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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i v) 'Wrw 'yfi iwwisiiippw! GLOBE fiEMAIS Wo haven't said a word, hardly, about the make up of our olothing this season. Didn't think it neoewary, aa it's already wutmuw iimjv butt wo carry uue FINEST READY MADE CLOTHING! In the city, equal in respect to custom work, tbo only ilifferenoe being the prioo and there we call save you at lensl ou bull. HOW ABOUT HElYY WEianT UNDERWEAR That's what everybody will want before long. We've some white and Merfno at COo that oan't be matched in the town, and some white and colored wool at 75o and $1, that's worth more. Aluo a full hue of Camel's Iluir; Natural Wool, As tralian Wool and English Bulling gans.

NECKWEAR! We are showing all the new colorings and the correct shapua at popular rioeH, 50C. FINE CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS, AT POPULAR PRICES, Corner Calhoun and Main Sts. CARTERSI CURE fetck Haadaebe and rell. all tha troablM tool tiant Id a bUlona stats of the ay torn, uon. na iHxzlnaaa, Maoawt, DcowbIimbi, fitatraaa after ating.

Pa. In th Bide, Aa. While Lbttimoil K0jaariuU aucc ha baan shown la ouxlag feaaAaeba, darter's Uttia Liver Ffllfl srs equally valuable In Oonatipatton, curing and pre vantlng tbriaa correct avUdlMOTderaoftbAatomavcbUniulmUtb Htm and legulaia the bowels. Eron IX they OoHr aVcbethey wonld bealmcetprioriaaato those who) tailfor from tbUdiatraaalng complaint; batfortu natal 7 thtlr good on dnM not a ad barajuid tboa wbooneetrr tbamwlll find tbaae little pill Tain (Hag to do WltbOBt But After a'laic hoM ilsfhabane of so many lire that ban Is wtrtfa wa make oar great boaat. Our pllla cure It wblla oUaawa do not Garter's Little XJver PlXla are very small and vary aaay to take.

On or two pllla make doae. Tbey ara atriotlr vegetable, and do not gripe or vurga, but by tbatr gantlaacUon ploaaeall who tteetbam. XnTlaLaat26canU flveforf L. Bold tJ dxtLgglaui eveujenro, or aout by malL CARTER MEDIO INC New York. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE.

SMALL PRICE HIMROds CURE GSm Ear, DlsMlola, WIoojIji imX Cronn aM Moci coils. EIMBOS MANuT'G KLB PROPRIlCTOIta, 191 FULTON NE.W YORK i COLUMBUS BUGGIES. fort tMmmc Jtrntmtl. ha. k.

haokjht. editor and Proprietor. MONDAY, OCT. 6, 1890. OITH CIRCULATION.

STATS OF IWPIAN AlIatM COPXTT, UBS T'ernonally appeared hefnie me, (Urk of tba Allen irouflrouri. llenn Winn business inaa atrer or Tui Foitr aynk hrntinbl, a ho makes naih thai the a ttiai number of copies ot Tub JtAiiy hsntiwici dfllveieil lo siibcrlbers and Moid 10 newpbojanral HtfenUi, during tbo HVdknLr ittijl1ii. Un riiii i Iji A latm nB lt uiidlnir Haturdm (R1 4. 1H1U. Iowa noadar, Hit.

TnMdar, Mpt 0 Urdnmilii). (rl 1 Thnrndai, (. tt Frtla. et Hamrdar. Oct.

4 lol s. a l.tV Total for he )Vak Aerace for the Wek. IMped) HrnhtWintr. tilw( rl bed and sworn to before me, thla Ota dny of 1890. Jacob J.

Kebn, Clerk. Klmrael to aooept the nomination for congressman ot Uihj district. Hence a call was Issued for delegate congressional convention to meet in this city noxt Saturday and at that time a now candidate Will be named. Tfro dale gates to this convention will be the same that met at the congressional convention at Ijagrange a few weeks ago. T1F1T1K4J PAHTOnn DRHOCBATIU UTATKTKHKT.

