of the (kin of a whale which they raptured In' latitude seventy, from which they took four hundred and fifty nnrreis or oil. This they traded for wheat along the Mediterranean, which they sold at Constantinople, and from that point he flnallv reached the Unit ed States and on his way home was present at the commencement of the flret laying of a cable. THE HON.

CLYDE CARLIN, of tho 8peskers of the Day, and a Rising Young Attorney of 8teuben County. KfrSBBBBBBBBBBBBBVRHsSaVBBBBBBBBBsS issssssSBH tHsllEXhaSI bbsHEBH BSSSSSSSSSyHQ HON. ORVILLE CARVER, MayoV of the City of Angola, Who Will Open the Exercises of the bay and Turn Over the Keys of the City to the Many Visitors. 'J 1 li Angola net '1 Aug IU, and St Is that more than twenty thousand peopln will attend this meet lag Mi Ch.tiles l.onahti a noted Ciief, will pieparo thirty bairelu of Coffee whit li la glv it out fioo to tlit. people at their noon dinner hour These pienn, rifnnorH me held In tho court Itoiue pirk uii I vei yone brlngn his banket well ftllt'd with good tilings and It ib itilly mi enjoyable pait of the old ttleiu' mooting, Jiere the old folks and young folks bavo a g'ood visit and lalk togothor sUiiong tlumttelvib Steuben county ujh organised in May.

183 '1 lien cm homo nettle tuents In the county in lor to Its or ganlzatlon At this (inly ditto the 1'ottawatoinlea wciu iiunieioim, hut they were In 1840 icmovci from the bounty. Hteulu county Ik not only Hoted for Its old bflilci imai Ungs, but It Is hoaltl'iul is will ai pfar from the further slaiements In this articlo Tho bi.ri.ico of the county la undulating, the fii'iuti me rich and tor tile, the people ar proa porous. Wit liln the hoimduiles of this county am innre thnii one huu 4 red lakea oi I ikelfts. many of them Very beautiful bodl water Among the most liolt in i i'1it bo mentioned tliooK lilt I tike Clear lake und lake All or these lakes are Hunouiulcd witli beautiful scenery, and ure uotd as the finest fishing ground. in the state James lake Is over five mtUs In length, ttur rounded with many eoUngen.

Iake Gage Is one of Uie pretthat lakos ti the county, and the sand beach of Clear lake Is known over the state. On the east bunk of Hnh lako Is a Urge spring called Cold Springs irhtch Is surrounded by cottages and pretty park. TbU year there aro two general programs for the old settlers' meeting; One will bo especlolly for tho old folks nd will be held In too Met hod 1U church. It Is expected that more thin (fifty pioneers over the utje of eighty (Tears will attend this meeting Among Others who are over eighty years of age may bo mentioned Htephon Hub. bet, paxmella (ileabon, John Dygert and Lewis Rlealey Mr Htealoy hna Ted in the county seventy years, and lias a sister, Mrs l.wlla i)hiiib, who is serenty years of rge, und was tlia Dret white child bom lu I'leauant township.

Surah Metzgar, William 'FVValler, I eander riiase, who la now lgllty threo yearn of bro, was for two terms sheriff of Kteuben county James Collins Is eighty five years of and bus lived In the county sev Daniel IlenntnhotT, A (J Hole, Sarah ikijli', KhiHln Carter, Jaidcm Csrler, Caroline Newton. I tinrii 13 Hills und Susan IHIIk, hi, wife These two l.iht nicntlnnel old IKs me ouch veuri of RRe and redd. in AkroIii They wore lu.irrhd filt four yars iiko and have lived hnppllv (okcCht Henry Hatha way was for many ears deputy sheriff of tho ruuuty, and now eighty four real estate There are no doubt oth oia whoho names we did not learn, and then wv have somo very old pen I lo who have lived In the county over fifty carB. Elizabeth IkWIU tins Hv 'd in the county fifty yea la and Is nine tyone yeais of src A brum D. ITon Imngh and his wife A ma arik each ntne ty ears of ago.

Otis WlHeMs ninety and Harmon Wbysong la ninety six. BBBBBBBBBBHssHHssfQsfisShlX BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlPiMsHffrSiliCB MR8. ELIZABETH MAUOHERMAN. Aged 101, who will be present with her flax wheel snd spin some thread. Mrs.

Maugherman Is a pioneer of Steuben county, and was born June 1 1805. at Brloeland's Crossroads, Pa She Is the mother of seventeen children, fifty three grandchildren, forty four greatgrandchildren, alxteen great greatgrandchildren and one gi tat great great grandchild. She has 131 lineal descendants. Tho apparent secret of her longevity Is perfect contentment. i years old, and will etna "Old 11 ml" at the inet'tiiie Jane Elliot (loorrro rnlim! i of wllo are each elahtyfour yonrs of bro S'kiiImii nnd nae lived In tlio county alxty mil years Kllza Ahboy, Henry Bpnnclo.

