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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 3

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'f 'teV' '''ff THE FORT WAYNE JOURNAL GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 0. 1906, iMA ITT IFNSf FAQORV RTilftVV nr: rnrArpR 1 WILL DCCKtUtU ESVCJfrJSTHK ELECTRIC WORKS IF Location can win untn the Force Brother. i A ftttV tJeneraltlMnager'4. Wood.

Of the rjT'V .,1 i yjForlf Awayne JCoctrlo work, has re xrom Bcneneorauy, wnere WaAVln, consultation with the managers of th General Blectrlo oom of, which the works here a ''part. Ill visit this time was ttore particularly to arrange for, pah jyenuni: nig latest invention, a lock ror Incandeeoent globes, one which worka 1 automatically and will erent being Interfered i Mention of this pat f.Kf;i: int, ndVtg 'great value; has' already (jW teen'toado In the railroad columns of tnejournal Oaictte, Mr. Wood's ap A the Incandescent lamp 1 1 2 'ook. patent pending in Washington, Vv 5the flna papers having been" forward ited, while he was la New York on lis h'Zt plana 4or the new additions to rMW KnlMIn I.A.A mentioned id the Journal Uazotte, have 7)' and these nnv addition 1 jWreiiiow rapidly approaching complo afVVr ready ror oocu In tie fall and then the factory xt nr increase Us rorces, some tlree or four hundred more employes I i perns aaaeo. vfifXv wiH tne, purpose, of the works hero.

I W'Mry Wood said, to build a new factory JPWIOIBsTTA this city In addition to I' their present large buildings at a dlf Tt: Tfarftnt. twatlin nmuawtxr Where will that beT" naked the re that I do not know." waa the The difficulty la In gottlng the yy we nave been looking ror It tor some time, but every time we go I 1CV Vwuiih una! lufe Ul mil lflfAlln (,, Ih.L 4A ifjiisif figures that we drop them al together. It we can got the irround In j't s. suitable looatlon this new factory fv ul 9' pu 3i. Da a larEA oner now mnnv empWjes will It meant" were the nuBauoaa pur, Tfeyt ll''0hi I couldn't say now," aald Mr.

till rit'wlll be an Immense affair, V'lv''M'wt0'' lt'wU1 employment to If," vimj inrsoij wcretlBea iorces. If' WK vSK known that the inanagemenl IY 'ftV" hMteen trying to aecure prop rwv "0, iiwitiHk yaria oj me owing to the unable to get Ha considers life there ar' none morp continually hasardous than those 1 which the men of these railroad orders are engaged. The soldier often stands amidst a shower of bullets add In front of a oannon's mouth racing death; the man In our city Are department In his efforts to savo property and the Uvea of others frequently risks Ills own life; the police officer, la the performance of his duties, occasionally eiposes himself to the deadly, weapons of some desperate criminal, but1 none of them faoee the dangers every day that the railroad man does; He ''carries bis life la his nahds" every time he' leaves iiome to enter on the duties' pf his calling, tie Is constantly exposed to danger. Ho "loorfs death in the face" every daf. When he leaves nls wife snd family to go out.

on his run ne does not kdow whether! he will come hack dead or alive, All honor then to these bravo railroad mien. They are heroes. They 'ought to be paid well for their hasard ous add responsible services. BECAUSE OF ACCIDENTS. 'tW'i ffi M' kV.ra.'it Bwai.

s'Mew I unions OF RAILWAY MEN. Fort Wsyns Strono In Membership. Among the labor unions arne. those of. the men wh, loyedohthe railroads occupy a prom Iti Hvt "mong.

ine larjor unions of Port r'r iwwOTayne; those of. the men who are em ST Wtt place and embrace a lara mem aVw'St There are Ave of these or ganlsaUons the Brotherhood of Lora Employes In the Railroad Shops Who Mat Injuries. "While working In an engine pit at toe wabash, mops yesterday Machinist EL liarry thrown, by the slipping of a wrench which he was band ling, against the side of the pit and had his left Bide badly Injured. He la under tho care of Dr. Kaadt, the company's physician.

I. I). Bchrlver. of the samo shop. Is suffering with a bruised hand.

Foreman I. Wise, of the tank department at the Pennsylvania shops. Is off duty on account or a sprained sntTIe, and J. IX White Is acting foreman of his department P. J.

Morris Is kept from work at the round homo on account of a scalp wound cauaed by striking his head against a looomo tlve which) ho was repairing. Pennsylvania Claim Agent II. T. Swegman Is suffering with a sprained anklo. John Harahman, machinist at the Port Wnyne, Foundry aud Machine works, had the tip or one or hie fln gera cut off yenterday by getting It caught In a latho he waa operating.