Judge supreme Court Joseph A. 8. Mitchell. Secretary of State Claude Matthew. Auditor of fetato John O.

Hendoreoa. Trelsurer of ft ate Albert UaJU Attorney Alonzo O. Smith. Clork Bupreine Court Andrew M. Sweeney.

Bupt. Public JnBLructlonn. D. Vorbies. State C.eologlBt S.

S. Oorby. tlilef of StatlBtlca A. Teelo, Jr. For Con gross Uoa.

0 A. O. McClPllan, of De Kaib county. JOa W. BELL.

18 E. OOLUMBIA HT. Beat and Cnolceat Heau. OOTTLIEB UALLER. Of the Popular Booth Bide Market.

800 Calhoun su. Branch M77 Hanna at. Hams, 10 oents per pound. Bnoniaern, 1 oents per pound. BusffBf cent per pound.

Bologna, cents per pound. Other meata accordingly Em, LIFE INS. Office Boom 18 Sohmita Blooi. IBA BiEKLET, GEIEBiL iGEHT, Inrtlana, 0 JfrsV ninocuno (ditv ticrct. Btt Srcator J.

D. Morgan. Itepreeentatlvea John Blrfflor. S. M.

Benoi. Joint w. H. Opponbelm. Bupnrlor court Judjfe c.

H. Dawmb. PromMutlD(r Attorney P. B.uolenoa. Clerk D.

w. soudor. Andltor A. F. Ulatuaff.

Keoordor tioorge W. PlokeL Troaaurer Bdwiinl llockman. Sheriff George U. Vlberg. (Joroner A.

J. Senior. Surveyor Henry B. Piflober. Illlll ItAtI IN XHR PAST.

RiMJi il lnls Phllit, KlUtf of Lb, TreDcb. dil K.Vt IT7 ForlA 'hnton anil Montgomery Utken by lb. Hrlllhh (Anx lit no revolution) 1H2I llnth r. Ii ni Llnil, vocahot IMO Cliarloa Jjoiiih Nuh)Iooo (Rftonrard Naito Iftoii 111) i oiKlemjM! lni nlnoiiitifUt Tor life JU70 I'oxlal ImlloonH Mont up from Crjmal 1'aliic, littiKlon mil citfull) I(C0, llHttlmit fol Itviiiy In wlilLh tlioKrvucb wrore drinlL mrs Tn.1 of MnrRliftl llnzalu. Iieua WTIl lonalliion aod party atartHl from New oik In a Imlloon to crona tlio Allantlo, they dtiti eiidad next dny dining atorm In fonniK'ticut luru AtgUan war Datlla of Cliaraaeah, Afghan.

lbhO InRitatim Man. Profofcaor Beiijnmln Plorcev uf Hal vaid I'ulli'gir diuit. aijed 71 jeara Oi.REl.aNx and Blaino may be the 1'rimiilentml oandidatea again in 1892. Tqb wile of General Booth, oomman der in ohief of the Salvation Army, died Batnrday at lradonv Kngland. The republicans hav isaned a oall for a oounty convention to assemble in thifl oity next Saturday, at 2 p.

to nominate a oounty tioket. Simon Gandes, an aged baohelor of Indianapolis, baa jnst given Wabash oollege another donation of making the total of his gifts to that institution within the last six months Ex Pbksident Olbvexand bas aooerit ed the invitation to be present at the Tbnrman banquet, to be given November 13, under the auspioes of the Thur man olnb, at Oolnmbus, Ohio. Judge Tbnrman will be seventy seven years old on that day. Tub South Bend Times pays our busi ness men this ooinpliment: "Fort Wayne is about to organize a fair association with a paid up capital stock of $25,000. The neoeesary sum has already been subscribed.

When Fort Wayne moves in a projeot of this kind she moves with energy and determination." The executive committee of the Reform" party have withdrawn the nomination ot J. W. Holmes aa a candidate for county clerk, in opposition to D. W. Bonder, the candidate of the democratic party for the same position, and placed htm on the tioket to fill the plaoe for ootnmisflioner, made vaoant by the decimation of Mr.