Diirlus Sniiis. Jcru hu WIMir 1 liomuB Elliot. Andrew Ynrkey, l)au leld SliatfiT, Sirnh Fmii 'i Mi rmirlcn While anil liN wlf li.ivw lived In the counly fuj us Mr White Is one of tht olili'ht and moHt piouiluoiu Odd lillm lit Ho camo to HUmiIkiii county oyer fifty yours ago, where he la following tho occupation of fanning, and Is one of tho HubuLuntlul rUlrons of the county, and la a quli't wuy enjoys his hiiiiiII home and upiiroclatoe hla pension fiom the goviiriiinent. Hon (). Carver la one of the plo noi'is and has rldcd In the county almoHt all his llfo Ho was a member of tho Fourth Michigan, and waa ull thiotiKh the war of tho rehellon.

iMillclpntod In all tho battles of his tt'fjnicnt and was never wounded or Blik during the time he was In the anny Ho was at one time talkod of aa CHiullilate for longress, was post ninnli at Adko'h for many yi ara. At tin" ilrnt c'octfou for city mayor he ilciiiMl as uh for the new city of AiiKola, which olllio he now holds. AiikoIii Ik noted for her schools snd haw ono of the best common schools In tin Ht.itc Tho old school building w.r jiMiimcil somio years ago It waa flrnt Imilt in was torn down and the iniilii put of the inoRPiit hullillng i Milt il I i Its pinio, and recently there li.i i i a addition ninde to tlie dim, lure The flrat clmrrh In tlio count) hold In Snleni town blili anil the cut in thin nrtlclo is from a taken of thin church building Home yenre ao Meetlnfia were held l.eforo the liullilli; of Hie rliurcli It built bv the Mcth oiIIkIh In ikii The liulldlnK was enm ineticed on Moml.iy ninr'iini; urd work wus not Htiiiiieil until tho li .8 ready 'or de llcatlon Iho pcxt Sit dav The Hi Ht prenchor was Ktoaley Ainon the orators who will be pres otI at the settlers' nioetlnR will bo Hon. 11 Smith, of Adrian, who Is one of tlio noted orators of Mich igan. nnd Il.ulon TllKlor, I) I), of I oRansHit Mr.

is a graduate of tho Trl SI ite college at Arorola Ho la a mm of Ivl nialer. one of the earlv plnnoeiH of the county, anil hnB become wlde'y known as an eloquent orator In the pulpit. He wl'I talk on tho eiiblect "The Earl? Settlers." Princess Vlronua. who la a daugh ter of tho (hlef of tlio Mohawk tribe The Boston Storl the Balance of Summer Will be Sold at Cost to Close Out 7 Goods 20 ct. Ladies' Colored Shirt Waists reduced from 50 cts.

and 75 cts. 48 ct. Ladles' White Shirt Waists reduced from 60 cts. 80 ct Ladles' White Shirt Waists reduced from $1.00. 08 ct.

Ladies' White Shirt Waists reduced from $1.25. 40 ct. Ladies' Wrappers reduced from 75 cts. 73 ct. Ladies' Wrappers reduced from $1.00.

A line of Men's Fancy Shirts at 42 worth 50 cts. aild 75 cts. A lot of Torchon Laces tJ73 worth 5 cts. M. A lot of Huck Towels at 8 13 worth 10 cts.

ifU, a lot oi nam roweis at 10 cm. worth 12 1 2 cts. A lot of Bath Towels at 1212 worth 17 cts. A lot of Apron Gingham at 5 worth 6 cts. Don't Pail to Attend Our Summer Goods Closing Out Sale.

We have a Great Many Bargains to Offer. WM. HAHN CO. Home Phone 1 772 THE BOSTON STORE The First Church In Steuben County, Erscted In 1841. Clvdo (' Pnrlln.

one of the rlnlng young attorneys nf, ihn county, and si ii of Kohert V. Cnrlln. who waa the pioneer teacher of tho county, and Ll RaV srkut'fsvHMaaBas3 VfBiwWTiTn sHsye1 lBa 9saBBBvVs saSBBBBBBBBIat r'A THE HON. E. A.

BRATTON. 1S, Ll intent and tin people look forward to hla ndilroas with Interest nnd pride. Mrs Kl'en Alcott, of flrland. will nluo talk at the meeting. Mrs Alcott Is ii dftup liter of Stephen A Poweis.

ono of tho pioneers of the county. Her father was sixty years of nae when he enlisted la Company A of the Forty fourth regiment and was with that regiment during moat of the war of tho rebellion. I lien theie la Kllzaheth Mauglier whiuic cut anncam In this kum our Hhe la nl of lounly and lu ono hun. Ire. I ono ye.ira of ace.

and h.ia nn hundred and thirty one lineal deac(nd ills lo the fifth kcii latlon A laiie rmtlllf will attend the illiiR who are kevoi.iv nara of ore and (ir Milton St.iMier who ilv 8 In the wed pait of I he county, hi a vinitiotii lenis of iM. .,,1,1 a I. nde it for a long time will bs ono of tin lln.1 inlle ('illd Inii.i In th i the sneakeis Mr. Carlln Ih very e'o j. in rcvi iny ihiii ycara of aso and lui.