J. A. Mooney, air brake Inspector at the east car shops, and Martin Hchmldt, of the plaining mills, are off duty because or Injuries 8. A. Rnh rler, who wag Injured some weokB ago, will resume work In the blacksmith Bhops Monday.

NEWS PROM OVER THE TWELFTH DISTRICT (BY KIST NEWS BUREAU) SUUBLN 10UNTY SETTLERS WILL HOLD REUNION ANGOLA, Aug. 7 The fifty. fifth annual mooting of the Disciples Of Christ, Steuben county, will bo held at'Falnrlew church at Angola Friday evening, August IT, and will continue over Sunday. Elder F. P.

Arthur, of Urand ttaplds, Mlch.f will be the principal sneaker: Bach congregation of the christian denomination In the county will send delegations to this the annual county mooting. The Lord's day services wli be held at ttaa county fair grounds and will be an outdoor meeting. LIKE RURAL FARE. Farm Houses 8ald to Be Popular With the Resoiiers This Sesson. (Grand Rapids Dally News.) Superintendent James W.

Hunter, of the a. It. I has returned from the north and says that the situation in that section In regard to hotel patronage Is peculiar. He saya that heretofore It has been customary for tho resort hotels to do pmotlcally all the business, but this season private boarding hemsos and farm houses aro popular with the resorters. He adds that resorters are thick as beeS at the Walloon Iske resorts and that at onu farm house he found that 70 persons were being cared for.

Mr. Hunter states that business In tho north is greater this year than has beu the case In a number of years and that the O. R. ft I. Is having all It can do to carry the people who are going In that direction.

1 MnoUT Bnglnears, the Order of Halt the Brotherhood of oobtnbtlve Firemen, the Brutherbood Uv Of Ballroad.Tralnmen, and the Switch Keh fp.WTa "union. li" 1.VUV Their combined strength i memrjera )n good atand (f UtlohS Is that of the Brotherhood of rv7. Ivi tf, tifcj.Bv vA9iia, uviog uieu auuwn as Lne Vfff BWtherhood cf the Footboard, recelv year from the Viif TlaUonal orKanliStloa of the same following year, however. I. '1 Its name waa changed to the Brother If Jr.vU'lieod of; Jooomotlre Engineers and Its ahartarLtaa' Wort Wkina dlvlalnn Mn IVbearg; date of December 1, i 1" or Looomouvo A Fftemevof this city, waa organised fc'Mh UMcember; of 1881, the Order of tjillway Conductors In 1884, the Broth Jsrhood.

of Trainmen in 1886, and tho NfiwltoHmeh'a union durlnx the '90s. Wblje v' the Trainmen were organ lhedflte.of.June. 1896. Tula was be ter la MM during the A. U.

strike of that, year, and In 1896 was given s'new charter by the national organl 7 The objoota of all these organlta jitlons are similar: To unite the mem ooershlp In the accomplishment of ccr 3 Uln objects. In their relations with their employing railroad companies; (o promote the general welfare and Intereats of the mombers, JocHOly'VlntsJloctnally and nioraKy; and. to protect the families of the tnenrbersT'by' the exercise of a sy tematlc benevolence, very needful In A. calling, so hazardous. AH of them death.

Sick and disability beneflu. 'he tnaurance in case of death with omeVofi the orders amounts to be 1 tween and 5,000. The' railroad 'unions are not merh ers'Offthe? Fort Wayne Federation of Labor and do not have delegates la tUenddnde rt' the aesslons of this body.WAS unions; however, they unite wlthi the other, labor organisations, of the Cltyy in; the observance of IJibor Jayknd, also, for the ac ootnpllshmeftt'j of objects tending to beneflt' labor generally, Baoh)f Uhe MiHroad brotherhoods have JiaUs4 fitted up comfortably and nicely; fot' their meeting places, and the holding Of social events. 'The hall of the 'Trainmen's organisation Is at Jointly by them'and the Locomotive Firemen. the master of the Trsln men and' Bt.

John la secretary, M. Logan, financier. J. W. Kugate, mas secretary.

O. B. Msx i well; treasurer, and C.U.Wblteman Is '( collector of the Looomotlve Firemen. The hall' it Ma conductors Is at 91G 9 Calhoun street Sylvester McMahon i IS, the 'Chief conductor and T. P.

Moil Ardle la secretary and treasurer. The Engineers' ball Is at 10,18 Calhoun. M. 0 1 Flagle Is chief engineer snd JnTntrden aeCreUrr. The Swltch '1 jnett's union hat Its meetings In liar MArt as oucers wiu.

tu Oj Ti. ecr EIGHT EXCURSION TRAINS Passed Through Hare on the Wabash to Niagara Falls. The WuboBh had eight excursion trains through this city Inst night from St. Louis, carrying puueengers from St. Louis and tho country south and west of that city to Niagara Falls.