MoKee. The official population of several oitiee, just published by the oensus oflloe, is as follows: Quinoy, 111., 31, 478, increase, 1,210. Hpringfleld, 111., increase, 6,108. Wheeling, W. 85,052, inorease, Indianapolis, 107,445, increase, Muncie, inorease, 6,120.

Richmond, inorease, 4,107, Shelbyville, inorease, 1,704. At a meeting held at the court house recently, composed of representatives from the several farm organizations and others interested in agricultural pur amta in this oonnty, it waa voted to hold a farmers institute in this city tbe ooming winter, under the auspices Of the authorities of Purdue university. W. A. Kelsey was seleoted chairman of the institute, and an advisory committee consisting of J.

D. Gloyd, William R. Brown and J. A. Noteatine, waa selected to aot in conjunction with the chairman to make the neoessary arrangements for holding the Institute.

A okthaot waa made Saturday with the Indiana steel company by whioh the latter will locate its extensive works In Wabash. The capital stock of the company is nearly all held by PHtsbnrg capitalists. Wabash gets this industry cheap at an outlay of a subsidy of only 836,000 and twenty acres of land. The board of trade has the land and the money all secured. Building is to begin at onoe, and the works will afford employment for 600 men.

The capacity will be fifty tons of steel per day, and the weekly pay roll will be not leas than 87,000 per week. At the meeting of the republican dis triot oentral oommitteemen of this congressional district, held Saturday at the Government building, it waa discovered that under jthe new election law the oomittee could not fill the vacancy occasioned by the declination of Orlando Preach Smdsy sermoat la Many of the failplts or the Ktoj Churrhea. Many of the pulpits of the oitv ehnrohea yesterday, at both the morning and evening servioes, were filled by visiting clergymen, some of whom were in the city on their return home from the Ohio sjnod of the Reformed ohuroh. whioh has beeh in session at Bluffton for several days, and others of whom are attending the national convention of the local preachers at Taylor University, whioh commenced its sessions in this oity lost Saturday. All of tba pulpits of the Methodist churches and some of the other denominations were filled by delegates of the Looal Preachers' association, the assignment being as follows: Wayne street morning, Rev.

Chaun oey Shaffer, president of the Local Preachers association; evening, Cbaa. W. Boot, of England. St Paul M. E.

ohuroh 10 .30, J. H. Bimtm and It. MoWilliams; 7.30, James North and Henry Date, Simpson M. K.

church 10.30, John Tearls; 7:30, B. CUadwiok. Trinity M. E. ohurbli T0.30, Theodore LiKue; 7.80; R.

I. Dickey, Congregational ohuroh 7 .30, John Tearle. Evangelical church 10.30, George Jones, 7:30, J. A. Nebraska Mission 7:30, N.

U. Walker and John Shaw. Free Methodist shuroh 10.80, Rev. Brock; 7:30. Rev.

M. U. Unsad. Mr. Boet, who is a delegate to the convention from Cornwall, England, also preached at the Berry street church in the morning on progress in Christian work.

He believed that Christians, above all others, should be making advancement spiritually, and should be better this year than they were last year better to day than they were yes terdayand as Christians should grow in strength and power for usefulness every day. Men were not content to stand still in business affairs and they should not be content to stand still in Christian graces. Let them push forward and do their best to evangelize the world. Mr. Boot is an earnest, entertaining talker and pleased the large audiences that heard him both in the morning and evening.

The pulpit of the Berry street ohuroh in the evening filled by Ohaunoey ShalTer, who preached an able sermon. Rev. M. Louoks, editor of the Chris tian World, of Dayton, Ohio, delegate to the Reformed Jynodf preaohed in the morning at the Grace church. He is a writer of markod force and ability and is entertaining and logical as a pulpit orator.

