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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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irff3ftf lpijlpii FAIR TONiahT.PROEABLYFROSTj WARMER SUNDAY. wbt jCf 8UCQC8TION. Idle people never have leisure, Spiirjeoh EQTXNT5EDlg3a EAtt THENEWal Evening, MAY 9, 1908. tNTIMeU IS A NtMOSK ASSOCIATED PRESS 20PAG1C 5 0TS. MRS.

GUNNESS IS ALiVEKS BELIEF Nst That Murdei ess. SSTAtEMENT CAUSED BIG SENSATION cm to Tlieory That Womaii Murdered Children and Fired Place Is Supported ind. "fl.Br: H'. IL Long; one pit. the." physicians whoperformed 'the autopsy on the body of the oman twoA Id the mills ol the Gunness, home 'after the fire, today rnadeW statement that the; body is that of Mrs.

Guriawssi His state merit is as "In.m'y opinion: the body of the worry an' found to the house Is not that of Mrs. Gunness. "A strange coincidence ts that tho foreheads of all the were burned at "the same place. Tifta ts, extraordinary; A skull crushed by blow' at any part, and then subjected 'to; i Are would be more Jiitely Jo burn 1 that than' at a. sound and reach bony structure, and thus." at? the' cartilages troriv both ThV.

theory, her 'head been antlrely.burned: away disproved "by that being subject tensltyof and, harder. could burned away; as 'easily as; the of. the j4' body, i the: morgue, la not that of MrsiGunriess, because. It' is not, cor proportioned, Jt'ls thatSof 'a rather plump i woman of the same gen erai: contour of, fMrs, weighing between, ISO Gunness was literally 'a flueees: slon" of billows of flesh and weighed PlleaUp the; PrTOf. arm' that! was burned off was found beside the, body, and' ts well Theftflngers show evidence 'of careful and that "something "that; Mra.r Oiinness knew nothing; "Basins: statements "on the sta figures "of eminent physi cians: of this country and Great Brtt aln 1 find body j.he morgue.

is almost nvomcnes, snorter man rne body of Gunness would be under 'slmHarclrcumstances. Theflre 'course, cause the' body to lose weight, but the 'general physical outline of the woman would "Mrs. Gunness was a woman of un-usual appearance'. She was large, bony, powerful, looking, with, square Jaws and black eye. She was an Would attract attention any 1 acte rts tics; he wore large fur coat and' ber long strides, together' with her remarkable conntenanr e.and her generally vicious appearance, gave, her an aspect that was almost terrifying." Ex Coroner's Long's tending as If does to support the popular belief that Mrs.

Gunness Is not dead, hut In hiding, after having murdered h(sr children and. fired her home, has caused an Intense sensation here. WAS NOT MRS. i. 1 i Police Blunder Into' Outrage in Pursuit Arch Murderess.

i Syracuse, N. May 9. Mrs. Cora Belle ilerron, widow 'tot Frederick B. Herron, former vice' president of, the Sethness Chemical coipahy, of Chicago, was arrested tlves in a Pul Imao sleeper ithls1; morning on suspicion 'Of 'being Be)l Gunness, Jho Laporte, Ind.y.

alleged "iaurderesal; Jqulckly able to. prove her identity and will go on to NewYork this! afternoon. The woman who answered the description of Mrs. Gunness only In being' considerably above the aver age In height and. weight; character Ues" her arrest an' on rage jrithput the.

shadow' ofan excuse. She ad. coins from Franklin, where she has a. summer and Was accompanied by her Mrs. :l.ncy Burtpifc.

She said that she boarded the1 train at Cleveland, and was on her way. to New York, to visit her sister, Xtockefeller, of No, 817 West Forty eighth street She telegraphed Mrs. Rockefeller, telling her, of her and asked her to wire corroboration of her story, still In theinatron's Toom at polbe headijuarters. effort is being made to have sign papers'releaslng the city of all excuse from liability for her arrest. Two 'tnen who left a New1 YorV Central castbound train after' ten, last night at Rochester report ed td the: police tof that city that two women, one resembling Mrs.

Belle. Gunness, lAportej Ind alleged mardress, were passengers, on the iContnua Paoe. Twe i CLASH OF AUTHORITIES. Laporte, Jhd May '9. A' sharp, contest between the prosecution and the defense in the: case of Kay Lam phero, is accused of havjngf caused Mrs.