It was the largest excursion thut ever passed through this city, all tho coaches of the trains being well filled. Tho distance from St. Umls to Niagara Falls Is 1,464 nilloe and tho round trip fare was $10. The first train paased through here at 9:40 and tho others about twenty minutes apart. The Wabash ruts a Niagara Falls excursion out of this city to morrow, the special train leaving here at 11:86 In the evening and getting to the falls at 7:10 Friday morning.

HAMILTON PERGONALS. in largo Allen Good Is working factory at Canton, 111. O. L. Ilrown visited the James Mc Cool family at Angola today.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hofmoister and two young sons are the guosts of and Mrs. Allen Good thla week. The Dlrrlm family reunion will he held at the home or (Samuel Dlrrlm, three miles southwest of here, August 10.

A Isrge attendance Is anticipated. Miss Joyce Olbbs Is attending the county teachers' Inatltuto at Hillsdale, Mich. Bho plans to tench; as formerly, at Waldon. this coming school year. Miss EfAe Ziegler has accepted a position in the wholesale millinery houao of Mltcbell, Moody A Oarbln, ut Detroit, and will leave for her place of employment Monday.

Mrs. Etta Manner and the Mlaaes Adda and hXhel llrandeborry, of Geneva, who have been the guoBts of Itev. and Mrs. M. II.

Brandcberry for the past week, returned to their homes this afternoon. A lone 'fisherman at tho boat landing on Hamilton lake this atternoon was Isaac Likens, of Auburn, who was rcnowlng tbo pleasures of his early boyhood. Isaac usod to flab in this Identical spot nearly fifty years ago and his enlistment In Uie army during tho civil war. Ho enjoys the sport more keenly than ever. ANGOLA PERSONALS.

Mr. and Mrs. Bxuco Durkhart, of Pandora, are the gueata ot Mrs. J. Y.

Durkhart Charles Pilllod, will start upon a business trip through tne east or one week's duration to morrow morn ing. Howard Jackson and a party ot schoolmates from Indiana university st llloomlngton are spending tho week at IjtKO JuinoH. Mr. F. S.

Jonas returned yesterday evening to hls home at llllssneld after a weeks visit with his brother, O. JonoH. Harry Stewart and wife, of Cleve land, (., are spending a few days at I.ako lames as the guests or Mrs. Btuwart's mother, Mrs. A.

Carver. INTERURBAN PROJECT MAKES SLOW PROGRESS COLUMBIA Aug. 7. Benjamin Raupfer, the only member from this of the board of di rectors ot the inaianapolis. Hunting ton, Columbia City Northwestern Wloctrlc Railroad, company, hue.

Been notified that a' directors' meeting will be held In Indianapolis on August 14. He will be present and will favor any steps looking to tho eurly building of the proposed, road. Tlio company la bending all efforts at present to disposing of the one four tli part ot the $1,600,000 worth, of bonds recently Issued In order to bnvb the remaining tbroerourtbs of the Imndn taken by the eastern capitalists. When this Issue of bonds is disponed ot the com pany will proceed to the building of the fourteen miles betOTnii Wawasee and Ooshen and then, and not before, It may be expected to take up the building of the road rroiu Wawasee southward. TAYLOR UNivERSITY PROFES8OR ADDRE89E8 CAMP MEETING.

HAMILTON, Aug. 7. Prof. A. II.

Arctilbold, of the clmlr of theology, Taylor university, wiih the speaker last night at the camp iiieottug now In progress at tula place. I'rof. Ai'ohlbold appeared on tho program of tho Island Park a.somlly at Home City tho day prior to ttiln address at Hamilton. The meetlnM nro hold un der tho auspices' of tho pastor and congregation ef the lM al M. 14.

hurob and are conducted by IMtvIri A. Hill, of Columbus, lay evmigollHt of, the Ohio conference. Yor itl mimic Is given by a chorus rholr and thla chorus singing Is supplemented by sacred duets sung by Itev. mid Mrs. 11.

iirandeberry. llm meetings are In the firth, day of tho ton days' session and aro held nrtornooim and evenings, with an avonie attendance ot three hundred people. Consider able Interest is xoanlfoHt and a number have experienced tho blessings of holiness and attained that degreo of spiritual perfection known as sanctl fication. MEN TO SOLICIT FOR THE JOURNALQAZETTE. Twenty five men wanted to solicit trial subscriptions for the Fort Wnyne Journal Oarette In th country districts of Whitley.

