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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 5

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 yf i 5 yv( ytmQttwwHit i Ky x'lW iji'" wii.i SATBRDAx1, JTRj; 31, iPW. THE FORT WAYNE SENTINEL, 6. BKTHKl EVANGELICAL Children' Day, Exrdse WU1 Hell Evening, jServtce, Sunday ch6nl au'Oi'JO in. "The Uod mautifltd Mrt" w'H SUDjecl. of the sermon at the morning service at 10:30.

The Junior! will rneet it 8 o'clock In th afternoon. There will bo no young" People's meeting In ths evening, but tb th an aual Children! day exercises will be heM. Th following program will be givem Prelude Mri Eatchelder Dpening Chonii School Prayer. Chom School Ibis I Children's Day Fern Leudeman, Osclee DelUnger, Doris IVhnson 3ne Doten Girl Beginners' Oats Ewrqise A Fresh Bouquet for Chll dren," Py Dorothy Bennett kittle Gardener. Sunbeam Band, helping Together Bertha Bandtel 3a(t of WiiUl Primary Girls Collection.

3olo Robert Terhune iteeltation Donna Krus Song Primary Department flower Prill. 8usy Beei. i Tr Weaving a Garland. rum Your Back to the Shadows Kenneth Boucher taking the Summer Mrs Long's Class Closing Song Trinity Episcopal Services, The annual flower service of the Bun lay school of Trinity Episcopal church will be held tomorrow at ths 1C 4J service. The children Will march into ths drorch behind tbe choir and will tarry lowers which will he deposited In a largo ivrre cross In the chancel and after the Service will he taken to the different hospitals Medals and Bibles will ha pre LEI Again Heads District Epworth League.f Mmm, 'BwtK BStf ww MSlfe SFW.

teu fwLTW. MISS I0NA EASLEY. Genera. Ind June 21 Miss Ion a I Easley, or ron wayne, was re eiecxea resident of the Fort Wayne district Ipworth league organization by the convention whjch completed it work at fhU nlw veaterdav. Th other officer who were elected! for the next year arei itev.

uaneton, Fremont, first vice presidentj Hiss Etta Mallones, Decatur, second vioe president Mrs. Lemon, Dennvllle, third rice president! illas Mary1 Scherer, Genera, fourth vie preeldenti Miss Ho Eliey, Oeslan, secretary) Dele Bridge, Portland, treasurer, The place of the next meeting was not decided upon. The pennant for the best aenlor Epworth league work during the last year was awarded to Geneva, and the Trinity ehurch Fort Wayne, won the price for th best junior work. tented to those children who bar bad a perfect attendant during tb put school 'ear. tun jxnnte uinni win eompiei ier seventh 'rear of attendance without on absence during th time, Other childrenwho cop in for TwV.s for attendance' are Clarenc Eieler, Edith, CurrtU, Arthur Bireleyr Beatrice Birtley, Virginia Wood, Robert Wbeerley.

Kenneth Tiearley, Edward Miller, Constance Un derhin, onnaa Hindi, Milton Georgians Hudson, Zilph Carter, lottl FUgl. Edwin Klbiger, Jwart Clear. Ther will be a special sermon for th children and all parents and other grown people are urged to attend the service for encouragement of th children a well as for their own benefit. Segular rrit at Trinity Episcopal cturch are Holy communion at 7i30 a. I morning service at 10 43; evensong at 8 p.

Daily services are'held at o'clock in the morning. On Mondays, Tuesday and Satwdays, morning prayer; on Wednesday and Fridays, til uiany, ana on inursasr days, to lioiy jtucDsnsc. First Baptist Cbarch. Morning worship will be held at lOiii o'clock, and the sermon by Rev. C.

U. Bnashall, the pastor, win be on BlWe Arithmetic A Problem In Spiritual Addition and Reduction." B. T. TJ. meet ilg will be held at 6i5 p.

m. Th subject will be "Enemies of the Church In the American Acts 19.24 i. At Ti45 p. People's Benedictory serrire will be held and the topic of discussion will be "What I Salvation Prayer meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 7iS o'clock, th subject to "Empty Vessel and How They May ZJllei." Mahy of our ladies will be in attend anca tomorrow at the "School of Mis' sions," which Is being held at Winona, una 19 27. All ladle who intend to attend th remaining aesalon wjll be welcomed tt Deacon Bowser's cottage, "The Vyn," Sonthaide Baptist Church.