Guqt nees and her three children, "was carded for Hi attorney for the. prisoner, said last night that he would file ah action In with the object of compelling thr authorities to their policy of keeping Lamphere In seclusion. WOrden complains that, when he went to the lall, last night he was ad mittance, despite' the fact that hta. client had sent for 'him. A possible explanation of fusal Df the sheriff admit' Worden to, Lamphere'a 'cell, Is found, in ra mai jormer nirea man oi Mrs; Gunness said that be',' break, th silence has maintained since ma arrestr provided: that his attorney to' luch a prpcedure.

"I wanttb te)l Bdmethlng. I know, hecausajl: know; that will help: my case; If I do said ''Btit my: attorney says that I must not talk I won't until he.Bnys I (Save, the Prosecution. This attitude of the has. given, the prosecution the hope that he will soon reveal the" secrets which they have been endeavoring to solve by the slow system of clrcurhstan' tlal evidence. At the' same time 'It Is' realized that Attorney Worden scarcely chance his attitude regarding prisoner making any admissions, concerning his relations with' Mrs.

Gunness and that once tho two have Conferred 6h the" subject; mat silence win again enshroud tha Scene of the Laporte Murders arid Some of the Victims of Mrs. Belle Gunness' ili jK mNssssssssssssssssssssssssHssWA. I JJmPIQ 7 1 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsfllBBBBBSSSBBBBBKaSBBBBn9iBBSBBBBBBBVSBBBBlsHsiS it 4 CRAGO GROWS TIRED OF KILLS AKOTteW cute, tke vicrcvms. ic KEtAEiirnr, tROTKET. OF KOTlBVKESaEtIK lllllV I ,111 i in 'Jill BSBBBBBBBflBvSB: JBBSTPSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBD JHMsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK where, from her lack' of womanly char prisoner.

So if Attorney Worden i.ues.iiiB' cuuri. action a.gainsc 'ine. pin cers or ine. prosecution nis move merits probably will resisted strenuously. Yesterday developments outside the discovery Of one more body on the farm, centered, main I ptirttit Lain phere's, possible connection, with the deaths.

Many more witnesses were interviewed by. the prosecuting officers and at least two were subpoenaed formally, This brings the present list of witnesses, to twenty uae. Finding of the; Trunk. MOBt Important of. tho evidence' so ureQ yesiwrijujr irucK Lamphere left "on the farm of John where he was, employed since February last, It was se cured early yesterday morning, but It was not until well along In the evening mat tne ract.

mat tne au thorltles had found It became known. The Wheatbrook farm is In the vicinity of Sprlngvllle, a hamlet seven' miles, north of here, arid In the neighborhood where Lamphere spent ras rjoynooa. Hrs latner waa formerly, Justice of the peace" in I mat lownsnip ana ine earner nanus of Lamphere are. to be investigated by the of, a' detect jva agency who are assisting Sheriff Smutzer. Letters frbrn Mrs.

Gunness found In Lamphere trunk urged him to return to the death farm and. to bring hta sweetheart with hlm These letters were sent to Spring, vllle and the investigation to be made there may result In discover Ing the ''sweetheart' mentioned by airs, uunness. Work of Digging The work of digging on, the Gun?" nessfarm, was Tesumea today, only one however; put at work Upfto 10 no trace of additional bodies' had been discov ered. The local authorities are endear orlng to' trace, a jfonng man named Canary, who, it Is believed, may hav been killed at the Ounnoas home, letter, was received; this morning from his mother. Mrs.

Mi Canary, Pine Lake, saying that her Son, about twenty years old. haa dlsanbeared and she has naa no ward from him for afraost two years. It that young Can ary worked; for ienry Bitfi vno lived Ciaarier oi. ft rniiexrouj wi OCI.I.ACrfJMrE. MS CKlCPtltK' FRESH MI EVili California Asks Congress to Create iRank fpf Vice Admiral for Him.

Continued ot Pg San May At, the "close of the banquet; given here last" night by city tp! Secretary ot'the' Nay Metc'alf and ofBc'ers of. the combined fleets; It was resolved, "to flend the followjng; tejeram. to congress requesting; that. Admiral tj. Evans be.

created a vice adtnirns, "The citizens of California, appreciating tho services tendered by. the matt at the 'direction of whose' hhds, the fleet traS broiicht Irom'lhn At. januo toine j'aciacri wove; that made a vice admiral." Today la the'last clay of Hear Ad miral Evans' command of the Atlantic lie Is. to be succeeded as com tnandefc In chief by ndad Admiral Chas. M.