Noble and IeKslb counties. Experience not necessary. Easy proposition snd liberal pay. I For full particulars at the Journal Oasette branch office In 4 either Columbia City, Kendall vllle er Auburn. AGENTS TO WEAR UNIFORMS.

The Pennsylvania Is Inaugurating the plan ot having Its ticket sellers at stations wear uniforms. So ttr tho plan' has been adopted only Smong tho ticket sellers at the Philadelphia and l'lttaburg stations, but within the next few months. It Is said, the plan will extend1 all over the entire system. T'uo uniforms are mado of vorv light dark blue cloth and give the men at tlioJ ucsei winaows a very noat appearance. CONDUCTOR'S WIFE DEAD.

Wabash trainmen bring to this city the news of the death at her home In Toledo yesterday of the wife of Passenger Conductor Charles Brownloo, Of the Wabash road. Her husband and one daughter, borne Is In the survive her. Conductor Brownlce Is one ot te oldest paaHon ger men on thd Wabash and Is well known In this city. His run Is from Danville, through here, to Tolotio. RAILROAD NOTES.

O.Ohenoweth. who waa employed rwlth the Wabash, shops here, has gone to Toledo. R. C. Chase, ot Electric works, has returned from a two weeks' trip at the lakes'.

F. B. Offner, who was Injured several days ago, has returned to work at the Pennsylvania shops. Charles' uTmer, formerly of Rock Island, has taken employment as a machinist at too Wabash shouti here. F.

Otis, formerly with the Pennsylvania, has taken employment as a fireman wltb the C. II. A D. at Lima, O. The Pennsylvania pay car will bo here August 19, and on the Monday and Tuesday following tho employee at thla point willbe paid.

Wm. Becker, forpierly of this city, but now a foreman In ths employ or the Pennsylvania company at Chicago, who was visiting friends here, has returned to his home In Chicago. The passenger trains en the railroads out of here yesterday afternoon took many Lutherans who had been attending the avhodlcal meeting la Tne nicaei AVILLA PERSONALS. Miss Mabel Kinney Is the guest of Fort Wayno friends for tho week. Dr.

and Mrs. Veaaey are entertain ing Miss Isabel Logan, of Ioulavllle, Ky. Mesdamea Schcurlch and Brew, of Swan township, old residents bore, are both very ill. A large numbor of members of the subordinate lodge, I. O.

O. F. Avllla, are preparing to go to Kendallvllle Wednesday evening to attond the eu cumpment tiere. BUTLER PER8ONAL8. The M.

Sunday sohool will hold a picnic at Hamilton to day. Mrs. T. Plnchln returned yester day from Cold Sprlnga, where she was tbo guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Geo. Oberlln. Mrs. Frank Drown, of Auburu, Is hero vUltlng her parenta, Mr. and Mrs.

Al. Fisher. Mrs. Brown will go to Toledo Saturday to Join her husband, where they will make their future home. ALBION PER8ONAL8.

Weir D. Carver, of Avllla, transacted business here to day. Mrs. Uort Rlckard Is the guest of C. C.

Simons, of Fort Wayne. Ilert Klckard left Tuesday for Fort Wayne, Indianapolis snd other polpts In the Interest of the Albion Advertising company, Mrs. David Stewart, of Avllla, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Oatwood, and hulplng care for her new granddaughter. noon had rorty aovon or tho delegates aboard It.

The Culver Military cadets from Culver, will go to Wlnonu lake to day. The Pennsylvania will take their special train of six coaches at Plymouth and transfer It to Winona. The Wabash Is eitendlng the Virginia street tracks through the fo6n dry yards at the Ilasa works to a point north ot tho new car wheel shops. Noarly 400 feet ot new track will bo built Thw Grand Rapids road yesterday, on special trains run from Richmond and Knlamaxoo, took 1,400 passengers to Rome City on account of Its being G. A.

R. day st that resort Ot this number 150 went from this city. The Nickel. Plate will take the Slo'n S. Bass post out of hero next Sunday at 11:65 a.

m. on their way to the Minneapolis In a special through car. The apoclal rates are In force going from the 10th to the 18th and returning until ueptember 30. R. G.

Thompson, at tho Wabash station here, who Is the agent tor the Merchants' line, ssys that the big new stoamer "City ot Montreal" will leave Toledo on August IS and reach Montreal the following Monday, making It a most delightful water trip. The cost, ne says. Including meals, berth and transportation, la less than 14.60 a day. Quite a number of Fort Wayne! people will take this water Witt OF 8TEUBEN COUNTY CITIZEN IS PROBATED. ANOOIA, Aug.