Every member of the church is requested to he present at the morning service to bear the last sermon of the series, the subject to "Christ First In Christian Service) Our Best for Christ," At the evening service Rev. Charles E. Ehle, pastor, will preach ea "The Power of Touch" Bible school at 9 30 a. m. and B.

Y. P. U. at 61IO with the subject, "Let Jfot Forsake the Assembling of Ourselves Together as the Manner of Some Is, But Rather May We Prove Our Love by Our Loyalty," I 'Jhe pastor anil aeveral delegates from tbe church, Sunday school and the Young People'a union, will attend the Indiana Baptist assembly at Franklin college June 30 to July 0. set Third Presbyterian Church.

The Bundy aehool will begin at 9i30 TK, Mmlnif Svnrstllo will 10 14 m. The pastor will preach on the theme, "I Go A Fishlng." The Junior Ki will meet at isu p. m. Tfc avanlnff SarViCO will begin at 1 1 JO p. to.

At this service the paator win give nne seconu evening lecture on the valedictory of t. aokiMia will be "Our Father's House," These services are planned for hot weather. Come and keep cool with us. TV. nM wa1r nraver service will be on evening at 1:45, At tola service tne paator wiu giv a reviow "Th' Pageant of Darknes and Light" Th bU In ChlcaffO." A cordial welcome la extended to all.

Bethany Presbyterlai Church. Morning Worship at 10:30) evening service at morning subject, "Perilous Time) evening, "The Shepherd Song," Illustrated witb th sterropticon. Sunday school at titO, Barry McMillan, auperintendent. Junior a Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Th Intermediate and Senior C. societies will hold Joint meeting at 7 o'clock with Mis Margaret Snodgras leader.

Tuesday afternoon th ladie' prayer meeting will be held at the borne of Mr. Howard Noll on Stoup evenu. Wednesday even Intf the mid week servic at th church at 75 Wayne Stmt M. Church. Th Sabbth school will meet at p'clock In th morning.

A short program will be given in addition to the tegular aeasion. After thU the school will march in a body to the church auditorium, where Children's dsy exercises wll be held. Morning worship conducted by the pastor at 10:30, At the beginning of the hour the ordinance of baptism will be administered to infante and small children, The sermon at this service will be appropriate to Children' day. Th Enworth Leajru will meet ai 30 p. m.

Evening worship wilt start 7:30 TO OFFICIATE AT ANNUAL I 6. O. F. ME. MORIA1VSEEVI0ES SUNDAY AFTERNOON BKeKeKeKexwf bT BHHHHWrwkSM sl flsR SWaSk xkHsC'' assH vfJ Hs sxexexHs! yS8wMfl sSi' tiH eaaBaHMtsasMaBsal itv, 1 1 n.f JWBsMbbmsIB bt am.T. iornro Nobis Grand Harmony. lodge, No, 19 NoM Grand Fort Wayn. Lodge, No 14 Victrola IV $15.00 Recreation and En tertainment' FQR YOUR COTTAGE Or Summer Home Suitable Dance Music or for js. Launch Parties. Bee and hear this little wonder 'in our en larged Packard Music 'House 830 OeJhoun aBBBBBFSaaSexel aBBBaHElRBBBBsl siiiiiiB MiM't iiBraTaTaTaTJi BBBTaTsrA 7aYaYaYaYaYaYaal aaasaf 'rJ''ixxl sV 'aaH lBBBBKW BSIW VfauBBXeKeKeXW KlkByLM hsii SbbbbB IMbBt bbHbWMk; 9IbbBbH BwaaaVk' HbBwI BLVaPBi XaVAbi KhP sbbLH iHHH jAbH BBHWWaBBl BBBBSWBUteS AbIbBEI v' jBHHei BBLRE bbI BBBBBimBBBb.

iFuttsffi' aXKaH BBBBBBBBffi BBBBH bbbbHbT Jy exexexexexei IBBBBBBBn AHHHbbI id' BBBBH 'BBBBBBB'iTiflHHBBl tSaBBBaiW JbBBBBBbV bbbbbbbbbh ABhbbehH bbbbbbbWO iHBKeKeKeKeKeKexel jH LESTER V. GISIT, Noble Grand Our Bom Lodge, No. 88 four Ot 0. F. lodges of Fort Wayne will bold joint memorial services Sunday afternoon at Si30 o'clock at the Masonie tempi.