Thomas, who will retain, the office' but five days, stepping aside on Way in favor pf Rear Charles perry. Resting from' his arduous1 duties. of the past two dajs. Admiral Evans has planned. to' spend the day: quietly at the St.

Francis, hotel, where he is' rne stress. of social requirements somewhat heavily upon hlni In: his present Weakened condition and it was thought that ceremonies on the Connecticut today "would not; reo.ulre his presence. They physicians who have been In constant attendance upon, him for months, state that his health' Is steadily, Improving, notwithstanding his exertions of the past week, Tonight Admiral accbnfj panted by his and most of his personal staff will leave the hotel.ln carriages and driven depot, where they will: board the: train fdr. Washington. WENT OUT OF CURIOSITY Chief of Police Says.

Trip to Laporte had' Chief Police Ankenbrnck, Grlcs and Dr. R. Parks White got beck last night rrom: Laporte and fnr slat that their trip was taken only satisfy their cariosity and that they were not In search of that had disappeared from Wayne; The presence, of a physician In the party, gave fis'e trf toe rumor that they. sought somebody from here 'who bad been Induced by a 'matrimonial to partwith his, llfe.and his mopey over. route The records i the' department, cording to the i do not show" snyidlsappearance be connected with the woman; Several are misslngr but, nonepf them; had money It Is not likely that they tne woman.

HdRSr.PLpNGtS IN RiyER. A ruriawaV' bbrse drawing, a rig be longing; to planged the St Marts, river at the foot of Harrison' street this afternoon about ''n' cloek." Toe horse had been runnlri nr jmrrBl sortsre. It wu some Jfme befOTO he could be, rescneoi Pntortu natejy therd was no damage: T1WEEKS Trying' lo Fix Tfme for an AdjournmentCurrency 'V'. yashlrigtpn; May 9, Strong efforts 'will be: It is said, have congress adjourn not later than two weeks from' today. Representative.

Tawney anhouncea that, the house conthiitfee on' appxopfiatlons, of which' he is chairman, will hegln'wbrk on the general deficiency bill today and that ho "wllitfy to report; tbe.imefisurb next 'Thursday. This Is the'last 6t th big bills and; It will probably the. house, with Tratalio birrtdininrTbi Irwilt biTTr ported by the committee on buildings and grounds aa soon as Chairman Dartholdt, Is sure of alright of way for It. It Is concejledvthat.thls measure will be rushed through the house. A leader In the senate and nn.

important member of the finance corhr miuee is quoted as saying yesterday mat no oouevea congress wouia pe able to" adjourn on, 23rd. The only legislation which brbbable outside of the aDnrobrlatlon was, the child' labor 'bill for the; una. itoasipiy campaign publicity bill, and an emergency 'currency bill. NAMING COMMITTEE: HERE, GO ABOVE MILLION Week's Record is Largest in the History: of Fort e. Local Organization.

In National ''Health' Movement, The American Association for the Advancement of. Science. 'on National Health, with'. headquarters at New Haven; Is naming a coplmitteo pf one bund red'. prominentFort Woyne Citi iens: to further tho national a better: understanding of tuberculosis and some of the other whteh, have beenregarded as ihcurabie, MORE QA3 MONDAY.

Two Additional South Side Streets Will Be Given Service. 0n Monday the Fprt Wayne Gas company will turn artificial gaa Into ihi, mains In South. Wayne avenue, from; Crelghtbh avenueto' Home' avenue, and 'on. Meier ayfehue, between' Fairfield avenue and' South Wayne PLUMBERS TO END STRIKE; Torontov MaV. rTh''' plumbers unions has reached an with the: ow association1 of Makter Plumbers and Fitters, last night' decided to end the strtke.T which has laster flfty bno weeks.

The men. were receiving .37 cents an. hour. They went but for 45 cents an hour andsettled on a blals of 37.H' cents for the first' year and 40 cents an hour for. the second year; 'The struggle cost p.yS 'union; $78000.

About 700 meri 'Wrerw 'uub WINONA. HKAORCSIQN8, Winnie 'Mr P. 'C C'hhioit, the! head ot' thw Winona acadmnyj lia. UB decad hut resignation For the 'first; time In business history of Fprt Wayne, the: local bank clearings, for the weekreacheti a total of more than one million dollars the. precise being Tho 'weekly report of Manager Paul gives in more detail tbe'vol pm of business of tho clear! rigs, shPw two of the days the total' reached: near a Quarter of a million of((ollars.

by days the cloarings were Monday' llfrTyHMl, Tuesday 16S.Q89.79 Wednesday 237.80i.3I Thursday Friday; 144,318.77 Last week's, clearings wero J949, 223.p as against $1,174,510.34 for. this week and for' cbrres ppndlrigr week of year. On Tuesday, the stockholders of the ayne. Knitting "mills will, ybte upon jLhe proposed Increase of the capital Stock of that concern Jt Is. understood that'much bfoader of business.