Rev. R. C. Zartman, of Akron, filled the pulpit of.the'Graoe'ohurch in the evening and also spoke at the rooms of the Oity department of the Xoung Men's Christian Association in the afternoon. Hts talk, from the text, "Almost Thou Porsuadest me to be a Christian," was a particularly earnest and forcible one and abounded in rich thoughts and eloquent utterances.

He treated bis subject in a somewhat novel manner giving the reasons why King Agrlppa should have heeded Paul's advioe to be not only almost but altogether persuaded to be a Christian urged upon his hearers the praotioal truths he uttered in a convincing manner, and closed with an appeal to the young men in his audience to accept the gospel plan of salvation and be not only almost but fully persuaded to be Christians. Rev. Herman Rust, D. of the theological department of Heidelberg university, another delegate to the Ohio synod at Bluffton, occupied the pulpit of the Salem Reformed ohuroh in the morning and of the St. John Reformed ohuroh in the evening.

Dr. Bast is one of th leading ministers of the Reformed ohuroh of the United States. He has been connected with Heidelberg university for over a quarter of a oentury and is a grand man. In the evening at the same ohuroh Revs. Reoh and W.

Zander preaohed missionary sermons. Rev. John Tearle, of Beeohurst, Luten, England, delivered an eloquent sermon yesterday morning at Simpson ohuroh. His theme wasL "The Ideal Pastor and Congregation." Van Houtkn's Coooa largest sale in the World, Deatrejred by Vlre. Brao hampton, N.

Oct. 4. Tbe four story brick block, owned by F. L. Jenks, on State street, was gutted by fire last night.

The loss is not obtainable. The block was1 valued at and insured for $1,000. JULIa 'S HAIR IJALSAJVI If gray, gradually restores color; elegant tonio dressing, 81.00. Druggists, or $1.00 size prepaid by express lor si uu. Ki.

n. weiis, jersey Ulty. ROUGH ON TOOTHACHE. Instant relief. 16c Minister Lincoln's eldest child is a daughter.

Miss Mary. She is twenty years of age. THE CAM FA! CM OPENED. Ex.UoTaraor bray, Ilaau Claaae Matthews, aad Heaw Albert Gall Address a Desaeeratle Meet las la This City. The democracy of this oity opened the Btate campaign Saturday night with a large and enthusiastic meeting at Prin cess rink, the speakers being Hon.

Claude Matthews, candidate for secre tary of state, Hon. Albert Gall, candidate for troasurer of state, and ex GovernGovern or Isaac P. Gray. The speakers were escorted from the Wayne hotel to the Prinoess rink by the Heud ricks club, headed by the City band and a number of citizens. Hon.

Allen Zollars presided at the meeting, and the following gentlemen occupied seats on the platform: Henry C. Berg bo ff, Hon. Mont. Hamilton, Mr V. Spencer, Daniel Noteetine, Maurice Cody, Dr.

S. C. Metoalf, Dr. Beaton, and others, The first speaker, Hon. Albert GalL was introduced by Mr, Henry Berghoff, of this city, who was his opponent before the democratic state convention for treasurer of Btate.

Mr. Berghoff defeat for the honor whioh he sought did not leave a sore Bpot on him, as was evinoed by his introductory speech Saturday night. He is enthusiastic Ally for the democratic ticket, and will labor for its success at the polls. Introducing Mr. Gall he said Follow citizens and democrats A gentleman whom I have known for the past six months, and Who IB Well and favorably known all over the state of Indiana as a true democrat, is with us to night; a man who has my utmost re spent, because he downed me at Indianapolis.

I have been defeated, but in an honest and fair contest. I have promised the democracy of the state that al thongh I was defeated Allen oounty was still demooratio to the backbone, and, further, I have promised that Alien oounty will give not lees than 4,600 or 6,000 majority to the democratic state ticket. I know this man will add strength to the ticket, not only in Marion oounty, but over the entire state, I have the pleasure of introducing to you a mau who defeated me in a contest for sn office that I considered a very great honor had I secured it, Hon. Albert Gall, oandidate for state treasurer on the democratic tioket. Mr.