Grand Matter Harry Carpenter, of Petersburg, will arrive In Fort Wayne thla evening and will deliver the principal address at the services. Jest Macbeth will preside ERNEST WESCHE, Nobis Grand Concordia Lodge, No 228. chairmin and the invocation will be pro nounced by Rev. W. Griest, selectipns will be rendered by a quartet composed of C.

Willson, Ferd Urbshns, Miss Edith Nickel and Mr. Will Uctry, and by E. Stell, Ilahn and Mies Cecil injc. jtev. Jjucmey, we ve ireign ton Avenue Church of Christ, will pro nounce the o'clock, end the pastor will preach on "One Thing We Cannot Escape." All are invited to these services.

Christian Science, First Church of Christ, Scientist, 916 Harrison street, holds services st 10:30 a. m. Subject for tomorrow, "la the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force!" Golden, text, Job. 38 1 22, 24 1 "Behold, God exalteth by his poweti who teacheth like Him? Remember that thou magnify his work, which men behold Sunday school follows at 11:40, The Wednesday evening testimony meeting it at 8 o'clock. The ffee reading room, temporarily located it ths church.

Is open every afternoon ance day on Sunday, Adroit classes except Sunday, from 12 to and also Baturaay evening tram inv. tea Crescent Avenue Evangelical. Children's dav exercises will be held Sunday morning starting at 10 o'clock. The school, however, will meet at the usual time, 9:30 o'clock. Young People I Alliance at p.

ro. Th subject of th sermon at tbe evening service at 7i0 will be "Magio Stlcka." The annual Sunday school picnic will bs held all day Wednesday, June 25, at Foster park. Members and friends of tbe enurcn are urged to attena as an in. teresting out of door program haa been arranged. Calvary United Brethren.

Tbe God of Jacob" will' be the text of Rev, G. F. Byrer, paator, Sunday morning, At the evening service the subject will be "Dealing With the Truth." Sunday school will be held at a. and Junior church at 2 30 p. in.

Verd Cole will lead th Young People's servile at (:30 p. m. Lame' Aid society wui meet on Thursdsr eveninwith Mrs. Leo Cole, 2323 Euclid avenue. Supper will be served irom iios ociock.

9 9 Simpson X. thnrch. Sundsv school, 9,30 a. J. W.

Let ter, superintendent) morning worship and sermon by th pastor. Rev. A. Griest, at 10:30) them of th morning sermon, "Going Down to Jericho." AU who ever heard of the road art specially Invited. Epworth League, 8:45 p.

rn evening class meeting, 7 100) evening ser mon snd song service at 745f theme ol Talks on "Surprises of the Resurrection" the pastor'a sermon, "Some By product Church ol Christ, West Creiehtou Ave Morning service will he held st 10:30 O'clock, vith a sermon, by the psstor, Rev, L. Buckley, At the evening service at 7)45 the subject of the ser mon wlir he "Temptation The sub ject of the Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:45 will be "Missions" Mrs, Joe Morgan will lend. Bible echool at 9:30 a Observe Temperance Day, Tbe Sundar school of the Third Pre byferwn church will observe Temper ft1 LMMaMHHMMB sxssbbbbjbbbbbhhbbbbh iBBBBHhBBBBBF rEVBBt bbbbbFbbbbbbLbBh BJbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Mr. Barton wUl diHver an addrtts at Vajeatlo theater ooundy afternoon on the topic, "Surpriae of th Resurrection." Ht some to Fort Wayne under the auspices Of th International Bible Students' All are welcome, seat' art fr1 and there will be bo collection tekaav and the men of the Brotherhood will be given, a epeclsllv nrepared talk In the hurch study. Th remainder of the ehool will be addressed by Mrs.