Is projected with the enlarged Capital stock. The" most important new Industrial step of the. week was the formation of the. new F6rt. Wayne Corrugated paper eompany by.

A B.f rentmaa. and others, to place a' paper milt in this. city, it Is understood occupied' by the Olds. Wagon works will, be utilized for the hew industry. GETS A NEW ARMORY; Company Is Moving into Old Ewln Hall, as Company TJ, Indiana national guard, Capt.

Clyde Driesbach. which 'has occupied quarters In, the Wnltp bank bill Id Ing. leased, the old "Swing, hall at Harrisori and. Main streets' as an, armory and I removing its: equlp meht' there today, It was. neceisary to vacate the old quarters owing to the' fact that, the building, recently purchased the physicians Defense company.

Is being rerooleded. FINE; SONG SERVICE. Anniversary Of Emm iu Church Dedication Sunday Evening. i A iSorg service i excellence' wilt ha renderedjat, maus Lutheran church Sunday evening in celebration of the anniversary of the' dedication, of that church. At the, morning Key.

Philip Wambaganss, the pastor, will preach the festival the evening, pro cram is at 7:45 o'clock. This evening the. Young Ladles so. ciety. May festival on the church lawn.

In. case of cold or rtUa rreeable weather, the festival will be het4 In the jicbobl halt Poverty Stricken Laborer Swullovs of Car bolic Acid. Tired 61 trying to dollar buy the necessaries that it required two to purchase, tired becnuso 'labor, as be might the small pittance ho received would cot permit him to teed and clothe his family, tired because Illness had lnaded Ids home and brought with It Its' burden of debt aud left It there, John II Crngo swallowed an ounce of carbolic B' nt his homo, 415 St Martins str this morning, lay djwn on his bed and died. He purchased tho acid Friday night, but his daughter called the police' and thi" neighbors and he was not permitted tq lake It. She concealed It la a box Ip her room and thought he would cot be able to get It, but this morning he rnade'n search and found It.

took It to bis bedroom and swallowed It. A physician Was celled, but before arvod the man had breathed hla last Glfl Saw Him Take It Edith Crago. nftenn years old, and a daughter of the dead, man, saw hlra swallow the acid, but be did not know its deadly effects and made no hurry to give an She went out Into the yard to call a neighbor and Humane Officer Louis Schlaudroff, who, had been making some Investigations, arrived at the: housj and began, to question her. asked, about a younger cliild: tbst He. wanted sent to the' orphans home and the girl gave him all the Information he sought, without mentioning that' her' father was at that minute lying gasping on the beda few feet away.

"Ohi he's took carbolic acid" said the girl finally. "When wasthatt" asked the1 officer; thinking it had. been several, years "Just now," answered the child; "hes in the Mr. 'ScblaiidroU rushed Sutpithe bedroom: and found' CraW unconscious and gasping for breath.

He went; to the; telephone andcalled doctor, but by (his. time the deadly, drug had, donn Its' work. Lived: Michigan, John was laboret'knd had been; employed" at the of bids Cost, company since, the latter part of last'Decembers. Ho was workedhard and shd his employers say: hawas 'of; a He ot: report last nfghjt Ue: came' here, 'about 'five: years' agd was at.tlwttltno a widower with fourchll dren who were being cared for by Is now. fifteen and is wbrklngf in the country1 on a farm another son' wh.i is: in an institution, for.

the blind at Lansing, Mich.j the, da ughten; Edith, and ayboy'pf 'seven; This morning applied to Errik It. Dulln, attorney, forthe board of chlldrenla guardians.1 and asked to liav.e," the little fellow to the Allen county or paans' home. Mr. Sehlaudroft was sent Ont to make, an Investigation and arrived at the houseJust a few minutes after the man, had taken the acid. It wssln'an ounce Vial, and had been pu'rchnsMiast night a't the Miller, drugstore.

Lafayette and Wallace streets'. Had Marital Troubles. He was, about forty years old and SOUS FOB $55,000 BY FIRE, vOtttlll Pn 7woj FORT WAYNE WOMAN HONORED BY THE NURSES Fprnier Chosen Member of Directors by National Association. San Francisco; May 9. Wlth the choice ot Minneapolis and St.