7. Tho will of tho late John J. Harmon was probated In the Steuben circuit court to day. To his son Marlon he bo queatbs a span of horson, harness, wagons and other'farm Implements; to his son Darwin, bed, Ix'iMIng and the family clock; to his hou Jesso, the sum ot fSOO; to hi brother Levi, tho old family lllble: to bis aons Marlon and Darwin Jointly, a furtn of sovonty acros in Otaego townahlp and all personal property Dot otherwise specified The decedent Was slity years ot age and a peculiar clrt uiustance ot his lire was tbut ho ami bis wlte were separated by dlvorco two years prior to his death and atlor living together thirty years and rtarlag a large family ot children to uu adult ago. The divorced wUo Is still living 'but Is not mentioned In tbo will tor tho reason that she received 1 2,000 of the Joint proporty ot tho couple as a divorce settlement QOLDEM WEDDING CELEBRATED AT BUTtER.

BUTLBIt, Aug. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reyuolda celebrated their g61den wedding today, they having been married for fifty years. An elegant dinner wm prepared tor their relatives and frlomls, who were enter talned to night from 8 to '10 o'clock.

The Sunday school class thut Mrs. Reynolds taught In former years presented to her a golden oak rocker in tokeu ot their friendship. Mr. uml Mrs. Reynolds are getting quite old but they nro In exceptionally good hoalth and from all appearances will live to bo of rlpo old ages.

PROMINENT STEUBEN COUNTY FAMILY TO HOLD REUNION. FREMONT, Aug. 7. Tho sixth annual reunion of the Hanghry family will bo hold at tho residence of Jon athan Taylor, at this place, on Frlduy, August 31. Tho llaughoy family Is one of the most prominent la Steuben county and tho family name Is quite common in this huiilwick, especially In the eastern townships.

Tho at tondance at thctr annual reunions av eragea threo hundred people. Tho family la or Scotch origin and Its old eBt living representative' Is Timothy Haughcy, who resides upon his home stead In Otsego township, throo miles north of Hamilton LAKE SHORE RAIUWAY to GUARD HIGHWAY CROSSING. PLEASANT UK1S, Aug. 7. The Steuben county commissioners.

In session bxlay at Angola, grantod the petition of Jesse t'rompton and others to compel the Shore and Michigan Southern railway to station a flagman to guard tho crossing of the right of way with the pubic highway passing through village. The crossing Is a daiwrous oue and the highway largely traveled. AVILLA HAS A NEW TOWN MARSHAL. AVILI.A. Ind, Aug.

7. At a meet lng of tho town board Tuesday evening Bert t.oldell, mnrshal, banded In his resignation, which was accepted, and Mr. IiObdell will resume his duties ns section ban, I on the B. A O. railway.

J. II. LocUinrt was appointed marshal In his 'lead and will assume his duties at once. LISBON LOCAL8. Mr, and Mrs.

Husch entertained relatives from Mli lmwaka this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. S.

Boexor snd Mr. and Mrs. F. Ibrrlck attended the Island Park 'assembly Tuesday. The Misses Mainl and Lulu Mitchel, accompanied by their brother Will, of Garrett, were guests Tuesday of Mr.

1 a ax. ls uikhAi wivna nannin win uhh uiib buii ray TMAhAir rmainrar.i nisw mi uinir TirarrcsWB. 1 no iiilb vi a 1 nws train east At 10, la ttaitoslSrlp. JJ. DISTRICT AND COUNTY DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS HELD AUllURN.

Aug. 7. A meeting of the democratic county chairmen of the Twelfth district, with District Chairman Hardy Gaudy wss held In Augurn this morning. Those present were Cyrtis Cllne, of Stouben county: E. (I.

Hoffman, of Allen; Miles Ilaiter, or DeKalb, and Mr. Roy, or lgrange. Whitley and Noble counties were not represented Dr. J. W.

Morr, candidate tor congress, and W. 11. Lens, of Waterloo, a member of tbo oxecutlvo committee, were also In attendance at the raeotlng. This afternoon the DeKalb county democrntlc central committee hold a meetliiK In tho Masonic hall, tho Dsrty's headquarters here, and die cuHsed the work of tho campaign and took the first poll of tho county. Near ly all tbo precinct committeemen were present WATERLOO PERSONALS.

DISCIPLES Of CHRIST TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Karl Cut lor, of Chicago, Is visiting old schoolmates here. Chns. Grim and family aro enjoying an outing at Iako James. Ir. llro.iftnbon returned home yen terday from an outing at Iako James.

Mr. Anna JVamell, of Asbley, Is the guent of ner sister, Mrs. Albert Yeagy. Sherwln Edge, of Kansas City, Is rtsltlng hla grandmother. Mrs Sarah Bdge.