Gall was enthusiastically applauded as he stepped to the front of the plat form, and after acknowledging the compliment In a graceful manner, made a few remarks in both German and English, whioh were well received. Jndge Zollars then introduced Mr. Matthews, the demooratio oandidate for secretary of state, as a type of the American former, and the genuine granger, after acknowledging the en thusiastic reception he reoeifed from the audience, made a vigorous, eloquent and praotioal speech, addressing himself principally to the farmers aad laboring men and showing how the high tariff of the republican party was crush ing the life out of the agricultural and industrial interests of the country. He said that he had "yet to see any set of resolutions adopted by farmers that were not antagonistic to republican principles. Protection has never added $1 to the wages of employes.

The laborer and farmer stand together as the only unprotected industries in America, and the protectionists of congress, at the behests of grinding monopolists, are taxing them to death to line the pockets of their favored classes with gold. The hope of the farmer and laborer for freedom from these injustices was in the demooratio party, the party of the people. The republican party would never gire it to them. The dem ooratio party must have oontrol of the national congress, both branches, and the presidency, and then, and not till then, will the demands of the people be granted. Hon, Isaac P.

Gray made the closing speech. His address was an able and eloquent discussion of the political issues of tbe day, the tariff and state floanoes. In making a local application of the wrong wrought by the tariff, he said. Take Allen oounty, for instance. The oounty commissioners, in order to protect some firm who has located a plow factory here, places a tariff of oh every plow brought into the oounty.

A firm at South?" Bend or Logan sport oan manufacture and sell a plow for $16, but when it gets to the Allen oounty line they have to pay a tariff of $6 on it and so they are compelled to sell it here for $30. The firm in your oity oan sell their plow for $17 because they have no tariff to pay. It Is cheaper than the South Bend plow, and so you are robbed of $2, whioh the manufacturer here pots down in his pocket. The ex governor continued at some length and bis speech was enthusiastically applauded. He is a favorite in Fort Wayne and after the meeting adjourned was given a warm reoeption by the local democracy, as were also the other speakers, Messrs.

Gall and Matthews. JBRTIYllVto A HKHOBT, I rABntfBLLTO RARTIL Qaasatrell, the Fasnesus ntlseenrl Gwer niaeteea. Persoae Aaawar to the rill, a Bests! Teacher Here. mems Death. The death Announced at New The following deaths have been re Birmingham, of a man known aa ported by the undertakers for the week T.

J. Henderson. He died at the farm ending Saturday, OotoW 3, 1890: house of a Mrs. Pannell. and it la said, Catherine M.

Fraikin. 64 years, ap upon his deathbed confessed that he oplexy. was none other than Charles William Emma G. Pierson, 82 years, oonsamp Quantrell, the famous Missouri guer tion. nils, supposed to have been killed by Catherine Fogerty, 75 years, no Hood's sarsaparilla has a steadily in creasing popularity, whioh oan only be won by an article of real merit.

it a trial. Rfimembar. save von from 11 to $6 by buying your railroad ticket at Webb's Tioket Offloe, 03 Calhoun st Mad dogs are very numerous hi Geor Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S.

Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Baking rowaer ABSOLUTELY PURE federal soldiers in Kentuoky just before the rebellion ended. The man, if he was not Quantrell, was one who knew him intimately. "Oh, this report of his death is undoubtedly a fake," ud S. S.

Soott, who was brought up in the same town where Quantrell was born, Canal Dover, Ohio, to a reporter of the Chicago Times. "My brother, George W. Soott, of this town, went to school with him. My other brother, W. W.

Soott, an editor of Canal Dover, looked up nan troll's ca reer from the day of his birth, and has undoubted proof that he was shot by Captain Clark near the close of the war. Quantrell was then trying to take his band of bushwhackers to help Lee be fore Richmond, He was wounded and died in a Louisville hospital before any one knew just who he was. His old mother is still living in Canal Dover. For a long time she refused to believe that the Quantrell of guerrilla fame was her son. She oould not believe that her blue eyed boy was such a terror and murderer.