lived In Hie conn ty over fifty yeuia, an. I Is tlio only mil vlvlnn hero of tlio Mexican war who In a resident in tho county at this tlmo When a Imiv he wna two yours at eon, crulaliif the llf of Mexl co anil the Wont India li lands He was InducMl hv Iho ciiainiuiider of a ship to sail with him to China, und after the veawel waa well under way ho found that the d( atlnatlou was for tho ConKO river and not for China, but he could not Kot away and so was along with tno crew who t(Kik on ixiard a loud of negroes, which were sold on the Ainerl niiukeL The ship then returned Hie Congo and was i.lo.iilul 1 1 alivca He saya for simid inn t'10 chiefs of the ilirTer, lit tilheu hniught the ne gnx's of liolh se is omo the ship by the hiindruda. and the ship wni! so loaded the) riuls around the coat for two da) a Ik ii tney were alKbled by an Knttllah man of war. At thst time the gownnient of England wiim Rreatlv oo to slavery. The ofllceru tho ahlii wcro summarily tried nnd tin captain wna hung to Die iu.

ibI arm of h' i li. The other officers I I. and William BtafTord, then a mere boy, was sent to BL Helenn At thnt thin thev ivcra aliout to remove the dy of Napoleon llona parto to France and he permitted to view tho rcniiilun of this fjreat gon ernl. He thoi went to Franco and was flnallv s( nt back to tho United States and landed oi the Gulf of Mexl co at toe tlmi of the rn of the Mornn war He joined a company from Georgia and was transfer red to the 4th Michigan Infantry, and participated In all the battles of the Mexican war. H.

waa present at th J. K. Ftilck will speak at the old i Bottlers' meeting proper oa the sub ject of "The Pioneers." Mr. Folck was ono of the first settlerB of Hcott township. He Is about eighty years of but Is a forceful speaker and It Is expected his address will be one of the best of the occasion.

Mrs. Hsnnan Harper, who has re sided In tho counlv from Its earliest Indiana, will also talk at the meet history, nnd who Is nearly eighty I lnnr. nf n.a fc year ot age, wl'I sing a aong entitled "I Hear Thee Speak of a Better Land There will be a Ulnplay of anrhjnt relics Thla has become a very Inter eating part of tho old sol tiers' meet' who for many voara had charge of the The people bring out tho old I'leli schools mid was county auperln 1 time relics, such as spinning wheels. ciocks and unices or no intrinsic vnlue, but which are of such value as ii KSBBBBBl jmtti iBSlSaBBaaBBBBEBBflsBsl t3i fc 51 SWBBrWMMFJJiajJBS cannot be expressed on account of their history Some of the oldest HI hies that can be found anywhere, old sabres, guns nnd lockets and various articles of this naturo are displayed among the relics. There will be at the meeting this year some extraordinary attractions in the way of old fashioned slelght of hand performance and legerdemain, which will be given free to the people.

There wl'I also be games of baseball, nnd In the evening there Is to be a play at the Croxton Opera house. Indeed, the coming old settlers' meeting Is expected to be tho greatest evoit of the year In Ango'a jJ u1 fi 3iTT REV. BArtTON BIQLER, On. of the Orar. of thf Pay and On.

of 8t.ub.n County' favored Bon. i fc, ij.if'.'rt'iA 'fJt NOTICE TO SHIPPERS (Change of time) Tithing effect Monday, August 13, freight oar for Bluffton and points south will leave Ft. Wayne at 0 a. Bhnrp. arriving; at lilnffton at 11 a.

m. Leave Ft. Wayne at 3 p. m. sharp arrive at BlniTton at 4i30 p.

retnrnina; to Ft. Wayne at 7 p. in. Onr rates are same as steam roads with express delivery. FT.


JwratKlwitU Want Ada bring result. It da bsttik provsn tim. anal 4n Vdd and at liehman tfkee "Co. To close out every pair of Summer Shoes. he have marked them down tosnch LOW PRICES' that will sell them QUICK.

One large lot of Ladies' Oxfords, all the latest styles and leathers. Odds and Ends of $3.00, $2.25 grades, at $1.48 One large lot of Ladies' Oxfords and Strap Slipperst Patent Leather and Vici Kid, Odds and EndsVof $1.50 and $1 .25 grades, at 2'P7c Misses' Kid or Patent Leather Oxfords and Strap 5lrpi pera. Odds and Ends of $1.50 and $1.25 grades at Child's Strap Slippers at 4r7c andjBOff i i Ladles' White Canvas Oxfords' i $1.25 grade, at $1.50 grade, at $1.20 $2.00 grade, at $li3 Misses' and Child's White Canvas Oxfords atXT. 60c, 70 and 97c; Great Redaction on all Men's, Boys' and Little Gents' Oxfords. Call Early and Get First CJiolce LEHMAN SHOE 622 Calhoun Street.

St I i i. jM MA mW HAJft 8. nTipiwi tf A' mn.

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