Mrs. Doll of the Dllss house, at IHu IT ton. Is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. T.

Kloti. Tho first car of now oats shipped from here this yoar was shipped by I. 1 Leas yesterday. Mrs H. N.

Ueldler, Mrs. Art Beldler and daughter Hazel spent yesterday with Hurt Iteldler and family at Au burn. Mrs. Hmathers and nephews, Rob roe and Carl Klce, of Canton. ar rived yesterday to attend the leas re union.

Miss Kdlth Trout, who has been visiting her grandmother here, went Hluffton yesterday, whero abe will rVmatn until the ipenlng of DePanw milverslty thla falL She was accom panied by ner brother Paul. The five Showalter sisters, namely: Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Dan Koherbaugh, of Auburn; Mrs. Freldenberg, of Ilutler, and the Misses Myrtle and Itessle Hbowalter, of this place, are enjoying an outing at Roblson park today.

Hen hen Tttlnger, who has been In a critical condition for some time, was taken to the hospital at Angola yea terday by his two sons. He will take treulment thcro with hopes of Improving his condition. His friends have but slight hopes of his recovery, he being unconscious part of tke time. KENDALLVILLE PER80NAL8. Mrs.

C. F. Dlersteln and Miss Carrie Dlersteln are at Hlcksvllle, the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs.

J. T. Btahl left Tuesday for Lake Mailnkuckee, for an extended vacation. Kendallvtlle's "Jolly Doien," a popular Kendallvllle organization, spent Tuesday at Rome City. Councilman C.

C. Welngart, accom panled by Contractor C. I Carter, was at South Read Tuesday on business. Mrs. Wm.

Klern, of "Columbia City, and Miss O. Klder, of Fort Wayne, are visiting the Klern brothers and other relatives here. Mrs. M. Imnant, of Frt Wayne, returned to her homo today after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs.

A. C. Strayer, near Houth Mllford. (Umnnllmnn W. II.

Rlnebolt and four men went to Butler Tuesday morning to repair the waterworks plant therts. Until tti work Is completed Rutler will be "dry" from 6 m. until 6 p. in. Rut Mr.

Rlnebolt expects to hurry. Roland and Beolt Whltford, two bright young Kendallvllle boys, left Tuesday night for Oklahoma for a month's outing with the view of looking over the country and possibly making the great southwest their future home, Jacob Keller, of this city, went to Ht. Joseph's hospital. Fort Wayne, Monday evening, where he underwont a surgical operation. Reports from his bedside Tuesday evening Indicate that the operation, performed by Dr.

Rosenthal, was very successful, and the ultimate recovery of the patient la confidently expected. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TRANSACT BUSINESS. COLUMBIA CITY, Aug. 7 Tho board of county commissioners spent the forenoon Tuesday In preparing the list of estimates for the current ox pen see of the county during the yenr of 1907. The couuty auditor was selected by tiie board to represent this county before tho state board of tax commissioners.

Tho petitions for drainage by Lulu R. Hollen beck, by David B. Hlvely, by George Scholium and Oeorge Alton were all continued until the September term. The petition of Jcfhn Swlhart for tho vacation of a Washington towushlp public highway was continued to August 8. The afternoon was spent lu the Inspection ot A number of new bridges and of bridge work la Cleveland townahls ANGOLA, Aug.

7 The thirty fourth annual old settlers' meeting will bo held at Angola Thursday. August 16. Among the speakers of the day will be Hon. O. Carrer, Barton B.

iBIgler, C. O. CarMn, C. Smith and others. Rand concerts and vaudN vUlo performances i will be given on the public square and literary program will be rendered at the 'Angola M.

10, church. The cltlsena of Steuben county will gather on the court house lawn and enjoy ptcnlo dinners at noon. Mrs. EMsabeth Maugherman. over one hundred years or age ana the oldest settler In Bteuben county, will be present and will use the spinning wheel of olden times for the Instruction of the present generation.

Mrs. Maugherman Is the mother of seventeen children, 'fifty tbroo grandchildren, forty four greatgrandchildren and one groat great grandchild. Hhe can number one hundred and ty one lineal descendants. NOBLE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HOLD BUSY SESSION. ALBION, Aug.

7. Notwithstanding the torrid heat of the past fow days the Noble county board of commissioners have stuck valiantly to their posts and waded through vol uminnuB bills for and against tho county, discriminating between the Just and the unjust. Tuesday's session wns not characterised by any thing Bpocial simply by routine work but the painstaking manner In which that wail dono "was an 1 nap Ira, tlcm to all visitors. PERSONAL NOTES AND MINOR NEWS. ANrOI.A The music department of the Tr I State unlvorstty and hold Its annual commencement next Thursday evening.