Fred Trinity M. E. Church. The morning sermon will be on "The Content of Bung a Christian," by Rev AI Hill, pastor. Evening service will be held in the new basement if the weather continues hot.

Sundsy school at 9 30 a. nu and Junior leaarue at 2:30 p. m. This will be the closing service lor tne summer ana parents are urged to be in attendance. Epworth league will be held at 8 30 p.

en. A cordial welcome It extended te alb Westminster Church. Sunday school at 9 30 a. will be led by Mrs. M.

Evans. The Men's Bible Study class will be led by Dr. R. King. At the morning service at the theme of the sermon will be "'ltio Time la Cooie Mission Sunday school at 2 30 Spy Run.

The theme for the evening service at Spy Run at 7:30 will bs "Come Thou and We WJ11 Do Thee Good, and Inasmuch as the Lord Blesses Ub Ws Will Bless Thee," 9 9 9 Plymouth ConirefattonaL St John's day celebration will be held tomorrow morning at 10:43. Knights Tetnplar and all other Masona are in vited Rev. A. J. Folsom, the pastor, will talk on "The Call to tbe Nobler jute: In the evening at 7)30 tbe Subject Of ths sermon by the pastor Will be on "in Conservation ol Human Life." 9 9 9 Salem Reformed Church.

Sunday school at 0.80 o'clock. The morning service will be in German and the pastor's sermon will be on "Jesus and Zachaeua" The children of the aehool will give a program at th even' Ing at 7i30. Evening services will be disLenaed with after tomorrow until tiler ine meeting oi ma norm west synod in September. Rescue Mission, lit E. Columbia Street.

Prsver mcetinff and old time nraias service will he held after which tne gospel wagon wl' go npon tne trtet Tbe Sunday school wUl meet in the afternoon and in the evening there will servic. Mr, Nipper will talk on the subject of nuf, a St. Paul's M. E. Church, Sundar school st 9:30 a.

m. Ai th morning worship at 1030 the psstor will preach on "Wher Ar th Dedl" The pus meeting win neu; at into, junior League at 2:30 p. m. and Epworth League at 4:30. In the evening at 7:30 Children day exercise Will be held, a a Grace Reformed Church.

Sunday school at 9:30 a. and bible data at 10 o'clock. Rev. H. B.

Diefen bach, of the First Reformed church at Bluffton, will preach. Y. P. 8. 0.

E. meeting will be held at 8:30 In th evening. There will be no othtr evening service, Flitt M. E. Church.

Sunday aehool, at 9:80 a. m. Mrs. IX B. Ridenour will girt an'Ulustrtted tem perance eddrtea before tb IcnooL Straw and Panama Hats Hundreds of Them to Select From PRICES 50c TO $10.00 ,1 Carry away one of our Hart Schaffner Marx Suits tonight for $15.00 PATTERSON FLETCHER CO.

Rev. T. Fotta will preach in the morning ana tne pastor in tut evening A corditl welcome for alL a 'Third Church of "No Room in tbe Inn" will be the subject of th sermon at th morning service tt 10:80 by Rev, L. TyU)r. In the evening the sermon will be on A vision ol roritt 'Bible school will meet at 8 30 a.

m. a Grace Chapel, Westfleld. Sunday aehool at 2 30 p. m. Communion ten Ices will be held in th afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, followed by a sermon by Rev.

T. P. Potts Prayer meet ing Will be held Wednesday night at 8 ociock. a Gospel Mission, in; Calhoun Street, Regular service will be field en Bat urday, Sunday and Thursday evenings ai june upertntenJent WUl con' tlnue the lecture on tb Book of Gen esl" on Thursday evening. a Curch of God, 320) Lafsyett Street Preaching bv the nastor at I Or 8(1 a m.

and 7i30 jj m. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m. Th Junior will meet at in afternoon Christian Endeavor meeting at 8:30 Rtdeemir Lutheran Church. Sunday aehool will be held at 0:11 a and the morning aervice at 10:30, conducted by Rev, J.