Paul tor the next' meeting place and tho re electWn: of the present officers with tha, exception of the secretary to serve for the ensuing the eleventh annualconvention of the Nurses' Associated Alumnae adjourned last night MWsr Katherin'e Hewitt, who after years of service as secretary, surrendersthat post to assume the editorship ot a. magazine, was given the, thanks of the organization and Miss Sarah. E. of Michigan, elected her succes; sor; Miss A. Nutting, of New York, and Mrs.

E. 0. of Indiana, wereelected the board ot 'directors. Three Sue Owner of Hotel antl Hahagers Stevens McAlevy. 1.

fc.UK' aggregating were lied in the superior court this afternoott by victims ot the New Ave line hotel fire aealnst Susan Shoaff, owner of the Avellne 'hotel building; John A. Shoafr, her husband, and Fred Stevens and Mrs. John McAlevy, lessees. Those filing these" suits are John Strohecker, of Charleston. B.

who demands James Foster, 6f Lowell, and Frederick C. Phillips, of New York, each of whom asks $25, 000 In payment of the Injuries they sustained In the fire of Sunday morning Hanna Ceake and Henry Col erlck and City Attorney Guy Colerlck are tho attorneys for the plaintiffs. Violations of the state laws are charged. The suits will be followed by four others tor large amounts to be filed on Monday by George Sill, of Philadelphia and by the administrators ot the estates of J. B.

Miller, of Sheboygan, E. M. Matthews; 'of Columbus, Ohio, and It 8. Johnson, of Pans, 111. The complaints allege against Mrs.

Shoaff and 'her husband that they are liable as owners of the building, because, they or ought, to have: known that building, when rented to the lessees, was dangerous for use as a hotel because the halls: were and the rooms had only one mode of egress, when, the statutes provide they: shall, have Or more; Allege tack of Flra Escapes. They are charged further with, th knowledge that there was not a sufficient number of fire escapes and it Is alleged that (t was' especially prpvld ed in the lease, executed in 1805 that escapes wereitobe'cbnstrncted on' the rear walla of the They were provided on, the north and west sides, but Dext'to'the'' People's store building and First, National' bank building there 'were none. it, is also that the boilers' were. In dangerouaTjprprtfmtt.y': the, tCotitlnui on ras SAYS WIS WIFE OFPITEHERiFIRE Pittsburg Woman' Appears as Claimant to man's Property. i Chief of Police Ankenbruck today recelyed from Pittsburg a letter from a woman vvho says she Is the wife of William A.

Pitcher, one of, 'the vie tints of the New AV'ellne notel making, inquiry as ttt hlf Mh Pitcher was; a iwilesman for Dowser but lived at. Dulutb.and so far aa hla friends herp aware, hTwTiflmTscrrieTSfxa aT Turr dea tli; was reported be a single, man: Tho letter to Chief Ankenbruck is' as; follqws: "My Dear Sir WuW "you, besoi1 kind as to investigate for me 'as to, the death, of Mr. William A. Pitcher, who was killed In the New Avellne hotel fire Sunday morning' last' in your city. am heart broken, to.

think that he lost hWllfs in sucbr a manner. I hope' will, grant this as vto; all belongings ot my husband, MrV'Wl A. if any. Wouldyou' be So kind as to forward all to ma or othr erwlse write me and let me know If there la any ot his belongings to be had Hoping to hear from jfoa; soon, "Yours 'respectfully, "Mrs. William A.

"2035 Derand street, Pa, City." Sweetheart Was Hre.r Aitong the.frlends.'who accompanied the, remains of Mr. Pitcher' Delle Vue, Ohio; for burial was' Miss. Or Duluth, who cams: to Fort Wayne to join the; funeral. party, and who Is, said to Jxave, been' engaged to marry Mr, Pitcher, peorge Pitcher, brother, residing at Bellevue, has been appointed iad if minlstrator of the estate. of the un i fortunate man, and all property of Pitcher saved from thevulns, has been turned, over to htm.

Among the effectswas ljfeirisnrance, policy 10 favor of Mri Pitcher's' (Continued; K'Je.) BASEBALL TOBAY FORT WAYNE 't it 4 7 8 if ZANESVILLE .10 K. H. E. mo jBE. jB.

Fort Waynfl Cbrns and eUyZanesViUeGuyn and Fish'eti 1 1 I 1 ii tS.feii.i. BVh HJH lL. JLt.

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