ANGOLA Tbo tiny Stock, company, a popular price repertoire company now playing a week's stand at Auburn, will hold forth here the coming week. ANOOLA Reuben EX Linger, a brain fever patient, was brought from Waterloo on the 1:10 train this afternoon and taken to 'Wood hospital for treatment Ills condition la quite serlouB. ANUOLA, The Angola Railway Power company la building Its tracks as far east on Maumee street as tbo site of UHHb' grocery so as to comply with tho conditions of their franchise. COLUMBIA CITY Superintendent I. W.

Oeer and twelve of his staff passed over the line of the Vandal la from Logansport to Butler Tuesday on an Inspection tour and stopped for dinner In this city. AUUURNThe remains of EM. Randies, the electrician who was killed here Monday night, will be sent to Poplar Rk iffs. to day for burial. Word was rooelved from the I.

O. O. F. lodge at that place, stating that they would bear all the expense. ANGOLA Tho petitions of James P.

Stevens and others for a public highway through Steuben and Salem townships has been granted by ths county commissioners, and Robert Chard. J. McNutt and Charles' Chapln appointed viewers to meet on. August 21. AUBURN The seventy children that will be entertained lu this vicinity, will arrive Friday morning.

They will ho taken to the court house square and he distributed to the homes of those who will tako them and show them a splendid tlmo while they are kept here. COLUMBIA CITY Roy Hanley, an eleven year old Chicago boy, who Is visiting the family of Lewis Hart or here, cut a deep gash In his leg below the knee Tuesday afternoon by falling upon a sharp sflck while playing In Charles Lancaster's barn. Dr. O. V.

Schuman dressed tho wound. AUBURN The Ouy Stock com pany's show that was to have opened Its doors Monday night has postponed the opening bill, "A Southern Romance," until Thursday night on account of showing their respect for their electrician, Randies, who waa Instantly killed Monday night. COLUMBIA CITY The valuation fixed by the state board of tax com inlsstoners for the two telephone companies doing business in this city Is $9,635 fur the Farmers' Mutual and $27,090 for tbo Whitley County Tele phone company. These values are not the actuals but ore the valuation set for purposes of taxation. COLUMBIA CITY D.

N. Hart, aged seventy threo years and a veteran of the civil war, republican candidate fur mayor of this city at the last municipal election, went to Martinsville Tuesday to take the baths for rheumatism and a complication of diseases. He was accompanied by bis son, Dr. Bruce Hart, of Churubusco. AUBURN The Methodist Sundays, school excursion goes to Fort Wayne to day by the Interurban cars and everybody Is Invited to go along and enjoy a day of pleasure.

The first car will leave Auburn at 6:30 a. ro. and other cars will be run until 7:30 a. this being the last one. A good crowd Is expected to go and a good time Is predicted.

F1U9MONT The families of Wit Hum irtultftker, C. W. Brlnkman, J. H. Kclmfleld and John Andrews, numbering twenty two persons, who have been spending the past two weeks as accupants of the "Hellevlew" and "Lufcevlew" cottages, will return to tlielr homes at Florida, to morrow morning.

They will make the return journey as they came, overland by carriage, a dlstanco of seventy miles. CHURUBUSCO Mrs. Jiwrence Maloney, formerly Miss Bessie Mag ere, of this place, departed for Ouray, Tuesday to Join uer husband, who la superintendent of one of the powerhouses at the celebrated Camp Bird gold and copper mined near Ouray. She recovered rapidly from tho operation for the removal of tubercular lymphatic glands from the neck by Dr. II.

A. Duemling, which was performed only three, weeks ago and appeared In excellent health. JAMES HUNT HOME ROM KOREA TO STAY COLUMUIA CITf, Ind. Ai 7V; JamPH Hunt, a younger brothir' thu Korean mining uia(natr jy'j. Hunt, roturiHHl to the home of narAhtl Mr ttnA Mm W.nbllm' CTtinS or Etna township.

Mbndar nnlndjp from (light years spent In Korea A tho Oriental Consolidated Mlnlatf! company. Ho looa not OJpoct to ro home permanently In this oouBtr.1 lie made bis first trip to Korea, lrfiiv ft! this county but onco sine that tlmav't lie has sbown a reuiarkablo sptituda, rf) In' tha administrative affair, of tba (Wil reining enterprise snd has risen to Uv 7A the position of assistant ua.w vvmhjh.iujiiim lent salary, llosrerer. be ffiada the fffi' monotony of living In a country none of the refinements of clrulzad lire, and nothing but a bleak and) IV. waste oountry surrounding, but little, to bis taste and bolleres that ha all had enough of the Korean life to last iS u.u ftvu ivuif wum jio una lated some moons In Vbe orient sad may mak some local unrestmentm when he has become agsdn.aocllmated.1 i le sauod from cbamuipo. onrt uno 20.