As I hear my brother and others tell of him he was a mild, quiet, studious young school teacher before he left Canal Dover. But his mother was finally convinoed and now is certain that he was tbe Quantrell killed near Louisville. Qaantrell's father was superintendent of the Dover schools and the son was a teacher. Nothing was ever heard from him at home after the war began and no one in Dover believed that he was the guerrilla until long afterward." The story of Mr. Soott is supplement el by the knowledge of others who knew Quantrell, and a gentleman who possesses a manuscript latter written by the outlaw when he was a teacher at Fort Wayne, Ind.

in 1859. He came that far home after a trip west with a party of stock growers. Quantrell was one of four survivors of a blizxard. He went from this city to Kansas, where he tnght school, and when the war broke out joined the tide of rebellion whioh was gathering in Kansas, and with a gang of desperate men he swept down like a wolf on the fold with the relentless fury cf the Oorsair. It is believed in Mr.

Scott's old home, Canal Dover, that he had left a youug sweetheart at home, and that she jilted him in favor of a youug union soldier, now living in Ohio. The name of the young woman Is, of course, withheld. It is said that throughout the war his ohief ambition waa to reach the army of his saooessful rival and to capture him. This he oould not do by joining the regular rebel army, and he had more chance as a bushwhacker. The worst blot on his career waa the massaore at Lawrence, whioh town he burned.

He olaimed that there was a certain Yankee officer with whom he had never been acquainted. He wanted to kill him, and to make sure of it he decided to kill every one he found. Oould he have thought that his rival was there The James and Younger boys were taught their business by uantrell, under whose mag they fought, and when Mrs, QaantreU was In Missouri she visited the mother of the mes boys for some time. OUSKO.VIKM OrrBTKB KlteBR. Arraaceneata fer the Pleaieer'a JTaueral Waysie Ejodse Uaus Caarfc Judge Edward O'Rourke has called a meeting of Wayne lodge, F.

AA. for this evening to make arrangements for the members of that body to attend the funeral of their late fraternal brother, Peter Kiser. The deceased was for fifty two years a member of the Masonic order, having received the blue lodge degress in 1838, and waa therefore the oldest master mason in this oity. The funeral will take place to morrow, (Tuesday) from the homestead, corner of Wayne and Webster street, at 2 p. m.

The remains were conveyed from undertaking rooms to the house. The body rests in a plain, though rioh black cloth covered casket, and on the cover is a silver plate bearing a masonic emblem and this inscription "Peter Kiser, aged eighty years, one month and twenty eight days." The deceased leaves a widow, Rebecca Kiser, aged seventy was born in Stark oounty, Ohio, on August 27, 1820. Eight sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Kiser, namely: Benjamin Franklin, who dieL August 12, 1844; Charles Sturgis, orchis oity; Peter who died May 22, 1866, Ellis of this city; Alexander Byron, pf this oity; Francis of Muncie, and John Russell, sheriff of Keih oounty.

who can not come to attend the funeral. plexy. Mary M. Ellert. 2 months, jaundioe.

Mary ashman, 34 years, consumption. Caleb J. Carman, 68 years, heart failure. Glen B. Hayes, 8 years, aboess.

Mry Mullenix, 67 years, consumption. Leonora B. Hunter, 6 months, cholera infantum. John Crowley, 6 years, accident. Child of A.

R. Wheeler, 6 days, exhaustion. Frank Nieman, 8 days, spasms. Gerhard Genth, 8 days, spasms. Mary Erne, 1 year, bronchitis.

Child of Diedrioh Boedeker, 1 day, exhaustion. Emma Rohrer, 21 years, consumption. Oliver Bircley, 21 years, typhoid fever. Mary Ella Romy, 24 years, puerperal fever. Wm.