R. Graebner, pat 4nm a a a First Independent Spiritualist. Services will be held Sunday evening as no uigmana street, ins Addle Meyers will deliver the lecture. Every one i invited. First Presbyterian Church.

Sunday aehool at 9 45 a. m. Rev. D. paator of the First M.

E. church, will occupy the pulpit at the morning service ill ociock, a a a St John' Reformed Church. Sundsv school St 0 a. m. En ell eh service will be.

held at lO 43 in the morning Bible study will be held at p. m. 9 9 9 The Fort Wayne Lutheran City leaeue will bold a meeting Monday night at mmaus nan, "AUTO SUGGESTION" You Auto see Lake Everett, 21 St TUSKERS BEADY TO LEAVE. Twe Teams WIU Represent Fort Wayne at Denver Turnlett, The two tesms representing th Fort Pyne Tumverein st the International tumfest st Denver, June 24 te 27, will leave the citv at 8:28 Sunday morning, and in honor of their departure a. big meeting will ba held at tne ball on west Sunerlor street thl evening.

At 9 o'clock tonight a parade will pat through the downtown streets escorting the two teams to the Pennsylvania station, where sleeping coaehea will be in readiness for them. At Chicago the coaehea occupied by the" Fort Wayne delegation will be traneJerred to tne special irom vievo land. The Fort Wayne teama that will enter the competitive and exhibition events at the international meeting are composed of the following: Men's teera 'J, G. Russell, Slehold, Alfred Hahn, George Wcbcruss, Alfred Wefel, Trof Henry Kalph man, O. Zelt, J.

Doawell, Al Baade, Wll Ham Singer, Fred fletaib, Edward Urt lleb, Houier Weiabecker, Emil Bretschnnl der and Arthur Wolke, Ladies' team Minnie Rott, Mri. Jacob Koehlinger, Gertrude LommtUach, Kiel Puff, Mathilda Kratmer, Liitie Roetener, Metha Kelpin, Martha Olga Urtlieb and Una Aleticn. NOTICE, ODDFELLOWSI Memorial services will be held at tbe Masonic Temple, Sunday, June 22, at 2:30 p. m. sharp.

All Odd Fellows and their families are, urged to be present. Friends in vited. The California oil produot In 1812 waa 87100,000 barrels, which was 8,000,000 barrels more than the previous year. Mr, Charles W. Sander has announced himself demo cratic candidate for council' man'of the Fourth ward.

Amid the debate concerning "a gentle man'a cellar," rise inquire If a cellar containing a furnace, a couple of coal bins nearly empty pile of kindling wood, a few washtubs and a miscellaneous collection of garden tools msy be included in the cUstiflcitLm. New Bedford Standard. NOTICE, MEMBERS DIVISION NO. 119, 0.R.O. You are requested to at tend regular meeting Sun day, June at 1:45 m.

Business of Importance. 0.F.KAT0TT,O,O. I ST. JOHN'S PUP1 IS Tl Annual Event to Occur on Wednesday and Thursday Nights MANY HAVE A PABT i An elaborate program bat been arranged for th tlxteiatb annual entertainment of St John's school to be held ext Wednesday and Thursday bights at tbe school halV West VTuhingtou boulevard The thlldren have been drilled by Rev H. Danecker and the three teachers, Higgert, C.

F. Knaucr and A. Oelke. Ice cream will be served in tbe basement of the school after the entertainments, Snd the pupils of bt. John's school will served free.

Welcome by Hezeklah Iuggln," the second number on the program, as writ ten by Rev. H. r. uannecaer, or on. John a church.