Dut spent a month snnnyH npan before embarkuur for Amsrloa. It arrived In 'Whitley county thirty! bix nours too late to meet hi dis tinguished brother, who spent days with relatives In thla county last week snd made his spectacular rat turn, accompanied by his Norwegian valot, to New York Sunday, afternoon. by ordering a speolal to ItarcetoaJ irom i nrr wayno mat ne nmrni the olgbteen bour limited from CM cao to New York. ft ti i MIAMI WOMAN TO ATTENO INfULL CCWTUMA COLirMBIA CITY, Ang. Kllsoquah, later Mrs.

Johnnie Owl! and now Mrs. Anthony Rorarre, rs siding soulhenst of Roanoke, and the! last full blood Miami Indian In norte' ern Indiana, has promised to ths Whitley County Old Bet tiers" annual plcnlo at this place on Aogast. IV. Bhe baa promised to appear la full Indian costume and will be sc companled by ner son, AnthonT Its), varre, othsrwlae White 'Loon. Tbej aged srtuaw Is nearly one years old and her son la past fifty seven.

She Is a granddaughter of thai onco groat chief Little Turtle and a) sister of Coesse's wife. She wss Itod Monday afternoon by a commit': tee of invitation from the Old Settlers' association of this county, cow' alstlng of Uesars. 8. P. Kaler, J.

wj linker, Henry MoLallen and it. Marine, and to them ber promise. was i alvon. anblect to thA Intnrventlntl tit sickness or doatli. She will be'acfOmY, panico, as me cufiiom or aN aigni tarlos, by her family physician.

Dr. Koonts, of ltoanoko, and Mrs. VJ POPULAR KENDALLVILLE YOUNQ LADY WEOfc KBNDiALLVIUJBV Ang. 7. Some time Wednesday there will, occur the wedding of lllsa Nlswander.

of this olty, and Fred A' Reynolds, of Oassopolls, Mich. The. bride is a popular Kendallvllle young lady, whose home bss been In NobM county all bor Ufo. The groom. a prusneroua young business man.i whose Kendallvllle acquaintances Willi vouoh for his ability to "make The yonng people thought to keep the affair a secret, but somehow If.

leaked." When they go to Alblottl Wednesday to got the oredentlalai people wrDl know who they are and give thanrthe glad hand." A I fA i AUBURN PCASONAL8. Miss Maud Onnrad went to Oarretl' to visit friends. Hoy rink, of Warsaw, Is In the city' visiting friends. J. L.

Kruger made a business trip to Angola yesterday. Mrs. D. Oswalt went to Ray to visit friends and relatives for a few days. Charlea Goodwin waa In the city yesterday looking up some old friends.

Mrs. M. rTusboa and daughter Sadie returned from a short visit at Car rott Mrs. II. U.

Perry, of Kokomo, arrlyj od in theyclty to vlalt Mends for aj Tew days. IC. (. Hoffman, of 'ort Wfcyne, was transacting legal business In the cltyl y8ter1ay. Mrs.

WIHIs IUioads and children, returned from a visit with relatives near Artie. John Hobel and family wont to Crooked lake yesterday and will stay several days. Mrs. Thomas Leasure and daughter' and Mrs. R.

W. Cobb wont to Hamilton yesterday for a visit Kilmer Miller went to Toledo yesterday, where he has acceptod a position with the.Mllburn Wagon works. Misses Hell DePew and Mao Rose will leave Thursday morning for an extended trip through the east Mills Henrietta Zimmerman went to Columbia City nml will visit Mrs. Luella Hoffman ror some tlmo. OAnHETT PER8ONAL8.

White and Earl Shreve are spending the wrck at Homo City. Irvln Wrlrlck and alatcr Anna spent Sunday with friends at Offsiao. Harriet Clark went to Tiffin, yesterday for a low weeks' visit with relatives Clyde l.lvy, who has been confined ut tbe city lumpitnl for some Urns. wuh dlscbnrKed yesterday. Mth.

K. Frederick, who has beon vialtlnK relatives in tho city, returned to bor home at Ashley. Mrs. 11. I.

Ilrown, of Nortn Randolph street, la quite sick from Inflammation of the Btomach. Mrs. Jobn fthunk and daughter Edith attended tho dedication of tha I Lutheran hospital at Fort Wayne' SundaK, tii r'L.

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