Toung, 5 months, cholera infan Do you suffer with chilblains I oer tify to the prompt relief obtained from the use of Salvation Oil for chilblains, and do not hesitate to reoommend it as the best cure I ever tried, H. Hood, 794 W. Pratt Street. Baltimore, Md. "What fine chisel could) ever yet out breath!" and yet a hard vexing cough is oat all to bits with one bottle of Dr.

Bull's Oough Syrup, tbe favorite. sars the Hon hern Medical World Mother's Friend" is growingin fovor throughout the Houtn ana is lugiiiy recommended by physicians. We consider it indispensable to those who know they must pass through the ordeal of child birth. Write Jiraaneia Atlanta, for particulars. Sold by all druggists.

"Mrt. Wlniitw'i Myra has been used over Fifty Tears by mothers for their children while Teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the Gums, allays all Pain, cures Wind Colic, regulates the bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from teething or other causes, and is for sale by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.

Twenty flve oents a bottle. jan 27 ly FALL and WINTER i $U590. A. FOSTER, Terel7ait 5UCOI. Fine Imported Woolens, Perfect Fit, Prices Reasonable.

15 WEST WAYNE ST. FORT WA.TnUTE, IND. HB1A.T HOUSH, For Health and Safety by HOT WATER CIRCULATION. If you do not reoarve tout Bi regolarlj, plaaae Dotirv as Immediately, either In panos or by postal oard, that wa may remodjtho fault. CURED SCROFULA la thnt Impurity ot the blood which prodncca unsightly lumps xt awulllngi lu tlio nock; which causes running surcs on Iho armn, legs, or feci, wiikh develops ulcers In tlio oyoa, ears, or none, often causing blindness or doariu 'ss; wlilvh Is tlio irl, of pimples, cancerous Erowlhs, or "liuniiira," which, tautening upon tlio lung, causes consumption and death.

It la the most undent of all diseases, and very few persons are entirely free from It. How Can It Bo By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the romiu kable It has accomplished, has proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar n.ediclae for thla disease If you auller from scrofula, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. "Every spring my wife and children have beeu troubled with scrofula, my little hoy, three years old, being a terrible sufferer. Last spring be was one moss of sores from bead to feet. We all took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and all buvo been cured of the scrofula.

My little boy 1 entirely fnxj from sores, and all four of my children louk bright and healthy, W. B. ATHBUTON, rassalo City. N. J.

Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all draajrlata. ffljil. farS. rr.par.donl. br 0.

1. IIOOD a CO Apoln.carlea, Low.ll, Vaa. IOO Doses Ono Dollar James Madden, PLUMBING, Hot Water Heatingr. atTo. IOI Oalhoun Blx eslf, Fort Wayne Indiana.

CROWDINGS AHEAD RAPIDLY. IXOTIH J. FEIST, the Fashionable lanfavette 8 trout Merohant Tailor, ha received his large and well seleoted Btook of Fall and "Winter Qooda, whioh'' la the nobbiest ever brought to this oity '1 and oonsists of all the Latest Stylosin I Cheviot and Worsted Goods. These Qooda will he croat worn this Fall (a and Winter. Get prioos from all oom petitora and then oome to ns and be ooavinoed that we are lowor than the lowest on nrst olaas THE STORY IN A NUTSHELL FASHIONABLE RELIABLE 1 Prop in and see how maoh we oan give von for a little money.

IOTJXS J. BMHIST SeleatlS. Cataer Fitter, No. IBM lararille SM. AfiOMIO TEMFLS.

ONE NIOIIT ONLY, TUESDAY, OCT. 7th. Shepard's MODERN MJllSIRELS 35 Premium Artists 35 A Beflned Minstrel PerformAnoe, Introdacanf, Grand. Gilbert and 8o1I1tjd, first aot. Ogawa's Tokahoma Troup or Japanese, Oardaer European Musical Artists' Fauntleroy Madrigals from New York Churches, and tbe comedians, Burt Bhepard, Law Hawkins, Eddie Hagee.