E. Spiegel, of this city, arranged the orenettra accoropanl menu lor tnii piece. Followlnir is the p.ogrm: March ''Jtnan'a Triumphal March" urcnetir "Welcome by lleieklali Muggins. H. Enslin "A Sonar of Welcome" School Action Song 'Th Mill" Primary School Lied "Der Alpenhirt" School "Th March of the Chines uwurnar twenty four Girla Herbert Crummitt, Henrietta llill, Fvelyn Kaade, Hilda Kaade, Gertrude Meyer, Ruth Hohnhaus, Olga Wiesmer, Catherine Dannacker, Eva Urasboir, Esther Klomp, Irene Steiss, Loretta Bieberstein, Helen Eintiedel, Clar Fahncke, Marie jrspe, Fried blanthe, IJUIan btraeser, Helen Schwartt, Esther Steies, Helen Wsr.

rr, Ileleu Winktlmeyer, Ettella Young Lied ''Andert Moiu School March, ong and Drill with DoUs.j.. S.lly twenty two Girts renner, Marie Neeb, Gertrude rrie Goegleln, Clara Merklein, Helen Lent, Louise Fahncke, Viola Strasser, Tlllle Bieberstein, Msrcelme Klenrlc, Ilolen Bittler, Esther Trenk ley, Estella. Kliyser, Esthe' Holrwart'i, Tlielmi Gellcr, Alice Btts, Ellrabeth Arney, Luclte Baral, Helen Kaade, Viola Ranch, Delia Braun, Helen Rode wald. Pong "TIa Our.Feetal i ScbeoJ OurtureTattlme on the ii, Orchestra School Song and Drlll ''Msrry Sallora" 4 Forty Boyi Oscar Braun, Wlllard firudi, Paul Beck, Herman Grueb, liana Knauer, Glen) Kavter, Herbert Kaade, Karl Merklein. ihie Messerschmldt, Fred Roembks, Oscar Rodewald, Karl Sutter, Paul Sutter, TheodWo TrenkJey, Herbert Vetter Herbert Welttmann, Fred Post, Elsworth Geller, Theodore Goegleln, Willie Hemgeertner, John Kaade, Karl Meyer, Ralph Mayer, Karl Messer.

echmidt, Erwin Neeb, George Schmidt, Edwin Stelnhaenser, George Hchoen herr, Cbfton, Bench, Karl Eintiedel, 1 Ray Harding, Ralph Heingaertner, Kay mooi Klerspe, waite; app, rvtri Steinhauaer, Clark Thfeme, William Burger, Luther Mots, Clarenc Brenner, Walter Wlggert. "Uncle Sam'e By nineteen Boys and eleven Girla Uncle Ham. Dannscker Aunt Columbia T. Scherer Coddes of Liberty. Neeb Indian E.

Lens Chinaman K. Etquimau JT Keller Japanese L. Gtratser Turk F.BeU Italian Braun, J. Schwartt Norwegians E. Frit, R.

Fsnchter French Beck, M. Wlenek English: Strasstr, S. Klerspe, Irish A. Wlggert 6cotch. a Roembke, H.

Warner Spanish U. Braun, E. Young Germans Lapp, H. Elnsiedel Cubsns N. Bets, W.

Wiggert, Goegleln, Hsrtateto, C. Brenntr, E. Tbompeon. "Good Mghf Ilesekiab Muggins II. Enslin Policemen.

K. Schmidt, U. Stellhorn Exit March "The Jolly Oroheatrt MEMORIAL COMMITTEE j. All Master Masons are invited, to attend divine serv ices at Plymouth Congregational church, June 22, at 10:45 a. m.

Services appro priate for the celebration of St. John's day will be held. Meet at Masonic Temple at 10:15 a. m. G.

W. BOERGER For City Clerk I i firinnaiBs ji 1 3, B0EECER. The fsvorlte candidate for city clerk is G. W. Boerger, the well known insur nce man and former member of the city council, Mr.

Boerger I a democrat born and bred. He has always been loyal adherent faad a faithful, tireless worker in his party. He la a citlien to the manner born, for be first saw the light of day in Fort Wayna and never ha resided anywhere else. 1 known throughout the city and hv a much es eeaa4 or bis Ugh character fat 1 admired for Us genial personal qualities. His fitnest and qualification for th of "flceof city clerk ar universally admit ten.

1J It 1 nominated be will be elect cd, of court, and will give th' people it Fort Wayne aa adminlttratlon ot th city clerkship; that no one can complain of. A a 'member of th city council he In fretted hi colleague and the community with hi intelligence, ht. honesty and his tmdeviating purpose to do Us best for the advancement' of the city and th welfare of it paoejl. itev;.

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