J. T. Keegan and. IE. H.

Kayne. HENRY HOP LEE'S CITY LAUNDRY 154 1 3 and 180 Calhoun St. Kbins, 10 caffs nr pair, 4 ots.1 Collars, acta i undershirt 7 Drawers, ota, Hrvndlrerehlerm. tt Bocka. Mr nnlr.

4 at.i Towels, 9 ots. nig reduction from above prices for starching; and Ironing. All work done flrstr cLaas and on short notice. is tt no. jt.

ogle, m. Physician and Surgeon, omoo 1 W. Wetonass Bt Kesldenoe corner Uolton and Crelgbton ave nue's. Fort Wayne, ind. Offloe hoars from is m.

to ft p. and at residence from 8 to 10 a imA'tOlD. m. PmmntAt.Mnllnn itImb to all oails at the omoe or realdenoe. Telephone ra.

and to all a at offloe iMo; at resldenoe 8SU. RIVERS SON, General Contractors For All Kind PAINTING ui DECORATING To. Oalhoun Street. Iiavs Ordnr. at ooftlen a atoaahaa'a.

tt Home Seekers Excursion! At half rates, via Wabash line, will be run September 0 and 23, and Ootober 14, to points in southwest Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, South and North Dakota, Iowa aid Minnesota. Bats One fare for round trip. For time tables, tioket. and other particulars, apply to the nearest tioket agent of the Wabash or oonneoting lines, or to R. Q.

Thompson, P. A T. Fort Wavne, Ind. aug 9 daw tf CAN YOU FIND THE KEY Preeoriptions aooorately dispensed, charges moderate, prompt service. Gaosa A Pmujots, Prescription Druggists, Oalhoun street, oor.

Wayne, Grand street farad, at S3) p. m. PRICES CO and 75. A. HATTERSLEY SON.

PUIBEIS, Steam aijd Qaj pltterj, .8 East Main St. T. H. McCormick, M. D.

Office Rooms 7, and 9, rtxier a Lena Bandlnr. Bast Berry Street. Office Hours Fort Calls answered i the Foreseen, J. O. PELTXEK, Undertaker 0 E(ibalier 17 WEST WAYNE Teiapnons no.

it. vor. wane. laa FliN DISEASES OF MEN 44 AcnhUktsw, ta nk. BfTTwus eftstlA at tvula aVi(M tBlM.ol, UrvlHadt Ma wat itaK aiHkiM, ftbsatl.lal iarat ltnt raHaf 1 1 i j' jt hB a IW th MraMMln's lb dlatsH.

WrU fm trmilar Ma itrthruW aal arioarlns; sf tfe aM wow4 Ail enrsjs B.nisJr sent br mall In snr qiiaalliT Tna bm 44 ra. THi BOM MEDICINE WoIaZT TO WEAK HEM Baflewliic Item the stTacte of yanthfal mnatm, arf 7' MM a v1mi1 traatlae I m1m1i aBtaainlnc fall pwtl.Rilaa for horn enre. RE1 fa. ptaadld SMdJaal work 1 bonl.Tb "Mkd br nrrl torn who I aad (UblUtatod. AAttrvkw rTs.sC, Wm aTOWlan Maodna.

CaaJ TORT WATtm, IND olx. THE ORKATKnrOLISlI RKHIDY. Cd tor a. voataral foHy or it. (WVM MtrmmrtA V40 arafiuu fsMM Vokf, Jkl 1 IM.

writ, tot naADhlM. Zddm. IsaaaMal lu Wraowaid iBnu mmna MMf UII7 rr AfB WtSM SI w.m4 to alt Mkm I nrmi of N4MTOH WmIlbm Kmla QksfSkJsW Voa Bpnwtor SSfrwSSSaSsjPBB m.mM h.A.n;i Photo from Lira, WILL CURE THE HEADACHE in saw 1 BAKER'S FAMOUS1 HEADACHE mhH SPECIHOItggiaSg'fi nU Orwrt PSUIM. cuunnn 8a. No Other Oigar Has duah a Jteoord as i jjjjU is.

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